Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I just lost my doubles streak and it's still fresh. Three words: Custap. Explosion. Madness

I was initially thinking, "Forretress4/Claydol4/Regirock2/Skuntank4 team-up?" But, you know, Item Clause. (except for Mara) Unfortunately, this means that the actual story of your loss will be disappointing by comparison.
I also just noticed that no one in your team is Normal-resistant or immune, so Explosion will always rip through you, hope your Protect prediction skills are up to par.
Very interesting stuff, and I can relate to the frustration about the substitute tm! That island took forever to show up for me.

I liked your triples analysis. It's interesting you made two double ice weaknesses work. I'm too nervous to try stuff like that myself.

I'm curious how you avoided status with your Gyarados in singles? Especially as a lead.

I just lost my doubles streak and it's still fresh. Three words: Custap. Explosion. Madness

I'll post about it later

Predictions and Lum Berry Garchomp. It's not optimal, but I had a pretty good idea of potential Twave/WoW/Sleep users. Against electrics I switch to Chomp anyway, against WoW I have Lum Berry + Swords Dance. I can often SD 2-3 times as Chomp tends to be strong against WoW users.

That also brings me to Chomp and Gyara just being strong as hell and often wrecking despite status, outboosting it, or before it can kill. Aegis is also immune to poison.

There's specific matchups too, for example Sash Hypnosis Gengar pre-40. If Hypnosis hits Gyara, I switch to Chomp for free against Nightmare/Dream Eater, then Dragon Claw. Lum Berry will cure sleep if it hits again, and Dragon Claw will break Sash. If Hypnosis hits a third time in a row, I switch to Aegis and Shadow Sneak to finish. Yes, I now have two Pokemon asleep, but it's just bad luck and at least they're all at full health.

I try to avoid hitting Flame Body users directly, and EQ helps with that, although against Moltres and Talon I have no choice. I wait to mega against Magmortar and Rapidash, as they have SE moves against Dark. Volcarona is actually a threat to this team, so I need to KO with +1 Waterfall and risk the burn. Again, not optimal, but I manage.

Sorry about your loss, but it sounds hilarious. Please post it.

Edit: almost forgot, Lum Berry Chomp against Swagger is pure comedy.
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I was thinking of your Garchomp as a solution, but the fact that he's not your lead means you'd have to potentially eat status on the switch and then hope you don't you get hit with it again :/
I'm glad you found ways to deal with it though, not having sub

And yes flame body must be frustrating for an all physical team like yours. I try to run at least one special attacker due to hax like that

I was initially thinking, "Forretress4/Claydol4/Regirock2/Skuntank4 team-up?" But, you know, Item Clause. (except for Mara) Unfortunately, this means that the actual story of your loss will be disappointing by comparison.
I also just noticed that no one in your team is Normal-resistant or immune, so Explosion will always rip through you, hope your Protect prediction skills are up to par.

Oh it's nothing special, like you said item clause.
Skuntank4 took out my two leads with a clutch custap explosion which I failed to predict, meanwhile the ai was brilliant and had its partner protect on the same turn. I think it was just luck though, Roserade4 loves spamming protect every other turn.
And then, my backups failed to deliver. It was 2v3, and I almost won, but I targeted the wrong poke at the last minute. Watch the vid and you'll see what I mean. There was also very very untimely status, and my jolly Darmanitan lost the speed tie with Electivire Every Single Time.

Here's the loss.

Anyhow, I'm submitting this run of 98 wins. Nothing special but it's a high for me in doubles, in all Pokemon games. I plan on outdoing it of course. Ultimately this team may have been a bit too frail, with only Gastrodon serving as a special attack absorber.

I'll go over the team again quickly:
Jolly Weavile (max atk and spe)
Holding focus sash (mandatory item for this guy)
Fake out
Ice punch - I used to have icicle crash but I was tired of missing
Knock off

Timid Gardevoir (Max spe att and spe)
Gardevoirite, Trace
Hyper voice
Shadow ball (good for hitting Metagross and some other steels)

Jolly Darmanitan (Max att and spe)
-Life orb, sheer force
Flare blitz
Rock slide
Protect (replaced superpower, I missed this but I really needed protect)

Modest Gastrodon (Max sp att, the rest mixed in hp and defenses)
I initially has Latios here but decided I could use a trick room check. I'm glad I did, he saved me a bunch of times.
-Assault vest, Storm Drain
Earth power
Ice beam
Sludge Bomb- this move saved me in a close fight against slurpuff4 with energy ball. First I knocked off its expert belt with weavile, then tanked the hit thanks to AV. I'd upload the vid but I'm out of room.
Hello, I made an account to post on my Battle Maison struggles. Unfortunately, I did not save my losing battle, but with the following team I took 186 straight wins in Super Triples. It's a Mat Block team.
Left side:
  • Greninja w/ Focus Sash & Protean
Timid 4 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Mat Block

  • Gardevoir w/ Gardevoirite & Trace
Timid 4 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd
Hyper Voice

Right side:
  • Talonflame w/ Life Orb & Gale Wings
Adamant 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
Quick Guard

Reserve Pokemon:
  • Conkeldurr w/ Assault Vest & Guts
Adamant 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Sp.Def
Drain Punch
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch
Knock Off
  • Gastrodon w/ Leftovers & Storm Drain
Bold 252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp.Def
  • Aegislash w/ Weakness Policy & Stance Change
Careful 252 HP/4 Def/252 Sp. Def
King's Shield
Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak
Iron Head

So, the first turn has Greninja using Mat Block, Gardevoir Mega Evolving and using Hyper Voice, and Talonflame using Tailwind (interesting fact, Tailwind takes effect the next turn, so even with priority Greninja still can't outspeed everyone). Greninja is faster than the majority of Maison Pokemon, so it can put up a Mat before the first attack. The combination of the increased speed, Brave Bird priority, and Special Attack from Greninja and Mega Gardevoir has me wiping out 2-4 Pokemon within two turns. However, there are threats.

Priority attacks: Talonflame uses Quick Guard. I make an exception if Scizor is on the field, because Gardevoir cannot survive a Bullet Punch. Gardevoir Protects, and Talonflame uses Flare Blitz.

Faster Pokemon: Greninja isn't the fastest in the Maison. It's beaten by Electrode, Crobat, Jolteon, and Aerodactyl. Crobat can be one-shotted with a Brave Bird. The rest, if they can, will target Talonflame. At this point, I have to make a decision if Talonflame suicides with a Brave Bird, puts up a Tailwind for the rest of the team, or switches out.

Status: I can't stop status with no Taunt users in the team. I send Talonflame in to hopefully one-shot the opponent before it moves.

