Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I'd try Noivern, it gets Tailwind (in case Talonflame's runs out), has an immunity to M-Khan's EQs, and hits pretty hard with Dragon Pulse/Hurricane. It's abilities are nice too, Frisk lets you see BOTH opponent's items, Infiltrator is broken, and Telepathy has its niche (though it is arguably the worst ability). You could even use Boomburst on it for spread damage, if you want to. Togekiss is probably better than clauncher, but I'd wait until pokebank, then you can get one with heat wave (and it already has dazzling gleam).

Problem is, I don't have a Heat Wave Togekiss ready... I can always go Flamethrower though. Thanks for the advice! Although three flying types IS a bit risky, I'll try it out!
Problem is, I don't have a Heat Wave Togekiss ready... I can always go Flamethrower though. Thanks for the advice! Although three flying types IS a bit risky, I'll try it out!

Lol no I meant to get a heat wave one after pokebank, it isnt legal until then. Ideally you'd want Air Slash/Dazzling Gleam/(Heat Wave/Flamethrower/Aura Sphere)/Roost
Lol no I meant to get a heat wave one after pokebank, it isnt legal until then. Ideally you'd want Air Slash/Dazzling Gleam/(Heat Wave/Flamethrower/Aura Sphere)/Roost

Lol I know what you meant, I just meant that I didn't have one in B2/W2. Can always just quick breed one teach one it but I'm debating between Heat Wave or perfect IVs.

EDIT: My bad, thought Heat Wave was an egg move for a sec.
i'm running a durant set up and i need a bit of help with it currently i'm running

Durant @ Truant
choice scarf
hone claws
iron head

butterfree @ tinted lense
4HP/252 sp.atk/252Spe
life orb
quiver dance
bug buzz

??????? @ megastone

so i need help with the last and final pokemon on my durant team. i'm running butterfree over dragon dancers and shell smashers because because of tinted lens and special attack based damage as majority of the BM in my experience tend to lean towards physical bulkiness rather than special bulk. i choose to run butterfree over the other quiver dancers because of tinted lens and after 3 quiver dance your going to OHKO everything anyways unless they resist it which is why tinted lens. am heavily considering swapping butterfree in favor of venomoth tho. suggestion for the final pokemon?

Mega Gyarados is a solid option due to Mold Breaker.
Only problem is Mach Punch from things like conkeldurr. Mega Kanga honestly is a solid choice since she can do work on her own after the quiver dancer dies anyway
That's what substitute is for.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker)
Adamant Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance
Longtime lurker, first time poster here. I made an account because I really wanted to thank all the people on this board for their unwitting assistance on my quest to conquer all five modes. I doubt I could've beaten all the Chatelaines without this board's advice, particularly Eppie's triple team starters- what an ingenious set!

Rotation was easily the hardest, the AI predicts suspiciously well (Switch to Aegislash: Shadow Ball to the face, Keep Mkhan in: Focus Blast to the face!) and eventually had to resort to Aron (which I consider a bit cheap) after losing five times in the mid-fourties.

The last one for me was Multi-Battles. Despite having 15 friends, all of the teams offered were incredibly sub-par. The best AI team, which I tried to use initially, was Goodra + Landorus, Goodra possessing Rain Dance and Landorus Sandstorm. Both consistently went for the weather set up and little else. I eventually gave up on the useless AI and coerced my boyfriend into lending me his DS and X so we could link battle. I haven't seen much on this board concerning two human players' teams multi-battle, so I thought I'd share my experiences.

