Battle Maison Discussion & Records

So to update on my previous post:

Singles - 130 wins

Jolly Durant (lazyone) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
EVs: 252/x/x/x/4/252
Entrainment/Iron Head/Bug Bite/Struggle Bug

Adamant Talonflame (Akagami) @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 132/252/x/x/4/120
Swords Dance/ Flare Blitz / Acrobatics / Steel Wing


Adamant Gyarados (Sweeper) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate/Mold Breaker
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Substitute/ Dragon Dance/ Protect / Waterfall

Singles strategy is pretty straight-forward, relying solely on abusing truant with entrainment before setting up and wiping the opponent with Sweeper. This strategy does have issues with users of protect, fake out, volt switch/u-turn aka anything that doesn't allow me safely set-up with Sweeper. I almost my streak once to a perish trap lapras (it used Block).

Doubles - 50 wins

Adamant Talonflame (Akagami) @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 132/252/x/x/4/120
Swords Dance/ Flare Blitz / Acrobatics / Tailwind


Modest Blastiose (Genbu2) @ Blastiosnite
Ability: Torrent/Mega Launcher
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Water Spout/ Aura Sphere / Protect / Ice Beam


Bold Klefki (chingching) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252/x/252/x/4/x
Foul Play/Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard


Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield

The bird sets up the wind, the turtle spouts water to wipe the enemy.
This team is really weak to electrics however, so caution is needed against
mons like Jolteon. Klefki support to suppress damage and hax was equally important

Triples - 200 wins (ongoing)

Adamant Talonflame (Akagami) @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 132/252/x/x/4/120
Swords Dance/ Flare Blitz / Acrobatics / Tailwind

Modest Blastiose (Genbu2) @ Blastiosnite
Ability: Torrent/Mega Launcher
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Water Spout/ Aura Sphere / Protect / Ice Beam


Modest Greninja (Blink) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Mat Block/ Dark Pulse / Grass Knot / Ice Beam


Bold Klefki (chingching) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252/x/252/x/4/x
Foul Play/Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard


Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield


Adamant Gyarados (Sweeper) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Earthquake/ Dragon Dance/ Protect / Waterfall

It has already been proven before what a monster Mega Blastiose is with raw full power
Water spout, especially in Triples. Combined with Tailwind and Mat Block to set up safely,
the round can literally end in 2 turns. Lead Greninja and Talonflame are always magnets
for the AI to attack, thus giving Genbu2 the opening he needs. Klefki support is always wonderful
and Gyarados always goes in the middle to get the full effect of the attack drop from intimidate
on the opponent's side. Trick room users are a real pain in the butt as it reverses the effect of tailwind,
this is why Aegislash is absolutely necessary on this team, should something not go as planned.

Rotation - 50 wins

Bold Vaporeon (OCEANGODDESS) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252/x/252/x/4/x
Scald/Acid Armor/Wish/Haze


Jolly Kangaskhan (KANGA) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy/Parental Bond
EVs: 4/252/x/x/x/252
Return/ Sucker Punch / Power-up Punch /Earthquake


Modest Greninja (Blink) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Scald/ Dark Pulse / Grass Knot / Ice Beam

Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield

With the randomness of AI rotation , I decide to go for
a wish passing team which works wonders. Vaporeon is already plenty bulky
and kill teams by spamming scald or stalling with acid armor + wish.
When a wish is passed properly to any of the other 2 mons, they literally
have a free turn to do whatever they want due to rotation mechanics.
(Eg Wish, rotate -> Swords Dance 2 turns VS Wish, Switch -> Swords Dance 3 turns in normal mode)
Kangaskan's brainless with power-up punch and just kills anything it touches after a turn of

Multi - 50 wins

Modest Greninja (Blink) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Scald/ Dark Pulse / Grass Knot / Ice Beam

Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield


Mienshao @ Focus Sash
Ability: Inner Focus
Low Kick/ High Jump Kick /Fake Out /U-Turn

Typlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
Eruption /Focus Blast /Heat Wave /Extrasensory

Multi was the most difficult to win with due to AI acting random and stuff.
After trying out a couple of teams, I went with this AI team and man I dare it is
one of THE best possible AI teams you can possibly have. Mienshao puts a huge dent
on the opponent's team, wrecking with HJK and all. Typlosion is even more of a monster,
literally a obliterating everything with scarfed 150 BP + STAB Eruption.
I chose Greninja for coverage and Aegislash for the "safest" possible back-up lead. Swapped
out Lum Berry for Weakness Policy after realising I needed to be more aggressive against opponents
who had hurt Aegislash hard with SE attacks.