How I lost: So I didn't save my battle, but I can tell you how it went. Aerodactyl managed to get off a Rock Slide that took out Talonflame and made the other guys flinch. This has happened before, but I made two big mistakes. The first was that I didn't prioritize a Curse-spamming Hippowdon with Sand Stream, which was building its attack. The second was that I sent in Gastrodon in range of Tangrowth. I wasn't forced to do that; I had to replaced two fainted Pokemon with two fresh ones, I could have put Gastrodon out of range of Tangrowth. I did managed to bring it to 1v1, but Aegislash didn't stand a chance.

So that's my team and strategy. I'd like feedback, because I really want to break 200.
Because your team is generally very offensive in nature, Gastrodon having Toxic seems like it's too situational, especially given how Electric-weak your leads are. I would place Earth Power in its place (your leads would appreciate having a way to wipe out Electrics, Rocks, and Steels), then put Toxic back when you foray into Singles/Rotations.

I'm curious about the loss. Aerodactyl4 doesn't carry Rock Slide, and based on the other opposing 'mons you mentioned, it's not like you faced a Roller Skater and Aerodactyl3 surprised you or whatever. Aerodactyl12 don't show up post-Dana. You sure you're not mixing up two different battles?
Hi, I'm a newcommer, i found this thread only recently, but my challenge at the maison ended more than one year ago.
I'm currently working on a super rotation streak, now it's past 230.


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I might be mixing up the Aerodactyl. It might have been a Jolteon, because I was outsped. What I do remember is Hippowdon4 and Tangrowth4; they overlap in some teams.

Earth Power sounds good for Gastrodon. I'd rather not have Earthquake because it threatens my teammates. With Toxic, I only won a single match with it when up against a Vespiquen, because I had bad experience with them in the past. It would have been just as viable to get a Scald burn and stall with Stockpile and Recover, though.

There's some other changes I'm thinking of making:

Shadow Ball over Thunderbolt for Gardevoir: it loses super effective coverage on Skarmory, but gains neutral coverage on Steels, and super effective coverage on Metagross and Bronzong.

Dark Pulse for Greninja: it can strike across the field, helping Gardevoir and Talonflame, but I wonder what move it should replace. Grass Knot is great for Water Grounds, Scald has a burn chance, and Ice Beam lets me take out birds for Conkeldurr's sake. Good that they're all TMs, so experimenting isn't a hassle.

Sacred Sword over Iron Head for Aegislash: Hits past stat boosters but I lose super effective coverage on Fairies and Articuno.

Also: the following spreads for Aegislash and Gastrodon:

252 HP
212 Def
40 Sp. Def
Can take a non-boosted Earthquake or Shadow Ball to get +4 with Weakness Policy and Swords Dance.

252 HP
180 Def
76 Sp. Def
Can tank Power Whip.
I might be mixing up the Aerodactyl. It might have been a Jolteon, because I was outsped. What I do remember is Hippowdon4 and Tangrowth4; they overlap in some teams.

Earth Power sounds good for Gastrodon. I'd rather not have Earthquake because it threatens my teammates. With Toxic, I only won a single match with it when up against a Vespiquen, because I had bad experience with them in the past. It would have been just as viable to get a Scald burn and stall with Stockpile and Recover, though.

There's some other changes I'm thinking of making:

Shadow Ball over Thunderbolt for Gardevoir: it loses super effective coverage on Skarmory, but gains neutral coverage on Steels, and super effective coverage on Metagross and Bronzong.

Dark Pulse for Greninja: it can strike across the field, helping Gardevoir and Talonflame, but I wonder what move it should replace. Grass Knot is great for Water Grounds, Scald has a burn chance, and Ice Beam lets me take out birds for Conkeldurr's sake. Good that they're all TMs, so experimenting isn't a hassle.

Sacred Sword over Iron Head for Aegislash: Hits past stat boosters but I lose super effective coverage on Fairies and Articuno.

Also: the following spreads for Aegislash and Gastrodon:

252 HP
212 Def
40 Sp. Def
Can take a non-boosted Earthquake or Shadow Ball to get +4 with Weakness Policy and Swords Dance.

252 HP
180 Def
76 Sp. Def
Can tank Power Whip.

If you're concerned about grass moves, slapping a rindo Berry on a modest Gastrodon will do just as good a job if not better anyway. I can't guarantee it'll survive stab power whips, but energy balls from gengars for sure. Those are the ones you want to watch out for anyway - the less obvious and expected "where the hell did that come from" type situations. Also, it's generally easy to keep Gastrodon far far away from the small list of maison threats known to have power whip. What are they, Tangrowth, lickilicky? Venasaur maybe?

Coming from my perspective, the frontline of my triples team is essentially identical to yours, except with spec'd sylveon instead of mega Gard. Gastrodon is indeed an excellent defensive pivot and synergizes perfectly with talonflame, switching in on water, rock and electric attacks with ease. Mine is modest, though, and in my opinion it's superior in triples because you really want to keep up momentum and not slow things down with stockpile/recover. Replace those moves with ice beam or sludge bomb and save the stall for rotations. Earth power is a must, too. Since you were concerned about it, it should be said that Assault Vest can absorb some weaker special grass hits, although not at the same level as Rindo Berry.

My triples team is at 330 right now and it's so easy that it's gotten boring and I've take a break. I haven't tried Aegislash in Triples, I have Life Orb Terrakion as backup and although he's a third grass weakness, it's honestly never been an issue since he hits so damn hard, not much lasts against him. My other backup - I'm only putting this here since you said you wanted tips getting to 200 - is Mega Scizor, who is a great as usual with a double grass resistance (important for my team)and a good trick room check.
Honestly, you may as well go with all out offense in triples imo, while being mindful of type match ups and synergy at the same time of course.
Mine is modest, though, and in my opinion it's superior in triples because you really want to keep up momentum and not slow things down with stockpile/recover. Replace those moves with ice beam or sludge bomb and save the stall for rotations.

While I would advocate for replacing Stockpile (instead of Toxic, as I suggested to MBr), I feel really uncomfortable telling people to get rid of acquired Egg Moves...who knows how much time was spent getting that onto Gastrodon?


Posting a completed streak of 108 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples.

This team was an amalgamation of my two most successful concepts to date: the five Starters + Bench concept of the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales, mixed with most of the team used in O.S.W.M. to create a Trick Room team with a Bench. see how far this could go. Presenting...


The name is deliberately misleading: it has nothing to do with this team, but rather is linked to this ongoing request. Someday, I might be able to scrape together a team based on the completed request...

The team itself is a straightforward Trick Room featuring the popular Dusclops/Aron Doubles core and some other folks. The team is personally special due to being some of my earliest IV breeding projects, the TR setter being the centerpiece of my Spooky Cup team, and half of the team being used for Scrappy Skirmish. Earlier variants of this team had my in-game Cresselia as a TR setter, my in-game Regirock as an abuser, and Imperfect Carbink1 as support.