The big difference with two human teams is the capacity for two megas, and to a lesser extent double items or double species. I tried a couple combinations with little success (MKanga + MGardevoir, MKanga + MScizor, etc) until hitting on one that worked because it confused the hell out of the AI: M Blastoise + M Charizard X. I can hear the raucous accusations of "Fanboy!!!" already, but hear me out. As Eppie proved, M Blastoise is incredibly bulky and its Water Spout annihilates everything that doesn't resist, but he needed a good partner that could take on the Grass, Electric, and bulky Waters that mock Blastoise. Talonflame had served me well, but it's a bit frail and I loathe 4x weaknesses, especially without Greninja to Mat Block. I wanted a physical type, but Will-O-Wisp was so pervasive in the other formats and was routinely the cause of my losses on my physically-heavy teams. The answer ended up being Mega Charizard X. Hit fifty on my first try with this team, taking about 3 hours' time.

I had noticed when using M Gyarados previously, the AI didn't seem to "get" Mega Evolution type changes, using Rock attacks on Gyarados as he Mega Evolved. The same worked well for Charizard. Going from 4x Rock weak, 2x Electric weak, and 2x Water Weak to 2x Rock, and neutral Electric, Water, Ice, and Fairy was a huge boon and the AI had trouble predicting. Earthquake was never used prior to Mega Evolving, effectively eliminating a weakness while Blastoise murdered the grounds and rocks that typically launch EQ during doubles. Only in 17 out of 50 battles did my second string see any action. Without further ado, the team:

My team:

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Modest, 252 SPA/252 SPE/4 HP
Water Spout
Dragon Pulse
Aura Sphere

Not much to say. STAB Water Spout off of 135 base SA murders everything. Protect is very crucial and using it well is key. Protecting first turn while MChar destroys a Grass or Electric is nice. Also lets MChar fire off EQ without hurting your Water Spout's power. This thing is bulky even uninvested- he took unstabbed Thunders, Energy Balls, etc without a hitch.


Excadrill @ Life Orb, Mold Breaker
Jolly, 252 ATK /252 SPE/ 4 HP
Metal Claw
Rock Slide

Rarely ever had to use him. I think he absorbed a Tbolt for Blastoise a couple of times but that was his entire purpose. I initially selected him to cover a few weird things I'd had trouble with in previous runs- Metal Claw for those super S-Def fairies (Iron Head unavailable, I know), EQ for steels, X-Scissor for Lati@s. Really he could've been any ground type, but I felt he had better synergy all in all over something like Garchomp. In retrospect Mold Breaker was a bad idea as it would nullify my own Gengar's Levitate, but I was originally worried about Sturdy last pokemon. I never was in a situation where he had to kill Gengar with EQ.

Partner Team

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Adamant, 252 ATK/252 SPE/4 HP
Flare Blitz
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance

This guy. I know Charizard gets a lot of hate, but man did he work well with MBlastoise. MCharizard is a near-perfect Linebacker for MBlasty, taking out the nasty Grass and Electric 'mons that would not mind Water Spout. Dragon Claw dented bulky waters hard, too, putting them in KO range of Water Spout. I never had a problem with Water Absorbers- I only encountered two- Vaporeon once and a Storm Drain Cradily once. Dragon Dance rarely got used, in retrospect I would've made that Protect (damn speedy Darmanitans with never-miss Stone Edges). Pretty simple- Grass type? Flare Blitz. Electric/Sturdy? EQ while Mblasty protects. Dragon Claw to death anything else. The only thing that routinely gave him trouble was Darmanitan, who would die to Water Spout same-turn. I rarely attempted to sweep with MChar- his existence is solely to allow Blastoise to kill everything.


Gengar @ Focus Sash
Modest, 252 SATK/252 SPE/4 HP
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Dazzling Gleam

Gengar saw very little use as well- generally only came in to help Blastoise clean if Charizard took an unlucky Stone Edge to the heart. Using Sash, I prefer Modest since he's generally guaranteed at least one attack. Large sampling of coverage to kill things that might pose trouble for Blastoise- SBomb for Grass, DGleam for Dragon, TBolt for waters. He did his job well when called upon.