I made it to round 40 in doubles. I lost two guys at full health from critical hits. A stall Scrafty with Drain Punch, Leftovers, Intimidate, and Protect ended up finishing me. If I had Protect'd with Cryogonal, I would've won. Oh well.

I like this team.

Greninja (No item)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Mat Block
- Waterfall
- U-Turn
- Acrobatics

Mantine (Sitrus berry)
Water Absorb
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp Def
- Scald
- Blizzard (no pokebank, no Icy Wind)
- Wide Guard
- Tailwind

Golem (Expert belt)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Protect
- Autotomize (barely used this, probably worth replacing)

Cryogonal (Icicle plate)
252 Sp Atk / 4 Sp Def / 252 Spe
- Freeze Dry
- Flash Cannon
- HP Dark (too lazy to breed a good HP on it)
- Protect

Greninja takes most stuff out and lets Mantine set up a Tailwind. Golem wreaks stuff under Tailwind. Cryogonal takes out annoying dragons, Gyrados, and Kingdra. The rest is just prediction and abusing AI patterns.

I made it to round 40 in doubles. I lost two guys at full health from critical hits. A stall Scrafty with Drain Punch, Leftovers, Intimidate, and Protect ended up finishing me. If I had Protect'd with Cryogonal, I would've won. Oh well.

I like this team.

Greninja (No item)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Mat Block
- Waterfall
- U-Turn
- Acrobatics

Mantine (Sitrus berry)
Water Absorb
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp Def
- Scald
- Blizzard (no pokebank, no Icy Wind)
- Wide Guard
- Tailwind

Golem (Expert belt)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Protect
- Autotomize (barely used this, probably worth replacing)

Cryogonal (Icicle plate)
252 Sp Atk / 4 Sp Def / 252 Spe
- Freeze Dry
- Flash Cannon
- HP Dark (too lazy to breed a good HP on it)
- Protect

Greninja takes most stuff out and lets Mantine set up a Tailwind. Golem wreaks stuff under Tailwind. Cryogonal takes out annoying dragons, Gyrados, and Kingdra. The rest is just prediction and abusing AI patterns.

Sorry about your loss - it really sucks when the RNG screws you over like that.
One thing to note: Talonflame works a lot better for setting up Tailwind because with Gale Wings it gets priority. I'm gonna do a shameless self-advertisement here and say that I got to round 82 using this team, before losing due to poor prediction and confusion hax, so feel free to try out some of the sets that I used if you want.
I am currently WRECKING doubles with this team

Defiant (Still have no idea how to change it back to Prankster)
252SpeAtt/252Speed/4??? Scope Lens (I have NO idea what else to use)
Nasty Plot
Flash Cannon
Best. Lead. Ever. Being immune to Ground type attacks (more on that later) as well as a BEASTLY Specail attack makes this thing DEADLY. But you may ask "Why Discharge AND Thunderbolt?" Because, if Garchomp faints, the others on my team won't be surviving long, and there's not really a good 4th move (Besides thunder wave). You may also ask "why no Choice Specs/Scarf?" same reason as above, of he's stuck into it, I'm screwed.

Garchomp @ Lum Berry (Rough Skin)
Fire Fang
Swords Dance
Classic Garchomp, doesn't need explaining. But I will anyway, EQ is the Spam move, Outrage for a second STAB, Fire Fang for Togekiss/Ferrothorn and Swords Dance to raise the power level to over 9000.

Greninja @ Life Orb (Protean)
Hydro Pump
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Your typical Greninja.... NEXT

Lucario @ Lucarionite (Steadfast)
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Close Combat
To be honest, I haven't used him much, but when I have, he's wrecked things :D

I just got decimated by Whiscash 3.... HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO PREDICT F*CKING BLIZZARD? Seriously, watch it for yourself. 8P4G-WWWW-WWW5-XNH4
Ice Beam, I could understand because every water type carries it. But Blizzard? >_> just go die Whiscash, I hate you now.
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I went through with a real team (Dragonite/Mega-Kang/Azumarill) for the first time around a week ago and managed to get to 85 before losing in singles. I don't remember exactly what happened I just remember Dragonite got KOed early and then got beat by a torterra with curse if I remember correctly.
Lost 85 streak on double due Aero Slide Hax again.

Double Team - (Mega)Charizard, Garchomp, Typhosion, Venusaur

I think I must change Venusaur to Scizor to deal with to faster rock slider.

