Lost a Super Triple Battle streak at battle #158. Made a mis-click and instantly knew it was the beginning of the end for me. Here's my video as proof:
My team:
Hasty Greninja - Protean - Expert Belt
Dark Pulse/Ice Beam/Protect/Mat Block
Modest Blastoise - Torrent - Blastoisinite
Water Spout/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Protect
252 SP.ATK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP
Adamant Talonflame - Gale Wings - Life Orb
Flare Blitz/Brave Bird/Tailwind/Protect
252 ATTACK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP
Calm Meowstic(M) - Prankster - Lum Berry
Misty Terrain/Light Screen/Helping Hand/Trick Room
252 HP, 126 SP.DEF, 126 DEFENSE
Timid Heliolisk - Dry Skin - Focus Sash
Thunderbolt/Dark Pulse/Grass Knot/Protect
252 SP.ATK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP
Jolly Garchomp - Rough Skin - Yache Berry
Dragon Claw/Earthquake/Poison Jab/Fire Fang
252 ATTACK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP
Strategy is easy to see. Mat Block, set up Tailwind, Water Spout with Blastoise unless prompted to do otherwise (using Dragon Pulse on Latios, Aura Sphere on Walrein). Sometimes I'd change things up, especially if I saw a Trick Room team and decided to remove whomever I felt was the biggest threat. I used to lead with Meowstic in Talonflame's place, and Helping Hand boosted Water Spout was working pretty well, but too many Pokémon that could resist/absorb Water-attacks were showing up. I kept Meowstic on my team because A) Talonflame would eventually knock herself out and allow him easy opportunity to start supporting the team, B) he could help me take back the battle from Trick Room users, and C) because I like him so much. Heliolisk is actually a very useful and reliable Pokémon, and while I only used her because I didn't have any other viable Pokémon to choose from, I never regretted having her take up a slot. Garchomp covers the areas my team was lacking in.
Overall the team was a lot stronger than I thought, and this was my first streak in Triples so I didn't expect to get this far when most of the Pokémon were ones I simply had lying around. I still can't think of anything to change about this team because despite the many close battles, I always got through them and I'm still mad at myself that my major downfall was being a bit careless that one time.
Here's another video to showcase how my team managed a Trick Room team: