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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Ah, well. I'm planning to reuse several of the same Pokémon for my Triples and Rotations rain team alike - maybe Doubles as well if I can manage it. Right now I only have a Swampert, but I'm planning to do a Politoed next, which I was going to do until I tried to breed a Poliwag with a Whismur. :P
So, my streak in Super Doubles ended at 192 after I derped and used Scald vs Ninetales4 instead of Earth Power. . Are the leaderboards still being maintained, and if so, how would I upload proof of my streak since the Global Link is no longer available?
So, my streak in Super Doubles ended at 192 after I derped and used Scald vs Ninetales4 instead of Earth Power. . Are the leaderboards still being maintained, and if so, how would I upload proof of my streak since the Global Link is no longer available?
Maybe take a picture of you talking to the attendant?
So, my streak in Super Doubles ended at 192 after I derped and used Scald vs Ninetales4 instead of Earth Power. . Are the leaderboards still being maintained, and if so, how would I upload proof of my streak since the Global Link is no longer available?

Post a pic of the attendant describing your streak length. It's not a perfect method, but it's what we have. As always, the more info you give concerning the team and your streak, the less likely someone is to doubt you.

But yes, the leaderboard is still being maintained!
Alright, here's the relevant image (Streak is in Pokemon Y):

My Team

"Gabriel" Gardevoir@ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace (Pixilate)
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252Spe
IVs: 31/x/31/30/30/31
Nature: Timid
~ Hyper Voice
~ Psyshock
~ Hidden Power (Ground)
~ Tailwind


"Notweasel" Weavile@Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Nature: Jolly
~Fake Out
~Ice Punch
~Knock Off


"Reaper" Scizor@Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Evs: 212 HP/252 Atk /44 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Nature: Adamant
~Bullet Punch
~Bug Bite


"S-Cargo" Gastrodon@Assault Vest
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 164 HP/108 Def/220 SpA /12 SpD
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
Nature: Quiet
~Clear Smog
~Earth Power
~Icy Wind
So, yeah, this is a complete copy of The Dutch Plumberjack 's sample build from the Mastering the Maison article. Not creative, I realize, but I wanted to use something tried and true to get a feel for the Maison.

My loss was to Ace Trainer Gwen, running Volcarona 4/Porygon2 4/Ninetales 4/Glaceon 3. While this wasn't exactly an easy matchup for me, having replayed the match a few times, I know it was quite winnable if I had played smartly. My main mistakes were
-Not taking Gardevoir out of play right away- Weavile could keep Volcarona in check with Fake out, but with Porygon2's bulk, I was far better off bringing Gastrodon in. That would also have meant Porygon would have wasted a turn trying to Thunder Wave a ground type.
-Forgetting about Drought and using Scald on Ninetales instead of earth pwer, wasting Scizor's protect (And getting it fried by a flamethrower). This is what really cost me the game, since it left a battered Gastrodon facing off against a fresh Glaceon, and I just wasn't lucky enough with missed hurricanes to survive.

I think I'm going to try Triples next- Maybe try to get one of every trophy in Y or aS, since I've kind of finished with Sun until Pokebank updates.

EDIT: So, team building question- I'd like to build around a Talonflame/M-Manectric/Greninja core. Looking through other teams that have used similar builds, the first pokemon I noticed that stood out was my favorite Pokemon and first breeding project- Azumarill. After that, I noticed I felt like a Steel-type pokemon was needed, and Bisharp stood out as a possibility, while also offering another trick room counter. What would be a good choice for the third backup? a Ground type, perhaps?
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EDIT: So, team building question- I'd like to build around a Talonflame/M-Manectric/Greninja core. Looking through other teams that have used similar builds, the first pokemon I noticed that stood out was my favorite Pokemon and first breeding project- Azumarill. After that, I noticed I felt like a Steel-type pokemon was needed, and Bisharp stood out as a possibility, while also offering another trick room counter. What would be a good choice for the third backup? a Ground type, perhaps?
maybe garchomp for dat steel/fairy/dragon core in your backups
maybe garchomp for dat steel/fairy/dragon core in your backups
I'm not sure I have enough Ground-immune pokemon in the team for that- Most of the triples teams I see ran at least two pokemon that were immune to ground if they ran Garchomp. Hmm... What about Latios?
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Super-belated tiny update: after spending a bunch of time telling myself I was gonna do it, and then never doing it, I finally fished out my FEAR Taillow's mom and re-bred for a more optimal birdie. Replacing MoreNuggets on the lead lineup for S.A.D.P.:


TonONuggets (Taillow) (F) (Lvl.1) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/31/xx/xx/xx/xx
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- U-Turn
- Quick Attack
- Protect
- Endeavor

With Quick Attack equipped, this is a more accurate portrayal of Uphaze's FEAR Taillow from his Super Triples trophy run. The Nature is not optimal, but at Lvl.1 it makes no difference. Now, I have an extra weapon against opposing priority. ExtremeSpeed still sucks, though.

Fun factoid: I'm in the middle of a Super Triples run pretty much designed to get Floatzel on the leaderboard, and pulled out my main team to take TonsONuggets and S.A.D.P. out for a spin. The subsequent test battle featured one opposing priority user, Arcanine4...an ESpeed user. Awesome.
Hello all. Adding a 300 record at Super Multi Battle Maison in ORAS. Proof pictures are attached below, videolink is 3ETW-WWWW-WW5A-X9SQ.



Almost everything about the team has been written in post #5182 and #5184, so if interested in our team and tactics, please look at those two posts. Greninja and Kangaskhan, backed up by Salamence and Clefable, kinda withstood everything the Maison threw at us.

Follow Me is a great tactic and we are planning using it again in Sun and Moon's Battle Tree. Kangaskhan however, is nerfed and will unfortunately be replaced.

We wish you a happy new year's eve and we wish everyone at Smogon a wonderful 2017.


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Updating on an ongoing 360-win streak for Omega Ruby Super Triples.


