Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Yes, that is true--I suspect I had forgotten that last bit, because I tend to treat Gyarados as such a high-priority target in general I don't give Set 1 a chance to wreak any havoc:
- with the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales, after Tailwind I switch in Starmie immediately to KO with Thunderbolt (Intimidate) or simply Brave Bird him, as that plus Water Spout chip damage usually takes him out (Moxie)
- with O.S.W.M., he is prime Endeavor plus Night Shade material
- with Uphaze's Triples trophy run team, his usual strategy can put it down

With most other teams I've tried...well, I'm stuck letting all Gyarados sets wreak havoc and hoping I eventually wear it down...something I need to work on in the future, I think.
Love the team name, turskain. B-grade horror flicks have been a staple in movie nights with friends of mine. I reckon I had a Garchomp named 'Sand Shark' back in the day!
Lost my singles streak, entirely because I was playing while literally not paying attention. Vespiquen used Destiny Bond, and instead of stalling it out, I killed it, which killed me. My Durant was just not able to deal enough damage to the remaining Ferrothorn, so it was just over. Could easily have just stalled the Destiny Bond with Protect, and just... didn't.

That leaves me with a streak of 305 in ORAS.


here's some other battles that were close calls, or just genuinely scary.


It's all the same Kang/Durant/Volcarona team I was previously using. See the team breakdown here
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I got a streak of 80 (Super Singles)! As I'm sure many people will say: "But it would have been higher had I done <x> instead of <y>!" But I think I have a very legitimate case here considering how I "lost".

Team Creation History
I had made a team with a similar format in BW and it worked pretty well for me so I made another one. My format was:
1) Swords Dance Physical Sweeper
2) Special Sweeper
3) Someone that can take a hit, especially from weaknesses of "Swords Dance Physical Sweeper"
My first attempt in XY was Infernape @ Focus Sash; Gengar @Gengarite; Metagross Leftovers. Infernape's STAB Close Combat and Flare Blitz were really nice, especially after a Swords Dance. Gengar was a great special sweeper with Destiny Bond but could not outspeed Starmie. Metagross could take a hit nicely but had too many weaknesses and was a relatively tough revenge killer. I replaced Metagross with my beloved Scizor who has many more resistances and has the useful bullet punch. That took care of the Focus Sash Weavile that pretty much swept my entire team. It took me a while before I finally went with replacing Gengar with Alakazam. Destiny Bond was something I really liked about Gengar (especially when I pictured him saying "Come at me bro" when he used it), and I knew he could take a hit a little better than Alakazam for times when he couldn't produce an OHKO, especially with Levitate after switching from Infernape expecting a ground type move. But after I lost again (and Destiny Bond failing and seeming unnecessary with Scizor as a backup), I trained up an Alakazam. [Side note: Prior to XY, I didn't train up an Alakazam because of how similar he was to my beloved Espeon, and also how I thought Alakazam was ugly. But then Mega Alakazam came out and he actually looked cool so I was ok with him now lol.] Also, now with Mega Alakazam, he's one of the fastest pokemon allowed in the Battle Maison with an incredibly high special attack and a good moveset, so he was definitely a perfect fit. I played around with Infernape/Alakazam/Scizor for a bit and my god Fake Out, and conditions are annoying. Plus Infernape depended way too much on his focus sash, especially when he needed to use Flare Blitz and his Focus Sash became useless, so I ended up replacing him with Garchomp who is bulky enough so that he would only need a Focus Sash if confronted with an ice or fairy which Scizor defends and destroys easily. And guess what, STAB earthquake from Garchomp is just about as powerful as STAB Close Combat from Infernape.

My Team


Garchomp ♂ – Jolly @ Lum Berry
- Ability: Sand Veil
- EV: 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
o Earthquake
o Outrage
o Rock Slide
o Swords Dance

With a base speed of faster than 100, he outspeeds most, so that's usually good enough. After a Swords Dance, he is very difficult to take down. It only took a few battles to realize that he didn't need a focus sash, so a Lum Berry after Outraging was nice to have. It also nullified the pokemon that deal out the ever-annoying confusion, sleep, and paralysis. He's great for my Swords Dance sweeper. If he can OHKO right away, do it. If not, Swords Dance first and then EQ unless the opponent resists it, in which case, that's when Outrage comes in handy. I tend to only use rockslide if the opponent resists both dragon and ground and is weak to Rock. Basically only switch to Scizor on Ice types, Fairy types, and Water types which surely are about to use an ice type move.
Garchomp's primary job is to leave his teammates with at most only 1.5 pokemon left to kill on the other team. His secondary job is to be Scizor's revenge killer (if he's still alive by then).


Alakazam ♂ – Timid @ Alakazite
- Ability: Synchonize -> Trace
- EV: 6 HP / 252 Sp. Attack / 252 Speed
o Psychic
o Shadow Ball
o Dazzling Gleam
o Grass Knot

It is so much fun when he comes in and traces a Sturdy. Alakazam is Garchomp's revenge killer. Mega Alakazam has got to be the fastest and most powerful special sweeper allowed at the Battle Maison. He OHKO's a lot, especially with broad type coverage, and even if he doesn't and gets killed himself, he still manages to finish off Garchomp's killer and prep Scizor to quickly finish off the remaining one(s).


Scizor ♂ – Adamant @ Leftovers
- Ability: Technician
- EV: 252 HP / 252 Attack / 6 Speed
o Swords Dance
o Bullet Punch
o Bug Bite
o Superpower

Scizor has two jobs. One: be Alakazam's revenge killer. And two (and more importantly): Be someone you can switch to if Garchomp is confronted with a scary ice or fairy. (Garchomp would die of fear if there existed a fast ice/fairy type with arena trap.) He resists all of Garchomp's weaknesses, and he's great at taking down the slow and bulky psychics (with bug bite, and Sitrus berry is like his favorite food) and thanks to how many resistances he's got, he's able to do a little [Swords] Dance against most opponents before killing them. Even with STAB and technician, bullet punch isn't quite as strong as Garchomp's earthquake or Mega Alakazam's Psychic, but he's got enough defense to at least 2HKO most anything. But the important ones of course are the easy-to-beat fairies, ices, and speedy flying types. Alakazam and Garchomp can both finish off fire types after they kill Scizor, assuming they're still alive of course. So yeah, STAB bug bite for everyone slower than Scizor (or too bulky to get killed by a bullet punch) and bullet punch for everyone else. Superpower is mainly just for steel types that resist Scizor's other two attacks.

How I Lost
Battle code: VNWW-WWWW-WW4J-NUJF
Breloom, Whiscash, Unfeazant

Breloom came out, and I was expecting a focus punch. I said, ok better do a quick Earthquake then just to test the waters (yeah dumb ok). Then it put out a substitute and I was like ugh... Swords Dance (yeah mistake number two). But now it gets interesting: Focus punch hurts Garchomp. Garchomp kills the substitute. Focus punch kills Garchomp. So I was like great! Alakazam can finish off Breloom no problem; one Psychic oughta do it! Just a little more! Hang in there, Alakazam! Then I aim for the Fight button and miss and hit the Run button instead. So then I'm like noo!!!! So I quickly try to hit the Fight button, correcting my mistake. But of course that didn't work because in its place where I was clicking, was the Yes button, confirming if I want to leave and forfeit the match...
My face was in my hands for the next few minutes.

