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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Assorted battle videos from Super Doubles (a reminder that no i did not invent this team i stole it from eppie who deserves far more credit because i have 0 shame whatsoever) that probably show I don't know how to use this team at all:

Battle 168: FAJW-WWWW-WW47-PP4Z
This is proof positive the AI is an idiot. Vs Marowak and Manectric, Marowak immediately OHKOs its partner with Earthquake. Opponent sends in Lopunny, and I manage to predict the Protect correctly and take out Marowak while Lopunny does nothing. Fourth Pokémon Spiritomb misses with Will-o-Wisp. A good battle.

Battle 179 66TW-WWWW-WW47-PZQH
Jynx4 ... does not use Fake Out on turn 1 and instead freezes Dusclops with Blizzard, meaning Dusclops can't get off a Trick Room. This could have gone a lot worse if a) the AI hadn't randomly decided to switch Darmanitan for Florges, thus preventing Aron from getting hit twice while waiting for Dusclops to thaw, which b) it did on the second turn.

Battle 193 (!) XVHG-WWWW-WW47-PPTJ
I FUCKED UP OH GOD. I knew Brick Break + Endeavor could OHKO Rampardos4 through Sitrus. I forgot about Intimidate. The result is that Aron dies after getting off Endeavor and then it's a 3 vs 4 match, and to make matters worse Luxray paralyzes Dusclops and then paralyzes Conkeldurr when I send it in. After that is something like 7 turns of a shitton of luck in not getting paralyzed against the Luxray, Wailord4 (knows Fissure) and Mismagius4 (just ... Mismagius4).
I was so scared my streak was over the second I realized I forgot about Intimidate and lost Aron. If the AI cheated I totally should have lost this battle through Wailord's OHKO move or paralysis hax or something but no

Battle 200: DX7G-WWWW-WW47-PPVP
It's so un-noteworthy that it's noteworthy in how stupidly anticlimactic it was. Vs. Electrode and Aromatisse.
I OHKO Electrode with Endeavor + Night Shade.
Aromatisse3 (Thunder, Flash Cannon, Psyshock, Moonblast) decides to use the worst move it has against me and misses Aron with Thunder.
I OHKO the Noivern that comes in with Endeavor + Night Shade.
Aromatisse misses with Thunder.
I OHKO Aromatisse with Endeavor + Night Shade (I would have kept Aromatisse alive to see if I could go 3-for-3 on misses, but the switch-in after Noivern was Kingdra and Kingdra4 has Protect, so I figure I might as well possibly take advantage of it if it was Kingdra4).
Kingdra(2, so no Protect) uses Dragon Dance.
I OHKO Kingdra with the same damn shit.
I just find it hysterical that the 200th battle was a complete cakewalk. Aron didn't get hit a single time. That's very much a rarity. A beautiful last battle.


The mighty 200. I'm still a little confused that I actually got to that number.


I'm not confused, though, that I got to this number. Sweet dreams for me!! I'll pick up Rotations soon.
(That is a Zigzagoon plushie if you are wondering)
Battle 168: FAJW-WWWW-WW47-PP4Z
This is proof positive the AI is an idiot. Vs Marowak and Manectric, Marowak immediately OHKOs its partner with Earthquake. Opponent sends in Lopunny, and I manage to predict the Protect correctly and take out Marowak while Lopunny does nothing. Fourth Pokémon Spiritomb misses with Will-o-Wisp. A good battle.

To be fair, any battle featuring Lopunny (especially the useless Set 2) is generally going to be a good one, as they can pretty much be ignored while you go about your business.
It has cost me a few streaks, but that was back when I was a Maison novice. Now, it's pretty much nothing. I feel like it's kept as part of the battle facility roster (and will be there in Gen VII) simply because Sets 1, 3, & 4 are jjjjuuuussssttttt annoying enough to catch you sleeping under very specific circumstances (as I was reminded of during Battle #413 of my current streak, when Lopunny4 eliminated my Megatoise with Mirror Coat, while its teammates were wiped out).

