Hi all,
I'm planning a Double Maison Sun Team using a fairly standard sweeping Charizard Mega-Y and Sawsbuck (leads) and a Tailwind Sharp Beak Talonflame, but I'm having trouble on deciding on my fourth Pokemon. I was wondering if you could give any opinions regarding the three choices I've narrowed it down to:
*note: the one pokemon that my Sawsbuck will not outspeed in the Sun is Aerodactly 1 (max speed, choice scarf with Rock Slide). This pokemon factors a lot into my analysis*
Togekiss @ Leftovers/Sitrus Berry
Serene Grace
Modest Nature
252 HP / 24 Def / 228 SAtk / 4 Spd
- Dazzling Gleam
- Heat Wave
- Air Slash
- Thunder Wave / Encore / Morning Sun / Sunny Day / Protect
So meant to be a fairly bulky, fairly powerful 4th mon that can take hits as well as dishing them out, especially to some key threats the rest of my team doesn't have coverage against. The moveset designed to maximise use of spread moves and of the sun, with the last move obviously highly contested. Quick explanation of the EV spread: 4 Speed EVs allow it to outrun half the Dragonites and Altarias and all the Goodras and hit them with Dazzling Gleam, 228 SAtk EVs I think more or less guarantees KOs against key dragon pokemon like Dragonite whilst making some room for bulk, which the rest of the spread maximises.
Pros and Cons:
+ Hits dragon types super effectively
+ Good use of spread moves and of moves benefiting from the sun
+ Has access to a lot of good support moves
+ Fairly bulky
+ EV spread could potentially be changed to avoid the 2HKO from Aerodactly 1 (looking at flinch shenanigans here) but at the cost of power
- Shares many of the weaknesses of the rest of my team (incl. Aerodactyl 1's rock slide)
- Lacks the speed and power often so useful in the fast-paced game of doubles, but Tailwind from Talonflame can address the speed issue
Amoonguss @ Black Sludge/Sitrus Berry
Bold / Calm / Relaxed / Sassy Nature
252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SDef
- Rage Powder
- Spore
- Sludge Bomb
- Protect / Solarbeam
Ok I'm not really sure about the nature or the EVs, but the idea is that Amoonguss is a fantasticly bulky Pokemon with some great doubles support moves, and takes a lot of the hits that my other team members can't.
Pros and Cons:
+ Hits fairy types super effectively
+ Fantastic support moves in rage powder and spore
+ Very bulky, resistant/not weak to a lot of the types my other team members are weak against
+ Laughs in the face of aerodactly 1
+ Can be slow enough to "outspeed" many Pokemon under the effects of Trick Room, which otherwise kinda screws my team over
- No spread moves
- Nothing to hit dragons with (concern?)
- Very much lacks the speed and power often so useful in the fast-paced game of doubles
Blaziken @ Wise Glasses / Wide Lens
Speed Boost
Rash Nature
28 Atk / 252 SAtk / 228 Spd
- Protect
- Heat Wave
- Superpower / Hi-Jump Kick
- Earthquake / Solarbeam / Rock Slide / Knock Off / Dual Chop
Again this one is a bit up in the air. The idea is a mixed attacking Blaziken that primarily makes use of spread Heat Wave, but can also attack on the physical side as well. There is the option of making Blaziken all special, but that would mean resorting to Focus Blast for fighting STAB or simply not using one (the latter isn't too bad since Sawsbuck can use Jump Kick) and making do with Blazekin's limited special movepool. 228 Spd EVs allow Blazekin to Pokemon which could be troublesome for it, such as Noivern, Greninja and Alakazam, after a boost, while the max SAtk investment plus Wise Glasses (Sawsbuck uses the Life Orb) ensures a KO on Thundurus in the Sun. Rest of the EVs go into Attack. Superpower is penciled in over HJK as Blazekin won't care as much about the Attack drop, but in the case that I change to a more physical-orientated build, HJK can be brought in as well as the Wide Lens to make HJK and Heat Wave all but unmissable. Earthquake is the first option for fourth moveslot mainly to hit Heatran and also for good coverage, but Solarbeam is a strong contender too. Remember because of Mega Charizard-Y this can't mega-evolve (cry)
+ Fast and (relatively powerful)
+ Makes use of the sun and of spread moves
+ (Eventually) outspeeds Aerodactly 1 (and can take a rock slide in order to do so)
+ Good range of coverage moves available
+ Fighting type coverage frees up Sawsbuck to use something else over Jump Kick
- Shares some (but not all) of my team's weaknesses
- Doesn't help against fairies or dragons
Sorry for the long post! Any help you can give me would be much appreciated! :)