Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Huh? Gurdurr exists in the Super (whatever) series? Was under the impression that only fully evolved Pokes were used (discounting Chansey and Porygon 2) Don't recall ever seeing any Gurdurr...

Edit: Fierza you forgot about Porygon 2 and Chansey? Pretty sure P2 exists in Super...
Ye, I did. That damned minimize, mub bomb, soft boiled chansey stopped my super rotation streak due to me not getting it wouldnt be able to hit me.
Pretty sure it was. Gurdurr+Eviolite maybe? I'll do a couple runs to check though.

In other news, Whimsicott is actually working well for me, despite being level 35 (which doesn't go up in the Maison btw). Memento if they don't kill me, or I could Encore the status move and just toxic them to death. Think it's time to start breeding a PZ. Let's do this.

EDIT: It was in like the 15s or 20s. Maybe I'm just unlucky.
BAH. Yet another freaking loss in that rubbish that is Super Doubles. Anyone has any suggestions who I should use? I have Kanga, Gengar, Chomp (both mixed and physical), Azumarill, Volcarona, Togekiss, Lucario, Tyranitar and Excadrill. Very sick of repeatedly losing regardless of the combinations that I send out.
BAH. Yet another freaking loss in that rubbish that is Super Doubles. Anyone has any suggestions who I should use? I have Kanga, Gengar, Chomp (both mixed and physical), Azumarill, Volcarona, Togekiss, Lucario, Tyranitar and Excadrill. Very sick of repeatedly losing regardless of the combinations that I send out.
I made it to atleast 50 with M-Physical 'Chomp, Rotom-W, Gengar and...cant remember last one. Useless ability on Chomp, but due to his physical power from EQ and Rock Slide he is superb. Talonflame can probably also be used for tailwind to give more speed overall to the team
BAH. Yet another freaking loss in that rubbish that is Super Doubles. Anyone has any suggestions who I should use? I have Kanga, Gengar, Chomp (both mixed and physical), Azumarill, Volcarona, Togekiss, Lucario, Tyranitar and Excadrill. Very sick of repeatedly losing regardless of the combinations that I send out.
Try me team from the previous page, maybe you'll get your own hax too. :D
Mega-Kanga, Typhlosion, Garchomp (yache, protect), Togekiss (modest+assault vest)


Rotation battle was by far the most annoying. One run ending at 37, the other at 16 (took in wrong Pokemon), the next one at 50 (yeah...), 41, and just got it at 50.

My final team for Rotation:


Klefki @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Calm
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
  • - Foul Play
  • - Light Screen
  • - Reflect
  • - Thunder Wave
Look at their team: physical attackers -> Lead with reflect, special attackers -> lead with Light Screen. A correct choice versus their attack made it so I could always get off both screens. After they're both up, rotate Klefki into one of the following, depending on their team.

No ghost Pokemon on the other side?
The one, the only...


M-Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Parental Bond
Nature: Jolly
EV's: 252 Att / 252 Spd / 4 HP
  • Sucker Punch
  • Earthquake
  • Return
  • Power-Up Punch
Start with a Power-Up punch, just about always (if it's the Eeveelution team, don't bother. Umbreon's the only defensive Pokemon in the group, everything else takes 1/2 to lethal anyway). Then determine what move is better, Return or EQ, based on: Do they have steel pokemon & Do they have levitators? Either one makes your choice pretty easy. Sucker Punch is a desperation move which is what makes Kangaskhan so broken. 12 HP and paralyzed? Sucker Punch. You can secure last resort kills this way, and even sweep with low hp.

So they have levitate AND steel Pokemon? Don't bother with Kangaskhan, instead rotate to...


Aegislash @ Spooky Plate (Power orb is used by my last slot. Pretty odd item but hey, it worked out)
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Brave
IV's: 0 Spd
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 HP, 4 Defense
  • Shadow Sneak
  • King's Shield
  • Sacred Sword
  • Swords Dance
Kangaskahn's mega-bro. Same goal as him too: set up, then attempt a sweep. I usually stopped at one swords dance, depending on their moves though. If they use a non-damaging move like Sunny Day or Protect, go ahead and go for two SDs. Otherwise, begin using Shadow Sneak. Sacred Sword was only used a handful of times, but was very needed for those times. The AI loves countering this set with bulky Pokemon using a variation of Curse and a drain move (Giga Drain / Drain Punch). The counter to this is a 1-3x Swords Dance'd Sacred Sword. Breaks right through :)

And when all that fails:


Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
EV's: 252 Sp. Att / 252 Speed / 4 HP
  • Grass Knot
  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Dark Pulse
Greninja is almost DIRE to actually beating battle 50. Most of her Pokemon (if not all?) have a weakness to Ice. Start with the same tactic as usual: walls & damage, and when one of them fall Greninja hops in and attempts to clean up the mess leftover. Surf was rarely used, and Grass Knot was used probably 1 time, but the coverage there is nice if nothing else for potential resistances.

