Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Thank you so much! I probably would have just gotten myself killed in that battle with Nita. Ill probably switch Mega Pinisir out for Mega Kanghaskan, and when Landorus uses Focus Blast Ill switch to Gengar and set up with Double Team, just for that battle.

And I'm not really sure what I'll do with Kingdra for that battle. :/ I might just switch him for something like Skarmory that can wall the Genies.

EDIT: Skarmory probably wouldn't be the best choice because Thundurus has STAB Wild Charge and Tornadus can set up with Prankster Double Team.

its important to note that the her team order isn't set. I lead with a belly/jet azumarill hoping to setup on lando (can't do over 50% to azu with any attack) and sweep with aqua jet, but she led with thundurus! I ended up sending in talonflame as death fodder (and to sap as much recoil from thundurus) then sent in mega kanga, killed of thund with a return, then she sent out lando, I knew I could safely setup with azu then so didn't bother going for the sucker punch and let kang die to a focus blast. here's the video if you're interested... LKBW-WWWW-WWW4-MJTV

that blaziken>kingdra combo I mentioned earlier would work, none of her genies can ohko kindra on the switch without a crit. only real problem is if she leads with torn, as that would give her 3 turns to set up double team and/or sub

just quietly, scarf ice beam greninja outspeeds and ohko's her whole team...

Just won my 46th battle in Super Singles again. Crazy fight. Moltres came out, I set-up and one shot with Dragonite Outrage, then Entei comes out, and I drop him to 1HP due to Focus Sash. Dragonite goes down. Greninja out, immediately Hydro Pump. Misses, I get Rock Slide and my Focus Sash goes off. I hydro pump, MISS. Greninja down. I'm thinking it's all over. Mawile goes out, and I grit my teeth. I mega transform, and as I'm about to hit Iron head I stop myself, and realize Entei is probably gonna try to OHKO my M-Mawile, so I hit Sucker Punch for a laugh. Down goes Entei! Then Cobalion comes out. M-Mawile misses a Play Rough and Cobalion gets a Sacred Sword off. Play Rough hits, Cobalion down to less than half. Another Sacred Sword and M-Mawile is one hit from going down. I trust my instincts and hit Sucker Punch even though this dude is resistant to steel, I know I won't survive another SS from him. Sucker Punch goes off on a crit, I win the battle. I had to take a break after this. I know you bros have prob had WAY better fights but this was literally down to the wire for me. I don't think my poor little heart can even handle the the 50th battle.

why oh why did you try hydro pumping entei on 1hp?? are you running a choice item? because I would have just clicked any other random move to finish him off. glad mawille came up clutch for you though!
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Well that's an option with a team that's guaranteed to show up. My recommendation is suicide lead like Mamoswine w/ Focus Sash to set up a stealth rock + backup Roar move in case the first enemy is Tornadus and he starts setting up (well if it didn't set up it probably attempted to Focus Blast on Mamoswine), then Scarf Greninja and Ice Beam works kind of well vs the rest.

Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Stealth Rock
Ice Shard
Stone Edge (normally this is Earthquake, but hey, it's a TM)

Congrats well, because I know the feeling of getting haxed then have to rely a hax happening to win: R9XG-WWWW-WWW4-8ZAH
why oh why did you try hydro pumping entei on 1hp?? are you running a choice item? because I would have just clicked any other random move to finish him off. glad mawille came up clutch for you though!
Same thought here... even if it got scarfed, you had your last poke back and could change...
Will my current team be able to handle the trio? I'm not sure if I should save and switch out to something with a better chance of victory.
I think that it can beat her, yes. How depends on which poke she will lead; if she leads with Landorus, D-nite can easily DD one or two times, 'cause it will use Extrasensory that will, at most, 3HKO you - then you sweep the rest of team, as you are faster (or finish, then, with Greninja). If she leads with Tornadus, DD is not so sure, as it can Double Team or Sub and it gets a pain in the ass, but can be also an option - I think this would be the "most difficult", but you sure can lead a 3-2 and then just counter things (Greninja is super-effective on her whole team and M-Mawile is just that good). If she leads with Thundurus, I think she will Wild Charge D-nite, and you can easily set up too (it will, at most, 3HKO) and sweep.

