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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

This might sound like a dumb suggestion but swanna with hurricane in rain could be good against grass types. Think of it as a special, much less impressive talonflame.
Sadly and aggravatingly I am extremely certain that Volcanion will be banned. I would have loved to use plenty of those event pokes simply because they're cool, like Genesect or Victini.
I agree about volcanion being banned. I'm going to give it one more go. I'm going to create a TR team with a level 1 pokemon - probably poliwag. Just need to breed a few pokes first, including a slowpoke for a mega slowbro (complete with flamethrower)

Oh it will def be banned...my fault i should have put 'lol' at the end to highlight the tongue in cheek of what i said!
This might sound like a dumb suggestion but swanna with hurricane in rain could be good against grass types. Think of it as a special, much less impressive talonflame.
With the useful keen eye ability thats not so dumb a sugestion
Hello everyone, this is my first post, but I've spent a lot of time to have something worthy to post. I read doubles and triples were easier, but I decided to make my first trophy a challenge, so I chose singles. I just completed my first run over 50 in the ORAS Super Singles Maison after a few missteps and several white knuckle down to the wire moments, because I've never played pokemon quite the way the maison necessitates that you do. Anyway, I'll get to the meat and potatoes. I decided not to try anything that had not been tested and made its way through the crucible, so I looked at what I had bred using the "Mastering the Maison" guide and what teams had made their way to the top in singles streaks, and went with nothing new in my 117th Greninja for the lead followed up by Mega Scizor and Gliscor.


Greninja (Greninja) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/?/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse


Mega Scizor (Scizor) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
EVs: 204 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 44 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Bug Bite
-Bullet Punch


Gliscor (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Careful
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
EVs: 212 HP / 4 Atk / 36 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe

This team came about after a few attempts ending shortly after 20 in super doubles and super multi with AI Steven; the former using Garchomp and Mega Salamence to lead with Scizor and Greninja as back up, and the latter using Garchomp and Mega Salamence. These teams probably would have gone farther except for Garchomp's and Mega Salamence's dazzling gleaming weaknesses to Fairy and Ice, and the fact that I was being lazy and didn't want to rebreed a Salamence for the right nature from physical to special, so I stuck with Jolly. Well, I learned my lesson there, and so now we're here with lead Greninja, Mega Scizor, and Gliscor. I saw the 810 streak with almost this exact team by The Dutch Plumberjack, knew it was a winner, and set out to make a streak past my previous abysmal record of 26. I say almost exact team because I have a few EVs switched around on my Scizor, taking 8 EVs out of The Dutch Plumberjack's Scizor's HP and placing 4 each into Defense and Special Defense. Why, you may ask did I do this, but I don't really have an answer other than that's the way the "Mastering the Maison" guide's Super Single's Scizor is set up (yay alliteration). Although, Plumberjack's set up is probably better because it made it to 810, while mine only made it to 76, and the smallest change can be the difference between a grave for your team, and a monument to your accomplishment, but also maybe not 'cause, you know, hax, haha. Anyways, here is how I lost.



As a preface, I must say that for the most part I used The Dutch Plumberjack's lead guide for Greninja and threatlist for his team almost religiously to help me decide what moves to make at which times for the majority of my battles, and they were extremely helpful. At the beginning of the end, I come up against a lead Garchomp against my lead Greninja, so I consult the oracle and the oracle says Ice Beam or Grass Knot, but probably Ice Beam, so I think about it and choose Grass Knot. Lol, Garchomp gets OUTRAGEd at waiting and knocks Greninja into the next region (Kanto or something). My choice didn't matter. Out goes Gliscor the almighty, my guardian savior in so many situations. I start off with protect hoping Garchomp becomes confused a turn early, but that never happens, so then I go to substitute after taking a whack from outrage and am in the red. I decide Gliscor is not gonna survive this fight and throw a toxic on Garchomp, I get somewhat lucky along the way and Garchomp hits itself once, so I get to live for another few turns, protect, then try to substitute, but I can't because lol Garchomp likes to toy with its food and leaves Gliscor at 1HP. I get one more protect in as Garchomp slaps itself in the face, then try for the double and fail as Garchomp realizes the extent of its food poisoning, outrages, and Gliscor pulls an Andross. Now I'm down to Scizor and out comes Tyranitar, this could be worse I tell myself, as I mega evolve and use bullet punch, probably should have gone with Swords Dance, but I'd have been paralyzed either way by Tyranitar's thunder wave. So, paralyzed, Mega Scizor eats a rock slide, then next turn I pull off a bullet punch and Tryanitar goes down as I pray for a nice slow weak Grass, Rock, or Fairy type to come out, but no its bulky ol' Hippowdon. Should I roost, should I bullet punch, should I bug bite and hope for a healing berry, and we all know I'm not sword dancing. I go with a bullet punch that bounces right off ol' hippowdon's blubber as Mega Scizor is swallowed by the earthquake hippowdon unleashes. But wait, Mega Scizor is still alive, with a steely gleam in its eyes, barely grasping onto a bent piece of rebar jutting from remains of the shattered maison hanging over the cliff. I yell "Roost!", as Hippowdon saunters over to the edge of the cliff and proceeds to take a steamy dump all over Mega Scizor's face and my dreams as Mega Scizor lets go and falls into the ocean below. R.I.P. I probably could have made some better decisions, but I don't think I played it too poorly, if I had still had Gliscor left and sent in Scizor first things might have been different, but you can't change the past, so looking to the future I'll set myself on the other trophies and go for the grand slam. My goal isn't to make it to the top of the board and see my name in lights, just to be on it, even if that means I'm the little blinking one at the end that looks like it could go out at any moment, haha.

