Battle Maison Discussion & Records

superpower may help a lot on blaze over brick break (it's true that misses are things to be avoided), and you have literally 0 rock resists so lefties aegi may be helpful, perhaps in place of mence.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

idk thats just me tho. you'd probably get lots of mileage out of replacing blaze with m-kanga, and letting it pick up the slack for the rest of your team. that is, if you arent really sure you want to replace the first two mons, and it seems that you are sure.
I'm trying to get all of the trophies and am struggling with singles. I've had little problems with the others, (Even with the AI in multis) but singles are just hard for me for some reason. My plan is to use Mega Blaziken (It has to be mega because I hatched a shiny with the wrong nature.) as a lead and use Protect then Batton Pass against bad matchups. Against Pokemon using Water or Ground moves, I pass to a Serperior I breed just for this. (Also, it's Shiny. I swear I'm not a shiny hunter. What are the odds of that happening two breeding projects in a row?) Even though both of these Pokemon are flawed, I'm dead set on using them. What do you think would be a good team mate for them? Here's my team right now.

Blaziken @ Mega Stone
Adamant - Blaze --> Speed Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31 (OMG YES! ENVY ME! :D)
-Flare Blitz
-Brick Break (High Jump Kick is too risky)
-Baton Pass

Seperior @ Wide Lens (I got tiered of Leaf Storm missing, but the loss of power from Life Orb very is noticeable)
Modest - Contrary
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/9/31/31/31/9 (Ouch)
-Leaf Storm
-Giga Drain
-Dragon Pulse

Salamence (Not Shiny) @ Life Orb
Adamant - Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/??/31/31
-Dragon Claw
-Fly (I didn't know what to use so I went with a second Stab.)
-Dragon Dance (In case of emergency)

To sum this up, I'm not looking for an insane team. I'm just looking for enough help to get me to battle 50 and I don't want to replace the first two Pokemon.
A Water-type to complete the FWG core would make sense - Greninja, Suicune, or Azumarill, for example.

Low Kick is a better HJK alternative than Brick Break against most opponents.

Smuckem, I use Volt Switch on Rotom-W as the default move, unless I need one of its other moves right away, or want it to stay in and pivot instead of bringing in any of the back-ups - if Rotom-W doesn't have to choice lock and fight, it's safer to Volt Switch out and bring in priority (Talonflame/Scizor) to punch faster on Turn 2/3 while banking Rotom-W for later use without losing the ability to switch moves on T1 and possibly ending up in an awkward position because of it.

In #4000 I ignored Rapidash and Skuntank since they're both shut down by Mat Block and Skuntank was diagonally opposite to Lucario, unable to do anything. Vileplume prefers to go for Solar Beam on Greninja, so there was no risk of Teeter Dance ruining the opening.
In #4000 I ignored Rapidash and Skuntank since they're both shut down by Mat Block and Skuntank was diagonally opposite to Lucario, unable to do anything. Vileplume prefers to go for Solar Beam on Greninja, so there was no risk of Teeter Dance ruining the opening.

I do have a recording of Vileplume4 opting to Teeter Dance instead of targeting Slowbro or Aron, both in range, but I chalked that up to incredibly low odds working against me. Kind of like the rarity of Taunt and Swagger when a KO is imminent. I figure once in a blue moon you might also see otherwise.
Comments are in bold.
superpower Powerful, but with Baton Pass? No. Just no. may help a lot on blaze over brick break (it's true that misses are things to be avoided), and you have literally 0 rock resists With Seperior, I'm cool with this. so lefties aegi may be helpful, perhaps in place of mence.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

idk thats just me tho. I'll try him, why not? Edit: Tried him. I was too weak to Fire with him. you'd probably get lots of mileage out of replacing blaze with m-kanga, Funny that you mention her. My plan was to use her, but my attitude of "OMG SHINY MUST USE!" and the wrong ability got in the way. and letting it pick up the slack for the rest of your team. that is, if you arent really sure you want to replace the first two mons, and it seems that you are sure.
A Water-type to complete the FWG core would make sense - Greninja, Suicune, or Azumarill, for example. I thought about using Gyrados for the FWG Core, but liked how Salamence looked more.

Low Kick is a better HJK alternative than Brick Break against most opponents. I switched to Brick Break after failing to OHKO an Archeops, but the switch was probably paranoia fed stupidity. I'll switch back.
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Buoyed by a certain someone visiting the thread very recently, I have ended the Battle #13 fooling around and gotten back on the serious bus:
- Fencas returning to Maison activity got me trying out his Triples rain team. Four of the six are PokeGen-ed and thus ineligible for the leaderboard, but I retained my Talonflame from the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales and finally got around to breeding for Water Spout Megatoise to match up with his. Only thirty wins into the streak right now, but I have been extremely pleased with the ease of handling the team, the lack of Aura Sphere hasn't been nearly as detrimental as I thought as it would be, and having Swift Swim Ludicolo as a backup is looking like a tremendous tactical move. Sadly, Set 1 trainers have given this team more grief than the others, due mostly to the higher incidence of Light Screen and Fake Out among the Set 1 rosters.
- I've returned to teambuilding for my Set 3 roster so far, seeing what can be advanced along that front.
- Doing the Battle #13 fooling around made me notice that, the aforementioned annoyances with them notwithstanding, plowing through the First 10 has finally become second nature to me. To wit, I have been able to perform said plowing with various teams while studying, watching NBA Playoff games, making breakfast, reading The Dutch Plumberjack's lead guide, or watching Kr33d & Jarex do their thing in Super Multis (not the 170-win streak featured here, but the 54-win streak featured on their channel.) Improvement!
- Since I'm trying to get back into the groove of things, trying to top Blucario's VGC '15 rain team and its 152-win streak is most likely out of reach for the time being, at least until I get said groove back. I might go for the slightly more modest goal of breaking past 113 wins for now. In the longer-term, I'm looking to go for long enough with a streak (with whichever team) to run into Artist Azure when she carries Regirock--in all of the times I've encountered her, only once has she had the big lug in tow, and I noticed just today that I still have that replay saved. Nothing super-vital to accomplish, just another hurdle to put in front of myself.