The thing is: you know her moveset, just play with it. :)
Well, my streak has come to an end at battle 82, due to some pretty nasty hax. Donphan woke up after only one turn, and Fun Guy 2HKO'd himself in confusion. Ouch.


My team: Clawfire (Talonflame), Fun Guy (Breloom), Ribbit-kun (Greninja), Liz and Amy (Mega Kangaskhan).

EDIT: As Aussieman said 2 posts below, I should have just attacked on turn 1 instead of using Tailwind - I would have outsped both of the opponent's mons anyway, so using Tailwind was unnecessary.
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I think that it can beat her, yes. How depends on which poke she will lead; if she leads with Landorus, D-nite can easily DD one or two times, 'cause it will use Extrasensory that will, at most, 3HKO you - then you sweep the rest of team, as you are faster (or finish, then, with Greninja). If she leads with Tornadus, DD is not so sure, as it can Double Team or Sub and it gets a pain in the ass, but can be also an option - I think this would be the "most difficult", but you sure can lead a 3-2 and then just counter things (Greninja is super-effective on her whole team and M-Mawile is just that good). If she leads with Thundurus, I think she will Wild Charge D-nite, and you can easily set up too (it will, at most, 3HKO) and sweep.

The thing is: you know her moveset, just play with it. :)

Totally just won! Tornadus was out first, and I definitely rolled my eyes. I DD'd after he double teamed. Then he just substitute spammed til his health was gone. I Outraged and Lum Berry'd, then Outraged again. Second outrage finished off Tornadus and one shot Thundurus. Landorus comes out and I'm feeling ballsy so I outrage again even though I'm confused. Confusion doesn't go off, one shot. I have no idea how to post a battle video but I'm definitely proud of myself for gettin this far. Thanks for all your help dude! I super appreciate it!

Edit: Figured it out, if anyone is interested. LDCW-WWWW-WWW4-N3C2
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You can switch as many times as you want. You can change your whole team if you want, and you can just continue your streak with the new team. I've done it plenty of times.

Oh, that's cool. Is it against the rules for getting ranked in this thread though? I remember that in last generation's thread there was at least one Super Doubles team listed as '4 from [team of 6]', but there doesn't seem to be any of that yet for the Battle Maison.

lucariomaster2 Sucks to hear you lost, but congratulations on getting to 82! I'm just wondering if you ever considered Wacan berry on Talonflame, to take advantage of the bulky spread? It's a bit of a gamble considering the IVs and Lonely nature, but I'm willing to bet that faster Electric-types go down to a single Flare Blitz (or at least get put into Brave Bird range).

I have one observation to make regarding your battle. I know from my triples run how hard it can be to fal into the habit of Tailwinding on turn 1, every battle - but it wasn't necessary this game, as both your pokes were naturally faster. Had you gone straight into attacking, Breloom OHKOes Donphan with 3 or more hits, while Flare Blitz puts Steelix into KO range for any of Greninja's moves.

As for my ongoing streak, I went ahead and swapped out Gyarados for Arcanine. Haven't lost yet, but its' Flamethrower is pathetically weak. Might go with Volcarona anyway, because I missed sweeping when I got the chance. I suppose a fire resist isn't THAT important, if Gliscor can wall the physical ones and Quiver Dance lets me set up against the special ones anyway.
Totally just won! Tornadus was out first, and I definitely rolled my eyes. I DD'd after he double teamed. Then he just substitute spammed til his health was gone. I Outraged and Lum Berry'd, then Outraged again. Second outrage finished off Tornadus and one shot Thundurus. Landorus comes out and I'm feeling ballsy so I outrage again even though I'm confused. Confusion doesn't go off, one shot. I have no idea how to post a battle video but I'm definitely proud of myself for gettin this far. Thanks for all your help dude! I super appreciate it!