As far as any experience or information I can add regarding the use this team goes, there is not much I can say that has not already been said by The Dutch Plumberjack, other than that I would likely include Exploud4 to a threatlist as a minor threat, as either with its focus blast or hyper voice can pose trouble for Gliscor's substitute and protectability, and Mega Scizor's roost has trouble keeping up with it, especially on crits, and Greninja, well, just dies. It won't outright kill your team, but it can put a sizable dent in it. As it did the few times I encountered it along the way. I didn't have too much trouble with Kingdras, I either Ice Beamed them to death if they came out against Greninja, or hit them it with toxic if it came out against Gliscor, or roost and repeated against it with Mega Scizor. Gyrados wasn't too much trouble either, but that was probably just luck, and I never ran into an Aerodactyl, so my experience is limited. If you need help with this team, I really do recommend looking at The Dutch Plumberjack's posts, they were really helpful for me.
As far as war stories go, there were probably quite a few, but only one has really stuck with me and is why I revere Gliscor so much. Who would have known it was also the battle for my trophy in the entryway. Yes, good ol' Chatelaine Nita at battle #50. My previous best was 26, so I was ecstatic when I made it to the trophy round. I was even more excited when I saw she lead with Landorus, so it was either go to Gliscor or Ice Beam with Greninja, Ice Beam with Greninja let's do this, wait, why is it still alive, oh my god, "Noooooooo!!!!!", I thought as Greninja was plastered against the wall by a focus blast. Well, it doesn't have too much health left let's bullet punch it with Scizor, wait, where did it go, really, "Uh oh", I thought as Mega Scizor proceeded to bullet punch a full health Tornadus right in the face as it flexed its abs. Tornadus laughed it off, and, as Mega Scizor went for a Bug Bite to get rid of Tornadus's Yache Berry, a divine wind swept across the field and the hurricane summoned by Tornadus tossed Mega Scizor through the air with a critical hit. Now there was a lobster shaped hole in the wall next to Greninja's remains, and I only had one pokemon left against a trio of legendaries. Help me Gliscor, you're my only hope. So, out goes Gliscor to a barely scratched Tornadus, and Tornadus lets loose another hurricane, Gliscor just sits there hovering in the air and says, "hi, I'm Gliscor, now you're going to die", as it protects and nothing happens. Gliscor decides that fighting the legendary Tornadus is too boring and leaves a substitute behind with a sign that reads "gone fishing". After several fishing trips and a lot of nothing happening, and somewhere in there Tornadus being poisoned, Gliscor comes back to find a dead Tornadus and a furious Thundurus next its corpse. Gliscor decides this is pretty boring as well and goes back to fishing, poisons Thundurus, and comes back to find one dead Tornadus, one dead Thundurus, and weakened, but still angry Landorus. Gliscor is like, "Aww, this sh*t again", and bounces, after poisoning Landorus. I don't think Gliscor ever came back from fishing, but what I do know is there weren't any more us's left to fight, so I tipped my hat to that glorious absentee flying scorpion as I stepped onto the winner's podium and told them to make out the check to Trainer Pike.
Thank you for reading my first post, I hope you enjoyed it.

P.S.- Thanks to The Dutch Plumberjack for your analysis on what I should of done, I'm new to the maison experience and every bit helps.
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Trainer Pike nah, that spread is just a tad more efficient for Scizor, I just didn't know that at the time and the difference is so minor that I've always been too lazy to fix it x_x In all honesty, that 810 was kind of a fluke where I "should" have lost that streak a couple times at that point already, and in subsequent attempts I've never been able to replicate it (my second longest run with that team was 499, and I reckon that's also more or less where its ceiling lies unless you're really lucky), the Gyarados-shaped hole in that team is just too huge and the pressure placed on Gliscor is unreasonably high at times.

Sorry about your loss--worker Rasmus is the only Trainer that can run all Garchomp sets (all other Trainers only run set 4). Against set 4, Grass Knot + Ice Beam is the optimal play, since you're not gonna OHKO it anyways cuz Sash and then you might just as well assume the best defensive typing for taking that Earthquake if that's the move it's gonna use. Facing Rasmus, with all possible sets, is a lot dumber for obvious reasons, and while my rationale att was "just use Ice Beam because that one at least OHKOes two of the four sets right away", on second thought it might be safer to go for GK + IB here too, because sets 1 and 2 hit Grass-type Greninja for no damage anyways (not to mention that's assuming Garchomp1 doesn't reveal itself by opening with Protect) whereas set 4, if it does use Earthquake, just kills Greninja with the two rounds of LO recoil and Greninja clearly is pretty valuable against the remainder of Rasmus's team. That clearly didn't matter in your loss because you were facing set 3, which outspeeds and OHKOes Greninja regardless and forces you to sack it--that's still safer than trying to play around it and switching to Scizor / Gliscor, because set 4 using SD on the switch is almost an auto-loss whereas staying in at worst only has you lose Greninja.

But either way, to actually comment on your plays, since set 3 is holding a Choice Scarf, the optimal play was to go to Scizor after Greninja got KOed, which takes basically nothing from Outrage and easily sets up to +6 on the Choice-locked Garchomp, after which the battle would have been pretty much won. Even after you sent out Gliscor, the battle was still winnable by not going for Toxic right away--you could have PP stalled Outrage first, or Gliscor could have gotten back to a higher HP level from confusion self hits, but with Gliscor it's very important to note that it's a PP staller first, a Toxic staller second. Its primary job is generally to stall out a foe's most threatening move, only after which it should use Toxic. And Gliscor is actually pretty much guaranteed to beat Garchomp3--as long as it has to take only one Outrage to the face, not two. Shit happens, because while lead notes can help, experience is just as valuable :[

Thanks for reminding me this team exists haha, it's cute, good to see people are drawn to this one too :)
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When I used Greninja, I personally opened with Grass Knot against any Garchomp. It's perfectly safe against 3/4 sets and if it's set 3 you can just set up on it (usually with Ferrothorn in my case).

i.e. exactly what The Dutch Plmuberjack said!

EDIT: Obviously this assumes it's leading - strategies can change after Protean activates!
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Hello, anyone care to join me for a little bit of theory-monning?

So far my singles streak is still going at 316 (same team as my old one that's on the leaderboard) but I'm already thinking of what I might run when I eventually lose.
I'd like to try a lesser used mega and actually get somewhere decent with it. 100 wins is a good benchmark, let's say, for a team with an unconventional mega. I'd like to get higher, but we'll see.

Here's my line of thinking. I'm going to take the ridiculously physically tanky Mega Aggron with curse, heavy slam, earthquake and rest(I wish he had better recovery).
I'll combine him with a capable special wall. Now I WISH this could be Chansey, but unfortunately they share a weakness so that's out of the picture. Instead, I'll be using Calm Mind setting Florges. If you haven't caught out on by now, I prefer Pokemon that have the ability to set up.
I really like the synergy of these two. Mega Aggron resists steel and is immune to poison while Florges resists fighting.
I can definitely see fire types as being an issue for this duo however.
I should mention that these two are in the back. I'm still deciding on who the lead should be.
A strong water type would come in handy, but I don't want Grenjnja because of the fighting weakness again.
I'll probably just end up settling for lum Berry Dragonite since he's been such a success for me in my past streaks, but I'm not sure yet.
Hello, anyone care to join me for a little bit of theory-monning?