Yes, I would have won easily. Alakazam kills Breloom then grass knot's Whiscash to death, and puts a Psychic on Unfeazant (for the OHKO or for Scizor to finish off with a bullet punch). Or if Unfeazant came out first and Scizor needed to kill whiscash then no problem either. A Swords Dance and a bug bite or two would have done the trick.
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I ended up restarting my Alpha Sapphire game recently because I got bored and wanted to replay through it. Unfortunately, that means I also lost my streak, but I had also become disinterested in the Maison for some time. However, now that I'm close to beating it again, I might actually go back to breeding Pokemon and taking on more Maison challenges! I forgot that I'd already been experimenting with two more Triples teams, neither of which caused me to lose my streak (they used Magcargo and Octillery, respectively...) so I might get back around to using those and going back up on the leaderboard with a new team!

Also, Altissimo, I hope you enjoyed/are enjoying using my team! Sorry that you lost around the 220s mark but I hope you saw how fun that team was to use hahaha. That one was my personal favorite and I'm probably going to use it again tbh
I ended up restarting my Alpha Sapphire game recently because I got bored and wanted to replay through it. Unfortunately, that means I also lost my streak, but I had also become disinterested in the Maison for some time. However, now that I'm close to beating it again, I might actually go back to breeding Pokemon and taking on more Maison challenges! I forgot that I'd already been experimenting with two more Triples teams, neither of which caused me to lose my streak (they used Magcargo and Octillery, respectively...) so I might get back around to using those and going back up on the leaderboard with a new team!

Ah shit, he's back...I'm never going to catch up now...


...still, it wouldn't be very Maison-Bot-like of me to not try, at least to make some noise until he comes with a thunderclap of a 1200-win streak or something. With that in mind:

Kind of a two-pronged approach to what I've been doing in past runs. Basically, I run two teams that switch off every five battles of a streak. One of them is The Starters of the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales:


"Ben" (Talonflame) (M) (Lvl.64) @ Sharp Beak (Left)
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/15-16/31/10-11
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect


Teelo (Blastoise) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Blastoisinite (Center)
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/31/31/22-23/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Dragon Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Water Spout


Blizzmarck (Bisharp) (M) (Lvl.53) Focus sash (Right)
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/0/17/3
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 140 Spe
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch


SamiClone (Greninja) (M) (Lvl.53) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Naïve Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
- Mat Block


BM860 (Starmie) (Lvl.51) @ Razor Fang
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/13-14/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

The other is the Majority of 21 Master Balls:


5GGGOT2 (Dusclops) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Eviolite (Left)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 230 HP / 80 Def / 200 SpD
IVs: 31/11/31/0/31/0
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Pain Split
- Trick Room
- Night Shade
- Gravity


InspireZheng (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (M) @ Berry Juice (Center)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/0/31/0/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Sunny Day
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor


TestCano (Camerupt) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Cameruptite (Right)
Ability: Magma Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def/ 252 SAtk
IVs: 3/2/14/31/28/28
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Protect
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Will-O-Wisp


Totenclone (Gastrodon) (Lvl.52) (F) @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 100 HP / 92 Def / 252 SpA / 64 SpD
IVs: 25/31/31/31/31/31
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Recover


SkateSig (Kecleon) (Lvl.52) (F) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/27
- Sucker Punch
- Shadow Sneak
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch

The twists here are The Benches to these respective teams: limited to eight Maisonmons total, and comprising only two species. Complementing the Condores/Quetzales in their sixth slot:


BM03 (Pyroar) (Lvl.81) (F) @ King's Rock
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Noble Roar
- Snarl
- Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower

BM55 (Pyroar) (Lvl.75) (F) @ Heat Rock
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/0/xx/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Sunny Day
- Solar Beam
- Hyper Voice
- Fire Blast

BM107 (Pyroar) (Lvl.65) (F) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/xx/31/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Wild Charge
- Fire Fang
- Return


BM159 (Pyroar) (Lvl.75) (M) @ White Herb
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/0/xx/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Round
- Dark Pulse
- Hyper Voice
- Overheat

Imperfects of the Maison's Pyroar sets, one of the few Maisonmons whom I have a complete set of. As you can see, I found Pyroar4 the least interesting of the sets and thus did not put as much effort into a faithful replication of that: Timid instead of Modest, originally had Rivalry as its ability (and went unchanged for a while too), Male (despite me finding the Female design cooler). All of the Females, on the other hand, each bring something interesting to the table. Regardless, I found the Litleo line to be one of my favorite Gen VI mons and love all of the fruits of this labor. Note: Pyroar1's presence here forces Starmie to switch its item from King's Rock to Razor Fang.

Complementing the Balls in their sixth slot:


BM02 (Carbink) (Lvl.58) @ Light Clay
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
IVs: 8/0/31/31/31/0
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Safeguard
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Dazzling Gleam

BM54 (Carbink) (Lvl.52) @ Smooth Rock
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Sandstorm
- Toxic
- Protect
- Power Gem

BM106 (Carbink) (Lvl.50) @ Iron Ball
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 6 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/0
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Gyro Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- Power Gem

BM158 (Carbink) (Lvl.50) @ Scope Lens
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SAtk
IVs: 8/31/31/31/31/xx
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Explosion
- Psychic
- Power Gem
- Moonblast

Imperfects of the Maison's Carbink sets, one of the few Maisonmons whom I have a complete set of. Many thx to Buckert for providing the necessary ingredient to create Sets 3 & 4.

The run is currently planned to go like this:
- Condores/Quetzales + Pyroar1 take The First Five
- Switch to 21 Master Balls + Carbink1 for Battles #6-10
- Back to the Condores/Quetzales, now with Pyroar2, for Battles #11-15
- Back to the Balls, now with Carbink2, for Battles #16-20

...And so on and so forth, cycling through all four sets of both species every 40 battles. Let's see how long I last using two Kalosmons normally thought of as mediocre for Maison play (Carbink is actually repped on the Triples leaderboard, so this mainly a way to get Pyroar on there).