Took a few tries but it's nice to have all the monuments.
Things that did NOT work for me:


Was way too awkward, and never worked out the way I hoped. Got far using the tactic, but it could never seal the deal. The moment a Pokemon like Gengar shows up, it's almost a required rotation away from Aron. The sole existence of a ghost Pokemon on the other side meant Aron was doing nothing until that Pokemon died. I used the Shell-bell tactic, and moves like Toxic were hard to use because the Maison doesn't take kindly to attempted stall-tactics (for Toxic to actually kick in and do anything), from what I've seen.


  • Destiny Bond + Focus Sash
The idea was go in, do damage, and then when about to die use Destiny Bond. The problem I had was the AI catching on to this and starting to use moves like Leech Seed for the final kill, while I sit there and use Destiny Bond over and over. You only take them with you if you die directly to their move, status moves (burn), or other forms of damage (sand storm, leech seed) will not take the opponent with you. As a result, too often near the 40's Gengar fell off into getting one hit off, then sitting there doing absolutely nothing until he finally dies himself, usually taking down the opponent that he already got to low health off the initial attack. Tried it once, didn't like it and just found he didn't actually ADD much to the team.

That's all for me for now though, so nice to have all those monuments! Wahooo!
Congrats and great work!
Cool, thanks for the ideas. I kind of have a Mega Kangaskhan as my lead for my Rotation run as well, I have a similar idea but without much breeding I'll probably tempo replace Aegislash with Metagross and Klefki with Florges (light screen, aromatherapy, wish, moonblast). Next post will have something I typed up in the office this morning...

Wall of text below!
This is my crazy plan for the Rotation circuit.

1. My lead will be a setup sweeper.
2. If it ever bites the dust, or the matchup is extremely horrible, there's another setup sweeper in the back so I can try again.
3. The supports on the side should cover weaknesses of the two setup sweeper Pokemon.
4. I must have both team status heal (Heal Bell/Aromatherapy) and Wish, but not necessarily both on one support Pokemon at the same time.

Now, with the super broken Mega Kangaskhan appointed as Setup Sweeper #1, I'm building a team around that.

Rotation Team Proposal... Go! Go!

(Comments and suggestions appreciated.)


Mega Kangaskhan (Adamant, Scrappy, Mega Kangaskhanite)
Power-up Punch, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Return

The standard set.

Florges (Bold, Flower Veil, Leftovers)
EV's in HP and Defense
Aromatherapy, Wish, Moonblast, Protect/Light Screen

Excellent support. Resists Fighting too so Mega K can have an easy time. I just realized Toxicroak is gonna be a massive pain in the Ash for both Florges and Mega K.

I'd pick Sylveon, but Eevee can't possibly have Heal Bell without tutor, and with Bank not ready, I can't possibly have access to this.

Candidate #1: Dragonite (Adamant, Multiscale, Weakness Policy) DD, Dragon Claw, EQ, ES
Candidate #2: Volcarona (Timid, Flame Body, anti-rock Berry), Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Bug Buzz, Morning Sun/Protect/additional coverage move
Candidate #3: Machamp (Adamant, No Guard, Assault Vest) Dynamic Punch, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge, Knock Off/Fire/Ice Punch

Now, the reason I'm talking about Backup SWeeper before Left Side is that I'm planning Left Side to resist all the weaknesses of Backup Sweeper. Backup Sweeper must not be weak against Fighting.

For Candidate #1 and 3: Metagross, Aegislash
For Candidate #2: Ferrothorn, Hippowdon

Left Side should cover the weaknesses of Backup Sweeper. Aegislash also happens to cover the fighting weakness of Mega K.


I'm gonna breed a 5IV Flogres, then I'll go ahead with a team of Kangaskhan, Flogres, Metagross, Dragonite.
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Hey guys, I'm a new kid on the forums but I've lurked it for years so yeah, hey.
I've read a lot of this thread and learnt a lot too, and there is some really creative sets here, the Super Triples team that got me to my biggest streak (which I'm still on) in a Battle thingo - 101 - is essentially a copy of Eppie's Triples team, with Blastoise having Dark Pulse over Aura Sphere for the thing that killed his streak, Cresselia, and also to stomp Dusclops/noir.
I'll share an idea of mine that just came to mind now for a doubles team.

So as I've started to notice actually how good Protean is. A free STAB boost every move I make? Why not! But what if two reasonably strong Pokemon with amazing coverage (or a horrid case of 4-move slot syndrome) and good synergy, both had Protean?
Role Play is the move that can accomplish this.

