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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

While I'm not boasting anything even remotely as impressive as the post above me, I do have something to report:

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Posting an ongoing streak of 1000 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples.

Team Writeup
600 Wins Update

Not much in the way of details: I have found a zone I can get into when pushing ahead for long stretches, nothing about the team has changed, I have become far more willing to make use of the Shift button when wanting to preserve Megatoise, and I'm now convinced of the whole "the AI gets 'stuck' on certain mons and Trainers every time you power the DS on" theory. Not much to actually say, just a lot to experience...

...and that is something I'm really doing right now. I never thought I would care enough about obtaining a long streak, but now I have a pile of them, and one that has taken me to the Pantheon of this Maison Pyramid. I am among facility royalty & high class; I'm sure all of you in the triple digits own boats made of solid gold and elaborate devices to hook up your DS to obscenely large projector screens when Maison-ing. It's a humbling experience to be in your midst, and I thank you for letting up enough on the gas on your own streaks so that I could step inside.

Will I keep going? At some point, I imagine so: if nothing else, it would prod a couple of you to get your asses back over here and defend your spot, before I get ahead of it. Plus, one is you practically at arm's length...

And oh yeah, this gets Floatzel on a facility leaderboard for the first time. Officially speaking, The Floatzel Plan is complete. I know I said I wasn't gonna post proof of this unless I couldn't get anything going with Floatzel over at the Tree...but I never thought this team was gonna get this far. I'll still get Phase A underway at some point, though, as one of the only things better than getting Floatzel on a leaderboard is getting Floatzel on multiple leaderboards.

EDIT: Figuring a landmark post like this deserves maybe a little more material, I figured I should give my Battle #1000, a fairly typical representation of how battles with this team tend to go:

Turn 1: vs. Saba, a nice little challenge to try and stop me from reaching the Pantheon of the Triples leaderboard. He sends Registeel/Moltres/Regirock out: standard Tailwind/double Protect play from my leads, Registeel Protects (so that's Set 4), Moltres goes for Overheat on Blizzmarck (so it's Set 1), Regirock goes for Rock Polish on Blizzmarck (didn't know this at the time due to having faced it so rarely, but that's Set 4)
Turn 2: Killing time--"Ben" Flare Blitz on Registeel, crit OHKO; Teelo Water Spout, OHKOs on Moltres & Regirock; Blizzmarck Iron Head into nothing.
Turn 3: Regigigas/Tornadus/Entei out: fearing Regigigas4 and Wide Guard, "Ben" Brave Bird and Teelo Aura Sphere on Regigigas to take it out, Entei Eruption (so Set 3) to bring Teelo to 118 HP and break Blizzmarck's Focus Sash, Tornadus misses Focus Blast on Blizzmarck (so not Set 4).
Turn 4: Pissed that I forgot about Entei3's existence, I get aggressive; Blizzmarck Sucker Punch on Entei3, "Ben" Brave Bird on Tornadus, Teelo Water Spout to 2HKO both.

This battle was the exclamation point in one play session where I straight from Battles #928 to #1000, motivated by the above post. Later Mock Battle revealed Regigigas & Tornadus to both be Set 2s.

EDIT 2: Side note: I'm also in the middle of a fun run in X Super Triples using a completely PokeGen-ed version of Rickyticq's Gen V Trick Room/Skill Swap team. Only at 60 wins, and leaderboard-ineligible of course, but some cool shit to beat Dana with...and possibly more to come.

02/10/17 EDIT 3: Now at 1025 wins.

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Muk4. Quick Claw Explosion is never fun. As of time of writing has never gone for Gunk Shot on Aromatisse on Turn 1. I assume this is due to Taillow not being immune as Aron would be.

interesting, but having faced off against him many a time using aron: taillow is immune to shadow sneak. aron baits shadow sneaks. 1 full power water spout does... 67.9-80.6%, which means that if i hit him turn 1 with a spout instead of protecting, hes extremely likely to explode turn 2 and hes 4 speed slower than blastoise... not good. im not sure if he would use gunk shot or shadow sneak against aron/aromatisse. he never uses brick break even though its 4x against aron, cuz shadow sneak is priority... that same decision may come into play.

edit: i take it back, he seems to like brick break as much as shadow sneak under trick room
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Posting a completed streak of 78 wins in Omega Ruby Super Singles.

The team basically adopted the 50 wins from my Super Singles trophy run. Amazingly, so much time passed between obtaining the trophy and picking this back up, that I forgot that MegaKhan was part of the team. So, from Battle #52 onward, she was replaced by the same Greninja that has been a part of my Triples success.
The final team ended up being:


OwlShield (Aegislash) (Lvl. 52) (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak


Hirota (Sylveon) (Lvl.52) (F) Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 100 HP/252 SAtk/158 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hyper Voice
- Swift
- Misty Terrain
- Yawn


SamiClone (Greninja) (M) (Lvl.53) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Naïve Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Scald
- Mat Block

With the trophy obtained, the remainder of the run became an effort to see how far I could get with the obvious handicaps of missing coverage on Sylveon (I wanna keep Yawn and Misty Terrain handy for future plans with her), no Ice Beam on Greninja (I wasn't gonna waste a Heart Scale just to get Mat Block back later), or eschewing the use of critical status moves on Aegislash for Singles (no Swords Dance or Substitute here). I sporadically went back to this over the ensuing months, one-three battles every few weeks or so. The accidental switch to Greninja ended up being quite beneficial; there were five different battles that I would have lost if MegaKhan had remained, where the ninja's coverage became crucial. As before, Sylveon led and just blasted away with Hyper Voice (though I did use Yawn a couple of times), clearing the path for the other two to clean up or for Aegislash to switch in and tank hits if needed.

I was eventually beaten by Galton and a fairly powerful team of Arcanine/Jolteon/Ursaring (Set 4); I had been warned with the old version of the team that
If you're looking at the sets, Singles is certainly the easiest mode to clear 50 in if that's what you mean. That being said, your perception of how fun it is in this case would be based on something as little as not running into any moderately difficult Fire types (Heatran, Volcarona, Chandelure, Entei, Moltres, etc.) from battles 40-49. But yeah, in Singles you can throw a couple Ubers together and once you're done brute forcing your way through NUs with bad IVs you just have to win 10 or so to get the trophy.

Ironically, the "closest call" in my current streak did come pre-Chatelaine. Details are kinda hazy due to my state at the time of the battle and how long ago it was, but I somehow (pretty sure accidentally selecting Outrage against Gardevoir was involved) ended up in a situation where I was saved by Chandeulure missing Aegislash with Heat Wave.

To that end, Arcanine4 leading put me in an bad position, so I was too willing to sac Sylveon (lack of coverage, remember?) and trade shots, which ended up hurting me once Greninja took the dog down and was stuck facing Jolteon4. Once things came down to Aegislash and Ursaring4, it being capable of 2HKO'ing Shield Form with EQ sealed things for me (and though it didn''t matter in the end, Quick Claw activating two out of three turns of the confrontation was some grating salt on the wound).

Pretty happy with this, as given I don't really care about Singles, to have a team make that leaderboard after next to no thought put into it seems unfair and wrong. Oh well.

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It may not be. My gut is to prioritize the Trick Room Speed, but yes, given Cresselia's bulk, you may be able to ignore that. This is especially true if you're using Helping Hand thanks to its priority. Of the items you suggest, I tend to prefer the Sitrus Berry to the Leftovers in Doubles.

