Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Been lurking here for a little but, but just wanted to post my Super Multi Battles team that I just took to 50. I wanted to use a team people could borrow, but Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor are so horrible. However, each player gets assigned their own random AI team and mine was a boss. It is:

Gallade @ Scope Lens

??? / Steadfast
~ Psycho Cut
~ Stone Edge
~ Night Slash
~ X-Scissor

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
??? / Blaze
~ Eruption
~ Focus Blast
~ Heat Wave
~ Extrasensory

If anyone wants to use this AI team my FC is 3282-3101-8960 and my IGN is Joey. Just shoot me a message.
The team I used tries to maximize Typhlosion's potential and is

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Timid / Blaze- Drought
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed
~ Heat Wave
~ Solar Beam
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Protect

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Modest / Levitate
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed
~ Shadow Ball
~ Sludge Bomb
~ Thunderbolt
~ Dazzling Gleam

This makes Typhlosion's Eruptions OKO so many enemies, even some that resist it. Making it to 50 still requires a little bit of luck, such as Gallade landing a Stone Edge here and there, but it is beatable. Hopefully this helps somebody, since Super Multi Battles are the most treacherous creation ever!

Gonna add you for when I will chase multi records, scarf typ/entei seems to be the most potent partners
I really wanted to make it to fifty on my own, but my best so far is 47 in super singles. My team is:

Gengar, timid, focus sash with shadow ball sludge bomb dazzling gleam and destiny bond

Sawk, adamant, scarfed with close combat, earthquake, rock slide and reversal

I'm looking to replace my Blaziken. Mostly, I hate priority, fast psychics, and fast sashers. Any dark type that can 2hko sawk (I swap out gengar if he cant handle the lead) is also a problem. What would make a good third member?

Edit: typos oh god
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I really wanted to make it to fifty on my own, but my best so far is 47 in super singles. My team is:

Gengar, timid, focus sash with shadow ball sludge bomb dazzling gleam and destiny bond

Sawk, adamant, scarfed with close combat, earthquake, rock slide and reversal

Im looking to replace my blaziken. Mostly, i hate priority, fast psychics, and fast sashers. Any dark type that can 2hko sawk (i swap out gengar if he cant handle the lead) is also a problem. What woupd make a good third member?

I'd advise swapping Gengar for Greninja and using Mega Kangaskhan or Mega Mawile as your third member. With regards to Sawk, Choice items are not that effective in the Maison especially with moves where there are immunities. I'd try something faster or with priority (like Conkeldurr, Breloom, or Toxicroak if you can).

Kanga wrecks Sashers HARD with parental bond and mawile gives no shits about status and hits OBSCENELY hard. Both have sucker punch for psychics (just be careful of WoW ghosts with Kanga and random Subs with Mawile).

Greninja>Gengar since Protean is broken and it's faster with better coverage (It outspeeds everything but Noivern, Crobat, Aerodactyl, Jolteon and Electrode, and they aren't hard to deal with at all). You can go either Sash or Life orb with it (it can take a hit if you use Protean right, but it is really personal preference).
I really wanted to make it to fifty on my own, but my best so far is 47 in super singles. My team is:

Gengar, timid, focus sash with shadow ball sludge bomb dazzling gleam and destiny bond

Sawk, adamant, scarfed with close combat, earthquake, rock slide and reversal

Im looking to replace my blaziken. Mostly, i hate priority, fast psychics, and fast sashers. Any dark type that can 2hko sawk (i swap out gengar if he cant handle the lead) is also a problem. What woupd make a good third member?

Well, you don't have a mega, so I'd recommend Mega Gyarados. It counters Psychics easily and resists Darks. Maybe a Jolly set with DDance, Waterfall, Ice Fang, and Payback/Bite. ARGH WHY DOESNT GYARADOS GET A GOOD DARK STAB

EDIT: Ninjad. Still, if you don't want to switch Gengar and Sawk, M-Gyarados would work.
Well, you don't have a mega, so I'd recommend Mega Gyarados. It counters Psychics easily and resists Darks. Maybe a Jolly set with DDance, Waterfall, Ice Fang, and Payback/Bite. ARGH WHY DOESNT GYARADOS GET A GOOD DARK STAB

EDIT: Ninjad. Still, if you don't want to switch Gengar and Sawk, M-Gyarados would work.

