Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Have you guys faced this Veteran team in triples yet?

First 3: Sitrus Berry Suicune, Icy Wind Regice, Lax Incense MEGA TANK Latias w/ Recover (cocksucker)
In reserve: CHOICE SCARF Terrakion (what a motherfucker), Regirock, Heat Wave DOUBLE TEAM Zapdos

This must be the trolliest team ever. Ended my 45 win streak (ARGH). The great thing about triples is you can have 1-3 misplays and still come out on top. Any of the following things don't happen and I win this match:

Me knowing Terrakion has Choice Scarf (ohko's my 100% health Greninja before I could mat block ;_;)
Scizor getting paralyzed by Regice's thunderbolt on the switch-in (gets fully paralyzed at a crucial moment)
Multiscale Dragonite getting critted by Regirock's Stone Edge

I misplayed so hard. I got my front 3 killed before I KO'd a single one of the veteran's pokemon! lol. And with that said, I still could've pulled out a win! My DD'd nite with 40 hp left vs Zapdos. We're on opposite ends and Zapdos DTs while I finish off Regirock with Outrage. We then get autocentered

First turn I outrage, MISS. Zapdos charge beams and I live with 3 hp! Dnite SO BUFF
Second turn I outrage, MISS. Zapdos KOs me ;_;

Here's the video if anyone wants to re-live my pain lol: CLLW-WWWW-WWW3-HNEB

PS. I think triples are definitely the most fun battles. Most chances of epic comebacks, can have multiple hax or misplays occur to you and you don't auto-lose, use the most pokemon, most strategies, etc. Singles and rotations are awful. Hax city. Doubles is only tolerable by association, but hax is pretty bad in doubles too.

Scarfed/speed boosters are some of many reasons that I prefer TR team in triples. None of the veterans outspeed (regirock/gigas are exceptions) and both those slow ones can easily be KOd by azumarill waterfall/superpower.

Edit: typos
^^I had CB Talonflame, YacheChomp, Sash Gengar in front
LifeOrb Greninja, Lum Berry DDNite, and Mega Scizor in reserves

I know, I know, the reserves have hardly any synergy with the front. My playstyle really is to let everything die and bring the reserves in one at a time. I've come back down 6-3 before with Ninja, Scizor, and Dragonite against 6 pokemon (these 3 have great coverage with themselves btw).

CB Talonflame is the MVP of this team. If I could use 6 Talonflames all with different items (and like a swampert lol) I would do it. Brave Bird is amazeballs in Triples. Sometimes I'll switch out just to save him cause he can sweep a team by himself, literally, I've done it before and the only thing that stops me is recoil damage lol. It's hard to find good partners to switch out to cause I'm EQing with Chomp 99% of the time and the things I wanna save Talonflame from (incoming Rock Water or Electric attacks) hate eating EQ or if they're immune they have the same weaknesses Talonflame has.

I still love this team. Might switch Dragonite out for a MixedTtar holding a balloon. Dragonite's shared weaknesses with the rest of the team really hurt, but he's meant as a last resort and is a great 1v1 pokemon if it comes down to it (unless the opponent DTs of course, what a cocksucker lol). I used to have a Gyarados in Dragonite's spot, might switch back, but my team is already mega electric weak as it is. I use these pokemon cause they're what I have bred atm, no real thought process behind team dynamics lol.
So I've put all the changes discovered so far into one place...
Battle Maison Opponent Pokemon (INCOMPLETE)
Saved, thanks! I found some stuff that needed changing, here's what I edited so far for us:
Druddigon 1 carries Roseli Berry instead of Chople Berry.
Flygon 1 carries Weakness Policy instead of Liechi Berry.
Altaria 2 carries Snowball instead of Yache Berry,
and uses Dragon Dance instead of Hone Claws.
Dragonite 2 uses Dragon Pulse instead of Dragon Rush.
Slaking 2 carries Kee Berry instead of Sitrus Berry.
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Not bad!
Can you write me all the charatteristics of your Talon? I mean IV, EVS, Nature, ecc..

Adamant, all Attack and Speed Evs. I probably could've put some of the speed EVs in HP but I was to lazy to calculate the number I would need at which pokemon I wanted to outspeed (I believe I'm hair slower than 110s even at max speed, oh well).

