Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Does anyone have a tyranitarite or pinsirite for my battle maison teams? I was thinking of using mega T for a doubles sand team and the dominating mega pinsir for singles PM for offers
Does anyone have a tyranitarite or pinsirite for my battle maison teams? I was thinking of using mega T for a doubles sand team and the dominating mega pinsir for singles PM for offers
The WiFi Simple Requests forum would be able to help you better with such requests if you are still looking for the items.

What's a good set/spread for Mega Kangaskhan for the Mansion?
Standard cookie cutter M-Kanga works well enough, so you can try something like:
Adamant/Jolly (take your pick)
252Att / 252Spe / 4HP (or whatever)
Sucker Punch
Crunch/Earthquake/Fake Out/Protect (the last 2 options are better suited for Super Doubles/Triples)
The WiFi Simple Requests forum would be able to help you better with such requests if you are still looking for the items.

Standard cookie cutter M-Kanga works well enough, so you can try something like:
Adamant/Jolly (take your pick)
252Att / 252Spe / 4HP (or whatever)
Sucker Punch
Crunch/Earthquake/Fake Out/Protect (the last 2 options are better suited for Super Doubles/Triples)
Thank you. :)
Well I finally joined the 5 trophies club! Here's what I used...


Talonflame @ Choice Band

Gale Wings
Adamant 252 HP / 252 Attack / 6 Speed
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Steel Wing

Azumarill @ Wide Lens

Huge Power
Adamant 252 HP / 252 Attack / 6 SpDef
- Aqua Tail
- Play Rough
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet


M-Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite

Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Jolly 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Crunch​

Pretty much just clicked Brave Bird every match. It was good having two bulky Pokemon to switch to if it wasn't safe to spam BB (not very often). I messed up and gave Azumarill max HP EVs which means when it uses Belly Drum at max health it is left with more than half HP so it won't activate a Sitrus Berry, so because I was lazy I gave her a Wide Lens and the more powerful Aqua Tail over Waterfall. For the Chatelaine match I swapped Azumarill into the lead spot hoping to BellyJet her team to death, only to be met with a lead Thundurus... Managed to find a win though: LKBW-WWWW-WWW4-MJTV

edit: ended up losing at 111.


Politoed @ Absorb Bulb

Modest 252 HP / 252 SpAttack / 6 SpDef
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Extrasensory
- Hydro Pump

Heliolisk @ Life Orb

Dry Skin
Timid 6 HP / 252 SpAttack / 252 Speed
- Thunder
- Surf
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power Ice Dark Pulse

Noivern @ Normal Gem

Timid 6 HP / 252 SpAttack / Speed
- Dragon Pulse
- Hurricane
- Boomburst
- Tailwind


Kabutops @ Focus Sash

Swift Swim
Adamant 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Waterfall
- Rock Slide
- Flail
- Protect​

So I knew rain works pretty well from previous generations so I wanted to try it with a couple of the newbies from Kalos. Politoed used Surf 90% of the time which would do nice damage to lots of things and also heal up Heliolisk, not that he needed much healing because he was either killing or being killed on turn 1 because of how frail he is. It was fun having his Life Orb recoil healed up though. Speaking of Helio, I really like him. He got to use 100% accurate Thunders, and powered up Politoed if he needed it. I actually did a lot of duel surfing on my way to 50 wins. I had HP Ice on Helio for a bit but it was so weak that it got dropped for Dark Pulse (which I was going to do eventually anyway just to take out Latios easier) which was actually a great move, it got a few lucky flinches here and there which helped in clutch moments. When Noivern came in it was purely to use Hurricane. He set up Tailwind a few times which turned Politoed into a sweeper of some sorts which was fun. Flamethrower would have been such a nice move to have if it weren't for the rain, and I couldn't find an item for him at all, so the almighty Normal Gem-boosted Boomburst was used like 2-3 times and actually did such little damage it made me upset. Kabutops was tops great when he had to come out. We all know how annoying fast Rock Slide users are in the Maison, well Swift Swim Kabutops is the fastest. Also rain boosted Waterfall is strong. Also I don't know why I used Focus Sash + Flail but max power Flail hits harder than the other two moves (neutrally) and idk he's pretty frail so he was being knocked down to 1hp a lot so yeah... Oh and I would have had Rain Dance on Politoed except Extrasensory seemed good and I didn't want to delete Hydro Pump as it can't be relearned :(

