The future looks pretty bleak for Durant even with Whimsicott getting stronger with the lack of an universal one-move sweeper to destroy the Maison with.
You've just been looking at the wrong sweepers, my friend! You go around looking for Pokemon with "good attacking stats" or "unresisted one-move coverage." I have no need for such luxuries!
Behold, my all-powerful Entrainment Durant team, with a combined Base Stat Total of 1114 (an average of 371.3, though one of them essentially has a BST of 0):
Sableye (level 1) @ Focus Sash
Nature: Naughty (if you're a fan of Naughty By Nature; otherwise, it doesn't matter)
Ability: Prankster
EVs: Are for losers
- Taunt
- Trick
- Embargo
- Toxic
Durant @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Traunt
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
- Entrainment
- X-Scissor
- Shadow Claw
- Doesn't matter
Smeargle @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
Ability: Moody
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpAtk/252 Spd
- Protect
- Substitute
- Stored Power
- Miracle Eye
Level 1 Sableye and offensive Smeargle, woooo!
Sableye is supposed to die. Using its level 1 magnetism, the AI will be very drawn to attacking it and not very drawn to setting up Prankster Double Teams (here's looking at you, Tornadus) or using Protect to activate their Flame Orbs, allowing you to use Embargo. Taunt is hella obvious; you don't want Protect ruining your party. Trick takes away Choice items, giving the AI more turns to sit there watching themselves die. Embargo blocks the use of Bright Powder, Lax Incense, and Quick Claw. Toxic allows Sableye to defeat such dangerous threats as Spiritomb 4 (can only attack with Sucker Punch) and Shiftry 4 (can only hit Sableye with Sucker Punch), who will stay in and hilariously faint against a Level 1 Sableye.
So the question is "Why Sableye?" Other than the obvious fact that Sableye is awesome, its Ghost typing is a huge advantage, blocking the opponent from using Explosion or High Jump Kick. The two HJK users after battle #40, Medicham and Mienshao, CANNOT HIT SABLEYE, thanks to its awesome Dark/Ghost typing giving it an immunity to Normal, Psychic, and Fighting. Since nothing will use Explosion on Sableye or Durant, Smeargle gets to come in safely. Sableye fainting is typically good (less chance for Roar to mess you up; don't have to use up as many turns of Embargo/Taunt to bring in Durant), but in some circumstances, you want to keep it alive. More on that later.
Durant wants to be able to OHKO Magic Bounce Espeon (you just assume all Espeon are Magic Bounce and switch in Durant immediately).
Offensive Smeargle is hilarious. It forgoes a set-up move, opting instead to sit there being a pain in the ass while Moody gradually boosts its stats. After an extremely long time, Stored Power will have an absurd base power (and some SpAtk boosts behind it), allowing it to slaughter anything. The SpAtk EVs are obviously essential, because Smeargle has base 20 Special Attack. But when fully invested and with a Modest nature, even Smeargle can become a nuclear bomb with Stored Power. The base power gets high enough that it doesn't care about Quagsire, and even Cresselia can be OHKO'd with enough boosts. Miracle Eye lets Stored Power hit anything, so even Dark-types aren't safe. But you need to use a LOT of PP to get there, and 16 Protects isn't nearly enough. That's where Miracle Eye's second function comes in. It doesn't matter if the opponent breaks Smeargle's Sub, since you can just set up another one. So a typical move cycle is Protect (opponent attacks), Substitute (opponent loafs), Miracle Eye (opponent breaks Sub), Miracle Eye (opponent loafs); rinse and repeat. Eventually the Def/SpDef/Evasion boosts will get high enough that they won't be breaking your Sub very often, so you can just sit there spamming Miracle Eye, restoring the Sub when necessary. Miracle Eye has 40 PP, giving it an insane 64 PP when maxed out.
Second and third Pokemon Dark-types are annoying, because you have to take a turn to use Miracle Eye in order to hit them. But it's rare that they actually do anything to you thanks to the Def/SpDef/Evasion boosts, so in my experience, it didn't really matter.
The AI can do stuff to get out of the lock (U-Turn, Explosion, Volt Switch), but they'll often wait a few turns to do so (especially because Smeargle is super frail and Explosion isn't necessary to take it out most of the time). By then, the Moody ball is already rolling, and you can often buy enough time with just Sub and Protect to get the boosts you need to win even without fully boosting.
Moody boosts everything, so Smeargle hardly even cares if the second or third Pokemon have traditionally threatening items or abilities. Bright Powder/Lax Incense? Sorry, I have boosted accuracy. Focus Sash/Sturdy? They only have a 1 in 3 chance to hit you with max evasion; knock them down to the Sash on turn 1 and just keep setting up Subs until they miss/fail to break it, then finish them off. Same thing with Quick Claw; they need both luck and power to actually hit you and break the Sub.