Alakazam (Alakazite)
Magic Guard > Trace when Mega > Protean after Role Play
252 Sp.Atk/252 Spe/ 4 Def

Role Play
Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam

THE Death Machine himself, not much to say about him. STAB Dazzling Gleam and STAB Shadow Ball coming off 175 Special attack is incredible. Heck, incredible is an understatement. Outruns Accelgor too. Frail as though, hates anything physically offensive or specially bulky, and it's special bulk doesn't change much either, but Protean can poke fun at the AI so it's all coolbeans.

Greninja (Focus Sash)
252 Sp.Atk/252 Spe/ 4 HP

Mat Block
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Dropping all the LOtR/Hobbit references here. The king of X/Y competitive is here to ensure Alakazam doesn't die on the first turn, and then clean any mess up that it leaves.
You should know the drill with Greninja, may switch up a move for Scald if I need it, but Dark Pulse is great this gen thanks to it's Steel neutrality now.

"Maxy is Haxy"
Togekiss (Choice Scarf)
Serene Grace
252 Sp.Atk/252 Spe/ 4 HP

Air Slash
Dazzling Gleam
Aura Sphere

I know exactly what your thinking. Too many special attackers, not enough bulkiness. Well, at least it kills stuff. Really haxy too. Burns/ flinches everything.

"Kill Bill"
Aegislash (Life Orb)
Stance Change
252 Atk/252 HP/ 4 Def

Sacred Sword
Shadow Sneak
King's Shield
Swords Dance

This guy has two uses - kill anything that moves, especially Regice, and King's Shield physical attackers. Everyone and their granny knows what Aegislash does.

Really would like to see the damage this team does, so I'll get Alakazam soon, as I already have the other 3.
Hmm... that's a nice idea, giving Alakazam Protean with 1 turn setup. I can see the following snags you may need to look at.
1. Status moves go through Mat Block.
2. Trick Room leads can be problematic, you may need to either go out of your way to deal with it or sneak in a taunt somewhere.
3. While rare to show up, faster Pokemon like Jolteon and Aerodactyl may cause significant damage as well. The former may hit Greninja with Electric moves while the latter might cause a flinch, and it's easy to get haxed in the Maison.
4. You may consider replacing Aura Sphere with Grass Knot. Fighting is already covered by Air Slash and Dazzling Gleam, Steel is already covered by Flamethrower, while Grass Knot also handles rock.
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Cheers for the review!
1. Can't really do much about it, besides Toxic isn't really that frightening when your doing that amount of damage, burn doesnt hinder much either. Can't say the same for the other status conditions though.
2. Same as above, although most TR setter are Ghost or Psychic, which are mauled by both leads.
3. Jolteon is probably the reason I carry Sash, so I can eat a Tbolt, then set up Mat Block to block the second attack. I do see one every now and again though. Thankfully I haven't seen Aero yet.
4. I didn't notice that Aura Sphere is covered already by most things, thanks for the heads up.
Hello all! I"ve been checking Smogon for some years to get some advices on competitive battling (mainly in-game, specially on all generations "Battle Towers" - for instance, I really miss Emerald's Battle Frontier, my personal favorite...), but never wrote anything. But since I just conquered the 5 trophies (proof below), and using several advices from here, I wanted to share to you all! :)


Below are my squads for each mode. Had some issues specially on Singles (tried several times a Blaziken/Hydreigon/Greninja set, but after late defeats, stop being lazy and bred some new pokes...) and Multi Battle (AI usually screwed in the end, of course). Currently I have a 50-streak on all of them (besides single, which I lost at 61...).



Mega Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy / Parental Bonds
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Power-up Punch


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Stance Change
252 Atk/ 252 HP / 4 Def
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Shadow Claw
- Sacred Sword


Hydreigon @ Life Orb
252 St. Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dark Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon

General strategy: Gengis is a beast, everybody knows that. If you can use a Power-Up Punch and survive, you will probably win the game 3-0. I prefer EQ over Crunch 'cause of the coverage, but I sure have some problems with ghosts. In the other hand, my two backups have perfect coverage of each other, so if Gengis is dead (or if there is a scary Fighting as lead) I'll send Masamune as a backup.



Mega Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Torrent / Mega Launcher
252 Sp.Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Water Spout
- Ice Beam
- Flash Cannon
- Dark Pulse

Condon (with 'n', 'cause the game doesn't allow it... but he's truly a protector...)

Greninja @ Focus Sash
x/31/x/31/x/31 (I hate to breed...)
252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Mat Block
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Dak Pulse


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Stance Change
252 Atk/ 252 HP / 4 Def
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Shadow Claw
- Sacred Sword


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch

General strategy: Tried the tripples strategy of Greninja protecting Mega Blastoise and it was pretty much ok - Donatello's Water Spout is incredible. And even after the first round both Donatello and Condon are very nice in what they do. Had some issues with paralyze, confusion and some fake out, but my backup were very nice in helping, also.