Moveset is: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, U-turn, Aerial Ace.

Honestly every move other than Brave Bird is just filler for CB Talonflame. I'm using Brave Bird 99% of the time. The only pokemon that resist Brave Bird are Steel, Electric, and Rock. Most Electrics that I want to Flare Blitz are faster than me anyway and will ohko. Rocks wall Talonflame regardless. Any steel than isn't hit neutral by Brave Bird gets obliterated by Garchomp or Gengar. I've used Aerial Ace once against an eeveelution with brightpowder. U-turn is only useful for Tyranitar, or 4x weak mon, and Garchomp and Gengar kill all those pokemon anyway. I think I've used all the other moves less than half a dozen dozen times during my matchups. Flare Blitz is nice for getting the ohko on Regice though.

I've tried Life Orb + Protect in Aerial Ace's slot for more versatility but I noticed I missed out on like a handful ohko's and I immediately switched back to CB.
Just lost at streak 119 for super rotations. Could have won if not for the sheer cold walrein. Here's the battle video K8KG-WWWW-WWW3-YF72

Gengar @ Focus Sash
252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Timid nature
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Energy Ball
- Destiny Bond

Gengar deals a fair chunk of damage to the opponent to let Mega Kangaskhan pick off the weaker ones. Usually rotate out 1 hp gengar to save for future destiny bond to get rid of potential threats. Energy ball over psychic/sludge bomb to ko those bulky ground/water.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Jolly nature
- Sucker Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Power-Up Punch

Most of the time, STAB return is able to knock out most opponent, or leave them at orange health zone. After a +2 from Power-Up Punch, Mega Kangaskhan is able to take out even the veteran teams with ease. Sucker punch kills glass cannons like Alakazams/Starmie that would otherwise outspeed my Gengar. It also works well during TR, as teams that set up TR (slowking, dusknoir) have their entire team weak to dark and ghost.

Togekiss @ Lax Incense
248 HP / 40 SpA / 28 SpD / 192 Spe
Serene Grace
Modest nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower
- Roost

Valuable for taking out dragons and fighting that would threaten my kangaskhan.

Greninja @ Life Orb
252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Timid nature
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Extrasensory
- Surf

Greninja is usually sent out after my gengar faints with destiny bond in effect. The opponent is already weaken to orange health, allowing Greninja to pick them off.

Overall, the first 3 pokemon, Gengar, Mega Kangaskhan, and Togekiss covers each other pretty well. Mega Kangaskhan's huge fighting weakness is nullify by Gengar and easily taken out with Togekiss. Threats faster than Gengar (Starmie, Alakazam, Crobat, Jolteon etc) is usually care of by Mega Kangaskhan's sucker punch or making use of his bulk to ohko them with return.
I got a streak in the triples that just hit 100, but I haven't lost yet.

Just posting for the forum's edification, I'm using Charizard Y, Volcarona, Hitmontop, Garchomp, Metagross, and Talonflame. I'm thinking about bringing something to better counter latios.
Adamant, all Attack and Speed Evs. I probably could've put some of the speed EVs in HP but I was to lazy to calculate the number I would need at which pokemon I wanted to outspeed (I believe I'm hair slower than 110s even at max speed, oh well).

Moveset is: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, U-turn, Aerial Ace.

Honestly every move other than Brave Bird is just filler for CB Talonflame. I'm using Brave Bird 99% of the time. The only pokemon that resist Brave Bird are Steel, Electric, and Rock. Most Electrics that I want to Flare Blitz are faster than me anyway and will ohko. Rocks wall Talonflame regardless. Any steel than isn't hit neutral by Brave Bird gets obliterated by Garchomp or Gengar. I've used Aerial Ace once against an eeveelution with brightpowder. U-turn is only useful for Tyranitar, or 4x weak mon, and Garchomp and Gengar kill all those pokemon anyway. I think I've used all the other moves less than half a dozen dozen times during my matchups. Flare Blitz is nice for getting the ohko on Regice though.

I've tried Life Orb + Protect in Aerial Ace's slot for more versatility but I noticed I missed out on like a handful ohko's and I immediately switched back to CB.
Thank you for the Talon is quite similar....but i never used seems to me that he get down easly...
Sorry for the late update.
I think I updated everything now but if I missed anyone let me know.

