Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I got to level 37.

Alakazam - Magic Guard - Focus Sash
Psychic - Energy Ball - Shadow Ball - Dazzling Gleam

Dragonite - Multiscale - King's Rock
Dragong Dance - ThunderPunch - Fire Punch - Waterfall

Salamence - Intimidate - Assault Vest
Dragon Claw - Crunch - Earthquake - Fly

Got swept by a Starmie with Ice Beam. :(
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Lost a Super Triple Battle streak at battle #158. Made a mis-click and instantly knew it was the beginning of the end for me. Here's my video as proof:


My team:

Hasty Greninja - Protean - Expert Belt
Dark Pulse/Ice Beam/Protect/Mat Block

Modest Blastoise - Torrent - Blastoisinite
Water Spout/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Protect
252 SP.ATK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP

Adamant Talonflame - Gale Wings - Life Orb
Flare Blitz/Brave Bird/Tailwind/Protect
252 ATTACK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP

Calm Meowstic(M) - Prankster - Lum Berry
Misty Terrain/Light Screen/Helping Hand/Trick Room
252 HP, 126 SP.DEF, 126 DEFENSE

Timid Heliolisk - Dry Skin - Focus Sash
Thunderbolt/Dark Pulse/Grass Knot/Protect
252 SP.ATK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP

Jolly Garchomp - Rough Skin - Yache Berry
Dragon Claw/Earthquake/Poison Jab/Fire Fang
252 ATTACK, 252 SPEED, 6 HP

Strategy is easy to see. Mat Block, set up Tailwind, Water Spout with Blastoise unless prompted to do otherwise (using Dragon Pulse on Latios, Aura Sphere on Walrein). Sometimes I'd change things up, especially if I saw a Trick Room team and decided to remove whomever I felt was the biggest threat. I used to lead with Meowstic in Talonflame's place, and Helping Hand boosted Water Spout was working pretty well, but too many Pokémon that could resist/absorb Water-attacks were showing up. I kept Meowstic on my team because A) Talonflame would eventually knock herself out and allow him easy opportunity to start supporting the team, B) he could help me take back the battle from Trick Room users, and C) because I like him so much. Heliolisk is actually a very useful and reliable Pokémon, and while I only used her because I didn't have any other viable Pokémon to choose from, I never regretted having her take up a slot. Garchomp covers the areas my team was lacking in.

Overall the team was a lot stronger than I thought, and this was my first streak in Triples so I didn't expect to get this far when most of the Pokémon were ones I simply had lying around. I still can't think of anything to change about this team because despite the many close battles, I always got through them and I'm still mad at myself that my major downfall was being a bit careless that one time.

Here's another video to showcase how my team managed a Trick Room team:


I got to level 47.

Alakazam - Magic Guard - Focus Sash
Psychic - Energy Ball - Shadow Ball - Dazzling Gleam

Dragonite - Multiscale - King's Rock
Dragong Dance - ThunderPunch - Fire Punch - Waterfall

Salamence - Intimidate - Assault Vest
Dragon Claw - Crunch - Earthquake - Fly

Got swept by a Starmie with Ice Beam. :(

Having 2 pokémon with the same 4x weakness is never good. Instead of Salamence, I would go for some other pokémon with resistances to either of the weaknesses to Alakazam and Dragonite, so something resisting as many as possible of ice, fairy, dragon, bug, ghost and dark. May I suggest Azumarill with huge power? I think it will compliment the team rather nicely. Moveset can be the standard Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough and Superpower, with items variating from assult vest/splash plate/life orb/choice band. You just need to find the item that suits your Azumarill best, and if you can handle being choice locked into a move.
So I've put all the changes discovered so far into one place...
Battle Maison Opponent Pokemon (INCOMPLETE)

What I've done here is just imported the BW data into Excel and added the new sets + changes to pre-Kalos Pokemon posted throughout the thread. It's certainly not complete yet, as many natures and EVs are missing with many other changes yet to be documented as well. Much of it should be correct as many sets were unchanged from BW, but don't treat it as the definitive resource yet.

Hopefully this will be helpful for some people (I know I'll be using it). I'll be editing it over time with any findings. It's a simple Google Doc, so if you'd like to contribute just send me a PM with the email you use for Google and I'll add you as an editor, or just post/PM your discoveries and I'll add it myself. It'll be public for now, we'll see how it goes
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Benefactor: I posted Aromatisse 1 in this thread a while ago.

"Aromatisse 1 Lax incense Charm Sweet Kiss Attract Draining Kiss " Don't know nature or EVs, but it seemed to take physical hits a little better than it should have, so it's probably boosted defense. Maybe Relaxed?
So I've put all the changes discovered so far into one place...
Battle Maison Opponent Pokemon (INCOMPLETE)

What I've done here is just imported the BW data into Excel and added the new sets + changes to pre-Kalos Pokemon posted throughout the thread. It's certainly not complete yet, as many natures and EVs are missing with many other changes yet to be documented as well. Much of it should be correct as many sets were unchanged from BW, but don't treat it as the definitive resource yet.

Hopefully this will be helpful for some people (I know I'll be using it). I'll be editing it over time with any findings. It's a simple Google Doc, so if you'd like to contribute just send me a PM with the email you use for Google and I'll add you as an editor, or just post/PM your discoveries and I'll add it myself.

Nice! Thanks for compiling it all into a more compact/readable format. I only have a few things to add since the last edit to my post, since apparently you can't mock battle Multi Battles...

The Sylveon set listed as 2? is Set 1, and Set 1? is Set 2. I wasn't able to get anything else on it, but Gourgeist 2 has Trick Room and Explosion. Finally, I'm near certain based on some calcs I ran before that Clawitzer 4 is Modest with max Sp. Atk and Speed. I have less data on Noivern 4, but max speed Greninja outspeeds it, so it's not running max speed.

Edit: Also, one of Garchomp 2's attacks was changed to Earth Power.
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Now I'm just wrecking doubles. Currently at 72

Gengar Focus sash
Timid, 252 SpA 252 Spe 6 HP
~Shadow Ball
~Sludge Bomb
~Dazzling Gleam (Focus Miss can suck it)
~Destiny Bond

Garchomp @Garchompite
Rough Skin/Sand Force
Jolly, 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 HP
~Iron Head
~Stone Edge

Greninja Life Orb
Timid, 252 SpA 252 Spe 6 HP
~Hydro Pump
~Ice Beam
~Dark Pulse
~U-Turn (I should probably get a different move. Suggestions?)

Aegislash Leftovers
Stance Change
Adamant, 252 HP 252 Atk 6 SpD
~King's Shield
~Swords Dance
~Sacred Sword
~Shadow Sneak

However I think Aegislash would be better off being replace by a Tyranitar with Balloon and sand stream. It would only come out after gengar goes down of course. What do you guys think?
Nice! Thanks for compiling it all into a more compact/readable format. I only have a few things to add since the last edit to my post, since apparently you can't mock battle Multi Battles...

The Sylveon set listed as 2? is Set 1, and Set 1? is Set 2. I wasn't able to get anything else on it, but Gourgeist 2 has Trick Room and Explosion. Finally, I'm near certain based on some calcs I ran before that Clawitzer 4 is Modest with max Sp. Atk and Speed. I have less data on Noivern 4, but max speed Greninja outspeeds it, so it's not running max speed.

Edit: Also, one of Garchomp 2's attacks was changed to Earth Power.

Great, all your information has been very helpful, I've added the new findings. I've decided to make the doc publicly editable for now, so anyone can feel free to contribute.
Attempted Super Singles a little while back, got to 59.

This was my team:

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Timid, 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Sludge Bomb
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond

Greninja @ Life Orb
Timid, 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Scizor @ Scizorite
Adamant, 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Spe
Bullet Punch
X Scissor
Swords Dance

Pretty standard stuff. Lost to a scrafed Darmanitan using flare blitz. Gengar had already fainted taking out the first pokemon, I sent out Scizor, then immediately switched to Greninja when the AI sent out Darmanitan. I mistakenly assumed Greninja would outspeed it, as I hadn't encountered the choice scarf variant before.

Any advice on potential changes to this team? I feel like this team is particularly vulnerable to status and other hax tactics, had many close calls with confusion users and evasion abusers. Scizor getting burned by things like Weezing has also resulted in a couple of near-losses. I'm open to completely replacing members, I just bred these based on what I had to hand and went with it.
I'm a pretty big fan on using FWG cores for Super Single Streaks. My current team is sitting on 123 wins and hasn't had any significant problems yet.

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Jolly/ Blaze
252 Atk/ 4 Def/ 252 Spe

-Dragon Dance
-Flare Blitz

Azumarril @ Life Orb
Adamant/ Huge Power
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Spe

-Play Rough
-Aqua Jet

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Relaxed/ Iron Barbs
252 HP/ 88 Def/ 168 SpD

-Stealth Rock
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip
-Gyro Ball

The AI is pretty awful dealing with Charizard. The fact it'll always Thunderbolt/Surf if it can and never Earthquake really helps set up. Usually, Char X takes out the first 2 pokemon and either sweeps from there, but when it dies to Flare Blitz recoil, gets confused or straight up loses, the last pokemon is usually a match-up my other two team mates can handle. Azumarril is a great manfighter, and most stuff without Super Effective STABs can't OHKO it. It'll OHKO or 2HKO most stuff in the Maison and Aqua Jet is always nice to have to clean up after Charizard dies. Azumarril also neatly deals with the few things which pack Rock/Fighting Coverage which threaten both Charizard and Ferrothorn. Meanwhile, Ferro is just a stalling machine. A good number of Maison pokemon can't break it and he can usually come out of most match ups on half HP or better. A couple of my wins have just been from PP stalling the enemy out of recovery and whittling them down.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with this team, and by the looks of it, I'm going to hit the Leaderboard when I lose, but considering I'm still on my first attempt using this team, I've got to say, I recommend something similar.

Having 2 pokémon with the same 4x weakness is never good. Instead of Salamence, I would go for some other pokémon with resistances to either of the weaknesses to Alakazam and Dragonite, so something resisting as many as possible of ice, fairy, dragon, bug, ghost and dark. May I suggest Azumarill with huge power? I think it will compliment the team rather nicely. Moveset can be the standard Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough and Superpower, with items variating from assult vest/splash plate/life orb/choice band. You just need to find the item that suits your Azumarill best, and if you can handle being choice locked into a move.

For my first post I meant to say 37.

Switched Salamence out for Mega Tyranitar

Now with Alakazam, Dragonite, and Mega Tyranitar I got as far as 43.


I will try an Azumarill right now.
For my first post I meant to say 37.

Switched Salamence out for Mega Tyranitar

Now with Alakazam, Dragonite, and Mega Tyranitar I got as far as 43.


I will try an Azumarill right now.

Ye, Azumarill have been a part of most of the teams I've been using, for singles, triples and multi, used greninja in rotation instead and Rotom-W for doubles instead.
X7KW-WWWW-WWW3-H2EA (Battle No. 95)

Lost at 94 streak to a Quiver Dance Volcarona that swept my team due to a rock slide miss and not realizing it was bulky enough (Bold HP/Def Evs) to take physical hits.

My team:


Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Rough Skin
6 HP/ 252 ATK/ 252 SPE
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
6 HP/ 252 SP.ATK/ 252 SPE
-Hydro Pump
-Dark Pulse
-Volt Switch

Manectric @ Focus Sash
6 HP/ 252 SP.ATK/ 252 SPE
-Hidden Power ICE

Greninja @ Life Orb
6 HP/ 252 SP.ATK/ 252 SPE
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse
-Mat Block

Mamoswine @ Muscle Band
Thick Fat
252 ATK/ 6 SP.DEF/ 252 SPE
-Ice Shard
-Icicle Crash

Scizor @ Scizorite
252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 6 SP.DEF
-Bullet Punch
-Brick Break

It's basically a team with Rotom-W in the middle mainly spamming discharge with Garchomp immune to it and freely spamming earthquakes thanks to Rotom-w's Levitate. Manectric recieves free Lightningrod sp. atk boosts from Rotom-W and proceeding to hit hard while being fast with its 105 speed. It did fail me sometimes like failing to OHKO Torterra at +1 sp.atk with Hidden Power Ice (I know it's nerfed this gen, but still.)

Mamoswine is a solid backup and cleaning out some Pokemon with its Ice shard who can also freely switch in with Rotom. I got other Pokemon in mind of a 2nd backup, but Greninja was added after that and rarely failed me on that, it's that good. Mega Scizor, a bulky steel type, need I say more?

Oh well. Kinda glad I lost though, because midway through the run, I got an idea of a sandstorm team utilizing Mega Aerodactyl in Triples.
I hate BM so much. This team routenly takes me to 50+ wins, but for the past 5 hours I'm stuck in the first 10 games losing to crap like this:


I'm convienced it has some algorythem designed to manipulate the RNG seed and hax you to death more than should statistically happen.
Made it to 111 before meeting OHKO Walrein.
Replay: 5M9G-WWWW-WWW3-HA2E

Same team as before, with some slight alterations:

Replaced Gengar with Dragonite:
Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Fire Punch
-Dragon Dance

Actually managed to get past Walrein after losing both Scizor and Dragonite, but then I stupidly lost Greninja to a surprise Signal Beam from a Vaporeon. Oh well, all good things must come to an end, and I'm fairly happy with getting past 100.

I'd like to try Doubles and Triples after this, although I have almost no experience battling in either.
I've been using a Wide Lens Azumarill which has worked okay, but i find myself unable to utilise Belly Drum as much as I want to. I was thinking of swapping in a Sitrus Berry to help out. How many EVs should I run in HP (with 31ivs) so that I can Belly Drum at full health and activate the berry? Right now I've just got 252 so I'm still in the green when I BD..
Is Sitrus > Wide Lens anyway?
244 EVs activates the berry both at level 50 and 100, so I'd go with that.

This, except it's 248. So do 248 HP/252Atk/4Def/4Spdef or 8 in either defense (not like 8 EVs matter too much)

I just started using Azumarill, along with SD Mega Scizor, and Scarf Hydreigon. Seeing as the other 2 have priority, is the Scarf still worth it? Ironically Tentacruel is annoying and a LO gives me a 2HKO with Dark Pulse. If anyone wants my whole team I'm too lazy to post everything now but:

Scizor max HP and Attack Adamant. SD BP Brick Break Roost (Scizorite)

Azumarill (same EVs) Adamant Belly Drum Aqua Jet Waterfall Play Rough (Sitrus Berry)

Hydreigon max SpA and Speed Modest Draco DP Flamethrower (cause Fire Blast is 13 accuracy there) U-turn (Scarf)

Nope. 248 is odd at level 100 so it won't activate (I'm using Psypoke's stat calculator). Anywho I've began building my rotation team... I dread it already.
Have you guys faced this Veteran team in triples yet?

First 3: Sitrus Berry Suicune, Icy Wind Regice, Lax Incense MEGA TANK Latias w/ Recover (cocksucker)
In reserve: CHOICE SCARF Terrakion (what a motherfucker), Regirock, Heat Wave DOUBLE TEAM Zapdos

This must be the trolliest team ever. Ended my 45 win streak (ARGH). The great thing about triples is you can have 1-3 misplays and still come out on top. Any of the following things don't happen and I win this match:

Me knowing Terrakion has Choice Scarf (ohko's my 100% health Greninja before I could mat block ;_;)
Scizor getting paralyzed by Regice's thunderbolt on the switch-in (gets fully paralyzed at a crucial moment)
Multiscale Dragonite getting critted by Regirock's Stone Edge

I misplayed so hard. I got my front 3 killed before I KO'd a single one of the veteran's pokemon! lol. And with that said, I still could've pulled out a win! My DD'd nite with 40 hp left vs Zapdos. We're on opposite ends and Zapdos DTs while I finish off Regirock with Outrage. We then get autocentered

First turn I outrage, MISS. Zapdos charge beams and I live with 3 hp! Dnite SO BUFF
Second turn I outrage, MISS. Zapdos KOs me ;_;

Here's the video if anyone wants to re-live my pain lol: CLLW-WWWW-WWW3-HNEB

PS. I think triples are definitely the most fun battles. Most chances of epic comebacks, can have multiple hax or misplays occur to you and you don't auto-lose, use the most pokemon, most strategies, etc. Singles and rotations are awful. Hax city. Doubles is only tolerable by association, but hax is pretty bad in doubles too.