Starf Battle, vs. Azure (Regirock1/Carbink4/Metagross4/Magnezone4/Mamoswine4/Seismitoad4)-- R Inanimate and his/her first 1k team claims another victim. Not my first Battle #100, but the easiest one I've had and my most memorable to date, due to the whole rarity of running into Azure Regirock.
I don't plan to make a habit of posting before my ongoing streak ends (still gunning for 1000), but I thought this very close call was worth sharing.
Battle No. 630: 57PW-WWWW-WW44-JVCW

Walrein4 rears its ugly head; probably the most panic-inducing lead (imo) for this team. Bright Powder Zapdos strangely has been far less threatening, despite +1 Outrage being a 50/50 roll. It always goes for Charge Beam first over Double Team (to break Multiscale I suppose), so I've been fortunate enough to either get said roll or land both Outrages in all encounters so far.

Anyway, back to the battle. After Nite goes down, I decided locking Greninja into GK was the way to go. Sending Aegi in meant Walrein would get two chances to obliterate me with Fissure/Sheer Cold (I would need to SD once to guarantee Sacred Sword KO'ing), and Dark Pulse was a roll I wasn't willing to take.

I let out a sigh of relief after seeing GK connect, then freeze at the sight of Charizard4, one of the few Fire types that can take a Specs Scald. Quickly realizing a Heat Wave was coming my way, switch-stalling PP was the play that made the most sense to me at the time. Staying in to GK would literally heal Zard (credit to pokeaim), and after Greninja went down +2 Shadow Sneak wouldn't KO barring a crit.

The RNG gods were certainly with me at this stage. The battle would've ended right there if the first Heat Wave burned Aegi on the switch. The miss on Greninja + not being burned was also very fortunate; if either of those occurred that meant Aegi would need to take an additional Heat Wave before the PP ran dry, risking another potential burn/crit. Air Slash shenanigans would also have come into play after that, due to Aegi being low on health/

The (only) other play would've been to Scald, let HW take me out, and finish Zard off with Sneak. But then I'd be left with a <50% +0 Aegi against the last unknown mon. Definitely a tough one to call, so I'm curious: to anyone reading this, which play would you have gone for in my situation?

I suppose I should also post the details of the team here for future reference. Again, full credit goes to turskain as this his team. The only difference is my Aegislash has 31 Speed. After getting through that last battle by the skin of my teeth, I'm currently at 650 wins.


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Multiscale
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Roost
52 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 4 SpD / 188 Spe


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Stance Change
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe


Greninja @ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
Ability: Protean
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
92 HP / 12 Def / 196 SpA / 4 SpD / 204 Spe
I don't plan to make a habit of posting before my ongoing streak ends (still gunning for 1000), but I thought this very close call was worth sharing.
Battle No. 630: 57PW-WWWW-WW44-JVCW

Walrein4 rears its ugly head; probably the most panic-inducing lead (imo) for this team. Bright Powder Zapdos strangely has been far less threatening, despite +1 Outrage being a 50/50 roll. It always goes for Charge Beam first over Double Team (to break Multiscale I suppose), so I've been fortunate enough to either get said roll or land both Outrages in all encounters so far.

Anyway, back to the battle. After Nite goes down, I decided locking Greninja into GK was the way to go. Sending Aegi in meant Walrein would get two chances to obliterate me with Fissure/Sheer Cold (I would need to SD once to guarantee Sacred Sword KO'ing), and Dark Pulse was a roll I wasn't willing to take.

I let out a sigh of relief after seeing GK connect, then freeze at the sight of Charizard4, one of the few Fire types that can take a Specs Scald. Quickly realizing a Heat Wave was coming my way, switch-stalling PP was the play that made the most sense to me at the time. Staying in to GK would literally heal Zard (credit to pokeaim), and after Greninja went down +2 Shadow Sneak wouldn't KO barring a crit.

The RNG gods were certainly with me at this stage. The battle would've ended right there if the first Heat Wave burned Aegi on the switch. The miss on Greninja + not being burned was also very fortunate; if either of those occurred that meant Aegi would need to take an additional Heat Wave before the PP ran dry, risking another potential burn/crit. Air Slash shenanigans would also have come into play after that, due to Aegi being low on health/

The (only) other play would've been to Scald, let HW take me out, and finish Zard off with Sneak. But then I'd be left with a <50% +0 Aegi against the last unknown mon. Definitely a tough one to call, so I'm curious: to anyone reading this, which play would you have gone for in my situation?

I suppose I should also post the details of the team here for future reference. Again, full credit goes to turskain as this his team. The only difference is my Aegislash has 31 Speed. After getting through that last battle by the skin of my teeth, I'm currently at 650 wins.


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Multiscale
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Roost
52 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 4 SpD / 188 Spe


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Stance Change
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe


Greninja @ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
Ability: Protean
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
92 HP / 12 Def / 196 SpA / 4 SpD / 204 Spe
Cool replay. Switch stalling Charizard4 between Aegislash and Greninja isn't something I've ever done myself. I would probably use Scald and hope Greninja would survive.

252+ SpA Charizard Heat Wave vs. 92 HP / 4 SpD Greninja: 51-61 (32 - 38.3%) (51, 52, 53, 54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60, 61)
252+ SpA Charizard Focus Blast vs. 92 HP / 4 SpD Greninja: 87-103 (54.7 - 64.7%) (87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103)

Heat Wave dealt rolled high for 60 damage in this battle, so the follow-up Focus Blast on Water-type Greninja would've had a 25% chance to KO (with 70% accuracy and CH chance).
So, after the Greninja3 discussion from the other day, I was looking for the next time I ran into it in order to give a sample battle for others to practice on, and though I haven't been able to run into post-Dana yet since then, I did just bump into it a battle ago (with an Aron in tow, no less!). Have it at:

Battle #32: vs. Odessa (Tauros/Nidoking/Torterra/Throh/Swampert/Greninja) (Set 3) -- HZKW-WWWW-WW44-L3VW
I'm sad to say that my triples beat-up streak just ended on the 585th battle. It was to a veteran team. I knew they were a threat, so I'm not overly surprised.

I will post videos and a write up in the near future. I was starting to think I could really push this team on to a big streak so I'm a little disappointed but at the same time the team did exceed my initial expectations.
I gotta say I'm pretty surprised, myself. Those teams have been theorymonned plenty of times and none of them ever looked like they'd be on par with your standard Tailwind or Trick Room fare, primarily because of the limitations of Terrakion and the primary Beat Up supporters.

I had replaced my setter Jellicent's Spite with Recover a while back and really liked that, especially considering how damn often Cursed Body takes effect. I was seeing it kick in multiple times per match, most often with annoying spread moves and Shadow Ball.

I then tried Will-O-Wisp and Hex in place of Nightshade and Recover, with a Lefties instead of a Sitrus Berry, and enjoyed that even more. With no investment change Hex against a burned target inflicted a surprising amount of damage unless the target was Regice or Spiritomb.. but the burns themselves were phenomenal support, considering multiple Tyrantrum4s were encountered during the batch it was used.
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Cool replay. Switch stalling Charizard4 between Aegislash and Greninja isn't something I've ever done myself. I would probably use Scald and hope Greninja would survive.

252+ SpA Charizard Heat Wave vs. 92 HP / 4 SpD Greninja: 51-61 (32 - 38.3%) (51, 52, 53, 54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60, 61)
252+ SpA Charizard Focus Blast vs. 92 HP / 4 SpD Greninja: 87-103 (54.7 - 64.7%) (87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103)

Heat Wave dealt rolled high for 60 damage in this battle, so the follow-up Focus Blast on Water-type Greninja would've had a 25% chance to KO (with 70% accuracy and CH chance).
Oh, that's a good point. Looking back on it now, my play was probably the riskiest. I somehow got through with a +6 high HP Aegi to face the last mon with, though! But this certainly shows I still have some ways to go in analyzing situations when under pressure.
I achieved a streak of 584 battles in triples using:

Togekiss ::: Terrakion ::: Weavile

Mega Salamence ::: Excadrill ::: Milotic

The losing battle: K5EW-WWWW-WW44-PJN7

I’ll hide a lot of the following information but in short this team used the TerraCott strategy with Weavile as the Beat-Up user. The team was fun to play with, relatively straightforward to use and battles were quite quick – many battles were finished in two turns.

I am pleased to get myself further up the leaderboard but I was starting to hope for much more.

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Beat Up
- Ice Punch
- Fake Out
- Feint

Terrakion @ Choice Band
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab

Togekiss @ Charti Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 4 SpA / 28 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Tailwind
- Follow Me
- Air Slash
- Roost

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Draco Meteor
- Protect
- Tailwind

Excadrill @ Air Balloon
Ability: Mold Breaker
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Drill Run
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 36 SpA / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Recover

I has decided that I wanted to use the TerraCott strategy in triples because it hadn’t been done I thought it had potential to do well. I initially had ideas of combining Terrakion with Shiftry in a Sun team with Charizard Y. I quickly decided that this was convoluted and too complex so I opted to go down the simpler route and use a more traditional Beat Up user.

The only TerraCott combination I could find in the maison (and most successful version in the Subway thread) was turskain’s and PeterKO’s Terrakion+Weavile teams in doubles so I followed suit and used the same combination instead of bringing in Whimsicott or any other alternative.

Terrakion and Weavile obviously have a huge fighting weakness between them so I started to think about what I could do to support them. I thought about Rage Powder or Follow Me to draw away attacks or use turn 1 Mat Block. Despite Protean Greninja still has another Fighting weakness and, whilst fast, Mat Block doesn’t have priority so I didn’t like that option. I also like to be a bit different and Greninja is quite commonly used in triples streaks for obvious reasons so I opted not to use it. As for redirection I was closing to trying out Amoonguss (preferably with Effect Spore) but I also wanted a Tailwind option. Togekiss became the perfect support option. Togekiss has Tailwind, Follow Me, 4x resist to Fighting types, it’s bulky, has access to recovery in Roost, can use flinch hax thanks to it’s ability and is immune to Earthquake if that was my spread attack option. It really was the perfect choice to complement Weavile and Terrakion.

Although Togekiss has Tailwind this was not a dedicated Tailwind team and I would say that I used Follow Me just as much as Tailwind if not more than it on turn 1.

The back row was more difficult to choose and could almost certainly be changed about if ever desired. Mega Salamence offered strength, intimidate, immunity to Earthquake and another Tailwind setting option if I felt the need for it. Milotic offered a bulky option and doesn’t seem a good fit but it was just something that could pull through battles for me and I gave it Toxic to deal with any walls once/if I’d lost Terrakion. Milotic was primarily there to deal with awkward other bulky waters, like Unaware Quagsire. Mold Breaker Excadrill was used for it’s ability to hit potential other issues like Eelektross or Weezing but to be honest they weren’t as much of an issue as I had anticipated. I could have maybe used something else here too.


Beat-Up was mandatory and actually offered a good offensive option once Terrakion was set up. I was sceptical in not having protect on Weavile but I couldn’t decide which move to drop between Feint and Fake Out. I kept both and I certainly sued all moves on Weavile. In some instances, where an offensively strong and fast Rock type (Aerodactyl or Archeops) was opposite Weavile I used Fake-Out on turn 1 instead of setting up and I would normally net the KO allowing me to set up on turn 2. Feint allowed me to bypass Wide Guard too if the user was in the correct positions on the field, but I only really needed to do this a few times. Feint was also my only post turn 1 priority move. I felt that I needed the offensive strength of Ice Punch so I used that and I used it over Icicle Crash because of accuracy issues. My primary attack moves on the other two in the front line lack 100% accuracy so I felt using another sub 100% accurate move would be too risky. Focus Sash because Weavile is frail. One thing to be aware of is that Beat-Up hits Terrakion for ~25% after 6 hits so turn the 2 choice is important.


I went with a Choice Band to hit as hard as I can. +6 Choice Band spread moves from turn 1 is ridiculous. Between the coverage of Rock Slide and Earthquake it was just a matter of selecting the right move. I used Rock Slide more often than Earthquake despite accuracy issues because it tended to deal more damage. I used Close Combat once in all 585 battles and never used Poison Jab. If I was to do this again I would put Sacred Sword over one of those moves because I didn’t like the idea of coming up against a Double Team Regigigas. I never did have this issue though.


Follow Me and Tailwind were great support options. I thought I would set up Tailwind most of the time but it was a fairly even split between the two moves. I also used Air Slash quite a lot. Especially on likely Trick Room setters to add a flinch chance and make sure to get a strike on them when using Rock Slide from Terrakion. Aside from that turn 1 was always Tailwind or Follow Me depending on the option. The EVs were from VGC practice and I can’t remember exactly what they did for that but it helps make me bulky. However with the spread and a Charti Berry no rock move was going to stop me supporting my team turn 1 and turn 2 without crits (or Unnerve). I felt this was the best option because I felt that Togekiss’ natural special bulk would help deal with the majority of incoming ice and electric moves. Steel and poison type moves again didn’t seem to OHKO Togekiss from memory.


Tailwind was only occasionally used. I used an Adamant nature because I felt power was more important than pace given I have two Tailwind options. I now have a Naive Salamence and I wonder if using a Hyper Voice ‘Mence might have been better. I only ever really used DM for kicks. I’d normally have dealt with dragon types with other members of the team before involving ‘Mence. Only pokemon with Protect!! I definitely have this here to ensure I can mega evolve and then attack.


Again no protect but I wanted the choice of moves. Steel types were useful if Terrakion had gone down against fairies and ice types. I felt that I needed Drill Run as well as EQ because I had a lack of Protect and I didn’t want the friendly fire on Milotic or Weavile if either were present on the field.


If I were to do this again I would consider Maranga berry over Leftovers. I think this may have helped in my loss but not sure. EVs were, like Togekiss, made for a VGC team so I can’t remember the benchmarks but it was sufficiently bulky and I chose Recover over Protect because of the bulk. Toxic was important and I would definitely want this option again to break walls. Scald burns were helpful when they happened (which didn’t seem often enough).

Follwing on from PeterKO’s reports in the Subway thread I ran some analyses on the Maison before I got going – Weavile is faster than 825/864 pokemon in the Maison (95.4%), the same speed as 4/864 (0.5%) and slower than 35/864 (4.1%). This is inclusive of everything including those that aren’t seen past battle 40 – looking at you Scarf Aerodactyl. This means I can use Beat-Up relatively freely turn 1 aside from potential Fake Out users but due to Weaviles frailty and the combined weaknesses of Terrakion and Weavile I didn’t see Fake Out anywhere near as much as I thought I might.

Following on from Weavile, Terakion is faster than 748/864 pokemon in the maison (86.6%), speed ties 11/864 (1.3%) and is slower than 105/864 (12.1%). Whilst this isn’t as impressive as Weavile it is still pretty good and obviously under Tailwind I outspeed everything. It also explains why this team doesn’t need to be a dedicated Tailwind team

Generally turn 1 plays out as such:
Togekiss: Is there a threat to Terrakion in the centre or on the left hand side of the field? Yes – use Follow Me. No – Tailwind (unless it is a potential TR team then use Air Slash on the potential TR user).
Terrakion: Rock Slide or EQ. Whichever is the better option
Weavile: Beat-Up Terrakion nearly every time. Fake Out a faster issue that can’t be OHKO’d by Weavile or is faster than Weavile too. E.g. Aerodactly. Or, if Weavile is opposite something liek a Starmie, Alakazam or Espeon then Beat-Up the threat and set up Terrakion on turn 2 if possible (based on opponents and health of Terrakion after turn 1).

1. Veterans: I hated this. Scarfs, genies, Virizion, Terrakion, Lati twins all either speed tie or outpseed Terrakion and threaten it meaning I can easily go in to turn 2 either at a 6-5 or 6-4 (or even potentially 6-3) disadvantage. I just needed to redirect if possible turn 1 and continue to do this if faster opponents were out. Weavile’s speed and moves helped with some of those threats but not the fighting types. Or it is a matter of setting up Tailwind asap to ensure I can get past the potential incoming issues. I had pegged the issue back in the first 100 matches and am not surprised I lost to a veteran at all.

2. Pokemon faster than (or worse speed tie) Terrakion: I know this is similar to the threat above but I want to include this for things like Infernape, which speed ties and gave me an early scare – battle video to follow. I need to get up a Tailwind or keep redirecting these threats.

3. Weather teams with abusers. I would need to judge this early and set up Tailwind if possible to make sure I could outspeed any potential weather abusers.

That’s really about it. Yes, I was a threat to myself due to accuracy but I normally could play around this and I knew I had taken the risk on. Trick Room was never an issue from memory. I always KO’d the setter before it set up Trick Room. This was always possible because I would always be set up and attacking on turn 1. Other Triples teams that use Tailwind often Mat Block/Protect and use Tailwind turn 1 from what I can see so in that time Trick Room would probably go up. I was always striking turn 1 and I could always go to EQ if I wanted to use a 100% accurate spread move.

585 – K5EW-WWWW-WW44-PJN7 – The loss. I haven’t watched this back yet. I guess I could have avoided the loss as I had beaten Veteran’s before. I know there was paralysis and confusion at the end against me but I’m not going to say this is why I lost. I had rolls in my favour in other matches and it’s just part of the game. I got beat.

