Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Edit: wait, I was wrong, Storm Throw is actually 100% accurate and only Frost Breath is 90% only... to salvage this post, "what about Pangoro?", it also gets Parting Shot, has TR-viable Speed, and isn't as frail as Smeargle - though Storm Throw with STAB and Attack investment will deal a serious blow to the Anger Point ally.

Yes, a brave Pangoro does more than 50% damage to Camerupt with storm throw, while Smeargle does about 5%. I think it is hard/impossible to play a real physical sweeper to attack your own pokemon, since you probably also get damage from the foes in the switch in turn. Also Smeargle has Fake Out, in case Zong struggles to survive the first round. After that he is probably often dead weight, but i think hurting Camerupt that much is worse.
Thanks for your comment, maybe soon we'll see an Anger Point team from you, now that you know Storm Throw has 100% accuracy :D
(Actually i was in a similar situation some time ago, i also wanted to create an Anger Point team, but didnt know about Storm Throw, and beeing forced to a Wide Lense Frost Breath didnt look very well.. :D)
My max-Speed Jolly Swift Swim Mega Swampert with perfect Speed IV was outrun in rain by a Lanturn, Floatzel, and by my own Raichu. What happened?

EDIT: The Floatzel likely had Swift Swim but because of my Internet provider I can't check the list. No idea about the other two though.
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My max-Speed Jolly Swift Swim Mega Swampert with perfect Speed IV was outrun in rain by a Lanturn, Floatzel, and by my own Raichu. What happened?

EDIT: The Floatzel likely had Swift Swim but because of my Internet provider I can't check the list. No idea about the other two though.

Was it the first turn of mega evolving? In gen 6 the mega stats don't come into play until turn 2
My max-Speed Jolly Swift Swim Mega Swampert with perfect Speed IV was outrun in rain by a Lanturn, Floatzel, and by my own Raichu. What happened?

EDIT: The Floatzel likely had Swift Swim but because of my Internet provider I can't check the list. No idea about the other two though.

The Trainer you were facing would be helpful in figuring this out, based on the fact that your opponents are Waters, you could have been facing one of them Set 4 Water/Ice specialists, and a few of those sets carry Icy Wind.

Also, given you've been following this thread for a bit now, I assume you're not totally new to the optimization game and took the time to breed the Swampert for 31 Spe IVs. You pump any Spe EVs into that set?
The Trainer you were facing would be helpful in figuring this out, based on the fact that your opponents are Waters, you could have been facing one of them Set 4 Water/Ice specialists, and a few of those sets carry Icy Wind.

Also, given you've been following this thread for a bit now, I assume you're not totally new to the optimization game and took the time to breed the Swampert for 31 Spe IVs. You pump any Spe EVs into that set?
Swampert is maxed speed, 31 IVs and 252 EVs. I can't remember if the Swampert is Jolly or Adamant, but whichever one it is my Raichu shouldn't be outspeeding it in the rain.
I'm going to bump this thread because I have a question for the Maison experts that has come up during teambuilding.
(Yes, I'm still playing Gen VI. I have restarted my OR and I am trying to win all the trophies again. :P)

Does 'type-advantage' influence the AI's decision making when picking OHKO moves?


I have a Registeel on the field.
The computer has Walrein4 (Rest, Sleep Talk, Fissure, Sheer Cold) on the field.

Would the AI randomly choose between Sheer Cold and Fissure since both technically have an OHKO chance or would it prefer Fissure because of Registeel's Ground-type weakness and Ice-type resistance?
The latter, several folks have noticed this (and this has carried over to Tree, as noted on Articuno2 vs. Dragons). Someone on the Tree Discord has posited to the rest of us (I forget exactly who) that OHKO moves are calculated as moves with a really high BP, so if the AI sees the move has a type advantage against a particular opponent, it will treat the move as having like "250 BP" or something.

Small example from personal experience, when using Aron and up against Walrein4, it will pick Fissure every time.

Separate note, I would not be ashamed of playing Gen VI...I'm still playing Maison regularly too. *wink*
The latter, several folks have noticed this (and this has carried over to Tree, as noted on Articuno2 vs. Dragons). Someone on the Tree Discord has posited to the rest of us (I forget exactly who) that OHKO moves are calculated as moves with a really high BP, so if the AI sees the move has a type advantage against a particular opponent, it will treat the move as having like "250 BP" or something.