I'm currently at 373 wins in Super Triples so I'm unofficially #2 for now.
On a side note, the BP limit is still 9.999.
Sorry for the late update.
I think I updated everything now but if I missed anyone let me know.

I'm currently at 373 wins in Super Triples so I'm unofficially #2 for now.
On a side note, the BP limit is still 9.999.

Just wondering if super multi streaks only count with a AI/2nd player. Added a link to my 86th battle in the terribly long post I made, with the important bits below.

Did it with this team:

Porygon-Z @ Expert Belt (AI partner lead)
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Charge Beam
- Signal Beam
- Psychic

Nidoqueen @ Black Sludge (AI partner backup)
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP
Modest Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower

Azumarill @ Choice Band (My lead)
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower
- Waterfall
- Play Rough

Aegislash @ Leftovers (My backup)
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak

Lost battle nr. 86, so got a 85 win streak with the team mentioned above (Azu, Aegis, Nido and Z) Lost due to 2x para fail on Z, and Nido picking the wrong target once. Really think I could have won if not for the para hax, but I did go for 1 SD too much I felt on aegis, but not sure if just doing the 1 I did would have made the outcome any different.

Code to video of my loss in Super Multi is YV3G-WWWW-WWW3-G7HN
Fierza, It doesn't matter if the partner is AI, another person or yourself when you have access to two 3DS consoles.
I've added you to the Multi Records list, sorry for missing that part, I think I just skipped through the post quickly.

superMarth, It's the same team as my 342 streak which can be found in the OP at #3.
Fierza, It doesn't matter if the partner is AI, another person or yourself when you have access to two 3DS consoles.
I've added you to the Multi Records list, sorry for missing that part, I think I just skipped through the post quickly.

superMarth, It's the same team as my 342 streak which can be found in the OP at #3.

Okey, just wondering if multi maybe should be seperated like entrainment/non-entrainment for singles, with ai/non-ai for multi due to partnering with ai being significantly harder/luck based, allthough not as gamebreaking as TruAnt in singles. Just a suggestion ofc :-D
Yea I'm cool with that, but for now I'll leave it as it is since only 1 member (you) posted a Multi's streak so far :).

It looks like Super Triples is getting more attention the last few weeks (and for good reason, it's fun as hell).
Seeing people achieve very high streaks in Super Singles is also very very awesome.
Yea I'm cool with that, but for now I'll leave it as it is since only 1 member (you) posted a Multi's streak so far :).

It looks like Super Triples is getting more attention the last few weeks (and for good reason, it's fun as hell).
Seeing people achieve very high streaks in Super Singles is also very very awesome.

Ye, no worries yet :-D And triples are lots of fun yes, streak of 140 so far and going strong :-)
My highest streak was 37. It wasn't too bad.

I was using a Greninja, Mega Blaziken and the last slot was either a Ferrothorn or a Vaporeon. Either way they were both trained in bulk. I need pokemon to replace Ferrothorn/Vaporeon, I tried an Assault Vest Goodra but that didn't get too far. Training up a Deino to get Hydreigon right now. Only issue is what item for Hydreigon as Greninja has life orb.

Greninja @ Life Orb
Male, Timid
252 SpAtk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Male, Adamant
Speed Boost
252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Hi Jump Kick
Flare Blitz
Baton Pass
Aerial Ace (May Replace)

I want Greninja and Blaziken to stay. The way the team worked was leading with Greninja who knocked pretty much everything out and then switching when he couldn't to Blaziken or the 3rd member depending on the run. My team is hasn't got a grass move to take out those pesky water grounds which may not work best if Hydreigon fits. Hydreigon was going to run this set:

Hydreigon @ ? (Choice Specs possibly)
Female, Modest
252 SpAtk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Dark Pulse
Focus Blast

Any suggestions/advice?
My highest streak was 37. It wasn't too bad.

I was using a Greninja, Mega Blaziken and the last slot was either a Ferrothorn or a Vaporeon. Either way they were both trained in bulk. I need pokemon to replace Ferrothorn/Vaporeon, I tried an Assault Vest Goodra but that didn't get too far. Training up a Deino to get Hydreigon right now. Only issue is what item for Hydreigon as Greninja has life orb.