221 – KYKW-WWWW-WW44-R977 - I was not paying enough attention in this game and assumed that Terrakion got OHKO’d by a water type. I started paying attention once Excadrill got OHKO’d by the Infernape too. No idea why it went after those before the Weavile though.

The next few are just to show how the team could play out (and go wrong in the case of battle 324):
500 – WCEW-WWWW-WW44-R9EU – Against a veteran. And battle 500 seemed like a good number to save
324 – PCJW-WWWW-WW44-R9N3 – Having to play around a Froslass and having Terrakion frozen turn 1 and going down turn 2. A.K.A When the team goes wrong.
456 – D3VG-WWWW-WW44-RA8A - a straight forward win

More can be uploaded on request.

Thank you for reading.
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I went with a Choice Band to hit as hard as I can. +6 Choice Band spread moves from turn 1 is ridiculous. Between the coverage of Rock Slide and Earthquake it was just a matter of selecting the right move. I used Rock Slide more often than Earthquake despite accuracy issues because it tended to deal more damage. I used Close Combat once in all 585 battles and never used Poison Jab. If I was to do this again I would put Sacred Sword over one of those moves because I didn’t like the idea of coming up against a Double Team Regigigas. I never did have this issue though.

You managed to avoid running into Regigigas1 & 4 through that whole run? Impressive.

BTW, nothing to be disappointed about--you now have a new hurdle to try and clear for the future. To 600!


Speaking of hurdles to try and clear:
Battle #153, vs. Parker (Tentacruel/Steelix/Exeggutor/Garchomp/Hippowdon/Abomasnow) (Set 4) -- P6DG-WWWW-WW44-SKWN

I have been referencing Blucario's VGC'15 rain team enough lately to make me nauseous. But, there was a reason for that; damn streak became a white whale for me to try and catch, so that I could say "I'm getting better at this whole Maison thing". Now, I can say I've gotten my groove back and have put that hurdle behind me. Next up: beating my 200-win streak.

Will write up this team at some point.
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You managed to avoid running into Regigigas1 & 4 through that whole run? Impressive.

BTW, nothing to be disappointed about--you now have a new hurdle to try and clear for the future. To 600.

I must have run into it. I was just able to KO it before it started using double team. That was one of the nice/interesting things about the team. I could go through a whole battle without knowing which variants I faced because I'd KO everything before the opponent had a chance to move. After a while I stopped checking what I might be facing
And here I thought I was alright with just a 45 win streak..good god.
Everyone here is quite nice lol..if u want to take on any of the formats in the maison, then NoCheese and maison legend The Dutch Plumberjack has made a guide here which will let you know about the Ai tendencies as well as the sort of poke and sets that tend to do well in the maison and for anything else just ask here :)
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Everyone here is quite nice lol..if u want to take on any of the formats in the maison, then NoCheese has made a guide here which will let you know about the Ai tendencies as well as the sort of poke and sets that tend to do well in the maison and for anything else just ask here :)

I want to make sure credit is given to The Dutch Plumberjack too, as the guide was very much a team effort! But I do hope it proves useful!
Being alright with 45 wins is actually a good thing: all it means is that the gap between you and the Chatelaine is pretty short, which should motivate you to keep pushing. This also means that reaching 100 wins/the Starf Checkpoint will be good, reaching 200/the Lansat checkpoint will be great, 300 will be electric, etc. Another benefit is that it may force you to properly prepare for all of the trainers who pop up between Battles 40-49, which should be educational in itself (due to all of them appearing post-Dana, so having a primer on them is quite helpful).


Small update:
- Battle #203, vs. Geneva (Muk/Luxray/Vaporeon/Bastiodon/Steelix/Mandibuzz) (Set 4)--two Curse users, the always annoying Mandibuzz4, and the always threatening Muk4 try to stop me from reaching a personal benchmark. Vaporeon4 can be a problem, due to its bulk and having good coverage against this team, but its postioning kind of screws it over here...

This was technically the point where the first flight of the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales ended, so with this victory I've now cleared another hurdle in my Maison journey. The next step is reaching 249 wins, the location of one of my favorite Maison battles.

A few things I've noticed during this streak:
- A few specific sets will tend to target things other than Aron for some reason, which may put the leads in danger: Moltres2, Escavalier4, Tyrantrum4. There are two or three others that I can't remember ATM.
- I've been reminded that Unnerve doesn't affect Berry Juice, and since only my Gastrodon carries a Berry, that's one less thing my Aron has to worry about.
- Conkeldurr4, who ended my second-to-last attempt at a streak with a TR team, is far less of a problem here: Fling does around 50-60 damage to Eviolite Dusclops, and he will always go for Aron with Fighting STAB first, so he's entirely predictable and not as much a pain in the ass to deal with. If anything, among the Iron Ball holders Golem4 is far more problematic now (though I have far more answers to it, he's less predictable and thus can't be ignored either).
- As a whole, I've become far better at dealing with priority and Legendaries than before, so I'm improving in at least a few areas. If anything, the problems now are dealing with status and Rock Slides on/at Dusclops (Taunters go for Aron and are basically a non-issue at this point, except for Mandibuzz1, who obviously isn't popping up anymore).
- I still hold that the Masion AI selects a particular set every time you turn your DS on and tries to shoehorn it into as many battles as allowed, though it seems to be at random, as the set selected isn't necessarily geared to act as a counter to your team's strategy: I saw Jolteon4 a bunch in my last serious run, Conkeldurr4 a bunch two days ago, and Torterra4 about a dozen times today.
- My arch-nemesis has all but disappeared from the map at this point: post-Dana, I've only encountered Weezing4 four times. Coward.

Might shoot for 249 tonight.
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And here I thought I was alright with just a 45 win streak..good god.

Hey we were all there once. I remember it well. The fact is, it takes a while to find a team that suits you.
For me, it was trial and error. I also read the guide here. That was very useful.
Currently my singles streak is at 150 - higher than it's ever been. But I achieved this through a series of small improvements; it didn't happen all at once.