Small example from personal experience, when using Aron and up against Walrein4, it will pick Fissure every time.

Separate note, I would not be ashamed of playing Gen VI...I'm still playing Maison regularly too. *wink*

That's great news and the answer I wanted to read. Thank you. This makes things much easier.

Don't worry, I'm not ashamed. I have played through Moon and I'd be ashamed if I still was playing that.
So, I've been busy over the last couple of weeks...

ok im having a bit too much fun not to post this, i dont have a big streak or anything yet but who says that should be the only time i post? not me


Blastoise @ Blastoisinite ** Blastoise
Ability: Torrent -> Mega Launcher
EVs: 4Def/252SpA/252Spe
Lv. 50 (Mega)stats: 154/102/141/205/135/130
Nature: Modest
~ Water Spout
~ Aura Sphere
~ Dark Pulse
~ Protect

I love spread moves a whole bunch. Anyone who read ~The Eruptran Project~ could guess how much I delight in the sheer joy of spread moves. The moves themselves are standard, no Dragon Pulse necessary because I rely on Dark Pulse to kill TR pokes and the rest of my team is considerably FUK DRAGON anyway.


Whimsicott @ Focus Sash ** Cotton Candy
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4Def/252SpA/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 135/77/106/141/95/168
Nature: Modest
~ Tailwind
~ Dazzling Gleam
~ Endeavor
~ Fake Tears

Still deliciously broken! The Tailwind setter, with a flashy bit of punch to spread my love of spread moves. Fake Tears is as useful as ever, and it guarantees that every TR user will die no matter where they are on the field due to Blastoise's sniping abilities. When I decided on Whimsy, I wondered if it really needed to be "defensive" and quickly came to the conclusion that "fuck sturdy and sash pokes, go HAM on em Candy". Or something like that? Modest 141 SpA DZ does more than enough to the Dragons that resist Water Spout and Eruption and you can never go wrong with guaranteed damage on three foes (barring priority or other technicalities obviously).

I'm still auditing Focus Sash—it very rarely uses it, meaning it's usually either double targeted (which necessarily renders sash useless no matter a pokemon's defenses) or it's hit by one move that doesn't kill it. Then there's moves like Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb and Blizzard in the hail which further render sash useless when my other two are Protecting. Or EQ happy foes that see Heatran and go apeshit and leave Whimsy at like 70% or whatever. Sash does have its appllcations, of course, but they are more intermittent compared to Doubles especially given that Whimsicott has to be in the middle. I "want to" change this to Lum for idiot Confuse Ray and Thunderwave bullshit, but I haven't lost yet so...

Every battle I ask whether Sash was useful, meaning "is Whimsicott alive and at 1HP at the beginning of turn 2?" Obviously 1HP Endeavor is the bees knees and people still say that, but if I find that the answer to that all-important question is no like 95% of the time, I'm going to swap Sash for Lum. This may also make Endeavor less important, which would free up a slot for any number of fantastic moves Whimsy may make better use of, like Encore, Energy Ball, Worry Seed, Taunt and Safeguard. We'll see I guess.


Heatran @ Flame Plate ** ヒードラン
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4Def/252SpA/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 167/110/126/199/126/116
Nature: Quiet
~ Protect
~ Eruption
~ Earth Power
~ Taunt

Oh Eruptran, will I ever make a serious non-Singles team without you? Probably not! Standard moves are standard, Taunt to shut down Trick Room pokes on my right (foe's left). I have used it like once in over 100 battles, but TR sucks and I don't want to lose to it so I have Taunt as a backup to Fake Tears + Blastoise Dark Pulse. Most of the times I've wanted to use Taunt, Heatran couldn't because of EQ or fighting move, so there's that to consider I guess. Heatran doesn't really want to use anything else though—WoW and Swagger have imperfect accuracy and I don't have a REAL use for Flash Cannon or even Incinerate, so if anything I'd use either DP or...DP lol.

199 SpA because I used HP something on it for The Eruptran Project and I don't have 31SpA/31Spe IV one (like anyone does). 232 speed is plenty in Tailwind, enough to get Scarfchomp(3) by one point for what it's worth.