5GGGOT2 (Dusclops) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Eviolite (Left)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 230 HP / 80 Def / 200 SpD
IVs: 31/11/31/0/31/0
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Pain Split
- Trick Room
- Night Shade
- Gravity

Arguably my pride and joy among all of my IV breeding projects. Based on the Gen V Guide to Gravity and one of its recommended Dusclops builds, this set has Will-O-Wisp replaced with Pain Split for reliable healing, and is made to set both TR (cause it's TR) and Gravity (to get around evasion hax without relying on powerful, inaccurate attacks, and to give my Earth Power users a little assistance against Flyers and Levitators). As the rest of the team is offensive and could muscle past most Ghosts, as well as having two members who can deal with bulky special walls, I find both Brick Break and W-o-W unnecessary. Besides, it's Bold and can only do so much with Brick Break anyway. It's obscenely bulky and virtually always lasts the entire battle, and with 30 Speed at Lvl.50 it finds plenty of opportunities to Pain Split when needed. Pain Split also allows for a couple of neat combos when TR's up: heal up off of Gastrodon while the slug uses Recover (leaving you with two healty 'mons) and bring Aron back to full health if it's still alive (essentially giving it a 1UP and additional chances for Endeavor shit). Short for "5th Gen Guide to Gravity Offensive Team 2nd".


InspireZheng (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (M) @ Berry Juice (Center)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/0/31/0/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Sunny Day
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor

As the name implies, inspired by R Inanimate and his FEAR Aron. Same old story, although having the zeroed offensive IVs will come in hand at some point I imagine. Since being used for my 250-win streak, he has had Sunny Day inserted to support Megarupt's Eruption and cancel out opposing weather.


TestCano (Camerupt) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Cameruptite (Right)
Ability: Magma Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def/ 252 SAtk
IVs: 3/2/14/31/28/28
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Protect
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Will-O-Wisp

My in-game gift Camerupt, used mainly as a way to test the power of Megarupt in a generic TR team (hence the nickname). The shitty IV spread is due to me acquiring it well before I thought I would have the patience to ever soft-reset for good ones. In any case, she's here to spam its STAB moves under TR. Will-O-Wisp is filler. Recently, though, I have found it useful to lure Water attacks to be absorbed by...


Totenclone (Gastrodon) (Lvl.52) (F) @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 100 HP / 92 Def / 252 SpA / 64 SpD
IVs: 25/31/31/31/31/31
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Recover

As the name suggests, based off of R Inanimate and Totenblume. The EV spread and Nature are the same, but I have replaced Muddy Water with Scald and Protect with Recover, the idea being that my other attackers will have cleared the field of Grass types and other miscreants by the time it comes out to play. Scald was chosen for accuracy, having no teammates who can resist Surf, and to get around the Wide Guard users, all of whom are physical, to burn them for spamming their stupid troll move.


SkateSig (Kecleon) (Lvl.52) (F) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/27
- Sucker Punch
- Shadow Sneak
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch

Another inspiration from the turskain TR roster, this Kecleon has Fake Out replaced with Sucker Punch for wider coverage and as an additional option to get out of "TR down" jams. Fire Punch has been changed due to already having two Fire attacks featured. As this is a backup and not directly supporting Dusclops, Fake Out has a hard time finding a purpose here. The team's designated physical attacker and priority user, providing some much needed Fighting coverage and Protean mind games, which helps to mitigate the high Speed IVs somewhat. Named after Eddie Hunter and his signature move, the Migraine, which is basically what I got trying to get the Ability and IVs right on this, my hardest breeding project to date. Due to the removal of Eelektross, as well as having Ice coverage on Totenclone, Ice Punch has been moved aside to provide the team with some missed Electric coverage.

Those who know of my previous run with this team have noticed that Megarupt has taken up the right lead position, and that Eelektross has disappeared. That's because she has been removed from the lineup, and her spot taken up by a rotating cast of TR abusers. She was used for Battle #1: from that point forward, every five battles one of the following 'mons was inserted to fill that sixth slot. The order of usage was determined by National Dex #. All of these were gifts from ReptoAbysmal ; initially used for his semi-random TR roster run, these were the sets that didn't make the cut for his 367-win streak and were adopted by me for future glory and fortune. Most of them have mostly, but not completely known, EV spreads; they all have either 5IVs or 4IVs with the unused offensive stat zeroed, and every single one has 0 Spd IVs. Many thx to him for this boon.

I would detail all of the sets I used, but I would rather encourage reading of Repto's data, so I will list the specific species used and ask folks to refer to this handy TR roster chart. All of these sets are found in the "DISCARDED FLUNKIES (Unused whimsical sets)" section.

- Exeggutor
- Rhydon
- Lapras
- Meganium
- Politoed
- Wobbuffet
- Hitmontop
- Exploud
- Castform
- Walrein
- Cherrim
- Porygon-Z
- Samurott
- Stoutland
- Excadrill
- Lilligant (w/ Sleep Powder/Dream Eater/Grass Knot/Sweet Scent)
- Crustle (w/ Micle Berry)
- Vanilluxe
- Klinklang
- Pangoro
- Slurpuff
- Malamar

The Trevenant listed there is also a part of the Bench, but was unable to be rotated into the streak before it was ended.

I had arguably more fun with this run than O.S.W.M.:
+ that team was more consistent
+ was better built for clearing the path for a Megarupt cleanup
+ clearly achieved more tangible success

- I had a blast using 'mons that are far less featured on the leaderboard
- this included a few of my favorite 'mons (Lapras, Castform, Stoutland, Crustle)
- most of these were far better suited to a TR team than my 31 Spd IV Eelektross
- with the variety of roles represented, allowed the team to be slightly more balanced offensively, feature a strict supporter who frees Dusclops up to keep up the Night Shade/Endeavor pressure, or have a bulky backup who could make a timely switch-in when needed

Unforutnately, this team was still vulnerable to the things that can stop a single-TR-setter team, though having Megarupt as a lead made it easier to beat opposing weather, sand especially. This run, though too short to really make any overarching observations, did feature some interesting things noted:
- the first time I've observed Dugtrio2 used Final Gambit, and Magnezone4 use Volt Switch
- Furisode Girls were frequent opponents, which was annoying
- On a related note, Vaporeon was all over the place here. Given how much of a pain Vaporeon4 has been for me historically, I assumed the Maison was simply trying to screw with me
- there were far less instances of opponents doing weird things and not targeting Aron as there have been in previous streaks, though Honchkrow4 had his moments

To elaborate on that last note, it was exactly that sort of abberant behavior that caused my eventual loss at Battle #109; it featured two Taunt users who immediately shut down Dusclops rather than target Aron at different points in the battle, making it impossible to ever really get things going. I'm not complaining too much, as the loss didn't feature any galring mistakes on my part or hax HS--if anything, it served as confirmation that I need a backup TR setter to make any future teams under this archetype work for extended runs.