So far my singles streak is still going at 316 (same team as my old one that's on the leaderboard) but I'm already thinking of what I might run when I eventually lose.
I'd like to try a lesser used mega and actually get somewhere decent with it. 100 wins is a good benchmark, let's say, for a team with an unconventional mega. I'd like to get higher, but we'll see.

Here's my line of thinking. I'm going to take the ridiculously physically tanky Mega Aggron with curse, heavy slam, earthquake and rest(I wish he had better recovery).
I'll combine him with a capable special wall. Now I WISH this could be Chansey, but unfortunately they share a weakness so that's out of the picture. Instead, I'll be using Calm Mind setting Florges. If you haven't caught out on by now, I prefer Pokemon that have the ability to set up.
I really like the synergy of these two. Mega Aggron resists steel and is immune to poison while Florges resists fighting.
I can definitely see fire types as being an issue for this duo however.
I should mention that these two are in the back. I'm still deciding on who the lead should be.
A strong water type would come in handy, but I don't want Grenjnja because of the fighting weakness again.
I'll probably just end up settling for lum Berry Dragonite since he's been such a success for me in my past streaks, but I'm not sure yet.

Speed is also an issue as well as strong earthquakes for you i think, im only thinking out loud at the moment but seeing if gyarados or landorus could be worked out as a lead mon? Both give intimidate support resist fighting and fire, although neither like to be burned. Landorus may be better sheer force though to just bulldoze though as much as possible and with a scarf to solve your speed issue, Gyara can DD though for set up but may be a weaker alternative to dragonite but intimidate could be really useful if u think u'll be switch stalling alot. But sheer force, scarf landorus should be considered just because he gets u-turn making a choice lead a viable option
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So, there is an update to be had, and I have a couple of hours, so...

The Roslindale Condores/Quetzales have been busy going on their fourth flight, and the results so far have been promising. As of a bit ago, I've just cracked 300 wins. I am now 47 wins away from my personal best, and a couple of wins away from passing by Kappaten , so I figure while I give a damn that I'll do the team write-up now.

The premise is still the same: a constant five-mon team of Starters, supported by a constantly rotating sixth 'mon from a Bench. There has been one major change in the starting lineup, as Garchomp has given way to a regular Mega. This has fundamentally changed my leads and my general approach to this project, as a few different factors have to be now considered.


"Ben" (Talonflame) (M) (Lvl.64) @ Sharp Beak (Left)
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/15-16/31/10-11
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

My tribute to The Dutch Plumberjack and his main man Bob. Works much more as a suicide Tailwind lead, though I often find that it can last through the battle and put in BB work, due to my limited encounters with Hikers, Wokers, and the like to this point. My youngest brother received this in Y and had it collecting dust there, so I pulled it out. The OT is listed as Ben, and has odd symmetry with Bob, hence the 'nickname'.


Teelo (Blastoise) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Blastoisinite (Center)
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/31/31/22-23/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Dragon Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Water Spout

After witnessing so many records get set with Megatoise, I finally caved in to peer pressure and bred one of my own. As one would expect from the positioning and moveset, Teelo's role is to be the offensive wrecking ball of the frontline, supporting others in taking down opposing Water resists and immunes with his coverage if he lives long enough. Aura Sphere is specifically here for evasive bastards (most of whom are Fighting-weak, coincidentally) and Bastiodon4. Even Blissey can't stomach more than a couple of shots. The bulk on hand has immensely helped, as Teelo tends to survive shots I don't expect it too (although that applies to "Ben" to a lesser degree as well). Named after the luchador of the same name.


Blizzmarck (Bisharp) (M) (Lvl.53) Focus sash (Right)
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/0/17/3
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 140 Spe
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch

My tribute to R Inanimate and his TR killer Bismarck, this was the replacement for my Mega Scizor that netted me the 347-win streak a while back. I wanted to replicate his Surf team exactly, and though that version of the team only got me to 144 wins, it definitely works.
Here, Bisharp functions in several roles--he actually may be the most important member of the team:
- TR counter
- lure for attacks that would normally head for "Ben" (mainly, luring Rock/Ground attackers into going for Ground, leaving Talonflame free to set Tailwind without fear)
- Intimidate absorber ("Ben" is mainly there for Tailwind and doesn't mind the Attack drop)
- as the slowest starter, exploit Tailwind more than anyone else
Shitty IVs, but the low speed does help in case TR does go up.


SamiClone (Greninja) (M) (Lvl.53) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Naïve Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
- Mat Block

My tribute to R Inanimate and his Greninja Samidare (hence the nickname). Much like the first version of his Mat Block setter, the nature is imperfect for what he's trying to achieve, but that's part of his charm. No Ice Beam, due to the existence of the other two starters, and I find that Dark Pulse is handy for picking off weakened opponents that would screw over "Ben" and Blizzmarck with direct contact abilities. Since the team now revolves around Tailwind Water Spout spam, SamiClone comes in mainly to buy remaining leads an extra turn if Tailwind ends and "Ben" is down, target certain foes when Teelo has multiple targets to prioritize, and isolate himself in a corner and snipe with Dark Pulse in last-opponent-mon situations (when the Bench player isn't a setup 'mon or lacks ranged attacks of its own).


BM860 (Starmie) (Lvl.51) @ King's Rock
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/13-14/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

My Imperfect "graft" for this team, the main reason this team was created, and my awesome special cleanup, with excellent coverage to help end battles. It outruns some threats on his own but loses to others, so it appreciates Tailwind. With the frontline becoming much more solid than before, this has become a filler of sorts, but the extra coverage is always welcome, he is my go-to for dealing with Gyarados, and King's Rock has offered more flinches than one would think given the set.

Many battles go pretty simply, as those who have seen this kind of setup before can attest to: Tailwind-Protect-Protect on Turn 1, Brave Bird-Water Spout-Knock Off Turn 2, Profit, with the proper adjustments made for dealing with Trick Room setters, Fake Out users and such. On most occasions, only Talonflame goes down, and the fourth 'mon in can usually help clean up form that point. Talonflame has actually become less of a suicide Tailwind setter as time as gone and I have become better at predicting the AI; he lives through roughly 60-70% of battles now, and the only thing that really gives him trouble is Rock Slide (most other anti-Flying measures target Teelo first, and Stone Edge obviously has its accuracy issues). Picking through teams of Water resists and immunes, one at a time, is getting easier as I become reflexive at dealing with particular sets, and the leads cover enough troublesome sets that the only opponent setup giving me consistent problems are multiple paralysis spreaders (whether through Thunder Wave or abilities).