Good shit man, and I admire your confidence heading into Rotations.
Love the work you guys put into this thread and how it's always full on exciting content.
I've been reading this thread for a long time now so I decided to make an account so that I can share some of my fun experiences. Once I understand how to post in a nice format I'll give you guys an update!
(Please do pm me if there is a template or something somewhere)
Hmmmm, I was wondering if you be able to facilitate my ongoing research on a few different fronts...would you happen to have any replays featuring Pinsir4, vs. Chef Andrei/Cobb, or Artist Azure with Regirock12 in tow?
I checked all saved videos from Triple but unfortunately, I did not have any videos featuring the Trainers or Pokemon you were looking for.
Has anyone else run into the issue where they have bad luck and therefore don't have the substitute tm in or/as?

I have 500+ hours on my OR game, I try to check the island every day and I still haven't run into the one with substitute.

It drives me nuts. There are several Pokemon I'd like to use in singles (mega Salamence, mega Gyarados, gliscor, etc) but I'd need to switch between my x game to teach them sub every time and that gets time consuming.
Here's an amusing display from the AI (and also proof of my doubles streak):


Basically, through a combination of a bad matchup and me playing like a potato, I was left in a losing position. My Aegislash vs. the Butler's charizard. Luckily, I carefully outplayed him by spamming wideguard until he ran out of heatwave PP. Amazingly, this was not the choice scarf variant and the AI just refused to use a not very effective attack.
I do like how she made sure to add one more flinch in there, just to remind you that the set isn't that predictable.


Posting a completed streak of 557 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples:

Team Writeup
Update with the addition of BM826 the Pinsir to The Bench
Update with the addition of BF785 the Vespiquen to The Bench
Update with the addition of BM559 the Charizard to The Bench and Video Proof of Battle #500

On a separate note:
O.S.W.M. Team Writeup
Update with Video Proof of the O.S.W.M. Loss at Battle #252

Virizion has been a constant nuisance for the Condores/Quetzales: Talonflame is my only surefire counter to it, and if he goes down first, I have to hope that I can simply knock it down with brute force or have certain Bench players in the sixth slot at that time. Well, Virizion1 finally overcame me today:

Battle #529: vs. Hera (Moltres2/Regirock1/Regigigas2/Virizion1/Entei2/Landorus?)--I get greedy and try to wipe out the opposing leads Turn 1, forgetting that Sky Attackers never target bait leads (Aron, Talonflame) and will mostly target the central part of my strategy (my TR setter Dusclops in the case of O.S.W.M., and my Megatoise in the case of this team), trying to get the flinch to prevent TR or weaken Water Spout to the point of uselessness. Moltres2 makes me pay, turning this into a tight match where I have to play smart to avoid defeat. This battle ends in a shocker ending, with my Bench player here earning her stripes and earning herself "more minutes" by getting to participate in an extra ten battles.

Battle #558: vs. Jake (Virizion1/Zapdos2/Landorus2/Registeel2/Cresselia1/Tornadus2)--I started this battle and then ran into a friend on the train, trying to play this out while talking with him at the same time. As a result, Virizion1 gets a Salac boost...and I completely forget about it by the next turn, leading to it KO'ing Megatoise when Scizor could have stopped it with Bullet Punch beforehand. The remainder of the match is a slow march to oblivion.