Ok, thanks!
Posting a completed streak of 1025 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples
Team Writeup
600 Wins Update
1000 Wins Update

Battle #1026, vs. Lana (Ludicolo2/Politoed2/Weezing3/Ampharos4/Seismitoad1/Kingdra2)
- Turn 1: standard Tailwind/Protect/Protect opening play, Weezing3/Politoed2/Ludicolo2 leads; Ludicolo2 hits "Ben" with Surf, Politoed2 revealed as Water Abosorb variant, Politoed2 hits Hydro Pump to 2HKO "Ben", Weezing3 throws something into Protect
- Turn 2: Samiclone comes out, I decide to try and take out Ludicolo2 and Knock Off items before Fire Blast catches Blizzmarck; Teelo Aura Spheres Ludicolo2 for slightly more than half health, Samiclone Mat Blocks, Blizzmarck Knocks Off Politoed2's Damp Rock; Ludicolo2 Grass Knots into Mat Block, Weezing3 Thunders into Mat Block, Ludicolo2 is revealed as Rain Dish variant
- Turn 3: here, I should have gone for boosted Water Spout to take out Weezing3 and chip Ludicolo2; instead, Teelo goes for Aura Sphere again, the previous turn's Rain Dish healing allows Ludicolo2 to survive with a sliver of health, Blizzmarck Knocks Off Weezing3's Black Sludge and leaves it with slightly over half-health, Samiclone KOs Politoed2 with Grass Knot; Ludicolo2 Surfs for a double crit on Samiclone & Teelo (the former at 68 HP, the latter at 106 HP), Weezing3 KOs Teelo with Thunder
- Turn 4: with this being Lana, I'm still not too worried, as Water Spout wasn't going to be too useful anyway; BM860 comes out, followed by Ampharos4; Samiclone Dark Pulse KOs Ludicolo2, Blizzmarck Knocks Off Ampharos4's Zoom Lens, BM860 KOs Weezing3 with Physic; Ampharos4 OHKOs BM860 with Thunder
- Turn 5: with Tailwind petered out, rain still up, and half of my team left, I still think I'm in good shape (Samiclone is a Dark-type here), as any double team move will finish Ampharos4 off; FBFRP comes out...then Seismitoad1/Kingdra2 come out. If even one of them has Swift Swim, I'm in some trouble. Kingdra2 goes first (revealing it as the Swift Swim variant) and KOs Samiclone with Dragon Pulse, Seismitoad1 goes second (revealing itself as the Swift Swim variant) and leaves FBFRP at 107 HP with Water Pulse (probably was going to finish off Samiclone too), FBFRP KOs Ampharos4 with Waterfall, Blizzmarck with full paralysis
- Turn 6: the Swift Swimmers gang up on FBFRP and finish her with Dragon Pulse & Sludge Wave; Blizzmarck Knocks Off Kingdra2's Haban Berry
- Turn 7: rain stops, Blizzmarck Sucker Punch KOs Kingdra2, Seismitoad1 hits Water Pulse, 91 HP left, auto-center
- Turn 8: I've still got a chance, barring Water Pulse confusion and no full paralysis; Seismitoad1 Water Pulses, 25 HP left; Blizzmarck Knocks Off Seismitoad1's Chesto Berry, leaving it pretty much at half health
- Turn 9: Blizzmarck Sucker Punch leaves Seismitoad1 with a sliver of health, Seismitoad1 KOs with Water Pulse

Not sticking to my usual plays (when Rain Dance was practically begging me to do so) cost me: I was concentrating and everything too. Just a pair of brainfarts on my part, and the full paralysis near the end didn't help.

Still, I'm amazed with what I accomplished here:
- I nearly doubled my Maison best
- The Floatzel Plan was technically completed with resounding success, and I'm pretty sure no one will ever take Floatzel this far in any facility
- I received a friendly challenge from another guy on the Triples leaderboard not too long ago:
Just logged in for the first time in ages and noticed this lol

Well done lad. I'm getting "Bad Gateway" when I try to click your writeups, so I can't comment on your team, but very good job regardless.
That said, I've blown way past my triples record, so you'll have to try again ;)


Well, though I didn't mean to, I did try again, and though I wasn't able to get past the boss and his best record, at least I met the other Cheese Heretic and passed you.
Your move, Cheesedick.
- If you all would allow me a geeky analogy:
  • the Triples leaderboard is the Green Lanturn Corps
  • the 1K+ section of said leaderboard is the Green Lanturns are central to at least more than one story arc in the comics (which I am now among)
  • turskain is Mogo, a benemoth and legend I will never quite be able to match but rather will stare at in awe and wonder
Good shit all around, and this leaves me with one less priority to care for facilities-wise. Now, I can devote a little more time into my ongoing ineligible streaks in Subway Doubles (70) and X Maison Triples (67), as well as prepare to lose both of those and start with a clean slate to continue my ongoing "sample battle" project. I may see you here again, though with this streak in place, any future Triples runs would be even more fun with what I'm doing now in X and not anything too ambitious. Now that I'm in the Pantheon of the Triples Pyramid, I don't feel so awkward about having so many streaks under my name.

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I have a bit of an odd request.

While managing my various facility streaks, I have also been wandering the halls of the other battle facility threads (again), taking the time to find the older DP Battle Tower Records thread (it should be noted that this is NOT linked to the OP) and very slowly digging through that. In doing so, I've begun to think about what teams of facility 'mons would serve as the best barometer of as many facility teams made by players across time. So, I'm collecting replays of battles against teams that I feel would best fit this description, and then theorymonning them against the teams from the various leaderboards. Since I'm starting the comparisons from Gen IV Frontier leaderboard teams onward, I'm looking for any replays featuring only Pokemon from Gens I-IV. I've collected a few of these myself (mostly in the Maison), but I'm never satisfied with what I get and eventually delete them.

My most recent acquisition in this endeavor would be from my X Maison Triples streak, Bastiodon/Pinsir/Honchkrow/Mismagius/Tyranitar/Porygon2 (Set 4). In order to make this work for non-Triples formats, I would cut a section of this opposing team, based on where they're positioned in the actual battle, and pit them against the leaderboard teams chosen. In this example, Porygon2/Tyranitar/Mismagius were the leads, so things would line up based on that. The backups chosen for a specific format would be chosen either at random or in the order they emerged in the actual battle, in this case Honchkrow/Bastiodon/Pinsir. For instance:
- Porygon2/Tyranitar vs. Chinese Dood's 192-win Hall Doubles dual Metagross team
- Porygon2/Tyranitar/Mismagius (Porygon2 leads) vs. M E E P's 91-win Subway Singles Whimsicott/Shuckle-as-cripplers-Scrafty-as-sweeper team
- The entire team, in the same order as I faced them, vs. lucariomaster2's Maison Triples trophy run Tailwind team, one of the few Maison teams featuring Breloom
- Porygon2/Tyranitar/Mismagius/Pinsir (Porygon2/Tyranitar lead, Pinsir chosen because Pinsir4 was recently mentioned on this thread) vs. Ames' 151-win Tree Doubles team of ugly-ass mons

That sort of thing. Will be adding this to the Tree and Subway threads as well.
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I'm making an attempt at getting the Super Triples trophy using a slight variation (nature wise) of Eppie's team and I'm about to take on the Battle Chatelaine.

I not only want to win the Super Triples trophy, but also the Expert Battler Ribbon for my Delcatty. Thing is I have to replace one in the party, and most people have told me Togekiss because its damage output isn't very good against the Chatelaine's Regis. I'm personally not too sure myself because I feel like I need all of them in case I get wreaked by paralysis hax in the beginning and I've never gotten this far on the first go before (I'm worried my Talonflame/Blastoise/Greninja core might not deal enough damage as Blastoise has a Quiet nature and Greninja is Modest).

So I need some help figuring out who can I replace in my party with Delcatty and what should its moveset and item be if I have to send it out.

My current set up for Delcatty is:

Ability: Normalize
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Spd
Nature: Relaxed
- Fake Out
- Feint Attack
- Thunder Wave
- Helping Hand

I've used the Focus Sash on it before, but I obviously can't now since Greninja needs it more.
I know Delcatty isn't great, and its nature and EV spread aren't either obviously, but I can always redo the EVs and move set if there's a better option. The set up was from an attempt at doing Super Doubles, which I lost at around 33 due to an Archeops and Aerodactyl duo getting crit and flinch on 3/4s of my team.
You won't have to worry about any evasion from Dana's team, so you can replace Feint Attack with something more powerful and not sacrifice anything. Delcatty is still support though, so everything else works fine. Item would be Lum Berry I think, as almost any status on it, other than burn, would hamper its effectiveness, and it doesn't have the bulk to effectively utilize most defensive items (given the HP investment, maybe Sitrus might work for it though).

Togekiss definitely should be the 'mon left out, as aside from its lack of immediate power against the Regis, it has limited coverage against the birds and defensively, Flying is one of the worst typings to bring into this battle. Never mind that Registeel2 would also have the advantage here.

Good luck and good fortune.
You won't have to worry about any evasion from Dana's team, so you can replace Feint Attack with something more powerful and not sacrifice anything. Delcatty is still support though, so everything else works fine. Item would be Lum Berry I think, as almost any status on it, other than burn, would hamper its effectiveness, and it doesn't have the bulk to effectively utilize most defensive items (given the HP investment, maybe Sitrus might work for it though).

Togekiss definitely should be the 'mon left out, as aside from its lack of immediate power against the Regis, it has limited coverage against the birds and defensively, Flying is one of the worst typings to bring into this battle. Never mind that Registeel2 would also have the advantage here.

Good luck and good fortune.

Thank you for your suggestion ^^ what would be a stronger move to replace Feint Attack with in particular?

Another question, would the same combo (Tailwind, Water Spout, and Mat Block) be more useful if Regice/Zapdos gets sent out on the field first, or Flare Blitz/Ice Beam it first, then set up Tailwind on turn 2 and have Blastoise Protect once its gone?
Hell if I know, most of the opposition is more specially bulky, but those secondary effects from certain moves might help you in pinch--Thunderbolt? The reliable standby of Return? Shadow Ball?

Deviating from the typical combo would be risky due to the potential of the third lead setting up: if Moltres1 shows up, he most likely matches Tailwind with you, and if Registeel2 shows up, he may Rock Polish immediately. The Natures of Greninja and Megatoise makes this a bigger risk than you would think (unlike me, you don't have a Bisharp/Aron/Taillow lead to lure Overheat/EQ and entice Moltres1/Registeel2 away from Tailwind/Rock Polish). Because you have three Electric-weak leads, while Thunder Wave is certainly an issue with Regice4, there is also the possibility it will simply Thunder immediately and save you that headache. Besides, Ice Beam/Flare Blitz from Megatoise/Talonflame are not guaranteed OHKOs on Zapdos3/Regice4 anyway--the standard opening play is just the overall more conservative play to make.
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a normalized sucker punch could be fun lol

since youre just using delcatty for the 1 battle im inclined to say its moveset doesnt really matter. if you have an opportunity to bring it in beside healthy blastoise, the only move youll want is helping hand. otherwise, hyper voice and icy wind are spread moves... wild charge is slightly stronger than thunderbolt or ice beam or sucker punch or return, but delcatty's offensive move pool looks otherwise unable to really capitalize on normalize.

interestingly, the regis are all fighting weak. and especially brightpowder / double team regigigas is weak to aura sphere. you may consider leaving rotom out instead of togekiss. rotom is the better one to have along overall perhaps, but against legendary pokemon fairy/fighting backup coverage is prolly more important than electric/dark. especially against regis.

i would argue that imperfect natures dont matter so much for this battle or even for a streak length of "only" 50, veterans typically allow tailwind to be set unhindered and all of the regis are fairly slow too. a stray thunder wave from regice is typically more crippling for you, but you can prevent it on blastoise (protect turn 1) and its not particularly harmful on frog or bird.

hope this helps maybe
Well, I’ve got an on-going 81 streak in super doubles, so I thought of sharing my team and ask for suggestions.

The team is sort of balanced and works around Mega Mence destroying the opponent while the rest of the teammates give it support. The lead pokemons (MMence and ScarfHydra) usually bring down most of the opponents by themselves in 2-4 turns, so the team does its job pretty fast. However, certain match-ups require careful switch-ins and predictions; therefore the team is hard to use. Water type w/Ice type coverage + Fire type leads are awful difficult to face, and para status on both leads ends in a lost streak.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Protect
- Hyper Voice
- Dragon Pulse
- Flamethrower

Hydreigon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Sdef / 244 Spd
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Earthpower
- Dragon Pulse
- U-turn

Scizor @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
EVs: 204 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 Sdef / 44 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Aerial Ace

Aegislash @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Stance change
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak
- King’s Shield

Mega Mence set is pretty much a standard doubles set which deals a ton of damage with both stabs and fire coverage. Protect is self explanatory, imo.

Scarf Hydra with the given EVs speed creep everything up to Terrakion2 and Blaziken1 at +2 (if needed); leaving it only outspeed by 3 mons which it can’t outspeed when fully invested anyways. You could potentially run just enough speed to creep Garchomp3, adding like 76 EVs to HP, but missing a check vs Terrakion2 is risky. 4 EVs in Sdef make sure that download always give an Atk rise when paired with Mence or Aegislash. I’ve read that Choice items aren’t recommended for the maison; however, I’ve yet to lose a match due to being locked in a move with no possible mon to use as fodder to change moves. The first two attacks are spammable stabs that deal enough damage to net 2HKOs in conjunction with Mence Hyper Voice. Earthpower brings down electric, metal and rock types; electric types with thunder wave are a particular priority. U-turn mostly breaks sashes that threaten Mence while bringing in my pivots to take a hit/revenge kill.

AV Scizor is the designated switch in to ice, fairy and bulky rocks. EV spread was taken from the Maison guide and works pretty well to turn Scizor into a bulky pivot. Scizor main job is to come in via U-turn or hard switch to take a hit, revenge kill something and Slow U-turn back into another mon. Aerial Ace is a funny move; while it doesn’t add fire power, it works with technician and bypass evasion raises, which has serve me on several occasions.