Things that hurt:
Not much can take a STAB Tough Claws Flame Blitz/Dragon Claw followed by a STAB 150 BP Water Spout. Darmanitans outsped and 1HKO Charizard with Stone Edge on three occasions. Jolteon outspeeds but can't KO and dies to DClaw or EQ. Surprisingly, I didn't see a lot of electric types- Electivire popped up most but rarely attempted to use Electric Attacks. ChestoRest Lanturn was not threatening but obnoxious with a Stockpile or two- it would generally be the last pokemon and I'd have to keep trying to get a crit. The one Storm Drain Cradily I encountered was terrifying- the only battle I had which got me down to a single pokemon. Excadrill killed it with Metal Claw, but it was a very close call. Teams that lead with an Electric and a Grass were very rare but the most difficult and required some fancy Protect use.

5 Trophies:

VS #50 Chatelaines: XKHG-WWWW-WWW3-L2XB

So, thanks again guys for all your wonderful and creative strategies. I can't stress enough how difficult this would have been without your input! I'd also love to see more about 2-Player Multi combos, as I know mine is likely not ideal.

All my love,

edit: bad grammars
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Multi battles with the AI is the hardest trophy to get in the battle Maison imo. Obviously having a decent AI partner is huge, but the AI has a great way of picking the absolute worst attacks to have you down 3-4 or 2-4 at the start of the match. All my AI partners had horrible pokemon (repeated weaknesses, things that aren't very good in the Battle Maison, or good pokemon with extremely sub-optimal sets). The best one was the following:

Talonflame@Sitrus Berry
Adamant, 252Att 252 Spd
Flame Body (This honestly is just as good or better than Gale Wings cause the AI would be too dumb to take advantage)
-Swords Dance
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz
-Quick Attack (talk about sub-optimal)

This is my AIs lead. Works amazing the 75% of the time the AI doesn't feel like being dumb and SD in front of something that'll obviously ohko it. The AI does this when there's nothing to hit super effective with Brave Bird or Flare Blitz. Lost my last battle because of this (had to go 3 v 4 really early)

Hawlucha@Salac Berry
Jolly, 252 Att 252 Spd
-High Jump Kick
-Feather Dance

The reserve. If something is weak to HJK it'll go for it, which is obviously great when it works (targeting the right pokemon, not missing!). If not it will use Taunt. This thing Taunts so many things it has no business Taunting, really infuriating. I've only seen it use Acrobatics once, and that was against a Venusaur. I never saw it use Feather Dance either lol.

These being the best two pokemon, I needed to make a team that helps there weaknesses and compliments their strengths (lots of Brave Birds, Flare Blitzes and HJKs being launched). I thought Garchomp would be a good partner for Talonflame (A pairing I'd already used in doubles to great success, although my bird had CB) cause it hits electrics and rock 'mon for SE that threaten Talonflame. I knew I wanted a steel pokemon to back up Chomp and soak up incoming ice and dragon attacks. I end up choosing Aegislash over Scizor cause I hate 4x weak 'mon as your backups and enjoy employing SD/King's Shield
shenanigans to clutch out a match or two

Obviously my team isn't perfect (you guys have better suggestions for pokemon that complement my designated AI?). If I see Jolteon or Aerodactyl I know Talonflame is dying instantly without doing anything while I KO back with chomp (as long as the opponents partners isn't something faster with Ice Beam lol). Pretty much I shit my pants and hope for the best when I see an opponent pokemon faster than either my leads and capable of ohko either one, or worse, both.

I had a nice streak going only sweating 2 battles that Aegislash clutched out for me going 2 on 1. Thing is so beast. I went against a lead Aerodactyl and that was one of the matches where I ended up going Aegislash 2 on 1: I survived a vaporeon's muddy water by 5 hp to clutch it out lol