On a separate note, the Will-O-Wisp glitch expands to include a new status move; it's been a lllllllloooooonnnnnnnggggggg time since I've seen this in action (watch Turn 1):
Battle #339: vs. Hartsfield (Rhyperior/Mandibuzz/Exeggutor/Carracosta/Gyarados/Arcanine) (Set 4)

Extremely happy with this performance regardless: I've gotten my Grafting concept to places I never imagined (I used about a half-dozen Maison Imperfects during this flight), and I've acquired a taste for not being satisfied with my place in the leaderboard. Now that I've gotten this far, I can set a new, previously unfathomable hurdle to clear; I've noticed that the Triples leaderboard currently has no streaks in the 600s, and I next aim to fill that void. As a side bonus, I've blown by Cheesedick (nothing against the guy, the username has just annoyed me for some reason and motivated me to pass that 240-win streak) and Kappaten (I loved that 302-win team and was honored to pass it by--while not a true hail team, it was cool to see at least one person make Abomasnow work in Triples). Thx a lot guys. Unfortunately, it now makes Faroth , Theron , and pidj my next targets--y'all goin' down!

As mentioned before, the loss of the O.S.W.M. run is currently on another SD card from the one I'm using right now. If NoCheese needs me to re-upload that later, I will gladly do so--just make sure to take a gander at these first.

For now, I will get back to my "Maison vs. Maison" experiments. Based on the votes, it's a tie for going with either an OHKO Roughneck-based team or a Hail Worker-based team next. Gonna need a tiebreaker here (or a vote for one of the other options to create even more of a logjam)...
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I lied I'm doing Multi before Rotation

mostly because i just tried Multi with this team, starting from 50, and got to like 78 before I died and as much as greninja and megamence are FUN TO USE Steven is just too unpredictable

instead, I'm going to borrow my friend's 2DS, trade half of Eppie's Doubles team to my X cart, and do Multis that way

I lose the ability to choose whether Kanga or Conkeldurr comes out after Aron dies but on the other hand Aron shouldn't die as often because in Multi if you kill 2 Pokémon on the same side of the field then you are fighting 2 on 1 the other side of the field, so instead of the battle going: kill Pokémon 1, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 3, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 4, Pokémon 2 kills Aron,
you can have the battle go kill Pokémon 1, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 3, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 2, kill Pokémon 4

i'm doing it now because fuck Multis and the whole issue with not being able to turn off battle animations

I kind of really want to beat Multis with the AI because that's the only real way it's different from vanilla Doubles but like... fuck that
I lied I'm doing Multi before Rotation

mostly because i just tried Multi with this team, starting from 50, and got to like 78 before I died and as much as greninja and megamence are FUN TO USE Steven is just too unpredictable

instead, I'm going to borrow my friend's 2DS, trade half of Eppie's Doubles team to my X cart, and do Multis that way

I lose the ability to choose whether Kanga or Conkeldurr comes out after Aron dies but on the other hand Aron shouldn't die as often because in Multi if you kill 2 Pokémon on the same side of the field then you are fighting 2 on 1 the other side of the field, so instead of the battle going: kill Pokémon 1, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 3, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 4, Pokémon 2 kills Aron,
you can have the battle go kill Pokémon 1, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 3, Pokémon 2 attacks Aron, kill Pokémon 2, kill Pokémon 4

i'm doing it now because fuck Multis and the whole issue with not being able to turn off battle animations

I kind of really want to beat Multis with the AI because that's the only real way it's different from vanilla Doubles but like... fuck that
There is one difference in Multis - M-evo restrictions, species clause and item clause are applied independently for the two players, so you can overpower the poor AI using two Megas on the same team.
This is true. Double Megas in Doubles sounds like a recipe for huge success

edit: Apparently I can't do Multi with X and Omega Ruby. Serebii is a lying piece of shit.
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Yeah seriously what the hell's up with that, XYORAS have better internet connectivity than gen 4 ever did and ... we can't do that anymore???

btw ReptoAbysmal you'll like this - way back in the thread I posted this, and somehow I just got a follow-up comment by someone else, and to me the timing is pretty funny considering I was just ranting about people's beliefs on AI cheating elsewhere.