anyway the Chatelaine match is pretty good imo, with hax on both sides: WHVG-WWWW-WWW4-SG32

edit: lost at 57 to a a backpacker who lead with Haxorus and Electivire, with Ampharos and Milotic in the back. Lot's of electric type moves were really hard to stop, as well as Milotic packing Ice beam for Noivern...

I hope you guys at least glanced at my doubles team because it was the same 4 + these two beasts...

Garchomp @ Assault Vest

Rough Skin
Jolly 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide


Zapdos @ Zap Plate

Timid 6 HP / 252 SpAttack / Speed
- Thunder
- Discharge
- Hidden Power Ice
- Protect​

So yeah same idea as doubles, except you need 6 so I had to find a couple of fill-ins. I originally had these two in their own doubles team where I tried spamming the infamous Dis-Quake combo which only lasted around 30 battles. Then I figured Zapdos would work better in rain as it now actually has 4 moves it can use (Thunder being the late addition (seriously what can it learn in this game..?)), and Garchomp is Garchomp, always good. Assault Vest is such a good item as well on him.

I had one really close battle at number 31 (which I lost but actually won, thanks Rough Skin. I legit had already dropped my DS and walked off then heard the winning music play). I made a couple bad missplays in that match too (eg. thinking Ice Beam would kill ~10% Bastiodon) which makes me feel guilty over the win in a way haha.One thing I never knew about / tried / understand is switching positions in triples, which incidentally would have got me the clean win in that match but yeah... If someone can explain how it works that'd be sweet. I've legit never played triples before so I have no idea

Here's the close call: S9PG-WWWW-WWW6-W2EQ

And the Chatelaine: 9EYG-WWWW-WWW5-26M6


Dragonite @ Lum Berry

Adamant 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch

Volcarona @ Sitrus Berry

Flame Body
Bold 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Speed
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Roost


Aegislash @ Leftovers

Stance Change
Adamant 196 HP / 252 Attack / 28 Def / 28 SpDef / 6 Speed
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword


M-Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite

Scrappy -> Parental Bond
6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Crunch

So I like playing Rotation battles. What I like is that it's sorta like better singles, you get like a pseudo team preview and the AI actually switches rotates half strategically. Also all stat changes and status do not reset when you rotate so you can boost in something that can't hurt you's face then swap to something better and save your boosts for later, so I wanted to base my team on bulky boosters, except I pretty much stole Artic's singles team because I stumbled across it and it's so damn good. At first I just had 'Nite and Volc and figured I needed a rock slide/type counter. I nearly went with Mega Lucario but then I just fell in love with Artic's Aegi build, and then I could use my mega slot on arguably the best mega in the game instead as backup... I think this team works pretty well and I want to see if I can take it further (Rotations was the last trophy I needed and I legit just beat her so haven't gone past 50 yet). So any advice is much appreciated

Here's the video against Morgan: 45YW-WWWW-WWW6-WXEG. She makes some weird decisions, like rotating her Cobalion out of 'Nite who was locked into Outrage (her only resist). If she had left him in to take it then I would have been left wondering what to do, but since she pretty much sacrificed Virizion to it I was left with the easy decision of clicking Earthquake, except I didn't expect Cobalion to live a +1 EQ and absolutely wreck me with Metal Burst, but that was all she managed.

edit: lost at 86

I asked really nicely and got to borrow Haunter 's AI team (whick got him to 50) as I was pretty over Multi's. Luckily I had two very similar pokemon to what he used himself sitting in my battle box ready to go...


