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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

My advise for making a team would be a team where you can switch as cleanly as possible. An example is Hydregion and Aegislash, or Rotom W and Scizor, each covering each others weaknesses. You can switch but the AI can't so you want to use that to your advantage. My favorite thing to do is find a MegaEvolution you really like and try to build a team around that. I think each Mega can take down the tower with the correct team to shore up its weakness.
Ok, so this is a pretty solid suggestion for me. Thanks for explaining everything thoroughly.

My question at this stage is different though: how do you build a good Battle Maison team? Do you pick something awesome like Mega Kangaskhan and try to back it up with synergistic choices? In gen V that's what I did with Gengar. I figured he could take out everything but sturdy darks, priority and tanks, and bred pokemon based on that. As for right now, I'm not nearly as familiar with all the new stuff, and I have far fewer available pokemon since they're rotting away on my gen V cart.

I want to be able to build my own team without just c/p from the top performers and the entrainmAnt users, but I guess I just have no idea what I'm doing. So, if anyone would care, teach a man to fish so he can make it on his own. I'd be very grateful.

Also I wanted to add, I tried scrappy fake out/sucker punch Kangaskhan last generation. It was decent before a 50% power boost (that's what it is right?).

Not exactly, it's actually more than that! Kanga's attack was buffed from base 95 to base 125 and it has the 50% boost from Parental Bond. Also remember that moves like Power-Up Punch get their effects twice and you can hit through Subs and Sashes. It is also faster (base 100 rather than base 90) and is much bulkier (defenses are now base 100 rather than base 80, which is huge).

Most common set in the maison:

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy-->Parental Bond (ability isnt that important unless you are using Fake Out)
Adamant/Jolly Nature (personal preference, I prefer Adamant)
4hp 252atk 252spe (max speed is a must to outpace the potential WoW-carrying Chandelure)
Return/Dizzy Punch (if you do not have max happiness and/or want the confusion chance)
Power-Up Punch/Crunch (if you fear Sashed Hypnosis Gengar that much)
Earthquake (so your entire moveset isn't contact moves)
Sucker Punch (you're fast but not THAT fast)

Basically you run train over you opponent and let the rest of your team pick up the scraps if it dies (and that is not that often lol). Of note is that after Power-Up Punch gives you the +2 you OHKO Gliscor with Return (take that in...). EQ is for things like Ferrothorn or Aegislash that penalize you for contact moves (be especially careful of Rocky Helmet + TWave Ferrothorn). You could wait until PokeBank for things like the elemental punches or Drain Punch, but this often will do the job just fine.

Best partner is Aegislash, soaks up Fighting hits like nothing else and finishes off things Kanga doesnt kill with Shadow Sneak. All you need is a special attacker and you are set. Gengar or any other ghost can work just as well as Aegis. Only thing to worry about is the Focus Sash Hypnosis Gengar (which is a thing in the Maison, unfortunately, it was a pain in my neck in Black 2). For that reason you want to have something that can pick Gengar off like Aegislash (you need shadow sneak), Alakazam, Starmie (you need Psyshock), or Greninja. Fortunately that particular Gengar does not appear after a certain point, so it isnt as big a deal, but you can run Crunch in case Hypnosis misses, FWIW.

Fake Out isn't that needed since it really doesn't do anything that Kanga's other moves don't do, sure it is nice with Scrappy but that is about it, frankly.
Made it to 214 straight wins in Super Singles before losing to a trick room team. Not sure how to upload videos online, would appreciate if someone would help me with this, but for proof reasons I will just post a photo here first


For my Maison team I went the following:
Greninja@Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Timid nature
EVs: 252 spe/252 spA/4 hp
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Scizor@ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 hp/252 atk/4 def
Bullet Punch
Swords dance

Dragonite@Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 atk/252 spe/ 4 hp
Dragon dance
Fire Punch
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Made it to 214 straight wins in Super Singles before losing to a trick room team. Not sure how to upload videos online, would appreciate if someone would help me with this, but for proof reasons I will just post a photo here first

View attachment 5812

For my Maison team I went the following:
Greninja@Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Timid nature
EVs: 252 spe/252 spA/4 hp
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Scizor@ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 hp/252 atk/4 def
Bullet Punch
Swords dance

Dragonite@Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 atk/252 spe/ 4 hp
Dragon dance
Fire Punch

To get the video code and make it public, connect to the internet and access the Vs. Recorder. Then, select the up arrow and then the saved battle that you want to upload; there will be an option to 'make it public'. Click that, and it will take you to another screen with you uploaded videos, upload the one you want, and you will be able to see the code. :)
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I have a question regarding the lanstat and starf berries for 100 win and 200 win streaks.