Only problem is Alakazam with Focus Blast. If it has a Sash and Gengar's Sash is broken you are in a world of trouble (and I believe there is at least one Sashed Zam in the Maison, I faced it once). Yes Focus Miss is a thing but still too risky. You could go with Assault Vest Metagross or SD Aegislash to handle fast Psychics.
Trying to build a good Sun team for Doubles. But I need a 4th member. Right now I've got Charizard-Y (Heat Wave, Air Slash, Solar Beam, Protect) and Intimidate Scrafty (Drain Punch, Crunch, Fake Out, Ice Punch) holding Assault Vest. Scrafty is for Fake Out and Intimidate support plus it takes out many of Charizard's checks. And after pokebank is released I will breed a Darmanitan to further abuse sun. Any suggestions for the final member? It must patch up a few of the teams weaknesses and being able to set up Tailwind/Thunder Wave for Darmanitan and/or Sunny Day. Thinking about Whimsicott, but I'm not sure. Help?
Trying to build a good Sun team for Doubles. But I need a 4th member. Right now I've got Charizard-Y (Heat Wave, Air Slash, Solar Beam, Protect) and Intimidate Scrafty (Drain Punch, Crunch, Fake Out, Ice Punch) holding Assault Vest. Scrafty is for Fake Out and Intimidate support plus it takes out many of Charizard's checks. And after pokebank is released I will breed a Darmanitan to further abuse sun. Any suggestions for the final member? It must patch up a few of the teams weaknesses and being able to set up Tailwind/Thunder Wave for Darmanitan and/or Sunny Day. Thinking about Whimsicott, but I'm not sure. Help?

Well, Whimsicott is the only Chlorophyll + Tailwinder, but you might want to run Prankster in case Drought runs out. Sawsbuck is the only T-Wave/Chlorophyll (I think) and it actually has attacking prowess.
Or go Castform. Yea, Castform wrecks. Castform could solo the game for you. CASTFORM
But seriously, if you want a Tailwind/T-Wave, use Whimsicott or Sawsbuck. I was gonna suggest Venusaur, but that might lead to some problems for Darm.
Trying to build a good Sun team for Doubles. But I need a 4th member. Right now I've got Charizard-Y (Heat Wave, Air Slash, Solar Beam, Protect) and Intimidate Scrafty (Drain Punch, Crunch, Fake Out, Ice Punch) holding Assault Vest. Scrafty is for Fake Out and Intimidate support plus it takes out many of Charizard's checks. And after pokebank is released I will breed a Darmanitan to further abuse sun. Any suggestions for the final member? It must patch up a few of the teams weaknesses and being able to set up Tailwind/Thunder Wave for Darmanitan and/or Sunny Day. Thinking about Whimsicott, but I'm not sure. Help?

Talonflame, nuff said. Yes it has the same typing as MegaZard, but priority Brave Bird and Priority Tailwind? INSANE. You may want Focus Blast>Air Slash on the Charizard with Talonflame handling flying-weak things. You may also like Togekiss somewhere here since it has an amazing typing and access to Dazzling Gleam and Heat Wave (from B2W2) for spread damage.
Talonflame, nuff said. Yes it has the same typing as MegaZard, but priority Brave Bird and Priority Tailwind? INSANE. You may want Focus Blast>Air Slash on the Charizard with Talonflame handling flying-weak things. You may also like Togekiss somewhere here since it has an amazing typing and access to Dazzling Gleam and Heat Wave (from B2W2) for spread damage.