This team's biggest weakness is Taunt. Durant won't get hit by it, but Smeargle can, meaning you need to Protect every time a Taunt user can attack. This gives you 32 turns of set-up, which sounds like a lot, but you have no control over Moody. With only 32 turns, you can wind up with some stat drops in the wrong places (typically Speed and Special Attack). The same is true of users of sound-based moves, but you can usually stall out the PP on those.
I used my 543 team for the first 40 battles (there are more Taunt users in battles 1-40), then used this team after that. I lost at battle 102 to a surprisingly terrible combination of factors. The AI led with Aggron 4, a terrible Pokemon that happens to use Taunt. I sacrifice Sableye (as usual), Entrainment, bring in Smeargle, "set up" for a little under 30 turns (leaving a few Sub/Protect PP left), but wound up with several speed drops (I think I was -3 or something). I knew I had max SpAtk, so I decided to kill the Aggron (which I did, in one hit). The AI sends in Politoed, who outspeeds and hits with Focus Blast, despite me being at like +5 evasion. The last Pokemon is Wailord, who I know has Fissure. I use Protect to try to boost my speed (since Wailord is slow), but my speed ends up dropping again instead. I go in for the kill with Stored Power, but it outspeeds and KOs Smeargle with Fissure. Durant's got nothin' on Wailord.
This was a particularly unlikely combination of factors (speed drops due to not having enough turns to set up because of Taunt, a miracle Focus Blast hit on the Sub followed by a Fissure hit), but against many Taunt users, the team could be played to win the battle. The trick is to start attacking with Smeargle before your PP have been worn down too much. Stored Power will typically be strong enough as is, and after using 8 Protect PP, you'll usually have boosts in some desired stats. By taking out the Taunt user, the AI has to bring in their next Pokemon. Against a Smeargle with a total of 16 boosts, most Pokemon will have real problems doing anything, even without Truant. That gives you time to set up and take the AI out. Against some Taunt users that do pitiful damage to Durant (e.g. Crobat, Aggron), you can just switch in Durant right off the bat, knowing they'll go for an attacking move. Then you use Entrainment, set up using half of the Protect PP, and if the opponent brings something out that puts you in a bad spot, just go back to Sableye and use Entrainment on the new threat.
The thing about this team is that, due to the nature of Smeargle, it doesn't always NEED Entrainment. There's only one case I can think of where I wouldn't use it; against Machamp 4 and Throh 4 (both have Protect/Flame Orb), Sableye can use Trick on turn 1, but then they OHKO (b/c no Sash) and can Protect against Durant. If you Taunt on turn 1, the Orb activates, burning them to death over time. If you Embargo on turn 1, you can Taunt on turn 2 and the Orb will still activate once Embargo wears off. So you're best just using Trick and going straight to Smeargle. The AI has a tendency to use Protect when it has it, so you'll often be able to get away with setting up until you get enough evasion that they miss.
I don't actually know if this team "works"; I believe its loss was avoidable by taking proper precautions against Taunt (and I think the particular combination of opponents that made Smeargle beatable after set up, along with the hits on low accuracy moves, were rare), but it's possible that Moody gives bad results more often than more "standard" teams do. But it will be a very long time before I test this again (even though I think it can go much further), because
it is the slowest team in the universe. Seriously, it makes Acupressure Drapion look downright speedy. Most times, you get a total of +1 per turn (+2 in one stat, -1 in another). As you accumulate more boosts, you can get +0 total (because you boost a +5 stat, only giving it a +1 while taking a -1 from another stat). An average battle took like ten minutes. Maybe if I could actually keep track of all the boosts, I would know when I'm safe to sweep and start earlier, but doing so would take a ton of mental energy and would probably only take longer in the long run. I would love to see what this team can do with the knowledge I gained from my loss, but honestly, it will be a while before I consider trying it.
If you're just trying to get the Starf Berry or whatever, use something else; even other Entrainment teams are WAY faster than this. But if you want to start your slow descent into madness, watching Pokemon with horrendous base stats totally annihilate teams of the most dangerous and powerful Pokemon found in the Maison, feel free to give them a try. If nothing else, I like that I have a level 1 Sableye and an offensive Smeargle who have the "Expert Battler Ribbon" for beating the Chatelaine. Maybe they can't do much better than this, or maybe they're actually
the most powerful team the Super Singles line has ever seen. The world may never know.