My best piece of advice would be to go for reliability over power.
Obviously if you can get both though, aim for that. A good example of both is multiscale Dragonite - he's my lead.

Anyway, good luck!
After a marathon session starting from Battle #204:
Battle #250: vs. Candela (Armaldo/Toxicroak/Drapion/Venusaur/Manectric/Electrode) (Set 4)--An example of having to prioritize Armaldo4, who can function fairly well under Trick Room and can "outspeed" half of my team. This was the second consecutive battle featuring Armaldo4 & Drapion4, the former of whom will sometimes switch out when cornered by Dusclops & Aron and locked into Superpower, the latter of whom will unequivocally spam Earthquake, even after Aron's down. This is also an example of why I try and save Protect users for last and take everything else out first.

With this win, I now have surpassed all of my legal streaks--in fact, this is my second-best streak overall, with only my personal best of 347 wins (with most of R Inanimate 's second rain team and a badly IV'ed Mega Scizor in Bisharp's place) left to conquer. However, I have been tremendously happy with hitting this current checkpoint, so now feels like a good time to introduce my TR squad:

Operation Smash the Washing Machine (O.S.W.M.)

The name is deliberately misleading: this is essentially a placeholder team for a separate project I will be working on in the future. Branching off of my "The Maison in The Greater Metagame" research, I plan on creating a team of Maison sets that would serve as the Maison's best theoretical counter to all variants of Rotom-Wash, if a theorectical Maison Bot had access to the entire Maison roster. Essentially, I would be trying to put myself in the Maison's shoes and cut down all these bastards utilizing that stupid tub for their streaks.

The team itself is a straightforward Trick Room featuring the popular Dusclops/Aron Doubles core and some other folks. The team is personally special due to being some of my earliest IV breeding projects, the TR setter being the centerpiece of my Spooky Cup team, and half of the team being used for Scrappy Skirmish. Earlier variants of this team had my in-game Cresselia as a TR setter, my in-game Regirock as an abuser, and Imperfect Carbink1 as support.


5GGGOT2 (Dusclops) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Eviolite (Left)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 230 HP / 80 Def / 200 SpD
IVs: 31/11/31/0/31/0
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Pain Split
- Trick Room
- Night Shade
- Gravity

Arguably my pride and joy among all of my IV breeding projects. Based on the Gen V Guide to Gravity and one of its recommended Dusclops builds, this set has Will-O-Wisp replaced with Pain Split for reliable healing, and is made to set both TR (cause it's TR) and Gravity (to get around evasion hax without relying on powerful, inaccurate attacks, and to give my Earth Power users a little assistance against Flyers and Levitators). As the rest of the team is offensive and could muscle past most Ghosts, as well as having two members who can deal with bulky special walls, I find both Brick Break and W-o-W unnecessary. Besides, it's Bold and can only do so much with Brick Break anyway. It's obscenely bulky and virtually always lasts the entire battle, and with 30 Speed at Lvl.50 it finds plenty of opportunities to Pain Split when needed. Pain Split also allows for a couple of neat combos when TR's up: heal up off of Gastrodon while the slug uses Recover (leaving you with two healty 'mons) and bring Aron back to full health if it's still alive (essentially giving it a 1UP and additional chances for Endeavor shit). Short for "5th Gen Guide to Gravity Offensive Team 2nd".


InspireZheng (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (M) @ Berry Juice (Center)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/0/31/0/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rain Dance
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor

As the name implies, inspired by R Inanimate and his FEAR Aron. Same old story, although having the zeroed offensive IVs will come in hand at some point I imagine. Since being used for my 113-win streak, he has had Rain Dance inserted to deal with Hail and boost Gastrodon's Scald.


PrBrdPrime (Eelektross) (Lvl.50) (F) @ Life Orb (Right)
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 6 SpD
IVs: 31/31/4/31/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Giga Drain
- Flamethrower
- Protect

My main coverage attacker, the set is based off of turskain and his semi-random Trick Room roster. Unlike his shiny Eelektross, this one has Giga Drain instead of Grass Knot and strictly holds the Life Orb. The Nature and IVs are not optimal for TR duty, but then again I never intended for this to be part of a TR team anyway. Its primary roles are to be the main attacker among the leads, picking off a second opponent with its wide coverage while the other leads focus on the bulkiest, slowest, or most threatening foe. Due to its typing and Ability, it can sometimes get away with attacking Turn 1, forgoing Protect while Dusclops sets up, and get a head start on weakening the opposition. After TR wears off, it can also outspeed slower foes who exploited my TR against me and finish them off (particularly the slower Bug/Steels and Water/Grounds). Short for "Proper Breeding Prime", this was my first 5IV 'mon raised.


TestCano (Camerupt) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Cameruptite
Ability: Magma Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def/ 252 SAtk
IVs: 3/2/14/31/28/28
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Protect
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Will-O-Wisp

My in-game gift Camerupt, used mainly as a way to test the power of Megarupt in a generic TR team (hence the nickname). The shitty IV spread is due to me acquiring it well before I thought I would have the patience to ever soft-reset for good ones. In any case, she's here to spam its STAB moves under TR. Will-O-Wisp is filler. Recently, though, I have found it useful to lure Water attacks to be absorbed by...


Totenclone (Gastrodon) (Lvl.52) (F) @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 100 HP / 92 Def / 252 SpA / 64 SpD
IVs: 25/31/31/31/31/31
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Recover

As the name suggests, based off of R Inanimate and Totenblume. The EV spread and Nature are the same, but I have replaced Muddy Water with Scald and Protect with Recover, the idea being that my other attackers will have cleared the field of Grass types and other miscreants by the time it comes out to play. Scald was chosen for accuracy, having no teammates who can resist Surf, amd to get around the Wide Guard users, all of whom are physical, to burn them for spamming their stupid troll move.