I just got my first 100 win streak in super triples last night, but I did not get a berry.
Just a halfhour before I got my 100th win I got a Lansatt Berry from a friend.

Does anyone know for sure did I not get a berry because you only get those in super singles or is it because I already had one?
I have a question regarding the lanstat and starf berries for 100 win and 200 win streaks.

I just got my first 100 win streak in super triples last night, but I did not get a berry.
Just a halfhour before I got my 100th win I got a Lansatt Berry from a friend.

Does anyone know for sure did I not get a berry because you only get those in super singles or is it because I already had one?
It's probably because you already had one. I got both the Lansat and the Starf berries from a Super Triples streak.
I have a question regarding the lanstat and starf berries for 100 win and 200 win streaks.

I just got my first 100 win streak in super triples last night, but I did not get a berry.
Just a halfhour before I got my 100th win I got a Lansatt Berry from a friend.

Does anyone know for sure did I not get a berry because you only get those in super singles or is it because I already had one?

I think I know why, did you speak to the little girl at the left of entrance to maison? It is she that will give you the lansat and start berries with the required streaks.
Thanks guys, I was not sure how hard I should try for a 200 win streak, but now I will try to continue on. And I will try talking to people. I spoke to the record girl on the left, but I will look to see if there is anyone else to speak to.
My Triples Maison run ended at a record of 1845.
I seem to have a bad habit of losing at 90% the way to my goal.

If you are wondering what sort of hax could cause me to lose... the answer is that there wasn't really any. I played #1846 really poorly, and by the time I realized it it was a bit too late.

oh, and the max amount of BP you can hold is 9999.

EDIT: Upon, request. adding the team to this post.
Battle Video: 3WAG-WWWW-WWW3-S7TM

Greninja (F) @ Life Orb ***Samidare Mk.2
Trait: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Mat Block

Lv 1 Aron (M) @ Berry Juice ***Aron Traylor
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
Rash Nature
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Toxic
- Swagger

Garchomp (F) @ Focus Sash ***Tenryuu
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 244 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Swords Dance
- Protect

Tyranitar (F) @ Choice Scarf ***Nabata
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 HP / 244 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace

Gyarados (F) @ Choice Band ***HaiteiRaoyue
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 164 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 76 SDef / 68 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Return

Aegislash (F) @ Spell Tag ***Hakurouken
Trait: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance

There were a few minor changes here and there. Most of the changes probably don't affect too much. These include:

-Greninja is now Timid
-Aron now has Swagger over Sleep Talk
-Tyranitar now has Aerial Ace over Iron Tail

The move changes ultimately just end up allowing me to win some battles a turn or two quicker, and were replacing moves that I never used with ones that I "almost" never use.
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My Triples Maison run ended at a record of 1845.
I seem to have a bad habit of losing at 90% the way to my goal.

If you are wondering what sort of hax could cause me to lose... the answer is that there wasn't really any. I played #1846 really poorly, and by the time I realized it it was a bit too late.

oh, and the max amount of BP you can hold is 9999.

Yea, this was confirmed earlier.
Would you mind to copy/paste your team into that post so that I can link to this one?
Congrats with your streak!
My latest streak !


Sorry not really just got to 200

apologies to the person whose picture I edited

I averaged about a triple battle every three - four minutes.
So at that rate, since the release in October, if you had a team of people battling 24 hours a day, the max you could have would be waht around 30,000?
Ended my Super Singles streak at 159. Got parahaxed by Ampharos who managed to paralyze Dragonite with Thunder, making it fully paralyzed and killing him, and then proceeded to paralyze Kangaskhan in the same way. Managed to kill him with Sucker Punch after being fully paralyzed for one turn, but I died to Aurorus afterwards. Azumarill had an unfavorable matchup as the last pokemon so I could do nothing.


