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Battle Maison Discussion & Records



I played 50 battles a day for the last three days. It takes longer than you might expect when you consider that the precious seconds taken up by the games waiting to communicate with one another add up and the fact that battle animations can't be turned off. So it's a few hours to spend just doing 50 battles like this. And honestly, I want to be done with this sort of obsessive Maison play ASAP - Kirby Planet Robobot came out two days ago, and I have only a month until I have to move to a new city for grad school and so I really want to do shit with my friends while I'm still home, lol. But like, I'm nuts and so the Maison takes priority. So the past 3 days. 50 battles a day. using my New 3DS I got last February and a friend's 2DS she hasn't played a whole lot.

Well ok so every time I interrupt the streak I've noticed that the 2DS has been going slower and slower from the "Communicating with other trainer" screen to "The streak has successfully been interrupted" or whatever and this was clearly an actual thing that was happening because I most deliberately press the buttons at the same time so the difference is quite noticeable. Last time I stopped the streak I realized with a flash of horror "oh shit what if this difference is going to fuck up the streak somehow? like what if the difference is long enough that the communication is considered interrupted, or something like that?"


3 guesses what happened this time and the first two don't count

so yeah, my 3DS said "the challenge has been interrupted" but while the other one was still waiting to get to that screen suddenly that error message popped up on my 3DS... "communications with the other trainer have been interrupted" or whatever... you know the one I'm sure you've all experienced it when like trading or battling... and my heart stopped and my face immediately flashed with heat because oh my god I am not saving my streak after 150 fucking battles for this to happen trying to end the streak

so of course first thing I do, the 2DS apparently didn't have the error message so when that one let me out I talked to the lady and tried to enter Super Multi again... she said I had an active 150 streak though

but the communications error popped up on my 3DS which is the one where I'm actually trying to get 200 wins so I went to check that one out... still safe at 150 wins too. What the hell? What did the communications error even do then? or had the games already somehow successfully saved the 150 active streak... I don't know, but it almost gave me a heart attack and I am sure as hell going to be running the next 50 battles all in one sitting next time I play if I can help it... I don't really enjoy sitting with running DS's for so long but I would hate for this to happen to me in the last 50 push before 200 in Multi, god damn

edit: this sort of communications stalling didn't happen anywhere else in the streak?? not when starting, not between battles, and not on communications during the battle. only when saving my progress. I got nothing.

edit 2: aaaand 200 wins reached without much issue. (battle 200 was hilariously easy, enemy zoroark-as-emboar twice used counter as aron + dusclops took out the other half of the field and then missed with focus blast so aron didnt take a single hit that whole battle.) break time
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Man, it is so weird seeing myself in the middle of the Triples leaderboard like that.
You know what else I noticed? Having Leafeon & Espeon on The Bench for that streak means that both of those Eeveelutions are now repped on the leaderboard (I'm contemplating requesting that my 78-win streak be deleted from there the next time the leaderboard is updated, as the main reason for its existence has been made obsolete).
That leaves Umbreon & Eevee as the only ones missing from the leaderboard:
- A Trick Room specialist using Curse variants, or someone who can utilize it in Rotations as a poor man's Vaporeon, can most likely get Umbreon up there
- I am suggesting that we badger/peer pressure Eevee General into coming up with some idea(s) for a team featuring Eevee. It would only be poetic/appropriate, and it would be an excuse for him/her to pop in here and make his/her own small contribution to the thread (possibly submit a streak too, in the process)

Just a couple of thoughts.
- I am suggesting that we badger/peer pressure Eevee General into coming up with some idea(s) for a team featuring Eevee. It would only be poetic/appropriate, and it would be an excuse for him/her to pop in here and make his/her own small contribution to the thread (possibly submit a streak too, in the process)

Just a couple of thoughts.
Oh I'm sorry but I don't play Battle Maison and if I did you wouldn't find me on the leader board anyway.
Hey y'all! It's been a while since I posted here, or anywhere for that matter, but I've recently picked up my copy of Alpha Sapphire right now, did a little trial and error, and, well, right now I'm pretty darn fucking salty, but I guess it was my own fault for running a no-attacks Alomomola.

Alright, so here's the skinny:


Salamence (Sapphira) (F) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 224 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Dragon Dance

My main sweeper and primary MVP. She's a tough beauty, and doesn't go down easily thanks to her huge damage output with Aerilate, and survivability after accounting Intimate, the defense boosts after Mega Evolution and dual screens, and Roost and Substitute. Because she's so strong even without investment, I chose to invest EVs in HP and some in Defense to improve her Substitutes and general survivability.

Sapphira is always in the lead position to lower the other lead's Attack with Intimidate, and actually works out well as some otherwise weak Pokemon choose to run even odder and weaker physical attacks. I've considered using Earthquake over Roost or Substitute since I had Wish support, but with a little smart playing, I've always brute-forced through Rock- and Steel-types with boosted Returns, or Soaked them beforehand to eliminate their resistance to Flying-type attacks.


Alomomola (Mr. Clean) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Healer
EVs: 36 HP / 220 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature

One of the glues of my team, and the bulky mon I throw out whenever I'm unsure of what attacks the other guy might use. Essentially, Mr. Clean serves a variety of functions: tank attacks (and even better too with screens), provide Wish support whenever my other mons need them, and wear down foes with either Soak support or Toxic stall. I run Sitrus Berry because another guy on the team already runs Leftovers, and I couldn't really think of anything better.

Soak might need some explanation since Toxic stall and Wish are already pretty self-explanatory. Soak is pretty useless in Singles, but in Rotations, it can actually be used nicely to soften up foes by taking away their STAB moves and removing their resistance to Flying-, Fairy-, and Grass-type attacks. Mr. Clean is so bulky that he can afford to throw Soak out a few times until 2 or 3 Pokemon are transformed. I've had many instances where I just dicked around and Toxic stalled some Steels or Electrics-turned-Water for a few turns, then let Salamence go in for the kill. My only problem is that it lacks an attack move, which didn't really bother me until my last battle. I would also kill for some passive recovery on this guy sometimes.


Klefki (Kleiklei) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
-Light Screen
-Foul Play
-Thunder Wave

Self-explanatory. Dual Screen support makes my already bulky mons more monstrously bulky than they already are, and gives them more breathing room to set up. Klefki's typing also helps in situations where the other guy has multiple Dragon and Ice-types that haven't already been Soaked yet. A main part of the team that isn't on top of my replace list.