SkateSig (Kecleon) (Lvl.52) (F) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/27
- Sucker Punch
- Shadow Sneak
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch

Another inspiration from the turskain TR roster, this Kecleon has Fake Out replaced with Sucker Punch for wider coverage and as an additional option to get out of "TR down" jams. Fire Punch has been changed due to already having two Fire attacks featured. As this is a backup and not directly supporting Dusclops, Fake Out has a hard time finding a purpose here. The team's designated physical attacker and priority user, providing some much needed Fighting coverage and Protean mind games, which helps to mitigate the high Speed IVs somewhat. Named after Eddie Hunter and his signature move, the Migraine, which is basically what I got trying to get the Ability and IVs right on this, my hardest breeding project to date.

It took me blowing through the First 20 before realizing that I was utilizing Eppie 's famous Doubles core. It's been a smart move, though--the spot occupied by Aron has been attempted to be filled by a number of failed sets, so it's good to see that a secure fit has finally been found. Frankly, it's secure enough that, barring some lapse in concentration, I can easily see myself getting myself to 400 with this. It will take some luck, though:

- No protection against flinches and status effects halting TR setup--Moltres2 tries with Sky Attack, Jynx4 has stopped it twice with Blizzard, a couple of different Rock Sliders, most notably the common Krookodile4
- Certain opponents can fight back under TR: Mara in general, Golurk4, Golem4, Bastiodon4, the Slowthings, etc.
- As is always the case with FEAR Aron, Mold Breakers are a priority to be taken out

Many thx to those whose ideas I've ripped off, you are all kings and queens and scholars (basically, three or four of the top Triples players). More importantly, you have taught me how vital it is to PAY ATTENTION when working on these sorts of things, and that wisdom has paid off immensely. I hope to bring you all good tidings as this streak continues.


EDIT: Well, that dream died fast...Reporting in to post a completed streak of 250 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples.

A warstory of sorts (really, a horror story):
After hitting the magic number last night, and then doing Battle #251 for some reason this morning, I decided to back off for a bit and do a silly little thing where I would run through Basic Triples with a number of itemless teams, switching up the teams every battle. I went kinda spontaneously with Unfezant1/Skuntank1/Houndoom1/Ferrothorn1/Cryogonal1/Musharna1 and fired up Basic Triples...except that I had accidentally stumbled into Super Triples with this woefully unprepared team.
The ensuing loss wasn't anything particularly special, except in how easily it could have been avoided. It was to Hex Maniac Lola with Gardevoir4/Cofagrigus4/Metagross4/Gallade4/Gourgeist4/Claydol4, and was so embarrassing a mistake that there is no way I'm sharing the replay. Streak halts at 251 wins.
I don't consider this a loss to Lola so much as a loss to a far more dangerous foe, Lack of Sleep. All this emphasis on PAYING ATTENTION doesn't help you much when you're functioning on two hours (more or less). It doesn't help matters that I'm so tuned into Super Triples at this point that I select it on the Maison menu, pretty much reflexively.

Not that I'm too disappointed--it's another lesson on good Maison-ing habits (like, getting a proper amount of sleep) and I know this team can push so much further. I suppose one can consider this the team writeup now.

I'll give it another shot someday.
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I'm sorry to hear about that Smuckem, it seems you were excited about that streak.

That's why I try not to play my longer streaks late at night - it's simply too much of a risk for me. I don't trust myself to make the right decision when my eyelids are practically closing.

I'm looking forward to your writeup- it should be interesting, if not a little comical! Haha, in my opinion an itemless team getting crushed is funny, although I understand rather upsetting given the circumstances.

So yeah, try it again someday.
I am currently sitting on a 23-win streak in Super Triples on Pokemon X. My goal is to obtain enough BP to purchase all of the items required to evolved Pokemon (I am trying to complete a living Pokedex).

I've read the first dozen or so pages of this thread and found a team on one of the first few pages that I based my team around. Here is my team:

Greninja @ No Item
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Power-up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 6 SpD / 252 Atk / 252 HP
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword

Talonflame @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Tailwind

Gengar @ No Item
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Destiny Bond

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: Not Sure
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Hone Claws
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

I'm not crazy about having Weavile in my line-up, but I did get him pre-built off a Wondertrade, so it saved me some time having to breed a sixth Pokemon. I do recognize that I need to get some items for my team. I literally started Battle Maison last night, so my BP count is low right now.

My question is, what could I change about my team to make it better? Should I go ahead and replace Weavile with something else? Is Super Triples the best route for me to acquire a lot of BPs, or should I be playing Singles or Doubles?

Also, what do the numbers after some of the Pokemon names mean in some of the posts I've read from the past several pages? IE Greninja3, Gardevoir4, etc.
I am currently sitting on a 23-win streak in Super Triples on Pokemon X. My goal is to obtain enough BP to purchase all of the items required to evolved Pokemon (I am trying to complete a living Pokedex).

I've read the first dozen or so pages of this thread and found a team on one of the first few pages that I based my team around. Here is my team:

Greninja @ No Item
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Power-up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 6 SpD / 252 Atk / 252 HP
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword

Talonflame @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Tailwind

Gengar @ No Item
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Destiny Bond

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: Not Sure
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Hone Claws
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

I'm not crazy about having Weavile in my line-up, but I did get him pre-built off a Wondertrade, so it saved me some time having to breed a sixth Pokemon. I do recognize that I need to get some items for my team. I literally started Battle Maison last night, so my BP count is low right now.

My question is, what could I change about my team to make it better? Should I go ahead and replace Weavile with something else? Is Super Triples the best route for me to acquire a lot of BPs, or should I be playing Singles or Doubles?

Also, what do the numbers after some of the Pokemon names mean in some of the posts I've read from the past several pages? IE Greninja3, Gardevoir4, etc.