My luck ran out at battle 30. I had full HP Aegislash at +2 and Hawlucha against Full hp musharna and Quagsire. I know (hope) Hawlucha is gonna HJK Quagsire. I mega misplay and SD again when I should've Shadow Sneaked Musharna (my dumb logic worried that I wouldn't have enough juice to ohko at +2, may have been right cause I never found out the item) but I was afraid of getting ohko'd back by Quagsire's EQ cause I would be stuck in weak Sword form. Well I SD and Hawlucha's HJK misses Quagisire and then Lucha gets KO'd by Musharna's psychic, I take like 45% from quagsire EQ in Shield form and now at +4. Next turn I think I have hope and can tank a psychic from musharna if that's its only attack. I ohko Quasire with +4 secret sword but then Musharna ko's me with shadow ball cause I'm in sword form :(((((

Honestly multi is weird, and not just with the AI dynamics. Partners can only replace their own pokemon, so sometimes I'll just focus on one of the opponent partners and leave the other alone hoping to establish a permanent 2 v 1 scenario early. Multi would be EZ mode if I had another DS (and taking advantage of partners not being able to replace their pokemon after their 2 get ko'd), and it's pretty annoying seeing your AI partner doing something that makes absolutely no sense. I'll give it another crack or two before I just go over my friends house and get the trophy with a Chomp/Gengar/Talonflame/Scizor team
Updated the list.

As promised, I will start uploading some battle videos from my 467 Super Triples run now.

I won't be able to update the list until monday as I am going away for the weekend.

Edit, Battle Videos:

Battle Maison Super Triples

Battle # 312 - JFHG-WWWW-WWW3-L62N (Vs. Starmie/Cogagrigus/Froslass/Drifblim/Gourgeist/Gothitelle)
Battle # 400 - SBKG-WWWW-WWW3-L5V2 (Vs. Lucario/Conkeldurr/Throh/Magmortar/Gallade/Probopass)
Battle # 427 - GZKW-WWWW-WWW3-L6WC (Vs. Virizion/Regice/Zapdos/Regigigas/Cresselia/Thundurus)
Battle # 462 - CD8G-WWWW-WWW3-L6X2 (Vs. Virizion/Latios/Cobalion/Moltres/Raikou/Thundurus)
Battle # 468 - WJUG-WWWW-WWW3-L638 (Vs. Raikou/Cresselia/Regigigas/Terrakion/Zapdos/Cobaion)
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Yes, getting good AI's for multi is truly hell.
I think I hit 85! registered FC's before I found the AI partners that I was able to optimice with the pokés I had access to.
Also crucial, almost only the 4x attack moves pokés are the ones that aint useless. They will 90% of the time go for the attack doing most dmg to either of the pokémons, so here is prediction really important.

Having a lot of fun in triples, and sitting at 222 wins just now :D Damn, TR is OP in triples (well, still find Conkeldurr pretty dangerous)
Top threats I've had with the team is sheer cold/fissure+lax incense Walrein, mind reader+sheer cold articuno and conkeldurr

After some slight modifications (felt the bonus def+s.def from eviolite was too small on spritzee, so evolved it for the bonus to all stats) here is the team I am going with as of now:

Abamasnow (Abomasnow-Mega) (M) @ Abomasite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Quiet Nature
- Blizzard
- Earthquake
- Energy Ball
- Protect

Azumarill (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Aqua Tail
- Superpower
- Play Rough

Aromatisse (F) @ Light Clay
Ability: Aroma Veil
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Sassy Nature
- Trick Room
- Moonblast
- Reflect
- Light Screen

Tyranitar (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 HP / 252 SDef
Sassy Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Fire Blast
- Crunch

Reuniclus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 4 SAtk / 252 HP / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Focus Blast
- Psyshock
- Trick Room
- Shadow Ball

Garchomp (F) @ BrightPowder
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Poison Jab

I still don't feel too sure about using EQ on Aboma, and have considered switching it out for shadowball to take out threats like metagross/bronzong when Azu is choice locked in something else than AJ/Waterfall

I am not satisfied with Garchomps moveset either, I feel he is too weak at times. I think I should go for Outrage instead of DClaw, but cant remember if I have to rebreed then. Also considered going with iron head instead of poison jab, due to no azumarill ever showing up in BM. The other members I feel are pretty sturdy, allthough also considered going Dark Pulse over shadow ball on Reuniclus due to the ability to hit on the other side with it.