Spooky plate Aegislash is the last member and while it’s been working so far, I think this guy could be improved or even changed to decrease the risk of losing due to match-ups. I choose spooky plate over LO and Leftovers as a middle ground to add some power while not sacrificing durability. I’ve yet to choose an appropriate speed IV (right now is a random 19) and I’ve been thinking of switching Sacred Sword for Flash Cannon, but SS has been useful vs Walrein4…so I’m afraid of losing the streak for missing the move.

I’ve changed the last member quite a bit during my streak attempts, but the rest of the team works like clockwork. CB Azumarril was used for a bit, but being locked and so slow didn’t help. Then Wide Lens Azu help for some time, but the lack of power, speed and electric weakness put an end to its career. The past member was an offensive wide lens metragross which worked rather well, but double bullet punch wasn’t helping the team and it being a bit slow meant that fire types (Entei and Moltres) were destroying my team. Any suggestions for this spot are welcome.
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Well, I’ve got an on-going 81 streak in super doubles, so I thought of sharing my team and ask for suggestions.

Water type w/Ice type coverage + Fire type leads are awful difficult to face, and para status on both leads ends in a lost streak.

Any suggestions for this spot are welcome.
Sounds like you need a bulky Water as a backup: resists all of those, may be slow enough to not mind absorbing the paralysis, immune to most paralysis if Water/Ground. Azumarill was a decent start, but I would favor Milotic (who can take status and turn it in your favor), Swampert (Wide Guard), Megatoise (surprisingly bulky even with no defensive investment, fits the offensive motif of your team better), Lanturn (VOlt Absorb for T-Wave and general bulk, Ground attack lure for your Dragons to switch into), Empoleon (can function under opposing TR, much like your Aegislash), Rotom-W (it's Rotom-W, plus it gives you a solid way to beat opposing Waters), etc.

Congrats on (eventually) making the Doubles leaderboard.
Sounds like you need a bulky Water as a backup: resists all of those, may be slow enough to not mind absorbing the paralysis, immune to most paralysis if Water/Ground. Azumarill was a decent start, but I would favor Milotic (who can take status and turn it in your favor), Swampert (Wide Guard), Megatoise (surprisingly bulky even with no defensive investment, fits the offensive motif of your team better), Lanturn (VOlt Absorb for T-Wave and general bulk, Ground attack lure for your Dragons to switch into), Empoleon (can function under opposing TR, much like your Aegislash), Rotom-W (it's Rotom-W, plus it gives you a solid way to beat opposing Waters), etc.

Congrats on (eventually) making the Doubles leaderboard.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Swampert and Rotom are my favorite options, specially swampert since it's easier to get in-game, has better bulk and deals with lanturn4(?) (stockpile, rest, ice beam and charge beam) which 3-0 me in singles. Lanturn looks a bit inferior to Rotom, imo.

Milotic kind of breaks the team sinergy (being to passive and weak to electric) and Megatoise would mean creating a while new team.
Informally posting a completed streak of 113 wins in Omega Ruby Super Doubles.

This run was a tale of...three tales, three different teams that were used to achieve different goals. I never really intended this to be the case, shit just happens.

Stage 1 of this run featured Los Expertos, taken to the first 63 wins. This team was basically being brought through Maison Doubles as a dry run for Tree Doubles & worked well enough that it was eventually Transferred over to Sun...

...and that worked out all right, I think.


Stage 2 of this run was part of a fascination I have with the Subway post-Boss Set 1 Trainers, specifically the Backpackers (Cedric/Felton/Simone/Wald). I didn't really care about maintaining the streak at that point and just wanted to have fun with shit. So, I almost re-created one of the battles I had with them and came up with this. The team was partially PokeGen-ed and thus rendered the streak leaderboard-ineligible. The generated sets were:

Maison Reuniclus1

The stars of this team were (don't remember IVs or Genders atm, will fill in later):

NBS257 (Darmanitan) (Lvl.57) @ Passho Berry
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Will-o-Wisp
- Belly Drum
- Brick Break
- Fire Punch

Originally meant to be a copy of Subway Darmanitan1, I forgot that Encore is an Egg Move and had to settle for turning this into a mishmash of the Subway & Maison versions. Despite the lack of opportunities to activate Belly Drum in Doubles, still hits like a brick to the face.

BS284 (Cradily) (Lvl.50) @ Tanga/Chartl Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
Bold Nature
- Stockpile
- Swallow
- Gastro Acid
- Stealth Rock

This was the main inspiration for this, as Cradily overall popped up quite frequently during my Subway 92-win streak, was an easy enough opponent so as to make battles more bearable, and this particular set appeared more than you would expect given the Trainers who carry it. To return such an act of kindness (and because having Round on the Maison version is pointless, I believe), I made it here. Pure support, as befits the original set. I switch between the Berry held, dependent on whether I'm going for authenticity (Chartl) or utility (Tanga).

Amazingly, this team went and won Battles 64 & 65 of this streak (although AI opponents blowing themselves up and EQ KO'ing allies certainly helped in that regard.


From then until the end of the streak, I rolled with something a little more traditional. I was in the middle of experimenting with making Porygon-Z2 viable in various facilities. I was told by Giratina93 Adaptability would work best for it, so I went and PokeGen-ed it, further "ineligiblizing" the streak. To allow this set to do its thing uninhibited, it needed something to clear out Ghosts, something to prevent Fighters from breaking it, and something to clear out Rocks/Steels. The rail gun was eventually settled upon as the fourth mon/cleanup hitter, to be carried by:

BM860 (Starmie) (Lvl.51) @ King's Rock
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13-14/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

The same Imperfect Starmie4 that has led the Roslindale Condores/Quetzales to glory. Here, it serves as the main special attacker, due to Porygon-Z2's specialized role. Principally, my Fighter killer.

BM672 (Weavile) (F) (Lvl.52) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fake Out
- Protect
- Night Slash
- Ice Punch

Imperfect Weavile3, used as my Ghost killer. Others on here have done quite well with Weavile + Psychic-type cores for Doubles before, and so did this one. I also found myself surprised at how hard she hit, and even without fine-tuned defensive IVs, she served as an incredible lure when necessary.

"MarshallLee" (Blaziken) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Brave Bird
- Low Kick
- Flare Blitz

Having received my third Speed Boost Torchic as part of a mass trade, I made the decision to make my first worthwhile Megaken. I simply mashed up the builds from Brave Bird Brothers and whatever The Dutch Plumberjack calls his Triples team. It does what Adamant Megaken does, not much explanation needed.

This third Stage was so much fun to play with:
- Weavile3/Starmie4 as leads gelled really well together, and of course, facility sets beating back the challenge of a facility never goes out of style
- Megaken covered the offensive holes on the rest of my team so well, the biggest weapon I had against opposing bulk
- Adaptability Porygon-Z2 hits SO HARD, I laughed at how many Normal resists (among other things) it could OHKO. Try a Choiced PoryZ set sometime, you won't regret it

This run was ended at Battle #114, at the hands of Porygon2/Metagross/Beartic/Haxorus (Set 4). Fairly basic loss, I slipped up at a couple of different points and most crucially, had Starmie target Haxorus4 and Megaken target Metagross4, when double-targeting the former would have saved Megaken from an early demise. After that, the match boiled down to me and the opponent trading blows, with me eventually falling first.