Battle #109, w/ Malamar, vs. Noah (Crobat/Flygon/Flareon/Vanilluxe/Honchkrow/Vaporeon) (Set 4): Along with the aforementioned Taunt HS that occurred, of course Vaporeon4 was here to watch with glee as my run died.


There are several different directions I would like to go in next, just need to pick one and go with it:
- Repeat this run with a good backup TR setter in place of Kecleon,
- Repeat O.S.W.M. with a good backup TR setter in place of Eelektross
- My Condores/Quetzales go on a fifth flight, with the Bench occupied solely by a bunch of Imperfects I've raised since the 557-win streak; it would be an all-new Bench
- My Condores/Quetzales go on a fifth flight, with the Bench consisting solely of THE PYROAR CHALLENGE (more details to come if I actually go through with it)
- I recreate most of this opposing Battle #21 team:

Battle #21, w/ Politoed, vs. Heathrow (Armoatisse/Blastoise/Swampert/Goodra/Empoleon/Greninja) (Set 3): A Set 3 goodstuffs trainer gets a very fortunate roll and runs a crude rain team, with some relative slowmons who could potentially exploit my TR to boot (oh, and Greninja3 could work around TR with Water Shiruken). Not a difficult battle, just interesting due to the trainer in question and the team drawn.

add in a bastardized Not-Blastoise3 that I raised earlier today, and see what I can do with that
- I complete the aforementioned request and throw a whole pile of properly SR'ed Legendaries at the Maison
- I get back to the aborted Subway Janitor-inspired teams that was I tinkering with prior to receiving this boon
- I create the True Abysmal Nightmares (T.A.N.) (Glaceon/Bastiodon/Druddigon/Cradily/Slowking/Exeggutor) (Set 4), a potpourri of "...of the kinds of shit that gave..." Repto "...grief"
- Re-create the Brave Bird Brothers, a concept I really liked, possibly with one of the team member changes suggested during that RMT taken into consideration

We'll see.


I am also requesting that my 78-win streak be removed from the leaderboard--with Leafeon as part of my Bench from the 557-win streak, the former run has been rendered mostly obsolete.
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I guess I wasn't clear, what I really meant to suggest was that he should rebreed a new Gastrodon entirely, with a more offensive nature and everything.

Also, can't you relearn forgotten egg moves through the move reminder?

Nice team by the way. I'm confused as to why your Dusclops is bold instead of relaxed though.
Ah, I see.

That's right, you can...ignore my ignorance.

The mother Dusknoir was Bold, and at the time of creation, Dusclops was meant more to be a backup support who could switch in and take the physical shots my Imperfect Mr. Mime3 could not (it was raised for Spooky Cup). I also found the IV spread to be damn near perfect (I wasn't used to actually having good IV spreads at that point), so have never really found the motivation to keep perfecting it. I've thought about Relaxed too...but it's incredible what 31 SDef IVs, 200 SDef EVs, and Eviolite allow it to absorb. It's not an absolute hindrance to be Bold, in other words.

Battles #21 and 109 replays now posted.

EDIT: Tried out the Battle #21 team (with Blastoise3 replaced by a Rain Dish Brave Blastoise with Fake Out/Earthquake/Power-Up Punch/Aqua Tail and retaining Leftovers), just to see what would happen. Humorously, the team only managed 8 wins (being beaten by Magnezone/Togekiss/Electivire/Hippowdon/Glaceon/Heracross (Set 1)) but was able to outlast the team that ended the 108-win streak in Mock Battle. Team is very specially bulky, but very slow overall and very vulnerable to physical onslaughts.
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Well well. I'd like to make an entrance to this part of the HoF. Although I never had the titanic win stats of some of the other better players on here, I managed to get almost 130 wins on Super Doubles before getting knocked around by some BS.

Although I am here more for a warstory.

My first attempt at 100 ended up short at 99 (most likely due to hax as it was several monthes ago). What made this team special was I took Pokemon from my VGC 2015 team and used them on the field of battle, and for my first couple tries to the centennial win. Although the one Pokemon that made it possible above all else was my good friend here:

Sonata (Altaria) (F) @ Altarianite
Ability: Cloud Nine
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Protect
- Fire Blast
- Tailwind/Roost

Yes I ran Mega Altaria in VGC15. My buddy here easily helped me win so many games it's not even funny. I did toy between Roost and Tailwind, but both were with mixed results all the time. But Sonata was the true unsung hero as I kept her in the back usually behind her three most trusted guardians.

Washi-Washi (Rotom-W) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Def / 100 SpA / 20 SpD / 72 Spd
Modest Nature
- Will-o-Wisp
- Protect
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump

Urnight (Bisharp) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Protect

Alucard (Gengar) (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 SpD
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Taunt
- Will-o-Wisp

These four comrades were are still my favorite Super Doubles team. Usually I led with either Urnight or Alucard with Washi by their side. This team's biggest strength was helping to soften the board for Sonata by way of Will-o-Wisp, Taunting any setup mons, or Sucker Punching them into oblivion.

However all good things must come to an end and this team has yet to make it past 99. I bid thee a good day with tales of another format some other time.
First post here. My streak just ended, but I managed to get 60 wins with AI Wally as my partner. (Hope this is enough to get my record posted)

I tried and failed multiple times with Steven as a partner, so I finally decided to try Wally as a partner. The idea was use Sylveon as my lead since Gallade covers both his weaknesses, and Garchomp as a reserve because Wally's Magnezone holds an Air Ballon and has Flash Canon. I mostly just spammed Hyper Voice with Sylveon and used Garchomp to clean up whatever Sylveon, Gallade, and Magneton didn't (Wally would usually be on his 2nd Poke before I would).

On my last battle I wasn't paying enough attention and forgot that Magneton's Air Ballon popped and ended up killing him with EQ, then Gliscor+Cresselia finished me off.


Sylveon, Pixilate holding Pixie Plate
Modest, 56 Hp, 252 sp. attack, 200 speed

-Hyper Voice
-Shadow Ball

Garchomp, Rough Skin holding Life Orb
Jolly, 4 Hp , 252 attack, 252 speed

-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide

It was also the streak that earned me my 5th trophy.

I normally wouldn't have posted to say I dabbled in triples again, since it was primarily out of boredom and hearing my friends/coworkers yap incessantly about Pokemon Go. But I have no interest in that chintzy "game" which reeks of freemium, so when the poke bugs bite, I have to load up the cart.

Anyway, the planets must've aligned themselves because every single Flunky roll landed on a legendary, while I've only got five legendary flunkies to begin with. On top of that the Setter roll picked Cresselia. Only Regirock sat out the round, but Mega Tyranitar took its stead as the rock typed behemoth, not a true legend but a pseudo. I was pretty (easily evidently) amused for as long as it took for me to actually look at them and behold the million fucking shared weaknesses.
Howdy, everyone!