Latios @ Life Orb ** unban me
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4HP/252SpA/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 156/92/100/182/130/178
Nature: Timid
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Psyshock
~ Thunderbolt
~ Tailwind

Secondary TW setter, with near-perfect synergy with Heatran should I have to switch out on Turn 2 (not often at all). DP reaches across the field, Psyshock is a much better fit on this otherwise special-attack–heavy team, Thunderbolt for Gyarados and other waters that Spout/Eruption can't dent (and dragons of course die horribly to DP). Gluemon #1, but a lot of my non-singles teams since even DP have had Latios so yeah.


Sylveon @ Choice Specs ** Patience
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 4HP/252SpA/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 171/76/85/178/150/112
Nature: Modest
~ Hyper Voice
~ these
~ dont
~ matter

I am so in love with you, Patience. I know this was posted about recently but I didn't steal it—the first time I used Sylveon was on a Doubles idea with lead Tailwind/Sludge Wave Tornadus and Hyper Voice/CM/Stored Power/Protect Sylveon@Weakness Policy. You can see that the idea was for Sylveon to be at +2SpA (or +3 if I could safely CM Turn 1) and for Stored Power to be a base 100 (or 140) move. This was hilarious when it worked but, well, "Sludge Wave", and I recall it not killing Slowking, scrapping the idea, and shelving Sylveon...until I wanted something to spitekill anything that fainted my beloved Cotton Candy after it got Tailwind up Turn 1.

Turns out that I love spread moves even more than I knew—the only thing that resists Water/Fairy/Fire is Tentacruel, and even then who cares, everything absolutely dies. Most battles go like this:

(Mega)Protect/Tailwind/Protect, Whimsy gets double targeted and dies, 5-6, out comes Sylveon in the middle
Water Spout/Hyper Voice/Eruption, everything dies, 5-3
Water Spout/Hyper Voice/Eruption, everything dies, 5-0

Water Spout goes first, then Eruption, then Hyper Voice at "224 speed" for what that's worth. I still shake my head at how powerful these spread moves are in practice, much more than I thought they'd be in theory.

The other moves do actually kind of matter—I actually have Dazzling Gleam for Soundproof stuff if I'm paranoid, and Protect, which I actually used when stuff got really hairy one battle. In case I'm paranoid of missing something like Tangrowth4 or Walrein4, Swift is 78 base power with Pixilate, and would be better than the redundant Disarming Voice, even without the 30% tie-breaking boost that Pixilate grants Swift over it. Heal Bell is probably better than Dazzling Gleam but "effort" and Sylveon is my second-slowest poke so it wouldn't heal anything in time anyway probably. Maybe Psyshock if I really want Tentacruel but Tentacruel is not something I'm worried about.


Scrafty @ Assault Vest ** im so hood
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 4HP/252Atk/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 141/156/135/52/135/110
Nature: Adamant
~ Fake Out
~ Drain Punch
~ Knock Off
~ Ice Punch

My lone physical attacker (Psyshock doesn't really count) and Gluemon #2. Fake Out is incredibly useful at buying time to get TW up in a pinch or protect one of my spread attackers, but sniping low-HP stuff for quick Moxie boost makes my day every time. I literally just threw a Scrafty on the team when I was going through my boxes of stuff I wanted to use and I haven't looked back (aside from changing the Intimidate, bulkier Scrafty I originally had in there). Usually too slow to get Moxie boosts outside of Fakeout, but I rarely even need to use Scrafty because lol at how gross Spout/HV/Eruption is.

So there we have it...I'm at like 108 now and loving every minute, actually saving some "tough" battles and mock playing even though I have yet to lose (I never really mock battled my own saved battles for any reason).

As a side note...I never really got into Triples because a few posters really early on said "triples battles takes forever" and...I disagree? Maybe it's just my team but every battle is like five turns max and the only real time spent is thinking about the best optimal move because I'm a triples noob (literally only found out "Shift" was a thing upon my first battle in the regular Triple Battle mode like last week) which doesn't really count as "slow". So that deterred me from ever really starting in Triples ("time remains the great equalizer", etc), but I'm also refreshed that this team is an absolute blast which probably matters more to me at this point. I tend to get serious "leaderboard-induced apathy" and not pursue fun modes that have been "broken" by the top players, myself included (there are so many Singles ideas I write down and then never try because "lol can this team even win 300/400/500 battles in a row". Like, "who gives a shit about your cute team if it's not either obviously super unique while great on paper or making a serious run at a respectable rank in a given mode?" I still feel that way in general and probably will as long as I play, but that feeling did not shadow me when I was theorymonning nor has or will it during gameplay. Sounds cheesy, especially from a cutthroat leaderboard hawk like me, but I'm very literally actually playing for fun, and I can't tell you have refreshing that is.