Of course, the hook of this squad is still The Bench: my pride and joy of this whole Maison-ing experience so far, and man has it grown since the last flight. The sixth slot on the team was occupied by one of the following team members, to be switched around every ten battles, though I often found that I would lose track of things--due to how much fun I'm having with this team--and end up running with a particular Bench player for eleven or twelve battles. One of these was here for Dana, stuck around for Battle #51, and ended up getting another ten battles later on in the run; outside of that exception, everyone featured here has gotten one set of battles for playing time. Important note: everyone here who originally held a Mega Stone for the fist flight has now been given a Muscle Band/Wise Glasses (depending on what side of the offensive spectrum they sit on) due to Megatoise now occupying the Mega slot.


Gardevoir (F) (Lvl.100) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 20/20/20/31/20/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Thunderbolt
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Hyper Voice

Diantha's trade Ralts from X, used as part of my OR in-game team. Mainly here for Tailwind exploitation and Hyper Voice spam. As you can see, the first move changes damn near daily.


AnotherHulk (Heracross) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Muscle Band/Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/xx/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Feint
- Bullet Seed
- Close Combat
- Pin Missile

My tribute to Faroth and his Skill Link spam Megacross. I was too lazy to breed Rock Blast onto it, so I stuck Feint on there to deal with the things Feint deals with, particularly when multiple Protect/Detect users are on the field.


WhatTheFuss (Kangaskhan) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Muscle Band
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/xx/31/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Power-Up Punch
- Crunch
- Double-Edge

Named and created with the express purpose of finding out why people love this thing so much--I've never caught the fever, so to speak. I had meant to use Return for STAB, but the father is a Snorlax and passed on DE without me really noticing, so I've stuck with that for now. Crunch over Sucker Punch due to Blizzmarck already carrying it and as a way to deal with Dark-weak threats not interested in attacking much. I literally flipped a coin when deciding between Adamant & Jolly.

Now? I understand all the fuss.

The next two team members replace Teelo on the lead center position when on the team, causing SamiClone to switch with Blizzmark and occupy his old spot on the right:


Testnectric (Manectric) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Protect
- Flamethrower
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt

Same idea as with The Dutch Plumberjack and The Snow Dog. I got impatient when breeding for Lightning Rod, hence the imperfect SAtk Ivs. It does not appear to be too far off though (150 to the 157 of the mother), and in any case this lady is here, as the name implies, to test the efficiency of TDP's frontline strategy. Having an extra Fire handy to let Talonflame go crazy with Brave Bird is cool too.


InspireZheng (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (M) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/0/31/0/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Sleep Talk/Magnet Rise/Rain Dance/Sunny Day
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor

As the name implies, inspired by R Inanimate and his FEAR Aron. Same old story, although having the zeroed offensive IVs will come in hand at some point I imagine. The filler move slot is a revolving door of tests as of right now.


Kotoge (Salamence) (M) (Lvl. 51) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/31/31
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Protect
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse
- Hyper Voice

Speical Salamence, dedicated mostly to the same functions as my Megavoir. Also allows as an extra Flying attack to have handy with "Ben" is near KO range and/or needs to do something other than BB. With two Hyper Voices in place, I'm considering using this as part of a tribute to one of the very early posters to this thread, who tried the whole Triple STAB Round strategy, before Round's mechanics were fully understood. Named after "Skywalker" Atsushi Kotoge.


BM823 (Gengar) (M) (Lvl. 53) @ Wise Glasses/Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/0/xx/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dazzling Gleam/Thunderbolt
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Destiny Bond

My Imperfect Gengar4, adapted from Kanto Classic and adapted for Mega Usage. The most filler-y of the team, no real purpose other than to have Ghost, Poison, and Fairy coverage on hand. In this version of the team, it is meant to function more like the actual Gengar4, hence the sometimes-Lum.


Hirota (Sylveon) (Lvl.52) (F) Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 100 HP/252 SAtk/158 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hyper Voice
- Swift
- Misty Terrain
- Yawn

As most who have used it on here have done, Choice Specs Pixilate Hyper Voice Rampage, with a bunch of filler (Swift and Misty Terrain can be replaced, am keeping Yawn handy for breeding purposes). I kinda feared for its durability and some threats being able to outspeed it even under Tailwind, hence the HP investment. Named after comedy wrestler Sakura Hirota.


SaliziRazor (Leafeon) (M) (Lvl.53) @ Razor Claw/Scope Lens
Ability: Chlorophyll
IVs: 4/31/2/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Knock Off
- X-Scissor
- Leaf Blade

He adds a little physical bulk to the team, covers the Grass side of things if Greninja needs to pay attention to other threats or gets switched and needs to use Mat Block more than once, and serves as a switch-in Earthquake absorber if Garchomp absolutely needs to throw one out and risks hurting another teammate in the process. This was originally meant to be an Imperfect Leafeon4, but working off of the standard NU set seemed to make more sense, plus having another Protect user on standby is always useful. Named after one of Talim's moves in Soul Calibur II.


Hellcast (Typhlosion) (M) (Lvl.58) @ Choice Specs/Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
IVs: xx/31/xx/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Swift
- Solar Beam
- Lava Plume
- Eruption

The moveset is a bit wonky due to this being bred as a part of a sun team, but here he's strictly here for Eruption spam, so it's all good. The item is left a bit open due to its original item being the Scarf, but with Tailwind up that becomes less necessary, and a little extra power can be added (on top of none of The Starters being Choice-locked). Named after a Unique Bow in Diablo II.


SieKensou (Aerodactyl) (M) (Lvl.51) @ Muscle Band
Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Taunt
- Tailwind
- Sky Drop
- Rock Slide

I finally made some backup Tailwind! This set is meant to be more support than anything else, though I have actually found so far that Sky Drop spam has been the way to go here. It has still pulled off its primary role at least once that I can recall. Named after the King of Fighters character.


BM831 (Donphan) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/6 Atk/252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Seed Bomb
- Earthquake
- Fissure

My third-ever 6IV mon, my second-ever 6IV mon to be raised & used, my first-ever 6IV Maisonmon. It's Donphan4, not much explanation needed.