The existence of Maison Triples kinda weaned me off of caring so much about Maison/Tree Doubles, but I was happy to give this a shot and find a few different things that worked. The best part was, this streak has since pushed me to do better in both Subway & Tree Doubles, if only for comparison's sake. To that end, future plans branching off of this include finding Set 1 teams that can work in Tree, building Subway and Tree teams around Adaptability Porygon-Z2, and--as suggested to me by GG Unit --trying out Download Porygon-Z with both Giga Impact & Hyper Beam in all facilities (or Hyper Impact, for short).

IMG_0455.JPG IMG_0456.JPG
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Hey guys, I'm back at it.

I'm biased, but I'd suggest Eelektross. I played Dusclops / Aron / Mega Camerupt / Eelektross to 544 wins. Here's my writeup on how the final version of the team played out. Click through to the early version of the team too, since that explains some of the choices. Eelektross works really well under Trick Room, is surprisingly bulky, and has pretty nice coverage. Hidden Power Ice, while not particularly powerful, is a fine option if you are really worried about your coverage for flying Dragons. Cresselia is a reasonable alternative since it's a second Trick Room setter, but even min Speed you are a bit faster than ideal, and so may want to run Power Lens or the like. I still prefer Eelektross, but Cress will definitely work. Helping Hand is cute, and sounds tempting, but I'm not sure how often it will actually make a difference versus just being overkill.

Best of luck!

So I've decided to give your team a try, and it was indeed much better than mine since Aron is KOed first most of the time, meaning I would have to switch Dusclops to Cresselia if I want to set up Sunny Day. I also never felt the need to have another Trick Room setter, so Cresselia was barely useful and only made me lose momentum.

However, I'm still wondering if there isn't a better option than Eelektross. I feel like it doesn't hit especially hard or tanks hits especially well (even special ones), and it doesn't really need to pivot to attacks aimed at Camerupt anymore since it now runs Protect. Also, I've been wondering why you were running Grass Knot rather than Giga Drain, which seems much better to me.

Thus, I've been looking for a Pokemon to replace Eelektross with, but couldn't really find one. I thought about AV Tangrowth, which is as fast under Trick Room, bulkier, able to run HP Ice too, covers Camerupt's weaknesses etc... But I figured that he wasn't good enough, since it doesn't hit hard neither while Regenerator isn't as good in Doubles and Earthquake cannot be run alongside Camerupt...

Basically, I'd once more need feedback and suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Also Amoonguss/Sylveon who are both slow and can support the team through Spore or benefit from the fact that Camerupt rapes all Steel, Poison and Fire types.
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So, in between Battle Tree activities I've been steadily plugging away at the Maison, trying to regain the bunches of BP I spent last year when I was breeding for different members of my Imperfect Army. I used a bastardized version of MechaGodzilla's 340-win Triples team, eventually swapping out my Aegislash to try out various new toys I've bred for. Eventually, that team fell at 130 wins; due to a PokeGen-ed Garchomp being part of the team, it would not be leaderboard-eligible; in any case, I was getting bored with the team (this was around the time that I was finally breaking the 100-win mark at Tree Doubles) and would not formally write it up.

It did get me randomly enthused about giving a little something else a second go, though. Those who have been around long enough may remember 21 Master Balls. Well, I decided the time has come to revive that idea and see how much it can help me toward my BP-collecting goal (I'm currently at 9218 BP). However, instead of using O.S.W.M. as a foundation, I decided to build around S.A.D.P., or at least a revamped version of it. The team is now wacky and fresh enough that it constitutes a new team, more or less. With that, I present:


Despite the fact that he no longer posts here, Uphaze still is pretty into Pokémon, it seems, and demonstrates as such on Uphaze TV.
Alas, I still don't speak French and still don't know what the fuck he's saying...

Anyways, this is another incarnation of the Triples trophy run team he used. However, here I was also influenced by the earliest users of TR teams on this thread, who all seemed to swear by having two TR setters on their teams, something that seems to have fallen out of favor around these parts over time. I was determined to find a way to integrate a backup TR user into the team, one who could stand in the face of the things that would stop Hypno in its tracks. One of the people who I've traded with for my DW Dream Ball captures in the past gave me a Fairy Friend Safari and thus the key to finding what I was looking for. During this same process, I was looking to turn the tables on the Maison and use Escavalier for my own nefarious purposes, knowing that when trained right, it is by far one of the slowest and strongest mons one can use, one of the best TR abusers out there. The single biggest threat to S.A.D.P. would become its greatest weapon. With that framework in mind:


MoreNuggets (Taillow) (F) (Lvl.1) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: N/A
IVs: 31/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Endeavor
- Mirror Move
- U-turn

FEAR #1, missing the crucial Quick Attack to strike back against opposing priority under TR. As a result, it is mostly used as bait (moreso than Aron) while the other leads do the heavy lifting, though it definitely still fulfills its primary function quite capably.


ComaRing (Hypno) (Lvl.50) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD
IVs: 20/31/31/31/31/0
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball

Same deal as with Emile Louis, although the imperfect HP IVs are not optimal. 31 Atk IVs don't affect him as much as you think it would, as every Swagger user out there is stopped by Lum and then killed, along with the FEARs being targeted by said users fairly often. Nicknamed after the Lost Odyssey sleep-inducing item.


InspireZheng (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (M) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/0/31/0/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Sunny Day
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor

FEAR #2, the same Aron that has brought some of my biggest successes to date.

Fortifying the leads are:


"SweetHonesty" (Aromatisse) (Lvl. 50) (M) Sitrus Berry/Leftovers
Ability: Aroma Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SDef
IVs: 31/2-3/31/31/31/24-25
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- Aromatherapy
- Heal Pulse
- Trick Room
- Moonblast

A merely decent IV spread doesn't deter Aroma Veil TR Aromatisse from being a capable backup setter: still bulky as hell, incredible support for the rest of the team, great typing for backing Hypno up, and able to get around the problems most opposing Taunters present (with the exceptions of Toxicroak4 & Crobat4, though the former easily is baited by my FEARs). This Aromatisse has undergone a myriad of changes since I first bred it: it has gone from TR setter Spiritzee-->dual screens Spiritzee based on Fierza's Triples design-->setter Aromatisse based on the set ReptoAbysmal uses, though here Thunderbolt-->Aromatherapy. I went with Lefties unless the sixth 'mon needed it, in which case Sitrus was used. 'Nicknamed' after a perfume my sister owns (that I just found ten minutes ago).


"Federik XII" (Escavalier) (Lvl. 51) (M) Life Orb
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Knock Off
- Drill Run
- Iron Head
- Megahorn

This is one of the goddamn greatest sets I have ever used. Nothing too fancy here, this is a straight ripoff of the set ReptoAbysmal uses. As you can tell by half of the moves used, it's meant to be used in TR Gravity, though with the LO equipped and the incredible Attack behind it, it often only needs Knock Off and Iron Head to get the job done. Many thx to dialganet for giving me the Karrablast hatchling. 'Nicknamed' after the OT, whoever he was.