Talonflame @ Brightpowder
Gale Wings
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Tailwind
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-Turn


Mega Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Torrent / Mega Launcher
252 Sp.Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Water Spout
- Ice Beam
- Flash Cannon
- Dark Pulse


Greninja @ Focus Sash
x/31/x/31/x/31 (I hate to breed...)
252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Mat Block
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Dak Pulse


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Stance Change
252 Atk/ 252 HP / 4 Def
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Shadow Claw
- Sacred Sword


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch


Azumarrill @ Life Orb
Huge Power
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Play Rough
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower
- Waterfall

General strategy: The easiest of all challenges. I think that I had no problem at all in any match - even by late 40s, when those pesky scientists had a leading team of three Electric types and Manectric/Jolteon always hit a OHKO Thunder on Tordo. Nevertheless, killer strategy of Tailwind/Mat Block/Water Spout - won some matches on 2, 3 turns. Backup just to fill some roles (I had to build some Earth poke, like Garchomp, but, again, was lazy... so my team has 4 poke that takes 2x electric... oh, well, I won, regardless...)



Mega Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy / Parental Bonds
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Power-up Punch


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Stance Change
252 Atk/ 252 HP / 4 Def
- Swords Dance
- King's Shield
- Shadow Claw
- Sacred Sword


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch


Azumarrill @ Life Orb
Huge Power
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Play Rough
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower
- Waterfall

General strategy: I saw a discussion regarding to two boosting pokemon in Rotation, with a backup. Well, I thought in using a Screener like Klefki to support, but went on a more damage-oriented strategy. And it worked! Gengis leading, as usual, and aiming at Power-up Punch, or rotating to Malfoy or Masamune when needed. Pikablue as a backup, usually Aqua Jetting something almost dead.



Mega Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy / Parental Bonds
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Power-up Punch


Dragonite @ Choice Band
252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- Thunder Punch


Braviary @ Choice Scarf
Sheer Force
- Brave Bird
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Giga Impact


Volcarona @ White Herb
Flame Body
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Overheat
- Protect

General strategy: I was surprised with Scarfed Braviary being such a beast! When it started to Brave Birding everyone 70% time it was OHKO. It usually started attacking something that was hit 2x or 4x times, letting me Power-up Punching and then controlling the field. I almost never had to use Malfoy, but it 50% of time Volcarona had to be used and... well, sometimes (few) it just Overheat and end game. But others it Quiver Danced. And then Protected. And Quiver Danced. And Protected... fortunately just once I really needed that it played well (I misplayed and it was Volcarona x Sylveon in the last round), and it did.

So, this is it. Hope that this can help someone as you all helped in the last two weeks! :)
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Nice job! But your Triples team has Talonflame and Greninja both holding Focus Sash. I'm guessing Talonflame is holding a different item since Greninja had it in all your other teams.

Anyways, I'm really close to getting all the trophies as well. Just have Multis left to do. Not sure if I'll be able to post a picture since I don't have a smart phone or anything to take a picture, but I'll figure something out, I guess.
Congrats and great work!
Cool, thanks for the ideas. I kind of have a Mega Kangaskhan as my lead for my Rotation run as well, I have a similar idea but without much breeding I'll probably tempo replace Aegislash with Metagross and Klefki with Florges (light screen, aromatherapy, wish, moonblast). Next post will have something I typed up in the office this morning...

Thanks! I was thinking of doing the same thing with Florges - Aromatherapy would be -awesome- in the Battle Maison. Thunder wave is SO common, and relying purely on chance is very, very annoying.
If you lead with Galvantula, you can volt switch to Clawitzer to take fire attacks. The other singles member can be resistant to flying and rock. Steel seems to be a good idea, though if you guess wrong fire attacks can be a problem (unless it's Heatran, but I don't expect most people to have one at this time).


Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried Galvantula/Clawitzer/Mega Aggron but it didn't work out so well.

Lost at battle 22 to a lead Infernape.

Thinking of replacing Mega Aggron. Is there a better team member to take fire/fighting/ground/status moves? Or should I just scrap this team altogether?

Galvantula is too frail to take ground attacks and Clawitzer can't really switch in to the lead pokemon, since it'll most likely be slower.

Sets used for Galvantula and Clawitzer are standard sets.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried Galvantula/Clawitzer/Mega Aggron but it didn't work out so well.

Lost at battle 22 to a lead Infernape.

Thinking of replacing Mega Aggron. Is there a better team member to take fire/fighting/ground/status moves? Or should I just scrap this team altogether?

Galvantula is too frail to take ground attacks and Clawitzer can't really switch in to the lead pokemon, since it'll most likely be slower.

Sets used for Galvantula and Clawitzer are standard sets.
Infernape is just too good though, it really shuts down a lot of viable leads. Maybe you can try again, since Infernape lead may not happen again.

Let's recap: Bug's weaknesses are fire, flying and rock. Ground should be normal damage to galvantula since bug resists ground, but since Galvantula is kinda frail it's not a good idea to stay in STAB Earthquake anyway. Galvantula resists fighting, though the fighting types have a bad habit of carrying stone edge. Flying is 1x.