Garchomp @ Assault Vest

Rough Skin
Jolly 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide


M-Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite

Pressure -> Tough Claws
Adamant 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Aerial Ace​


Charizard @ Choice Scarf

- Heat Wave
- Rock Slide
- Air Slash
- Crunch


Raikou @ Air Balloon

- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Protect

I was very content to let Charizard spam Heat Wave all day. Being choice locked eased prediction massively, but also sucked when it was a crap move. Rock Slide was helpful for random flinches, but I cringed every time he used his other two moves because I knew he was dying turn one. Raikou's use of protect was very sporadic as well, with it going all the way from genius to suicide. Both being immune to ground was really handy though. It took me a couple of tries to make it with this team but once I got a feel for how the AI made decisions it was a breeze...

The Chatelaine match was a good one too, with some classic horrible decisions by the AI, as well as an even horribler one from me (killing off Landorus when it was locked into Earth Power against just my M-Aero when I should have taken care of Virizion first) which could have ended in me losing...

edit: lost at 55

So yeah pretty pleased with myself as I've never really been any good at these battle institutes. I legit would not have been able to do it without all the info that comes out of this thread so thanks everyone for contributing! Guess I'll try getting some good streaks going or something...

Good luck to everyone else out there!

sprites thanks to PkParasio
items thanks to Serebii


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Congrats! I've been stuck on singles for awhile now; I think I'm going to try the same team you used, since I have those three exact mons in my box.

Please be my guest! I hope it works out for you. I did singles kinda early on in XY when there was tonnes of hype surrounding those three; you've got the strongest priority move in the game with this new Talonflame thing, Azumarill is now a fairy and can finally use the Belly Drum + Aqua Jet combo, and the baby jumps out of Kangaskhan's pouch and battles with you!! So you with pretty much zero thought I just put them on a team to try them out and luckily they got 50. They probably wouldn't get much further than 50 but whatever that wasn't my goal
Please be my guest! I hope it works out for you. I did singles kinda early on in XY when there was tonnes of hype surrounding those three; you've got the strongest priority move in the game with this new Talonflame thing, Azumarill is now a fairy and can finally use the Belly Drum + Aqua Jet combo, and the baby jumps out of Kangaskhan's pouch and battles with you!! So you with pretty much zero thought I just put them on a team to try them out and luckily they got 50. They probably wouldn't get much further than 50 but whatever that wasn't my goal
Heh, it' not my goal either. Really I just want to beat the Chatelaine and never do the hax-ridden Singles again. (The last time I got to her I didn't know her Landorus was scarfed, and it swept me with Focus Miss. :P)
I dunno man, Doubles has been my most hax ridden set.

(and right as I say this, I might lose the singles streak I'm on due to tempting fate... :D)
Can anyone here help me with Doubles, Triples, Multi, and Rotation battles? I just want to get to battle 50....
Your best bet is to just look at some of the teams in the top 10s in the OP. You don't have to directly copy them, but you can use similar strategies. For all of Doubles/Triples/Multi you can use Level 1 Endeavor Aron with Berry Juice/Shell Bell to abuse the AI somewhat, although it isn't foolproof. While I haven't tried it yet, there are a few Trick Room teams that have done really well in Doubles/Triples. Mega Kangaskhan is also so ridiculously OP that he does well in pretty much every category. Basically, just look at the general strategies outlined by the people who have fared really well, and then see what Pokemon you can fit into similar roles. Doing that, you should be able to get to 50 without too much trouble (you might need a bit of good luck in Rotation, though, since the AI can be a bit weird).

For Multi, you need to have a good partner AI, or else have a second 3DS+game (friend optional). Ideally stuff with 4 attacks, or else the AI partner will try to use "strategy" during the fight, which means suicide. I did Multi with a Scarf Entei+Custap Samurott partner (Eruption spam), but an Aerodactyl/Gengar partner worked decently well when I tried it. Whatever you go with, test them in normal Multi first so you can see if you have any glaring synergy problems (like Aerodactyl constantly EQing my Greninja to death :/).
Can anyone here help me with Doubles, Triples, Multi, and Rotation battles? I just want to get to battle 50....
Like what Daenym said, looking up the top streaks and their strategy will help you greatly. Alternatively, you can post what pokes you are using currently and we can try to help you from there.
Good to see these Battle tower threads are still going strong!