So, as mentioned on the Tree thread, I adapted this team pretty much down to a T:

A lot of different ideas & things I've had rattling in my head over the last few weeks:

- Maison: As always, I'm fucking with a team here, a team there, in Triples. As mentioned back when I set it, my success with Phase B means that I won't have any inclination to ever making a serious run again, so I've Genned a few different, better teams to see how they perform. In the process, I have become acquainted with one of my favorite teams, one that, as far as I know, is still ongoing but on indefinite hiatus:

Curious to see how the team performs with some of my own wrinkles thrown in, I Genned ヒードラン/unban me/I'm so hood and mixed them with some of my own creations:


Teelo (Blastoise) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Blastoisinite (Center)
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/31/31/22-23/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Dragon Pulse-->Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Water Spout

Outside of this team, Dragon Pulse is standard fare for me due to how many fucking Dragons I tend to run into and how much reliable anti-Psychic coverage I tend to run on my teams.


Whimsicott (M) (Lvl.64) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 6 Def/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Tailwind
- Taunt--> Endeavor
- Helping Hand
- Dazzling Gleam

After so long with this thing, I still haven't nicknamed it, and breeding Fake Tears seems like an annoyance (I'd love for the Messiah to explain to me one day just how much use he's gotten out of those Tears), so Helping Hand it is. MegaToise and Heatran often need the boost to ensure the KOs against Pulse-weak, bulky opponents and Fire resists anyway.


Hirota (Sylveon) (Lvl.52) (F) Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 100 HP/252 SAtk/158 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hyper Voice
- Swift
- Misty Terrain
- Yawn

Same Sylveon (copied for Tree use, in fact), same rampage.

Ineligible for leaderboard purposes, but that's cool, as I'm just glad to be using something that has gotten me past 339 wins again. Even though it actually has a fairly hard time stopping Trick Room from being set, and Muk4 has proven horribly lucky with its Quick Claw activations in my encounters with it, the team is strong enough to currently have me at 477 wins, my farthest streak since Phase B. If any of you get the opportunity to own a legit ErupTran, please give this strategy a shot in Triples, you won't regret it! Thx, my Messiah!

I'm pretty happy to update that I'm back at the Pantheon!


It's very cool to be back amongst friends, peers, and idols, even if the streak officially can't & won't count. My interest in Tree has waned quite a bit, so it's nice to have something to be working on while waiting for USUM's imminent release. I have been updated as to the status of Jmpman's run with the original team (I guess he got stopped at 287 wins due to shitty pockets?), so I'm also pretty happy to be demonstrating that his creation can take a Trainer very far. Once again, if you can get your hands on a legit ErupTran, Water Spout/Aura Sphere Squirtle, Pixilate Sylveon, Fake Out Scraggy, a good-IV legit Latios, and A Fake Tears Cottonee (admittedly, a lot of work)...give the team a shot!

Some notes from my play:
- Fake Out leads are a problem, but less of a problem than you would think: of those who are common post-Chantelaine, Jynx4 can be lured to Blizzard, center or right Medicham4 often will go for Hi Jump Kick on Heatran, Infernape4 will often go for STAB moves on either Whimsicott/Heatran, and Weavile4 will just about always go for Ice Punch. So, they give you some wiggle room to set Tailwind, thanks mainly to Whimsicott's delicious typing. The typing contributes to Heat Wave users often giving Heatran Flash Fire boosts. The real dangers remain in those Fake Out users who are unpredictable in general--Mienshao4 & Shiftry4, generally--as well as those who only pop up every once in a while, those who often have no better option than to Fake Out (Blastoise3, Raichu3, Infernape3).
- With such a reliance on special spread attacks, it turns out that LIGHT SCREEN has been arguably my biggest enemy on this run. If the opposition is bulky enough, Light Screen can make it difficult to simply roll on them with said attacks. Two of my three closest battles so far have been due to this stupid move and opponents who could take proper advantage of it. Be warned
- The team works surprisingly well under Trick Room, which is helpful since certain setters often can set freely if they're out of Heatran Taunt range or if MegaToise doesn't get a lucky Dark Pulse flinch. MegaToise can work with its coverage, Scrafty is Scrafty, and Sylveon is fairly slow and then actually exploit TR under certain situations