Foul Play and Thunder Wave are filler. I figured Foul Play would be nice in last-Pokemon scenarios, and damages some physical attackers nicely and compensates for Alomomola's total lack of offense. I actually haven't used it much, however; I only use it when I dick around and know victory is in my grasp, so I let him get the last hit(s). In conclusion, a replaceable move compared to Thunder Wave, which, while sometimes conflicting with Toxic, slows down foes in emergency situations (which isn't exactly a problem considering how goddamn bulky everyone on my team is).


Clefable (Cure Comet) @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
-Calm Mind

My other MVP, and un utterly ridiculous addition to my team considering how many Pokemon are unable to stop it while facing screens and multiple SpD boosts. Basically, if I'm faced with multiple problematic Pokemon that Sally can't handle, chances are they won't hit Cure Comet very hard, making her an easy switchin for the majority of Rock- and Ice-types. Also, with Aromatherapy, she provides status support whenever dear ol' Sally gets hit with an off-chance burn or paralysis from random Thunderbolts, Lava Plumes, or Flame Body and the like.

However, the main reason why I really, REALLY like Clefable on this team is because she simply does NOT give any fucks about Double Team or other setup shenanigans. (Yeah, set up all the Charge Beams and Double Teams you want, Zapdos2, I'm still blasting that bird ass to the moon after a few CMs). Unaware also plays in so I'm not totally at odds with other Dragon Dancers (in case I mistime Salamence's own Dragon Dances) or Curse Pokemon. After replacing Serperior for her for about 80 battles, I truly think she's irreplacable, but that's my outlook of it anyways.



Serperior (Severus) @ Life Orb
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Leaf Storm
-Dragon Pulse
-Hidden Power Fire

Serperior was a pretty decent and fitting part of my team, taking advantage of Pokemon that Mr. Clean has already Soaked and Leaf Storm'ing their butts for a total snowball sweep. For the most part, though, I felt he was also an unsafe choice since he was basically on a timer with Life Orb, which is terrible if Salamence died beforehand for some reason and Serp can't manage to KO something, which eventually boils down to having little reliable offenses sans Klefki's Foul Play. Leaf Storm is also still fairly weak on bulkier foes if it hasn't already been boosted, and Serperior only compounds my weaknesses and fear of Aerodactyl and Weavile, and just Ice-type attacks in general. A necessary replacement.


Carracosta (Corrino) @ White Herb
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
-Shell Smash
-Stone Edge
-Ice Beam

After losing on an earlier run to Stockpile + Charge Beam Lanturn (which Serperior and/or Clefable could have totally manhandled) and realizing Carracosta burdened my team with compounding Electric- (which hits my party for at least neutral damage, Specs Raikou be damned), Grass-, and Ground-type weaknesses, he had to go. Sorry, you'll get your chance another day, dude.
Address: 4NTG-WWWW-WW49-YY4Z

Two words: Taunt. Virizion.

And unusually godlike prediction from my opponent. Like literally why would you throw Taunts out at random while there's a boosted Salamence ready to eat you. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have tried to recover in front of a Heatran that I know had Flash Cannon. I could practically feel myself melting as Virizion blocked my attempts to Soak THREE times in a row while Regirock was waiting in the wings with boosted Rock Slides.

My biggest question though, was literally how the hell a Latios could have survived a +2 Return from Mega Salamence. I probably could have stalled out Regirock's Rock Slides had Return done its thing, but who knows.

All in all, a fun experience, and I feel the want to make another team. Without the total Ice/Electric weakness or Taunt vulnerability, of course. Suggestions for change are welcome as I feel I can fall back on this team and totally succeed with a few tweaks.
If, as you say, Soak is sometimes used just to dick around, are you sure it's necessary to keep around? It's giving your team a distinct (though not unique) niche within the Rotations leaderboard, but if you're gung-ho enough to really want an attacking move, give Mr. Clean Aqua Jet (you currently run no priority offense), Knock Off (obvious function, plus it allows you some wiggle room to remove Foul Play from Kleiklei and give it some STAB instead), or Scald (gives you an additional status conditions to play with when dealing with Steels and Grounds, most of whom are physical anyways and don't care about T-Wave or its speed drops). Alternatively, if passive recovery is needed, you do have Aqua Ring available.

Address: 4NTG-WWWW-WW49-YY4Z

Two words: Taunt. Virizion.

And unusually godlike prediction from my opponent. Like literally why would you throw Taunts out at random while there's a boosted Salamence ready to eat you. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have tried to recover in front of a Heatran that I know had Flash Cannon. I could practically feel myself melting as Virizion blocked my attempts to Soak THREE times in a row while Regirock was waiting in the wings with boosted Rock Slides.

My biggest question though, was literally how the hell a Latios could have survived a +2 Return from Mega Salamence. I probably could have stalled out Regirock's Rock Slides had Return done its thing, but who knows.

That aside, I find it amusing and coincidental that Virizion1 has killed two streaks in the span of about a week...bastard may be a bigger threat than has been noted previously.

Separate note, do you still have your proof video of your 244-win Triples streak? I suspect your proof photo wasn't enough, as that streak was never placed on the leaderboard. It would also have been interesting to watch that team in action (you would be the only guy on the Triples leaderboard to have an Empoleon on the team, maybe?).

Full disclosure: I ask this partly because I simply want as much Triples content as possible on this thread, and partly because I was reminded of it due to both the above post, as well as the first reply to that particular streak being posted:


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I used Soak on one or two pokes during Gen V and, while it IS mostly a dick-around move, since a synergetic team with solid coverage wouldn't need it...

...when you're rocking a Specs Magnezone, that Thunderbolt becomes a nuke and it's amusingly satisfying to use against things like Garchomp. Elec immunity? Nah. Useful STAB? Naaaaaahhhhh.

Edit: it's worth mentioning that I primarily used it against human opponents who were pretty much guaranteed not to be prepared for it. It also is more useful for giving the target no STAB.
Separate note, do you still have your proof video of your 244-win Triples streak? I suspect your proof photo wasn't enough, as that streak was never placed on the leaderboard. It would also have been interesting to watch that team in action (you would be the only guy on the Triples leaderboard to have an Empoleon on the team, maybe?).