My current record in the Maison Super Singles is 75, but I'm shooting for a Starf Berry (and further, if I can). I've looked at people's teams here, and this is what I'm gonna start using:


Kangaskhan (Faaat Jenny)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Early Bird (I know that Scrappy is technically better, but that's a lot more breeding)
Item: Kangaskhanite
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Sucker Punch
Power-Up Punch


Suicune (Water Dog)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
Item: Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD
Icy Wind
Calm Mind


Gliscor (Wingding)
Nature: Impish
Ability: Poison Heal
Item: Toxic Orb
244 HP/40 Def/226 Spe

I love Substitute on MegaKhan, since there are so many status moves. Power-Up Punch generally lets e churn through teams. She has issues against Gengar, but Suicune does pretty well there. I like the speedier Gliscor so that I can Protect/Substitute and keep full health. Thoughts? Suggestions? How likely am I to hit 200 wins with this team? Thanks!
Last edited:

Kangaskhan (Faaat Jenny)
Ability: Early Bird (I know that Scrappy is technically better, but that's a lot more breeding)

Ability Capsule


Have already posted this on the Wi-Fi Simple Questions thread, but as it's Maison-related I would like a "second opinion" I suppose:

Funny, I'm wrestling with an Adamant decision, too: got Virizion this morning, 31/31/17/2/31/31. Not being Jolly should probably be a deal-breaker, but as I'm planning this to be a Salac set, Adamant is workable. Also, am planning this more for Maison use (very rarely play competitively), so that might weigh in on said decision.

Keep or toss?

Basically, I would add this to fill the sixth slot on the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales and model it after Virizion1 (who has replaced Weezing4 as my Maison arch-nemesis). That's set's Jolly, of course, but being part of a Tailwind team here would negate the loss of Speed due to this specific one being Adamant and would give it a welcome power boost. Over time, I would change some things around and make it more standard (so as to make it more appealing for anyone able/willing to clone it for me).

But, I haven't saved this soft-reset yet...what you guys/gals think?
Well, since I'm back(ish), I figured I'd post about what I've been doing in the Battle Maison in my absence.

ORAS Super Triples - 509 wins (ongoing)

(M) @
, Naive, Protean ** Jesus Frog **
EVs: 0|40|0|216|0|252 / IVs: 31|31|31|31|31|31
Mat Block | Low Kick | Ice Beam | Dark Pulse

(F) @
, Bold, Sturdy ** Cirice **
Lv.1 stats: 12/5/7/5/5/5
Endeavor | Protect | Toxic | Iron Head

(F) @
, Adamant, Gale Wings ** Scorch **
EVs: 68|252|0|0|0|188 / IVs: 31|31|31|xx|31|31
Brave Bird | Flare Blitz | Sunny Day | Tailwind

(M) @
, Modest, Flash Fire ** Natsu **
EVs: 0|0|0|252|4|252 / IVs: 31|xx|31|31|31|31
Eruption | Solar Beam | Flamethrower | Protect

(F) @
, Modest, Pixilate ** Soft Kitty **
EVs: 0|0|92|252|0|164 / IVs: 31|30|31|31|31|31
Hyper Voice | Psyshock | Shadow Ball | Swift

(M) @
, Jolly, Rough Skin ** Sharknado **
EVs: 0|252|4|0|0|252 / IVs: 31|31|31|xx|31|31
Dragon Claw | Earthquake | Iron Head | Protect

So basically what I'm attempting here is having Aron in the center on a Greninja / X / Talonflame team. By doing so, I can use the team as a typical Aron center team plus two side Pokemon capable of attacking from anywhere on the field, or can have it as a Tailwind team when necessary. Examples of where you'd set up Tailwind would be against leading opponents faster than Greninja (Jolteon, Manectric4, Terrakion2) or in some kind of scenario in which you'd want to switch Aron out (such as to avoid having to deal with Greninja3's Water Shuriken, or a Fake Out lead) So, in a nutshell, the idea behind the team is to have Greninja and Talonflame support Aron's endeavors (hehehe) to bring the HP of your opponents down, while having Talonflame set up Tailwind & Greninja allow any Pokemon a safe switch-in in the event that I need to switch Aron out immediately.

You may notice a few odd EV spreads, namely the ones on Greninja, Talonflame, and Sylveon. Greninja's EVs are simply the ones it used in ORAS OU prior to its banning, as I really didn't feel like going through any more trouble (and wanted that Pokemon I spent time breeding to be put to good use.) So it's basically the Greninja you'd typically see in the Maison, except with Low Kick instead of Grass Knot, which helps against some Pokemon 4x weak to the move like Tyranitar, Bisharp, and Aggron. With Talonflame, you're looking at the bare minimum amount of Speed I will run on it simply due to the possibility of needing to switch positions with my own Garchomp so as to protect my own Pokemon from Earthquake. This is not an uncommon scenario. Sylveon is simply EV'd to outrun positive-natured base 130s (Jolteon/Aerodactyl) in Tailwind.


Jolteon/Manectric4 center - This is especially problematic because these could plausibly target any one of my leads. The game plan here is to automatically swap Aron for Garchomp, Mat Block on Greninja, and set up Tailwind with Talonflame. If they try to target Aron, Garchomp absorbs that easily. If they target Talonflame, it at least got up Tailwind before going down and now Garchomp outspeeds and can pummel them with Earthquake. If they target Greninja, it will go down to its Sash and still get the Mat Block up to protect your Garchomp switch-in from attacks from the other Pokemon.
Terrakion2 - If you see Terrakion and it can be Terrakion2, go for the Tailwind. Odds are Terrakion2 will target Talonflame, not Aron, if it is in a position to target Talonflame. Have Aron use Endeavor on Terrakion and then, on the following turn, Greninja will outspeed and be able to take it out without issue. The Pokemon you send out to replace Talonflame will depend on Terrakion's teammates.
Zapdos - This is mildly problematic because, sans Tailwind, only Greninja and Garchomp can go up against this effectively. Plus, if it has Static, Aron should not be attempting to Endeavor it if it is possible to avoid doing so. If it leads and has Static, you should have Greninja focus on taking it out with Ice Beam (still Mat Block turn 1 though) However, if it's in a position to where Greninja can't target with Ice Beam and has Static, then odds are you will have to risk Aron getting paralyzed so that Greninja can hit it with Dark Pulse instead.