I was thinking about Talonflame, but three fire types on a team in the BM isn't too good. Sure, Scrafty covers up a Rock weakness, but a Water type could just wreck this team. *cough* Azumarill *cough* Togekiss could work though. I just feel like three Rock weaknesses is too risky with only one check.
Or go Castform. Yea, Castform wrecks. Castform could solo the game for you. CASTFORM
man, i wish castform had base 100 stats like mew.

garchomp might be a good fit though, it gets decent resists for your team and is always useful. hitmontop (more intimidate, fake out and priority), scizor or solar powered heliolisk (volt switch, good SpA and good coverage, but another ground weakness and will be kinda frail without leftovers) could work as well
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I just got myself a 160 streak in singles, with a Durant team.

I did 1-100 with a different team, offensive greninja/garchomp/kanga, but there's not much strategy behind that one other than "hit the weak spot for massive damage" so I won't bother talking about that team.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Earthquake (PP Max)
- Sucker Punch (PP Max)
- Power-Up Punch

I use this as my lead rather than my backup plan, because Khan can solo many teams, saving me a heck of a lot of time on setting up.
I'm considering moving the 4 HP ev to SpDef instead. This is for Porygon2 and PorygonZ's Download ability. Very rarely do they appear, and when they do they usually don't have Download anyway.
+1 252+ SpA Porygon2 Tri Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Kangaskhan: 97-115 (53.5 - 63.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252+ SpA Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Kangaskhan: 117-138 (64.6 - 76.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (OHKO if Crit)
+1 252+ SpA Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Kangaskhan: 216-255 (119.3 - 140.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
On the other hand, that 4 HP actually has saved my ass once before. Also, having that odd number HP allows Khan to last one turn longer against pure stall with burn/leechseed/weather.

Durant @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
Jolly Nature
252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Entrainment
- Baton Pass
- X-Scissor
- Iron Head

I don't know what there is to say that hasn't already been said about Durant.
It's vulnerable to protect and explosion, as well as prankster taunt.

Drapion @ Black Sludge
Ability: Battle Armor
Jolly Nature (Adamant is better, but I don't have one)
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Protect (PP Max)
- Substitute (PP Max)
- Acupressure (PP +2)
- Knock Off (PP Max)

I don't know why everyone seems to insist on using Mega Gyarados as a setup sweeper. Nothing beats Drapion at its job.

Acupressure boosts all stats, something no other move can boast. The only problem is the time to set up: 21 turns of Acupressure without counting Protect and Sub. I use 2 PP ups so that if I'm spamming acupressure without paying attention, I know Drapion is fully set up once the PP on Acupressure turns yellow at 21/42. In addition, this allows it two chances to set up in case it was roar/whirlwinded out on the first attempt.

Knock Off is my preferred attack because it destroys the opponent's leftovers and brightpowder, and the first hit is stronger than crunch, OHKOing most things. Sadly it does not stop focus sash.

Drapion has good defenses and an excellent typing with only one weakness to Ground. Not being weak to Sacred Sword is crucial. On top of that, it's immune to toxic spikes and poison in general.

Its ability Battle Armour blocks Critical Hits, the bane of most Entrainment setup teams. It laughs at Storm Throw and Frost Breath. When fully set up, nothing except seismic toss or night shade breaks its sub unless the attacker has also set up. Speaking of which, a grand total of TWO pokemon get those moves. Cofagrigus and Throh.

Max HP investment makes Drapion's HP hit the magical number 177, perfect for Black Sludge and Substitute. I don't think there's any preference between Leftovers or Sludge.

Drapion hates Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion. Sacred Sword hits through defence and evasion boosts, instantly breaks substitute, and does a lot of damage. One Cobalion set has Psych Up, which renders all your boosts useless. Finally, all of them have the Justified ability, raising their own Attack when hit by Knock Off.

