So to update on my previous post:
Singles - 130 wins
Doubles - 50 wins
Triples - 200 wins (ongoing)
Rotation - 50 wins
Multi - 50 wins
Singles - 130 wins
Jolly Durant (lazyone) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
EVs: 252/x/x/x/4/252
Entrainment/Iron Head/Bug Bite/Struggle Bug
Adamant Talonflame (Akagami) @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 132/252/x/x/4/120
Swords Dance/ Flare Blitz / Acrobatics / Steel Wing
Adamant Gyarados (Sweeper) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate/Mold Breaker
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Substitute/ Dragon Dance/ Protect / Waterfall
Singles strategy is pretty straight-forward, relying solely on abusing truant with entrainment before setting up and wiping the opponent with Sweeper. This strategy does have issues with users of protect, fake out, volt switch/u-turn aka anything that doesn't allow me safely set-up with Sweeper. I almost my streak once to a perish trap lapras (it used Block).
Doubles - 50 wins
Adamant Talonflame (Akagami) @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 132/252/x/x/4/120
Swords Dance/ Flare Blitz / Acrobatics / Tailwind
Modest Blastiose (Genbu2) @ Blastiosnite
Ability: Torrent/Mega Launcher
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Water Spout/ Aura Sphere / Protect / Ice Beam
Bold Klefki (chingching) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252/x/252/x/4/x
Foul Play/Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard
Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield
The bird sets up the wind, the turtle spouts water to wipe the enemy.
This team is really weak to electrics however, so caution is needed against
mons like Jolteon. Klefki support to suppress damage and hax was equally important
Triples - 200 wins (ongoing)
Adamant Talonflame (Akagami) @ No Item
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 132/252/x/x/4/120
Swords Dance/ Flare Blitz / Acrobatics / Tailwind
Modest Blastiose (Genbu2) @ Blastiosnite
Ability: Torrent/Mega Launcher
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Water Spout/ Aura Sphere / Protect / Ice Beam
Modest Greninja (Blink) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Mat Block/ Dark Pulse / Grass Knot / Ice Beam
Bold Klefki (chingching) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252/x/252/x/4/x
Foul Play/Light Screen/Reflect/Safeguard
Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield
Adamant Gyarados (Sweeper) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Earthquake/ Dragon Dance/ Protect / Waterfall
It has already been proven before what a monster Mega Blastiose is with raw full power
Water spout, especially in Triples. Combined with Tailwind and Mat Block to set up safely,
the round can literally end in 2 turns. Lead Greninja and Talonflame are always magnets
for the AI to attack, thus giving Genbu2 the opening he needs. Klefki support is always wonderful
and Gyarados always goes in the middle to get the full effect of the attack drop from intimidate
on the opponent's side. Trick room users are a real pain in the butt as it reverses the effect of tailwind,
this is why Aegislash is absolutely necessary on this team, should something not go as planned.
Rotation - 50 wins
Bold Vaporeon (OCEANGODDESS) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252/x/252/x/4/x
Scald/Acid Armor/Wish/Haze
Jolly Kangaskhan (KANGA) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy/Parental Bond
EVs: 4/252/x/x/x/252
Return/ Sucker Punch / Power-up Punch /Earthquake
Modest Greninja (Blink) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Scald/ Dark Pulse / Grass Knot / Ice Beam
Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield
With the randomness of AI rotation , I decide to go for
a wish passing team which works wonders. Vaporeon is already plenty bulky
and kill teams by spamming scald or stalling with acid armor + wish.
When a wish is passed properly to any of the other 2 mons, they literally
have a free turn to do whatever they want due to rotation mechanics.
(Eg Wish, rotate -> Swords Dance 2 turns VS Wish, Switch -> Swords Dance 3 turns in normal mode)
Kangaskan's brainless with power-up punch and just kills anything it touches after a turn of
Multi - 50 wins
Modest Greninja (Blink) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
EVs: x/x/x/252/x/252
Scald/ Dark Pulse / Grass Knot / Ice Beam
Brave Aegislash (Tetsujin) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252/252/x/x/4/x
Swords Dance/ Shadow Sneak / Sacred Sword / King's Shield
Mienshao @ Focus Sash
Ability: Inner Focus
Low Kick/ High Jump Kick /Fake Out /U-Turn
Typlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
Eruption /Focus Blast /Heat Wave /Extrasensory
Multi was the most difficult to win with due to AI acting random and stuff.
After trying out a couple of teams, I went with this AI team and man I dare it is
one of THE best possible AI teams you can possibly have. Mienshao puts a huge dent
on the opponent's team, wrecking with HJK and all. Typlosion is even more of a monster,
literally a obliterating everything with scarfed 150 BP + STAB Eruption.
I chose Greninja for coverage and Aegislash for the "safest" possible back-up lead. Swapped
out Lum Berry for Weakness Policy after realising I needed to be more aggressive against opponents
who had hurt Aegislash hard with SE attacks.