"Even though there is no real way to prove the game is cheating without Game Freak handing over game files I do believe that the player is put at an unfair position because the AI is the game and if it weren't for the restrictions put in place by the game developers it would be unbeatable. Even taking this into consideration the AI still does have a lot of power considering it can it's decisions after we have and create custom teams while we are locked into one team."

lolwut... this is more reasonable than some of the other bullshit I've seen people say but "it can [make] it's decisions after we have" is not true... even though this was the same video where iirc the player switched their Azumarill out for Garchomp and got Ice Beam'd on the switch, which would seem to indicate that this statement is true... it's probably not lmao

an update on my maison progress: ok well since Serebii is a lying piece of shit and I can't actually do XY and ORAS together... this meant I had to speedrun through Alpha Sapphire bc in that game I was in Petalburg Forest. I got done at 4 am, which means it wasn't really a speedrun but w/e. Fun times!! Now maybe I can finally actually do Multi for real. @_@
Give them any fucking link to an Aron team and ask why they spend so many battles uselessly targeting a Protecting foe if they can make their decisions afterward.

Then there's the easy manipulation through switching. I have a battle on youtube titled "theres cheating and then theres cheating" pretending I'm whining about the AI "command reacting" when I take no damage aside from my own hail. It includes Protect baiting, switching a ghost into HJK to kill the user, and said ghost baiting Sucker Punch with Pain Split.

Alter decisions my cock.
lolwut... this is more reasonable than some of the other bullshit I've seen people say but "it can [make] it's decisions after we have" is not true... even though this was the same video where iirc the player switched their Azumarill out for Garchomp and got Ice Beam'd on the switch, which would seem to indicate that this statement is true... it's probably not lmao

Correct me if I'm mistaken but from what I remember this used to be true to some extent in earlier generations - the AI used to be able to switch out of Shadow Tag or Mean Look on the same turn the trapper switched out (something a human player couldn't even do) because it checked for being trapped after you'd already made the choice to switch out. It also used to choose a move after the check for whether your Pokémon woke up from sleep or after you'd chosen to use an item to recover a status (not applicable to battle facilities).

I think we can be fairly certain that doesn't happen in this generation though.
Correct me if I'm mistaken but from what I remember this used to be true to some extent in earlier generations - the AI used to be able to switch out of Shadow Tag or Mean Look on the same turn the trapper switched out (something a human player couldn't even do) because it checked for being trapped after you'd already made the choice to switch out. It also used to choose a move after the check for whether your Pokémon woke up from sleep or after you'd chosen to use an item to recover a status (not applicable to battle facilities).

I think we can be fairly certain that doesn't happen in this generation though.

I think that was true in gen 2 and also Colosseum, maybe some other games I'm forgetting as well, but it was definitely fixed by at least 4th gen iirc.

ReptoAbysmal: you bring up an excellent point hahaha I hadn't even thought about how Aron cheeses the AI because the AI doesn't "react"...

me: "I don't think the AI even chooses its moves after you. I got to 200 wins with a tried-and-true Aron Endeavor Doubles team: you lead with a Trick Roomer and a level 1 Aron with Protect and Endeavor and then sweep with Endeavor + some other move after Trick Room goes up. If the AI makes its decisions after the player, the AI should NEVER have attacked into Aron's Protect. But it ALWAYS did, and it never "learned" even after 200 battles."

person: "I would suspect that there are ways to confuse or disrupt the AI (such as if it had no other move options). AI can't outspeed because of Trick Room and Endeavor lowers their health to 1 just use any priority move to finish them off. Also there were Emulator Tests where someone would save the game before making a move and reload. The AI would change it's move based on which move was made by the player."

me: "where were these tests, links please"
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lol anyone can say the AI changed its move due to what we know about the AI's behavior. Snorlax leads against Starmie4 which uses Psychic. Reload the game and switch to Houndoom and surpriiiiise you get hit with Surf. The AI shows move preference for killing blows, both from full health and a sliver of health, which is why they spam priority moves against Aron both in and out of TR.
I've decided to do some doubles and am at 348 wins right now.