Cobalion set 2:
+6 252+ Atk Drapion Knock Off (boosted) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Cobalion: 114-135 (57.5 - 68.1%) -- Cobalion at 63-84 HP
+6 252+ Atk Drapion Knock Off vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Cobalion: 76-90 (38.3 - 45.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after prior damage
+1 252+ Atk Cobalion Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Drapion: 93-109 (52.5 - 61.5%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ Atk Cobalion Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Drapion: 123-145 (69.4 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Sometimes drapion will fail to 2HKO Cobalion and take a +2 Sacred sword for a lot of damage. There is a risk of getting OHKOed by Metal Burst in the first turn if no sub.

Cobalion set 3:
+6 252+ Atk Drapion Knock Off (boosted) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Cobalion: 114-135 (68.6 - 81.3%) -- Cobalion at 31-52 HP
+6 252+ Atk Drapion Knock Off vs. +6 0 HP / 0 Def Cobalion: 19-23 (11.4 - 13.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after prior damage
+6 252+ Atk Cobalion Iron Head vs. +6 252 HP / 0 Def Drapion: 55-66 (31 - 37.2%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

If cobalion uses psych up on the first turn, cobalion dies in up to 4 hits, while drapion dies in 6 turns (psych up, sub broken, then 4 hits). Note that Cobalion becomes faster than drapion after psych up.
This match is heavily based on luck. If cobalion's lax incense activates on the first turn and it uses psych up, the only way to win is to get a crit. If Drapion gets hit with Swagger, you have to hope it attacks through the confusion. Protect stalling to get more recovery from Black Sludge is not recommended because cobalion has substitute.

Terrakion set 2, 3, 4
+6 252+ Atk Drapion Knock Off (boosted) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 155-183 (93.3 - 110.2%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Terrakion Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Drapion: 117-138 (66.1 - 77.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Drapion wins this one but might have its Sub broken. This is bad if Cobalion is next.

Virizion set 4
+6 252+ Atk Drapion Knock Off (boosted) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Virizion: 125-147 (63.1 - 74.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 0 Atk Virizion Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Drapion: 66-78 (37.2 - 44%) -- 99.8% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Drapion wins this one but will have its Sub broken. This is bad if Cobalion is next.

How I lost:


I lost because a Marowak OHKOed Khan with a critical hit, then used Detect against Durant. I switched to Drapion expecting Marowak to use Detect again and hoping to win by a lucky acupressure boost, but it used EQ instead for a Game Over.

EDIT: I just redid all my calcs using Adamant rather than Jolly on Drapion, and holy shit it makes a huge difference.
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Thanks for the help, guys. I'm hesitant to use Talonflame because it would be my 3rd Fire-type (although I might replace Darmanitan with it), but I'll try it and Garchomp since I already have one of each of those already trained. Helioptile sounds interesting. And I'll probably give Castform a shot for the lolz. I was also thinking about Thundurus because it could take out water-types and has priority TW but it too is weak to rock...
Thanks for the help, guys. I'm hesitant to use Talonflame because it would be my 3rd Fire-type (although I might replace Darmanitan with it), but I'll try it and Garchomp since I already have one of each of those already trained. Helioptile sounds interesting. And I'll probably give Castform a shot for the lolz. I was also thinking about Thundurus because it could take out water-types and has priority TW but it too is weak to rock...

Only problem with heliolisk is Dry Skin/Surf + Sun = No Fun (you could use a Solar Power one, but that is a pain and a half to get). If you want a hard-hitting Surf you are better off with Greninja or Starmie. Both are faster and have solid coverage to work with (especially Greninja). Individually Greninja has Protean (nuff said) and Starmie has Natural Cure (FWIW, an auto-cure for Sleep/Para), Recover (for longevity), and Psyshock (for quasi-mixed attacking). Both also learn Grass Knot like Thundy but they are quicker and do not have as horrendous coverage (i.e. relying on focus miss). Greninja also has Mat Block for some nifty utility (favorite ploy is to abuse it with EQ or something similar like Surf or Sludge Wave).
Posting to complain that Zygarde isn't allowed in the Battle Maison for some arbitrarily dumb reason.

