Battle Maison Discussion & Records

That looks about right, as it is the set that has gotten a few people here quite high on the leaderboard. I personally would advocate for trying this out with your initially proposed Durant/Cloyster combo, if for no other reason than for experience in getting long Singles streaks and honing your patience. After all, Durant/Cloyster/Drapion has netted someone a pretty high streak before. After that streak is done, you can build that support 'mon for the next run and see the difference in reliability firsthand, and why the boss advocated for it in the first place.


A small something I wanted to share with all of you, from my current streak:

Battle #310, vs. Tanner (Blastoise/Dugtrio/Dewgong/Vileplume/Gyarados/Golem) (Set 4): Rolling an AllGen opponent (something only possible in Triples) is enough of a low-probability event that it has only happened to me three or four times over the course of my Maisoning experience. Rolling a MonoGen opponent in Triples seems to be an even tougher proposition, as it has never happened to me...UNTIL NOW. Better yet, it was represented by members of the best Gen. Though the team itself was too slow to deal with my Condores/Quetzales, was handicapped by me having a Raichu inadvertently tailor-made to deal with Rangers as my Bench player on this occasion, had the useless Dugtrio4, and had the near-useless-in-Triples Dewgong4, it was overall bulky enough to last six turns, so slight props to it.

As my only Maison MonoGen battle to date, the team now holds a special place and will most likely replace Bisharp's Last Stand as my go-to team to test against other players' Super Triples teams or to goof off in Battle Spot Triples...I just need a Teeter Dance Oddish & Yawn Squirtle to start the process.
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So my Super Rotations team streak just ended at battle no. 185. Stupid play on my part so can't blame hax. I've gotten passed some of the most insane hax. See the battle video against walrein it was nuts. I think 3 one hit ko moves hit out of 4 plus I missed cause of bright powder.

Overall a solid run with potential to go further but don't think I plan to try again this generation. Serperior proved to be a master at rotations with its ability to set-up and attack at the same time thanks to contrary+Leaf storm behind a sub.

Here's the team for good measure.
Serperior@ Wide Lens
Timid / Contrary
56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: Leaf Storm / Sub / HP Fire / Leech Seed

Sharpedo@ Focus Sash
Naughty (Should be Adamant but too lazy to breed) / Speed Boost
4 SpA / 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Moves: Protect / Waterfall / Crunch / Destiny Bond

Sylveon@ Leftovers
Bold / Pixilate
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Moves: Wish / Protect / Hyper Voice / Heal Bell

Adamant / Tough Claws
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Moves: Dragon Dance/ Flare Blitz/ Outrage / Earthquake

All necessary IVs are 31 unless 30 is needed for hiddden power.

Overall a fun team to use though I really wish I had hit 200; there was definitely potential but I'm glad it's over. Rotations isn't as much fun. To much reliance on uncertainity.

Here's the proof:
Haxy battle I managed to overcome: 98HW - WWWW - WW54 - ZRP8
Loss @#185: 94PG - WWWW - WW54 - ZRRR

Will try and get in a solid doubles run before S&M hopefully!
After an instance of the dreaded "SD card ejected" error, my newest streak ended at 364 wins. The streak was leaderboard-ineligible due to me using a few PokeGen-ed 'mons, but I was never intending to try and get it on there anyway: I was running after spending a boatload of BPs on various items and was merely looking to re-max my BP count, and to be honest, it feels like my spot on the Triples leaderboard is starting to look a little bloated with the amount of runs I've already got on there. At this point, if it doesn't beat my personal best it's not worth tacking on there.

I will try to give a formal team writeup, given that this would be unofficially be the most recent incarnation of my most successful concept to date, and it was fun to get it back on the streak train. It also allowed me to stumble upon a few fun battles and ideas for future use.


I've lost count of how many flights this crew has gone on at this point, sorry.

The starting five are the same reliable Tailwind user+abusers as always:


"Ben" (Talonflame) (M) (Lvl.64) @ Sharp Beak (Left)
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/15-16/31/10-11
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

My tribute to The Dutch Plumberjack and his main man Bob. Works much more as a suicide Tailwind lead, though I often find that it can last through the battle and put in BB work, due to my limited encounters with Hikers, Wokers, and the like to this point. My youngest brother received this in Y and had it collecting dust there, so I pulled it out. The OT is listed as Ben, and has odd symmetry with Bob, hence the 'nickname'.


Teelo (Blastoise) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Blastoisinite (Center)
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/31/31/22-23/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Dragon Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Water Spout

After witnessing so many records get set with Megatoise, I finally caved in to peer pressure and bred one of my own. As one would expect from the positioning and moveset, Teelo's role is to be the offensive wrecking ball of the frontline, supporting others in taking down opposing Water resists and immunes with his coverage if he lives long enough. Aura Sphere is specifically here for evasive bastards (most of whom are Fighting-weak, coincidentally) and Bastiodon4. Even Blissey can't stomach more than a couple of shots. The bulk on hand has immensely helped, as Teelo tends to survive shots I don't expect it too (although that applies to "Ben" to a lesser degree as well). Named after the luchador of the same name.


Blizzmarck (Bisharp) (M) (Lvl.53) Focus sash (Right)
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/0/17/3
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SDef / 140 Spd
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch

My tribute to R Inanimate and his TR killer Bismarck, this was the replacement for my Mega Scizor that netted me the 347-win streak a while back. I wanted to replicate his Surf team exactly, and though that version of the team only got me to 144 wins, it definitely works.
Here, Bisharp functions in several roles--he actually may be the most important member of the team:
- TR counter
- lure for attacks that would normally head for "Ben" (mainly, luring Rock/Ground attackers into going for Ground, leaving Talonflame free to set Tailwind without fear)
- Intimidate absorber ("Ben" is mainly there for Tailwind and doesn't mind the Attack drop)
- as the slowest starter, exploit Tailwind more than anyone else
Shitty IVs, but the low speed does help in case TR does go up.