All constructive imput is much wanted :D

Edit: Stupid me, Reu don't get dark pulse
Edit2: Gonna try shadoball>eq on aboma, Stone edge>rockslide on Chomp, Outrage>Dclaw on Chomp and Shadow Claw>Poison jab on Chomp
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NVMThat's what substitute is for.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker)
Adamant Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance

Downside is that you'll die to weather...

I think Haxorus @ Leftovers with EQ could work. Are there any that get away with using +2 moves? Using ~15 turns to setup is painful.

nvm that's a silly idea. Flying types would still avoid EQ
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Downside is that you'll die to weather...

I think Haxorus @ Leftovers with EQ could work. Are there any that get away with using +2 moves? Using ~15 turns to setup is painful.

nvm that's a silly idea. Flying types would still avoid EQ

i normally dont got for the 6+ setup only in extreme cases do i do anything more than +3 and since most pokemons in the BM is physically bulky quiver dancer is your best option (currently using butterfree). if your not into that, try using shell smasher it's alot faster. only 2 shell smash is required before you can start sweeping.

i'm still iffy on the garadose. but it does feel very apealing. i am more leaning towards the kangashan although i really want to use mega garchomp or mega charzard X for some reason.
What ev spread should I use for a modest volcarona? Probably gonna go with quiver dance, fiery dance, bug buzz as 3 of the moves, not sure on 4th one/item.

Also, got my hands on a shiny adamant(sadly, jolly>adamant) flawless Absol. What moves would compliment Play Rough+Sucker Punch? Been thinking about SD+BP to setup on those I can, then BP out once I want to leave the sweeping up to someone else. Can also use others to BP up to Absol, stuff like Shell Smash to increse all the important stats.
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That's what substitute is for.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker)
Adamant Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance

Did not know you intended that lol. Only thing that sucks is no leftovers, but that isn't that big a deal. Nice!
What ev spread should I use for a modest volcarona? Probably gonna go with quiver dance, fiery dance, bug buzz as 3 of the moves, not sure on 4th one/item.

Volcarona is one of my favourites, and I tried very hard to work her on to a couple of my BM teams. Alas, 4x rock weakness was AI bait. Used a physically bulky spread with Fiery Dance/ QDance/Bug Buzz/Substitute with Mat Blocking Greninja, but it seemed every other team had a Rock Blast member ready to defile the poor moth even with a sub up. Tried using an all-out attacker Volcarona with QDance/Hurricane/FDance/Bug Buzz, as well as Protect/QDance/Bug Buzz/FDance, but it's still not quite fast enough to outspeed the inevitable fast/scarf Stone Edge/etc. As much as I love Volcarona, it's too much a liability in the Battle Maison even with support in doubles/triples/rotation.

With very few exceptions (Looking at you Aegislash!), I've found all BM formats tend to favour bulky mons who hit hard off the bat. The game is too fast and the AI too nasty to mess with set-up sweepers.
i normally dont got for the 6+ setup only in extreme cases do i do anything more than +3 and since most pokemons in the BM is physically bulky quiver dancer is your best option (currently using butterfree).
why butterfree and not venomoth? venomoth has better stats and i wouldn't want to risk hurricane missing (unless you're not running tinted lens butterfree)
After I defeated the Battle Chatelaine in Super Singles, I decided to go with Doubles. I can say that its easier than singles...well maybe it's just because of the easy encounters I had.
But I made a huge mistake on the 49th battle (Dang it, so close!) and it costed me my streak. Plus, I got haxed on the Draco Meteor miss and Outrage selection. I really need to pay attention on possible movesets (like what Pokemons have priority) :pirate:. Oh well, I least I accumulated some points for neat prizes.