Also here's an epic 1 v 4 comeback in multi battle where Garchomp has to overcome long odds thanks to my idiot AI partner:


Just need the multi battle trophy to get all 5. Currently at a streak of 29 (my longest yet with the AI).
Posting to complain that Zygarde isn't allowed in the Battle Maison for some arbitrarily dumb reason.

Also here's an epic 1 v 4 comeback in multi battle where Garchomp has to overcome long odds thanks to my idiot AI partner:


Just need the multi battle trophy to get all 5. Currently at a streak of 29 (my longest yet with the AI).
your fault for picking tierno :p good job nonetheless.

and Zygarde might be getting something like Kyurem last gen? I dunno it's still dumb.


My team consisted of lead CB Scizor (AI led with Hawlucha) and Yache SD Chomp in reserve (AI had Talonflame). Check post #806 to see my AI's movesets and general thought tree lol.

The battle I posted above was definitely my hardest ie., I need a bunch of awesome hax to go my way to pull it out. There was another battle where I was down to 1v1 and ~50% HP Scizor survived a Surf from Starmie with 5 HP and then I ohko'd with X-Scissor. Super clutch. Also super clutch was my AI pulling together an awesome string of Taunts against various pokemon that would've given me loads of trouble, specifically WoW and Trick Room users.

Tierno you rock, lol. Here's my boss battle in Multi, I switched out Scizor for a Focus Sash Greninja seeing as Scizor would've been useless against all the dogs, birds, and genies. Scarf Landorus was the last pokemon in the world I wanted to see. I had a hard decision to make with Ninja's Sash broken and Landorus out, but luckily my team clutched it out in the end :)


These are the teams I used for each trophy. Not a whole lot of strategy aside from using my favorite pokemon from OU:

Single- Blaziken, Aegislash, Gyarados
Double- Garchomp, Talonflame, Gengar, Scizor
Triple- Garchomp, Talonflame, Gengar, Dragonite, Scizor, Greninja
Rotation- Garchomp, Greninja, Talonflame, Scizor
Multi- Garchomp, Scizor AI: Hawlucha, Talonflame
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So I finally got around to passing Battle 50 in Super Doubles (replay proof: 4XRG-WWWW-WWW3-ZNLT) with my Trick Room team. (Yes, it was first try.)
(Mental Herb)
Relaxed nature, Telepathy
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpD
- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Reflect
- Light Screen

My main Trick Room user. Immune to Marowak's Earthquake because of Telepathy, supports with dual screens, and takes care of unfavorable Fighting-types and breaks Sashes with Psychic. I know Musharna does get Helping Hand by breeding (which is the standard for Doubles Musharna), but I found out after I bred this particular one, so I didn't even consider the move. Being physically defensive allows it to live Shuckle's Power Trick Bug Bite (PT Shuckle is a threat to my team) and because I generally have a tendency to capitalize on lower defenses rather than higher ones.

(Thick Club)
Brave nature, Battle Armor
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Power-up Punch
- Protect

Marowak in Trick Room is a beast. STAB Earthquake coming off of 290 Attack hits every non-Flier hard. Rock Slide is for ageless EdgeQuake coverage, and Power-up Punch is to get an Attack boost (which is sort of a gimmick, especially in Doubles, but again, I didn't know until after I bred Marowak that it got Double-Edge (a superior option, with Rock Head, of course) by level up).

(Life Orb)
Quiet nature, Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpA
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Protect
- Trick Room

Backup Trick Room user that hits much, MUCH harder and is immune to Abomasnow's Hail. I was dithering between Shadow Ball and Focus Blast for the second moveslot, but I ultimately decided on Shadow Ball to hit opposing Psychics (like the Lati twins). Protect is there in case the guy gets stuck with Marowak (even though I absentmindedly let him suffer Earthquakes anyway, for the most part).