Full disclosure: I ask this partly because I simply want as much Triples content as possible on this thread, and partly because I was reminded of it due to both the above post, as well as the first reply to that particular streak being posted:


Oh, I never made it on the Triples board, huh? Darn, that sucks, but I guess I just sort of forgot about it after a while haha. Aaaaanyways, let's fix that, fam: TNVW-WWWW-WWW4-G26Z

Looking back, I think I was so tired that day that I didn't think to switch out Heracross before Magmortor totally burned it to ashes. I guess I should have targetted Magmortor first with Kangaskhan too, but that would have opened another can of worms with Bouffalant, maybe. God, though, that Sturdy + Sitrus Berry thing was totally avoidable but bullshit nonetheless.

As far as the Rotation streak is concerned, wow, really? I guess I should be more prepared for that Virizion if I'm running slower setup teams, though it wouldn't have been so much of a problem if it wasn't accompanied by two other Flying resists. And yeah, I'll consider those options. When I say "dick around", I mean to say Soak is such a spammable, low-risk and high-reward move since Alo is so bulky behind screens and hits are further weakened after taking the foe's STAB away. I suppose if it's realistically inefficient, however, I'll consider testing Scald (Aqua Jet isn't terribly useful on a team that otherwise has its speed bases covered).

I have this temptation for slapping a Mental Herb onto Mr. Clean just so Taunt isn't that much of a problem for it, though that in itself is situationally useful. I don't know what I'd also do with Dazzling Gleam or Flash Cannon on Kleiklei anyways as well, but Foul Play isn't really doing anything for my so far either.
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Just reached 200 wins on Triples (only Rotations remains) with Greninja/MBlastoise/Talonflame/Typhlosion/Hydreigon/Aegislash, this team. funnily enough battle 200 was anything but difficult. The front line was Wailord/Yanmega/Lucario, which doesn't threaten the opening Mat Block/Water Spout/Tailwind play in the slightest and two of those three are OHKO'd by Water Spout - a bit of a rarity without a Water weakness, by my experience. Then, two of the backups were Magmortar and Chandelure. Completely unthreatening and not even Magmortar using Protect could save them from a Mega Launcher Modest MBlastoise with full health Water Spout.

I lost at like 107 or something due to misplaying against a lead Jolteon (which are faster than Mat Block and can therefore be a pain, but after this battle I learned that they will not target Blastoise so I could have easily used Water Spout without an issue) but the drive back to 200 was not bad. I had a horrendously close call at exactly 150 that came from me ignoring Suicune1 (Calm Mind/Surf/Ice Beam/Rest) too long in the interest of getting its teammates that resisted Water off the field, and the end of the match came down to Suicune on the right (my right), Greninja in the middle (got it there through Shift - the only time I ever used that), and Typhlosion on the left locked into Eruption, and basically it was me hoping I could kill Suicune with Grass Knot before it could kill me with +2 (I think) Surf/Ice Beam. I got it down to red HP, after which point Typhlosion (who had run out of PP for Eruption but was locked due to Choice Specs) could probably have killed it with Struggle if Suicune had decided to attack and kill Greninja (it couldn't reach Typhlosion), which would have led to be an auto-center Typhlosion vs Suicune, but that didn't turn out to be an issue because Suicune used Rest instead and Grass Knot was a 3HKO on Suicune after that.

Battle 196 was funny. I was super tense because it was Hex Maniac Mara I was against, and anytime I see the trainer has a possibility for Trick Room Pokémon I instantly panic. After some too-close matches, I've learned my lesson about trying to pull off the opening Mat Block/Water Spout (or whatever)/Tailwind play instead of just multi-targeting the Trick Roomer (especially because Tailwind actually doesn't usually make a difference against Psychic/Ghost heavy teams, and those that outspeed Blastoise are usually pretty frail and can be taken out by Dark Pulse or Brave Bird before they get a chance to go after Blastoise, so it's surprisingly easy to just not set up Tailwind against such teams). My strategy instead is to murder the shit out of the Trick Roomer first thing in the most efficient way I can. Well, Mara sends out not one but three Trick Roomers - Slowking (1 or 4, idk which), Dusknoir (2 or 4, idk which), and Gourgeist 2. This sucks because the combined bulk of Slowking and Dusknoir and the fact that Gourgeist resists Water means that there is no way I'll be able to OHKO them all first turn with any combination of moves. So, instead I decide to gun for Slowking (which inevitably uses Trick Room from my experience, especially because it's opposite Talonflame and therefore can't hit it with Surf, and I once saw Dusknoir Shadow Sneak Talonflame first thing so that's not a given, and I've never faced Gourgeist2 before): Dark Pulse Slowking, Water Spout, Brave Bird Slowking. (I realized afterward this wasn't the best option I could have made: Brave Bird + Water Spout has a fair chance of OHKO'ing Slowking on its own, so I could have used Greninja's Dark Pulse elsewhere.) So Slowking's down, but what are Dusknoir and Gourgeist going to do? ... they both used Trick Room. And died the following turn. The rest of the battle was very easy after that, I can't remember the backups but Dusknoir and Gourgeist died without putting a scratch on Blastoise so the battle was basically won then anyway.

Starting from ~50 with Rotations tomorrow. I doubt this will go very well, to be honest, but :/
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Just narrowly escpaed a streak loss at battle 363 on Super Doubles, here is the video:


So many things went wrong in this battle and yet I still won due to a key crit.
I have this temptation for slapping a Mental Herb onto Mr. Clean just so Taunt isn't that much of a problem for it, though that in itself is situationally useful

Indeed, I wouldn't even think about it...it was discussed at one point earlier in the thread, and I could probably count myself, but can you even count the number of post-Dana Taunt users on all your fingers? Stick with the Sitrus (I would have advised that anyways, as I am a Sitrus sucker, even on 'mons that don't really benefit from it).

Starting from ~50 with Rotations tomorrow. I doubt this will go very well, to be honest, but :/

Nonsense, you got this on lock man. The Starf Trophy beckons!

Separate note: Your ongoing debates with the "the Maison cheats" crowd made me think back to:
Pokemon at higher levels of Battle Maison are hacked. There have been reports of pokemon with abnormally high stats, moves getting massive accuracy boosts/penalties, impossible abilities (WonderTomb, I've heard), and pokemon with 5 moves. I've experienced the last one; I came across a Stall ChestoRest Weezing with Haze, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Stockpile, and Rest.

The game starts cheating.

I lurked on here the day after that was originally posted. Remember when Scythes mentioned "we were all there once"? Yeah.