Possible improvements

Mega Gardevoir > Sylveon - Functions very similarly in terms of being able to power off powerful Hyper Voice nukes, but can also take advantage of Telepathy prior to Mega Evolving so as to dodge Garchomp's Earthquake and reduce the burden of Talonflame having to switch positions with Garchomp. However, this could open up a new hole because Gardevoir doesn't learn Swift, meaning it has no effective means of circumventing Double Team (Disarming Voice is pretty pathetic, Pixilate Swift is at least marginally stronger than Rock Slide but who's going to use a 40 BP spread move, let alone 40 BP anything sans Technician?) and Garchomp's EQ is something that's at least manageable with two of my other Pokemon having Protect and with Talonflame's Speed EVs.

I won't be sharing replays quite yet - I'll share those with the streak loss proof, whenever said loss actually happens. (Seriously, why is it so easy to hit big numbers in Triples?)

This streak is over at 773 wins. This has been the only change made to the team in the mean time:

(M) @
, Timid, Protean
EVs: 4/0/0/252/0/252 | IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Mat Block | Ice Beam | Dark Pulse | Grass Knot

This change was made simply because Greninja needed both Grass Knot for things like Quagsire (plus becoming resistant to Garchomp's Earthquake helps) and Ice Beam for Zapdos. And, of course, Dark Pulse is mandatory.

Losing battle


This is what happens when you don't Tailwind against Braviary and it starts Rock Sliding everything into oblivion. I don't think I've ever been flinched so much in my life. Murphy's law.

Actual not shit replays

I'm simply sharing as many as I can without erasing previous streak proof replays. I tried to get the best ones I saved.

#209 - PKKG-WWWW-WW4E-E6Y2
#316 - CA9W-WWWW-WW4E-E66M
#327 - 3A4G-WWWW-WW4E-E6JZ
#420 - PL5G-WWWW-WW4E-E64V
#530 - M8FG-WWWW-WW4E-E63R
#762 - 3YQG-WWWW-WW4E-E5VK

Concluding remarks

I did quite like this team, seeing as it could easily shift itself from an Aron center team to a typical Greninja/X/Talonflame team in any case where the matchup called for it. However, I'm completely disappointed with this streak and will be going for a second run without any further changes simply to prove this team can do better.
Finally, it is done. I have obtained all five trophies in OR/AS.
This took a while compared to when I got all the trophies for X/Y. There are many reasons as for why, but I won't get into that now. My primary goal for the Maison has never been to get high streaks and get on the leaderboards, but it is a fun bonus when I am able to do that. I just wanted to get all trophies and win 200 battles in a row on at least one of the lines in order to get the berries. And now, I have accomplished that. On all four of my games.

Unlike what I did for X/Y, I wanted to create a new team for every format. I also wanted to make a team of my own in every instance. However, that later changed due to the circumstances. There was a certain team that I just had to use given the opportunity, and several of my other teams have influences from teams made by people in this thread. As said before, I lurk this thread a lot, and it is impossible to not get inspired by the people who post here and make awesome teams. I will give credit where it is deserved.

In my post for X/Y, I didn't post my teams in the same post as the picture of the trophies. This time, now that I know how things are supposed to be, I'll do that. Regarding my Multi team, I used both of my games together to get it, just like on X/Y. But this time, I made a special team just for it, taking advantage of the fact that I could use two Megas.

Below are all my teams. Not going to write any lengthy explanation for any of them, just some short words about how they worked (or how they didn't work).
Omega Ruby:


Altaria (M) @ Altarianite ** Rhythm Break
Ability: Natural Cure -> Pixilate
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 54 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def / 28 Sp.def / 172 Spd
Nature: Jolly
- Return
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Roost


Scizor (M) @ Life Orb ** Systemachine
Ability: Technician
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 86 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def / 4 Sp.def / 164 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Roost


Gastrodon (M) @ Leftovers ** Sea Slugger
Ability: Storm Drain
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 118 HP / 204 Def / 188 Sp.def
Nature: Bold
- Scald
- Toxic
- Protect
- Recover

Streak: 53

Battle Videos:
R8YW-WWWW-WW3B-Y4XF - Loss battle

I wanted to use a team featuring a Mega Altaria somewhere, and this became the result. Most of the inspiration to this team came from various Pokemon and ideas used by Jumpman16. The point is to set up Dragon Dances with Altaria and then sweep, with Scizor and Gastrodon to cover its weaknesses as well as covering each other's weaknesses. Though, it worked better in theory than in practice. But it was still pretty fun to use. I lost against a legendary team a few battles after beating Nita.

Alpha Sapphire:

Kangliscune, by Jumpman16


Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite ** Sydney
Ability: Scrappy -> Parental Bond
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Att / 6 Sp.def / 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch


Suicune @ Leftovers ** Velvet
Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/17/31/31/31/31
EVs: 236 HP / 212 Def / 62 Spd
Nature: Bold
- Scald
- Icy Wind
- Calm Mind
- Rest


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb ** Four Wings
Ability: Poison Heal
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 236 HP / 4 Att / 4 Def / 252 Sp.def / 14 Spd
Nature: Careful
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Protect

Streak: 200 (ongoing)

Battle Videos:

GCUG-WWWW-WW44-EST3 - Vs. Nita

Ever since I saw the first version of this team in early September 2014, I have wanted to try it myself. But I never did so in X/Y because I was practically done with the Maison in those games back when it was originally posted, and I made another team in Omega Ruby as described above. After getting Alpha Sapphire in early February and seeing the announcement of Sun/Moon in combination with the 20th anniversary, I realized that this was my last chance, so I broke my own rules and used it. The team is truly fantastic, though I'm not sure if I have been using it correctly as I got into a few difficult situations along the streak. But I got all the way to 200 on my first try, and that's more than enough for me. The streak is still ongoing too, and I'll probably continue with it at some point in the future, but it will have to wait for a while. And it will be purely for fun as it won't be eligible for the leaderboards.
Omega Ruby:


Blaziken (M) @ Wide Lens ** Bartolomeo
Ability: Speed Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Att / 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Flare Blitz
- High Jump Kick
- Swords Dance
- Protect


Greninja (M) @ Focus Sash ** Blue Matter
Ability: Protean
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Sp.att / 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Mat Block


Salamence (M) @ Salamencite ** Dragonheart
Ability: Intimidate -> Aerilate
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 116 HP / 252 Att / 22 Def / 4 Sp.def / 116 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Return
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Protect


Magnezone @ Expert Belt ** Metalcore
Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVs: 246 HP / 252 Sp.att / 12 Spd
Nature: Modest
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flash Cannon
- Protect

Streak: 102

Battle Video:
9L8G-WWWW-WW3C-L5CA - Loss battle

I came up with the idea of using Speed Boost Blaziken and Mat Block Greninja as leads. Really cool and creative, I thought... until I later realized that The Dutch Plumberjack had already done the same thing. I know I had seen his team, it inspired me even if I didn't think about it. I went with Mega Salamence as the main backup, and Magnezone for perfect defensive coverage, though I'm sure there are much better backups. I forgot to save my battle against Evelyn (and I did the same thing in X, it is almost a pattern) then I lost because High Jump Kick missed against a Garchomp during Sandstorm. I'm not sure if it was Sand Veil or the 1% that screwed me, and I'd rather not know either.