BM865 (Jolteon) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Razor Fang
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 6 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fake Tears
- Signal Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Hyper Beam

My second-ever 6IV Maisonmon makes its way onto the stage, after being inspired by one YouTube vid of this British guy whose Starf Battle in Super Singles led off with this opponent. It's Jolteon4, not much explanation needed, though I will say that having a Volt Absorber as a switch-in option is always good.


BM867 (Espeon) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 6 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psychic

A byproduct of my Jolteon4 breeding. Again, it's Espeon4, not much explanation needed, although I do miss not having Magic Bounce equipped (due mostly to confusion hax).


Lucario (M) (Lvl.70) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 6 Atk/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Aura Sphere

Korrina's gift Lucario from my Y record, he was brought in specifically for the Dana battle, as a reliable Regi killer. Past that, having extra priority and Aura Sphere available never hurts, and I'm constantly trying to shoehorn Lucario into Triples teams in general. I will note here that, even without its Mega Stone, Aura Sphere still hurts like crazy, and having two Aura Sphere users on the team can be useful sometimes when Teelo has to keep spamming Water Spout instead of picking some Fighting-weak bastard off.


Edwin (Klefki) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 170 HP/170 Def/170 SDef
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Bashful Nature
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Safeguard
- Thunder Wave

Part of my efforts to breed more competent Kalosmons, and plus I wanted to have one ready if I ever give a serious run towards the Rotations trophy. Here mainly for Safeguard setting and additional speed control, as the battles tend to be over before all screens are set up. Also, a shockingly bulky switch-in in case of emergencies, although Flamethrower is the bane of its existence. Named after a coworker of mine, who gets his own special set of keys.


BM984 (Heatran) (F) (Lvl.100) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk/6 SDef/252 Spd
IVs: xx/xx/31/xx/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Earth Power
- Dragon Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Magma Storm

Imperfect Heatran4, adapted here for usage in a Tailwind setting, which negates the need for Chocie Scarf and allows some flexibility in move usage. Depsite the lack of STAB on Earth Power, it gives me a powerful Ground attack and extra STAB Steel coverage when Blizzmarck is forced to cover the Dark side of things. As always, Magma Storm is a pain in the ass to use, though it is good for whittling down stallmons.


TestLuna (Cresselia) (F) (Lvl.100) @ Mental Herb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 SAtk
IVs: xx/31/31/xx/31/xx
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Toxic/Psychic
- Trick Room
- Moonlight
- Moonblast

My earliest TR setter and in-game Cresselia, brought in here as a TR counter, bulky switch-in, and way to out-stall opposing stallmons. Toxic is the main move here, though this was originally made to be a CM set, hence the occasional Psychic usage.


TestGigas (Regigigas) (Lvl.100) @ Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SDef
IVs: 31/xx/xx/31/31/xx
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SDef)
- Thunder Wave
- Knock Off
- Return
- Wide Guard

My in-game Regigigas, adapted for Festive Feud usage. Much like it did there, here it is providing a sponge for attackers to waste attacks on while the Starters do their thing, as well as Wide Guard spam.

The next set replaces Talonflame on the left lead position when on the team:


Whimsicott (M) (Lvl.60) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 6 Def/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Tailwind
- Taunt
- Helping Hand
- Dazzling Gleam

A byproduct of breeding for Imperfect Lilligant4, the IVs on this one were too good to pass up, so I adapted this for support and backup Tailwind. I tried to copy the ideas Jumpman16 implemented when utilizing his Triples Whimsicott Cotton Candy, but went ahead and equipped the Lum Berry he was ambivalent on, just to see the difference in usage. This fella attracts an unsual amount of status hax, so it seems to be the right move item-wise.


"BM922" (Latias) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Lax Incense
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 SAtk
IVs: xx/31/31/xx/31/xx
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Dragon Pulse
- Mist Ball

My brother's in-game Latias that he wasn't doing anything with and just so happened to be Bold, so I took possession of it and turned it into Imperfect Latias1. Far from optimal IV-wise, but is bulky enough where it matters.


Scizor (Lvl. 67) (M) @ Muscle Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk/6 SDef/252 Spd
IVs: 19/8/24/23/13/30
Admant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bug Bite
- Bullet Punch

This was the 2013 event Scizor that I SR'ed strictly for the Adamant nature, figuring its base stats would offset the lack of IV optimization. Here it is mainly an extra TR check and revenge killer, as Technician allows it to net some key KOs despite the awful Atk IVs. It is also an excellent stallmon killer, as most of the post-Dana ones simply have no good way to deal with its typing and are forced to watch it set up helplessly (particularly Cradily4). Most importantly, though, he was on the 347-win team and would only be an appropriate dignitary on the team for that reason.


Zoroark (Lvl. 50) (M) @ Dread Plate
Ability: Illusion
EVs: Atk/SAtk/252 Spd (don't quite remember)
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SDef)
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb

My event Sludge Bomb Zoroark, not really meant for any particular usage but just meant to be a mixed attacker. As the team doesn't really suit him to playing his trademark mind games, he is used mostly as a check to the things that threaten Starmie, as well as an alternate Dark attacker for when Blizzmarck goes down.


CursedLand02 (Meganium) (Lvl. 51) (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SDef
IVs: 31/31/xx/31/31/31
Admant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Seed Bomb
- Reflect
- Light Screen

Imperfect Meganium3, doing what Meganium3 does. The name is due to this normally being my Grass Pledge user when testing out the various Pledge moves/combos.


BM274 (Miltank) (Lvl. 50) (F) Lum Berry
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP/6 Atk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Body Slam
- Helping Hand
- Milk Drink
- Heal Bell

Imperfect Miltank1, created after one of my streaks featured this set opposing me in like, eight of the First 20. One of my favorite Maisonmons, this set is clearly designed for non-Singles usage and shines in Triples. Here, it is almost exclusively used to HH boost Teelo's attacks. As Body Slam is pretty much my favorite move, I also wanted to have a user on the team to say I have it.


BM781 (Darmanitan) (Lvl. 51) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/xx/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- U-Turn
- Superpower
- Stone Edge
- Flare Blitz

Imperfect Darmanitan4, adapted from Festive Feud and brought on board as an emergency revenge killer for when Tailwind doesn't go up. The only VoltTurn user on the roster, it is useful for picking off weakened opponents and allowing the other Starters a safer entry.


BM788 (Weezing) (Lvl. 50) (F) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/6 Def/252 SDef
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic
- Stockpile
- Rest

My arch-nemesis Imperfect Weezing4, brought in pretty much as filler (because it deserves it, nothing more, nothing less), although having someone who's only weak to a type I have covered quite well means it will often get a chance to set up unhindered.