This is the second leg in a grand overall plan to get Floatzel on the overall Smogon leaderboards. At this time, the only times it has appeared on anyone's teams, it has been swapped for in Gen IV Battle Factory...and then has contributed to those teams' downfalls. No human-made Floatzel has ever been featured, period.
The Floatzel Plan is my effort to rectify that:
- Phase A will be getting Floatzel onto a Tree team, the makeup of which I haven't theorymonned yet
- Phase B is the team described below--this team will achieve this goal and have proof published IF, and only if, Phase A fails
- Phase C would be taking one of the Subway leaderboard's rain teams, replacing a member with an Expert Belt or Switcheroo abuse Floatzel set, and using it as a revenge killer/annoyer in Doubles--to be done IF both Phases A & B fail
- Gen IV Frontier looks like an insurmountable barrier for me, so there is no Phase D

Phase B is basically my third incarnation of the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales with no Bench, having a proper sixth member instead:


"Ben" (Talonflame) (M) (Lvl.64) @ Sharp Beak (Left)
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/15-16/31/10-11
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

My tribute to The Dutch Plumberjack and his main man Bob. Works much more as a suicide Tailwind lead, though I often find that it can last through the battle and put in BB work, due to my limited encounters with Hikers, Wokers, and the like to this point. My youngest brother received this in Y and had it collecting dust there, so I pulled it out. The OT is listed as Ben, and has odd symmetry with Bob, hence the 'nickname'.


Teelo (Blastoise) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Blastoisinite (Center)
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/31/31/22-23/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Dragon Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Water Spout

After witnessing so many records get set with Megatoise, I finally caved in to peer pressure and bred one of my own. As one would expect from the positioning and moveset, Teelo's role is to be the offensive wrecking ball of the frontline, supporting others in taking down opposing Water resists and immunes with his coverage if he lives long enough. Aura Sphere is specifically here for evasive bastards (most of whom are Fighting-weak, coincidentally) and Bastiodon4. Even Blissey can't stomach more than a couple of shots. The bulk on hand has immensely helped, as Teelo tends to survive shots I don't expect it too (although that applies to "Ben" to a lesser degree as well). Named after the luchador of the same name.


Blizzmarck (Bisharp) (M) (Lvl.53) Focus sash (Right)
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/0/17/3
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 140 Spe
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch

My tribute to R Inanimate and his TR killer Bismarck, this was the replacement for my Mega Scizor that netted me the 347-win streak a while back. I wanted to replicate his Surf team exactly, and though that version of the team only got me to 144 wins, it definitely works.
Here, Bisharp functions in several roles--he actually may be the most important member of the team:
- TR counter
- lure for attacks that would normally head for "Ben" (mainly, luring Rock/Ground attackers into going for Ground, leaving Talonflame free to set Tailwind without fear)
- Intimidate absorber ("Ben" is mainly there for Tailwind and doesn't mind the Attack drop)
- as the slowest starter, exploit Tailwind more than anyone else
Shitty IVs, but the low speed does help in case TR does go up.


SamiClone (Greninja) (M) (Lvl.53) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Naïve Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
- Mat Block

My tribute to R Inanimate and his Greninja Samidare (hence the nickname). Much like the first version of his Mat Block setter, the nature is imperfect for what he's trying to achieve, but that's part of his charm. No Ice Beam, due to the existence of the other two starters, and I find that Dark Pulse is handy for picking off weakened opponents that would screw over "Ben" and Blizzmarck with direct contact abilities. Since the team now revolves around Tailwind Water Spout spam, SamiClone comes in mainly to buy remaining leads an extra turn if Tailwind ends and "Ben" is down, target certain foes when Teelo has multiple targets to prioritize, and isolate himself in a corner and snipe with Dark Pulse in last-opponent-mon situations (when the Bench player isn't a setup 'mon or lacks ranged attacks of its own).


BM860 (Starmie) (Lvl.51) @ King's Rock
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13-14/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

My Imperfect "graft" for this team, the main reason this team was created, and my awesome special cleanup, with excellent coverage to help end battles. It outruns some threats on his own but loses to others, so it appreciates Tailwind. With the frontline becoming much more solid than before, this has become a filler of sorts, but the extra coverage is always welcome, he is my go-to for dealing with Gyarados, and King's Rock has offered more flinches than one would think given the set.

Many battles go pretty simply, as those who have seen this kind of setup before can attest to: Tailwind-Protect-Protect on Turn 1, Brave Bird-Water Spout-Knock Off Turn 2, Profit, with the proper adjustments made for dealing with Trick Room setters, Fake Out users and such. On most occasions, only Talonflame goes down, and the fourth 'mon in can usually help clean up form that point. Talonflame has actually become less of a suicide Tailwind setter as time as gone and I have become better at predicting the AI; he lives through roughly 60-70% of battles now, and the only thing that really gives him trouble is Rock Slide (most other anti-Flying measures target Teelo first, and Stone Edge obviously has its accuracy issues). Picking through teams of Water resists and immunes, one at a time, is getting easier as I become reflexive at dealing with particular sets, and the leads cover enough troublesome sets that the only opponent setup giving me consistent problems are multiple paralysis spreaders (whether through Thunder Wave or abilities).

Instead of an alright Leafeon or the awful Maison Jynx2 in this slot, however, we have:


FBFRP (Floatzel) (Lvl.58) (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Water Veil
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/31
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Crunch
- Switcheroo

A Hasty version of Serebii's Gen VI POTW Choice Band set, she isn't necessarily here to actively fulfill any real role or fill any real hole in the lineup--being the fourth Water on the team, and having the durability of a PSP disc, means that she actually adds weaknesses to the team. I forgo the consistent power of Return for the SDef drop chance of Crunch, and apply more pressure to common TR setters. Really, she's here to ride off the reliability of The Starters, enjoy the fruits of their labor, and achieve the aforementioned goal. However, she does give a few fringe benefits:
- Balances out the physical offense on the team, and provides some physical offensive coverage that Talonflame/Bisharp cannot
- With Switcheroo, gives me any easy way to neuter most of opposing stallmons, a good chunk of whom are specially based or Taunt bait. It actually has some utility against some set-up foes as well: I've surprised myself with the way it screws over Suicune, in particular
- As the least essential member of the team, is the best choice for switch-in sacrificial fodder when absolutely necessary

I would look over my write-ups of my previous streaks with the Quetzales/Condores in order to get a feel for how this team works (or, just read up on how other people go with the Talonflame/Blastoise/X route), as the only thing that has changed is my increased willingness to test what things Megatoise can outrun on its own, without Tailwind assistance. It's made some battles go a little faster, as I can afford to be a little more aggressive with foes Talonflame can best handle. Floatzel has also put the exclamation point on a fair number of battles, so the goal itself has had its cool moments along the way.