Clauncher is pretty tough so theoretically it should be doing the fire blocking. Maybe even ground with some HP investment.

Flying and rock are resisted by steel and rock, but steel is a better defensive type. What levitates and has steel on it?

Bronzong. OMG. Maybe that'll work?

You have no Mega if you do Bronzong, so you can consider Mega Blastoise over Clawitzer. Both are pretty similar too: bulky water with same ability.

Thanks! I was thinking of doing the same thing with Florges - Aromatherapy would be -awesome- in the Battle Maison. Thunder wave is SO common, and relying purely on chance is very, very annoying.
If you don't have status heal, Lum Berry on a (setup) sweeper can reduce status hax a lot.

Cheers for the review!
1. Can't really do much about it, besides Toxic isn't really that frightening when your doing that amount of damage, burn doesnt hinder much either. Can't say the same for the other status conditions though.
2. Same as above, although most TR setter are Ghost or Psychic, which are mauled by both leads.
3. Jolteon is probably the reason I carry Sash, so I can eat a Tbolt, then set up Mat Block to block the second attack. I do see one every now and again though. Thankfully I haven't seen Aero yet.
4. I didn't notice that Aura Sphere is covered already by most things, thanks for the heads up.
1. Yeah, Paralyze is the huge problem only, burn or toxic you can sweep them turn 2.
2. That's plausible, no mat blocking on turn 1 works against TR.
4. Well I realized one time Aura Sphere will be better than Grass Knot is Heatran. That blasted Heatran. :D
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Robo Mike, confirming that Wish is sexy in Rotation. I went through both regular and super to the trophy in one try without losing with this team:

Metagross @ Assault Vest
Adamant, 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Hammer Arm
- Bullet Punch

Rotom-W @ Chesto Berry
Modest, 232 HP/56 SpA/220 Spe
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

Sylveon @ Leftovers
Bold, 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD
- Wish
- Protect
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Sassy, 252 HP/100 Def/156 SpD
- Synthesis
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Leech Seed

I made the team almost only because I wanted to try out the shiny HP/Def/SpD Metagross I bred, but it works. Metagross and Rotom-W probably work better together in Rotation than they do in Doubles. If Metagross is in front and the AI has something with a Ground move, they will rotate in and use it almost every time, so Rotom can rotate in and do whatever. Pretty much the same thing happened with Grass moves and Rotom, which basically gave Metagross a free turn. The combination of burn support, Assault Vest, and Wish support made Metagross pretty much impenetrable. Sylveon did a lot more offensive work than I expected, and sometimes even alternated between Wish and Moonblast to tear teams apart by itself. The EVs are nothing too fancy, just max/max spreads on Metagross/Sylveon, bulky attacker Rotom that isn't optimized for Lv50 as far as I know, and a mixed defensive Venusaur that I think hits a Def jump point with the rest in SpD.

Rotation-facilitated defensive synergy between the lead three is really good. Metagross's Ground and Fire weaknesses are covered well by Rotom, and its Dark weakness is covered by Sylveon (nothing covers the Ghost weakness in the team but w/e). Rotom's Grass weakness is covered by Metagross (and Venusaur in the event it needs to battle). Sylveon's Poison and Steel weaknesses are covered by Metagross, and Steel is also handled by Rotom. If Venusaur comes in, then Psychic and Flying are both covered pretty well.

Metagross could use Earthquake instead of Hammer Arm, and probably should because perfect accuracy is nice and strong Electrics trouble the lead three. ChestoRest is largely unnecessary with Rotom because of Wish support, but I was lazy there too. If you're lucky enough to have access to Anticipation Eevee with Hyper Voice and Heal Bell, then that's probably ideal (and completely removes any vestigal purpose of Rest on Rotom, which I guess is alright to heal status). If status healing is of utmost importance, then Florges makes a decent replacement probably. Maybe EQ would be good on Venusaur? It was entirely a filler slot, so go nuts here I guess. The point is that I didn't use any setup sweepers or dual screens and had a fun, quick run to the trophy with almost no major problems. It's a solid base to work from.
I finally managed to get a 50 win streak in one of these battle towers, therefore maxing out my trainer card for the first time! The triple battle challenge was kinda fun after figuring out a team that worked. Here's what I used:

Noivern@Safety Goggles
Nature: Modest Ability: infiltrator
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 Def
Moves: Psychic, Dragon Pulse, Hurricane, Tailwind

Metagross@Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant Ability: Clear Body
252 Atk, 252 Def, 6 HP
Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Bullet Punch

Nature: Adamant Ability: Speed Boost
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 HP
Moves: Bulk Up, Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Protect

Cloyster@Focus Sash
Nature: Naive Ability: Skill Link
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Det
Moves: Shell Smash, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Hydro Pump