Just like last time, the Bench consists of a bunch of Repto's TR roster rejects ("Discarded Flunkies"). Since the original roster listing is now defunct, I will display the ones used so far:

IMG_0516.JPG IMG_0517.JPGIMG_0518.JPG IMG_0519.JPG IMG_0520.JPG IMG_0521.JPGIMG_0522.JPG IMG_0523.JPG IMG_0524.JPG IMG_0525.JPG IMG_0526.JPG

While this run is ongoing, I am posting the writeup now because it has surpassed 21 Master Balls, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. The immediate goals are to max out the BP count and make it through one full rotation with the current Bench, which 21 Master Balls failed to do. It will be harder to do so this time around, as I am going ten battles with each Bench player, as opposed to the five-battle intervals of the previous run. However, I feel that getting more time to get comfortable with the Nightmares will allow me to possibly find ideas for them in other TR teams in the future, as well as giving Repto ideas for possibly taking these flunkies back someday and fitting them back into his roster, for all battle facilities past, present, and future.

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lol those dudes all belong to you, now. Asking for them to be returned would be in poor taste as well as add more and more layers of indecision I already face thanks to Gen VII and the loss of triples (hopefully to return soon.)

Mildly surprised that you still use the old google doc for reference, but I've recently taken to overhauling and updating it because of changes brought on by SM.
Hey all,

I few months ago, I posted a tool I made for quickly and easily searching up info on sets for each Pokemon in the XY and ORAS Maisons. You can find my original post here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/battle-maison-discussion-records.3492706/page-209#post-7192678

I know it's been a few months, and that tool was already for an out-of-date game, but I've continued working on it in small amounts since then. I mostly did this to learn some things for my own sake, but the result should be an improved experience for users. You can find the new version at the same address:


New features mainly include a better presentation for the data, the ability to search for Pokemon without specifying the trainer name (by entering a wildcard "*" as the trainer name instead), and the ability to highlight a particular result by clicking on it.

Now, even if you forget to note down the trainer's name, you can still get as much info as you need, and you can highlight results to note down which sets your opponent might be using, and which sets have been eliminated as possibilities.

I'm moving onto the Battle Tree and Royal version now, which should require minimal changes, but if you have any more feature requests for this version, do not hesitate to file an issue report on GitHub, reply to me on this thread, or send me a PM here. You can also tweet at me here.

lol those dudes all belong to you, now. Asking for them to be returned would be in poor taste as well as add more and more layers of indecision I already face thanks to Gen VII and the loss of triples (hopefully to return soon.)

I know, just throwing it out there for other Trainers to note and maybe apply (ain't no one else out there going for TR Porygon-Z).

Small update, on that front: have hit 245 wins, but this isn't as important as the fact that I have now gone through the entire original Bench from 21 Master Balls, and now am moving on to trying some of my own creations in that sixth slot. For those curious, those used since my last update are:

IMG_0536.JPG IMG_0537.JPG IMG_0538.JPG IMG_0539.JPG IMG_0540.JPG IMG_0541.JPG IMG_0542.JPG IMG_0543.JPG IMG_0544.JPG IMG_0545.JPG IMG_0546.JPG IMG_0547.JPG

It's been lot of fun trying out stuff that most weren't bothering with back in the heyday of this thread, and stuff that surely won't be getting any playing minutes in Tree, even if--full disclosure--of this latest bunch, only Samurott/Stoutland/Crustle/Trevenant got to contribute in any meaningful way. The rest of the team is that rock solid (or is it Solid Rock?). Fun factoid: one of the veteran Smogonites (someone on the Frontier leaderboards) saw that Stoutland set and simply thought "wtf is that". Genius takes time for some to understand, I suppose...

In a vaccum, this is quite the varied mini-roster, and some of the sets in question can definitely be applied both within & outside of TR (Porygon-Z and Excadrill definitely have gone outside of it, in this very thread; a couple of them have seen usage in the Subway thread, even). Give them a shot in Tree sometime, ya mooks (I would, but I like having these in a place where breeding is fairly easy for me, which is not the case for me currently in Sun).

The most recent battle before this update, coincidentally, was against Mara: there was some very recent discussion about Gourgeist facility sets on the Tree Discord channel after Set 2 pounded a current Tree-climber into a docile hunk yesterday, and, lo and behold, there's Gorugeist2, who I very rarely see at all (either here or in Tree), and certainly not this far up a streak (I have had periods in prior periods where I roll Mara quite a bit, but even then she seems to hardly ever draw this particular set). It was nice to see, and has prompted me to get tinkering on my next set to create in tribute...
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I know, just throwing it out there for other Trainers to note and maybe apply (ain't no one else out there going for TR Porygon-Z).

Small update, on that front: have hit 245 wins, but this isn't as important as the fact that I have now gone through the entire original Bench from 21 Master Balls, and now am moving on to trying some of my own creations in that sixth slot. For those curious, those used since my last update are:

It's been lot of fun trying out stuff that most weren't bothering with back in the heyday of this thread, and stuff that surely won't be getting any playing minutes in Tree, even if--full disclosure--of this latest bunch, only Samurott/Stoutland/Crustle/Trevenant got to contribute in any meaningful way. The rest of the team is that rock solid (or is it Solid Rock?). Fun factoid: one of the veteran Smogonites (someone on the Frontier leaderboards) saw that Stoutland set and simply thought "wtf is that". Genius takes time for some to understand, I suppose...

In a vaccum, this is quite the varied mini-roster, and some of the sets in question can definitely be applied both within & outside of TR (Porygon-Z and Excadrill definitely have gone outside of it, in this very thread; a couple of them have seen usage in the Subway thread, even). Give them a shot in Tree sometime, ya mooks (I would, but I like having these in a place where breeding is fairly easy for me, which is not the case for me currently in Sun).

The most recent battle before this update, coincidentally, was against Mara: there was some very recent discussion about Gourgeist facility sets on the Tree Discord channel after Set 2 pounded a current Tree-climber into a docile hunk yesterday, and, lo and behold, there's Gorugeist2, who I very rarely see at all (either here or in Tree), and certainly not this far up a streak (I have had periods in prior periods where I roll Mara quite a bit, but even then she seems to hardly ever draw this particular set). It was nice to see, and has prompted me to get tinkering on my next set to create in tribute...
lol Mara made such a name for herself that my MC was named after her for my Moon playthrough.

I gave Vanilluxe away, but I'll be building another one albeit with some major differences, for some potential ruckus in the future. Still would really prefer to have these guys on Triples teams, though.
Posting a completed streak of 294 wins in Omega Ruby Super Triples.


This was a car-crash loss where the opposition kinda-triple-targeted Hypno, got a couple of crits, took him down Turn 1, and in the time it took Aromatisse to get TR up Turn 2, the FEARs were taken down. The ensuing 3v6 situation was too much to overcome, especially given that pretty much everything on the field was dangerous to the backups, except for Escavalier, and then double status from Vileplume4/Weezing4 combined to take him down.

Team Writeup
Abysmal Nightmares Complete Rotation Update

Once I went a set of ten battles with all of the Abysmal Nightmares, I decided to keep going with this Bench using a number of my own sets. Added to this run from Battle 210 until the end were:


Swirlix (F) (Lvl.1) @ Focus Band
Ability: Sweet Veil
EVs: N/A
IVs: *shrug*
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- After You
- Helping Hand
- Protect
- Endeavor

My attempt at using TRIPLE FEARS. Many thx to Theorymon for the idea, although I unfortunately was unable to give it a Sash due to Taillow already holding it (found HERE).


"BM69" (Pumpkaboo-Super) (F) (Lvl.56) @ Iron Ball
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 170 HP / 170 Def / 170 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/20-21
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- Gyro Ball
- Seed Bomb
- Explosion
- Trick Room

A future Imperfect Gorugeist2, once I can find someone to trade with. In the meantime, having slightly lower base Speed than Gourgeist helps it function slightly better.