The Triples leaderboard has changed significantly since my first flight with this team, so while I have no aspirations with this incarnation, my progress so far has given me the opportunity to look back at those who have joined its ranks, as well as compare this incarnation to The Forgotten Ones. If this becomes the way Floatzel joins the overall leaderboards, I hope that this motivates others to come back to Maison Triples in the future, take their successful teams, and swap in one of their favorite mons (even if said mon isn't really Maison-viable) to take it to immortality.
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Hey all, I've created a web-app which lets you quickly find data on which sets of a given pokemon a given trainer uses.


This site works for both XY and ORAS. Just type out the full trainer name and pokemon name. Capitalization doesn't matter, but spelling does. It's essentially a web version of the searchable spreadsheet someone offered before, but accessible from anywhere. It works on phones, too, as long as you have JavaScript enabled.

I know that the audience for this is mostly long gone, but I though it might help out those in the future who wish to return to gen 6.

Any suggestions on new features or fixes are appreciated! I'll likely create something similar for the Gen 7 Battle Tree once I finish S&M, so those fixes would be carried over.

EDIT: I've since updated this tool! You can read my update post here:
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Pretty cool-sounding app, doesn't seem to be working for me right now, though...guess I'll have to make sure my system is completely up-to-date.


So, my ongoing struggles in the Battle Tree have driven me to both improvement & frustration, and on top of that, my most recent foray into the Battle Subway was, much like my first attempt there, shot down by a whole pile of crits. Looking to try and make something of these recent Doubles runs, I gave a team that I'm building partially for Tree Doubles a dry run of sorts, here:


UnEspanto (Dusclops) (Lvl.53) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/0
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- Trick Room
- Brick Break
- Night Shade
- Foresight


UnaPiedra (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (F) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: 31/31/31/0/xx/0
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Rain Dance
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor


EliteBell (Bronzong) (Lvl.50) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Heatproof
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
- Trick Room
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Explosion


TonONuggets (Taillow) (F) (Lvl.1) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/31/xx/xx/xx/xx
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- U-Turn
- Quick Attack
- Protect
- Endeavor

Eppie's killer pair, one of TRE's best Frontier leads (I mean, it's fucking nicknamed after him), and one of Uphaze's inspirational sets, all copied & brought together for a cornucopia of AI abuse, TR madness, and ways to counteract Ghosts. I also wanted to see how much mileage I could get out of something some could regard as an 'outdated' set in the Bronzong.

The first five battles of the run featured me utilizing, instead of Taillow, a rarely-used friend of mine:


"AlligatorMan" (Samurott) (M) (Lvl.100) @ Eject Button
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SAtk
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/0
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spe)
- Air Slash
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Cannon

Thrown into the team initially to provide a specially-based balance to the team, also because it has HYDRO CANNON, I'm guessing it was made to shoot fluid from its Cannon, take a hit, and safely retreat with Eject Button, allowing it to avoid the ensuing recharge turn and give a teammate some momentum. You would have to ask ReptoAbysmal if that was the intent, in case you're curious. "Nicknamed" after the reptilian grunts from Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny, since I can't seem to find what the game actually names them.

And just like that...I have my Doubles trophy! The Evelen Battle was cake too--Eppie's lead pair ususally leads to the beasts just eschewing Protect usage and making things significantly easier. No Latios1 BS either. If anything, Battle #47 (featuring the Set 4 Grassy Ghosts as leads...no Necturna aorund, sadly) was harder, and Battle #51 (Whiscash4/Blissey4/Walrein4/Dugtrio4...Muddy Water, Minimize, Mud Bomb, Brightpowder, Lax Incense, and possible Sand Veil in one nail biting package) was way more tense.

At 51 wins right now, I might just hold off on pushing this any further, since most of the team is basically just biding its time waiting for Bank updates to wreak havoc elsewhere...
Pretty cool-sounding app, doesn't seem to be working for me right now, though...guess I'll have to make sure my system is completely up-to-date.

Woah, not working at all is a pretty big issue. I've added a warning to the site which tells you if you have JavaScript disabled, so try refreshing the page again. If you see a pink box with red text, then you know that you've got JavaScript disabled. JavaScript is basically required to make something like this online, so I unfortunately have to require it of users =/

If you DON'T get any such warning, and the site still isn't working, please message me with details of what browser you're using and what you're typing into the boxes. Thank you!
Hello, everyone.

I'm sure, with the release of Sun/Moon, you all have transitioned to the Tree by now. Or, perhaps you have lost one too many times in the Maison- been frozen by one too many Ice Beams, had one too many Bright Powder misses, or even (dare I say it) made one too many imperfect plays- and have made a healthy choice to set your sights on other pursuits.

Alas, not I.

With the turn of the new generation, I hung my head in defeat. I'd achieved every trophy in the Maison blindfolded before my goal of November, the 18th- except for one.
Every color of trophy stood proud and tall in my copy of the Maison Replica's foyer, except for the one belonging to that cruel, cruel mistress, who called herself Super Multis.

Like in many relationships, no matter how hard I tried (and how I did try), it was never enough with her. For what seemed like months, I streamed nothing else except futile attempts at appeasing her. And how she would taunt me so- such a great many (dare I say countless) runs ran deep into the 40s, nary a single misstep throughout the entire run. I'd start to catch glimpses of that translucent purple symbol of victory, knowing the end to this many-monthed project was near- and then, as if intending to inflict the absolute maximum amount of misery, the Super Multis ladder would find cause to snatch victory away as if I were a toddler doing show-and-tell with a live cattle prod. And she would do so even if it required nonsensically extreme measures (see here for an example).