Breloom@Life Orb
Nature: Jolly Ability: Technician
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 HP
Moves: Bullet Seed, Mach Punch, Low Sweep, Spore

Gardevoir@Choice Specs
Nature: Timid Ability: Trace
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 SpD
Moves: Calm Mind, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Moonblast

Streak died at 63 to a team of legendaries, but I finally got a halfway respectable streak going!
I got to a 108 win streak on Super Singles, but I lost because of an opposing Moltres. I didn't know it had Flame Body, and as I was setting up Mega Kangaskhan with Power Up Punch, I got burned, and died to a Power Herb Sky Attack. I sent in Azumarill to revenge kill it with Aqua Jet, and got a burn as well. Gengar brought down an opposing Cresselia (couldn't KO it because it used Calm Mind), and then Latias proceeded to wear my Azumarill down with Roost (as Play Rough missed and couldn't deal much more than half). GDI

Anyways, this team had few problems with anything that came up, and if it wasn't for a bit of burn hax, I could have easily gotten further. Mega Kangaskhan could set up and KO any leads that weren't Ghost- or Fighting-type, which Gengar could switch in on and KO (Gengar outspeeds all Ghost-types, and opposing Ghost-types won't use a Ghost-type move on Kangaskhan, generally giving you a free switchin) and then go on for the 3-0 sweep. Anything Gengar could KO or 2HKO meant multiple kills, as Focus Sash paired with Destiny Bond was an easy way of ensuring a kill. Lastly, Azumarill was a bulky priority user that could revenge kill basically anything.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Sucker Punch
-Power Up Punch

*I found no need for Crunch, as most Ghost-type Pokemon in the Battle Maison attack directly, so Sucker Punch could deal with them. Also, Sucker Punch bypasses speed issues with things like Latias, Gengar, etc.

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Dazzling Gleam
-Destiny Bond

*Dazzling Gleam wasn't the most powerful move, but took care of Fighting-types that Kangaskhan couldn't deal with.

Azumarill @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
-Play Rough
-Aqua Jet
I got to a 147 win streak on Super double,I lost because of my bad play. After heatran died, i shouldn't protect with my scizor, just BP on terrakion, then sludge bomb thundurus, BP terrakion to kill him. Now against zapdos, sludge bomb, protect with scizor, sludge bomb+BP.. Zapdos kills scizor, i got focus sash gengar full hp, to finish zapdos..

Here's the proof:

My team is:

Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Claw

Rotom @ Assault Vest
Modest Nature
232 HP / 56 SpA / 220 Spe
-Hydro Pump
-Shadow Ball

What if i change EV speed into SpA? And turn Shadow ball into protect?

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball

Scizor @ Scizorite
Adamant Nature
252 HP / 252 Att / 4 Spe
-Bullet Punch
-Cross Chop

I need Bug Bite scizor..
Hi All, i'm currently well beyond streak 50 in super triples with this team (in this order, left to right) :
Mega-Charizard@Charizardite - Timid - Air Slash - Fire Blast - Solar Beam - Substitute
Infernape@Life Orb - Jolly - Iron Fist - FakeOut - Close Combat - Flare Blitz - Mach Punch
Greninja@Focus Sash - Timid - Protean - Ice Beam - Mat block - Neropulsar - Extrasensory
Kangaskan@Chople Berry - Jolly - Scrappy - Fake out - DoubleEdge - Brick Break - Sucker Punch
Thyplosion@Choice Scarf - Timid - Eruption - Solar Beam - Quick Attack - Fire Blast
Garchomp@Yatche Berry - Jolly - Rough Skin - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - Swords Dance - Rock Tomb

All pokes with 5 perfect IVs except the Atk/Spatk not used. Everyone with 252EV in Speed and Atk/SpAtk accordingly, 6 HP.

I'm surprised not having seen anyone using MegaCharizard.. i find that the Drought Ability (that is guaranteed to work since its effect takes place AFTER the weather ability of AI pokes), and clearly many fire pokes and moves in my team, is extremly efficient, also taking into account the fact that sunny day weakens water moves, a thing i really enjoy for my team. Main strategy is trying to abuse Mat block on 1st turn, with Infernape faking out threats if present, otherwise sweeping with boosted flare blitz or close combat. Charizard usually swipes on 1st turn as well, unless there's the threat of a rock move coming next turn, in that case it goes under sub. Anyhow, Garchomp is there to replace Charizard to take a rock move. Rock Tomb also greatly helps to reduce speed of faster pokes so that thay can be dealt with by other team mates.

Also, if Greninja doesn't have a sure OHKO opportunity on 2nd turn, i often switch it with Kanga, which can withstand practically any hit with chople berry...this way, i can use another fake out next turn, and i can use mat block again when Greninja comes in again....