Edit: Figured it out, if anyone is interested. LDCW-WWWW-WWW4-N3C2

I remembered my fight with Nita in that she sent out Tornadus and was surprised my Mamoswine (Jolly, 252 EVs invested in Speed) actually outran it and 2HKO'd with Icicle Crash (it missed with Focus Blast), one-shotted Landorus (having 4x Ice Weakness sucks for him) with Ice Shard, and finished it by 2HKO'ing Thundurus with Icicle Crash. She was strangely underwhelming considering she put up a bigger fight in my first battle with her. Shame I didn't take a video because it was rather hilarious Mamoswine soloing her ass.

Shame I suck hard on Super Doubles since I am not used to the battle style. Hopefully, the sand team I am building will do something.
lucariomaster2 Sucks to hear you lost, but congratulations on getting to 82! I'm just wondering if you ever considered Wacan berry on Talonflame, to take advantage of the bulky spread? It's a bit of a gamble considering the IVs and Lonely nature, but I'm willing to bet that faster Electric-types go down to a single Flare Blitz (or at least get put into Brave Bird range).

I have one observation to make regarding your battle. I know from my triples run how hard it can be to fal into the habit of Tailwinding on turn 1, every battle - but it wasn't necessary this game, as both your pokes were naturally faster. Had you gone straight into attacking, Breloom OHKOes Donphan with 3 or more hits, while Flare Blitz puts Steelix into KO range for any of Greninja's moves.

Thanks for your advice! I'll definitely try out using a Wacan Berry on Talonflame. But is there any way to get the type-resist berries other than through mutations?
What are the best AI partner pokemon?
From what I've seen, Scarf Typhlosion or Entei with Eruption seem to work best. They can take out most Pokemon that don't resist Eruption pretty easily. The other Pokemon is just as important when Typhlosion/Entei get taken out. The team I've been using has a Gallade with Stone Edge, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, and Night Slash with Typhlosion as a backup. That's been working pretty well for me.
Thanks for the advice. I didn't have enough BP for Focus Sash at that time, so my Galvantula was holding Scope Lens instead. Otherwise, I would have T-waved.

After that loss, I played through regular Doubles to earn enough BP for Focus Sash.

Then I tried Super Singles again. Instead of Bronzong (which I don't have), I replaced Mega Aggron with Mold Breaker Excadrill.

Now my team is Galvantula (Sticky Web and T-wave w/ Focus Sash) / Clawitzer (Standard sp. attacker) / Excadrill (Bulky Sub-SD Sweeper).

Worked a lot better. Somehow managed to get to 49 Battles. Going to fight the 50th Battle next.

After looking at the Chatelaine's Pokemon, I'm worried that my team won't make it.

So, should I switch my Pokemon or just go with what I have now?

Thanks again!

Back again! I just switched my Clawitzer for a scarfed Greninja and swept the Chatelaine.

After that, I swapped Clawitzer for a SD Crawdaunt w/ Muscle band (didn't like the LO recoil). Rest of the team remains the same.

It worked pretty well. Crawdaunt's STAB Adaptability Aqua Jet saved me a few times and its high physical defense complemented Excadrill's special defense.

Now, I just got past Battle 70 and wondering whether there are any major threats to this team?

During this run, there wasn't any particular pokemon that struck me as a major threat.

Though I remember Archeops and Aerodactyl being very threatening, which is why I swapped to Crawdaunt after Battle 50.

I once encountered a lead Archeops. Thought I was going to lose to a Rock Slide flinch. Thankfully, I didn't. Never encountered any Archeops after that.

Back again! I just switched my Clawitzer for a scarfed Greninja and swept the Chatelaine.

After that, I swapped Clawitzer for a SD Crawdaunt w/ Muscle band (didn't like the LO recoil). Rest of the team remains the same.

It worked pretty well. Crawdaunt's STAB Adaptability Aqua Jet saved me a few times and its high physical defense complemented Excadrill's special defense.

Now, I just got past Battle 70 and wondering whether there are any major threats to this team?