Hawlucha @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Acrobatics
- Protect
- Rock Slide

Goodra @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Gooey
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Muddy Water
- Protect

Aggron @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Thunder Wave
- Rock Slide

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Flamethrower

I just lead with Hawlucha and Goodra to scout my opponents, or eliminate them fast with high powered moves (For Goodra, it uses muddy water for a good spread move + accuracy hax). Aggron and Noivern will come to clean things up, or as crucial pivots when I figured out the opponent's moveslots (I don't pay much attention or look up at Battle Maison sets).
I don't really use Aggron's Thunder Wave that much: all I do is attack. Maybe I should replace it with protect.And Goodra has some 4MSS. I sometimes have situations where I wished it had Flamethrower to nail 4x weakness pokemon at the Start. Also, if Hawlucha misses HJK, then it can't get the unburden boost (Focus Sash saved my life a lot of times. One life counts!).

Criticism and suggestions are welcome.
Gah! Lost triples at 235th battle due to a lax sheer cold/fissure Walrein that even hit my brightpowder Chomp.

The battle vid: YQNW-WWWW-WWW3-M6VX

This is as hax-y a battle can even get.. I've done multiple replays, and every single one I have won. This was some mad hax.. I made 1 misclick by going for Megan instead of Gourgeist with azu's play rough, but in the end it was the hax from walrein that got me..

Seems to get typical that I lose battles around 15 wins from my next target, 250 here and 100 in multis :P Well, will have to go again, but maybe I should do something about Aromatisse, the screens are at times nice, but usually I think I would be better off just attacking once I have set up TR
Charizard (Timid, Solar Power, Charizardite Y)
Overheat, Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Focus Blast

Azumarill (Adamant, Huge Power, Choice Band)
Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Superpower, Play Rough

Metagross (Adamant, Clear Body, Assault Vest)
Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Hammer Arm

Singles, 75 wins.
In battle 76, lost due to a crucial Overheat miss against Zapdos. :D
I replayed it, and I should've won if I was just happy with Flamethrower (though it didn't OHKO Zapdos, there was an Aqua Jet waiting for it)
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Gyarados (Adamant, Intimidate, Wacan Berry)
Taunt, Thunder Wave, Ice Fang, Waterfall

Metagross (Adamant, Clear Body, Choice Band)
Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Hammer Arm

Sableye (Calm, Prankster, Sitrus Berry)
Will-O, Foul Play, Taunt, Recover

Furfrou (Careful, Fur Coat, Leftovers)
252 HP, 252 Sdef, 4 Def
Return, Wild Charge, Sucker Punch, Cotton Guard

Doubles, 47 wins.
Lost to that Calm Mind Latios, didn't taunt it. How should I have known it had Recover!

An OK stall-y team, but I desperately need a special sweeper, I guess.


After I defeated the Battle Chatelaine in Super Singles, I decided to go with Doubles. I can say that its easier than singles...well maybe it's just because of the easy encounters I had...
Hmm, let's see.

1. I've been wondering about Weakness Policy. What do you think, does a normal battle trigger it and would Goodra have enough life to fire off 1-2 moves before it's slain? If not, wouldn't Leftovers or Assault Vest (though w/o protect) be better?
2. If you wanna do flamethrower, you can try Dragon Pulse, FT, Sludge Bomb, Protect - though you will lose the double-hitting Muddy Water...
3. You have three Pokemon weak against ice.
4. I'm actually liking the T-Wave on Aggron, though Protect seems always like a good choice in doubles.
I just lost another Singles streak after 340 wins to a Roller Skater with Braviary 3, Salamence 4, and Charizard 4 with the same team as before. At least this time it was to a trainer I was actually worried about and not a bad Jolteon set heh.