The move i miss more is Thuderpunch, but i don't have space for it.... Kanga needs brick break 'cause the AI seems to often come out with Rock Pokes (and it can't learn it in XY, i'd need to breed it in BW2 and transfer), and Infernape needs Mach Punch in order to finish dangerous fast pokemons on second turn... but you can't have it all don't you ?

Please let me know your thoughts on my team
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Dude, you missed my Singles team with Charizard Y, Azumarill and Metagross. I think I'm just conservative and avoiding 4x weaknesses in Doubles/Triples (Rock Slide is so not fun) and I don't have enough Sun Team members to make it viable. I haven't bred a good Charizard X yet as well so no dice on that either.

Wehehehehe. I really find it had to comment on triples teams because they are not that easy to lose with in the Maison...
1. You might consider a light screen, reflect or even backup Sunny Day user instead of all offense.
Suggestion: Vaporeon has high defense and is good to take an enemy fire attack attempt on Kanga or Greninja (when it isn't water type), and can use support moves like Sunny Day, Charm and Roar. Attacks can be Ice Beam to take out dragons, or Shadow Ball to remove Flash Fire Chandelure from the game. If only I could get Heal Bell on it (from B2W2 move tutor) it'd be much better.
2. I think Brick Break is great, just in case you need to shatter the enemy screens. But yeah, Thunderpunch would've covered your lack of electric moves.

I need Bug Bite scizor..
...and Superpower Scizor too...

Hmm... you can pick one of Discharge or Thunderbolt and turn it to Protect; note that you will need to drop Assault Vest in any event you wanna put Protect in. I did 252 HP/252 SA on my rotom and it seems to work just as well. Actually, i'm thinking of taking adding a bit of speed, maybe 40.

Robo Mike, confirming that Wish is sexy in Rotation.
The point is that I didn't use any setup sweepers or dual screens and had a fun, quick run to the trophy with almost no major problems. It's a solid base to work from.

I'm beginning my rotation run already with only one setup sweeper: Mega Kangaskhan. :toast:
Dragonite wasn't quite ready, so she's replaced by Assault Vest Machamp for some confusion haxing action. I went with Misty Terrain instead of Light Screen or Protect on Florges.

So far, having a good time up to the 20th. Florges is really very helpful. I either start off with Misty Terrain to stop status attempts or just Power-up Punch with Mega K to begin the sweep. Wish + rotate to heal teammates. Metagross can take anything that Machamp is weak against, while Florges blocks the fighting attacks on Mega Kangaskhan or heals status if I don't start with Misty Terrain.
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I win! I got all the trophies!

Only ran through Rotation twice, I lost the first try to a Talonflame at Battle 30 and then came the realization that my team totally can't handle it! :D

On the second try, I had replaced Machamp with Dragonite as with the original vision, BUT I replaced that Metagross with my favorite Azumarill, and it's a better for it despite having 2 fairies, because Azumarill can take Ice attacks for Dragonite. In fact, it kind of was why Battle Chatelaine Morgan was fairly easy, with her three fairy-weak Pokemon.

The times I was really sweating during this run, though, was when there's any ghost type on the field... times when I wish I hadn't Mega Evolved Kanga so I can hit the ghosts with Return and Power-up Punch thanks to Scrappy ability. Especially Trevenant and Gengar, they resist and avoid Earthquake respectively, and tend to have non-attack moves so I can't predictably Sucker Punch them. Hypnosis is totally infuriating from Gengar since it can put Florges to sleep when I was hoping to set up Misty Terrain.

Aromatherapy and Misty Terrain don't stop confusion, though. :p

Recording of the boss battle:

Final Assessment!
(In order of first finish)

Singles team:
Top record: 75 wins
MVP: Mega Charizard Y. Really, just runs over most Pokemon and does it rather quickly as well, with no setup except pressing that Mega Evolution button.

Triples team:
Ongoing record: 50 wins
MVP: Zapdos. Supports the team fairly well for just having one Light Screen and a decent Thunderbolt which provides much needed coverage my teams usually don't have.
Mention: Metagross. Does the grounded AOE damage with Earthquake.

Doubles team:
Ongoing record: 50 wins
MVP: Togekiss! Clutch thaw, clutch critical. Otherwise I'd still be retrying this stupid format. Hax too unbelievable? Video: R9XG-WWWW-WWW4-8ZAH
Mention: Typhlosion. Enabled the easy retry of the streak in the first place with scarfed Eruption decimating most foes.

Multi team:
Ongoing record: 50 wins
MVP: AI Ally's Entei! My team is only there to support it, basically.

