thx everyone I will breed Florges and Aegislash now. 6iv will abit pain but 6+5 shouldn't take too long.
I get drunk when I saw Khan move pool.
I get drunk when I saw Khan move pool.
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I need advice on my doubles team, I didn't think about it too seriously when I put it together, and it steam rolled the first 40 battles until I misplayed and lost to a Weavile who Ice Punched / Sharded me to death (had help from a Rockslide flinch too...)
Politoed @ Damp Rock / Absorb Bulb / Assault Vest
Drizzle - Modest 252 HP, 252 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump
Heliolisk @ Life Orb
Dry Skin - Timid 252 SpA, 252 Speed
-Grass Knot
-Hidden Power (Ice) / Dark Pulse
Noivern @ Wise Glasses / Normal Gem / Choice Specs
Telepathy - Timid 252 SpA, 252 Speed
-Dragon Pulse
Kabutops @ Focus Sash
Swift Swim - Adamant 252 Atk, 252 Speed
-Rock Slide
-Flail / Swords Dance / Aqua Jet
So yeah I pretty much just Thundered everything with Heliolisk until he died with Politoed keeping him healthy. Even with modest and max investment I found Politoed to be pretty weak. Matches are pretty short so I figured I could forego the Damp Rock for an Absorb Bulb but I about 99% of the time it was better to just thunder the opposition rather than Surf so then I added an Assault Vest to toed instead. So then I thought I could give Noivern the bulb to help him actually hurt things but Telepathy prevents that from working.. I really can't figure out what to put on him so he just got the Normal Gem to help kill stuff with Boomburst, but Kabutops is my only pokemon with Protect so I usually have to save it until he's out. Speaking of Kabutops, I really only wanted him for Swift Swim Rock Slides which does work, but he is really lacking in other options. Rain-boosted Waterfall's hurt pretty bad which is good, and Protect is obvious, but what do I teach him last??? He's damn frail and 1hp Flail actually does a lot of work for me when I have to use it but there's gotta be another way...
So anyway I don't fully remember how I lost, but the AI was down to it's last 2 mons; Weavile and Aromatisse. Weavile outsped and ohko'd my lisk with Ice Punch, Politoed misses Hydro Pump and aroma killed off my weakened toed with Energy Ball. So out come Noivern and Kabutops. This is where I messed up because I decide to protect with tops (???) and hurricane with Noivern, but Weavile ohko's Noivern with Ice Shard, Aroma tried Energy Balling tops but its protected. I figure its over now and blindly tap Rock Slide hoping for Weavile to not Ice Shard and not be holding Focus Sash, except he does Ice Shard, breaking my sash, Aroma kills me off with Energy Ball...
Y'know what? I'm going to listen to your advice, thanks! I only had Poison Jab on Garchomp because when I used my first Garchomp, I didn't have a Fairy counter, and boosting Garchomps attack is a good idea too.... Apart from the surprise Ice Beam/Ice Punch :(. As for Hydro Cannon, I've been meaning to drop that (I DID lose because of the recharge XD, only a 3 streak, nothing much). Thanks again! :DHclegend drop Poison Jab for Swords Dance and give Garchomp a Lum Berry, it cures confusion from Outrage, as well as other status like sleep and burn. On Fairies, Poison Jab is only hitting them at 10bp higher than Earthquake (80x2=160 vs 100x1.5=150) so the only Fairy you have to worry about is Togekiss (ohko'd by Mawille's Iron Head. Ice Beam from Greninja is a 2hko). Alternatively you can drop Fire Fang but then you lose coverage on Skarmory, Scizor, Forretress and Ferrothorn (none of your other mon's can cover them).
Also please drop Hydro Cannon. What happens if you miss a ko? or it's not their last mon? Greninja dies. If you desperately need power go for Hydro Pump instead. But I wouldn't rely on the accuracy. Maybe just Surf for reliability. When just one move can cost you a streak you want reliability...
I actually haven't tried Mawile yet myself but you're build looks identical to all the others that have had high streaks so just keep at it!
My Triples Maison run ended at a record of 1845.
I seem to have a bad habit of losing at 90% the way to my goal.
If you are wondering what sort of hax could cause me to lose... the answer is that there wasn't really any. I played #1846 really poorly, and by the time I realized it it was a bit too late.
oh, and the max amount of BP you can hold is 9999.
EDIT: Upon, request. adding the team to this post.
Battle Video: 3WAG-WWWW-WWW3-S7TM
Greninja (F) @ Life Orb ***Samidare Mk.2
Trait: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Mat Block
Lv 1 Aron (M) @ Berry Juice ***Aron Traylor
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
Rash Nature
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Toxic
- Swagger
Garchomp (F) @ Focus Sash ***Tenryuu
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 244 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Swords Dance
- Protect
Tyranitar (F) @ Choice Scarf ***Nabata
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 HP / 244 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
Gyarados (F) @ Choice Band ***HaiteiRaoyue
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 164 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 76 SDef / 68 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Return
Aegislash (F) @ Spell Tag ***Hakurouken
Trait: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance
There were a few minor changes here and there. Most of the changes probably don't affect too much. These include:
-Greninja is now Timid
-Aron now has Swagger over Sleep Talk
-Tyranitar now has Aerial Ace over Iron Tail
The move changes ultimately just end up allowing me to win some battles a turn or two quicker, and were replacing moves that I never used with ones that I "almost" never use.
I have considered going for another attempt at 300+ in triples, but I am unsure of what changes I should make to my team. Any, and all, pointers are very wanted :D
Oh and now that I've pretty much done Doubles to death I think I'll attempt Multi. Only problem is that I'm new here so I have exactly 0 Friend Codes. Can anyone with a good AI team give me theres? Thanks.
Iam still searching for the 200 wins berry since i have no time to play a lot after my 195win streak, others dont answer my messages q.q
Awesome idea! I remember seeing it got destiny bond and considered making a set like that but I forgot. Oh well.I've just started trying out this suicide lead in Super Singles and I have to say I'm enjoying it a lot. Haven't seen anyone else use it either.
Adamant Sharpedo @ Focus Sash
Speed Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 0/252/0/0/4/252
Destiny Bond
Carvanha gets Destiny Bond as an egg move now! I believe this is superior to the Gengar/Froslass Destiny Bond lead because after one speed boost it outspeeds anything that's not scarfed. Behind 120 base attack it hits like a truck as well. The flinch from Waterfall is nice but not usually necessary. Battles move by very quickly, he will usually take out at least their lead and will occasionally sweep the whole team. The only problem is status/residual damage, but this can be mitigated with proper prediction and switching. I'm currently running it front of Mega-Kangaskhan and Sylveon, through 40 battles.