122 consecutive wins on Super Triples
(Long-time reader, first-time poster!)
I have to give many thanks to
Fierza since I pretty much just used his Super Triples team with only a minor change or two. (His team can be found
here.) In addition to his changes in his second edit, I also use PuP>Superpower on Azumarill. The few times I ended up locking into Superpower, I didn't like the Atk reduction. TR is really powerful in Triples and there are pretty much only a handful of teams/mons I was ever afraid of. In order of scariness, they are...
(1) Slow, high-attack mons: Escavalier (Megahorn OHKO'd my Aboma and 2HKO'd Aroma), Conkeldurr (very scary, I tend to always take him out first)
(2) Walrein... ugh, I hate this guy.. Fissure/Sheer Cold/Lax Incense... taken out first for fear of hax
(3) Poison lead teams... Azu/Aboma/Aroma all share a Poison weakness, so a few times a team that led with something like Muk/Drapion/Crobat put a huge dent in my team or straight up killed Aroma or Azu on the first turn (Aboma always uses Protect since his many weaknesses usually draw in most attacks from the AI, except, of course, if they are all weak to Poison anyway).
(4) Heatran... he was never a problem for me since any team that used him always put him in a position where Azu could hit him and OHKO with Waterfall. If he were ever put on my far right side with Aboma/Aroma, those battles could have gone much worse.
(5) TR teams... not so much as scary but there are some mind games in the first turn or two. I didn't manage to get 0 Speed IVs on my team, so I ended up being faster than the few TR rooms I faced. So the AI's TR and my own would cancel each other out and give me the advantage anyway. Those teams tended to be mostly Ghost/Psychic, which pose no real threat to my team.
I really enjoy Triples because they seem to be a lot less dependent on hax and status conditions, which frustrate me to no end in Singles. (Aroma Veil also comes in handy more than I thought I would.) Also small mistakes are exactly that... small, not game breaking. The battles last a bit longer, so it's a long way to 200, but it's much safer I think.
In any event, I lost on battle #123 to some super hax. AI leads with Muk/Walrein/Beartic. Both the Walrein and Muk are huge threats to my team, but Walrein will most likely just try to hit Protect Aboma, so I go for Muk first. Waterfall from Azu does not OHKO him. Beartic also uses Icicle Crash on Aroma and manages to get a flinch, so I don't get Trick Room set up.
Second turn, Muk has Quick Claw activate and OHKOs Aboma with Gunk Shot. (If he hadn't gotten the QC, my Azu was faster and so would have finished him off with another Waterfall.) TR is not set up yet, so Walrein gets to act first and OHKOs Aroma with Sheer Cold.... ugh. Azu gets Muk down and the AI sends out Pinsir. I send out Tyranitar (which is my first mistake I think) and Reuniclus. I didn't want to send out Garchomp since Beartic could probably OHKO him in combination with Pinsir. TR was still not set up, so it was a huge risk. Of course, I pay for my mistake when Pinsir OHKOs Tyran with CC. Doesn't really matter though since Walrein OHKOs Azu with Fissure. (Seriously... two successful OHKO moves.)
The last few turns are Garchomp and Reuni vs. the rest of the AI team in desperation. Stone Edge misses on Walrein, Focus Blast misses twiceon Beartic, Reuni gets flinched, and all the while Sand Veil Brightpowder Garchomp never avoids anything except Sheer Cold (which isn't affected by SV/BP anyway). So yeah...
Looking back on it, I should have just KOd Beartic with a Pyschock or two from Reuni and then moved to the center to KO Gigalith. I don't know if Reuni would have survived it all, but it was worth a shot. But flinch, Quick Claw, Sheer Cold, Fissure, SE/FB misses, flinch, SV/BP fail, another flinch... not sure there could have been more hax.
Anyway... I will put my goal to get 200 on hold for now, and go for the other trophies. I have two 3DS consoles, so I am hoping I can just power through Multi's as if it were Doubles, since I've been reading Multi sucks with the AI.