BM822 (Muk) (Lvl. 50) (F) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/31/xx/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Brick Break
- Gunk Shot
- Shadow Sneak
- Explosion

The ever-annoying Imperfect Muk4, brought in mainly to work the hax in my favor a little more and to provide some extra priority to the team. As Explosion is my second-favorite move, I also wanted to include a user to say I did it. As screens are more common early on in the Maison, this shines particularly well in The First 40.


TestKairi (Aegislash) (Lvl. 50) (M) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP/252 SAtk/6 SDef
IVs: 31/31/xx/31/31/xx
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- King's Shield
- Wide Guard
- Flash Cannon
- Shadow Ball

Standard Doubles WP Aegislah, created primarily for TR team usage as Wide Guard support, but I find it can work quite well here, as weak attacks causing WP activation are common and give TestKairi plenty of chances to switch in and proceed to wreck things.


OwlShield (Aegislash) (Lvl. 52) (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak

My take on R Inanimate and his Hakurouken, though I have changed Swords Dance to King's Shield in order to weaken the physical attackers who threaten most of the Starters.

The Bench occupies a full box and will probably remain at that size for the duration of the run, as I have found that everyone other than BM788 has been able to contribute in at least two battles during each of their stints.

I am requesting that NoCheese hold off on placing my O.S.W.M. run on the leaderboard until this flight is over, should be easier to just put both up at once (proof vid of that run is on a different SD card, so just let me know if that gets taken down before this run is finished).

Will be back to update if I hit 348.
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Speed is also an issue as well as strong earthquakes for you i think, im only thinking out loud at the moment but seeing if gyarados or landorus could be worked out as a lead mon? Both give intimidate support resist fighting and fire, although neither like to be burned. Landorus may be better sheer force though to just bulldoze though as much as possible and with a scarf to solve your speed issue, Gyara can DD though for set up but may be a weaker alternative to dragonite but intimidate could be really useful if u think u'll be switch stalling alot. But sheer force, scarf landorus should be considered just because he gets u-turn making a choice lead a viable option

Thanks for the input. I'd considered Gyarados, but not Landorus. That's an interesting option.
I haven't used it before, but I guess if there's an ice type, I just u turn out (although be wary of ice shard). Most ice attackers are special so Florges could set up on them. I see life orb mamoswine as being an issue though. In fact it could singlehandedly destroy the whole team if I'm not careful, and is a strong argument for using Gyarados. Ouch.
Similarly, most electric attackers are special so Florges is a good switch in if I'm using Gyarados.
The main problem for me is actually getting a sheer force Landorus with optimal ivs and nature. I'll see what I can do on the trade boards though.

Edit- About the speed, my current singles team is not that fast although its lead (Dragonite) can boost its speed. I'm ok with having slower Pokemon that can take hits as opposing to speedy frail types like Greninja or Gengar.
Thanks for the input. I'd considered Gyarados, but not Landorus. That's an interesting option.
I haven't used it before, but I guess if there's an ice type, I just u turn out (although be wary of ice shard). Most ice attackers are special so Florges could set up on them. I see life orb mamoswine as being an issue though. In fact it could singlehandedly destroy the whole team if I'm not careful, and is a strong argument for using Gyarados. Ouch.
Similarly, most electric attackers are special so Florges is a good switch in if I'm using Gyarados.
The main problem for me is actually getting a sheer force Landorus with optimal ivs and nature. I'll see what I can do on the trade boards though.

Edit- About the speed, my current singles team is not that fast although its lead (Dragonite) can boost its speed. I'm ok with having slower Pokemon that can take hits as opposing to speedy frail types like Greninja or Gengar.
Legofigure11 i think has rng'd sheer force landorus and is always good to do buisness with. I've used intimidate/assault vest landorus which takes a lot of hits if u like bulky but you got the bulk covered so see what comes out of some damage calcs or dive in head first smashing shit up and leave the damge calcs to someone else! And give him a go
Legofigure11 i think has rng'd sheer force landorus and is always good to do buisness with. I've used intimidate/assault vest landorus which takes a lot of hits if u like bulky but you got the bulk covered so see what comes out of some damage calcs or dive in head first smashing shit up and leave the damge calcs to someone else! And give him a go

Thanks for the tip, I'm going to wait until my current team loses before contacting anyone.

You know I was thinking, it took me the whole morning just to breed a good Aron and raise it, maybe I could skip the Florges and just use the assault vest Goodra I have instead. It's a great special wall and can hit back too with great coverage( mine's a special attacker).
Ultimately I might be better off with Florges since it can set up but I may as well give Goodra a try. For one, it saves me time, for another, I won't have the same issue versus fire types.

What do you think?
Thanks for the tip, I'm going to wait until my current team loses before contacting anyone.

You know I was thinking, it took me the whole morning just to breed a good Aron and raise it, maybe I could skip the Florges and just use the assault vest Goodra I have instead. It's a great special wall and can hit back too with great coverage( mine's a special attacker).
Ultimately I might be better off with Florges since it can set up but I may as well give Goodra a try. For one, it saves me time, for another, I won't have the same issue versus fire types.

What do you think?

I think you'll jump from the fire into the earthquake >.< goodra and aggron are both OHKO (2hits if running sturdy) with any half decent earthquake and i dont think theres a one-poke-answer-to-all for the range of EQ and ground type atk users in the maison. The maisons use of the ground/water types can slowly pull a team apart and your answer to them may then struggle with gyarados or garchomp and vice-versa ..no-one wants to see hippodon pulling their team apart! I'd be inclined to try a bulky Gyarados (his SpDef is quite high) over Goodra. Lacks recovery other then rest but intimidate support could help with switch stalling ...im probably just giving you a grass issue with that suggestion though! ^.^
Don't forget that my Aggron will be Mega. I don't know if you've used it or encountered it, but not only does it tie for the highest base defense in the game, but it has the filter ability to lessen super effective damage. That means even close combats and earthquakes will hardly be putting a dent in him after a curse or two. Trust me, I've just used him on battle spot, and that's exactly how it works.