On my end, have been testing out various full hail/MonoIce teams. The most successful one has only gotten me to 42 wins. At one point, I had a small trio of failed teams that fell at one, two, and three battles respectively--a spectacular failure. The best-performing team had trouble, as would be expected, from dealing with Rock Slide and Steel types in general, and Black Belts had my number throughout (as would also be expected, given their type coverage); the Kata formation that stopped the 42-win team had a nightmare squad of Infernape/Bastiodon/Darmanitan/Machamp/Barbaracle/Toxicroak (Set 4) (when I Mock Battled it afterward, my Condores/Quetzales actually had minor trouble against it, while O.S.W.M. dispatched it easily). Guess I'll have to take another route...I've seriously begun to juggle the idea of assuming the Subway Janitors' guise and trying out teams based on that template (especially after reading this).
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^It's funny that what I said had such an impression :)

Having been given a bold friend guard Cleffa with perfect ivs in a trade, I decided, after making it a Clefairy and leveling it to 50, to test it out in doubles.

It was going very well for a while. The strategy was simple. Safeguard first while mega Salamence protects. Then, follow me spam while he dragon Dances and then returns.

I lost before hitting 30 due to a very simple reason: blizzard. Follow me is not wide guard.

I'm going to have to try a different partner, someone who with good bulk who can boost and isn't vulnerable to spread damage.

^It's funny that what I said had such an impression :)

Having been given a bold friend guard Cleffa with perfect ivs in a trade, I decided, after making it a Clefairy and leveling it to 50, to test it out in doubles.

It was going very well for a while. The strategy was simple. Safeguard first while mega Salamence protects. Then, follow me spam while he dragon Dances and then returns.

I lost before hitting 30 due to a very simple reason: blizzard. Follow me is not wide guard.

I'm going to have to try a different partner, someone who with good bulk who can boost and isn't vulnerable to spread damage.

If you take a look at some the top Doubles teams in the OP, you may notice that they're pretty straightforward, putting mostly offensive Pokemon over supportive ones first. Most good Doubles teams don't employ pure support Pokemon like Clefairy; if they do (i.e. Klefki or Cresselia), they have a complete, solidified strategy revolving around their presence and demise.

So, it might not be wise to try out Cleffy in such a format. You could attempt to use it in Triples, where you have a lot more wiggle room and turns to screw around, but overall it's less effective because Maison Doubles isn't as centralized as standard Doubles formats, and you only have four Pokemon to use, and every one of them counts.

Also, it's generally risky to put Salamence, Garchomp, or any "slower" Pokemon with a huge weakness, as your lead unless you're fairly certain its partner can handle such threats. Clefairy offers little offensive resistance as far as I know, so if you're against a slower but bulky Blizzard user which can stomach your sweeper's unboosted hit, you're at critical risk.
If you take a look at some the top Doubles teams in the OP, you may notice that they're pretty straightforward, putting mostly offensive Pokemon over supportive ones first. Most good Doubles teams don't employ pure support Pokemon like Clefairy; if they do (i.e. Klefki or Cresselia), they have a complete, solidified strategy revolving around their presence and demise.

So, it might not be wise to try out Cleffy in such a format. You could attempt to use it in Triples, where you have a lot more wiggle room and turns to screw around, but overall it's less effective because Maison Doubles isn't as centralized as standard Doubles formats, and you only have four Pokemon to use, and every one of them counts.

Also, it's generally risky to put Salamence, Garchomp, or any "slower" Pokemon with a huge weakness, as your lead unless you're fairly certain its partner can handle such threats. Clefairy offers little offensive resistance as far as I know, so if you're against a slower but bulky Blizzard user which can stomach your sweeper's unboosted hit, you're at critical risk.

Yeah the loss was against a Carracosta with Blizzard, which completely caught me off guard.

I'm just screwing around really, I've never built a truly successful doubles team.

It's weird because I've had success in singles, but doubles is a completely different ballgame. I haven't even passed 70 in doubles.

I might try trick room, though I did in black 2 and didnt have much success. I'm thinking telepathy musharna and thick club marowak if I go that route.
Just narrowly escpaed a streak loss at battle 363 on Super Doubles, here is the video:


So many things went wrong in this battle and yet I still won due to a key crit.

It's funny, battles like that remind me that, though I generally ignore Registeel when facing Veterans, Regirock can normally be "put aside" in much the same fashion (most of the time, anyway--Set 2's Custap activation is something to be wary of). You legitimately could have gone about picking off the rest of the opposition there and been perfectly fine, especially given you were facing Regirock1.

Regice, the lowest tiered of the Regis competitively, might be the most dangerous of the three in the Maison...it's certainly the only one who gives me pause when encountered.
Ok so idk if this is the right place to post this but I need help deciding on the last team member for my Super Singles Team. My two members are:

Greninja @ Life Orb
252 SpA/252 Speed/4 Def
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Chansey @ Eviolite
252 Def/252 SpeD/4 HP
Seismic Toss
Double Team

I tried Mega Khangaskan, but the shared Fighting weakness was too much, and I tried Aegislash but my team didn't seem to be able to support it.
Ok so idk if this is the right place to post this but I need help deciding on the last team member for my Super Singles Team. My two members are:

Greninja @ Life Orb
252 SpA/252 Speed/4 Def
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Chansey @ Eviolite
252 Def/252 SpeD/4 HP
Seismic Toss
Double Team

I tried Mega Khangaskan, but the shared Fighting weakness was too much, and I tried Aegislash but my team didn't seem to be able to support it.

Yeah your team has a major weakness to fighting, which could be a problem against some strong choice scarfers (since they outspeed and Ohko greninja). Darmanitan4 with Superpower comes to mind. I haven't run the calcs, but I'm fairly certain I'm right on this one. There are a few other threats too.

I'm thinking Lum Berry Dragonite might help. It's reliable, resists fighting, and its ability Multiscale serves as an insurance of sorts.
I prefer it as lead, but some people here have had success with it as a backup.

Also, why double team on Chansey? Use minimize.
Yeah your team has a major weakness to fighting, which could be a problem against some strong choice scarfers (since they outspeed and Ohko greninja). Darmanitan4 with Superpower comes to mind. I haven't run the calcs, but I'm fairly certain I'm right on this one. There are a few other threats too.

I'm thinking Lum Berry Dragonite might help. It's reliable, resists fighting, and its ability Multiscale serves as an insurance of sorts.
I prefer it as lead, but some people here have had success with it as a backup.

