Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Also, how often do you use Garchomp's Outrage? I'm just curious because of a possible scenario where the opponent sends out a Fairy-type and Garchomp's locked into Outrage.

I'm pretty sure if you use outrage against a fairy the rampage effect will stop, it was like that in 5th gen when you used Trash against a ghost. So Garchomp won't be more locked using Outrage than it would with dragon claw.
Currently on battle 39. Running Toxic/Infestation/Fire Blast/Protect Goodra because I have nothing better to use, and it's actually slaughtering everything. The AI can't seem to figure out that all it needs to do is use a Dragon Pokemon and then either OHKO or 2HKO him and everything else just gets slowly but surely killed. Also running Aegislash and SubGengar because why not. Lum Berry on Aegislash is God tier for this.
On battle 20 odd. Noticing how Mega Blaziken is OHKO'ing everything barr Multi-Scale Dragonite with just one Hone Claws, plus with speed boost you can forgo speed ev's in favour of HP, def or sp.def.

Makes me think Mega Lucario would be better however, swords dance plus adaptability CC and Bullet Punch along with its better typing will decimate.

EDIT: also wondering if there will be a difficulty hike later on to compensate. The difficulty curve of the earlier tower and subway was more considerable.

EDIT 2: Did some testing on an earlier battle, and can indeed show that the enemy AI makes its moves after a switch:

Example A:

Turn 1: Enemy sends out Politoed, I send out Shuckle

Politoed uses Belly Drum

Shuckle uses Power Trick

Example B: Enemy sends out Politoed, I send out Shuckle

I switch to Blaziken

Politoed uses Waterfall (9 times out of 10)

Whilst frustrating, its something that teams need to work around. In total fairness, my team was rushed and poorly thought out, and I'm self limiting by not using pokemon I already have fully IV'd and EV'd ready to go on B/W.
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On battle 20 odd. Noticing how Mega Blaziken is OHKO'ing everything barr Multi-Scale Dragonite with just one Hone Claws, plus with speed boost you can forgo speed ev's in favour of HP, def or sp.def.

Makes me think Mega Lucario would be better however, swords dance plus adaptability CC and Bullet Punch along with its better typing will decimate.

EDIT: also wondering if there will be a difficulty hike later on to compensate. The difficulty curve of the earlier tower and subway was more considerable.

EDIT 2: Did some testing on an earlier battle, and can indeed show that the enemy AI makes its moves after a switch:

Example A:

Turn 1: Enemy sends out Politoed, I send out Shuckle

Politoed uses Belly Drum

Shuckle uses Power Trick

Example B: Enemy sends out Politoed, I send out Shuckle

I switch to Blaziken

Politoed uses Waterfall (9 times out of 10)

Whilst frustrating, its something that teams need to work around. In total fairness, my team was rushed and poorly thought out, and I'm self limiting by not using pokemon I already have fully IV'd and EV'd ready to go on B/W.

I know that feeling of not having fully Ev'd Pokémon. For example, I'm having to settle on a Cloyster whose got Icicle Spear / Ice Shard / Razor Shell / Shell Smash because I can't find an Omanyte with Rock Blast to breed with.
In that particular example, Shuckle is also weak to Waterfall, and it may have just not had / decided to use Belly Drum...
Attempting to use the old Durant + Dragonite sweeping strategy, one thing to note about this is that Roar now goes through Protect, so that will have to be accounted for by making sure Dragonite is your last pokemon. So far I have had success using dual-attacking Aerial Ace and Earthquake, since it's such a hard to resist type combo. Considering going to Sub/Protect/DD/AA to account for Metal Bursters, etc, although I'm not entirely sure Aerial Ace is strong enough to sweep like Dragon Claw was last gen.
In that particular example, Shuckle is also weak to Waterfall, and it may have just not had / decided to use Belly Drum...

Thats what I thought at first. But when replaying on the VS recorder simulator, it always used belly drum if I stayed in with Shuckle, but only used Belly Drum once out of ten times, every other time it would use waterfall.

I could be wrong though and I've just been unlucky.
rip jamapan

idk if anyone else noted this but the scarf strategy no longer works as well anymore. the ai will switch out almost everytime a scarfed is tricked
OMG the singles lady's purugly is a hax machine!! Tried to her down with my ingame team twice! It just puts my whole team to sleep and uses dream eater over and over and over and over and over and over.

I've not had this much trouble in a pokemon battle since RBY and Misty's Starmie. She better be ready for my EV'd team, oh man! I'm gunna enjoy it.

I started a round of super double battles. I won 7 battles, and the next battle I lost through insane luck - not only did my opponent's Glaceon's Quick Claw activate twice - once on Hawlucha and once on Venusaur and it froze my Aegislash on the first one. The Hydreigon crit killed the Aegislash after everything else had died.

Also, protip: Every Exploud in the Battle Maison carried the fighting berry. Every. Single. One.
Maybe its just me, but the Maison seems hax-ier than ever before. If I'm paralyzed, I am pretty much guaranteed not to move, if I get hit by Ice Beam there's a 95% freeze chance, etc. There seems to be a significant rise in Parafusion strategies and a lot of the pokemon with Hidden Abilities are really stupid (always Roosting Dragonite, I'm looking at you). I think I'll just get enough BP for the items of my Wifi team and stop after that because I just feel like it isn't as enjoyable. Sorry everyone, rant over.