SamiClone (Greninja) (M) (Lvl.53) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Naïve Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
- Mat Block

My tribute to R Inanimate and his Greninja Samidare (hence the nickname). Much like the first version of his Mat Block setter, the nature is imperfect for what he's trying to achieve, but that's part of his charm. No Ice Beam, due to the existence of the other two starters, and I find that Dark Pulse is handy for picking off weakened opponents that would screw over "Ben" and Blizzmarck with direct contact abilities. Since the team now revolves around Tailwind Water Spout spam, SamiClone comes in mainly to buy remaining leads an extra turn if Tailwind ends and "Ben" is down, target certain foes when Teelo has multiple targets to prioritize, and isolate himself in a corner and snipe with Dark Pulse in last-opponent-mon situations (when the Bench player isn't a setup 'mon or lacks ranged attacks of its own).


BM860 (Starmie) (Lvl.51) @ King's Rock
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13-14/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

My Imperfect "graft" for this team, the main reason this team was created, and my awesome special cleanup, with excellent coverage to help end battles. It outruns some threats on his own but loses to others, so it appreciates Tailwind. With the frontline becoming much more solid than before, this has become a filler of sorts, but the extra coverage is always welcome, he is my go-to for dealing with Gyarados, and King's Rock has offered more flinches than one would think given the set.

For this run, a completely new Bench was utilized, just to see how some of my newest creations would fare within this fabric. This time around, it was less eclectic, revolving mainly around Electric-resistant typings, as a way to get around my team's ever-present weakness to that, though there were a few players here who broke that pattern. Going back to the original rotation schedule of switching every twenty-five battles, the following occupied the sixth slot:

For Battles #1-25:


BM716 (Kingdra) (F) (Lvl.52) @ Maranga Berry
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 170 HP / 170 SAtk / 170 Spd
IVs: 31/26/31/31/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Rain Dance
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Dragon Pulse

Imperfect Kingdra3, made specifically to complement my Eelektross as semi-bulky 'mons with few weaknesses. Here, she is a rain setter to counteract opposing weather and power up my other Waters, as well as a Dragon Pulse user to cover the side so Megatoise doesn't have as much pressure on her to utilize Mega Launcher. The HP investment and defensive typing also makes her a decent switch-in on my leads' weaknesses.

For Battles #26-50, I used PokeGen Medicham4, as Fake Out support is always cool and, even with HJK's shaky accuracy, the Fighting STAB was invaluable for Battles #41-50. I found HJK and Psycho Cut to be used about equally, as the latter is stupid strong with the high crit chance and Pure Power.

For Battles #51-75:


BM119 (Goodra) (F) (Lvl.50) @ White Herb
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 SDef
IVs: 31/26/31/31/31/31
ModestNature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Thunder
- Blizzard
- Draco Meteor

Originally Imperfect Goodra3, this has been re-tooled to become Goodra4. Due to the inaccuracy of its attacks, she is used almost strictly as a special sponge, late-battle cleaner, and stallmon nuker. I stuck pretty much exclusively to Fire Blast & Draco Meteor usage through this period of the run, as Grass-types were prolific and the latter has just insane power for something not backed up by an offensive held item.

For Battles #76-100:


BM875 (Mienshao) (F) (Lvl.51) @ Muscle Band
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spd
IVs: 31/24/31/31/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Feint
- High Jump Kick
- Wide Guard

Imperfect Mienshao4, and as you can probably tell by the non-31 Atk IVs, this thing was built explicitly with support in mind. Due to Talonflame's defensive typing, the number of post-Chantelaine Protect/Detect users, and the number of Fake Out users overall, she principally came in handy for blocking Rock Slide, stopping Fake Out from opposing backups, and opening up Protect/Detect users to near-guaranteed Water Spout damage. On two occasions, she also allowed for Starmie Surf spam, a rarity for this team in general.

For Battles #101-125:


BM797 (Alakazam) (M) (Lvl.59) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SAtk / 6 SDef / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/24/31/31/0/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Trick
- Disable
- Focus Blast
- Psychic

Imperfect Alakazam4, used primarily as STAB Psychic coverage (as Starmie was usually busy hitting the opposition with everything else), super-powerful revenge killing with Specs STAB Psychic, and a way to speed up the killing process against annoyer/stall sets, which were quite common throughout the run. Overtime, this became my best weapon against Legendaries and Grass-types, none of could stomach its Specs-boosted power. Roserade4 & Vensuaur4, never threats but always nuisances, became trivial to deal with using him. While Triples is inherently a tough place to pull off the Trick/Disable combo, he did manage it three or four times during this period. Focus Blast, as one can imagine, was avoided like the plague but used once or twice.

For Battles #151-175:


BM161 (Tyrantrum) (M) (Lvl.78) @ Choice Band
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SDef / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/8/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Head Smash
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw

Imperfect Tyrantrum4, placed on this team to continue the experimentation of backup Choice holders that had begun with the above Alakazam. The original intent of going Jolly instead of Adamant was to see if the loss in physical power could be made up for by the ability to outrun more threats, and compensated by Ability and item choice, as well as the sheer brutality of STAB Head Smash on such a monster. I got far more mileage out of Crunch than anything else, as Strong Jaw+CB offers a hell of a neutral hit on most foes. Never used EQ, used Head Smash four or five times, used Dragon Claw about half as much as Crunch. Excellent coverage and the best physical complement to the team throughout this run.

For Battles #126-150:


BM161 (Manectric) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 1/31/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunder
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Switcheroo

Imperfect Manectric4, used mainly so that I could say the time spent breeding for it was worth it. Unfortunately, being a backup Lightning Rod abuser was too awkward to use effectively even if would help this team out on paper, and in the process of trying to fix that, I switched him into Megatoise's slot for one battle. That battle featured numerous EQ opponents and scared me off that idea for the time being. On the flip side, he was able to absorb plenty of Electric attacks regardless, and got more Overheat than I thought he would (Grass-types were still rampant during this period, and Steelix4 became a common sight). Switcheroo saw only occasional use, mainly against Cradily4, though I did manage to grab Sitrus & Custap berries with it as well.

Battles #176-178 were a break in the pattern used to test out a few Haxorus sets:


BM721 (Haxorus) (M) (Lvl.62) @ Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/22/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Outrage

BM896 (Haxorus) (F) (Lvl.61) @ Yache Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw

SadnessDance (Haxorus) (F) (Lvl.62) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Poison Jab
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw

Imperfect Haxorus34, as well as a variant of UU Double Dance Haxorus, all designed to add a physical attacker who could better take advantage of Tailwind than Talonflame or Bisharp can. The three battles in question all went too fast for me to really gauge who works best in this team, although I generally just clicked Dragon Claw, so maybe BM721 is the way to go as a regular. The Double Dancer is nicknamed for a piece from the Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin soundtrack.

For Battles #201-225:


OUGTII06 (Mamoswine) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Muscle Band
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
IVs: 18/31/31/0/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Rock Tomb
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

Originally cribbed from someone's BW OU Gravity hyper offense team, I switched off the Life Orb she originally held to accommodate Greninja, was gradually converted to a copy of the set Pryce uses in PWT World Leaders, and then re-tooled to resemble more of a standard OU set. She's here mainly to provide speed control, a switch-in into Electric attacks (with Thick Fat helping against Electrics with Fire coverage and Ice-types who like to throw their STAB against resists for some reason), and Ice coverage so that Starmie can focus on using its non-Ice Beam moves.

For Battles #226-250:


BM719 (Electivire) (F) (Lvl.51) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 16/31/31/0/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Signal Beam
- Thunderbolt

Imperfect Electivire3, here mainly as a way to provide Bug and STAB Electric coverage, though what I actually found was that the Air Balloon came more in handy: opponents with Ground coverage would try to pop the Balloon, only to divert their attention away from my Starters and pay immediately for it. Not much to it otherwise.

For most of Battles #251-275:


"NewToyHype" (Serperior) (M) (Lvl.55) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Protect
- Taunt
- Dragon Pulse
- Leaf Storm

I'm not entirely sure what I was going for with him, other than to say I got a Sitrus holder on The Bench (Sitrus is probably my favorite hold item), though this is also an instance of my general finding that Grass-types have served me well as sixth 'mons on my most successful teams, simply due to the offensive coverage they provide. This one in particular came in handy against stallmons and TR setters: Leaf Storm the Slowthings, Taunt everything else (no Aromatisse4 encountered during this period). Many thx to the mysterious trainer Void who gifted me this on Wonder Trade. 'Nicknamed' after:

Well here it is, new toy hype. Serperior will never be able to do too much in singles because its coverage is so limited, he just doesn't have any moves! You basically have Leaf Storm and Hidden Power, then you can throw in Giga Drain, and then what? Mirror Coat? Glare? You'll probably need Dragon Pulse since Leaf Storm + Hidden Power Rock or Fire leaves you vulnerable to them, I mean it's a good move on Char-Y, but that's because he has a monstrous special attack stat without boosting, which Serperior doesn't. I think Serp will be much better in doubles or Rotations where it has a teammate to deal with stuff that Leaf Storm doesn't hurt, Rotations is probably best as you can freely rotate and not lose your boosts, allowing you to clear the field of Fire / Flying / Steel / Dragon types so Serp can sweep. A bit gimmicky but since he doesn't have 4 good moves you could even fit Grass Pledge on him in Doubles, when used with Water Pledge, the opposing team is slowed by 50% (basically a worse Tailwind), Serp appreciates a Water type partner so a Mat Block + Water Pledge Greninja could help it get to +2 on turn one, then slow everything down... Contrary gives you +1 attack from Intimidate so maybe you could throw in a physical attack like Aqua Tail or something?

If I was ever going to try Serp in singles it would probably be as a fast shuffler with Rest / Sleep Talk / Dragon Tail / Coil (like a worse gen V Copycat Riolu) haha

I don't know, I thought it was amusing at the time.

Battles #231-233 were a break in the pattern to use really slow mons to contrast with the rest of the team. Battle #231 featured PokeGen Slowking4 (wanted to anti-TR in case of TR setters), Battle #232 featured a special guest appearance by O.S.W.M. Mk.II, and Battle #233 featured:


BM160 (Avalugg) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Iron Ball
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Avalanche
- Gyro Ball

Replicate Avalugg4, used almost strictly as a switch-in to preserve Starters, although in the battle in question, she managed to use Stone Edge to knock down a couple of Flying-types. I had originally bred her to get Avalugg on the Triples leaderboard, but as it turns out, our resident TR architect has used an offensive Weakness Policy set as part of his semi-random roster (I dunno, I'll let him explain that one). Many thx to Alex Mateia for providing the Sturdy father needed to breed this sucker.

For Battles #276-300:


BM739 (Sceptile) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SDef / 6 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Toxic
- Energy Ball
- Endeavor
- Leech Seed

Replicate Sceptile4, used mainly to see if the "Grass-types synergize well with my teams" theory could extend to include a primarily defensive set. Not surprisingly, I found him most useful when just spamming Energy Ball (the Grass/Ground-types were everywhere during this period), and between The Starters being so solid on their own & its bulk, and never had a chance to effectively utilize its healing, as it never fell below three-fourths HP. Also, breeding this thing was originally part of an attempt to re-create a team faced during this streak and I'm still working on it.