BF857 (Exeggutor) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 6 SDef
IVs: 31/23/31/31/31/0
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Psychic
- Sludge Bomb
- Leaf Storm
- Ancientpower

The same Imperfect TR-tuned Exeggutor3 from S.A.D.P., still great for colorful offensive coverage.


BM751 (Quagsire) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/13-14
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Amnesia
- Curse

Imperfect Quagsire4, although here it's forced to hold the Sitrus due to Aromatisse already holding Leftovers. Many thx to paperquagsire for inspring me to make this.


OpticAmulet (Ampharos) (M) (Lvl.51) @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SAtk
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/20-21
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spe)
- Protect
- Power Gem
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt

Standard MegaAmp, done primarily because I was originally gunning for TR-tuned Ampharos4 and then got bored with the idea. Nicknamed after the Diablo Unique Amulet.


Amapola (Florges) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spe)
- Helping Hand
- Grass Knot
- Physic
- Moonblast

A near-copy of another Abysmal Nightmare, although I found Symbiosis to be useless on this set, and I originally made this as part of an effort to create a TR MonoFairy team that featured all three Veil Abilities. Many thx to ReptoAbysmal for the idea. Nicknamed after the Mexican luchadora of the same name.


OwlShield (Aegislash) (Lvl. 52) (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak

Originally the same set used for this Triples run, Iron Head-->King's Shield due to this recently being used for a Rotations trophy run attempt, and I forgot to change it back for this run. Many thx to R Inanimate for the idea. Nicknamed after the Sophitia weapon in Soul Calibur II.

A solid run with this concept, and getting to improve on 21 Master Balls by a significant amount, as well as putting all of the Abysmal Nightmares through their paces, was the main reward for this run. The two streaks immediately ahead of this one, as well as Repto's second-best semi-randoms effort, are all more solid concepts in general and deserved to stay ahead of this one, so in a way it's good that the run ended here.

See you all the next time I catch the Triples fever...or I decide to get after my Rotations & Multis trophies.
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Edit: I read i bit about the maison and updated this post.


I want to present my team for doubles, which i postet already here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...ecords-now-with-gen-4-records.102593/page-102
The reason for this is the impossibility of achieving Anger Point Camerupt on BW2 for me. To get it, one must have been in the Dream World, for which i am years too late.
In the later editions ORAS it is again possible to catch one, so i thought, why dont post it here? I wont have this team on ORAS either, since i dont have the editions, but maybe it inspires some of you to unconventional strategies, since i havent seen anybody using the main idea of this team in Battle Maison/etc. It may be some fun, apart of me not knowing the new threats/attacks from XY/ORAS very well.
Focus sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: None
Sassy Nature
-Fake Out
-Kings Shield (Spiky Shield)
-Storm Throw
-Endeavor/Wide Guard/Thousand Arrows

Lv 1, outspeeding anything in Trickroom. Fears priority moves. Likely to use a protecting move in the first turn, unless it doesnt have so safe Zong with Fake Out. The last moveslot is a hard choice, and depends also on the Generation. In generation 6 and 7 Wide Guard is usable without interruption and protects my Pokemon not only from attacks from foes such as Surf/Earthquake/Explosion/Blizzard/... but also Smeargle is saved from my own Earthquakes. Thousand Arrows (if available, i dont know) destroys Sashes/Sturdy of BOTH enemies and takes them to the ground (!!!), which apart of priority are the biggest threats to Camerupt. After this point the small number of Pokemon that can stand one round against 6+Camerupt is reduced even more, now leaving only very few sets. Therefore this move, if available, should be taken under serious consideration.
If it turns out, that Zong manages to get outTrickroom most of the time without Fake Out support, one could also replace Fake Out and play Wide Guard and Thousand Arrows.

@Occa Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, Def/SpD
Sassy Nature
-Iron Head
-Rock Slide/Explosion
-Psych Up

It really doesnt like that it got 2 new weaknesses, Ghost and Dark.. Unfortunately i think it is a bit frail, in contrast to for example Eviolite-Dusclops. Maybe a Kasib-Berry would be better, in case i face 2 Ghost-types, which i cannot Fake Out.

Iron Ball
Ability: Anger Point
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk
Brave Nature
-Return/Double Edge/Explosion
-Rock Slide

Immune to Para and Fire. Unfortunately no defrosting move.

Ability: Intimidate/Mold Breaker
EVs: 84 HP, 212 Atk, 36 Def, 4 SpD, 172 Spe (copy pasted from The Dutch Plumberjack)
Adamant Nature
-Protect (Substitute)
-Dragon Dance

In the BWVersion of this team i had Gyara with Wacan Berry. Why Wacan Berry if a Mega-Evolution also halfs the damage of Electric by changing the type?
The idea is a simple one: Smeargle attacks Camerupt with Storm Throw to activate Anger Point, giving him 6+Atc to sweep anything away. To make this happen there is Trickroom support, and with Iron Ball Camerupt is slower than anything in the Maison. So in the first turn there is Fake-Out for dangerous Pokemon or Kings Shield and Trickroom. In the second i switch Zong out for Camerupt who gets Storm Throw from Smeargle and 6+Atc. Then maybe again Smeargles protects again to draw in attacks, endeavors or i switch any of the others in, likely Zong for Psych Up on Camerupt to get also 6+Atc (this idea isnt mine, this team got some inspiration from the Bellydrum-Trickroom-Psych-Up-Team created by some_guy. Thank you, your idea is really cool!). All Pokemon run Protect, so if i got a Pokemon advantage, i probably often can carry the win away with Exploding.. My fourth Pokemon, Gyara, should do an excellent job, since it covers all weaknesses of the other Team members except for Ghost and Dark (before Mega Evolution), and its own weaknesses are covered also by the team. Furthermore there is Intimidate, which is so nice to have in Doubles and makes switching even easier. If i predict a Water Attack on the outswitching Zong i can first get Gyara in instead of Camerupt, and in the next turn bring in Camerupt since Gyara probably wont be attacked by Water. I thought of giving him Speed, to be able to act in the last Trickroom turns. One Dragon Dance, and Protect when needed to get out of Trickroom, and then sweep in normal Dimensions. Mega evolve if i want an other type/better stats/i need mold breaker/the situation allows it.
If Smeargle stays alive and non-outswitched, it can deal serious damage with Endeavor or finish Sturdy/Focus Sashes with Storm Throw as necessary or use Protect to draw in attacks, since its defense is horrible. Wide Guard would protect my team of annoying moves, and also protecs Smeargle from my own Earthquakes for instance.

I guess Salamence can also do a good job instead of Gyara because the weaknesses are also covered.
What do you think of that team? As i mentioned before i couldnt test it, because i dont have it yet. Apart from this i could imagine that one could have a happy time with it, as long there are no evil things like two KOmove-users in the beginning, Hax, or special things i havent thought of.
Would be glad to hear your thougts :)

Hope this kind of double posting is okay. And if you accidentally have an Anger Point Camerupt, feel free to test this team :D actually i would be happy if one tries it, since i cant...