Greninja @ Life Orb
Male, Timid
252 SpAtk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Male, Adamant
Speed Boost
252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Hi Jump Kick
Flare Blitz
Baton Pass
Aerial Ace (May Replace)

I want Greninja and Blaziken to stay. The way the team worked was leading with Greninja who knocked pretty much everything out and then switching when he couldn't to Blaziken or the 3rd member depending on the run. My team is hasn't got a grass move to take out those pesky water grounds which may not work best if Hydreigon fits. Hydreigon was going to run this set:

Hydreigon @ ? (Choice Specs possibly)
Female, Modest
252 SpAtk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Dark Pulse
Focus Blast

Any suggestions/advice?

Id run with grass knot instead of u-turn/dark pulse on greninja to be able to take out those water/grounds. Hydreigon could use flamethrower/fireblast and dragon pulse as the last moves to fill the moveset. With modest, i'd run scarf to get the extra speed. If it had been timid, specs would have been better. If you want to replace Aerial Ace, you could go for protect/swords dance to either get every 2nd turn a free speed boost, or a power boost once you aren't in immediate threat to be damaged hard.

Edit: I think protect would be better on Blaziken due to adamant nature, in order to get the free speed boost the turn you mega evolve and not having to stick to the mediocre 80 base speed of Blaziken. Only viable agains non-TR users ofc, but most will get decimated by flare blitz for the 1HKO on turn 1 anyway.
I hate Rotation battles. So very much. Got to 45 before the AI decided to perfectly read every rotation I made. Oh well, I'll try again with the same team one more time.
I have an ongoing streak in Super Rotations, it's at around 130 now. I'll post proof and proper details later today, hopefully after I've taken the first spot. It's a semi-stall team - mispredicting switches and missing 2HKOs was getting annoying, so I figured passive damage was safer and more reliable for rotations.

The team is Gyarados, Gliscor and Ferrothorn with Aegislash in reserve. They all cover each others' weaknesses pretty well, especially with Gyarados' ability to change type. To my surprise it's nowhere near as boring to play as Truant Durant teams or any of the other cripple + sweep strategies used in singles, thanks to all the switching the AI does.

I came close to losing was in the late 110s, when I stupidly lost Gyarados to a Drifblim's Thunderbolt then let Gliscor get burned by Weezing 4. Thankfully I was able to Leech Seed it, forcing it to Rest twice and letting me get Aegislash to +6 where I could 2HKO it with Sacred Sword and sweep from there. Aside from my own mistakes, the team generally stays pretty healthy and I haven't been worried by most of the teams thrown at me.

Triples looks like it could be fun to try next, but 1000 wins, wow! Perhaps I'll just go for the monument. As a side note - does anyone else have framerate issues when multiple legendaries (especially the birds or genies) are on screen? It's especially annoying when the camera's panning all over their team and I've forgotten whether or not Gliscor has a Sub.
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I hate the BM so much!! I have 4 trophies, only rotation left. I reach the battle 50, defeat 3 of the 4 enemies. Just latias remaining with less than half of her life. On my team, Aegishlas with 3 SD and half of his life and azumarill full but can only use superpower because of the CB. I thought, well, shadow sneak and this is done! Yeah!! So... Aegishlas used Shadow Sneak! But latias avoided the attack! My face was like o.O then latias used dragon claw and my aegi fainted. Azumarill just couldn't do anything because of 0,5x fight attack against latias psiquic type.
I'm full of fury now... How the hell is programmed the BM to cheat us like that?
OMG! Finally I got it! I'm another proud player with the five trophies of the Battle Maison! I'm so happy now!
Here is the proof:


I have all the streaks paused at 50 victory, so I will play them one by one until I lose them all and I wont see the maison in a looong time haha.

My teams for it streak were (not very detailed):

Singles: Mkangaskhan, Aegislash, Azumarill

Doubles: Mkangaskhan, Aegislash, Azumarill, Garchomp

Triples: Mkangaskhan, Aegislash, Gengar, Garchomp, Gyarados and Azumarill

Rotation: Mkangaskhan, Talonflame, Azumarill and Aegislash

Multi: Me with MKangaskhan and Azumarill and my partner with Entei and Heydreigon.

Thats all, I will follow streaks with those same teams and finally I will post here my results.