Roller Skaters are probably the scariest teams for this team to face, since they have plenty of Pokemon that hit hard, outspeed my Pokemon, or are just generally difficult to take down without taking a lot of damage. Braviary is never something you want to see as a lead on their teams, especially Set 3, the Scarf set, which led to a few close games during this streak previously (Set 4 hits just as hard but uses Giga Impact first instead most of the time). The battle was winnable, but I made a misplay where I realized too late that Scarf Braviary meant that she couldn't also have Scarf Charizard and therefore Greninja can't OHKO Assault Vest Charizard, the only other option. It was also possible for Scizor to take down Salamence if it got good damage rolls or a crit, but unfortunately while the first BP was good, the second wasn't. Oh well.

Videos of the losing match and another close one with Scarf Braviary:
#341 (Braviary/Salamence/Charizard): 6L3G-WWWW-WWW3-MGTT
#277 (Braviary/Gyarados/Magnezone): 899G-WWWW-WWW3-MGUA

I'll probably give it one more shot in a week or so before I consider myself done. In the meantime though, I collected a lot more data on the unique trainers and new sets and Pokemon, and I'll update the appropriate posts with those soon. There's only a few more that need non-EV/Nature data now!
Hmm, let's see.

1. I've been wondering about Weakness Policy. What do you think, does a normal battle trigger it and would Goodra have enough life to fire off 1-2 moves before it's slain? If not, wouldn't Leftovers or Assault Vest (though w/o protect) be better?
2. If you wanna do flamethrower, you can try Dragon Pulse, FT, Sludge Bomb, Protect - though you will lose the double-hitting Muddy Water...
3. You have three Pokemon weak against ice.
4. I'm actually liking the T-Wave on Aggron, though Protect seems always like a good choice in doubles.

1. Weakness Policy did trigger in a lot of my battles. Goodra also lives to fire off more than 3 attacks (Well, the AI mostly targets Hawlucha, which makes it easy for Goodra to fire off attacks). I tried Assault vest before I used WP and it didn't fit my battling style (Protect is crucial so that I can get one pokemon to KO the threats).
2. Maybe I'll try that set, though I have lots of instances where Thunderbolt and Muddy Water are extremely important (Thunderbolt was very useful 2HKOing water and flying types)
3. Yeah, it'll be a problem if there are Pokemon who use blizzard. Goodra should live though (and that Muddy Water hax can help) but should I replace Noivern with Talonflame (Tailwind and Priority are neat)?
4. Don't have opportunities to use T-Wave. I'm going for protect.
why butterfree and not venomoth? venomoth has better stats and i wouldn't want to risk hurricane missing (unless you're not running tinted lens butterfree)

because i dont have venomoth safari and i have butterfree safari. that's basically the only reason..... otherwise i would run venomoth over butterfree. and butterfree gets QD earlier than venomoth i think. also i'm running tinted lens with protect-quiver dance-bug buzz-psychic on life orb because things that have 4x resistance to both bug and psychic doesn't exist and things with sound proof aren't dark and doesn't have 4x resistance to psychic.
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Been lurking here for a little but, but just wanted to post my Super Multi Battles team that I just took to 50. I wanted to use a team people could borrow, but Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor are so horrible. However, each player gets assigned their own random AI team and mine was a boss. It is:

Gallade @ Scope Lens

??? / Steadfast
~ Psycho Cut
~ Stone Edge
~ Night Slash
~ X-Scissor

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
??? / Blaze
~ Eruption
~ Focus Blast
~ Heat Wave
~ Extrasensory

If anyone wants to use this AI team my FC is 3282-3101-8960 and my IGN is Joey. Just shoot me a message.
The team I used tries to maximize Typhlosion's potential and is

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Timid / Blaze- Drought
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed
~ Heat Wave
~ Solar Beam
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Protect

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Modest / Levitate
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed
~ Shadow Ball
~ Sludge Bomb
~ Thunderbolt
~ Dazzling Gleam

This makes Typhlosion's Eruptions OKO so many enemies, even some that resist it. Making it to 50 still requires a little bit of luck, such as Gallade landing a Stone Edge here and there, but it is beatable. Hopefully this helps somebody, since Super Multi Battles are the most treacherous creation ever!