Despite this being a fairly slapped-on pair of 'mons to try and fit onto my two best teams to date, there is some logic to these choices:
- Pyroar is pretty fast in its own right and fits well on a Tailwind team, becoming a speed demon with the wind blowing; likewise, Carbink is practically made to work under Trick Room
- Since Talonflame is designed mainly as a suicide setter, having a dedicated Fire attacker on the Tailwind team, especially one who can counter the pesky Grass-types who threaten my numerous Water types, makes Pyroar that much more of a fit; Carbink gives me the Fairy that 21 Master Balls has mostly lacked (the wacky-ass Slurpuff notwithstanding), and the rest of the team has Posions and Steels on lock
- Sets 1 are among my favorite Gen VI Maisonmons: they are both so gimmicky that I can't help but love them, Pyroar1 could arguably be the best of the Pyroar sets, and Carbink1 is part of the Light Clay Conglomerate, the battle facilities' Light Clay holders, among my biggest obsessions to try and synergize with successful Maison teams (to the point that my Imperfect Carbink1 is the de facto crown jewel and leader of my Imperfect Army)
- Sets 2 provide manual weather to cancel out opposing weather: Pyroar2 outspeeds most of the opposing setters and provides backup Grass coverage in case Greninja goes down, and with Carbink2 around more than half of the Balls are in a neutral position (though the latter hates weather in general, it generally can tolerate Sand)
- Sets 3 give some balance, though in different ways: with Pyroar3, the Condores/Quetzales have an even split between physical & special attackers, and with Carbink3 the Balls (and O.S.W.M., by extension) finally have a backup TR setter ready
- Sets 4 actually don't fit into the teams as much, though between Pyroar4's Overheat and Carbink4's potential Scope Lens-boosted attacks, I have a couple of extra nukes loaded
- Pyroar124 Hyper Voice gives a secondary 'safe' spread attack for the Condores/Quetzales to utilize (with no Water Absorb/Dry Skin/Storm Drain/rain around, Starmie's Surf is obviously not 'safe')
- Carbink234 Power Gem gives previously non-existent Rock coverage on the Balls, for those Stealth Rock-weak foes

Only at 26 wins right now, but like I said, I've been itching to do this with Pyroar for a while, and the opportunity very recently opened up to do this with Carbink too, so I had to pull the trigger now.
As I type this, I'm strangely becoming confident of this concept's potential...all of you on the leaderboard will learn to FEAR THE CRUCILENGE


Stormorbiter , do not underestimate Unfezant4's propensity to survive's not that hard to beat, but it can be shockingly annoying to hurt. I can't tell you how many "HOW are you still alive?" moments that thing's given me.


08/08 EDIT: THE CRUCILENGE is now over the 100-win matter what happens form here on, the run has now been a success.
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I ended up restarting my Alpha Sapphire game recently because I got bored and wanted to replay through it. Unfortunately, that means I also lost my streak, but I had also become disinterested in the Maison for some time. However, now that I'm close to beating it again, I might actually go back to breeding Pokemon and taking on more Maison challenges! I forgot that I'd already been experimenting with two more Triples teams, neither of which caused me to lose my streak (they used Magcargo and Octillery, respectively...) so I might get back around to using those and going back up on the leaderboard with a new team!

Also, Altissimo, I hope you enjoyed/are enjoying using my team! Sorry that you lost around the 220s mark but I hope you saw how fun that team was to use hahaha. That one was my personal favorite and I'm probably going to use it again tbh
Magcargo? Did you say Magcargo???


That thing is my baby. I wish they'd have done more to help it. (I'm also a big fan of the adorably pathetic Slugma.)
Magcargo? Did you say Magcargo???


That thing is my baby. I wish they'd have done more to help it. (I'm also a big fan of the adorably pathetic Slugma.) a beautiful meme.

And apparently, Shell Smash + Tailwind helps it outspeed shit, and while it doesn't have Eruption, using Lava Plume on a Flash Fire Typhlosion to boost ITS Eruption, with both attacks being under the sun, still hurts like hell. At least, that's what I can remember from the time I tried it out.
Finally, 1,000 wins and ongoing in super triples. My team is largely the same, but just in case...

Slowbro (F) @ Rindo Berry [Serenity]
Ability: Oblivious
Nature: Sassy
IVs: 31/2/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 52 DEF / 204 SP. DEF
-Trick Room
-Heal Pulse
-Sunny Day

I almost swapped it for a Slowking with an identical moveset and stat spread just to be different. But this Slow"bro" carried me this far so we're gonna ride it out til the end. Just look at that derpy expression...she just wants to have a good time and enjoy the continuous bloodbaths all around her. How could I abandon her now?


Lvl. 1 Aron (F) @ Berry Juice [Aron Ryan]
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Who cares
IVs: What are those
EVs: Nah
-Sunny Day

I swapped Toxic with Swagger just to occasionally buy Aron an extra turn when there's nothing for it to Endeavor. It still only sees use like once every 30 matches anyway but it can be pretty clutch when I need it to be.


Camerupt (M) @ Cameruptite [Ground Beef]
Ability: Solid Rock -> Sheer Force
Nature: Quiet
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252 SP. ATK / 252 HP / 4 SP. DEF
-Earth Power

I often have to remind myself that Eruption still murders a lot of stuff without the sun. If I see the chance for a clean sweep then I'll forget the sun altogether and let Slowbro get a kill of its own.


Machamp (F) @ Assault Vest [Joan Cena]
Ability: No Guard
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/15/31/0
EVs: 252 ATK / 156 HP / 100 SP. DEF
-Dynamic Punch
-Knock Off
-Bullet Punch
-Stone Edge

Machamp has made soooo many battles less stressful. Whether it's knocking off Brightpowders/Lax Incense or throwing around Dynamic Punches to save Aron's hide, this guy(?) is the real MVP whenever Camerupt doesn't pull its weight. She's also my designated Escavalier4 slayer.


Clawitzer (M) @ Life Orb [Cheddar Bay]
Ability: Mega Launcher
Nature: Quiet
IVs: 31/31/26/31/31/0
EVs: 252 SP. ATK / 252 HP / 4 DEF
-Water Pulse
-Dark Pulse
-Aura Sphere
-Ice Beam

The nickname is a Red Lobster reference. I couldn't help it...those damn biscuits are gifts from the gods. Not much else to say about him other than he can pretty much demolish Hex Maniacs on his own and I cherish him for that.


Cresselia (F) @ Leftovers [Moon River]
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Relaxed
IVs: 31/26/14/31/31/2
EVs: 252 HP / 180 DEF / 76 SP. DEF
-Trick Room

I'm relatively proud of this catch. At Level 50 a speed IV of 2 is equal to a 0 anyway. Shame about that defense but she can still tank anything that would take out Slowbro. I didn't see much merit in leaving a Mental Herb on it since she's the backup so I just picked Leftovers for more longevity. I'm considering Iron Ball since there are still many annoying things that outspeed it under TR.

Rather than look up sets every match, I keep a nifty little list of threats and generally annoying things to look out for to try to prevent getting caught off guard. It's not complete, but it does contain the stuff I run into the most often.

Can kill Slowbro: Escavalier4, Armaldo4 (68.8%), Tyrantrum4 (62.5% or 18.8%), Thundurus2 (81.3%)
Other than the obvious OHKO moves, Escavalier4 is the only thing in the entire Maison with a guaranteed OHKO on my Slowbro. Armaldo usually Earthquakes or uses Stone Edge. Tyrantrum, if placed in the middle, will aim for Camerupt with a Head Smash instead; Strong Jaw gives it a nice chance to Crunch Slowbro to death but it still opts to Head Smash or Earthquake most of the time. I haven't had Thundurus2 aim a Thunderbolt at Slowbro yet but it still scares me. Only Escav4 targets Slowbro with some kind of consistency. I can click Eruption turn 1 if it's placed in the middle and the mon on the right isn't something annoying, but because it speed ties with vanilla Camerupt I have to switch out Slowbro for Machamp to ensure it stays safe.