Also, why double team on Chansey? Use minimize.

Ohhh, Minimize slipped my mind, thanks! Dragonite sounds like a great idea too!
Ohhh, Minimize slipped my mind, thanks! Dragonite sounds like a great idea too!

You're welcome

Yeah and I just noticed your chansey's evs, I'm hoping you typed them in incorrectly? :)

You need full hp and defense, not special defense, its special bulk is sufficient already.
You're welcome

Yeah and I just noticed your chansey's evs, I'm hoping you typed them in incorrectly? :)

You need full hp and defense, not special defense, its special bulk is sufficient already.

I was actually doing the typed IVs, but after playing around with them today I've decided to not use Chansey as I'm changing up my team.
Hi, I just came across a trainer not stored in the spreadsheet: School Boy Potter
They used type 1 aerodactyl, tyranitar, aggron, walrein, was the 7th trainer
I believe that puts him in the same group as row 17: Fritz et al.
Also found a second player: Garcon Narry
Using type 1 Lickilicky, Rapidash, Espeon, Gallade
I think he is also goes in row 17


I have got all the trophies (long time ago) and +100 in doubles (trying again) and triples (138).
Going for the 200 just for that berry, but too scared of the lax incense liat@s which ended both my streaks.

I have battle videos of those losses so might upload soon.
Also considering getting a second DS and doing the Multi "with Friend" to top that chart, but a bit worried after reading about the 2DS 3DS connection issues mentioned by Altissimo.

Retrying the streaks as before I was just using pokes from Sapphire alone. :/
But now I have opened it up to all pokemon :)
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Hi, I just came across a trainer not stored in the spreadsheet: School Boy Potter
(update: they used type 1 aerodactyl, tyranitar, aggron, walrein, was the 7th trainer
I believe that puts him in the same group as row 17: Fritz, Kaya, Kasper, Aline, Cody, Ava, Erroll, Edirne, Caleb, Char, Antony, Dierdre, Jamie, Joshua, Beth)

Oh he's there, that spreadsheet just uses the old XY names and was never updated to reflect ORAS changes (he's Fritz).
Nonsense, you got this on lock man. The Starf Trophy beckons!


[6/18/16 9:44:17 PM] Altissimo: 15 battles left, 60 pokemon
[6/18/16 9:53:30 PM] Altissimo: 14
[6/18/16 10:01:22 PM] Altissimo: 13
[6/18/16 10:02:34 PM] Altissimo: lol wtf why does one blastoise set carry Mist
[6/18/16 10:05:08 PM] Altissimo: the most "threatening" (by the game's idea) Sylveon set carries Baby-Doll Eyes and Misty Terrain like
[6/18/16 10:06:52 PM] Altissimo: 12
[6/18/16 10:15:38 PM] Altissimo: 11
[6/18/16 10:16:04 PM] Altissimo: ah shit a legendary trainer
[6/18/16 10:16:48 PM] Altissimo: yaaaas special virizion this makes my life easier
[6/18/16 10:25:13 PM] Altissimo: 10
[6/18/16 10:25:42 PM] Altissimo: another legendary trainer lmao
[6/18/16 10:31:40 PM] Altissimo: aight that battle kinda sucked but i lived. 9
[6/18/16 10:39:02 PM] Altissimo: 8
[6/18/16 10:44:38 PM] Altissimo: 7


[6/18/16 11:24:40 PM] Altissimo: shit battle 199 is not a good match up from the get go
[6/18/16 11:28:34 PM] Altissimo: I won though aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[6/18/16 11:28:37 PM] Altissimo: 1 battle left
[6/18/16 11:30:30 PM] Altissimo: this is a relatively easy matchup
[6/18/16 11:31:04 PM] Altissimo: its against the trainer who tries to run Trick Room mons and mons that take advantage of Trick Room but klefki doesnt give any shits about trick room
[6/18/16 11:31:40 PM] Altissimo: and not many of the mons she uses threaten klefki offensively
[6/18/16 11:32:37 PM] Altissimo: lol exeggutor used explosion
[6/18/16 11:33:16 PM] Altissimo: lol tyranitar
[6/18/16 11:33:20 PM] Altissimo: u gon die to dazzling gleam foo
[6/18/16 11:34:18 PM] Altissimo: aight i have +6 Klefki behind a sub versus last mon tyranitar
[6/18/16 11:34:27 PM] Altissimo: oh noo it broke my sub!!!1
[6/18/16 11:34:34 PM] Altissimo: and died to dazzling gleam
[6/18/16 11:34:35 PM] Altissimo: That's game
[6/18/16 11:34:37 PM] Altissimo: I did it.

I shoulda believed you, Smuckem.

For the record, this was my first run with Rotations. Ever. In my post where I talked about getting to 50 (lol that seems like such an easy feat in hindsight, idk why i made a big deal out of it ._.) I mentioned that I got to 50 in Rotations on my first try, the only one of the five modes where I did that. This Rotations streak is the same one as the one that I got to 50 with. I don't know what that says about turskain 's Rotations team because it sure as fuck doesn't say anything about me, any battle that threatened Klefki I panicked and usually only won by luck so I'm not a good enough player to minimize threats to the Rotations team lmaooooo it's just because setup Klefki is so good (and the backups are a force to be reckoned with in their own right) that many battles do not threaten me. Like that #200 log I posted. (for the record #199 began with a Mismagius and seeing Mismagius is basically an instant PANIC!!!! button for me so that's what that was about)

I initially wasn't planning on saving any replays because I don't want everyone seeing how much I suck at Rotations (the other modes my skill is at least passable but Rotations lol no) but then battle 194 happened

that's what the snipped part of the log was about

[6/18/16 10:47:14 PM] Altissimo: ahhh lapras
[6/18/16 10:47:33 PM] Altissimo: i hate it
[6/18/16 10:51:16 PM] Altissimo: shit i think im about to die
[6/18/16 10:52:58 PM] Altissimo: um
[6/18/16 10:53:06 PM] Altissimo: no
[6/18/16 10:53:08 PM] Altissimo: holy shit
[6/18/16 10:53:15 PM] Altissimo: I WON?!
[6/18/16 10:53:17 PM] Altissimo: jesu
[6/18/16 10:53:17 PM] Altissimo: s

prepare to cringe a lot: 3DZW-WWWW-WW4A-5A8Q

here i'll warstory it in case you don't want to watch

Opening: Pokémon Ranger Hunter set out Vileplume, Lapras, and Golurk!