My team:
Dragonite @ Yache Berry
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch

Kangashkan @ Mega Stone
Trait: Scrappy -> Parental Bond
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Crunch
- Return
- Power-Up Punch

Azumarill @ Assault Vest
Trait: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Superpower
Super Singles Streak: 196

Shuckle @ Chesto Berry
Sturdy, Careful
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Spd
Stats: 127, 23, 282, 15, 275, 26
~Power Split

Almost every battle starts with Shuckle Power Splitting then after seeing the opponent’s first move I check its moveset and from there I decide what to do. Shuckle is completely blocked by taunters and Substitute, which is usually when I switch out to Gyarados. Shuckle is my most reliable Pokemon when set up so I try set up with him when I can. Once fully set up the only thing that can stop him is Steelix, Psych Up Cobalion and Focus Sash/Destiny Bond Froslass. Psych Up Cobalion would make me lose the match if sent out against a set up Shuckle so setting up with Ferrothorn or Gyarados is a priority against veterans.

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Iron Barbs, Sassy
212 HP, 252 SpD, 46 Def
Stats: 176, 114, 157, 60, 183, 22
~Gyro Ball
~Leech Seed

Easily sets up on water, rock and steel types that Shuckle struggles against. Not much else to say basically just hides behind a Substitute and set up.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Intimidate, Adamant
4 HP, 252 Att, 252 Spe
Stats: 171, 194, 99, 66, 120, 133
~Dragon Dance

Mega Gyarados’ typing is great for this team, between Ferrothorn and (mega) Gyarados I resist every type but flying, which makes setting up on an already crippled pokemon pretty easy.

Things to watch out for are Substitute and taunt, those are basically the only things worth mentioning. When I face pokemon with one of these moves I usually switch to Gyarados and KO it as soon as I can, maybe if I did that in battle #197 I could’ve won.

Video of my loss: BMJG-WWWW-WWW3-SYQU
Finally got a streak of 50 in Super Singles.

Been unbelievably lucky, haven't had a hypnosis hit once.

Playing with

Khangaskhan, Grenija & Aegislash
Going again for a super singles streak, with several bad hax losses in the 20's reasontly. Just wondering what pokémons I should watch out for and absolutely not attempt to setup with PoPunch with M-Kangaskhan.

Edit: Okey, this is like the 3rd time im losing in the 20-30s, and I don't know why it keeps happening. Burn/confusion/para/sleep/flinch and all that is truly screwing me over. Think I may just keep breeding for my Special M-Venasaur, just.. beacause :P

Edit2: lost 42nd battle due to hax again, belly haryama froze aegis twice in a row, and LO greninja couldn't KO it from around half health. I cant see why and how it were so easy the first time I went with this team, just with CB azumarril. Think i may use psychic type instead of dark on gren, to better handle fighting mons

Edit3: after more hax im starting to think I will never get past 50 in singles ever again. Confusion hit Khan 3 tims in a row, killing it. Same story with aegis.. Greninja KO umbreon and the upcoming zoroark, but is slightly low on health due to LO. I am close to KO the last Weawile, but lose due to nightslash crit.. This was battle nr 9 on yet another attempt.. Starting to feel hopeless.

Edit4: More confusion hax killed me yet another time before 20.. I should just start switching with confusion, Khan never manage to avoid the hit.
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YES! Finally beat Multi Battles to get every trophy after several tries. Special thanks to Catharsis, who let me use his Gallade/Typhlosion AI partner.


Currently have every Super Battle mode on 50 wins. Not sure which I want to focus on next.
Well, lost a 102 in super singles recently, probably the biggest reason I lost was due to paranoia and losing Mawile in a subpar way. I didn't know what the last pokemon was going to be and I didn't want to EQ and then get caught against a flying type. The problem is I don't know what item to put on Garchomp. LATG-WWWW-WWW3-U6K5
As for the pokemon...

Gengar @ Focus sash
Timid, 252 SpA 252 Spe 6 HP
~Shadow Ball
~Sludge Bomb
~Destiny Bond

His job is simple, just go ham until someone weakens him enough, then spam destiny bond. Pretty much guaranteed to take one poke, though he often takes 2. So far this set really only loses to faster pokes(Jolteon, Aerodactyl, etc) and priority.