Quiet nature, Snow Warning
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 SpA
- Blizzard
- Ice Shard
- Wood Hammer
- Protect

Secondary Trick Room sweeper, also a beast. Takes things Marowak has trouble with, like Levitate users (Claydol and the Lati twins, for instance), Grass-types, Water-types (especially Suicune), and some physical walls. Also has useful priority in Ice Shard (stopped a rampant PT Shuckle once) and can Protect if it needs Trick Room up or to slow down by Mega-evolving.
Unfortunately, I was stopped at Battle 58 by hax. Yes, hax. A Rock Slide miss, to be more specific. Left me at an irreparable disadvantage in Musharna against Honchkrow and Rhyperior.
I'm getting ready to go to Super Singles with this team, hoping to get to that 50-battle streak and earn lots of battle points

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhite
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
-Power-Up Punch
-Sucker Punch

Super broken physical sweeper, and essentially my main player. Brainless as ever, it launches Power-Up Punches at opponents it can take on, and when it can survive, simply applying the appropriate move will crush the opposition. The other 2 Pokemon aren't even necessary, unless there's a statuser on the field, or my own bad decisions kill it.

Alakazam @ Life Orb
Magic Guard
4 HP, 252 SA, 252 Spd
-Shadow Ball
-Dazzling Gleam
Main taker of status and eliminator of status abusers, as well as sweeper. Its 3 attack types of Psychic, Ghost, and Fairy have no resistances, leaving room for sub so Alakazam can take more attacks.

Dragonite @ Leftovers
252 HP, 104 Def, 32 SA, 104 SD, 16 Spd
- Toxic
- Thunder Wave
- Roost
- Hurricane
On the off chance that raw offense can't take a team, Dragonite is the tanker. Stalls out enemies with Toxic while slowing certain Pokes with TWave to make them manageable for the 2 sweepers. Hurricane is just there for some form of offensive firepower so it isn't helpless against anti-tanks.

(btw how do get those big images?)
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Scrappy F.E.A.R. Taillow really messes with the AI. I've seen some stupid reactions like Turn 1 Pain Split, Turn 2 Explosion and Spamming Focus Punch or just trying to set up (Which is why I use Toxic as much than Quick Attack) and in Rotation Battles, Taillow can take at least 1 Pokemon, usually more, down to 1 HP (or 12 depending on the AI's Stupidity.) I haven't gotten to Battle 50 yet, but who cares when you're defeating everyone with a Level 1 Pokemon.
Ended a Super Rotation Battle winning streak at battle #216. Horrible battle on my part, saw what was coming and took easy risks rather than played wisely:


Here are other videos:








My team:

Dragonite@Lum Berry
Adamant, Multiscale
HP 22 Attack 252 Speed 236
Dragon Claw/Fire Punch/Earthquake/Dragon Dance

Bold, Water Absorb
HP 244 Defense 252 Sp.Defense 14

Gengar@Focus Sash
Timid, Levitate
HP 6 Sp.Attack 252 Speed 252
Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb/Energy Ball/Destiny Bond

Adamant, Scrappy
HP 252 Attack 252 Defense 6
Return/Power-Up Punch/Sucker Punch/Earthquake

Strategy is easy enough: gauge whether or not I should Dragon Dance with Dragonite at the start or pass a Wish onto her first and then Dragon Dance. From there I find the right moments to buff-up and commence sweeping. Vaporeon with Scald is a monster in his own right and will occasionally take down entire teams on his very own (sometimes simply by spamming Scald and nothing more). Passing Wish onto a Dragonite with Multiscale is merciless, although Mold Breakers break through this tactic. Gengar with a Focus Sash on is amazing too (more so with Destiny Bond). And Mega Kangaskhan because I honestly couldn't think of a better Pokémon to throw on this team, but it seemed to manage very well. My losing battle is a shining example of how to not use this team; if I was playing smart I would've started attacking right when Gyarados used Dragon Dance, but wanted my easy win, so I deserve this loss.
After giving an AI trainer in Super Multi with a Focus Sash Mienshao and a Scarf'd Entei another try after losing on the first battle because of how stupid my partner is, I got up to 43 and the game decided it had enough of me. I knew it would be the end when a Regigigas would kill both of my Pokemon with Focus Miss crits, Mienshao would kill itself with two Hi Jump Kick misses, and the Scarf'd Entei would use Extrasensory on a Heatran for a whopping 10% damage.