Scizor @ Sirius Berry
252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
Bullet Punch
X-Scisor(Wait for Bug Bite)

But I almost never use Faint. Maybe I can change but sometime rare wide guard are a bit annoying.
I lost because I wasn't paying much attention around 30 battles (was watching youtube).. my main sweeper (Charizard Y) fainted because of destiny bond.. then everything went downhill from there.
45 streak here in Super Single.
Man. Weakness Policy Carracosta gave me a hard time. I can't play for long stretches because of my chemotherapy, I'm taking 3 battles a day. So, lose before the 50th will make me cry. ;_;
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Just beat the triples girl on my first try, thought it was going to be way harder. The worst thing about triples is how long the battles take, took me a few days to actually get to fifty, but even though it took ages the battles themselves weren't too tough. Anyway I just used the team that got me through doubles with Assault Vest Garchomp and Zapdos making up the 6, so my leads were Heliolisk, Politeod and Noivern with Kabutops, Chomp and Zapdos backing them up. Tailwind on Noivern is so damn useful, and Hurricane being able to hit anything on the field was good. The only thing that gave me real trouble was Wide Guard Bastiodon, which seemed to pop up heaps. Also annoying is when you're not sure if it actually has Wide Guard or not, so you gang up on it, fail to kill and it uses Metal Burst... So now I've gotta go find a good multi partner to get me through that. Actually looking at it now I haven't even bothered to unlock super rotations yet whoops...

here's the video if anyone is interested: 9EYG-WWWW-WWW5-26M6
Ugh...fuck toxic stallers. If you value your streak always be prepared for Weezing 4 and Cresselia 2. I lost Super Single streaks in battle #177 and battle #91 respectively. I'd post the 176 streak writeup but I know I can go higher...
Man have I got a bad beats story.

So to start with, I'm using a slight variant of andrew3391's team (Jolly Mega Kangaskhan, Adamant Azumarill, and Jolly Garchom, except I use Choice Band Azu (which I will promptly be changing.)

It's the first battle after I lost a 20-something streak. I'm still getting the feel for M-Kang's abilities and those of her teammates, and made a few bad plays.

I lead with Kanga. Opponent's lead is Surperior. It's faster and will survive a return, so I Mega up and use Power Up Punch. It uses Attract and Kanga's immobilized (all my Pokemon were female). Next turn it uses Gastro Acid. I'm immobilized again. I figure a PUP then +1 Return should do it, and I can switch out to any of my guys to reset Parental Bond. PUP goes perfectly, and I think I'm in business. Meanwhile, Serperior uses Leaf Tornado, about a 6HKO. Kangaskhan is immobilized by love the next three turns. I finally get to use Return, and see Serperior's HP bar go down, down, down... and stop with a sliver of health. Kanga never gets to attack again. The two accuracy drops accrued would have been funny, but it was not to be.

Next up, not wanting to be outsped and have this terrible farce repeat itself, I send in Azu and kill Serperior with Aqua Jet. Opponent sends out Noivern. I'm locked into a bad attack, but no problem, I can just switch out to Garchomp, eat a coverage move, then switch back for free on the guaranteed Dragon move, right? Wrong. Garchomp eats a Boomburst (little over 1/3 damage), then it uses Torment on the switch. OK, I'm still in good shape. Play Rough for the KO, then switch out. Play Rough misses. At this point, I probably should have stayed in, eaten the 25% struggle, and hoped the second one missed. Instead, I switch to Chomp, eat a Boomburst, which knocks it low enough such that the next Boomburst KOs it. Oh well, send out Azu again. It can take a Boomburst and probably KO whatever comes out. Instead, Noivern uses Torment again. Luckily, this time Play Rough hits.

So long as the next Pokemon isn't to bulky or too offensive, I might survive. Even with a Choice-locked Azu about to struggle, I'm not dead yet.

Last Pokemon is Venusaur. Well there goes the 1HKO. All I can hope is that its an offensive variant and can grant me the sweet release of death soon. It's a Toxic stall. Struggle does ~ 25% (dat Choice Band), and maybe there's a sliver of hope, but nope, it used Synthesis. Play Rough does little more than half. At this point, Azu is in the red, poisoned, outsped, and does the AI use an attack to just end things? Nope. Synthesis again, so Azumarill dies by its own hand, and I lose battle 1.

So to recap: Attract hax for 2 attacks / 10 turns, Gastro Acid for the lulz, bad damage roll, each time the next mon out resisted a choice lock, and Torment Noivern is a troll.

I think I need a break. And give Azumarill a blargh glanged Life Orb or something.