More of a corcern are mixed attackers, since they can't be soaked up as easily. He doesn't take special hits so well, even with a careful nature.
Bulky Gyarados is interesting. Maybe I'll consider that and free up a third slot for another attacker.
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Hello again everyone, back for my second post, that was quick, haha. I went for my next challenge in Super Multi Battle ORAS with A.I. Steven as my partner, and managed to improve my longest streak in the maison to 81, though it's still nothing to brag about. I didn't really try anything too different. I used what I had and compared it to what was on the board, and ended up with another team with lead Greninja 117 and Mega Salamence.

Greninja (Greninja) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/?/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Mat Block
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse


Mega Salamence (Salamence) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate/Aerilate
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 12 SpD / 236 Spe
-Dragon Dance

This team is almost the exact same as ninjachicken1's high streak Super Multi team, but with with a Jolly nature and a few EVs switched around on Salamence. This is only because it's what I had, and I didn't think a few small EV's here or there would make a huge difference. I also ran Return over Double-Edge because I'm somewhat squeamish about the recoil damage, and Return usually wrecks enough anyway. Greninja is pretty much a carbon copy. The combo of Greninja leading with Steven's Metagross, and backed up by Mega Salamence and Aerodactyl is pretty awesome, and in most battles you only lose one of them, if any. I most likely would have made it further if I hadn't made a poor decision that cost me my streak. Oh well, it only takes one, and I don't feel bad about it. I accomplished my goal, and anything past that was just icing on the cake. I'm pretty sure I know what I did wrong, so I know not to make that mistake in the future. That's all just part of the experience and growth. If you're looking for how to play this team, glancing over ninjachicken1's high record post should give you a good idea of what moves should be used and when, but as always the best decisions are often made with experience under your belt. Anyways, here is how I lost.



At the start it's business as usual, as Steven's Metagross mega evolves and Greninja throws up a Mat Block to give Mega Metagross a free turn. Mega Metagross appreciates the gesture and proceeds to Zen Headbutt the opposing Swampert into the yellow causing it to flinch. Regigigas manages to get off a focus blast, but it is blocked by Greninja's deft skills handling tatami. The next turn Greninja dispatches Swampert with Grass Knot, while Mega Metagross does whatever it wants and Zen Headbutts Regigigas causing it to flinch and reboot its modem. Out comes Infernape, and I have Greninja hit it with Dark Pulse to try for a flinch, which doesn't come off, and Infernape reduces Mega Metagross into slag by Overheating. Regigigas finishes booting up its OS and tries another Focus Blast, while Greninja somehow manages to dodge the bullet. Then, out comes Aerodactyl, which drops the ceiling on Regigas and Infernape with a Rock Slide, but leaves both alive, while Regigigas manages to hang on by a small scrap after taking a Dark Pulse from Greninja. Infernape throws up a jagged stone edge from under the rubble and impales Aerodactyl, while Regigigas brings the Thunder down on top of it through where the ceiling used to be. Down to Greninja against Regigigas and Infernape, I have Greninja Dark Pulse and silence Regigigas once and for all sending it to the office space in the sky. Infernape, proving it wants to kill my whole team, comes back at Greninja with a kamikaze Close Combat, sacrificing itself to take Greninja down to 1HP. Ok, it's gone from 2-3 to 2-1, that's better. Nope, it's Latios. Greninja makes a last ditch effort with a Dark Pulse greatly injuring the newcomer, but to no avail as the Latios calls down a Draco Meteor crushing Greninja into stealthy frog jelly. Salamence, your up. I lose my mind for a second and think Greninja outsped it, so can Mega Salamence, and maybe Mega Salamence could have, but that doesn't factor in until after it mega evolves, so Salamence mega evolves and goes straight for the Return flying smack into face of another Draco Meteor. Boom, toasty. I lost, maybe I should have protected that last turn, but I'm not sure. Oh well, onto the next challenge.

I did not really have any war stories, other than the end, with this run other than the slight stress brought on by the occasional pointless moves of A.I. Steven's pokemon. It was a great journey, mowing through the field until the blades struck a hard rock, snapped from their moorings, and tore through the chassis; but that's the maison for ya, haha.

Once again, thank you for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed it.
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Battle #348: vs. Parker (Milotic/Vileplume/Gogoat/Abomasnow/Krookodile/Tentacruel) (Set 4)--I have since hit 350, and that battle went a little longer, but this team was slightly trickier to work through, and this is personally far more significant. TestKairi got an extended stint of twenty battles in the sixth slot and was here for this momentous occasion.

I now have a new personal best, and can afford to keep pushing through a little more slowly. To celebrate...time to start SR'ing that soon-to-be-new Manaphy.

Though this battle will be an exception, and I have a couple more, I am mainly saving two types of replays from this streak:
- Every 25th battle: I figure that this will provide a good snapshot of the various Bench players used and the various ways that they contribute to the team. Hopefully, before this is over I will have one of these for every Bench player.
- Battles featuring Pinsir4: I've become interested in the seeming "fall from grace" this Maisonmon has had this Gen. Though I wasn't around for the Gen IV Battle Frontier period, this set went largely unchanged in the Frontier-to- Subway transition, and was dangerous enough to warrant a special mention in the Battle Subway Guide, so I figure it was a pain in the ass back then too. Nowadays though, it isn't mentioned that much as a troublemaker, certainly not in this thread. The advent of the Kalosmons has likely been the biggest reason for this: Fairies resist Bug/Fighting and can be generally made physically bulky enough to tank it comfortably, Aegislash can pretty much wall it and stall it out with Flying partners, Gale Wings Brave Bird gives one an instant wincon against it, and a couple of Bug/Steels have become popular enough on here to be almost always an option. This forces it to rely more on Guillotine, and while it still only takes one lucky shot for it to ruin your streak, it's still a 30% Normal-type OHKO move we're talking about. Given all this, I was thinking about listing or mapping out under what contexts Pinsir4 can still be a threat to end streaks. To facilitate this, I am saving all battles where it appears and seeing where it gives me trouble, or at least where I'm so wary of, and paying so much attention to, it that it gives its allies a chance to give me problems. To this point, it hasn't given me any problems--Gale Wings makes this easier of course, and if within range of Blizzmarck, it will never bother with Guillotine, making it easier to predict.

If there are any other categories of replays any of you would like me to share, let me know.
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Ive managed 70 wins with my monotype water team. The streak is still ongoing but i just wanted to post and say that the team is on the leader board.

The team boasts a massive 5 x2 grass weaknesses and a single x4 grass weakness. The team uses the level 1 aaron strategy (which is the first time I've used it) is:

Clawitzer, Poliwag, Jellicent, Lapras, Gastrodon and mega Slowbro
Posting a completed streak of 342 wins in Super Singles.