I wanna get all 5 trophies before Pokebank, but it's really making me work for it.
Trying to build a good Sun team for Doubles. But I need a 4th member. Right now I've got Charizard-Y (Heat Wave, Air Slash, Solar Beam, Protect) and Intimidate Scrafty (Drain Punch, Crunch, Fake Out, Ice Punch) holding Assault Vest. Scrafty is for Fake Out and Intimidate support plus it takes out many of Charizard's checks. And after pokebank is released I will breed a Darmanitan to further abuse sun. Any suggestions for the final member? It must patch up a few of the teams weaknesses and being able to set up Tailwind/Thunder Wave for Darmanitan and/or Sunny Day. Thinking about Whimsicott, but I'm not sure. Help?

Hey man I'd say use a Solar Power Heliolisk with choice scarf ( Or maybe even without it, it depends on you ) instead of Scrafty maybe and maybe replace Darmanitan with a scarfed Blaze Typhlosion ( After Pokebank ) with eruption if you want, since one of the AI's in multi has it and it works out SO WELL, but that's up to you; and also for the fourth slot you could keep a Chlorophyll Venusaur ( I don't think it needs any explanaition ) and if you need a Solar Power Helioptile then I can give you one.
I finally got all 5 trophies! Just beat Rotation Battles using

Klefki @ Light Clay
Bold / Prankster
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef
~ Foul Play
~ Thunder Wave
~ Reflect
~ Light Screen

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Modest / Chlorophyll – Thick Fat
252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef
~ Giga Drain
~ Sludge Bomb
~ Synthesis
~ Leech Seed

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Adamant / Multi Scale
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
~ Outrage
~ Fire Punch
~ Roost
~ Dragon Dance

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Adamant/ Intimidate
4 HP / 252 Atk/ 252 Speed
~ Waterfall
~ Protect
~ Substitute
~ Dragon Dance

If you play smart it's rare that you lose a single Pokemon. Here's my trophies

EDIT: I'll probably write up what each of my other team were later. I tried using a different MegaEvolution for each battle format and wound up using MegaBlaziken, MegaScizor, MegaKangaskhan, MegaVenusaur, and MegaCharizard Y to make it through each battle format in the Maison

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I'd advise swapping Gengar for Greninja and using Mega Kangaskhan or Mega Mawile as your third member. With regards to Sawk, Choice items are not that effective in the Maison especially with moves where there are immunities. I'd try something faster or with priority (like Conkeldurr, Breloom, or Toxicroak if you can).

Kanga wrecks Sashers HARD with parental bond and mawile gives no shits about status and hits OBSCENELY hard. Both have sucker punch for psychics (just be careful of WoW ghosts with Kanga and random Subs with Mawile).

Greninja>Gengar since Protean is broken and it's faster with better coverage (It outspeeds everything but Noivern, Crobat, Aerodactyl, Jolteon and Electrode, and they aren't hard to deal with at all). You can go either Sash or Life orb with it (it can take a hit if you use Protean right, but it is really personal preference).

Ok, so this is a pretty solid suggestion for me. Thanks for explaining everything thoroughly.

My question at this stage is different though: how do you build a good Battle Maison team? Do you pick something awesome like Mega Kangaskhan and try to back it up with synergistic choices? In gen V that's what I did with Gengar. I figured he could take out everything but sturdy darks, priority and tanks, and bred pokemon based on that. As for right now, I'm not nearly as familiar with all the new stuff, and I have far fewer available pokemon since they're rotting away on my gen V cart.

I want to be able to build my own team without just c/p from the top performers and the entrainmAnt users, but I guess I just have no idea what I'm doing. So, if anyone would care, teach a man to fish so he can make it on his own. I'd be very grateful.

Also I wanted to add, I tried scrappy fake out/sucker punch Kangaskhan last generation. It was decent before a 50% power boost (that's what it is right?).