Can kill Camerupt: Clawitzer4, Slowking1, Tyrantrum4, Refrigerate Aurorus4, Latios2, basically every water-type except Lapras4
Clawitzer and Slowking get special mentions because they can douse my flames with a cross-field Water Pulse. Only Mara carries Slowking1, but that one bad encounter is all I need to be spooked for life. Aurorus4 is almost always going to try to decimate Camerupt if it doesn't have Snow Warning.

Slower than Camerupt (40): Golurk4, Conkeldurr2&4, Trevenant4, Gigalith4 (tie), Escavalier4 (tie), Ferrothorn1&2 (tie), Ferrothorn3&4
These force me to mega evolve turn 1 to prevent shenanigans. That Escav4 speed tie is also really inconvenient.

Slower than Slowbro (31): Forretress3, Golem4, Carbink3?, Marowak2

Slower than M-Camerupt (22): Shuckle (tie), Steelix4 (tie?), Avalugg4
I'm pretty sure Shuckle and Steelix are speed ties but I almost always lose it, so meh.

Focus Sash: Heatran1, Glaceon3, Abomasnow3, Froslass4, Infernape4, Gliscor4, Bisharp4, Entei1, Garchomp4, Staraptor1, Weavile3&4, Tyranitar4
Being robbed of that OHKO and having Camerupt eat a Blizzard or Earthquake isn't fun.

Custap Berry: Claydol4, Skuntank4, Escavalier4, Drifblim4, Regirock2, Forretress4, Spiritomb4
What's also not fun is barely missing a OHKO then getting an Explosion to the face. Or getting Destiny Bonded. Damn you Drifblim.

Brightpowder/Lax Incense: Glaceon4, Walrein4 (fuck this guy), Mamoswine3, Regigigas1, Absol4, Gothitelle4, Lati@s1, Cobalion3, Dugtrio4
The main reason that Machamp is here. I've seen Walrein4 end too many streaks to let that thing live. If it so happens to take someone down, Machamp comes in immediately to Dynamic Punch that bastard back to the icy Hell that spawned it. I REALLY hate the fact that there are two separate items for this crap so that you can potentially get evasion hax'd by two separate mons in the same battle.

Quick Claw: Donphan4 (fuck this guy too), Ursaring4, Leafeon4, Muk4, Vaporeon1
The last thing I need is to let Camerupt eat a QC Earthquake and have it's Eruption neutered before it gets a chance to burn stuff. Vaporeon1 is a rarity, only Nigella and Kannon can use it, but the idea of Camerupt getting hit with QC Surf is horrifying.

Mold Breaker: Excadrill, Throh, Sawk, Hawlucha, Druddigon, Pinsir, Haxorus, Rampardos
These guys have to take priority since they will wipe out Aron with one hit. Especially Excadrill since its Earthquake does way too much damage.

Flash Fire: Heatran, Houndoom, Entei, Arcanine, Emboar, Typhlosion, Chandelure, Rapidash, Ninetales, Flareon
These guys usually prompt me to Earth Power with Camerupt on turn 1 if it's safe to do so. Also, if the AI has a mon in store with Flash Fire they just love to switch it in as soon as I click Eruption.

Storm Drain: Gastrodon, Cradily
They shut down Slowbro if they're anywhere adjacent to it. They also like to occasionally switch in just like the Flash Fire users.

Flame Body: Heatran, Moltres, Talonflame, Volcarona
I'll only Endeavor them if Aron has already taken a hit and will likely go down that turn anyway, or if Camerupt can take out their neighbor with Eruption and I'll still be in a good spot if Aron gets burned.

Iron Barbs/Rough Skin: Ferrothorn, Garchomp, Druddigon
A preemptive Heal Pulse is the play here. Jaboca berries are also a thing but they aren't common enough for it to matter.

Guts: Conkeldurr, Ursaring, Hariyama, Throh, Machamp, Luxray
I'll try to avoid spamming Scald on them unless they've announced another ability already. With a Guts boost they're likely to change targets sooner and that's no good.

Sand Stream/Drizzle/Snow Warning: Hippowdon, Tyranitar, Politoed, Aurorus, Abomasnow
Aron and Camerupt don't mind the sand but Earth Power is no longer a guaranteed OHKO against rock-types. Rain just gives water-types another reason to target Camerupt and must be gotten rid of ASAP. And of course nobody likes Hail; in normal circumstances I can have Slowbro use Heal Pulse on Aron while it uses Sunny Day but Abomasnow3 and 4 force Aron to switch out to prevent being KO'd by Ice Shard.

Sturdy: Avalugg, Sawk, Aggron, Magnezone, Carracosta, Golem, Forretress, Steelix, Shuckle, Regirock, Skarmory, Bastiodon, Probopass, Gigalith, Carbink, Donphan (>_>)
See: Focus Sash. Carracosta gets the special mention here because of Weakness Policy and the fact that it can't make up its mind between spamming Aqua Jet on Aron or Waterfall on Camerupt. Also fuck Donphan.

Trace: Gardevoir, Porygon2
They have a chance to Trace Aron's Sturdy. Slightly annoying, but usually not as threatening as the Maisonmons that have Sturdy naturally.

OHKO moves: Donphan4 (god damn it), Walrein4, Mamoswine3, Whiscash4, Wailord4, Landorus1, Cryogonal3, Vanilluxe3, Articuno2, Pinsir4 I really need to explain why these guys suck? 30% accuracy, right? LOL.

Earthquake: Literally everything
Luckily the AI is idiotic and pretends that teammates don't exist.

Rock Slide: Archeops4, Bronzong4, Claydol4, Bastiodon4, Rampardos4, Golem4, a bunch more
Also Starmie4 for Kings Rock + Surf. Slowbro getting flinched is kind of a problem. I don't have much defense against flinching...I just kind of have to hope that Slowbro doesn't get flinched to death. If it does, then at least Cresselia gives me a 2nd chance.

Opposing TR setters: Slowking1&4, Slowbro4, Trevenant4, Cresselia4, Exeggutor4, Aromatisse4, Bronzong4
I know there are more, but these are the only ones that have tried to cockblock me during my streak. Using Endeavor on them turn 1 isn't a terrible idea as Clawitzer will come in and raise hell for the rest of the team should they attack and wipe out Aron instead.

Priority: Too many to list
Aron loses one more life than normal. Usually not too big of a deal, but it does sometimes force Aron to go for double Protect or just switch out. Fake Out obviously sucks, but they don't even use it 100% of the time. Sucker Punch can be played around with Swagger and Sunny Day. They do change targets if Slowbro or Camerupt are in KO range though which is annoying.