Oh and one more thing (and I say this from the bottom of my heart): You suck, Umbreon. Go die.
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I managed to get up to the 35th round in Super singles using an Aegislash, Choice Scarfed Haxorus and a Mega Gengar, until a damn Dusknoir came along and not only spammed Double Team, but Protect (which it somehow used 23 times: I counted) Will-o-Wisp and Toxic, while holding a Leftovers.....
I managed to get up to the 35th round in Super singles using an Aegislash, Choice Scarfed Haxorus and a Mega Gengar, until a damn Dusknoir came along and not only spammed Double Team, but Protect (which it somehow used 23 times: I counted) Will-o-Wisp and Toxic, while holding a Leftovers.....
What was your Aegislash's setup?
I must say, after battling in the Battle Maison for some time, Mega Aerodactyl and Assault Vest Tyranitar work rather well together in Doubles (the only major threat to them being Fighting-types; since I've been using my Aerodactyl from the main game, it has Fly, which leaves Tyranitar at risk. I could use a Ghost-type to switch out to, though, like Aegislash); in sand, no special attacker I've encountered can even 2HKO Tyranitar (and the only one coming to that being a Cacturne with Focus Blast).
I really just wanted to come on and rave about how much I love the fact that you get BP after every battle and can stop whenever you want in this. It's so, so much better than the old 7 battle streak format. Not only do you get BP faster it also means no longer having to wait 30 fucking minutes when you decide you want to stop or fearing losing heaps of BP because of a bad battle. Makes doing the battle subway a lot less stressful now that you can do it at your own pace.

Anyway, I'm currently using Gengar, Mega Blaziken and Mamoswine. Why? Because those are the first three perfectly IV'd/natured/ability/movesetted Pokemon I bred and I wanted to get some BP for items, that's why! Also, Mega Blaziken is pretty fun to wreck shit with, and this team actually has better synergy than I was expecting for a team that was put together with literally no thought whatsoever. While I might not have resistances to everything I do have a few key immunities and a priority user to prevent fast threats with good coverage from completely shredding my team.

Oh, and a quick tip for anyone else using Mega Blaziken; Protect is an absolute must on it. Not only does it let you snag a free Speed Boost (which is absolutely life saving very frequently), it also lets you scout out what your opponent's best move against Blaziken is, allowing you to know whether it's safe to set up a Swords Dance/Hone Claws or not. Fighting/Fire have such great neutral coverage that you very rarely need Shadow Claw anyway.

PS I'm quite aware my team is demolished by Timid Starmie, There isn't much I can do against it right now so shoosh.
Using MegaGardevoir, VERY underrated imo. My team is mainly her, she made it all the way to round 15 without being KOed once.
I'm really enjoying the Maison so far, especially with all the battle points you get just for winning one battle. I find it as enjoyable as the Subway at least.

I currently have an active singles streak at 70 wins with the following:

Goodra @ Choice Specs
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb

Scizor @ Scizorite
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance

Azumarill @ Splash Plate
Play Rough
Aqua Jet

Just a basic Dragon/Steel/Water non-crippling team. I'll probably do a more in-depth summary of this team and the choices I made for movesets in the other thread when I lose (which will hopefully not be for a while), but I'll say now that the new and improved Azumarill is a neat partner for Dragons. Azumarill's additional Fairy typing allows it to switch into Dragon-types trying to snipe Goodra for free, and then it can simply kill them with Play Rough while they do less damage to you with whatever weak unSTABed coverage move they have.

Also, I'm amazed that Mega Evolution is even allowed in the Maison. Mega Scizor is ridiculous!
Using MegaGardevoir, VERY underrated imo. My team is mainly her, she made it all the way to round 15 without being KOed once.
I like Mega Gardevoir as well. My main reason for not really using it is because I don't need to use it's Pixilate ability at all, as my one runs Calm Mind / Moon Blast / Psyshock / Shadow Ball. I also prefer to have Synchronize, as when I did use Gardevoir, it usually paid of at least 4 times before I got demolished.
I like Mega Gardevoir as well. My main reason for not really using it is because I don't need to use it's Pixilate ability at all, as my one runs Calm Mind / Moon Blast / Psyshock / Shadow Ball. I also prefer to have Synchronize, as when I did use Gardevoir, it usually paid of at least 4 times before I got demolished.

Yes, mine is Modest as well with Synchronize. It is like my best friend in the game, I got it at level 1 from some Japanese guy over Wonder Trade and now it is level 100 xD. Mine runs Moonblast / Psychic / Grass Knot / Thunderbolt.
Does anyone have any good suggestions for a good anti-bulky Water Pokemon, preferrably one that doesn't have many overlapping weaknesses with Cloyster? I used to outstall them with CM Suicune, but Suicune won't be available until Bank comes out. :/
my super single streak ended at 162 due to me misplaying so hard im still mad about this

lo greninja with uturn/ice beam/surf/grass knot
mega scizor with sd/roost/bullet punch/scissor
yache chomp with sd/eq/stone edge/outrage

i lost to stone edge missing but it was still my fault cuz i didnt go right into garchomp vs moltres... i was worried about burn and then fighting last mon suicune or something but it was terrakion and i had already lost my scizor and my chomp got burned
Does anyone have any good suggestions for a good anti-bulky Water Pokemon, preferrably one that doesn't have many overlapping weaknesses with Cloyster? I used to outstall them with CM Suicune, but Suicune won't be available until Bank comes out. :/
How about Dry Skin Heliolisk? He outspeeds all of them and can KO with Thunderbolt or Grass Knot, and he's immune to their water attacks.
I'm using a Blastoise with this set

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Trait: Mega Launcher
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
Nature: Modest/Jolly
- Water Spout
- Water Pulse / Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere / Ice Beam / Dragon Pulse

I'm not sure what else to use (I'm going to be doing single battles), any advice? Also should I go with Modest or Jolly on Blastoise