During this run, there wasn't any particular pokemon that struck me as a major threat.

Though I remember Archeops and Aerodactyl being very threatening, which is why I swapped to Crawdaunt after Battle 50.

I once encountered a lead Archeops. Thought I was going to lose to a Rock Slide flinch. Thankfully, I didn't. Never encountered any Archeops after that.

What's the moveset and EV/IV spread of this Crawdunt of yours?
Sorry about that. It was lazy of me to omit a lot of details about my team.

So here it is below (in order):


Galvantula (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
- Bug Buzz
- Sticky Web
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave

Comments: My lead. Usually sets up Sticky Web then paralyzing the lead before dying. If it looks like a Flying type team, then I don't bother with Sticky Web and just go straight for the Thunder.


Excadrill (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 176 HP / 52 Atk / 80 Def / 202 SpD
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

Comments: I figured Excadrill's speed is good enough to warrant no investment with Sticky Web in effect, so I invested more in bulk. Along with great resistances (shame about the loss of Ghost/Dark resists now), it makes it pretty easy to set up and just sweep the enemy team, which is what usually happens.


Crawdaunt (F) @ Muscle Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spd
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
- Aqua Jet
- Crabhammer
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance

Comments: Crawdaunt is my clean-up sweeper. Aqua Jet helps to take on the fast but frail Flying types, as well as Pokemon that are still faster after the speed drop from Sticky Web. Decent physical defense helps it to set up on Pokemon that Excadrill can't. Investment in HP helps, since I don't need as much speed with Sticky Web.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask for more information if this wasn't enough.

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Ugh, well...I didn't get up to 70, but I managed to get to 68 in Super Multi. This was actually my first attempt with this combination.

My lead:


Jolly Medicham @ Medichamite
Pure Power
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Fake Out
Drain Punch
Fire Punch

Mega Medicham actually makes quite a nice Fake Out lead...its power is just insane and frail Pokemon will go down to half health just to one Fake Out. Detect is crucial because it's not as bulky as its partners and is targeted quite often. Between Fake Out and Detect the AI partner usually gets a few strong attacks off. Drain Punch offers a bit of recovery while still serving as a very strong STAB attack (that and I refuse to use High Jump Kick, lol) and Fire Punch is just for coverage. If I try again I'll probably replace it with Ice Punch since I ran into some problems with Dragons. M-Medicham is fast and hits hard, my only complaint is that it just can't take many hits, although I guess its lack of bulk is part of the strategy here.

AI lead:


Modest Porygon2 @ Choice Specs
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SpA
Tri Attack
Ice Beam

This might surprise some people but this is actually an excellent partner to have. The coverage is flawless and the power is immense. Porygon2 is usually a cool bro and will choose super-effective attacks, often targeting the biggest threats. Being locked into one move is rough but offers more predictability, allowing me to coordinate a sensible move without stepping on each others feet. Its HP investment is really nice and lets it tank a couple hits, which is necessary due to its low speed. Trace is a fairly silly ability...Analytic would probably be the best ability to have, but Trace has its perks. It allows me to scout out one of the opponents better, and sometimes copies something quite useful - i.e. tracing Volt Absorb from an opposing electric type, giving it a timely immunity. Of course facing things like Slaking and Archeops can cripple it.

My bench:


Brave Aegislash @ Leftovers
Stance Change
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
King's Shield
Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword

Using Aegislash was honestly a last ditch effort for me. It's a pretty standard one made for singles but I was surprised at how effective it is. King's Shield makes sense in doubles since Protect is already useful as it is, and the attack drops can make the difference between winning and losing. I'm torn on whether it's a good idea to have Swords Dance on it because there really weren't any great opportunities to boost up.

AI bench:


Timid Raikou @ Air Balloon
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spd
Shadow Ball
Volt Switch

What Raikou lacks in intelligence and predictability, it makes up for in speed and power. The Air Balloon gives it no immediate weaknesses and it can usually take at least one unboosted hit - however its speed is almost always good enough to eliminate any weakened threats. The drawbacks: Volt Switch is a useless move here and I've seriously never seen it used even once. Also, the AI's Protect usage ranges from borderline genius to sabotage.