Camerupts 6+EQ ohkoes so many things in the maison. Only Avalugg, Shuckle and Forretress are able to survive a neutral EQ, unless i overlooked something. Sturdy users may be a problem, but i could damge them in round 1 with Fake Out, as well as potential Focus Sash users. Unfortunately there are very many, although one can face only one at a time. Also there are no Flying types, that can take an 2xeffective 6+Rock Slide. A bit problematic for double targetting are some Plant/Bug Types who can survive EQ and Levitate users, whos defensive sets often cant be taken out by Rock Slide. However almost none of them can take a 6+Return. Things are just as dramatic, as one would expect, considering 6+Atc.

Inner Monologue:
Omg! What happens if in the first 2 turns where i mostly wont attack, a foe starts cursing??!
Ok, lets see. Camerupt is at 20 Speed with Iron Ball, which means all Pokemon up to 40 Speed should be taken under consideration. There is Steelix, which is slower than Camerupt after one Curse; fortunately his best attacking move against Camerupt is Payback. In fact, the most Curser in the corresponding Speed Range really arent dangerous to Camerupt, since they often have only Gyroball and other very weak moves. The only exception is a Gigalithset, who has 40 Speed, which means there is a tie after 2 Curses. If I face one (or other similar Pokemon), i think its the best to Fake Out (or spore it), so there is one potential Boost turn less, and it damages Sturdy, which is very likely on these Pokemon.
My conclusion is, that on Cursing foes one should be able to handle them with relative ease.
This is based on Pokemon Moveset and Speedlist of the Maison; i still dont have any experience and dont know many new important moves.

About Losing:
If i get Trickroom out and Smeargle is alive or has even his Sash, i guess mostly it is an easy win. However if i face two pokemon, that can either paralyze, freeze, flinch, OHKO Zong (with luck) in the first turn, im in big troubles because i can only Fake Out one foe. Also if there are two foes with priority moves, they can double target Smeargle, preventing my mainsweeper to set up. No auto-loss, but nearly.. Sandstorm/Hail + priority is a similar threat.
I think it is possible to prove mathematically, that no team can win infinite battles; at this team in particular it is very easy to do that.
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It's cool man; besides, I believe I still have my DW Numel from White 2 in X and may be able to test out your team someday. Probably not for a while, since I'm very focused on Maison/Tree atm, but I will be giving it a spin, mainly because I never use Smeargle in battle facilties and this is as good an excuse as any.
Would be cool to see a post about how far you made it with this team someday :) If you dont come to do it, dont mind. Good luck with your team!
I want to present my team for doubles, which i postet already here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...ecords-now-with-gen-4-records.102593/page-102
The reason for this is the impossibility of achieving Anger Point Camerupt on BW2 for me. To get it, one must have been in the Dream World, for which i am years too late.
In the later editions ORAS it is again possible to catch one, so i thought, why dont post it here? I wont have this team on ORAS either, since i dont have the editions, but maybe it inspires some of you to unconventional strategies, since i havent seen anybody using the main idea of this team in Battle Maison/etc. It may be some fun, apart of me not knowing the new threats/attacks from XY/ORAS very well.
Here my copied text:
Smeargle Focus sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: None
Sassy Nature
-Fake Out
-Storm Throw
-Protect (Kings Shield)
(-Destiny Bond?)

Bronzong @Occa Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, Def/SDef
Sassy Nature
-Gyroball/Iron Head
-Psych Up

Camerupt Iron Ball
Ability: Anger Point
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Ang
Brave Nature
-Return/Double Edge/Explosion
-Eruption/Rock Slide/...

Gyarados @Wacan Berry??
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atc, Speed??
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance

The idea is a simple one: Smeargle attacks Camerupt with Storm Throw to activate Anger Point, giving him 6+Atc to sweep anything away. To make this happen there is Trickroom support, and with Iron Ball Camerupt is slower than anything in the Subway. So in the first turn there is Fake-Out for dangerous Pokemon or Protect and Trickroom. In the second i switch Zong out for Camerupt who gets Storm Throw from Smeargle and 6+Atc. Then maybe again Smeargles Protect to draw in attacks or switch any of the others in, likely Zong for Psych Up on Camerupt to get also 6+Atc (this idea isnt mine, i saw that on ones team in the record list ;)). All Pokemon run Protect, so if i got a Pokemon advantage, i probably often can carry the win away with Exploding.. My fourth Pokemon, Gyara, should do an excellent job, since it covers any weakness of the other Team members and even more, and its own weaknesses are covered also by the team. Furthermore there is Intimidate, which is so nice to have in Doubles and makes switching even easier. If i predict a Water Attack on the outswitching Zong i can first get Gyara in instead of Camerupt, and in the next turn bring in Camerupt since Gyara probably wont be attacked by Water. I thought of giving him Speed, to be able to act in the last Trickroom turns. One Dragon Dance, and Protect when needed to get out of Trickroom, and then sweep in normal Dimensions.
If Smeargle stays alive and non-outswitched, it can annoy with Spore or damage Sturdy/Focus Sashes with Storm Throw as necessary or using Protect to draw in attacks, since its defense is horrible.
(Another note: Getting freezed in the switch-in would be awful, since Camerupt doesnt learn an attack that defrosts.. Luckily it is immune to the two most common crippling statusses, para and fire.)
I guess Dragonite or Salamence can also do a good job instead of Gyara because the weaknesses are also covered.

What do you think of that team? As i mentioned before i couldnt test it, because i dont have it yet. Apart from this i could imagine that one could have a happy time with it, as long there are no evil things like two KOmove-users in the beginning, Hax, or special things i havent thought of.
Would be glad to hear your thougts :)

Hope this kind of double posting is okay. And if you accidentally have an Anger Point Camerupt, feel free to test this team :D actually i would be happy if one tries it, since i cant...

Edit: Sorry Smuckem, for posting directly after you without commenting your team; unfortunately as i mentioned i dont know the "new" threats very well.
I did some calcs for camerupt with 6+Atc, and checked which Pokemon can survive an attack from him. 13 Pokemon, plant and bug-types can survive EQ because of their resistance (at least their most defensivest sets). Shuckle and Forretress as only Mons can survive a neutral EQ, but they have sturdy anyway. There are 11 other sturdy users to be aware of. There are 38 Focus Sash users, very many, but luckily you can face only one at a time. From the 25 Flying type Mons only 3 (Skarmory, Gliscor, Landorus) can take Rock Slide. These 3 also can have Focus Sash or Sturdy. Almost all 12 Pokemon with Levitate have very defensive sets, that can survive Rock Slide. The 10 Air Balloon Pokemon and their Electro attacks i dont fear.

And all the rest.. is simply wiped out by EQ ;)
Focus Sashes and Flying Types therefore are my biggest problems. I dont trust Rock Slide, altough it would be so powerful... And for the Sashes and sturdy, maybe a double target move on Smeargle would do well, but i dont know...
Storm Throw and Frost Breath are 90% accurate. I've tried theorizing an Anger Point team, but having a 10% chance of the set-up failing due to a miss seems difficult to work around - there's Wide Lens, but that's never a fun item to commit to.

Edit: wait, I was wrong, Storm Throw is actually 100% accurate and only Frost Breath is 90% only... to salvage this post, "what about Pangoro?", it also gets Parting Shot, has TR-viable Speed, and isn't as frail as Smeargle - though Storm Throw with STAB and Attack investment will deal a serious blow to the Anger Point ally.
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