Have you guys faced this Veteran team in triples yet?
First 3: Sitrus Berry Suicune, Icy Wind Regice, Lax Incense MEGA TANK Latias w/ Recover (cocksucker)
In reserve: CHOICE SCARF Terrakion (what a motherfucker), Regirock, Heat Wave DOUBLE TEAM Zapdos
This must be the trolliest team ever. Ended my 45 win streak (ARGH). The great thing about triples is you can have 1-3 misplays and still come out on top. Any of the following things don't happen and I win this match:
Me knowing Terrakion has Choice Scarf (ohko's my 100% health Greninja before I could mat block ;_;)
Scizor getting paralyzed by Regice's thunderbolt on the switch-in (gets fully paralyzed at a crucial moment)
Multiscale Dragonite getting critted by Regirock's Stone Edge
I misplayed so hard. I got my front 3 killed before I KO'd a single one of the veteran's pokemon! lol. And with that said, I still could've pulled out a win! My DD'd nite with 40 hp left vs Zapdos. We're on opposite ends and Zapdos DTs while I finish off Regirock with Outrage. We then get autocentered
First turn I outrage, MISS. Zapdos charge beams and I live with 3 hp! Dnite SO BUFF
Second turn I outrage, MISS. Zapdos KOs me ;_;
Here's the video if anyone wants to re-live my pain lol: CLLW-WWWW-WWW3-HNEB
PS. I think triples are definitely the most fun battles. Most chances of epic comebacks, can have multiple hax or misplays occur to you and you don't auto-lose, use the most pokemon, most strategies, etc. Singles and rotations are awful. Hax city. Doubles is only tolerable by association, but hax is pretty bad in doubles too.
Scarfed/speed boosters are some of many reasons that I prefer TR team in triples. None of the veterans outspeed (regirock/gigas are exceptions) and both those slow ones can easily be KOd by azumarill waterfall/superpower.
Edit: typos