I might have another go at this since I've got no other battle styles I want to try right now (thanks for taking your sweet time on Pokebank, Nintendo).
Got the last trophy (multi battles) just a few days ago:

Teams I used:
Volcarona@lum berry
timid 252 SpA/ 4 Def/ 252 Spe
-quiver dance
-fiery dance
-bug buzz

Garchomp@yache berry
jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-swords dance
-fire fang
-dragon claw

Greninja@focus sash
naive 4 Atk/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
-ice beam
-grass knot

Garchomp@choice band
jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-fire fang
-dragon claw

jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-ice fang
-aerial ace

adamant 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Spe
-king's shield
-iron head
-shadow sneak
-sacred sword

Noivern@life orb
timid 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
-air slash
-draco meteor

Garchomp@choice band
jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-fire fang
-dragon claw

Greninja@focus sash
naive 4 Atk/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
-ice beam
-grass knot

Charizard@charizardite X
jolly 4 Def/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-dragon dance
-flare blitz

adamant 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Spe
-king's shield
-iron head
-shadow sneak
-swords dance

Garchomp@assault vest
jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-fire fang
-dragon claw

jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-ice fang
-aerial ace

My partner had:
Charizard@choice scarf
-heat wave
-air slash
-rock slide

Raikou@air baloon
-volt switch
-shadow ball

jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-ice fang
-aerial ace

Garchomp@choice band
jolly 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-rock slide
-fire fang
-dragon claw

Talonflame@sharp beak
adamant 124 HP/ 252 Atk/ 132 Spe
-brave bird
-flare blitz

Noivern@life orb
timid 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
-air slash
-draco meteor

adamant 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Spe
-king's shield
-iron head
-shadow sneak
-sacred sword

Hydreigon@expert belt
timid 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
-fire blast
-flash cannon
-dark pulse
-dragon pulse

Only real problem I've had has been with Multi battles, since the AI tends to make really stupid moves (like using protect with Raikou in situations where thunderbolt could have finished off the opponent) and, of course, with random quick claw users, especially if they carried ice moves (as you might have noticed all of my teams tend to be very weak to ice). Mega Aerodactyl has been a pleasant surprise whenever I've used it. Rock slide coming off 135 base Atk and 150 Spe is a Godsend in Double/Triple battles and, often, using it in tandem with Garchomp's own rock slide has allowed my team to get past troublesome matchups with lucky flinches.
Just posted it again since people seem interested in AI partners. I beat the Multi Battle using Charizard Y and Gengar with the AI team assigned myself (Gallade and Typholsion) if anyone would like to use this team just shoot me a message and I'll add you. My FC is 3282-3101-8960 and my IGN is Joey
Does anyone know how truant works in rotation battles? similarly, doors anyone know how recharge moves such as hyper beam work? EDIT: also, choice items and outrage
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Does anyone know how truant works in rotation battles? similarly, doors anyone know how recharge moves such as hyper beam work? EDIT: also, choice items and outrage
I believe Truant is every other turn it tries to attack, it activates. Not sure about Hyper Beam, but I don't think you can switch. (You shouldn't use Hyper Beam anyways.) Don't know about Outrage either, but I think you're stuck with that one as well. Choice items lock a Pokemon into that move until you withdraw them from battle.

I keep running into bad luck in Multis. I keep finding a team that works perfectly against mine. I don't know if I should change something or continue with this team and hope for better luck. Here's what I ran into this time in this video: XUCG-WWWW-WWW4-ZLX4

And here's my team too:
AI's Team:
Gallade @ Scope Lens
Ability: Steadfast
-Psycho Cut
-Stone Edge
-Night Slash

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
- Eruption (Used 99% of the time. Even if both opponents resist it.)
- Focus Blast
- Heat Wave
- Extrasensory

My Team:
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Modest Nature
-Dragon Pulse
-Solar Beam
-Protect (Thinking about replacing this since I rarely use it.)