Needless to say, the Multis ladder and I needed some time apart before I caused severe bodily harm to myself and others (or, at the very least, created a moderate amount of drywall work in my near future). One might even have been able to argue that I had begun to forget about her, until yesterday.

I needed something to stream. I was sick and tired of dealing with Kartana on the VGC '17 ladder, and I wasn't quite ready to commit to a playthrough of an entire other game. And I sure as shit wasn't about to feed the shiny hunting meme.

So, after a bit of thought, and perhaps even a brief prayer (and that's from somebody who is firmly non-religious), I decided to give Super Multis another shot.

And, despite a lack of faith from my viewers (betting was 15:1 in favor of this not being "teh urn") and a probably equal lack of faith in myself, the very first run of the day yielded the big five-oh, at long last.

I tried a lot of teams on the Multis ladder. I got far with nearly all of them, but they all had problems I couldn't do anything about. So, while I'm not sure this one is necessarily the "best" for this purpose, it did finally bring me the dub-yuh, so this is the team I recommend if for whatever reason you decide you want to try and emulate this in the future.


Weavile @ Razor Fang
Ability: Pickpocket
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Fling
- Knock Off
- Ice Punch

Weavile's a weird Pokemon to me. Aesthetically, there's something "off" about it, even though it is pretty cool. That's true of it functionally, too, so I might not have used it had it not performed a few specific roles in ways that no other Pokemon could.

The biggest selling point for Weavile is its extremely good base 125 Speed, which means that it has effectively the fastest Fake Out in the game (only beat out by Chlorophyll Shiftry and Swift Swim Ludicolo), and speed-wise has very few threatening Pokemon in the tiers above it. This turns the combination of Fling and Razor Fang into essentially a second Fake Out that can be used anytime, as well as giving Weavile the option to flinch Ghost-types. The purpose of this set is to try and predict which Pokemon that Steven's Metagross (previously Wally's Gallade) is going to target, so that I can lock down the other side of the field while Metagross gets its kill (assuming it doesn't miss).

Weavile's Dark/Ice typing is also very good offensively, with surprisingly few Pokemon that resist both and also giving me a very necessary way to hurt or ideally kill off opposing Ghost-types (who are a gigantic pain in the ass for this team and for most Multis teams in general). Lightning-fast Ice Punches are also helpful for picking off Dragons that threaten Salamence, who I did not run a Dragon move on.


Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 44 Atk / 212 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Double-Edge
- Flamethrower
- Protect

If you know me at all, you know I hate Mega Salamence with a passion hot enough to create a new, separate nebuloid for our planet to orbit around. The introduction of a Pokemon as absurd as Mega Salamence symbolizes Game Freak's complete lack of care for anything other than acquiring the dollars of parents who would rather their small children stare at a screen than ask them important life questions, which made me begin to question why I even played this game throughout the last two very dark years of its competitive scene.

But, if there's one thing Mega Salamence does extremely well, it's win in the face of anything that dares oppose it, so in a fit of writhing anger and a lack of other places to turn, I decided to fight fire with fire and turn one of their most vile creations into a weapon against another one of their most vile creations.

I forget what exactly the EV spread does, but it makes very little difference to its overall effectiveness because the premise of this set is very simple- it takes advantage of Game Freak's extremely loose grasp on mathematics and blasts opponents with a STAB move stronger than the fabled Hyper Beam, with no drawbacks other than taking a small chunk of Mega Salamence's HP with each use. When it isn't doing that, it can also scream very loudly at its opponents, hitting them both with a gust of breath that also deals very solid chunks of Flying-type damage thanks to its ability. Flamethrower is necessary over a Dragon-type STAB since the team has very little to deal with Steel-types other than Metagross's Hammer Arm, and also it doesn't have to suck 90% accuracy's dick every time it wants to get a kill.

There's very little else to Mega Salamence other than keeping it away from Ice-type moves. I probably won't be using it again anytime soon since I prefer to make teams that have more thought to them than blindly clicking buttons, but it did its job, and for that, I am thankful.


Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Hammer Arm

"Sloppy" is a term that sums up this set well. Why Steven decided Defense was more important than HP or Speed is anyone's guess, but the deciding factor between Wally's Gallade and Steven's Metagross was the fact that Metagross didn't die to a light breeze, so that's why I did eventually decide to make the switch. Metagross did end up being far more predictable than I initially thought, so that made Steven playable, but just because Steven is relatively predictable does not mean he makes good decisions. He uses Bullet Punch frustratingly infrequently, even when the opponent is at 1 HP or would be OHKOed by it, and uses Hammer Arm when Meteor Mash or Zen Headbutt (or even Bullet Punch in some instances) would have been more than enough to seal the KO (although his Speed is poor enough even post-Mega that this doesn't matter as much as it seems at first glance). All of his moves bar Bullet Punch, which he never uses, are 90% accurate, which means the entire run is essentially me just praying he lands his attacks (which was a complete non-issue with Gallade).

The team's strategy, if I didn't make it clear earlier, is basically just using Weavile to buy as many free turns for Metagross as possible, ideally getting two KOes before the opponent has had a chance to do any real damage. From there, I simply attack with Weavile until it dies, after which I can send in Salamence and clean up.


Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Ice Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Fire Fang

Aerodactyl is mostly irrelevant for this run, which is good because it's also mostly useless. The two main uses that Aerodactyl has are helping me not auto-lose to Fire-type teams, and also just helping to give me a shred of a chance at flinching my way to victory when situations become dire. I wouldn't even say Aerodactyl is better overall than Wally's Magnezone since it at least deal damage when it actually connects with Thunder, but Aerodactyl did at least have one viable reason that it wasn't completely dead weight and for that I give it a pass.