For Battles #301-325:


NBM763 (Raichu) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/23/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Grass Knot
- Thunderbolt
- Magnet Rise
- Fake Out

Originally meant to be Imperfect Raichu4, I somehow bred Fake Out instead of Encore onto it without noticing. That may have worked better for it, though, as within this framework she serves mainly as FO support and Grass Knot spam (so that Greninja can focus more on Dark Pulse and Scald usage). STAB Thunderbolt, even without any boosting items, is nothing to sneeze at and is good neutral coverage. Without being Choice-locked, unlike Manectric4, it serves better as a Lightning Rod too.

For Battles #326-350, I used PokeGen Landorus2 after Marowak2000's streak was stopped by it. Although its coverage is excellent, and having Earth Power/Grass Knot was great for this team (even if it had really bad luck with coming in at the same time as opposing Ice-types and those with Ice coverage), this usage was primarily a tribute to the set and all of the grief it has caused the-community-at-large during this thread's lifetime. May you return in Gen VII to shatter more dreams and kill more hopes!

For Battles #176-200:


BM1072nd (Pyroar) (F) (Lvl.51) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Moxie
IVs: 31/31/31/0/xx/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Wild Charge
- Crunch
- Fire Fang
- Return

An improved Imperfect Pyroar3, as it is the only Maison set capable of making Moxie useful. During this period, I stuck mostly to using Return & Crunch, as the former this hard and the latter got a lucky number of Defense drops during this period to assist my other physical attackers. It only got Moxie boosts in three battles, and in all three cases it was unable to capitalize on it due to how fast The Starters were crushing things. Many thx to one of the forums' Breeders (it may have been Unknown Warrior) who provided me with the Friend Safari necessary to acquire the mother who started the breeding process for this.

From Battles #351-365:


BM821 (Rapidash) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Protect
- Megahorn
- Double-Edge
- Flare Blitz

Imperfect Rapidash4, used as the primary STAB Fire user to serve as part of a one-two punch with Talonflame (who can more freely Brave Bird spam) and the main Protect bait of the team (it was OHKOed every time it was hit during this period). He lacks the power I need to have him use his non-STAB offense, but otherwise he fulfills his duty fine.
Threats to this team are largely the same as have plagued this team in the past, although I will say that I have gotten better at dealing with Thunder Wave users (they are now a priority) and have become bolder at having Bisharp eat a Turn 1 attack to break its Sash, weaken or kill off an opponent, and build more momentum immediately. I've gotten better at predicting the Wide Guard users too, so they are less of a problem than before. Fake Out users remain annoying, as no matter their position they can be disruptive, and though I'm gnereally better at eliminating TR users before they set up, the Slowthings4 are still a problem.

Leech Seeders were EVERYWHERE in this run. Venusaur/Meganium/Sceptile (Set 4) were prevalent, and Roserade4 may have been the single most common never recreating that set now, it was that repetitive to battle here.

A few replays:

Battle #143, vs. Remora (Avalugg/Slowking/Tyrantrum/Manectric/Clawitzer/Sceptile) (Set 4): Though I'm sure I've faced plenty of Triple Choice opponents before, this one stood out for some reason. It has motivated me to study Triple Choice teams on the leaderboard and see if I could make one of my own work, as it seems like a challenge to use. I have also recreated the opposing team itself, as goodstuffs Maisonmon teams go it seems solidly built.

Battle #299, vs. Rose (Tyranitar/Bastiodon/Bronzong/Dragonite/Escavalier/Floatzel) (Set 4): The closest battle of the streak, a tricky set of leads make far easier backups a challenge later on.

Battle #361, vs. Porter (Gliscor/Gyarados/Excadrill/Bastiodon/Walrein/Eelektross) (Set 4): The battle closest to the end that was recorded, it features an interesting structure: load up the front line with physical attackers (that can EQ spam fairly safely), then back them up with a few different roles (Eelektross=Special Attacker, Bastiodon=Annoyance, Walrein=Death).

I encourage others to try The Bench concept sometime, you can carry some less-featured/odd/deadweight 'mons to the leaderboard in that sixth slot (or more than one slot, if you're bold enough) as long as the rest of the team is sound enough. Who knows how far this team would have taken me here, if I hadn't dropped my 2DS earlier today...
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I'm glad someone other than me has pursued a streak in XY multis! I myself have been trying Zardy-Cresselia with the Garchomp/Eel, just so I can use Trick Room to make the AI Eelektross less obscenely awful while having 2 Garchomp3 EQ immunities.

Krook3 isn't too much better, although I suppose it's easier to predict than the pure jank that is Eelektross3 or any mon with Grass Knot in general. The AI USUALLY knows what to do with Garchomp3, but when it doesn't... hoo boy, it really doesn't. Good luck trying to get regular battles with Shauna, all the XY default partners are garbo, but it's still a somewhat fun challenge other than "guess what Garchomp3 does"
Thanks dude, since I looked that there weren't too much records on that list I decided to see how far could I still get after finally beating the Battle Chatelaines. I gotta say that after that and until battles 70-75 it became kinda easier with no legendaries showing up, so I thought I could reach #4 at least. lol But since I did like 200 battles on that day and having tried four times, I'm very satisfied already.