Alpha Sapphire:


Aromatisse (F) @ Lum Berry ** Spectacle
Ability: Aroma Veil
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Sp.def
Nature: Relaxed
- Dazzling Gleam
- Heal Pulse
- Odor Sleuth
- Trick Room


Aron (F) @ Berry Juice ** Power Metal
Ability: Sturdy
IVs: Don't know, doesn't matter anyway
EVs: None
Nature: Hasty
- Endeavor
- Toxic
- Swagger
- Protect


Camerupt (F) @ Cameruptite ** Oblivion
Ability: Solid Rock -> Sheer Force
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Sp.att
Nature: Quiet
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Flamethrower
- Protect


Breloom (M) @ Wide Lens ** The Rescue
Ability: Technician
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EVs: 164 HP / 252 Att / 94 Def
Nature: Brave
- Mach Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Streak: 200 (ongoing)

Battle Video:
FDWW-WWWW-WW46-CQTV - Vs. Evelyn

Another unoriginal team. I wanted to try a Trick Room team somewhere and thought this might be the best opportunity. Was originally thinking about not using Aron but ended up using it anyway just because of how good it is. I chose Aromatisse as the Trick Room setter (an idea I got from various people in this thread) and Camerupt as the Mega, inspired by this team made by NoCheese. Aromatisse ended up being surprisingly good, many battles ended thanks to it and Aron alone, Dazzling Gleam is fantastic. I saw someone here in this thread, can't remember exactly where or who, say that the key to success with a team like this was "Aron + Trick Room setter + Mega + Fighting-type". But I wanted to use a Grass-type for offensive and defensive coverage instead of a Fighting-type. Fortunately, Breloom exists to fulfill both roles. I'm not sure about the set or the EVs though, and 70 base speed is pretty fast for a Trick Room team. Chesnaught would have been an alternative, it has somewhat lower Speed but also slightly lower Attack as well as some different movepool options. Virizion could be a third alternative but it is way too fast for Trick Room. Not to mention being weaker than both Breloom and Chesnaught without an Attack boost. Like my Super Singles streak, this one is still ongoing and I'll probably continue with it at some point in the future.
Omega Ruby:

Team and streak details in this post.

Battle Video:

Alpha Sapphire:


Weavile (M) @ Focus Sash ** Snowblind
Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Att / 252 Spd
Nature: Jolly
- Beat Up
- Ice Punch
- Fake Out
- Protect


Salamence (M) @ Salamencite ** Windcutter
Ability: Intimidate -> Aerilate
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp.att / 4 Sp.def / 244 Spd
Nature: Modest
- Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower
- Tailwind
- Protect


Infernape (M) @ Life Orb ** Firewall
Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Att / 252 Spd
Nature: Jolly
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Fake Out
- Protect


Excadrill (M) @ Air Balloon ** The Surface
Ability: Mold Breaker
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def / 4 Sp.def / 244 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Protect


Raichu (M) @ Magnet ** Drive Boost
Ability: Lightning Rod
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Sp.att / 252 Spd
Nature: Modest
- Thunderbolt
- Fake Out
- Helping Hand
- Protect


Gengar (M) @ Expert Belt ** U.N. Owen
Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Sp.att / 252 Spd
Nature: Modest
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Energy Ball
- Protect

Streak: 74

Battle Videos:
DJXG-WWWW-WW48-P99X - Loss battle

The background for this team is that I wanted to use a Super Triple team with Fake Out. But I realized that I can't just use Fake Out without a purpose. What's the point of having 6 Fake Out users if I don't make something out of it? I decided that the purpose would have to be to set up a Pokemon/Mega which might have trouble setting up on its own. I considered a few things and in the end, it stood between Mega Altaria and Mega Salamence. I ended up choosing Mega Salamence after looking at several factors. This team practically became a fusion of two turskain teams: Tailwind Salamence with Triple Fake Out. The other team members were chosen for offensive and defensive coverage. This team didn't work that well, and I lost because I didn't set up Tailwind at the start of a battle which ended up featuring an Archeops. Alpha Sapphire is the only one of my 4 games where I didn't reach 200 on Super Triple. But seeing as I did that on Single and Double instead, I don't mind.
Omega Ruby:

Team and streak details in this post.

Battle Video:
CKDG-WWWW-WW3P-3V35 - Vs. Morgan

Alpha Sapphire:


Clefable (F) @ Leftovers ** Summonancer
Ability: Unaware
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.att / 4 Sp.def / 6 Spd
Nature: Bold
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Aromatherapy
- Moonlight


Charizard (M) @ Charizardite X ** Origin Flow
Ability: Blaze -> Tough Claws
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Att / 6 Def / 52 Sp.def / 108 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Roost


Ferrothorn (F) @ Zoom Lens ** Visceratuant
Ability: Iron Barbs
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 134 Sp.def
Nature: Sassy
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Protect


Gyarados (F) @ Lum Berry ** Cobalt Core
Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 78 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def / 4 Sp.def / 172 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Waterfall
- Return
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Streak: 86

Battle Videos:
G7DW-WWWW-WW4A-QBQ4 - Vs. Morgan
AHVG-WWWW-WW4B-KCBL - Loss battle

I saw this team by aussieman000 and thought it was awesome. A goodstuffs dual-sweeper FWG core team with Leech Seed. I really wanted to make something similar. But I didn't want to make a complete copy. So I took two of his Pokemon and mixed in some ideas of my own, this became the result. The idea of using Clefable is partly thanks to VaporeonIce. This became a dual-core team, featuring both FWG and FDS. The main goal was to set up either Clefable, Charizard or (rarely) Gyarados, then sweep. Ferrothorn could support with Leech Seed or sweep on its own at times too. The team worked pretty well but it has some problems and I'm not that good at Rotation battles (it is probably my worst format, as well as the only one apart from Multi in which I never reached 200 battles in a row). I lost against an Aerodactyl that swept me with Stone Edge.
As mentioned in the beginning, I used both games together for this.

Omega Ruby:


Manectric (M) @ Manectite ** Catalyst
Ability: Lightning Rod -> Intimidate
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVs: 22 HP / 252 Sp.att / 236 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower
- Protect


Gliscor (F) @ Toxic Orb ** Echolocate
Ability: Poison Heal
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def / 4 Sp.def / 222 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Knock Off
- Protect

Alpha Sapphire:


Gyarados (F) @ Gyaradosite ** Amplifier
Ability: Intimidate -> Mold Breaker
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def / 4 Sp.def / 150 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Dragon Dance
- Protect


Aegislash (F) @ Leftovers ** Clarified
Ability: Stance Change
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.att / 6 Sp.def
Nature: Quiet
- Shadow Ball
- Flash Cannon
- Wide Guard
- King's Shield

Streak: 50 (ongoing but discontinued, not going to continue as my only goal was to get the trophy)

Battle Video:
JTDG-WWWW-WW4E-AKZD - Vs. Dana and Nita

I have a somewhat longer description for this team because I have more to say about it than any of my other teams.