Rotation team:
Mega Kangaskhan (Adamant, Scrappy, Mega Kangaskhanite) - Power-up Punch, Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Return
Florges (Bold, Flower Veil, Leftovers) 248 HP 252 Def 8 SpD - Misty Terrain, Aromatherapy, Wish, Moonblast
Azumarill (Adamant, Huge Power, Life Orb) - Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Superpower, Play Rough
Dragonite (Adamant, Multiscale, Weakness Policy) - Outrage, Extreme Speed, Iron Tail, Dragon Dance

MVP: Florges. Totally worth the time breeding one. Reduces all the frustration from major statuses by either healing or preventing them. I don't need to waste a turn switching to make it support as well, since it can just rotate in and do its job. It also was able to stop the enemy from Resting with Misty Terrain. Also gave Dragonite more coverage with Florges' wish replacing Roost. Can tank a surprising amount of damage.
Mention: Azumarill. Way better than Metagross in spite of not being Steel-type, unplanned but coincidentally covers two of Dragonite's weaknesses and tanks the rock attacks fairly well too. Most importantly, faints Talonflame and Infernape for almost no problem.

My next target is 200 wins and I'll attempt it in triples as I feel it's the easiest. :toast:
I'll probably modify it to add Greninja to the starting three to implement Mat Block.
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Nice job! But your Triples team has Talonflame and Greninja both holding Focus Sash. I'm guessing Talonflame is holding a different item since Greninja had it in all your other teams.

Anyways, I'm really close to getting all the trophies as well. Just have Multis left to do. Not sure if I'll be able to post a picture since I don't have a smart phone or anything to take a picture, but I'll figure something out, I guess.

Yup, I noticed it. Already fixed it in the post - Talonflame carried Brightpowder! :)
could someone please help me understand one odd thing in battle maison (super triples, but it doesn't matter). It has happened to me more then once to fail a move that was supposed 100% acccuracy against pokemon who, according to the list here in smogon, should not have an evasive item... in particular, i failed a mega-charizard fire blast (in sunny day, that should be 100% accuracy) against a Lilligant, a Meganium, and a Gliscor (this last FOUR IN A ROW)... none of them had raised evasivess... what is going on here ? am i missing some new ability that increases the evasiveness for all the team mates ? or what else ? thanks,

*EDIT* i answer myself, apperantly the site that reported that fire blast accuracy raises from 85% to 100% in sunny day (there is more then one source that says so) is wrong.. the accuracy stays 85%.. i never realized this until recently 'cause i never used that move before, only now with m-charizard....
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could someone please help me understand one odd thing in battle maison (super triples, but it doesn't matter). It has happened to me more then once to fail a move that was supposed 100% acccuracy against pokemon who, according to the list here in smogon, should not have an evasive item... in particular, i failed a mega-charizard fire blast (in sunny day, that should be 100% accuracy) against a Lilligant, a Meganium, and a Gliscor (this last FOUR IN A ROW)... none of them had raised evasivess... what is going on here ? am i missing some new ability that increases the evasiveness for all the team mates ? or what else ? thanks,

*EDIT* i answer myself, apperantly the site that reported that fire blast accuracy raises from 85% to 100% in sunny day (there is more then one source that says so) is wrong.. the accuracy stays 85%.. i never realized this until recently 'cause i never used that move before, only now with m-charizard....
Ye, the power of fire type moves gets incresed by 50% though in the sun though. You may opt for going Flamethrower instead for the increased accuracy
Infernape is just too good though, it really shuts down a lot of viable leads. Maybe you can try again, since Infernape lead may not happen again.

Let's recap: Bug's weaknesses are fire, flying and rock. Ground should be normal damage to galvantula since bug resists ground, but since Galvantula is kinda frail it's not a good idea to stay in STAB Earthquake anyway. Galvantula resists fighting, though the fighting types have a bad habit of carrying stone edge. Flying is 1x.

Clauncher is pretty tough so theoretically it should be doing the fire blocking. Maybe even ground with some HP investment.

Flying and rock are resisted by steel and rock, but steel is a better defensive type. What levitates and has steel on it?

Bronzong. OMG. Maybe that'll work?

You have no Mega if you do Bronzong, so you can consider Mega Blastoise over Clawitzer. Both are pretty similar too: bulky water with same ability.

If you don't have status heal, Lum Berry on a (setup) sweeper can reduce status hax a lot.

Thanks for the advice. I didn't have enough BP for Focus Sash at that time, so my Galvantula was holding Scope Lens instead. Otherwise, I would have T-waved.

After that loss, I played through regular Doubles to earn enough BP for Focus Sash.

Then I tried Super Singles again. Instead of Bronzong (which I don't have), I replaced Mega Aggron with Mold Breaker Excadrill.

Now my team is Galvantula (Sticky Web and T-wave w/ Focus Sash) / Clawitzer (Standard sp. attacker) / Excadrill (Bulky Sub-SD Sweeper).

Worked a lot better. Somehow managed to get to 49 Battles. Going to fight the 50th Battle next.

After looking at the Chatelaine's Pokemon, I'm worried that my team won't make it.

So, should I switch my Pokemon or just go with what I have now?

Thanks again!