I also succeeded in beating regular Multi Battles with Shauna after that! She always started with Goodra and it was actually the best option, since it only has attacking moves. The fact that it has both Outrage and Earthquake reminded me a bit of Garchomp, though it clearly doesn't hit as strong. Then Sylveon could use Helping Hand not in the best moment, and then Tail Whip... WHO USES TAIL WHIP ON BATTLE MAISON?! It looks clear that her team was made exclusively for this mode. lol But I'm still glad that I conquered it alongside one of My favorite characters. My team consisted of Greninja and Sp. Atk. Mega-Lucario, which had already gave me good results in Doubles. Here's the final battle for curious people. M9WG-WWWW-WW52-Y8MM

Always sad to see such an incredible streak go down, Eppie, but at least the loss nicely caps off the Maison era. Certainly look more forward to more great streaks in whatever facility SuMo has to offer us!

I've updated the leaderboard through here, so as always, let me know if any of you spot any errors or omissions.

My record is at #7 when it should be #6. XD

NoCheese edit: fixed
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Just made it to 70 in Super Doubles with a sun team I threw together last-minute. Quite an enjoyable way to play cause most games end under 4 turns.

Modest / Solar Power
Evs: 252 Sp.Att / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Moves: Protect / Flamethrower / Dragon Pulse / Solarbeam

Typhlosion@Choice Scarf
Modest / Flash Fire
IVs: 31/x/31/30/30/31
Evs: 252 Sp.Att / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Moves: Eruption / Flamethrower / HP Ground / Focus Blast

Back Up:
Terrakion@Focus Sash
Jolly / Justified
Evs: 252 Att / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Moves: Protect / Close Combat / Iron Head / Rock Slide

Venasaur@Life Orb
Modest / Chlorophyll
Evs: 232 Hp/ 252 Sp.Att / 4 Sp.Def / 20 Spe
Moves: Protect / Energy Ball / Sludge Bomb / HP Fire

Any recommendations on how to improve? I think I'm doing ok till now.
Just made it to 70 in Super Doubles with a sun team I threw together last-minute. Quite an enjoyable way to play cause most games end under 4 turns.

Any recommendations on how to improve? I think I'm doing ok till now.

With a team like that, Trick Room looks very threatening. Keep your eyes open especially for Hex Maniac Mara, who is Trick Room focused. You can do a lot of Protect stalling, which helps, but with no priority and a very high Speed team, you'll need to take particular care when facing a Trick Room opponent.
Just made it to 70 in Super Doubles with a sun team I threw together last-minute. Quite an enjoyable way to play cause most games end under 4 turns.

Modest / Solar Power
Evs: 252 Sp.Att / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Moves: Protect / Flamethrower / Dragon Pulse / Solarbeam

Typhlosion@Choice Scarf
Modest / Flash Fire
IVs: 31/x/31/30/30/31
Evs: 252 Sp.Att / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Moves: Eruption / Flamethrower / HP Ground / Focus Blast

Back Up:
Terrakion@Focus Sash
Jolly / Justified
Evs: 252 Att / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Moves: Protect / Close Combat / Iron Head / Rock Slide

Venasaur@Life Orb
Modest / Chlorophyll
Evs: 232 Hp/ 252 Sp.Att / 4 Sp.Def / 20 Spe
Moves: Protect / Energy Ball / Sludge Bomb / HP Fire

Any recommendations on how to improve? I think I'm doing ok till now.

How do you play around tyranitar, as he is slower then charY sandstream would stay in effect so youd have to waste turns switching while he lets out super effective moves against you?? Is hp ground from typhlosion a KO?
And the same question goes out to drizzle politoad?
With a team like that, Trick Room looks very threatening. Keep your eyes open especially for Hex Maniac Mara, who is Trick Room focused. You can do a lot of Protect stalling, which helps, but with no priority and a very high Speed team, you'll need to take particular care when facing a Trick Room opponent.

I generally just double up and KO potential trick room users though the one time it did come up, you were right, took a lot of tricky play. However, once sun went down, Venasaur being at 102 spe ended up outrunning a few threats which helped. Protect in such instances always help.

How do you play around tyranitar, as he is slower then charY sandstream would stay in effect so youd have to waste turns switching while he lets out super effective moves against you?? Is hp ground from typhlosion a KO?
And the same question goes out to drizzle politoad?

This is probably a more pertinent question to deal with. Sandstream has been a problem but I just generally switch Terrakion who can survive atleast one or two hits and resists alot of stuff aimed at zard and then KO's the problem causer. Close Combat for Tyrannitar and politoed and I keep playing till either typho or Terra die and then bring in zard to change the weather back. I know its supremely unreliable but it seems to have worked thus far. HP ground is ridiculously weak on typholosion. I used it on entei once and it wasn't even a 2hko so I kinda gave up using it entirely. Now I only use it to erupt.

No doubt weather change is a problem but I've played most varations exept Snow Warning users who shouldn't be a problem given Eruption can KO em. I don't remember the trajectory of how I won but if it comes up again, ill save the battle. Do you have any recommendations to make it easier?

EDIT: If one of the two lead pokemon are weather changers , I mega-evolve and sun comes up after so that isn't a problem, if the back-up change the weather, that's when intelligent play is required.
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I love how the hallmark was reached against an AllGen team. *gives daps*
Emobar3 should be more of a problem (being a QC user and all), but the poor thing is hampered by only appearing on two post-Chantelaine trainers' rosters and having so many of its EVs diverted towards its defenses. Its power is just lacking, I find (which helps all of us out, fortunately).

Side note, beating up your team in Mock Battle is fun! Principally because Cheddar Bay always catches me off guard with its durability and the AI just has no consideration for Aron Ryan's health. Protect and preserve it as long as possible, right? Nope, it'll just Swagger spam instead, and use Endeavor when appropriate.
I generally just double up and KO potential trick room users though the one time it did come up, you were right, took a lot of tricky play. However, once sun went down, Venasaur being at 102 spe ended up outrunning a few threats which helped. Protect in such instances always help.