Hmm now that I do a quick calc:
252 Atk Mega Kangaskhan Power-Up Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Serperior: 24-29 (13.1 - 15.9%) -- possible 7HKO
+1 252 Atk Mega Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Serperior: 133-157 (73 - 86.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

(0 HP is cleanly KO'd)

Guess that one wasn't so unlucky. Sigh.
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Currently holding a streak of 30 with:
adamant Metagross: Zen-Butt, MMash, Rpolish and EQ (w/ weakness policy)
timid Nidoking: Epower, I-beam, FoBlast, Sh-ball (w/ sheer force - life orb)
timid Charizard-Y: Fthrower, Sbeam, Airslash, FoBlast (w/ Y-stone)

Untill this point I've been leading with Metagross and starting with Rock Polish. The AI does 70% a Super effective move and raises it's attck by +2.
Metagross then sweeps with +2 speed and +2attck.
It usually takes down 2 or even 3 pokes, and when he dies Nidoking or Charizard resumes sweeping.
Very rarely I end up with just one poke.
At a 52 win streak with mega khan, greninja, and weakness policy dragonite with espeed. I kill the first two pokemon with ease then he sends out a QUICK CLAW SSHEER COLD WALREIN..... And he hit all 3 of my pokes. Never doing the Maison again.
At a 52 win streak with mega khan, greninja, and weakness policy dragonite with espeed. I kill the first two pokemon with ease then he sends out a QUICK CLAW SSHEER COLD WALREIN..... And he hit all 3 of my pokes. Never doing the Maison again.
lol. Sorry, but this is **** unbelievable. Battle Maison Hax = 3DS flying into window.

At 50th, did your Khan survived a Focus Blast?
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At a 52 win streak with mega khan, greninja, and weakness policy dragonite with espeed. I kill the first two pokemon with ease then he sends out a QUICK CLAW SSHEER COLD WALREIN..... And he hit all 3 of my pokes. Never doing the Maison again.
If Quick Claw activated all three times, there's nothing you could have done, but that's a one in 37,000 chance; it will pretty much never happen again. Otherwise, you have decent odds at winning. I think your best odds are using Return if Kanga is at +0; it will bring Walrein low enough for Outrage to KO. If Kanga dies, send in Greninja and use Grass Knot (I'm assuming you're running a Life Orb set with Grass Knot, which will do 88+%, at which point Nite's Extremespeed will KO without risking Quick Claw). If Greninja gets Quick Clawed, all you can do is use Outrage. However, that's at worst 1 in 3,000 chance for a loss (QC + Sheer Cold on Kanga and Greninja; it also needs low damage rolls on Outrage, to hit with Sheer Cold on the first turn, or to get a QC activation on the second turn against Nite). If Kanga is at +2, your best bet is to use Sucker Punch; that way you have a guaranteed 60-70% damage. If Greninja hits and Walrein doesn't use Rest, you win; if Walrein uses Quick Claw Rest, you can pick it off with ESpeed. If Greninja gets QC OHKOd, you'll need to risk Outrage. But in that case, your odds of losing are 1 in 3,700 (Sheer Cold hits Kanga, QC+Sheer Cold hit on Greninja, QC+Sheer Cold hit on Dragonite).

I get that these sorts of losses are frustrating as hell. I've had situations where I had horrible team match-ups + bad hax and I just made bad decisions that led me to lose battles I could have won. And sometimes you're going to lose battles on a 1 in 3,000 chance; it just happens sometimes. But all you can do is learn how to have the best odds possible the next time that situation comes up. Because if you're losing to a 1 in 3,000 chance (or, if didn't play as well as you could, maybe a 1 in 1,000 chance), be glad it happened on battle 52 instead of battle 198. As far as streaks go, 52 is relatively fast, especially for a fast team like yours.
I've been breeding like mad for the last few weeks and I finally got a team together to try out the Battle Maison. I'm focusing mostly on Super Singles right now and so far, I'm at 20 wins. I'm using this team:

Mamoswine @ Life Orb
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Shard
-Stone Edge

Delphox @ Leftovers
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Fire Blast
-Shadow Ball

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Ominous Wind (will be changed to Volt Switch after I get enough BP)

The team hasn't failed me yet, and Mamoswine has been my saving grace. Seriously, priority moves are a god send in here. There have been tough calls on my streak in which I would've lost had I not saved Mamoswine for later and used Ice Shard. It's amazing how many mons I've seen that are weak to Mamoswine. :)
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I've been breeding like mad for the last few weeks and I finally got a team together to try out the Battle Maison. I'm focusing mostly on Super Singles right now and so far, I'm at 20 wins. I'm using this team:

Mamoswine @ Life Orb
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Shard
-Stone Edge

Delphox @ Leftovers
Trait: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Fire Blast
-Shadow Ball

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Ominous Wind (will be changed to Volt Switch after I get enough BP)