Finally decided to get into the maison, I hope the people with the top streaks don't mind me stealing their teams/strats and seeing how far I can least until I find the creativity to make my own :D
Well, I did manage to get to the Chatelaine in Super Doubles, but my god. The hax was so fierce, I didn't even get to see her 4th mon (which I believe is a Latios). It was bad enough that she led with Suicune, who so far has been a huge pain in the butt, due to his uncanny ability to avoid 1v1s with Mawile thanks to always coming with something that I have to double up on. This time it was Entei, who after a nice intimidate drop and losing around 50% health from a sucker punch gets a crit on Sacred Fire which of course is an OHKO. Then comes out Raikou with an air baloon, so I can 2hko him at best with Lando, but of course before that can happen, Suicune rolls out a damn Blizzard, so that's it for Lando. Raikou just picked off the leftovers at that point.

I looked those boys up, and I looked up their movesets, and man, I'm a bit stuck here. I've got nothing that isn't banned that can swiftly dispatch them without having to worry about some random coverage move from one of the others, and that's not even factoring in the hax. The other mons in my party are lilligant and meloetta, and of course Mel's banned, and Lili isn't trying to deal with stray blizzards. I've got stuff like Bisharp, terrakion, aegis, greninja, talonflame, gardevoir and aggron, but they all get checked by something that those dudes happen to be randomly packing.

Any suggestions for the chatelaine? At this point, getting there isn't the problem anymore. The hax is gonna be strong, no doubt
Well, I did manage to get to the Chatelaine in Super Doubles, but my god. The hax was so fierce, I didn't even get to see her 4th mon (which I believe is a Latios). It was bad enough that she led with Suicune, who so far has been a huge pain in the butt, due to his uncanny ability to avoid 1v1s with Mawile thanks to always coming with something that I have to double up on. This time it was Entei, who after a nice intimidate drop and losing around 50% health from a sucker punch gets a crit on Sacred Fire which of course is an OHKO. Then comes out Raikou with an air baloon, so I can 2hko him at best with Lando, but of course before that can happen, Suicune rolls out a damn Blizzard, so that's it for Lando. Raikou just picked off the leftovers at that point.

I looked those boys up, and I looked up their movesets, and man, I'm a bit stuck here. I've got nothing that isn't banned that can swiftly dispatch them without having to worry about some random coverage move from one of the others, and that's not even factoring in the hax. The other mons in my party are lilligant and meloetta, and of course Mel's banned, and Lili isn't trying to deal with stray blizzards. I've got stuff like Bisharp, terrakion, aegis, greninja, talonflame, gardevoir and aggron, but they all get checked by something that those dudes happen to be randomly packing.

Any suggestions for the chatelaine? At this point, getting there isn't the problem anymore. The hax is gonna be strong, no doubt
Terrakion and Aegislash could wreck havoc actually. Something like Terrakion spamming Earthquake/Rock Slide while Aegislash spams Wide Guard, which renders Suicune completely useless since all its moves are spread moves. Said strategy also kills Entei and Raikou (as long as you don't choice lock into Earthquake vs Raikou) easily. With those 2 3 gone, your M-Mawile should be cleaning up Latios easily.

EDIT: Maths failed for a sec there
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I've got stuff like Bisharp, terrakion, aegis, greninja, talonflame, gardevoir and aggron, but they all get checked by something that those dudes happen to be randomly packing.

Any suggestions for the chatelaine? At this point, getting there isn't the problem anymore. The hax is gonna be strong, no doubt
LO Greninja does really well as a lead, especially against a lot of the legendaries, with the exception of Landorus (Scarfers are always a pain). Mat Block gives your partner a free turn, and whatever coverage moves you choose hit really hard. Dark Pulse will OHKO Latios, particularly, but you can tailor the moveset to what works with your other lead.
Super Triples Streak: 185 (just barely to get into the top 10 -_-)

Smeargle Lvl 1 @ Focus Sash
/care Nature
Own Tempo
- Protect
- Toxic
- Endeavor
- Destiny Bond

Dusclops @ Eviolite
Sassy Nature
252 HP / 136 Def / 120 Sp.Def
- Trick Room
- Night Shade
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rock Slide