This is probably a more pertinent question to deal with. Sandstream has been a problem but I just generally switch Terrakion who can survive atleast one or two hits and resists alot of stuff aimed at zard and then KO's the problem causer. Close Combat for Tyrannitar and politoed and I keep playing till either typho or Terra die and then bring in zard to change the weather back. I know its supremely unreliable but it seems to have worked thus far. HP ground is ridiculously weak on typholosion. I used it on entei once and it wasn't even a 2hko so I kinda gave up using it entirely. Now I only use it to erupt.

No doubt weather change is a problem but I've played most varations exept Snow Warning users who shouldn't be a problem given Eruption can KO em. I don't remember the trajectory of how I won but if it comes up again, ill save the battle. Do you have any recommendations to make it easier?

EDIT: Just realized your typhlosion is choiced. Dunno if Zard has room in his moveset to run Sunny, so I guess scratch that idea....

EDIT: just realized your typhlosion is choiced. Dunno if Zard has room in his moveset for Sunny Day...

EDIT: If one of the two lead pokemon are weather changers , I mega-evolve and sun comes up after so that isn't a problem, if the back-up change the weather, that's when intelligent play is required.
wouldn't Typhlosion be better off just running Sunny Day instead of Focus Miss, or even HP Ground? If something messes up the weather, just reset it, rather than have to spend turns swapping guys around when you don't want/need to.

EDIT: Just realized your Typhlosion is choiced. Dunno if Zard has room in his moveset for Sunny Day, so I guess scratch that idea...
wouldn't Typhlosion be better off just running Sunny Day instead of Focus Miss, or even HP Ground? If something messes up the weather, just reset it, rather than have to spend turns swapping guys around when you don't want/need to.

EDIT: Just realized your Typhlosion is choiced. Dunno if Zard has room in his moveset for Sunny Day, so I guess scratch that idea...

Yeah, I need th speed. Scarfed Sunny Day Eruption is powerful as hell. Especially with Modest + 252 Sp.Att Evs. I jut hit 80. Played against sand stream hippowdown and got by with relative ease. I KO slowbro and slowking with eruption + solarbeam so no real problems there. Bronzong/trvenant too go down to eruption so TR hasn't been a problem thus far. I think this team could make a solid run.
I generally just double up and KO potential trick room users though the one time it did come up, you were right, took a lot of tricky play. However, once sun went down, Venasaur being at 102 spe ended up outrunning a few threats which helped. Protect in such instances always help.

This is probably a more pertinent question to deal with. Sandstream has been a problem but I just generally switch Terrakion who can survive atleast one or two hits and resists alot of stuff aimed at zard and then KO's the problem causer. Close Combat for Tyrannitar and politoed and I keep playing till either typho or Terra die and then bring in zard to change the weather back. I know its supremely unreliable but it seems to have worked thus far. HP ground is ridiculously weak on typholosion. I used it on entei once and it wasn't even a 2hko so I kinda gave up using it entirely. Now I only use it to erupt.

No doubt weather change is a problem but I've played most varations exept Snow Warning users who shouldn't be a problem given Eruption can KO em. I don't remember the trajectory of how I won but if it comes up again, ill save the battle. Do you have any recommendations to make it easier?

EDIT: If one of the two lead pokemon are weather changers , I mega-evolve and sun comes up after so that isn't a problem, if the back-up change the weather, that's when intelligent play is required.
Maybe find a space for regenerator slowbro? Your problems are trick room, ttar, talonflame, heatran and politoad and he's the only one i can think off that can check them all without being weak to another? He can also switch in out out alot thanks to his bulk and regenerator so u wont loose to much by switching char in and out otherwise your relying on terrakion being able to switch in without being KOd in the process
ProjectTitan313 has probably run a few sun teams in the maison so will probably be better placed to give advice on the matter
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Maybe find a space for regenerator slowbro? Your problems are trick room, ttar, talonflame, heatran and politoad and he's the only one i can think off that can check them all without being weak to another? He can also switch in out out alot thanks to his bulk and regenerator so u wont loose to much by switching char in and out otherwise your relying on terrakion being able to switch in without being KOd in the process
ProjectTitan313 has probably run a few sun teams in the maison so will probably be better placed to give advice on the matter

I thought of using a bulky water but didn't want to lose out on physical attacker which can hit hard given that the other are all special so pokemon like blissey may become a problem. Turns out that this team may not be as solid as I thought as I've had a few really close calls in the last couple of battles, I should've lost already. Curious to see how far I can push it though - currently onto my 100th battle so I've already made it onto the leaderbord. Just looking for a good solid 4th and I'm afraid bulky water doesn't cut it. Terra has served me well so far, I'm just praying rock slide doesn't miss when I need it the most which seems to be once every 6 battles or so. Will check in when I lose.


Ironically I lost on a misclick, could've won that battle even though hax went my way towards the end. By mistake clicked sludge bomb to attack heatran as opposed to thundurus. Anyway, glad to hit 100+ in 3 modes. Maybe ill try doing the same for the other 2 before Sun and Moon.

Lost@battle no. 116
Here's the proof: UKKG-WWW-WW55-96X6
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Just curious, is HA Gardevoir (non-Mega) any good?
yea, Telepathy Gardevoir is a great support. I'm currently running one on my Triples team.

I'm sure you could even just build an offensive one that would be pretty strong, it doesn't necessarily need to Mega Evolve. My support Gardevoir doesn't have any investment in offense and it still hits reasonably hard.
Was running my Venomoth team (See bottom of page 205) today when I come across lead Lopunny.
now my super singles strategy has been to use Trick turn 1 to give my opponent a choice scarf, and then follow up with Torment, forcing them to use struggle every other turn.