Oh shit. Already this is not good. Lapras is a pain, one of the few threats identified by turskain in the Rotations team's masterpost, because of one move: Perish Song. That, combined with Lapras' general bulk meaning good luck OHKO'ing it with much, means you're gonna have a fun time. Golurk and Vileplume aren't super-threatening - well, Vileplume has Teeter Dance, but w/e - so maybe I can play well around it.

I decide that, since time is of the essence in this battle and it's not a great idea to set up Klefki (lol I say that
now but), I'll go ahead and lead with my own Perish Song. At the very least, this will buy me a turn to get some sort of advantage - usually, the switching turn gets a Dragon Dance from Dragonite, and since Vileplume and Golurk don't take +1 Outrage very well (Golurk has a chance to survive but what is it going to do to me, Shadow Punch on Multiscale?), this seems like a solid plan for the time being.

Turn 1: Gengar used Perish Song, Lapras used Perish Song. Both Pokémon have a 3 Perish count.

I'm not sure how to feel about the fact that I hit Lapras with it. On one hand, now Lapras will be the one leaving the field, but on the other, that means it can come back in later and possibly be more damaging if any of my team members have fainted by then.

To be honest, I am not sure what to do at this point. I don't want to risk sending Dragonite or Gengar into anything offensive, because - and maybe this is because "I suck at pokémon" - I like to keep them alive and well whenever possible. It's especially bad given the threat of Perish Song, which could easily fuck up my team if even one member died. So my decision is to stall with Klefki.

Turn 2: Rotate to Klefki, Klefki used Substitute, Vileplume used Teeter Dance, it has no effect. Leftovers recovery.

Turn 3: Klefki used Protect, rotate to Golurk, Golurk used Shadow Punch, Klefki is protected. Leftovers recovery.

Turn 4: Klefki used Calm Mind, rotate to Vileplume, Vileplume used Teeter Dance, it has no effect.
Leftovers recovery.

Maybe I can even get up some Calm Minds and dish out some attacks before Perish Song comes back into play. It's worked before.

Turn 5: Klefki used Calm Mind, rotate to Lapras, Lapras used Perish Song. Leftovers recovery, back at full health. Klefki has a 3 Perish count, Lapras has a 2 Perish count.

Ah, fuck, I'm going to have to switch with Klefki and not get to do anything else. However, I don't want to rotate or switch anyone into anything, so I decide I will attack with Dazzling Gleam with Klefki to get some damage in - in the hopes that Lapras stays in one more turn and therefore has to switch, giving me the chance to rotate Dragonite in and use Dragon Dance.

Turn 6: rotate to Vileplume, Vileplume used Teeter Dance, it has no effect, Klefki used Dazzling Gleam, Vileplume at ~70%. Klefki has a 2 Perish count.

Turn 7: Vileplume used Teeter Dance, it has no effect, Klefki used Dazzling Gleam, Vileplume at ~40%. Klefki has a 1 Perish count.

No luck with Lapras. Time to switch.

Turn 8: switch Klefki for Kangaskhan. Vileplume used Sludge Bomb and poisons Kangaskhan. After poison damage, Kangaskhan is at 29%.

Are you serious? This just made things 1000% worse. Why did you have to poison with Sludge Bomb? Now I can't just hit things with Sucker Punch or Earthquake until they die.

Turn 9: Kangaskhan Mega Evolves. Lapras rotates in, Kangaskhan used Fake Out, Lapras flinches. Lapras has a 1 Perish Count.

to be honest I'm not incredibly sure why I actually mega evolved Kangaskhan considering Golurk was on the field ?_? I think I even knew I had to keep Kangaskhan not Mega Evolved in order to hit Golurk but then I reflexively just hit the Mega Evolve button. Bad play on my part, although fortunately the "psychic" AI didn't punish me for it, lol. I'm just now realizing how much worse that could have been, good god. Anyway, now Lapras is at 1 Perish count, which means an automatic switch. I will rotate Dragonite in and use Dragon Dance.

Turn 10: Hunter switches Lapras for Mamoswine, Dragonite rotates in, uses Dragon Dance.

Mamoswine is not what I wanted to see. Anything that isn't a guaranteed OHKO with +1 Outrage - though Mamoswine has a chance to be OHKO'd - worries me. Ah well, what can it do to Dragonite? Dragonite has Multiscale. And plus, Mamoswine might not even stay in, or be stupid enough to use something else.

Turn 11: Dragonite uses Outrage, Mamoswine survives with ~11%, Mamoswine uses Ice Fang, a critical hit! Dragonite dies. After Life Orb recoil, Mamoswine is nearly dead. I send in Klefki.

... I got nothing. That's... that was a waste. I'm panicking by now. This is going south, fast.

Mamoswine will die to Life Orb recoil. I decide to Sub with Klefki to try and bait it into Earthquake or something which will not kill Klefki but will kill it.

Turn 12: Klefki uses Substitute, Mamoswine uses Earthquake, Klefki's Sub breaks, Mamoswine dies to Life Orb recoil. Leftovers recovery. Hunter sends in Lapras.

It pays off. That's one down. But now Lapras is coming back in, and this is the exact situation I was worried about - a 3-on-3. I decide to use Protect with Klefki to stall for health and time. If I'm lucky, Lapras just won't come in or will not use Perish Song and I can do something with Klefki.

Turn 13: Klefki used Protect, rotate in Vileplume, Vileplume is charging Solar Beam, Leftovers recovery

Uh... well... that kinda sucks, wish I had Subbed, because a double Protect will most likely fail and Vileplume's Solar Beam is actually powerful enough to break unboosted Klefki's Sub. I can't switch Kangaskhan in, and I want to keep Gengar at full health with Sash intact, so I decide to use Sub, because Solar Beam will do "less" that way.

Turn 14: Klefki used Substitute, Vileplume used Solar Beam, Klefki's Sub broke, Leftovers recovery

What do now? I decide to use Protect again to stall for time/health.

Turn 15: Klefki used Protect, rotate in Golurk, Golurk used Shadow Punch, Klefki is protected, Leftovers recovery

Turn 16: Klefki used Substitute, rotate in Vileplume, Vileplume used Giga Drain - cannot break Klefki's Sub - Leftovers recovery

Turn 17: Klefki used Protect, Lapras used Perish Song, Leftovers recovery, Lapras and Klefki are at 3 Perish count

I guess it was bound to happen eventually. Now I have a choice to make, though. Klefki has 3 turns of life. I decide to rotate it out and use Perish Song, in the hopes of tagging something other than Lapras. This was probably a mistake. I may have been better off attacking with Gengar and using Perish Song only if Gengar got injured. I was panicking by this point, though.