Singles with the first three would be faster. Replace Hydro Pump with Scald or Surf on Greninja and give it Focus Sash until you can purchase a Life Orb, and that'll give you a pretty standard fast team for getting to 50 or so. The numbers correspond to different movesets; each Pokemon you face has 4 different ones (which are listed in a link in the first post), and most of the time seeing the particular trainer you're facing will tell you which set you're up against.
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I am currently sitting on a 23-win streak in Super Triples on Pokemon X. My goal is to obtain enough BP to purchase all of the items required to evolved Pokemon (I am trying to complete a living Pokedex).

I've read the first dozen or so pages of this thread and found a team on one of the first few pages that I based my team around. Here is my team:

Greninja @ No Item
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Power-up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 6 SpD / 252 Atk / 252 HP
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword

Talonflame @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Tailwind

Gengar @ No Item
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Destiny Bond

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: Not Sure
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Hone Claws
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

I'm not crazy about having Weavile in my line-up, but I did get him pre-built off a Wondertrade, so it saved me some time having to breed a sixth Pokemon. I do recognize that I need to get some items for my team. I literally started Battle Maison last night, so my BP count is low right now.

My question is, what could I change about my team to make it better? Should I go ahead and replace Weavile with something else? Is Super Triples the best route for me to acquire a lot of BPs, or should I be playing Singles or Doubles?

Also, what do the numbers after some of the Pokemon names mean in some of the posts I've read from the past several pages? IE Greninja3, Gardevoir4, etc.

You will get further in triples ..and it is generally better to get up to and past 50 wins to gain BP rather then just doing the first 20/30 over and over but it is a slower format and as GG Unit says, either singles with your front 3 or doubles (giving greninja mat block) will be a much faster way of getting through battles ..if you need any maison items i can purchase them for you and trade you them for free. Regarding your team, 4 of them are very fragile and whilst all four can do well in the maison (talonflame and greninja are key in triples) you could be better balanced with using pokes along the lines of pixilate sylveon or multiscale dragonite who have a lot of power but can also take a hit or 3 before they go down. If you do stay with triple format then i also like choice scarf hydregion as he has bulk and his 2 STAB pulse moves can hit anyone on the field.
Welcome to smogon and the battle maison!
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I am currently sitting on a 23-win streak in Super Triples on Pokemon X. My goal is to obtain enough BP to purchase all of the items required to evolved Pokemon (I am trying to complete a living Pokedex).

I've read the first dozen or so pages of this thread and found a team on one of the first few pages that I based my team around. Here is my team:

Greninja @ No Item
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Power-up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 6 SpD / 252 Atk / 252 HP
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword

Talonflame @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Tailwind

Gengar @ No Item
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Destiny Bond

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: Not Sure
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Hone Claws
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

I'm not crazy about having Weavile in my line-up, but I did get him pre-built off a Wondertrade, so it saved me some time having to breed a sixth Pokemon. I do recognize that I need to get some items for my team. I literally started Battle Maison last night, so my BP count is low right now.

My question is, what could I change about my team to make it better? Should I go ahead and replace Weavile with something else? Is Super Triples the best route for me to acquire a lot of BPs, or should I be playing Singles or Doubles?

Also, what do the numbers after some of the Pokemon names mean in some of the posts I've read from the past several pages? IE Greninja3, Gardevoir4, etc.

Definitely get rid of Hone Claws--I can see the logic in pairing it with Icicle Crash, but Weavile simply does not have the bulk to have opportunities to set it up, barring being nestled in a corner in Triples in last-opponent-mon situations (or having Alakazam4 Choice-locked into Psychic). Being so frail and its typing provide lots of luring opportunities, so replace Hone Claws with Protect (you'll need it on at least one member of your team if you're sticking with Triples). As it is not providing Fake Out support (for Talonflame to safely set up Tailwind), I would pass the Sash off to Talonflame to provide an extra Tailwind cushion and have Weavile as a backup/revenge killer. You already have Dark-type support on hand elsewhere, so while you're saving up for more useful items, give it Icicle Plate or Never-Melt Ice. As Greninja isn't running Mat Block (I'm assuming you just want to see how far you can get without it) and Gengar isn't your Mega, you should be good with Lum Berry on one and Wise Glasses on the other, at least until you acquire Life Orb and Expert Belt. As was pointed out, definitely switch up Hydro Pump for something else (not even sticking Wide Lens is worth the risk).

Will vouch for Triples being the preferred format to accumulate large BP amounts, but I'm biased as hell towards the format and find the time spent on it flies by. You seem newer at the Maison experience, so you'll also find Triples is more forgiving of misplays and such. GG Unit is right in that Singles is faster for that purpose, but then again he's a Singles wizard and likely finds the format less nerve-wracking. Try to reach twenty-five battles in each Super format and see what comes most naturally to you!

I would say good luck, but you do have a modest streak going with more than half of your team going itemless, so I suppose you'll be just fine. *thumb up*

Side note, I appreciate that I'm not the only one reading those early pages. It makes me feel old knowing that the thread is now a little over two-and-a-half years old, but that is counterbalanced by always finding something new among all the discussion:

"We were all there once" indeed.


I'm looking forward to your writeup- it should be interesting, if not a little comical! Haha, in my opinion an itemless team getting crushed is funny, although I understand rather upsetting given the circumstances.

You mean the team writeup on the same post?

Well, if you find it funny, I guess I could post the replay later tonight...when I Mock Battled it back with the real team, it was about as easy as you would expect given that Cofagrigus4 (who benefits greatly from TR) is wandering around the whole time, so perhaps it does have merit as an educational experience. If there is one positive to take out of it, at least it got me asking myself, "when Trick-or-Treat hits a Protean, does changing type due to Protean activation remove the Ghost typing from the afflicted target?" As noted previously, Always learning, mostly enjoying, occasionally shouting.

EDIT: Battle #252, Unfzant1/Skuntank1/Houndoom1/Musharna1/Ferrothorn1/Cryogonal1 vs. Lola (Gardevoir/Cofagrigus/Metagross/Claydol/Gallade/Gourgeist) (Set 4)--arguably one of the worst mistakes ever committed on this thread.
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