It only came to me today that Lopunny has the KLUTZ ability. i didn't know this under after the first attack where it used substitute, and then went for a thunder punch and i was like WTF? somethings wrong here. KLUTZ ignores the effects of choice locking moves. I'm an idiot. With sub up i'm forced to switch to my main sweeper Venomoth, and on the switch... i get paralysed :/
This then ends up costing me the match because i'm fully Paralaysed too many times, even though i was somehow able to set up, and knock out 2 Pokemon.
Just in case something ridiculous like this happens again, i'm gonna have to give my lead Pokemon Safeguard, over Protect.
Safeguard could help, since Durant has survived flamethrowers before with focus sash, only to be burned that same turn and die like that, so safeguard would keep it healthy for later.

EDIT: Just realised that Meowstic (Male) gets access to Misty Terrain. While the move has less PP than Safeguard and does the same thing, it reduces damage from dragon types, and removes weather from the field. To be honest I don't think i'll ever find my self in a situation where i'm going to use 10 Misty Terrains, and its a move iv'e always wanted to use.

EDIT2: Misty Terrain doesn't count as weather!... WUH!?! I had a match where I put misty terrain up to remove a lead Aurorus' snow warning hail status and still took hail damage at the end of the turn. On the bottom screen, there's was even the same hail animation around the buttons. oh well. reducing damage from dragon attacks is still nice.
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Just fooling around with some different teams, trying to accumulate replays of battles with Walrein4...while doing so, came across a hell of a loss:

Battle #119, vs. Raoul (Togekiss/Charizard/Gliscor/Vespiquen/Dragonite/Noivern) (Set 3): Using a TR team against Roller Skaters should mean an automatic win for me in most cases. But here, excellent coverage on the opponent's part, me spending too much time focusing on Vespiquen3, and one bad switch-in on my part contribute to a loss. Not too broken up about it, though, as this is another battle category I've been looking to add to my replay collection; this is the first time I can recall facing a Set 3 team after Battle 40, and by extension the farthest into a streak I've faced such a team.
Roller Skaters an auto win for TR teams? Nah. You did say "in most cases" but eh. They pack numerous Rock Slide users, as well as CB Dragonite and Archeops who don't care who gets hit with Outrage/Head Smash as long as it kills, and that includes bulky setters, the most important ingredient on any TR team. Added to the fact that they are not limited to one specific set and you have a specialty trainer that forces you to gamble. This is also why people are uneasy around Anastasia.

The only trainer type I generally dislike facing more with TR teams (under certain circumstances of course) are Scientists, because Sniper Drapion lols at just about all setters and their banded fossil pokes save for Aerodactyl4 are not much better. Armaldo, Tyrantrum and Aurorus hit like fucking trucks and much of they time they'll go before any of my negative natured zero-speed flunkies. Protect alleviates that much of the time, but not if they're able to target my setter.

I'm hoping S/M increases my pool of potential flunkies by at least half a dozen. Since bank won't let me bring items over and I have the feeling one-way trading between ORAS and S/M will not be a thing to entice usage of bank, I'll probably be making severe cuts to my pool as it is :/
[Triples] 1,130 wins with Epic Guitar Solo - finished
[Singles] 2,347 wins with A Drago-Knight's Tale...of a frog - finished

Battle No. 1,131 vs Pokemon Ranger Parker: U33W-WWWW-WW55-NQQA
I felt a strange mix of saltiness, disbelief and amusement as this series of unfortunate events (ba dum tss) unfolded. I suppose it's only fitting my streak fell to the one and only Walrein4, but she entered into a super ultra beast mode I'd never thought possible. 5/6 OHKO attempts landed, dodging Drain Punch and avoiding her fellow Marowak's EQ was a punch in the guts, but the point where I lost all hope was when she KO'd Bisharp through Sleep Talk. I suppose she was more inclined to Rest at such low health, so Sucker Punching that turn was probably a misplay. But I wanted to put a stop to the rampage as soon as possible! All in all though, I wasn't fuming over this loss too much; having such ridiculous hax skewed in the opponent's favour made me think that was the one battle I was supposed to lose, in a sense. I'm still super pleased I was able to crack quadruple digits with the first team I put together on my own.

Battle No. 2,348 vs Punk Guy Jensen: TEEW-WWWW-WW55-NRX8
I..don't know why I didn't stay in after discovering it was Gyarados1; neutral Outrage still does 81-96%, after which I could pick him off with Aegislash. Alas, a lack of full concentration contributed to this loss. Though again, not too upset over it as I still managed to clinch 4th place in the end!

Consider this my send-off post to the ORAS Battle Maison I guess. I've achieved what I set out to do, no more unfinished Battle Facility-related business, just gotta wait patiently for Sun & Moon. Super hyped (especially for new Doubles shenanigans), hope to see you all there!
Posting a finished streak of 4653 wins in ORAS Triples.

Loss BV: SLBW-WWWW-WW55-ZPU5 vs. Togekiss/Chandelure/Zoroark/Reuniclus/Espeon/Latios

I continued playing from 4000 onwards using the Mega Lucario team intent on finishing the streak prior to the new games being released. Looking back I think I played correctly in the loss, but the AI was one step ahead of me and had a very threatening lead match-up against my team. I had this loss around a month ago, but slacked off on posting it... I recommend watching the battle video, the AI straight up outmatched and outplayed me in a hax-free battle.


After losing I grinded Battle Factory Lv.50 Doubles in SoulSilver, and ended up getting a ridiculously lucky 41-win streak in that mode - it was the third time I had gotten a streak past Thorton 1, and I had never gotten past the fourth set of 7 before. Factory Doubles at Lv.50 is ridiculously lopsided - unlike in Singles, the Doubles AI is pretty smart even in the early rounds and the AI is perfectly capable of beating you even with bad movesets. In the streak I ended up swapping every time in the first two sets, and got Staraptor1/Milotic1 for Round 3 which carried me through Thorton.