The thing about being back at this point is that now...I'm facing a lot of creatively, a lot of smart play, and a lot of perseverance/stamina/patience. Even though I'm part of the Pantheon, that's still a daunting task; there's still awe and admiration for those ahead, even those three Trainers under me, and the same for the younger me, the one who currently sits at 1025 wins. I'm excited, cautious, awe, sorry for being repetitive.

But, I have been indirectly blessed by Jump, and I'm sure that with his blessing, I can keep charging through and possibly reaching new heights. So, a message to my younger self, my boss, my New Yorker friend, my Australian friend, and all those who are no longer with us...I'm coming...FOR YOU (even though it won't count).
How viable would a Baton Pass team be? In this case it wouldn't be fully Baton Pass, but rather a Speed Boost Baton Pass Blaziken passing Speed and maybe a Swords Dance to either a Mega-Scizor or a Garchomp. I can post full set details later if needed to analyze it, but so far I've only bred the Garchomp and Scizor so with the Blaziken it would be more up in the air
EDIT: Here are the sets:

Blaziken @ Leftovers
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Baton Pass
- Blaze Kick
- Protect
- Power-Up Punch
The lead of the team. Blaziken Protects on the first turn unless it outspeeds normally. Through a combination of Protect and Power-Up Punch, it can rack up a few Attack boosts and a good amount of Speed ones. After two boosts attained, it can assure Mega-Scizors outspeeds the whole meta except for Scarf Aerodactyl, which dies to a Bullet Punch anyways. Blaze Kick and even Power-Up Punch allows it to somewhat sweep for a little bit in case switching in to Scizor or Garchomp is not as good an idea yet. Leftovers and the HP investment ensure a little longevity that are always welcome for a Baton Passer

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Night Slash
- Baton Pass
Mega-Scizor is one of the two main parts of the core. A 150 base Attack + STAB Technician priority Bullet Punch + a STAB Technician Bug Bite that will occasionally give me some Berry effects are monstrous, even without an attack boost. Since it doesn't get Earthquake, Night Slash is substituted to demolish Ghost-types and also for the high critical-hit chance. As mentioned, after two Speed Boost turns he can outspeed everyone bar Scarf Aerodactyl which dies to a Bullet Punch anyways. This includes Scarf Entei as well. Baton Pass is in case Scizor finds itself in a pinch and would rather switch out to Garchomp or possibly Blaziken. I'm most likely replacing it with Brick Break or Night Slash however, as Baton Pass is only superior to regular switching in that it passes boosts, which may not be as useful as extra coverage.

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
Garchomp is the other half of the core. This Garchomp, albeit more reliant on Power-Up Punch boosts than Speed Boost ones, is still a beast after just one or two boosts. All moves are just coverage that hit hard even without a boost. Dragon Claw is there as opposed to Outrage because being locked into a move that Fairies are immune to is not a good idea, and with some boosts Dragon Claw will still hit hard regardless. Rock Slide takes good care of Flying-types, which otherwise threaten Blaziken and Scizor isn't fond of anyways. Life Orb is there to provide extra power, and Rough Skin will punish Pokemon that hit with contact moves.

The main weaknesses of the team are the hax involved with passing down boosts, where if Blaziken is KO'd before Baton Passing or if during the Baton Pass Scizor/Garchomp are knocked out or crippled (status moves). Scizor and Garchomp were my two choices because they do not share a single main threat. Scizor can handle what Garchomp doesn't like, and vice versa, as well as one covering a set of types that the other doesn't.
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How viable would a Baton Pass team be? In this case it wouldn't be fully Baton Pass, but rather a Speed Boost Baton Pass Blaziken passing Speed and maybe a Swords Dance to either a Mega-Scizor or a Garchomp. I can post full set details later if needed to analyze it, but so far I've only bred the Garchomp and Scizor so with the Blaziken it would be more up in the air
EDIT: Here are the sets:

Blaziken @ Leftovers
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Baton Pass
- Blaze Kick
- Protect
- Power-Up Punch
The lead of the team. Blaziken Protects on the first turn unless it outspeeds normally. Through a combination of Protect and Power-Up Punch, it can rack up a few Attack boosts and a good amount of Speed ones. After two boosts attained, it can assure Mega-Scizors outspeeds the whole meta except for Scarf Aerodactyl, which dies to a Bullet Punch anyways. Blaze Kick and even Power-Up Punch allows it to somewhat sweep for a little bit in case switching in to Scizor or Garchomp is not as good an idea yet. Leftovers and the HP investment ensure a little longevity that are always welcome for a Baton Passer

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Earthquake
- Baton Pass
Mega-Scizor is one of the two main parts of the core. A 150 base Attack + STAB Technician priority Bullet Punch + a STAB Technician Bug Bite that will occasionally give me some Berry effects are monstrous, even without an attack boost. Earthquake is there for Fire-types or other Pokemon that are hit harder by it than Bug Bite. As mentioned, after two Speed Boost turns he can outspeed everyone bar Scarf Aerodactyl which dies to a Bullet Punch anyways. This includes Scarf Entei as well. Baton Pass is in case Scizor finds itself in a pinch and would rather switch out to Garchomp or possibly Blaziken. I'm most likely replacing it with Brick Break or Night Slash however, as Baton Pass is only superior to regular switching in that it passes boosts, which may not be as useful as extra coverage.

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
Garchomp is the other half of the core. This Garchomp, albeit more reliant on Power-Up Punch boosts than Speed Boost ones, is still a beast after just one or two boosts. All moves are just coverage that hit hard even without a boost. Dragon Claw is there as opposed to Outrage because being locked into a move that Fairies are immune to is not a good idea, and with some boosts Dragon Claw will still hit hard regardless. Rock Slide takes good care of Flying-types, which otherwise threaten Blaziken and Scizor isn't fond of anyways. Life Orb is there to provide extra power, and Rough Skin will punish Pokemon that hit with contact moves.

The main weaknesses of the team are the hax involved with passing down boosts, where if Blaziken is KO'd before Baton Passing or if during the Baton Pass Scizor/Garchomp are knocked out or crippled (status moves). Scizor and Garchomp were my two choices because they do not share a single main threat. Scizor can handle what Garchomp doesn't like, and vice versa, as well as one covering a set of types that the other doesn't.

Scizor doesn't get Earthquake (its best coverage for fires is Double-Edge, followed by Return), any sash mon that lives one of your attacks is basically instant death, anything with ice shard can make garchomp croak early, scizor absolutely needs attack passed to do anything meaningful to a non-weakness to one of its stabs, since it obviously doesn't get earthquake. pup is a pretty situational thing, often blaziken straight up doesn't have the bulk to live multiple attacks and you'll find yourself on the back foot pretty much immediately since you can't pass proper attack boosts. it may not be the best team out there.

bear in mind that to set up, you can simply exploit the ai's tendency to never switch while utilizing fat setup. mscizor over aegislash has had its moments, such as on this beautiful team by expert gamer the dutch plumberjack:

scizor has its place on a team that can help its weaknesses, lack of speed not really being among them.
Scizor doesn't get Earthquake (its best coverage for fires is Double-Edge, followed by Return), any sash mon that lives one of your attacks is basically instant death, anything with ice shard can make garchomp croak early, scizor absolutely needs attack passed to do anything meaningful to a non-weakness to one of its stabs, since it obviously doesn't get earthquake. pup is a pretty situational thing, often blaziken straight up doesn't have the bulk to live multiple attacks and you'll find yourself on the back foot pretty much immediately since you can't pass proper attack boosts. it may not be the best team out there.