Generally annoying stuff: Froslass4, Espeon1, Mandibuzz4, Absol4, Electrode4, Luxray4, Metagross4, Reuniclus4, Venusaur4, Bastiodon4, Aromatisse
Froslass4 because of the potential combination of Cursed Body and a Focus Sash. Being shut out of two of my moves isn't fun.
Espeon1 because all it fucking does is spam Yawn. If I switch out, it just repeatedly Yawns anything I switch in until it's dead.
Mandibuzz4 because all it does is spam Swagger and its target is completely random. It's also infuriatingly bulky.
Absol4 does the exact same thing as Mandibuzz4 but with Bright freakin' Powder to make up for the lack of bulk.
Electrode4 and Luxray4 because they like to throw up Light Screens to neutralize my Eruption spam.
Metagross4 and Reuniclus4 because they can't decide whether they want to attack Aron or use Trick to give Slowbro something it doesn't want.
Venusaur4 because Protect - Leech Seed - Protect - Substitute - Protect - Toxic - Protect - Leech Seed - Protect - Bore Me To Sleep - Protect
Bastiodon4 because it's basically the Donald Trump of the Battle Maison.
Aromatisse because it's really goddamn ugly. It is a really neat Trick Room mon because of Aroma Veil...I considered using one for my team but ultimately declined because of how fucking hideous it is. Whenever I face a team with one I prioritize taking it out because of the potential TR cockblock and because I don't want my eyes to bleed.

I'll be slowing down on Maison progress considerably now. I still do want to take up ReptoAbysmal on that challenge to beat his streak though. This team is a lot of fun. I often lament my team's lack of another strong spread attacker but with how powerful the front line is I don't feel like I need it. That and I am just not willing to give up Machamp, Clawitzer, or Cresselia either for sentimental reasons or for the fact that they're just that damn useful. In the future I do want to try an Aron-less version of this team, if not in ORAS then in whatever battle facility they give us in Sun/Moon.

The only close call of this entire streak so far courtesy of Donphan shenanigans (Donphanigans?). I played like an optimistic idiot even after the first Quick Claw proc. Three QCs in a row is like, what, a 0.8% chance? 1 in 125? The first one didn't really matter, but still. I also failed to acknowledge Claydol's custap berry. I should have Bullet Punched that thing to prevent it but I probably tried to Knock Off Donphan's QC because it was pissing me off. I edged out a win with 2 mons left here, but this match forever changed how I handle Donphan4 and Quick Claws in general.

This was my first run-in with a rogue Escavalier4. I acknowledged the possibility of a Megahorn on Slowbro but stayed in anyway. Luckily I was able to bait it into attacking Cresselia so I could Endeavor + Bullet Punch it. I wasn't able to get Trick Room up until like turn 6 and this match could've went a whole lot worse than it did.

The 1,000th win. Nothing special happens, just a veteran getting slaughtered like usual.
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started to play ORAS battle maison singles about a week ago out of battle tower nostalgia. slapped together a copy+paste team and got a 204 streak. not a great streak and my play is really sloppy right now, but hopefully i can get a better streak with this team.
Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite ** Nanoha
Ability: Scrappy
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch

stock mkang lead. PUPs things and then sweeps. need to utilize scrappy better though, i think i used it like once in my streak. very comfortable with this moveset and don't see a need to change anything out.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb ** Yohane
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Careful
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/31
EVs: 212 HP / 4 Atk / 36 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
- Substitute
- Protect
- Toxic
- Earthquake

stock gliscor. carried its weight pretty hard, and is probably the easiest pokemon to use on this team.

Aegislash @ Leftovers ** Whitefang
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/1/31/29
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Iron Head

standard aegislash too. currently debating sacred sword vs iron head; ghost+fighting coverage is incredibly superior to ghost+steel, but i'd probably miss out on KOs vs some things due to iron head having 30 more base power after stab. i'm finding aegi kind of hard to utilize too, but it might be because i had literally never used it before battle maison.


overall, i like the team, but it wasn't my first choice. i really wanted to run a truant durant team with drapion and some 3rd, but it's impossible to get that in gen 5 now and i'd prefer to just rng abuse for my pokemon over soft resetting. suicune was a consideration too, but my choices there are to either SR on ORAS or run through heartgold and relearn 4th gen rng abuse (not terribly hard, but not as consistent as gen 5). i guess i could do it, but it really depends on how much i want to use suicune.
biggest issue i'm having right now is dealing with swagger pokemon, particularly escavalier4 lead. also somewhat thunder wave, particularly luxray4, but some of it also stems from my aversion to switch to gliscor because luxray has ice fang. i also need to get pp ups+maxes so that i can max out pp on some stuff, particularly substitute and sucker punch. i have king's shield and protect maxed out at the moment, since they seemed like the most important, but i haven't ever used king's shield that much in a match.

battle 205 (streak end): K9XW-WWWW-WW4L-2RG2
didn't PUP to +4 and it ended up being my downfall, it was a terrible, terrible misplay. i got to +3 vs cradily4, decided not to PUP empoleon4 because i was confident that it wouldn't have OHKOd (it would have, i was too lazy to calc it), then greninja4 got a crit hydro pump and swept through the rest. if i got to +4, sucker punch OHKO was guaranteed and i wouldn't be typing this up.

+3 252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 126-148 (85.7 - 100.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
+4 252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 150-177 (102 - 120.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

there was a very small chance of me pulling this one out. if blizzard had missed gliscor, i could have PP stalled blizzard+hydro pump then probably safely toxic stalled to death. or...

252+ SpA Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Aegislash-Shield: 90-108 (53.8 - 64.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
(90, 90, 92, 92, 96, 96, 96, 98, 98, 98, 102, 102, 102, 104, 104, 108)

if i had gotten some very lucky rolls, (2 rolls between 90-92 or 90+96), i could have won. i went SD+king's shield to get optimal leftovers recovery, but the first hit was a roll in the 100s so it was impossible to win unless i got 2 king's shields in a row which i think is a 33.3% chance of working? but i digress.

and disregarding all that, i could have sucker punched with mkang, died to hydro pump, sac gliscor to blizzard, then shadow sneak with aegi to close out the match since it was protean greninja. lol...
started to play ORAS battle maison singles about a week ago out of battle tower nostalgia. slapped together a copy+paste team and got a 204 streak. not a great streak and my play is really sloppy right now, but hopefully i can get a better streak with this team.
Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite ** Nanoha
Ability: Scrappy
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch

stock mkang lead. PUPs things and then sweeps. need to utilize scrappy better though, i think i used it like once in my streak. very comfortable with this moveset and don't see a need to change anything out.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb ** Yohane
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Careful
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/31
EVs: 212 HP / 4 Atk / 36 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
- Substitute
- Protect
- Toxic
- Earthquake

stock gliscor. carried its weight pretty hard, and is probably the easiest pokemon to use on this team.