In Round 4 I got another lucky draft, going with Metagross1/Tyranitar2 (Scarfed)/Mismagius2. Generally, the scarfed T-Tar set with elemental punches is rather mediocre in the Factory, but in combination with Metagross having Bullet Punch for priority the speed advantage really paid off and frequently allowed a quick KO even with its lacking movepool.

For Round 5 the draft was again excellent, and I picked up Swampert2/Togekiss2/Infernape2, with Togekiss having Serene Grace. I got Salamence1 to replace Infernape2 in the first battle, and Togekiss delivered a lot of flinches with Air Slash.

Round 6, the draft wasn't so great anymore, leaving with a team of Tangrowth4/Mr. Mime3/Scizor4. I was able to grab Porygon-Z2, a Scarf set, from the first battle to replace Mr. Mime which improved the odds somewhat, then Swampert2 showing up again in Battle 3 to replace Tangrowth. But Battle 42 ended up being an unwinnable match-up - I don't have the details of the battle in my notes, but it was not close.

To be honest it's hard to say much about Lv.50 Factory Doubles. Even in Open Level, Doubles is insanely luck-dependent and will very frequently take you out before getting to fight Thorton 1, but in Level 50 it feels even more ludicrous with the set disadvantage going into Battle 7 and Battle 14. Starting from Round 4 and after, Lv.50 should have an advantage and I was able to know which sets the AI was running thanks to the Lv.50 trainers, but as I said this was only the third streak of mine that made it past Thorton 1, it is ridiculously unlikely to even make it past him.


Josh C., amazing work on the streaks. I didn't think my Singles team had potential to get anywhere near 2000 wins lacking Substitute, to be honest I have no idea how you managed to make it work that well.


What happened to spidey-widey and his 934-win streak in Rotations? I'm still curious what kind of team was used (did it have Scolipede with Substitute/Protect?), but he seems to have vanished without posting the details.


To end this post I'd like to say that I had a great time with you guys in the Maison and am looking forward to playing again in Sun/Moon.
Josh C., amazing work on the streaks. I didn't think my Singles team had potential to get anywhere near 2000 wins lacking Substitute, to be honest I have no idea how you managed to make it work that well.
That's the beauty of your team though; Dragonite and Aegislash in particular are so great together that you don't need Substitute. Well, there isn't room for it anyway unless you got rid of Roost, but that means you can't stay in on Rhyperior4 and stall out all of its Rock Slides for example!. Greninja's awesome for getting out of tight situations; e.g. Gardevoir Tracing Multiscale is quite threatening, if Nite's dead (from being locked into Outrage), I switch to the frog first to break Multiscale with Ice Beam, hopefully survive Moonblast without the crit, switch to Aegi on Focus Blast, then easily pick her off. Straight switch to Aegi would mean I'd need to take 2 Thunderbolts before reaching +4.

I forgot to post earlier about JT Hitman's current Triples run; love seeing Megarupt get the attention it deserves (with a high number at that), not to mention the supporting cast being pretty cool. Conk's great and all, but I'd have been much better served by Machamp's ability to not miss in my losing battle; I also prefer him both design and nostalgia-wise, so props to you for making an underused Maison mon shine.
Long time lurker, first time poster here! Thought I would give a stab at Battle Maison. I've done battle frontier before and been reading this thread to get prepped for a run. I had a hard time deciding on my team, but I settled on Mega Salamence, Evolite Chansey and Ferrothorn. Started super singles, currently at 15 atm. The crux of my team is Mega mence. I'm running DD, sub, roost on Salamence and it's so broken, it's not even funny. The ease at which it sets up is unparalleled. I'm surprised more people aren't using Mega Mence, unless they are playing XY and can't use it.
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Long time lurker, first time poster here! Thought I would give a stab at Battle Maison. I've done battle frontier before and been reading this thread to get prepped for a run. I had a hard time deciding on my team, but I settled on Mega Salamence, Evolite Chansey and Ferrothorn. Started super singles, currently at 15 atm. The crux of my team is Mega mence. I'm running DD, sub, roost on Salamence and it's so broken, it's not even funny. The ease at which it sets up is unparalleled. I'm surprised more people aren't using Mega Mence, unless they are playing XY and can't use it.
if you're running DD, sub, AND roost, that only leaves one attacking move, which I assume is either Double-edge or Return. It may not be a problem yet, since you're only 15 rounds in, but eventually you're going to run into problems when pokemon start resisting your attack, and actually have perfect stats (which they don't that early on). It's a tough call, but you'll likely need to give up either sub or roost, to add a coverage move such as outrage, dragon claw, or earthquake. Particularly, rock types are going to give you trouble, because they resist your flying type attack, and many of them carry Stone Edge (which hurts salamence a lot)
if you're running DD, sub, AND roost, that only leaves one attacking move, which I assume is either Double-edge or Return. It may not be a problem yet, since you're only 15 rounds in, but eventually you're going to run into problems when pokemon start resisting your attack, and actually have perfect stats (which they don't that early on). It's a tough call, but you'll likely need to give up either sub or roost, to add a coverage move such as outrage, dragon claw, or earthquake. Particularly, rock types are going to give you trouble, because they resist your flying type attack, and many of them carry Stone Edge (which hurts salamence a lot)

I had EQ on salamence, but i dropped it in favor of substitute. Its great for blocking random scary faces, status and salamence is so bulky, his sub often stays intact. Flying is such a good mono type that return should be sufficient. im not worried about rock types at all, as ferrothorn is a good check and i can stall out rock moves with sub and roost on salamence. Steel types and taunt might be the biggest threat to my team as i only have 4 attacking moves.