Video: YXXW-WWWW-WW48-JTT2 (trick room is so annoying especially if it's Mara with all the 50/50s on who will set up TR)

I'm using a standard BS Doubles team, so not much needs to be said about it.


Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Low Kick
- Fake Out

Kang is Kang. Fake Out because this is doubles, nothing else needs to be said here. Bred and trained this myself.


Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Taunt
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Thundurus is for shutting down mons reliant on status moves with Taunt (Weezing4) and t-wave can help in a pinch. Otherwise go with the boltbeam coverage. Got this from Theorymon's giveaway.


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- U-turn
- Superpower

Landorus-T was added to complete the "Double Genie" core with quakeslide coverage and being able to get rid of stuff faster than Thundy. Got this from Theorymon's giveaway.


Sylveon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 164 HP / 76 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 12 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball
- Psyshock
- Moonblast

About 95% of the time I usually click Hyper Voice for being an absurdly powerful spread attack unless the only mons left resist it, then I use coverage. Bred and trained this myself.

Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Taunt
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Thundurus is for shutting down mons reliant on status moves with Taunt (Weezing4) and t-wave can help in a pinch. Otherwise go with the boltbeam coverage. Got this from Theorymon's giveaway.


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- U-turn
- Superpower

Landorus-T was added to complete the "Double Genie" core with quakeslide coverage and being able to get rid of stuff faster than Thundy. Got this from Theorymon's giveaway.

I like the ongoing narrative that Theorymon helps several people achieve good streaks, but never ends up setting any of his own.


Since my 557-win streak ended, I've been fooling around with a couple of different teams, with not-so-stellar results:
- Battle #510 of my streak, Jolteon/Weezing/Aerodactyl/Electrode/Rampardos/Tentacruel (Set 4)--Not only was this an even split of 2 Electric/2 Poison/2 Fossils, there was some synergy present: Levitator + EQ user, Flyer + EQ user, Electrics + Levitator & Flyer, Rain setter + Rain Dish, Toxic + Venoshock between 2 'mons. I figured that, despite the Ground weakness, the synergy and the balance of roles (some offense, some stall, one support, 2 physical + 3 special) would give the team a leg up.
- Battle #558 of my streak, the team that stopped me, Virizion1/Zapdos2/Landorus2/Registeel2/Cresselia1/Tornadus2--A good amount of bulk, a Taunt user, and the inherent advantages Legendaries have should have made this a slam-dunk, right? Unfortunately, there is an obvious vulnerability to Ice here, and there is an inordinate amount of setup for a Triples team.

Both of these, coincidentally, were stopped at Battle #29:
- vs. Marie-Noelle, Ambipom/Carbink/Torterra/Gastrodon/Lanturn/Pyroar (Set 3)--I didn't think Carbink3 would set Trick Room immediately, opting instead to hit Aerodactyl4. No dice, and the opponent happened to have a couple of slowmons (both Ground, of course) along with a kinda-slowmon (Lanturn3 sits at 87 Spd with 31 Spd IVs, so here it would be at 83 I think?) to take advantage. This was also the first time Pyroar3 did some damage, nabbing a couple of Moxie boosts in the course of the battle.

- vs. Bunnie, Beartic/Lanturn/Abomasnow/Froslass/Samurott/Cryogonal (Set 3)--the team's vulnerability to Ice and hail was on full display here, and though I actually had a chance to pull through this thanks to a couple of instances of hax in my favor, Snow Cloak reared its crystalline head a few times and ended that. Set 3 Water/Ice trainers continue to be a thorn on my side.

Not sure what direction I want to go next, will be breeding for a better Gale Wings Talonflame in the meantime.