There isn't much to say about the run except for that Lady Luck's attempt to end the streak finally failed. CM Suicune usually means death, but Metagross decided to Zen Headbutt Suicune both turns it was alive, and that plus Weavile's Fake Out and Knock Off secured the KO while opposing Skuntank landed a second crit Night Slash for the KO on Metagross. Regirock came out afterwards, which should have also spelled death since my team had literally no way to hurt it after Metagross died (especially after Regirock healed a full third of its HP by Drain Punching Weavile to death), but Weavile's Knock Off, 2 Rock Slides (one of which apparently critted), and 2 Hyper Voices secured the KO on Regirock.

Video will be up soon. Proof of trophies is here.

EDIT: In the wake of the infinitely-expanding disorder that is my life, and in an apparent subconscious attempt to keep with the elusiveness that the Multis run has always seemed to shroud itself in, I've somehow lost the footage to the Multis run. So, I guess I'll have to rely on honor and hope that having video of my previous 4 blindfolded runs is enough to convince you that there was in fact a successful 5th.

I may try for a blindfolded Battle Tree run soon. For now, however, I am going to take a moment and revel in my small, niche victory, and do other things not related to the Maison so I can live out my fantasy of being a normal human being.

Thanks for reading.
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Hey all, I've created a web-app which lets you quickly find data on which sets of a given pokemon a given trainer uses.

While this overlaps somewhat with the existing resources, as one can do a manual search for the same info pretty quickly from the quick reference, it's still pretty cool. I tested it out and works great for me. As more options never hurt, and I'm sure some might find it useful, I'll add a link to the OP.

Thanks for building and sharing this!
The Floatzel Plan: Phase B has now reached uncharted territory.

Earlier today, I tied my personal best win streak at 557 wins. My left hand was literally trembling afterward (I'm leftie), as looming before me were the other streaks in the 500s. Since establishing my prior record, I had made Faroth, Theron, & pidj as my 'rivals' that I had to best at some point if I was ever going to have any shot of improving as a Triples Trainer. I've been stopped just short of beating them a few times since then, and Marowak2000 has joined them ahead of me.

Jump's recent post has fired me the fuck up though...and now:
- I've surpassed my personal best
- I've made it past Faroth & Theron on the Triples leaderboard
- I'm also past my self-imposed checkpoint of sasuke-kun19's unverified 570-win streak

A few battles involving opposing Tailwind setters (Moltres1 & Braviary4) caused problems, and some Water-types have been popping up all over the place since last night (Greninja4, Lapras4, Lanturn4, Starmie4, The Foundation, Base God)...but here I am. With those three dudes/dudettes in my rear view, I can take it a little easier trying to reach the two 584-win streaks ahead of me; I never had any interaction with them, whereas I see pidj & Marowak2000 more as contemporaries than as rivals (Since he started theorymonning his teams, pidj's moved away from the latter and into the former). They learned the Maison within the same span of time as me, so they're less barriers to bypass and more comrades-in-arms to emulate.

At 571 wins right now...let's see if the power of the Otter takes me past the "British Man-O-Wak" and the "Beat'em Up"...

EDIT: And now at 585 wins; a surprise Turn 1 Ally Switch from Gallade4 and a Turn 2 Quick Claw activation from Muk4 tried to trip me up, but Phase B took care of business.

I'm humbled & grateful to have gotten past my contemporaries. A big thank you to pidj & Marowak2000 for being peers who have entertained me with your Maison-ing efforts, and being people who I could actively race alongside...now to get to 600.

EDIT 2: 600 wins! This is cool, I guess...the opposing team in the landmark battle basically tried to make me panic by leading Blissey/Umbreon/Base God (Set 4), but this turned out to be one of those instances where not going the standard Turn 1 route of Tailwind/Protect/Protect worked to my favor. Plus, a prime example of Switcheroo coming in handy, as I caught Blissey4 on the turn she first Minimized and left her screwed. The backups of Krookodile/Arcanine/Gallade (Set 4) were basically putty in my hands during Tailwind and were picked off one by one. God I love this team.

So, now I'm here and have a monumental task ahead: to keep this going, I now have to deal with the only record in the 600s currently on the leaderboard. It's only six more wins to tie, but that is the "you'll have to trust me on this" TDP 606-win streak. That team is so efficient and cool (I know the team has a name, I just can't remember it atm), even that short gap between us seems incredibly daunting.

The bigger issue, however, is the streak after that...CTNC's 722-win sun team is shining, fabulous greatness and is the first streak ahead of me that seems implausibly out of reach. Trying to match "Burning Desire" will require me normalizing the process of Maison-ing and not trying to explicitly gun after it. That is mostly what has gotten to that point, but it will take an extra level of discipline to maintain that attitude now that I've reached these rarified heights. On the other hand, I have the small thing egging me on that he took Exeggutor to a higher point than I ever have. An unwitting insult will lead to unintentional revenge...

With that said, this is quite the personal achievement as it is, so I will allow myself one moment of ego...

To The Dutch Plumberjack and CTNC: now that I'm here...your asses are mine.
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Hey, are you currently adding streaks for this? I have a qualifying Super Singles run, and all trophies in ORAS.

Yes, I'm still updating this, though my timing is likely to be a little spotty. If I've missed a post you've already made, I can go back and add you. And if you have a writeup/proof you'd like to add, go for it!
Yes, I'm still updating this, though my timing is likely to be a little spotty. If I've missed a post you've already made, I can go back and add you. And if you have a writeup/proof you'd like to add, go for it!

Nah, I had not uploaded for Maison yet. Wanted to double check before doing so.

My write up today is twofold-- First, I had a streak of 122 Super Single wins in a row in ORAS. Second, I have successfully obtained at least a 50 streak in all formats in ORAS. For evidence purposes, here is video proof of all Chatelaine battles. I forgot to save the losing moment of the Singles streak, but I have screencapped this.

Without further ado, let's have a look at the teams.


Durant (M) @ Choice Scarf
EVs: 252 HP / 18 SpD / 240 Spe
Ability: Truant
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
- Entrainment
- Superpower
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head

Scolipede* (M) @ Focus Sash
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 55
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- X-Scissor

Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Scrappy
Level: 53
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Drain Punch
- Return
- Sucker Punch

This is the same team I beat the Tree with. It’s the standard Truant Durant strategy. It is worth noting that I replaced Pede with my Ribbon Master Smeargle for the 50th battle because I wanted him to be a part of it.