Just when I was thinking of what my new team should look like, I lost. How convenient.

The team:


Dragonite - Adamant Nature - 252 attack - 252 speed - 6 hp
Lum Berry
1. Dragon Dance
2. Outrage
3. Earthquake
4. Extremespeed (I much prefer this over the alternatives. When unboosted, he's quite slow and I sometimes need him to revenge kill weakened threats after a teammate has fallen. I tried Roost but lost a streak to Togekiss. As for Fire Punch, it's ok but again, extremespeed is just great for those clutch situations.)


Suicune - Bold Nature - Ev's copied straight from the maison guide, thanks so much!
Chesto Berry
1. Scald
2. Calm Mind
3. Rest
4. Icy Wind/Substitute (For the first 330 battles, I had icy wind. It was fantastic. But I decided to replace it because I was afraid of walrein 4/articuno. The funny thing is, 3 battles after I replaced it I ran into the Walrein! After he ohko'd my Dragonite I switched this champ in and she proceeded to set up on him and sweep.)


Mega Scizor (Clawface)- Adamant Nature - Ev's copied from the maison guide again
1.Bullet Punch
2. Bug Bite
3. Swords Dance
4. Roost

This team was very straightforward. Dragon Dance, Outrage, Sweep. Of course, if there's an ice or fairy type, I switch, normally to Scizor. The team had no glaring weaknesses and is a personal best for me, easily beating out my earlier singles best of 104(same team). One thing to watch out for though - if anyone wants to try this team out - is Slurpuff4. It has an expert belt and its coverage moves are flamethrower, energy ball, thunderbolt and dazzling gleam. Bullet punch doesn't always kill it either. It's a gamble.

My mistake in my losing battle was not switching out to Suicune when lead Heatran came out. I think it would've been much easier to handle that way than with dragonite.
I also screwed up thinking I could set up a calm mind on the Thundurus. I didn't realize it was spec'd for one, obviously. But I was 100% confident an unboosted scald was too weak to kill it at half health anyway. If it got a burn, maybe it would have though. Yeah I screwed up royally. (I also should've understood it was spec'd because of the sheer amount of damage it inflicted on mega scizor.)

This is the only streak I see with this exact combination of pokemon, although plenty of people have very similar combinations. I'm going to try something less conventional than dragon/water/steel now. Hopefully I can achieve a fraction of the success I had with this team. Wish me luck!

Here's the losing battle:

Here's an EXTREMELY close call at #123 (although my friend calculated that it was impossible for me to lose after I ko'd the main culprit):

And here's a battle with Walrein 4, just for fun. It opened with a OHKO of course:
Battle #252, Unfzant1/Skuntank1/Houndoom1/Musharna1/Ferrothorn1/Cryogonal1 vs. Lola (Gardevoir/Cofagrigus/Metagross/Claydol/Gallade/Gourgeist) (Set 4)--arguably one of the worst mistakes ever committed on this thread.

Did you later delete this video? I'm not able to pull it up.
I am requesting that NoCheese hold off on placing my O.S.W.M. run on the leaderboard until this flight is over, should be easier to just put both up at once (proof vid of that run is on a different SD card, so just let me know if that gets taken down before this run is finished).

Will be back to update if I hit 348.

This is what comes of me starting at the last update and working forward. Whoops! Per your request, I'll pull that streak from the board until this one is done.
Did you later delete this video? I'm not able to pull it up.

Apologies, switching SD cards for my current run a couple of days ago seems to have caused this to go down. Re-upping now...

Fortunately, I have plenty of space on this card and can just keep the current run going here, thanks for the catch.

Small update: given what I said in my previous post, and due to me maxing out my BP doing the current flight, I have gone back on what I said on the team writeup and have added a 31st member to The Bench:


BM826 (Pinsir) (Lvl.50) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/xx/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- X-Scissor
- Guillotine

Imperfect Pinsir4, with a few key tweaks. Being part of a Tailwind team negates the need for a Jolly nature (the transition from Jolly-->Adamant causes a 13-point drop from 150 to 137 Spd at Lvl.50) and allows this set to pack a little more punch. Superpower is used over Close Combat due to having Moxie boosts as a counter-measure to the Attack drops, so using Fighting coverage will be less penalized. Also useful as an extra TR check, due to such setters being common on Psychic/Hex Maniac rosters.

At 364 wins now. Back to the Subway thread for more Pinsir4-related research...
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a person elsewhere said:
Well, now we have physical/special split, Mega Evolutions, more items, and more great Pokemon to choose from... though we can never get past the cheating AI!

Altissimo elsewhere said:
i have played upwards of like 600 matches in the battle maison and they don't cheat. They don't. They don't and I wish this misconception would go away because they do not


update on my battle maison life: there is none. I stole a bunch of teams from the leaderboard though and am gunning for 200 wins in each category because I am a loser with no life who still steals everyone else's teams despite having no life. Such a paragon of morals I am

update on my battle maison life: there is none. I stole a bunch of teams from the leaderboard though and am gunning for 200 wins in each category because I am a loser with no life who still steals everyone else's teams despite having no life. Such a paragon of morals I am

...so if you manage this, is it cool if I hire one of our artists to make you a Starf Trophy or something? Maybe set up a Starf Hall of Fame on the leaderboard? Because, thievery or not, that's a daunting task to undertake.

I would say, "stick Lapras on all your teams and you'll be fine", but that would be a lie.
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I don't even think you get a Lansat at each time you hit 200 wins in a separate category so it'd be a like "one Lansat + 4 Wastes of Time" trophy tbh

oh it's Starf that's 200 wins, whatever, same point
I don't even think you get a Lansat at each time you hit 200 wins in a separate category

Oh, I know, that's why the conceptual trophy would actually be valuable, would make it seem like less of a waste of time.
We should set up a separate Lansat Hall of Hame section anyway, it would give turskain a section of the leaderboard to sit at all by his lonesome.
After that, yet another, Starf Hall of Fame, to give both of you another goal to shoot for before Sun & Moon come out.
I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD DURING THE NEXT MONTH IM GONNA DO IT. I'm already past 200 in singles so i'm done there, around 100 in doubles, and at 50 in the other formats. this is gonna happen


around 100 in doubles

i hate gourgeist so fucking much
for the record i'm using eppie's dusclops/aron/conkeldurr/mkangaskhan team so yeah fuck ghost-types in general
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