Turn 18: Gengar used Perish Song, Lapras used Rest, healed back to full (Fake Out damage from earlier). Gengar and Lapras both have a 2 Perish count. (remember Gengar was hit with Perish Song on turn 1 and hasn't switched out since, hence Gengar having 2)

No such luck. Since Gengar's turns are numbered, I do it again. (again: I really should have attacked. Shadow Ball has a chance to OHKO Golurk and will definitely kill 40% Vileplume. I told you this battle was full of bad decisions.)

Turn 19: Gengar used Perish Song, rotate in Vileplume, Vileplume used Teeter Dance, Gengar is confused, Gengar has a 1 Perish count.

At least I got something other than Lapras. I guess. (All three of my Pokémon were on a timer. I really have no good explanation for why I didn't just attack!!!)

Turn 20: Gengar used Perish Song, Vileplume is charging Solar Beam, Gengar fainted to Perish Song

me said:
I told you this battle was full of bad decisions.

Well, now I have a poisoned Kangaskhan and a 3-turn Klefki left to take out the opposition. Fantastic. Well, Klefki can't do jack shit on its own, so it's in my best interest to use Kangaskhan until she dies and then see what I can do with Klefki. But I am very much resigned to a loss at this point.

Turn 21: Kangaskhan used Sucker Punch, Vileplume is dead. Kangaskhan takes poison damage.

I can attack with Kangaskhan one more time. That's all I have.

Turn 22: rotate in Golurk, Kangaskhan used Sucker Punch, Golurk has ~10% left, Golurk kills Kangaskhan with Earthquake.

Klefki, it's all up to you. You have three turns to finish the opponent. Fortunately, although Sucker Punch did not kill, a single unboosted Dazzling Gleam will. Depending on the opponent's switches... this may not be impossible. Klefki has 3 turns to kill. Lapras has 2 turns of Perish Song left and Golurk has 1 turn to die. Golurk is slower than Klefki and cannot kill it. Klefki already has a Sub anyway. If Golurk dies first, Lapras can be stalled with Substitute and Protect. This... this may work.

Turn 23: Lapras rotates in, Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam for lol damage, Lapras uses Body Slam, breaks Klefki's Sub. Lapras is at 1 Perish count, Klefki is at 2.

Turn 24: Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam for lol damage, Lapras uses Block for lol effect. Lapras dies to Perish Song. Klefki has 1 Perish turn left.

Turn 25: Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam. Golurk dies. Klefki is saved from its fate by the end of the battle. This totally would have been a loss in Gen 4!!!!!!

[6/18/16 10:53:34 PM] Altissimo: I killed the last pokemon
[6/18/16 10:53:39 PM] Altissimo: right before MY last pokemon
[6/18/16 10:53:41 PM] Altissimo: died of perish song
[6/18/16 10:53:43 PM] Altissimo: it was the same turn
[6/18/16 10:53:51 PM] Altissimo: fuck
[6/18/16 10:53:55 PM] Altissimo: fuckfuckfuckfuck

I'm getting a beer and going the hell to bed

oh but before I forget. during these streaks I was reading the old 2009/2010 Battle Frontier thread. I found a good post by Eppie, here I screenshotted it


EDIT: Wins in other formats: 200 in Singles (with GG Unit's Durant/Drapion/Cloyster), 200 in Doubles (with Eppie's Dusclops/Aron/MKangaskhan/Conkeldurr), 200 in Multi (with Eppie's team again, adapted for Multi), 200 in Triples ( with -FG-'s Talonflame/MBlastoise/Greninja/Hydreigon/Aegislash/Typhlosion)
Last edited:
With the announcement of Sun and Moon, I thought I'd get my act together and try and do all the stuff on Y/OR that I've been meaning to do for ages, one of which is long streaks (and trophies) in the main four modes (can't be bothered with Multi) in the Battle Maison. Here's two fairly modest streaks, one of which I achieved ages ago and another which has just come to an end.

See Hide tags for team details and how I lost etc.

Super Singles Streak: 137
Team: Greninja | Gliscor | Aegislash
Losing Battle Video: ASSW-WWWW-WW4A-8D7T


Greninja @ Life Orb
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Surf
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot

This guy was a fantastic lead. With his speed, excellent coverage and Protean he was extremely flexible and could often do huge damage to a team right from the bat, leaving my other two 'mons to clean up. It also helps that the AI never predicts Protean, which helps Greninja to survive hits. Aegislash and Gliscor both provide great synergy with this guy, meaning that, if there's something Greninja can't handle, I can almost always manage a safe switch.


Gliscor Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
216 HP / 40 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Earthquake

This guy just wrecks stuff in the Maison, and I know a lot of people like to use this set. Gliscor can usually survive one hit in order to Toxic something, then, using it's high speed, can use Protect and Substitute to stall it to death. Earthquake fills the last spot as a strong STAB which can take care of many Pokemon that are weak to it and ensures it's not complete Taunt bait. There is a reason for that specific EV Spread but, as this was the streak I did ages ago, I can't quite remember. Max Speed is there obviously to allow Gliscor to outspeed as much as possible and hence Toxic stall them to death and I think the HP EVs allow Gliscor to hit an optimal HP Stat for Poison Heal recovery (Gliscor is Lvl 54 so I can't actually tell, nor can I be bothered to check his stats at Lvl50) with the rest chucked into SDef to reinforce Gliscor's weaker defensive side. Gliscor was probably the MVP of the team and got me out of many sticky spots.


Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Stance Change
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak

Aegislash is another great Pokemon to use in the Maison as the AI's lack of prediction can quite easily allow you to weaken physical attackers with King's Shield, set up to +6 and sweep. The choice of Weakness Policy makes it even easier for Aegislash to reach +4 (and sometimes +6) as it can tank a SE hit whilst Swords Dancing for a +4 boost. Shadow Sneak gives the team some much-needed priority and is what a +6 Aegislash uses to sweep, whilst Sacred Sword provides great coverage and usually allows Aegislash to tank a hit in Shield Forme before attacking. EVs are fairly self explanatory, with 4 in SDef for Download Porygons. It's worth noting that Aegislash has an imperfect Speed IV and so is at a weird Speed Tier. I could probably have optimised Aegislash by pushing for a specific IV and specific speed stat, and maybe using a Brave Nature, to outspeed things I want to outspeed, and be slower than things I want to be slower than but, to be honest, I couldn't be bothered...