Smeargle(M) @ No Item
EVs: 252 HP / 252 speed
Ability: Own Tempo
Gentle Nature [I did not know how to RNG Colo in 2014, when I got him]
- Protect
- Agility
- Belly Drum
- Baton Pass

Terrakion @ Wide Lens
EVs: 4 HP / 244 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Protect

Whimsicott (M) @ Focus Sash
EVs: 252 HP / 6 SpD / 252 Spe
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
Bold Nature
- Leech Seed
- Beat Up
- Protect
- Tailwind

Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Scrappy
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Sucker Punch

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
EVs: 252 HP
Ability: Imposter
Level: 50
Relaxed Nature
- Transform

This is a straightforward application of the Terracott combo. In an attempt to curb evasion hax, I placed Wide Lens on Terrakion. Later versions of this team had Kee Berry. Mega Kang is a little extra muscle, and Ditto is highly versatile for handling whatever comes my way.


"Do you understand the Gravity of this situation?"

Meowstic @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Gravity
- Safeguard
- Quick Guard
- Trick Room

Terrakion @ Kee Berry
Ability: Justified
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Protect

Whimsicott (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Beat Up
- Helping Hand
- Tailwind
- Taunt

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Protect

Karin (Talonflame) (F) @ Charti Berry

Ability: Gale Wings
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 132 HP / 128 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Quick Guard
- Snatch
- Tailwind

[Same Ditto as the Doubles team]

I have spent years refining this team. This is one of the wins it had at an early stage. Adding Kee Berry to Terrakion grants it an additional layer of bulk, moreso if the AI uses Sand. Meowstic ensures that nothing can escape EQ or Rock Slide, and nullifies any evasion hax the Maison throws my way—by taking advantage of the -2 evasion for both sides of the field, suddenly those Rock Slides become much scarier. I then combine Quick Guard and Tailwind to effectively halt most attacks. Can’t realistically outspeed me, can’t priority. Rip triples, you shall be missed


Ribbonacci (Sylveon) (M) @ Choice Specs
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
Timid Nature
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball
- Psyshock

[Same Meowstic, Whimsicott, and Talonflame as the Triples team]

I made this team after a particularly upsetting loss at 49 Super Rotations. This is the team I used at 50. Because the Chatelaine’s mons are almost all weak to Fairy, I decided to go all out with Sylveon, and Talonflame helping out. For the other 49 fights, I used the same Terrakion, Mega Kang, and Ditto from previous streaks in addition to Sylveon. Bonus points to whoever gets that nickname on Sylveon, by the way.

Multi (With AI partner Steven Stone):

Gengar (F) @ Choice Specs
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Ability: Cursed Body
Level: 50
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast

Excadrill (F) @ Choice Scarf
IVs: 6 SpA
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Sand Force
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Shadow Claw

Again, another combo that I later used in my tree streak as well. The premise of the team is to combine what my party can do with Steven’s. Gengar uses Sludge Wave while Steven’s Metagross Megas and laughs it off. Excadrill Earthquakes everything to death and quickly kills Sand teams against their own weather.
Hey guys.

I decided to give the super doubles a try, and I'd need help to build my team. I decided to go with a Trick Room team since I love level-1-Aron-cheap-strats, but I'm not sure of who I'm going to use as my 4th Pokémon...

Here's the team I'm planning to use so far:


Aron (M) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 1
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe
- Protect
- Endeavor
- Sunny Day
- Swagger


Dusclops (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 126 Def / 132 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Night Shade
- Brick Break
- Foresight


Both are males cause I'm a misogynist. Level-1-Aron-cheap-strats, as I said. No IVs since level 1 Aron is OP and doesn't even need them. A quiet nature to reduce Aron's speed, as if it could be undersped... Sturdy to make the fun longer. Berry Juice to benefit from Sturdy twice and make the fun even longer. Protect to protect, since Aron draws attacks. Endeavor cause LEVEL-1-ARON-CHEAP-STRATS. Swagger if I feel like relying on haxx, but it's actually rather useless. Sunny Day? You'll see.

Dusclops is chosen for its Ghost-type, which makes it immune to Fake Out. Frisk since I won't bother learning the AI's cringe worthy sets. An investement into HP to improve Dusclops' awful HP stat, the remaining EVs go into its defenses to give it some mixed bulk, alongside with Eviolite. A relaxed nature aswell as no IVs into speed to make it faster under Trick Room. Trick Room allows to set up Trick Room (no shit). Foresight allows Aron to use Endeavor on Ghost-types. Night Shade and Brick Break have perfect coverage and allow Dusclops to finish foes Aron has Endeavor-ed.

And now, the reason why Aron has Sunny Day:


Camerupt (M) @ Cameruptite
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Solar Beam
- Protect

I'm still a misogynist. Cameruptite for the Sheer Force of Camerupt-Mega. Solid Rock so that Camerupt takes Water-type attacks even better under the sun. The EVs are placed into HP and special attack to make Camerupt-Mega a good tank. A Quiet nature allows Camerupt-Mega to be even more powerful, even faster under Trick Room, and so even more broken. 0 attack IVs minimize damage taken from Foul Play and confusion, while 0 speed IVs allow Camerupt-Mega to be slower and faster at the same time. Eruption destroys everything under the sun. And if not, Earth Power and Solar Beam are here for the coverage. Protect is still used to protect so that Camerupt is safe while a teammate is raping a threatening opponent.

So, that's it. I'm now looking for a support Pokémon who could possibly be a second Trick Room/Sunny Day setter, while checking flying/levitating Dragons, which resist every attack from Camerupt. Helping Hand is a bonus. I thought about Cresselia, which, although it's quite fast for a Trick Room support, is very bulky and can learn Trick Room, Sunny Day, Ice Beam and Helping Hand at the same time. However, I'm facing an issue: Cresselia is a female. I'd need feedback though. Thanks in advance.