Venusaur @ Black Sludge
Ability: Chlorophyll
Jolly Nature
-Power Whip

I've gotten up to 47 with this team before, but made a couple bad decisions and lost. The last few times, I've only gotten to the mid-30's. Should I change it up or keep going and hope for better luck? Any advice is welcome!
May I please get some opinions on this team? I just want up against the Battle Maison for the first time and used them, and I got to 20 before I lost. But I tweaked the moves so I wanna see what you guys think:

252 Speed/252 HP/6 Def

Iron Head

Lead with Entrainment, switch into...

252 Speed/Sp. Atk/6 Def

Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Hydro Pump

The main sweeper. Once he gets going it's hard to stop him. But in case someone does, I bring Durant back out, Entrainment again, and switch into...


Shell Smash
Stone Edge(was Smack Down)
Waterfall(was Aqua Jet)

Protect on the turn the opponent attacks, Shell Smash while it's loafing. Than sweep with Stone Edge/Waterfall.

Carracosta is where I'm having the problem. Smack Down and Aqua Jet just weren't powerful enough. But I'm still new to the metagame so if someone could tell me if my move choices are good or not, it would be much appreciated.
May I please get some opinions on this team? I just want up against the Battle Maison for the first time and used them, and I got to 20 before I lost. But I tweaked the moves so I wanna see what you guys think:

252 Speed/252 HP/6 Def

Iron Head

Lead with Entrainment, switch into...

252 Speed/Sp. Atk/6 Def

Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Hydro Pump

The main sweeper. Once he gets going it's hard to stop him. But in case someone does, I bring Durant back out, Entrainment again, and switch into...


Shell Smash
Stone Edge(was Smack Down)
Waterfall(was Aqua Jet)

Protect on the turn the opponent attacks, Shell Smash while it's loafing. Than sweep with Stone Edge/Waterfall.

Carracosta is where I'm having the problem. Smack Down and Aqua Jet just weren't powerful enough. But I'm still new to the metagame so if someone could tell me if my move choices are good or not, it would be much appreciated.

im not sure on the speed tiers but does carracosta outspeed everything at +6? base 32 speed is super slow. and with all the defence drops from shell smash, if you miss with stone edge you're carracosta is dead (unless of course he's at full health and has sturdy). seeing's how you'll be at +6 in both attacking stats, why not go mixed? you could use ice beam over stone edge maybe. i think cloyster would outclass carracosta as a shell smash sweeper though. Icicle spear will tear apart sturdy / focus sash mons that would otherwise kill carracosta... im not really sure what you're trying to do with greninja, or why he's you first choice to switch to after using entrainment. he has no set up moves so he only benefits from a safe switch in. why not just lead with him instead for the same result? or just use him as a back up in case the entrainment combo fails. he shares weaknesses with carracosta too, and is real frail so theres no synergy there. if you think carracosta is the problem its probably because of stone edge so maybe just swap that out and see how you go for now
After getting sick of losing in Super Doubles, gonna try Super Multi again. -.-" Does anyone here has a good AI team that I can use? My best AI partner is only a Flame Body (seriously...) Heatran (that loves to use Sunny Day at almost all the wrong times) and a Feraligatr. Would really appreciate having better partners.

sridge52 Maybe try a Dragonite/Kanga/Chomp if you want a physical set-up sweeper?
After getting sick of losing in Super Doubles, gonna try Super Multi again. -.-" Does anyone here has a good AI team that I can use? My best AI partner is only a Flame Body (seriously...) Heatran (that loves to use Sunny Day at almost all the wrong times) and a Feraligatr. Would really appreciate having better partners.

sridge52 Maybe try a Dragonite/Kanga/Chomp if you want a physical set-up sweeper?
My partner had a scarf-Charizard and a balloon Raikou (you can see their movesets in my post above). While they made very questionable plays sometimes, having both of my partner's Pokémon immune to ground moves was great for spamming earthquakes. I actually only lost twice out of 150+ battles. I can give you my friend code if you want to try it.