Aegislash @ Leftovers ** Whitefang
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/1/31/29
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Iron Head

standard aegislash too. currently debating sacred sword vs iron head; ghost+fighting coverage is incredibly superior to ghost+steel, but i'd probably miss out on KOs vs some things due to iron head having 30 more base power after stab. i'm finding aegi kind of hard to utilize too, but it might be because i had literally never used it before battle maison.


overall, i like the team, but it wasn't my first choice. i really wanted to run a truant durant team with drapion and some 3rd, but it's impossible to get that in gen 5 now and i'd prefer to just rng abuse for my pokemon over soft resetting. suicune was a consideration too, but my choices there are to either SR on ORAS or run through heartgold and relearn 4th gen rng abuse (not terribly hard, but not as consistent as gen 5). i guess i could do it, but it really depends on how much i want to use suicune.
biggest issue i'm having right now is dealing with swagger pokemon, particularly escavalier4 lead. also somewhat thunder wave, particularly luxray4, but some of it also stems from my aversion to switch to gliscor because luxray has ice fang. i also need to get pp ups+maxes so that i can max out pp on some stuff, particularly substitute and sucker punch. i have king's shield and protect maxed out at the moment, since they seemed like the most important, but i haven't ever used king's shield that much in a match.

battle 205 (streak end): K9XW-WWWW-WW4L-2RG2
didn't PUP to +4 and it ended up being my downfall, it was a terrible, terrible misplay. i got to +3 vs cradily4, decided not to PUP empoleon4 because i was confident that it wouldn't have OHKOd (it would have, i was too lazy to calc it), then greninja4 got a crit hydro pump and swept through the rest. if i got to +4, sucker punch OHKO was guaranteed and i wouldn't be typing this up.

+3 252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 126-148 (85.7 - 100.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
+4 252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 150-177 (102 - 120.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

there was a very small chance of me pulling this one out. if blizzard had missed gliscor, i could have PP stalled blizzard+hydro pump then probably safely toxic stalled to death. or...

252+ SpA Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Aegislash-Shield: 90-108 (53.8 - 64.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
(90, 90, 92, 92, 96, 96, 96, 98, 98, 98, 102, 102, 102, 104, 104, 108)

if i had gotten some very lucky rolls, (2 rolls between 90-92 or 90+96), i could have won. i went SD+king's shield to get optimal leftovers recovery, but the first hit was a roll in the 100s so it was impossible to win unless i got 2 king's shields in a row which i think is a 33.3% chance of working? but i digress.

and disregarding all that, i could have sucker punched with mkang, died to hydro pump, sac gliscor to blizzard, then shadow sneak with aegi to close out the match since it was protean greninja. lol...

This is actually the exact same team I use to quickly run through the first 40 battles (literally right down to the Aegislash Speed stat) before switching to my "real" teams haha, their synergy is very decent but they have a huge weakness in that there's absolutely nothing they can do against Wisp leads. Aegislash is not a great third team member for Mega Kangaskhan + Gliscor because Gliscor already covers Fighting-types and Aegislash doesn't offer that much extra, but it's still a solid mon on its own of course. As for the threats you listed, Escavalier4 should actually be really easy to handle because Gliscor beats it one-on-one without too much trouble by alternating Sub / Protect until Escavalier uses Swagger on a Sub, allowing Gliscor to use a free Earthquake--it's like a 4HKO so it does take some time to take Escavalier down, but yeah. Should Gliscor get hit by Swagger on the switch, you can just go to Aegislash; it takes basically nothing from Escavalier's attacks, and then you can use King's Shield to either lower its Attack (so that it won't be able to break Gliscor's Subs in one hit anymore!) or absorb the Swagger so you can switch Gliscor in safely without risk of it getting confused.
Gliscor beats Steelix in a similar way, and it handles Mandibuzz fine too if it can Toxic it before it gets a Sub up--and even if that happens, Mandibuzz's attacking PP are easily stalled, so you can use Kangaskhan to break its Subs and wear it down in peace.
It also should beat Absol, but that's matchup is horrible because you'll need to get something else burned first so Gliscor's Orb can activate safely + you'll still need something to switch out to to tank its Punishments :( If Cobalion3 shows up it can be a pretty dumb matchup too, though in theory it seems beatable with repeated (unboosted) Shadow Sneaks + liberal King's Shield / Protect usage.

And it should be perfectly safe to go to Gliscor against Luxray4--attacking move wise it should prefer Thunder Fang over Ice Fang against Kangaskhan, but even then, since Kangaskhan is faster and Luxray is incredibly weak (Ice Fang only does slightly over half against Gliscor o_o) I honestly can't see it use any other move than Thunder Wave. (heck, the teams I've used both have a Water-type lead--Greninja and Gyarados, respectively--and I don't recall Luxray4 ever using Thunder Fang on them, it always uses Thunder Wave.) And if you get Gliscor in safely, it's guaranteed to beat Luxray by Sub / Protect stalling Ice Fang and then taking it down with Toxic. (I very much do recommend you max out all of Gliscor's PP though yeah).

Re. Iron Head vs. Sacred Sword on Aegislash, it really depends on what your team struggles most with. For overall coverage, Sacred Sword + Shadow Sneak is clearly very superior over Iron Head + Shadow Sneak, so that should be the default option, but it could be that your team benefits more from Iron Head's coverage. Iron Head's added power is nice too, but it's overall less relevant than the coverage since Aegislash usually should be boosted anyways + Shadow Sneak is its go-to sweeping move. Personally, I used Sword + Sneak on my Gyarados / Aegislash / Gliscor team at first because everyone does, but I ended up having massive trouble against lead Togekiss / Yanmega / Tornadus4 and was pretty weak to Noivern as well. I then realised I really wasn't using Aegislash's coverage move that much and that its targets were either obliterated just as hard by Iron Head or handled fine by Gyarados / Gliscor, so I switched out Sacred Sword for Iron Head so that I'd have a much stronger unboosted attack to hit those targets with. It also helped against a couple other foes (like Spiritomb and Froslass), and I only really lost out on Greninja4 and (to a much lesser extent) Skarmory4, which I happily took over having to pray pretty hard every time one of those lead Flying-types would show up. But yeah, so my point is, my team ended up working out so that Aegislash's coverage move actually had pretty specific targets that Iron Head was a much better option for, and had those Flying-types not existed / been covered properly by Gyarados + Gliscor I probably would've gone with Sacred Sword really.

To also comment on your loss, I don't think not using PuP on Empoleon is the main thing you should be holding against yourself, because admittedly Earthquake is the "autopilot" move most people would go for there, and it's a relatively excusable mistake. However, since there was a chance for Greninja to OHKO Kangaskhan in that spot and Kangaskhan "has to" take a hit anyways because it's slower, Sucker Punch would have been the right play there regardless. And as you already noted, that also would have put Greninja in KO range for Aegislash's Shadow Sneak :U And since Greninja was Protean, Aegislash was pretty likely to beat it one-on-one too (barring a Dark Pulse flinch) because neutral Iron Head + resisted Shadow Sneak was a very likely KO--much better odds than going for two consecutive minimum rolls :(
252+ Atk Aegislash-Blade Iron Head vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 115-136 (78.2 - 92.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
(115, 117, 118, 120, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 135, 136)

252+ Atk Aegislash-Blade Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 29-34 (19.7 - 23.1%) -- possible 5HKO
(29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 31, 31, 32, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33, 34)

with Greninja having 147 HP.
In all fairness, though, Greninja is a terrible lastmon to face for this team, since it resists Sucker Punch and is one of the very few foes (maybe even the only common one, no other ones come to mind at least) to beat the Gliscor + Iron Head Aegislash core on its own. Could be worth going Sacred Sword Aegislash for that reason alone, but idk that well right now what other foes you'd prefer Steel coverage for (Froslass is a very big one, though there might be some very roundabout way for Sword + Sneak Aegislash and Gliscor to beat it).