And once more, don't forget: Mario Kart > Pokémon.
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Hey guys.

I decided to give the super doubles a try, and I'd need help to build my team. I decided to go with a Trick Room team since I love level-1-Aron-cheap-strats, but I'm not sure of who I'm going to use as my 4th Pokémon...

I'm biased, but I'd suggest Eelektross. I played Dusclops / Aron / Mega Camerupt / Eelektross to 544 wins. Here's my writeup on how the final version of the team played out. Click through to the early version of the team too, since that explains some of the choices. Eelektross works really well under Trick Room, is surprisingly bulky, and has pretty nice coverage. Hidden Power Ice, while not particularly powerful, is a fine option if you are really worried about your coverage for flying Dragons. Cresselia is a reasonable alternative since it's a second Trick Room setter, but even min Speed you are a bit faster than ideal, and so may want to run Power Lens or the like. I still prefer Eelektross, but Cress will definitely work. Helping Hand is cute, and sounds tempting, but I'm not sure how often it will actually make a difference versus just being overkill.

Best of luck!
I'm biased, but I'd suggest Eelektross. I played Dusclops / Aron / Mega Camerupt / Eelektross to 544 wins. Here's my writeup on how the final version of the team played out. Click through to the early version of the team too, since that explains some of the choices. Eelektross works really well under Trick Room, is surprisingly bulky, and has pretty nice coverage. Hidden Power Ice, while not particularly powerful, is a fine option if you are really worried about your coverage for flying Dragons. Cresselia is a reasonable alternative since it's a second Trick Room setter, but even min Speed you are a bit faster than ideal, and so may want to run Power Lens or the like. I still prefer Eelektross, but Cress will definitely work. Helping Hand is cute, and sounds tempting, but I'm not sure how often it will actually make a difference versus just being overkill.

Best of luck!

Thanks for answering! I'm going to give both a try then. Is being faster under Trick Room that important for Cresselia though? I mean, wouldn't Leftovers or a Sitrus Berry be more beneficial considering her bulk?
Thanks for answering! I'm going to give both a try then. Is being faster under Trick Room that important for Cresselia though? I mean, wouldn't Leftovers or a Sitrus Berry be more beneficial considering her bulk?

It may not be. My gut is to prioritize the Trick Room Speed, but yes, given Cresselia's bulk, you may be able to ignore that. This is especially true if you're using Helping Hand thanks to its priority. Of the items you suggest, I tend to prefer the Sitrus Berry to the Leftovers in Doubles.
Hello again.
I haven’t really played pokemon after reaching 3400 due to lack of interest, but after beating SuMo (and waiting for bank to be updated), I wanted to push through to 4k before I transferred my pokemon.
Here’s the result: Final streak of 3603 for ORAS

The last battle was a combination of poor decision making on my part and some timely hits from the AI. I think it is unfortunate that after so many battles it is easy to go into “auto-pilot,” especially when I didn’t see one of my top threats at the start of the battle.

Well, let’s get started. Since videos no longer work, I will give a brief breakdown of the battle. The line-up will follow.
Battle 3604: Verses Hex Maniac Anastasia
Gengar3, Froslass4, Slowking4, Exeggutor3, Reuniclus3, Spiritomb3

Turn 1:
Gengar, Froslass, Slowking
Aromatisse, Taillow, Aegislash

Aromatisse gets TR up but is below half health thanks to combination of Blizzard and critical hit from Dazzling Gleam. Aegislash manages to bring Slowking under half health.

Turn 2:
Gengar, Froslass, Slowking
Aromatisse, Taillow, Aegislash

Froslass goes down. Slowking uses Surf to seriously injure both Taillow and Aegislash before Aegi can KO it (I was expecting Ice Beam again since it went for the kill on Taillow Turn 1, now Aegislash is in a bad spot). Taillow goes down.

Turn 3:
Gengar, Exeggutor, Reuniclus
Aromatisse, Conkeldurr, Aegislash

This is the turn everything went wrong.

Conkeldurr comes in to replace Taillow. Granted I didn’t know the remaining mons when I sent him in, but given the opponent he was probably not the optimal choice to be sent out in the middle. But that was my standard play and I wasn’t in a bad enough position to question my decision.

Looking at the revealed enemies, Conk has a good chance to survive this turn:

252+ SpA Expert Belt Exeggutor Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr: 182-218 (85.8 - 102.8%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO

252+ SpA Reuniclus Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr: 152-182 (71.6 - 85.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

My real mistake was attacking Gengar. Under TR, Gengar3 is little threat, and 2 turns remain. I have replayed this battle a number of times now. Honestly it plays the same nearly every time (sometimes Slowking and Aromatisse play TR tag). Attacking Exeggutor was the correct choice and removes the largest threat to my remaining pokemon, which secures victory.

The turn ends as Aromatisse and Aegislash both are KO’d.

Turn 4
Spiritomb, Exeggutor, Reuniclus
Clawitzer, Conkeldurr, Gastrodon

Actually maybe this was the turn it all went wrong.

3 on 3. Everyone is a full health. I played the turn in my mind: Conkeldurr and Clawitzer double team Reuniclus, while Gastrodon protects from the expected Leaf Storm. Proceed to attack Exeggutor, then Spiritomb last for the win. Here. We. Go.

Reuniclus hits Conk with Psychic: Critical Hit. Conk goes down…

In case you forgot: 252+ SpA Reuniclus Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr: 152-182 (71.6 - 85.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

And for reference: 252+ SpA Reuniclus Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr on a critical hit: 230-272 (108.4 - 128.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Frustrating but not the end. Gastrodon can eat up everything Reuniclus has.

Spiritomb uses Swagger, Clawitzer hits self.
Crap. Well as long as I don’t hit myself next tur…Exeggutor hits Clawitzer with Leaf Storm, Clawitzer goes down.