Garchomp @ Choice Band
Rough Skin
Jolly, 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 SpD
~Rock Slide
~Iron Head

The cleaner, he finishes anything that Gengar didn't. Of course faster pokemon with ice type moves counter this one (starmie in particular is a huge pain in the ass)

Mawile @ Mawilite
Hyper Cutter/Huge Power
Adamant, 252 Atk 252 HP 6 Def
~Iron Head
~Play Rough
~Sucker Punch
~Sword Dance

This is mainly to deal with fairy types and other dragons that Garchomp or Gengar can't take on. Though honestly I never really had to bring out Mawile until matches 50+

I just don't know what item to put on for Garchomp, the band damage is just too good
Well, lost a 102 in super singles recently, probably the biggest reason I lost was due to paranoia and losing Mawile in a subpar way. I didn't know what the last pokemon was going to be and I didn't want to EQ and then get caught against a flying type. The problem is I don't know what item to put on Garchomp. LATG-WWWW-WWW3-U6K5
As for the pokemon...

Gengar @ Focus sash
Timid, 252 SpA 252 Spe 6 HP
~Shadow Ball
~Sludge Bomb
~Destiny Bond

His job is simple, just go ham until someone weakens him enough, then spam destiny bond. Pretty much guaranteed to take one poke, though he often takes 2. So far this set really only loses to faster pokes(Jolteon, Aerodactyl, etc) and priority.

Garchomp @ Choice Band
Rough Skin
Jolly, 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 SpD
~Rock Slide
~Iron Head

The cleaner, he finishes anything that Gengar didn't. Of course faster pokemon with ice type moves counter this one (starmie in particular is a huge pain in the ass)

Mawile @ Mawilite
Hyper Cutter/Huge Power
Adamant, 252 Atk 252 HP 6 Def
~Iron Head
~Play Rough
~Sucker Punch
~Sword Dance

This is mainly to deal with fairy types and other dragons that Garchomp or Gengar can't take on. Though honestly I never really had to bring out Mawile until matches 50+

I just don't know what item to put on for Garchomp, the band damage is just too good
For Garchomp I would use either a Lum Berry or Life Orb. Lum Berry is great for coming in on status and healing Outrage confusion, plus Garchomp is bulky enough to take a hit and 1 or 2hko back even without a Band. I would also suggest running either fire fang or fire blast on him since its better coverage and you already have redundant fairy coverage in mawile and Gengar. Life Orb if you really want some increased damage, although lum berry served me just fine in my 193 streak with Garchomp serving as a cleaner. Hope this helps some :)
So I lost on my 85th battle, Super Singles, my streak is 84, how I lost? Of all things...Frosslass, allow me to break it down..



Turn 1 Gourgeist loses to blizzard
Turn 2 Greninja, Frosslass use Blizzard Greninja IS FROZEN
Turn 3 Blizzard 2
Turn 4 Blizzard 3
Turn 5 Blizzard 4 - Greninja Faints
Turn 6 I send out Gourgeist - Blizzard Faints (Here I was hoping for the last blizzard to miss, sadly the AI conspired with hax against me)
Turn 7 I FORGOT TO MEGA EVOLVE - (I was so worked up, I hastily misplayed and chose Suckerpunch BEFORE DAMN MEGA EVO) Frosslass in orange health -_-
Turn 8 Sucker Punch....fails... Destiny Bond
Turn 9 Sucker Punch...fails....Destiny Bond
Turn 10 Sucker Punch...fails...Destiny Bond
Turn 11 Fake out....Destiny Bond (This was the part where I miscalculated, I thought Frosslass used her last Destiny Bond...and boy was I wrong)
Turn 12 I use Sucker Punch....Destiny Bond....
Turn 13 Icy Wind...Mega Kanghaskhan faints I lose.

Looking back I'm satisfied, I knew I could have taken down the rest of the AI's team (Trevenant and Swampert most likely)

My gameplay style in the maison is to annoy as much, then if once Gourgeist faints, revenge kill and sweep after. I have only ever needed to use Mega Kanghaskhan around 10% of the time during the whole campaign. I am very stubborn to switch out unless I am 100% sure I am making a perfect read on what the AI will use next, otherwise, faint and then send my next poke, fresh and ready for battle.