bear in mind that to set up, you can simply exploit the ai's tendency to never switch while utilizing fat setup. mscizor over aegislash has had its moments, such as on this beautiful team by expert gamer the dutch plumberjack:

scizor has its place on a team that can help its weaknesses, lack of speed not really being among them.
I don't even know why I thought Scizor had access to Earthquake. Oh well. Should I build a team that doesn't rely on boost passing then?
My biggest worry is that lead Baton Pass Blaziken is largely an inferior Durant for Maison play. But I'm sure you can still find some success with it, though not a massive streak. Leftovers seems a bad choice of held item for Blaziken though. Not being a defensive Pokemon, even with Protect you aren't likely to recover enough HP to have an affect in most battles. I'd recommend Focus Sash as a way to hopefully be able to pass one more boost, but Lum Berry and Mental Herb have their virtues too.
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My biggest worry is that lead Baton Pass Blaziken is largely an inferior Durant for Maison play. But I'm sure you can still find some success with it, though not a massive streak. Leftovers seems a bad choice of held item for Blaziken though. Not being a defensive Pokemon, even with Protect you aren't likely to recover enough HP to have an affect in most battles. I'd recommend Focus Sash as a way to hopefully be able to pass one more boost, but Lum Berry and Mental Herb have their virtues too.
In that case, should I run a more offensive spread too?

So happy to be at this point.
I'm still using the modified Jumpman16's Triples team highlighted earlier on this page: I have now tied with two of my favorite teams on this entire thread (check out the two 9th place teams on the Triples leaderboard, they are both fantastic squads), and while I have taken a bit of break over the last couple of weeks to sharpen my Tree-climbing skills, the drive to keep pushing is slowly growing again. The team is so solid, I have had only one or two close calls since hitting the 1k mark. Light Screen remains my greatest foe.

Though the streak still won't count, the next checkpoints to hit are there...and have a little bit of personal significance to me:
JT Hitman : it's been a while since I've seen you around, and I know that the lack of Triples this Gen has killed your passion for this, so I'm hoping you know that this next stretch is sorta done in tribute to you. I'm hoping that I can capture the thrill you got going from 1500 to your current place on the leaderboard. We'll see each other again in the next Gen, perhaps...
ReptoAbysmal : I never thought I would get to this point in the Maison, and now that I'm here (even if it is strictly for personal edification), I suppose I should thank you for having your creative spirit and experimental personality, at least as concerns Triples. It's a good portion of what has inspired me to try the wacky craptacular ideas I've had over my time on these forums.
What that said...I'm going to leave your 1571 as a tiny black speck on my rearview soon enough. *wink*
lol who knows what I could have reached were it not for that piece of shit 3DS. The moment triples return I won't settle for anything less than a top ten on the matching leaderboard, I promise you that.

If you beat me, you had better murder JT's score, because he borrowed too much from my team for my liking and I want revenge vicariously through you :P
lol who knows what I could have reached were it not for that piece of shit 3DS. The moment triples return I won't settle for anything less than a top ten on the matching leaderboard, I promise you that.

If you beat me, you had better murder JT's score, because he borrowed too much from my team for my liking and I want revenge vicariously through you :P

Unfortunately, that won't be happening my friend...


Got dropped at Battle 1594:
Faced with Feraligatr/Lanturn/Altaria (Set 4), I couldn't just spam my main attacks and decided to focus on taking down Lanturn4, and for some reason let Feraligatr get two Dragon Dances off, while Altaria put Megatoise/Whimsicott to sleep. Tailwind goes down, all of the opposing leads were still out, and Feraligatr proceeded to pick 'mons off at his leisure. The focus was a wasted effort, as Lanturn lived the assault and got fully Stockpiled. The battle ended with a 1v4 situation with Scrafty alone against Lanturn/Feraligatr/Bisharp/Skarmory (Set 4). WIth two Moxie boosts, Scrafty actually still had a chance to at least get this down to 1v1 and lose to the Gatr...but Lanturn4 got a Ice Beam freeze off almost right after that, and while that only lasted one turn, it was enough time for it and Bisharp to leave me in an impossible situation. By the time Skarmory4 came out, Scrafty was down to 44 HP and a no-win. Lanturn got a crit to cap the loss off. Much as was the case with my previous big loss, letting a Dragon Dancer boost up was my undoing...a lesson for the next time. While I have been bitching and moaning constantly about how Light Screen was my biggest foe, the thing that eventually beat me was something that paperquagsire pointed out to me a little while back: Fire/Water resists. In this case, it was a combination of that, just enough opposing offense to balance out the insane bulk, and Altaria4 being its usual consummate asshole self.