EDIT: And as I say that, I stumble onto Rickyticq and this gimmicky TR-SS team from last Gen...oh, and I just re-read Team Slipin' Slide...hmmm...
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I just almost lost battle #76 in Multi to the freaking QUICK CLAW WALREIN!!!! Ugh okay so I was playing with Eppie's doubles team, Dusclops + Conkeldurr on one DS and Aron + Kangaskhan on the other. Aron and Dusclops took out both Pokémon on one side of the field, leaving only Arcanine on the other side. But Arcanine knows Extremespeed and uses it to kill Aron, wtf, why would the AI use a NOT VERY EFFECTIVE attack on Aron when its a FIRE TYPE... Anyway so its Kangaskhan and Dusclops against Arcanine, and they kill easily. Then the AI sends in WALREIN THE WORST POKE'MON EVER. I wasn't paying attention to the battle but I guess Trick Room ran out because Dusclops moved last on the turn. Anyway I wasn't paying attention but when I looked Kangaskhan was dead!! There's no way Walrein could be faster than Kangaskhan so it must have used QUICK CLAW FISSURE/SHEER COLD TO TAKE OUT KANGASKHAN. Then it's Dusclops all alone against Walrein. Dusclops uses Trick Room as Walrein misses with Fissure. FINALLY.. Then Dusclops uses Night Shade and takes it down to half (Dusclops got in a Night SHade the turn it killed Kangaskhan) but Walrien hits AGAIN with Sheet Cold. So Conkeldurr is left to finish it but luckily there is no Quick Claw hax as Conkeldurr finishes it with Drain Punch. I guess the AI decided to cut me some slack there :) God I hate the cheating AI!!!!! Two OHKO moves hit and a Quick Claw activation!!!! That's bullshit.

(ok real talk: since I wasn't paying attention because i suck at pokémon i assume that Kangaskhan's Double-Edge missed bc of Lax Incense but because i suck at pokémon i also didn't save the battle so i can't check)
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Except Subway pokes were mostly confirmed to be able to hold multiple items so I don't see why Walrein didn't have both QC and Lax

Also in all the bitching I've seen, this "the AI has to cheat a little but can't cheat 24/7 because they'd be unbeatable" is new to me. Like someone's attempt at explaining why people are still able to maintain absurd streaks amidst all the counterpicking and guaranteed status/crits.

i quit

edit: ok to have a real response here i will say this. I guess the idea is that like, if the AI cheated all the time, then there would literally be no point in trying to do the Maison/Subway/Tower/whatever, but they clearly can't cheat none of the time or else everyone would do better than they do. Ignoring that maybe, just maybe, 31 IVs, good natures, and ... "decent" movesets, combined with just enough hax moves and items (Quick Claw and Lax Incense are going to take effect eventually, rules of probability), really is enough to beat down the best of in-game teams in less than 50 battles... really it's not doing anyone any favors to believe that Maison etc streaks are basically up to the mercy of the AI.
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I'm submitting a less than impressive streak (by my standards) of 83 wins with Dragonite, Greninja and Mega Metagross. I was hoping to get this team far enough to give mega Metagross some more representation on the boards since he hardly has any, but alas that didn't happen.

And that didn't happen due to a simple move set issue - on Dragonite, that is. The loss video, while embarrassing (don't watch past five scenes lol) is definitely educational and I think therefore valuable.

I've used Dragonite before with some success and I've stuck with Extremespeed as my fourth move of choice. That move is constantly up for debate, of course. Well, this video is a hard sell for none other than fire punch!! I didn't have it and I lost because of it. Take a look.

I'm convinced I didn't misplay. I really needed a crit to win against this guy and I just didn't get it. In my mock battle, where I was better prepared, I came within a sliver of killing the Pokemon, but still lost. You'll see. The problem was that without my usual mega, Scizor, I couldn't set up on him. Metagross couldn't touch him, while Scizor cuts him to pieces.

Moral of the story:
Run fire punch on Dragonite if you don't have an answer for this guy on the rest of your team.


If the move sets should be listed tell me, I don't think it matters since it's not a great streak.