Good luck on (hopefully) future runs in any case, because I would like to see you take these further :o
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Posting a completed streak of 189 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples.


  • Battle #41, w/ Pyroar1, vs. Sigmund (Electrode/Drapion/Magnezone/Carracosta/Zebstrika/Victreebel) (Set 4) -- the closest battle of the streak. Nothing too egregious, just a slugfest that turns into a two-on-one on Bisharp and forces me to play smart for the last three or four turns. BGHW-WWWW-WW4L-46VK
  • Battle #66, w/ Carbink2, vs. Nikita (Mr.Mime/Medicham/Mienshao/Lucario/Meganium/Goodra) (Set 4) -- a rare instance of an All-Gen opponent. CS3G-WWWW-WW4L-476T
  • Battle #108, w/ Pyroar3, vs. Colin (Hydreigon/Noivern/Latios/Gogoat/Meganium/Breloom) (Set 4) -- a goodstuffs trainer unfortunate draw. Not that I had hail or Blizzard or Glaciate to exploit this gift, but still. AVMG-WWWW-WW4L-47A8
  • Battle #153, w/ Pyroar3, vs. Kannon (Jolteon?/Umbreon4/Vaporeon1/Leafeon?/Espeon3/Glaceon4) -- the second-closest battle of the streak, due mainly to Repto's Nemesis being its usual douche self once it's been isolated. On the plus side, I got to use Scald's thawing effect for the second time during the streak. C8CG-WWWW-WW4L-47EB
  • Battle #167, w/ Carbink1, vs. Jensen (Luxray1/Arcanine2/Tauros1/Granbull4/Salamence3/Gyarados? -- Typical Jensen battle, saved mainly because I just find the idea of Mass Intimidate fascinating and want to make a team based on that work someday. LZFG-WWWW-WW4L-47HY
  • Battle #174, w/ Pyroar1, vs. Ceasar (Walrein/Vanilluxe/Whiscash/Wailord/Ludicolo/Floatzel) (Set 4) -- Triple Fissure, Pt. II: Auxillary Cracks LWUG-WWWW-WW4L-47KK
  • Battle #190, w/Carbink2, vs. Colin (Talonflame/Quagsire/Greninja/Haxorus/Leafeon/Medicham) (Set 4) -- Two major mistakes made here. First, I'm willing to sac Megarupt midway through because she is able to net a couple of KOs beforehand, forgetting that, with goodstuff trainers, you always to need to preserve everyone on the team for as long as possible--you never really know which next foe is waiting around the corner. As it turns out, the opponent who Megarupt would have had the best chance to beat was part of this team. Second, I switched in Gastrodon within range of Leafeon4 and kept it in, wanting to test how well the Rindo Berry would help it stay in the game--not at all as it turned out. Then again, those mistakes may not have mattered in the end: the team spent so much effort trying to put Quagsire4 down that Leafeon4 was able to pick up the pieces handily once the former went down. On top of that...I take JT Hitman's "Donphan4 gets three consecutive QC activations" and raise him "Leafeon4 gets four QC activations in six turns AND gets the last three in a row". NESG-WWWW-WW4L-47ZP
Regardless of how it ended, I'm pretty happy with how this run turned out:
- I took some new Bench players to a respectable streak ("new" in the sense that they had never participated in prior streaks--Carbink1 and Pyroar1 are among my earliest Imperfect creations)
- got two species of 'mons normally unseen in the Maison some playing time
- Carbink is already repped on the Triples leaderboard, as ReptoAbysmal has one I've labeled "The Agony Diamond" as part of his semi-random Trick Room roster. So, while embarking on THE CARBINK CRUCIBLE was pretty nifty, the real success of this run was taking up THE PYROAR CHALLENGE. Barring an appearance somewhere on the Trohpy Hall of Fame, this streak gets Pyroar repped on the overall records, and it certainly gets it on the leaderboard

There are several "next steps" to be taken following this streak, mostly stemming from THE PYROAR CHALLENGE:
- See if there is a more 'standard' Maison team that a Pyroar can fit into
- get a good Litleo ready to be part of my in-game team for Sun/Moon
- try to acquire one of Buckert's shiny Litleos strictly for collection purposes (despite the fact that I don't have a trade thread ready to make that happen, and probably won't be making one anytime soon)
- bully/coerce/bribe any of the posters on here to also give Pyroar a shot (be it for streaks, berries, or trophies)


Props to everyone who has posted streaks on this page, especially PrivateJoker: for how much I notice him visiting this thread, I'm always surprised to see how little he posts, and it's cool to see him get his streak on. Also, those were some fine replays for JT to post.

We are so close to 200 pages...keep it up, everyone!
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and disregarding all that, i could have sucker punched with mkang, died to hydro pump, sac gliscor to blizzard, then shadow sneak with aegi to close out the match since it was protean greninja. lol...

Yep, this is probably the most common cause for losing in Singles with a good team. No bonus points for winning 3-0. I would suspect that most players with long streaks have done do so by erring on the side of just trying to kill everything with the Mega set-up sweeper and just not getting doubly unlucky with a bad matchup that prevents the remaining two Pokemon from finishing the battle when hax strikes.
Good ol' Quick Claw. Ruining hopes and dreams since 2005.

I remember many years ago seeing someone get bodied by Rhydon's Quick Claw Horn Drill or Fissure 3 turns in a row then posting the rather astronomical chances of that happening. It was hilarious.
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I've never been into getting long streaks (just testing battlespot cores and BP grinding) and want to get into longer streaks. What's a good team to easily get through the first 50 odd rounds without taking too long with setting up boosts?
So I was just breeding a Salamence, but before I could breed the salamence, I needed to set up for some egg moves, like Dragon Dance. So i looked at what I had, and all my friggin dragons that know DD are female, so I grabbed Gyarados and bred it with a ditto to get a male one. Since I wanted the Salamence to be Jolly, I bred it with a Jolly ditto. First try, it comes out Male, and also with 5 perfect IVs in all the right places.

So my question is, is Jolly Gyarados useful for anything? Or do I just put him in the breeder pile?
At least a couple of people on on here have made Jolly Gyarados work:

Harbinger (Gyarados/F) @ Lum Berry
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

The dreaded 4th team slot. I could never choose a good 4th team member, because it seemed like they could never really replace any of my core 3. Gyarados wasn't as hard hitting as MKangaskhan if she bit it, and it also wasn't as bulky or had priority like Aegislash if he died. Bulky Grass types also give Gyarados trouble. Still, Intimidate is helpful, but it was just not as good as MKangaskhan or Aegislash.