How I lost:

I could say that I lost due to Aegislash hitting itself out of confusion and, to be fair, I would've won if it hadn't but, in all honesty, it was purely a mistake on my part. Greninja had taken care of the first two 'mons himself (dying to LO recoil in the process) leaving only a Chandelure to take out. It was simply my mistake in not realising that Gliscor could both outspeed and OHKO it with Earthquake. I instead tried to Toxic Stall it, allowing the Chandelure to gleefully OHKO with Hex. Aegislash couldn't clean up after my mistake. It's a shame, since I felt there was a lot more in the team, and hadn't faced many problems prior to it.

Super Doubles Streak: 114
Team: Mega Charizard Y | Sawsbuck | Talonflame | Landorus-T
Losing Battle Video: PWJW-WWWW-WW4A-8D62


Mega Charizard - Y @ Charizardite Y
Blaze -> Drought
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Protect
- Heat Wave
- Solarbeam
- Hidden Power Ice

Despite my belief that Mega Charizard Y is the most pointless Pokemon ever (that's another story) it is a great choice for a doubles sun team since it's just not, well, bad outside its ability Drought unlike Ninetales. Heat Wave is the obvious choice for a STAB move, Solarbeam makes the most of the sun and hits Water, Ground and Rock types, whilst Hidden Power Ice provides some extra coverage, notably against Dragons. Protect because Doubles and to allow it to Mega Evolve safely. Standard EV Spread.


Sawsbuck Life Orb
140 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Double-Edge
- Horn Leech
- Jump Kick

I think I'm the only person to use Sawsbuck in a streak, and probably one of the few using a PU Pokemon, and it's nice to let it relive it's days of 5th Gen weather-meta glory. With an Adamant Nature, a powerful STAB in Double-Edge and a Life Orb, Sawsbuck is surprisingly strong and can OHKO a lot of threats. Horn Leech is another good STAB that allows it to recover health and Jump Kick is purely for coverage. 116 Speed EVs allow Sawsbuck to outspeed the entire Maison in the sun bar Aerodactyl 1 who doesn't appear past 40 or so battles anyway. Max Attack investment is obvious and the rest are dumped into HP.


Talonflame @ Muscle Band
Gale Wings
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind

Talonflame brings some much needed priority to the team, as well as two fantastic STAB moves, with Flare Blitz boosted by the sun and Brave Bird given priority by Gale Wings. Protect is there because doubles and Tailwind is mostly filler given Talonflame's limited movepool, but is useful in conjuction with Protect on my other Pokemon if that Pokemon is the one that needs to OHKO a threat but can only do it if it outspeeds. It also works as a pseudo-sun speed-wise for Sawsbuck and, well, having speed boosted for all my Pokemon is useful. Jolly is the choice of Nature over Adamant as it allows Talonflame to outspeed a lot of important threats such as Weavile, Alakazam and Noivern. With Life Orb taken up by Sawsbuck, I opted for Muscle Band as the held item. Choice Items were a no-go given the fact I needed/wanted to run Protect and Tailwind and I felt the 10% boost to both STAB moves was more beneficial that 20% to one or the other as a Sharp Beak, for example, would've given. Indeed, although I couldn't quote any off the top of my head, it does allow both STAB moves to nab, or increase the chance of, notable OHKOs.


Landorus-T @ Assault Vest
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Knock Off
- Explosion

Intimidate and a strong STAB Earthquake make Landorus-T a natural choice in Doubles and I was looking for a Pokemon that didn't share the same sorts of weaknesses and resistances as my other three members, or else I may have struggled with electric Pokemon such as Jolteon and Electrode. Earthquake and Rock Slide are obvious choices, providing the Doubles version of the EdgeQuake coverage. Knock Off is another coverage move that has some good utility in getting rid of items (especially useful as, using the database, you know what the items are) and Explosion is a strong last-ditch move that seemed a good choice considering all of my other Pokemon carry Protect. I'm not sure why I went for Assault Vest. It, combined with Intimidate, seemed a natural partnership and it's true that it did allow Landorus-T to tank a lot of hits. However, there were a few times when I missed Protect and I didn't use Explosion as much as I thought. Another defensive item, such as Leftovers or Yache Berry, could also have worked well.

How I lost:

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, it wasn't just blind stupidity on my part that lost me this game. Admittedly, facing a Gliscor and Cradily lead, I did opt for Heat Wave with Charizard because I had the Damage Calc on Singles and it told me it would be OHKO. In my defence, even in Doubles, it could've OHKO'd I believe but it missed anyway, leaving Gliscor open to OHKO Charizard with Stone Edge. I should have recognised that Cradily was no immediate threat and gone for HP Ice and any of Sawsbuck's moves on Gliscor (to finish it off - it had a Sash). Cradily then proceeded to use Sandstorm, which wouldn't have been a huge issue had Charizard been alive.

As it was I was left a Pokemon down, with no sun support, facing a threatening Gliscor that would take two hits at least to take it down. From there it went down hill. I did nearly win the match in the end, but only because of some flinch hax on my part for a change. See the video for more details. It is actually quite an entertaining match to watch if it isn't your streak being broken by the result of it.

All and all though, I'm happy. I'd faced quite a few problems from 100-114, and the odd issue beforehand, only just scraping through on more than one occasion. I could sense the team's days were numbered, and it was an enjoyable team to play with some interesting mons, so I'm happy with a 100+ streak.

Short Threatlist:
Since it's a recent team I may as well. Maybe edit more detail later.

Rock Moves - It's not so much Rock types, as I have two powerful Grass attacks among my leads, and Landorus-T waiting in the wings, but anything with a rock type coverage move is a big threat.

Lati Twins - I lack any real, convincing means to take these guys down and there was more than one occassion where, had it been the wrong Lati set, it would've been the end of my streak.

Focus Sash Gengar (and Sashes in general) - I found Sash Gengar really annoying. Sawsbuck couldn't do much against it in the first place, and I have to double team it to avoid it taking Sawsbuck out with Focus Blast, leaving me open to whatever its partner is. Sashes in general often resulted in this problem.