Aron Lvl 1 @ Berry Juice
/care Nature
- Protect
- Toxic
- Endeavor
- Swagger

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Brave Nature
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Stance Change
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

Azumarill @ Assault Vest
Adamant Nature
Huge Power
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Superpower

Talonflame @ Life Orb
Adamant Nature
Gale Wings
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Tailwind
- Roost

This one went really well, lost because of many misplays on #186 (4MZW-WWWW-WWW6-XTS6). Last one was really dumb, I was left with +2 Aegislash against Chandelure. I was unsure I could OHKO it, went to calculate, and forgot to input I was +2. As a result, I SD'd once again and got OHKO'd by Specs Heat Wave. Damn.
Trying to win all the trophies so I tried doubles today and I got to battle 50 and won on my second try. The team was:

Charizard (M) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Protect
- Heat Wave
- Dragon Pulse
- Solar Beam

Greninja (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Mat Block
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Rock Slide
- Wide Guard
- Close Combat

Breloom (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Rock Tomb
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Spore

Video Codes versus Evelyn:

So yeah, two more trophies to go.
Does anyone think Rotom-W/Aegislash/Mega-Kangaskhan is an alright team for singles? I know Rotom-W synergizes really well with Aegislash, but no-one else appears to have used this combo before. What does everyone think?
Does anyone think Rotom-W/Aegislash/Mega-Kangaskhan is an alright team for singles? I know Rotom-W synergizes really well with Aegislash, but no-one else appears to have used this combo before. What does everyone think?
That combination looks OK. Just beware of Mold Breaker Earthquake users, e.g. Excadrill and Haxorus. If your Aegislash is a physical variant, then Will-o-Wisp is a status that you need to watch out for. Otherwise, I think that with some smart play and luck (always needed in Maison), that combination can get you up to Battle 50 at least.
The biggest problem with Rotom-W in the Maison is the accuracy on Hydro Pump. You need your team to be hyper-consistant to build a really long streak, and 80 percent accuracy on your signature STAB is really unreliable. Four percent of the time, you'll miss twice in a row! It's why you don't see many long streaks with Stone Edge, for example. But you do get nice type synergy with that team, and both Mega Kanga and Aegislash are Maison beasts, so you should be able to get to 50.
i found out how to worst case trade 2 for 2 on the maison, is there a pokemon who can win always 1v1? i thought about chansey with counter or something.. what do u think?
I've been thinking about it and yes- Rotom-W probably isn't the best Pokemon for the Maison. I've been thinking of maybe Latios or Hydreigon. Latios is stronger and has better coverage, but Hydreigon synergises better with the team (and is easier to breed!). What are people's thoughts?
Nice a large archive of success of so many players here, i'm far from the records i see on the first page but anyway

Got my last monument from super multi today, it was a lot more easier with an irl person (myself, 2nd 3ds). My winning streaks are:
Super Single: 50, lost at battle 51.
Super Double: 54, lost at battle 55.

Single and double went quite horribly since i underestimated the harder opponents that appear, rest is still ongoing and ever since then i have been really careful, i could post my teams info later if you like.
i found out how to worst case trade 2 for 2 on the maison, is there a pokemon who can win always 1v1? i thought about chansey with counter or something.. what do u think?
In my experience, M-Kanga will almost always win 1v1 in Maison, and is even more likely to do so if it gets to +2. Just remember to pack Crunch if you want it to destroy Ghost types (Earthquake is rubbish against stuff like Gengar/Trevenant/Gourgeist while Sucker Punch fails against Ghost packing status moves) and NEVER ever switch it in to a poke with a strong Fighting attack.

I've been thinking about it and yes- Rotom-W probably isn't the best Pokemon for the Maison. I've been thinking of maybe Latios or Hydreigon. Latios is stronger and has better coverage, but Hydreigon synergises better with the team (and is easier to breed!). What are people's thoughts?
I think you should go for Latios if you have a good IV+nature variant, as Hydreigon is really, really susceptible to Fairy and Fighting types (and its speed lets it down sometimes also).