I have had the basic idea to this team for a very long time. I got the idea when I was using this team by ~Mercury~ for Super Triple in Y. The thought I had was this: What if I could Mega Evolve both Manectric and Gyarados? Unfortunately, that wasn't possible in a normal format. But it is in Super Multi. So before OR/AS were released, I decided that if I should ever get these games and make a Super Multi team, it would consist of Mega Manectric and Mega Gyarados. This would also mean I could use a team with two Megas, which I missed out on in X/Y. Said and done, here we are.

The strategy was to Mega Evolve either both, just one or neither of them depending on what I was facing. Manectric's Lightning Rod protected Gyarados from Electric-moves, while Gyarados could dodge Earthquakes through not Mega Evolving while Manectric could use Protect to shield itself from them. A double Intimidate weakened Physical attackers considerably, allowing Manectric to survive some weaker Earthquakes. Alternatively, I could switch Manectric for Gliscor if I couldn't handle potential Earthquake users in other ways. Gyarados could Mega Evolve to gain a completely different set of resistances and weaknesses, depending on what I needed. Mold Breaker is also awesome for Mega Gyarados as it allows it to override Abilities that could otherwise be problematic, such as Water Absorb, Storm Drain, Dry Skin, Solid Rock and Sturdy. I usually let Gyarados Dragon Dance once, then sweep, while Manectric could use Protect or attack right away, depending on what was needed.

I wasn't sure about what backups to use, ended up using Gliscor and Aegislash as they seemed to be the best for offensive and defensive synergy. I got the idea for the Aegislash set from turskain and one of his teams. Unfortunately, the backups didn't always work well, nor did the leads. I got into several troublesome situations which was hard to get out of. I also lost twice before finally making it to the 50th battle. Both times, I lost because Gyarados got frozen. I didn't think Ice-moves and getting frozen would be the main problem for this team, but that's what it felt like. I also had many other problematic battles along the way before finally making it to the end and winning.

I'm not a big fan of Super Multi as a format for various reasons. Playing with an AI partner has always felt too unreliable for me, which is why I don't do that. Though, it seems to have improved from X/Y now that the partners use a Mega of their own in OR/AS. Playing with two games and two systems isn't perfect either. I play with battle animations turned off for the other formats, and being forced to play with them turned on for Multi means that the battles take a longer time to get done. Also, having wireless communication turned on drains battery like crazy. But now I'm done with it, I won't ever have to go back.

Overall, this team was far from perfect but it was pretty fun to use and it worked for getting me the trophy, which is enough. I'm sure there are better and more reliable ways to win at Super Multi, but this worked for what I intended it for.
So, I guess this is it. I'm done with the Battle Maison now, more or less. Will probably return and continue on my unfinished streaks in Super Single and Super Double on Alpha Sapphire at some point in the future, but I don't know when it will be. I have a bunch of other things I want to get done in OR/AS before Sun/Moon are released, so it's hard to say. I'll definitely be back for the Battle Facilities in future games though, looking forward to what Sun/Moon and beyond will bring us. Maybe I'll also be more active in the thread we get for that and discuss team ideas and stuff before trying them out in practice, we'll see.

Battling in the Battle Maison wasn't always easy, it could be difficult and frustrating at times. But overall, it was a lot of fun, and that makes it worth it for me. Like last time, this thread and the people who post here have been very helpful to me, many of you have inspired and helped me, even if I guess you aren't aware of it. I don't think I would have made it all the way without you. Thanks, everyone. See you next generation!

Edit 7/7-17: Photo hosting site for the Trophy picture changed from Photobucket to Imgur.
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I dig your Multis idea. It's a shame you don't want to continue (even though I completely understand why), it could have been interesting to see how far a double-Mega team, especially one with solid synergy like that, got.

Oh shit! I just realised that my unused old 3DS and my copy of X would work perfectly for my own attempt at Multis. I kinda want to try it out! I just dunno what team to use, or if it should be TR-based like most of my dick-around sessions... It sounds fun enough for me to want to try.
Oh shit! I just realised that my unused old 3DS and my copy of X would work perfectly for my own attempt at Multis. I kinda want to try it out! I just dunno what team to use, or if it should be TR-based like most of my dick-around sessions... It sounds fun enough for me to want to try.
for the record you cant do multi between XY and ORAS so dont go through the trouble of setting everything up like i did and then failing, if you were going to be using an ORAS game with X
Oh shit! I just realised that my unused old 3DS and my copy of X would work perfectly for my own attempt at Multis. I kinda want to try it out! I just dunno what team to use, or if it should be TR-based like most of my dick-around sessions... It sounds fun enough for me to want to try.
lol aron dusclops double mega kanga?
A big thx to everyone who has provided replays on this have made a sleepless morning a little more tolerable:

I assume that Adamant Zoroark's loss was a classic "I forgot this is a Set 3/4 trainer" moment, until it was too late.

Mandark's loss was just a bad matchup throughout...I doubt that Magnezone's continued survival would have mattered much in the grand scheme of that battle.

Scythes's loss was tight, as he mentioned...while the status hax was unavoidable, you were more screwed by Electivire4, who is, as mentioned in the Battle Factory thread,

pretty swanky

Getting to Suspicious Derivative's replays now...this could take a while...also, I'm kinda annoyed now, since now I have to decide whether he or frigidkitsune have the better nicknames for their respective 'mons.


After the lack of response to my brother's Adamant Virizion inquiry (on both ends), I've decided "fuck it" and have kept it around, integrated it into The Bench.
Virizion1 has invaded deep into my consciousness: I have turned this particular Virizion into an Adamant Virizion1, am now saving every replay featuring the real Virizion1, and will be trying into shoe-hoof Virizion in general into every team that gets featured here when asked about suggestions/improvements.

Example: MBr's Triples team:

252 HP
180 Def
76 Sp. Def
Can tank Power Whip.

My warped suggestion: "Virizion can tank Power Whip (even crits)!"
As you see from looking at the rest of the squad, Gastrodon is a much better fit for that team...but that's the kind of hold Virizion1 has on my psyche Singles savants are so lucky, you seem to have the luxury of being able to treat all of its sets as "just another foe".
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Ok so like I'm making a Singles Durant team and I have a Truant Durant and a Moody Glalie already and I want help on the last member, what are some good suggestions?