The team hasn't failed me yet, and Mamoswine has been my saving grace. Seriously, priority moves are a god send in here. There have been tough calls on my streak in which I would've lost had I not saved Mamoswine for later and used Ice Shard. It's amazing how many mons I've seen that are weak to Mamoswine. :)
Why Stealth Rock on Mamoswine? The AI doesn't switch regularly enough for Stealth Rocks to do that much damage. And having substitute on Delphox seems kinda weird to me also, because its not-exactly-excellent defences will usually mean a strong enough hit will destroy the sub the moment you put it up.
45 streak here in Super Single.
Man. Weakness Policy Carracosta gave me a hard time. I can't play for long stretches because of my chemotherapy, I'm taking 3 battles a day. So, lose before the 50th will make me cry. ;_;

You and me both. I've been debating dropping one Pokemon for Cincinno (probably sashed), Torterra, Breloom (Stall), or MVenusaur or something else to work as a sapping Cleric thing to deal with it, it's ended my streaks in singles in high 30's, low 40's at least 5 times.

Clefable probably.

Ugh...fuck toxic stallers. If you value your streak always be prepared for Weezing 4 and Cresselia 2. I lost Super Single streaks in battle #177 and battle #91 respectively. I'd post the 176 streak writeup but I know I can go higher...
Add evasion to both variations of it, one has Bright Powder, and the other Leftovers w/ sub. :(.

Found a decent AI Multi partner which I can regularly get to Low 30's with, who has a Cresselia that uses Helping Hand, or Icy Wind, and that's kind of all it does, so that's useful. The second is a Vaporeon w/ Muddy Water which has missed at least 4 times in a row, when one hit would've ended the round. >_>.
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So i'm at my 45 streak now... but I should have lost way earlier if the AI wasnt broken.

I'm running this team: Metagross, Nidoking and Charizard-Y

Im down to one poke: Charizard vs Aerodactyl.. so I thought I was a goner for sure but then the AI spams Earthquake??
So I 2HKO'd it with solarbeam.

Next fight, Aerodactyl again, vs Charizard, and AGAIN spams Earthquake? Is this badly programmed or what?

Just wondering if anyone else had this too.
Lost at 54 in Super Single.
MegaKanga / Poison Orb Gliscor / Eviolite Chansey

1st turn:
vs Wailord
Kanga: Power-Up Punch
Wailord: Fissure
Kanga fainted

Chansey toxic stall Wailord.

Don't remember the 2nd pokémon.

The 3rd was a Sleep Talk Whiscash. He was in the red, with toxic, when Rest and Sleep Talk. Fissure! In the face!!!!

Sent my Gliscor. Two Muddy Water KOs me. ;_;

Gonna try triple now.
Need so much those berries.
So i'm at my 45 streak now... but I should have lost way earlier if the AI wasnt broken.

I'm running this team: Metagross, Nidoking and Charizard-Y

Im down to one poke: Charizard vs Aerodactyl.. so I thought I was a goner for sure but then the AI spams Earthquake??
So I 2HKO'd it with solarbeam.

Next fight, Aerodactyl again, vs Charizard, and AGAIN spams Earthquake? Is this badly programmed or what?

Just wondering if anyone else had this too.
Well, I fought an Aerodactyl who has only one attacking move. Don't remember the move (was Stone Edge?) and began to struggle.
So i'm at my 45 streak now... but I should have lost way earlier if the AI wasnt broken.

I'm running this team: Metagross, Nidoking and Charizard-Y

Im down to one poke: Charizard vs Aerodactyl.. so I thought I was a goner for sure but then the AI spams Earthquake??
So I 2HKO'd it with solarbeam.

Next fight, Aerodactyl again, vs Charizard, and AGAIN spams Earthquake? Is this badly programmed or what?

Just wondering if anyone else had this too.
I can relate. I was placed in an awful situation in the 30's of my run in the doubles maison where my Charizard was out at low health versus a Noivern. Noivern would have won had it Dragon Pulsed my Charizard, but I used protect against the first one. I suppose the attack not working made the AI opt to try for a different move as the Noivern then used Hurricane and missed which allowed me to get the KO!
Well, I fought an Aerodactyl who has only one attacking move. Don't remember the move (was Stone Edge?) and began to struggle.

Yeah, happens sometimes if they have a Choice Band/Specs/Scarf. On low PP moves like Stone Edge or Superpower, they can run out and are forced to use Struggle even if they have other moves, due to the limitations of the choice items.
Aerodactyl set 4 (by far the most common one you'll see after battle #40) runs Choice Band. So if it uses Earthquake on one of your other mons (both of which are conveniently weak to Ground), Charizard gets a free win.