Oh. Well..poo

Turn 5
Spiritomb, Exeggutor, Reuniclus

Gastrodon against 3. I did not pull out a win unfortunately.
The team and threats are mostly unchanged from my previous streak. Minor edits
Aromatisse @ Lum Berry
Aroma Veil; Sassy Nature
EV: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SpD

Dazzling Gleam
Trick Room
Helping Hand

Aroma Veil’s usefulness is boosted in triples as it also protects the teammates from certain moves. Dazzling Gleam is a great spread move and she is able to 2hko weaker dark, dragon, and fighting types without Taillow having to go after those. Helping Hand adds a nice boost to my sweepers once they hit the battle. Aromatherapy is useful in certain situations; mainly against opponents like Weezing 4, who only throw around statuses.

Taillow @ Focus Sash
Scrappy; Brave Nature
Level 1

Quick Attack

Instead of the little Aron that could, I bred this Taillow to destroy the Maison. The loss of Sturdy and Sandstorm immunity is replaced by Scrappy and immunity to ground and ghost moves. Hitting ghost-types without needing an additional move is nice, especially for those Hex Maniacs that frequently carry only those. Having the immunity to Earthquake is also nice as some opponents like to go after Aegislash, leaving Taillow untouched. Not much more to say, Protect, then Endeavor + Dazzling Gleam. Repeat if possible. Quick Attack is mildly useful (and mildly hilarious) to finish off ‘mons on 1hp.

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Stance Change; Quiet Nature
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 SpA/ 4 SpD

Wide Guard
King’s Shield
Flash Cannon
Shadow Ball

Wide Guard is what completes my trifecta to get TR up (the other 2 being Aroma Veil and Lum Berry) turn 1. Aegi is great to stop all those spread moves the opponents love to throw out. Weakness Policy is activated frequently first turn (while in shield mode) and she can dish out some pain the following turns. Also, in attack mode, the defenses are low enough to prompt the AI to go after Aegi instead of Taillow.

Conkeldurr @ Assault Vest
Iron Fist; Brave Nature
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 SpD

Drain Punch
Mach Punch
Ice Punch
Knock Off

My main physical sweeper. I choose Iron Fist over Guts for a consistent boost to his moves. Drain Punch is awesome and provides recovery. Mach Punch gives priority both in and out of TR; Ice Punch for those flying types (and whatever else is super effective I suppose). Knock Off is great for coverage and removing any aggravating items.

Clawitzer @ Life Orb
Mega Launcher; Quiet Nature
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 SpA/ 4 Def

Water Pulse
Dark Pulse
Aura Sphere
Ice Beam

My main special sweeper. Pulse moves and Aura Sphere are awesome in Triples. Add in the power of Mega Launcher and Life Orb and she OHKOs many things.

Gastrodon @ Rindo Berry
Storm Drain; Quiet Nature
EVs: 100 HP/ 92 Def /252 SpA/ 64 SpD

Earth Power
Clear Smog

I copied the EV spread from R Inanimate ORAS triples team since I was unsure how to approach this addition. The Rindo berry is for survival. Scald and Earth Power are STAB coverage and as turskain has pointed out, Clear Smog is fantastic as a never miss move with the effect to remove stats from the opponent. Protect for expected grass attacks...except for this battle apparently.
Although the team runs very efficiently, here is a list of things to look out for.

Flinches: Mostly Rock Slide. Flinch is a big no for Aromatisse. I always Wide Guard when Rock Slide is possible (that means a lot of the time). Fake Out is special mention as the AI may go after Aromatisse instead of Taillow. Iron Head is special mention #2 as once during this run Registeel went after Aromatisse and, you guessed it, caused a flinch 2x before TR went up.

Sandstorm & Hail: Removes the Focus Sash on Taillow. Also grants some opponents evasion boosts.

Evasion: Speaking of, Taillow only has so many opportunities to attack. Missing one of those is never a good thing.

Priority: Includes moves, berries, and Quick Claw. Priority ignores TR, which usually means Taillow is going down without much of a fight.

Protect: Not an actual threat, but similar to evasion. A well timed Protect prevents Taillow from connecting with an attack.

Blizzard: Again, not a huge threat (at time of writing) but deserves special mention. I generally do not use Wide Guard against Blizzard since Taillow is behind Protect and Aromatisse has the Lum berry. That means that every so often Aegislash is frozen.

Specific Pokemon to look out for:
Abomasnow3 & 4. Hail and Ice Shard. Unless Aegislash is able to attack and it is not set 3 with Focus Sash, my lead 3 cannot beat without losing Taillow.

Bastiodon4. Anyone who has used similar strategies is familiar with this punk. Slower than Aegislash, Carries Wide guard & Rock Slide. Has Sitrus Berry. Just a pain in the butt. Not a threat to the team, but my lead 3 cannot defeat it without losing Taillow.

Cofagirus (any). Slower than Aegislash and is not OHKO’d before Weakness Policy activates. Also will remove Scrappy from Taillow on contact to prevent attacks on other ghosts.

Dusknior4. Will randomaly spam TR. Aegislash does not OHKO before Weakness Policy. Plus carries Shadow Sneak to hit Aegi hard the following turn.

Muk4. Quick Claw Explosion is never fun. As of time of writing has never gone for Gunk Shot on Aromatisse on Turn 1. I assume this is due to Taillow not being immune as Aron would be.

Metagross4. Only once have I seen Metagross go for an attack Turn 1 on Aromatisse with Meteor Mash. It is not a OHKO, but I still like to be cautious.

Heatran (all). Is not killed on 12 HP with Dazzling Gleam. As turskain's calculator puts it, “possibly the worst move ever.”
Final Thoughts:
Well there you have it. It wasn’t a terrible last battle. I think that no matter the outcome, the losing battle would leave a bitter taste.

The Maison days are behind me now. My teams are sitting in Moon now, waiting to be called to challenge the Battle Tree. It was definitely one hell of a time playing with you all these past few years, from X/Y to ORAS, now to SuMo. Thank you to everyone who makes this community so awesome. I am not a huge fan of Singles or Doubles, so I am not sure how much I will get into the tree, but I think it will be fun to give it a try anyway.

Continued good luck to those still working on streaks. Take care.