P.s. I welcome counter arguments/ polite criticism! Let me know

i quit

edit: ok to have a real response here i will say this. I guess the idea is that like, if the AI cheated all the time, then there would literally be no point in trying to do the Maison/Subway/Tower/whatever, but they clearly can't cheat none of the time or else everyone would do better than they do. Ignoring that maybe, just maybe, 31 IVs, good natures, and ... "decent" movesets, combined with just enough hax moves and items (Quick Claw and Lax Incense are going to take effect eventually, rules of probability), really is enough to beat down the best of in-game teams in less than 50 battles... really it's not doing anyone any favors to believe that Maison etc streaks are basically up to the mercy of the AI.
There was a really good article hosted on this site (which for all I know is still there) about the probability of the many occurrences that could accompany any given turn for both user/opponent, including all the things like crits, missing, secondary status/debuffs/flinching you name it.

Not only does it highlight that these battles are guaranteed to contain some form of hax, either beneficial or otherwise, it ties into what I usually say about these cheating complaints that nobody cares to remember the instances they screwed the AI.

Without needing to dredge up memories, you know the AI has missed a 90% accurate move and gotten killed the same or following turn. You've frozen them with Ice Beam. The things with 30% probability happen so often that Scald is frequently chosen over Surf. Even if the opponent posed no threat to you or was going to be OHKOd anyway, if you were to save all of your battles and rewatch them you'd find you've landed shitloads of crits.

Even when a whiner acknowledges a lucky happenstance here or there, they still choose to ignore that overall the RNG is not favoring the AI. They pay more attention to unfortunate coincidences than their own wins. The counterpicking BS stems more from lack of research, I think, because of the way the sets vary so drastically, especially prior to 40 wins. People also give themselves the foolish mindset that their favorites VS human opponents who are vulnerable to overthinking (and prone to a different set of habits) are just as good against the AI. They can be, if the team is that synergetic, but usually not in singles, where whiners typically take three pokes they like with unredundant coverage and go from there.

tl;dr: juss read first sentence cause i know ive already said the rest earlier in this topic which you prolly skimmed at some previous point
response to tl;dr of course I know all this and yes I've seen where you've written it before I just love talking about it anyway because im weak and like to affirm that im not crazy

but what's funny though: "They can be, if the team is that synergetic, but usually not in singles, where whiners typically take three pokes they like with unredundant coverage and go from there."

this is literally what I did in the Platinum Battle Tower for three years and it never once occurred to me that maybe the game cheated. like it just never crossed my mind. I don't know what that says about me (and if it's good or just makes me look crazy for continuing to fight not the AI but rather my own stupidity for THREE YEARS) but it says somethin all right

also, I didn't save the battle cause I like what I have uploaded, but I was doing Triples with this Mega Blastoise based team and got uncomfortably close to losing battle 94 because Blastoise got paralyzed turn 1 against a Legendary team and it was all downhill from there. But why did Blastoise get paralyzed turn 1? because I didn't realize Regice4 got Thunder Wave. Moral of the story ALWAYS CHECK MOVESETS I can't believe I almost had to learn that the hard way, you'd think I of all people would know this by now but apparently Not. good job self. you're totally deserving of this shit
The keyword is "whiners" though; someone with a distinct limit to what they know and when something occurs which they don't expect, it's foul play. I've little doubt that you at least had some semblance of what you were up against or what could happen.

The replay (which either you posted or I saw on GFaqs I forget which) of a Bouffalant surviving a Charizard-Y's Focus Blast and OHKOing with Head Charge for a 0-0 loss is a really good example of this. His team was assembled from stuff he obviosuly considered strong, but he failed to run calcs or play his cards well enough. What made that replay funny was that it was somewhere between battle 1-5 IIRC lol

Now that I think about it, in a lot of these cheat topics, many of these players run Garchomp, heh. The aforementioned guy did, as did another I recalled off the top of my head- the one who sacked his chomp against an Articuno. Most ice pokes not named Cryogonal are bulky as fuck, dip. Hell, Vanilluxe4 survives a max power Eruption with no sun and after spread damage penalty. Bulky as fuck.