Gourgeist Super-Size@ Leftovers
Frisk, Impish
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Spd
Stats: 192, 121, 191, 63, 95, 73
~Seed Bomb
~Phantom Force
~Leech Seed

Greninja @ Life Orb
Protean, Timid
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Stats: 148, 91, 74, 155, 91, 191
~Dark Pulse
~Ice Beam

Mega Kanghaskan @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy > Parental Bond, Adamant
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
(Mega)Stats: 178, 194, 119, 72, 120, 152
~Sucker Punch
~Power Up Punch
~Fake Out

Well Merry Christmas folks! I'll be sure to do better and hit 100+ next time with this team.

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Just lost in Super Triples on battle No. 147
Ludicolo with Fake Out screwed up my plans, caused Volcarona to KO my Abomasnow first turn with Heat Wave. I probably could've played it better

My team consisted of
Aromatisse Leftovers
Sassy / Aroma Veil
252 Hp / 252 SpDef / 4 Def
  • Trick Room
  • Moonblast
  • Wish
  • Reflect
Abomasnow @ Abomasite
Quiet / Snow Warning
252 Atk / 252 SpAtk / 4 Hp
  • Blizzard
  • Earthquake
  • Energy Ball
  • Protect
Greninja @ Life Orb
Timid / Protean
252 SpAtk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
  • Grass Knot
  • Ice Beam
  • Dark Pulse
  • Mat Block
Azumarill @ Choice Band
Adamant / Huge Power
252 Atk / 252 Hp / 4 Def
  • Play Rough
  • Waterfall
  • Superpower
  • Aqua Jet
Hydreigon @ Lax Incense
Modest / Levitate
252 SpAtk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
  • Dark Pulse
  • Fire Blast
  • Focus Blast
  • Substitute
Metagross @ Assault Vest
Adamant / Clear Body
248 Hp / 124 Atk / 136 SpDef
  • Bullet Punch
  • Meteor Mash
  • Earthquake
  • Pursuit
Ah, I'm just furious at that Fight 44 of Doubles. It came down to my cute CB Azumarill (-1 Attack -1 Defense from superpowering that Regigigas) and the enemy Latios with +2(?) Calm Mind and about 25% health.


Gyarados (Adamant, Intimidate, Wacan Berry) Taunt, Thunder Wave, Ice Fang, Waterfall
Kangaskhan (Adamant, Scrappy, Kangaskhanite) Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Double Edge, Hammer Arm
Azumarill (Adamant, Huge Power, Choice Band) Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Superpower, Play Rough
Goodra (Modest, Gooey, Leftovers) Protect, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb

Turn "1":
Latios used Luster Purge. Azumarill 100->60% health. Special Defense drop not triggered.
Azumarill used Superpower. Latios down to about 10% health.
ME: "I've got this in the bag, don't crit don't crit don't crit..."

Turn "2"
Latios used Luster Purge. Critical hit. Azumarill fainted.

Looking back, I should've used Play Rough to eliminate Latios instead before hammering on the Regigigas which probably would've done pathetic damage to Azumarill.


So I just gave up and I just went to triples.

Doing OK in triples so far. Not even the stupid game sending me three veterans in a row was gonna stop me from reaching the 50th fight.

vs. Battle Chatelaine, and still ongoing.

Zapdos (Timid, Pressure, Charti Berry) Thunderbolt, Protect, Roost, Light Screen
Metagross (Adamant, Clear Body, Choice Band) Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Hammer Arm
Rotom Fire (Timid, Levitate, Leftovers) Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Overheat
Gyarados (Adamant, Intimidate, Wacan Berry) Taunt, Thunder Wave, Ice Fang, Waterfall
Greninja (Timid, Protean, Life Orb) Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Scald (I know!)
Kangaskhan (Adamant, Scrappy, Kangaskhanite) Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Return, Power-up Punch (thanks to this thread, this is a second one)

I think I'm gonna park my triples career for now and try to get the other trophies first.
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So so so angry right now... After a few attempts, finally got to Super Doubles boss battle. KO-ed both Suicune and Raikou, at the cost of M-Khan and Azumarill. Final 2 was Chain Chomp and Volcarona vs Latios and Entei. Chomp Meteor-ed Latios into KO range, then AI decided to rob me of my win by forcing Bug Buzz to miss against @#$% Lax Incense. Got Pulsed and Stone Missed to death after that. @#$% BAH stop haxxing me to death damn it!