So I lost on my 85th battle, Super Singles, my streak is 84, how I lost? Of all things...Frosslass, allow me to break it down..
Turn 1 Gourgeist loses to blizzard
Turn 2 Greninja, Frosslass use Blizzard Greninja IS FROZEN
Turn 3 Blizzard 2
Turn 4 Blizzard 3
Turn 5 Blizzard 4 - Greninja Faints
Turn 6 I send out Gourgeist - Blizzard Faints (Here I was hoping for the last blizzard to miss, sadly the AI conspired with hax against me)
Turn 7 I FORGOT TO MEGA EVOLVE - (I was so worked up, I hastily misplayed and chose Suckerpunch BEFORE DAMN MEGA EVO) Frosslass in orange health -_-
Turn 8 Sucker Punch....fails... Destiny Bond
Turn 9 Sucker Punch...fails....Destiny Bond
Turn 10 Sucker Punch...fails...Destiny Bond
Turn 11 Fake out....Destiny Bond (This was the part where I miscalculated, I thought Frosslass used her last Destiny Bond...and boy was I wrong)
Turn 12 I use Sucker Punch....Destiny Bond....
Turn 13 Icy Wind...Mega Kanghaskhan faints I lose.
Looking back I'm satisfied, I knew I could have taken down the rest of the AI's team (Trevenant and Swampert most likely)
My gameplay style in the maison is to annoy as much, then if once Gourgeist faints, revenge kill and sweep after. I have only ever needed to use Mega Kanghaskhan around 10% of the time during the whole campaign. I am very stubborn to switch out unless I am 100% sure I am making a perfect read on what the AI will use next, otherwise, faint and then send my next poke, fresh and ready for battle.
Gourgeist Super-Size@ Leftovers
Frisk, Impish
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Spd
Stats: 192, 121, 191, 63, 95, 73
~Seed Bomb
~Phantom Force
~Leech Seed
Greninja @ Life Orb
Protean, Timid
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Stats: 148, 91, 74, 155, 91, 191
~Dark Pulse
~Ice Beam
Mega Kanghaskan @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy > Parental Bond, Adamant
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
(Mega)Stats: 178, 194, 119, 72, 120, 152
~Sucker Punch
~Power Up Punch
~Fake Out
Well Merry Christmas folks! I'll be sure to do better and hit 100+ next time with this team.