Well, the main point of the streak has been made, and I got to "make the Top 10 on the Triples leaderboard" to boot. I'm beyond happy with how this shook out and can now leave the Maison alone for a long while again. Plus, my BP count is maxed again, so I'm ready to breed some more Imperfects in my never-ending quest. I have a nice idea for the next run in the distant future (the team that just beat me). The Top 6 (five of whom are basically up there with Eppie for Demi-God status to me) remain untouched (although officially, they would have been untouched regardless of the final results of this streak)...

What was the main point of this run, you may ask, especially given that it wasn't eligible for the leaderboard anyway?

Jumpman16 : You see this shit? Your Triples team can do some DAMAGE. It's never too late to come back to Maison and direct the destruction as was originally intended...just a thought.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- Dude! You had one job! ONE JOB!

In some circles, this would cost you your right to manufacture and battle shitmons, but those users are difficult to replace, so I won't order your immediate banning from this site. But still. Thin ice, buddy.
500 and counting Super Triples Battle record

Been playing this for a while now and got some ideas off here. Haven't had any battles that I struggled with so far, so I think this team is pretty solid and hoping to get past 1,000 with it.

The team:

Dusknoir @ mental herb
*Shiny :)
nickname: Boo Berry
Ability: Frisk
Nature: Relaxed
IV: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EV: HP, Def, SpDef
Lvl 50 Stats: 152/120/180/x/179/45
1. Trick Room
2. Shadow Punch
3. Foresight
4. Power up Punch

Nicknamed for my love of Count Chocula cereal.

Aron (lvl 1) @ Berry Juice
nickname: Magnet
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Serious
IV: doesn't matter
EV: none
Lvl 1 Stats: Ummm... it's got 12 hp...
1. Protect
2. Endeavor
3. Toxic
4. Rain Dance

Nicknamed for drawing in all attacks.

Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
nickname: Belsnickel
Ability: Huge Power
Nature: Brave
IV: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EV: HP, Atk, SpDef
Lvl 50 Stats: 206/112/100/x/102/49
1. Belly Drum
2. Aqua Jet
3. Superpower
4. Knock off

Nicknamed after the evil furry Santa Claus that punishes bad kids.

Porygon2 @ eviolite
nickname: Panzer II
Ability: Trace
Nature: Relaxed
IV: 31/x/31/31/31/0
EV: HP, Def, SpDef
Lvl 50 Stats: 192/x/138/125/132/58
1. Charge Beam
2. Ice Beam
3. Recover
4. Trick Room

Nicknamed after a small lightweight German tank used in WWII

Clawitzer @ Life Orb
nickname: Chris Kyle
Ability: Mega Launcher
Nature: Quiet
IV: 31/x/31/31/31/0
EV: HP, SpAtk, Def, SpDef
Lvl 50 Stats: 178/x/109/189/109/57
1. Water Pulse
2. Dark Pulse
3. Aura Sphere
4. Heal Pulse

Nicknamed after a legendary American sniper.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
nickname: Dunkaroo
Ability: Scrappy / Parental Bond
Nature: Brave
IV: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EV: HP, Atk, Def, SpDef
Lvl 50 Stats: 208/159/105/x/102/85
After mega: 208/192/125/x/122/94
1. Fake Out
2. Return
3. Power up Punch
4. Sucker Punch

Nicknamed after the best snack from the 90's that had a kangaroo mascot.

Basic strategy turn 1 set up trick room, protect, belly drum. Turn 2 KO two opposing pokes using endeavor+punch and correct move with Azumarill. Turn 3 KO two more. Turn 4 win. That's how the majority of battles go anyway. There's always variance and that's why the last 3 of my team are there to back me up.

Took a pic for proof, but won't upload?
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i hope i can't finish this streak before sun & moon =)

its been a while since i posted. i had an embarassing loss against a water absorb lanturn and the feraligatr that carries substitute. (apparently. its been too long since i played ORAS, but i saved the fight). i stopped frequenting smogon by the time this happened, so heres a bit of closure for one of the many ongoing streaks on the board!

final streak length: 2358
battle #2359: 4RJW-WWWW-WW5L-CGLG

i... was not happy with this. to say the least. i felt like i shouldnt have lost and only lost because of poor judgment and forgetfulness, cant even really blame hax. now that ive run through sun and ultra moon and am... longing for triples, i think its time for another shot. really feel like this team can go much farther!