I'm bad at video games. =[

I lost in the Battle Maison's Super Triple challenge at battle #478. Twas an unfortunate mix of bad hax and me playing bad.


Used a copypasterino of R Inanimate's team. However my Gyarados has a different build: jolly with max speed and investment into Gyarados's HP to give it 175, to minimize sand's chip damage. The rest is in attack.

Should've used EQ at the end, bah.

ps Aerial Ace on the Tyranitar is so good! F*ck Iron Head. I actually could've won that if I had just hit EQ instead |:

So, "filler usable" but usable nonetheless. Worst comes to worst, you swap the chosen item for a Wacan and make it an Imperfect Gyarados3.
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I already have an Adamant Gyarados tho. So if Jolly just hits less hard and doesn't outspeed anything useful, I'll rule it out as a Maison option and just keep it around for other possible uses.
EDIT: I found out the chansey i used is illegal. For my next streak, i'll switch it with Sylveon, which i've already used until the first 400 wins.

Posting a 512 win streak, Super Rotation. It's the first streak i post because it's the first loss that i think it deserves to be shown, many other streaks ended because of insane AI's luck or really bad plays by me. This time the AI really got me, i lost to Latios4, its typing and moveset obliterated my team's strategy. I admit that i have never checked the trainers list before. I based everything on my experience, i know which mon can be problematic for my team, but this was the first time i encountered this Latios' set, and since it started dragon dancing almost immediatly, i freaked out a bit and it demolished me. Of course, in Super Rotation is hard to lose for a single mon, usually it takes multiple checks to my strategy to really make pressure, this time there was also a taunt virizion that shut down Klefki.

Team creation
Disclaimer: basically it's the same strategy recommended by Smogon's article about rotation format (, but I swear i planned, built and started using this team a long time before even knowing that article existed.
I lost countless times to the apparent random AI's "predicts", and after many tries i decided that the better way to counter their always right predicts was to 1HKO every mon they send out. So, I chose three bulky set up sweepers and a cleric. However, many opponents managed to 1HKO me before i can get enough dragon dances or nasty plots, so i removed one of the sweepers for Klefki. Thanks to prankster, it can use reflect and light screen with priority, meaning that it can set up at least one screen before getting taunted. Then i also switched Sylveon with Chansey (although she has less offensive presence, her wishes are far more effective than Sylveon's, and she is incredibly bulky, having very rarely need of her own wishes). The main idea for the two sweepers was: no 4x weaknesses, no shared weaknesses, good bulk, access to the best boosting moves (dragon dance, nasty plot, swords dance). Mega Charizard X has been the premier mon that fulfilled all of these features, and i have never switched it (only changed some EV's). Its godly offensive typing leaves it walled by only Heatran. The second sweeper was Aegislash, but eventually i removed it because even at +6 it can't 1HKO many mons with shadow sneak. I chose Feraligatr, to have an answer to Heatran. So, the final team is:

Charizard-Mega-X @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Protect

The premier sweeper. Dragon claw is the main STAB. Flare blitz is here to hit steel types and whatever dragon claw cannot. It also serves for wallbreaking purpose. Charizard will often need a wish after using that move, though. If i'm sure the opponent will be KOed, i go for wish and then Flare Blitz, so it will be instantly healed after the recoil without wasting a turn using protect (see down). It's walled by Heatran.

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Seismic Toss
- Heal Bell
- Protect

The premier cleric. Heal bell cures status and wish is an almost complete recharge for both my sweepers. Seismic toss deals some damages, breaks subtitutes and avoid chansey being taunt bait.

Klefki @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Flash Cannon
- Protect

Great supporter, i already explained its purpose. Flash cannon is the attacking move i chose: fairy types are immune to ZardX's Dragon claw, so i often use this before attacking with flare blitz, in order to take less recoil damage. I used to run foul play, but it was rarely useful.

Feraligatr @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Protect

The secondary sweeper, very strong and bulky, but much slower than ZardX. It often requires 4 dds to outspeed 130+base speed mons running choice scarf.
Waterfall is main STAB, ice punch hits grass and dragon types. It's walled by many water types, most notably Substitute Empoleon.

Max hp and attack for both sweepers, in order to fully take advantage of their bulk and power. Speed is not required, as they can boost it with dd. Max hp and defense for both supporters, i find physical attacks far more dangerous for them (notably, klefky is often hit by earthquakes and chansey by fighting moves). Everyone has protect in order to get safely a wish when they rotate.

This team fears: confusion (confuse ray regigigas is really problematic, but is 1HKOed by +1 flare blitz); curse users (set up one dd and then try to break them with flare blitz. It doesn't work very well with Gastrodon, but dragon claw should be enough. I got two curse users simultaneously once. In those scenarios, it's game over); taunt (only before getting a dd boost); 1HKO moves (i know, no one can control luck, but this team is highly prone to get hit by these moves, as it requires many turns to set up before starting a sweep); many counters pokemon/moves in the same team (taunt+curse, 2 curse users, confuse ray+taunt...); critical hits (i've seen so many crits during the streak i think i'm cursed. Crits bypass reflects and light screen and will often 1HKO the sweeper if it's a super effective move)
Counter list (updating, i don't remember all of them): Regigigas (every set, it always has confuse ray), Crobat 2,4 (taunt, hypnosis, high speed), Tyrantrum 4 (it 1HKOes Charizard X even behind reflect thanks to choice band, same with Rampardos); Clawitzer 4 (with choice specs it might break klefki if it has not set up a light screen yet; also it 2HKOes ZardX behind the light screen); Garchomp 4 (it 1HKOes ZardX behind reflect after a sword dance, and it holds focus sash); Latios 4 ( ended my streak. Sadly, every time i face a new counter that i still don't know, it defeats me, so i add it to the counter list).

How I lost
Video: KMNW-WWWW-WW4M-3848
I won't comment much. I started like always, light screen and reflect, but klefki gets taunted, so no more screens. Then i saw it. That Latios with dragon dance.
This can't be. Latios is faster than Charizard and has the typing to really threaten it after mega evolving. So i did not mega evolve Charizard. I tried some dds, but latios always managed to get more than me, so it was faster and could 1HKO ZardX. I hoped to survive a dragon claw and using dragon claw myself, but every time i tried Latios rotated and the dragon claw hit the wrong target (without mega evolving it does pitiful damages). It ended with Latios being the last mon and me without the screens. At this point, Latios was at +4 and wrecked my team. Of course i made some mistakes, but that Latios i've never seen before really freaked me out and i couldn't think well. Maybe next time i'll try to switch into Feraligatr which is not weak to dragon type moves, and try some ice punches.
Pretty hilarious. I've been defeated by my same strategy. That's ok, i guess. It proves it's a good one.

NoCheese Edit: As you note, with the Wish Chansey, I can't add you to the leaderboard. But cool team, and I wish you the best of luck on your run through with Sylveon!
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