Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I'm not sure even guaranteeing the AI a KO is enough to deter it from Protecting - I've seen random Protects even when the mon could secure a KO with one of its moves. It already has a 6.3% chance to KO, which seems like it'd be a move the AI likes plenty even without cutting bulk.


Edit 4: More on Medicham, seems like it can also OHKO Gyarados with critical HJK, so switching in Gyarados on a HJK aimed at Durant is not safe at all. And saccing Durant would be even less safe with Gyarados only being able to get to +1, and needing to Mega Evolve for that, denying the possibility of Intimidate set-up later. I'm thinking of re-EVing Gyarados for extra Defense in order to guarantee survival on critical HJK to solve the Medicham problem for good.

I've found that the AI does seem to go for a KO over Protect, but it may be only over a certain threshold of damage (like, a minimum of 102% may not be enough), or it may need a guaranteed KO. IIRC, everything with Protect attacked Sableye rather than going for Protect, because they could do a million percent damage or whatever. I also found that, against Yanmega 4, switching in Durant to take an attack (and getting it down to 30% health or less) would lead Yanmega to ALWAYS use an attack the next turn (rather than Detect), but it would typically use Detect against a full health Durant (which it can't OHKO without a crit). That quirk was actually the basis of my strategy against possible Speed Boost Yanmega; switching in Durant to take the attack led me to always be able to outspeed and use Entrainment the next turn, while sacrificing Sableye to bring Durant in at full health meant it would use Detect the next turn.

I just tested mock battles against Medicham. Pure Power Medicham seems like it always uses HJK against Durant; I'm pretty sure Telepathy Medicham will use Fake Out or Detect (I only tested one battle against Telepathy Medicham and it used Fake Out). I think using Entrainment against it is fine; if it's Pure Power, you get rid of its ability and make it a weakling (I just saw a crit HJK not KO Durant), and if it's Telepathy, it will block Entrainment but is a weakling anyway, meaning Gyarados doesn't have to worry too much about switching into HJK. And if it's Pure Power, the turns will go Entrainment/HJK (doesn't KO Durant), switch to Gyarados/loafs, Mega Evolve+Sub/Psycho Cut or (more likely) Detect), Dragon Dance/loaf, then you can just Protect on the HJKs and get free Dragon Dances on the loaf turns. For Telepathy, you can go for the +1 or you can switch out to Drapion to take Psycho Cut then back to Gyarados to put it at -2, at which point HJK can't 3HKO Drapion (though with 252 HP/252 Def, Telepathy Medicham won't 3HKO Drapion even at -1; I forget your EV spread for Drapion).
Good to know Pure Power Medicham always uses HJK. It seems a bit counter-intuitive, though, since it's only 107% minimum on Durant - maybe resisting Fake Out discourages that move and Durant's lack of offense discourages Detect? I've no idea, but with that in mind Medicham ought to be a non-issue.

Mega Evolving and drawing HJK on Protect is a bad idea, as the recoil will kill Medicham before you get to +6. Trying to set up Drapion is also not ideal, since an early Evasion boost can lead to its demise from a HJK miss in addition to Life Orb ticking it down, which is an unnecessary risk. If Entrainment was successful, there's no reason to Mega Evolve since you can just set up on its Psycho Cut with Protect like on any other Pokémon. Generally, you don't want to Mega Evolve Gyarados until you actually need it - since the Entrainment victim has Truant, you don't need to Mega Evolve on it barring a Curse user with several boosts and Rest that needs some extra punch to die, and keeping Water/Flying typing and Intimidate is useful against Tangrowth/Leafeon/Ludicolo and for the option to reset with Intimidate if desired. There's no drawback to delaying Mega Evolution, since you can get all the benefits of Mega Evolution instantly when you need them anyway while keeping regular Gyarados's advantages available as well. A possible advantage of Mega Evolving early could be to have more Special bulk and a 2x Electric weakness and more other weaknesses to draw out things like Fighting types over Static users as second Pokémon, but that is pretty obscure and would come at the cost of drawing out and doing worse against Grass threats.

Drapion is Jumpman's Drapula with Careful 252HP/60Def/196SDef (soon to be 252HP/12Def/196SDef/44Spe, though), which looks to be the optimal spread for a mainly specially bulky Drapion, which is generally desirable with Charm/Intimidate helping with physical attackers and Drapion's lower base SDef. The Impish 252HP/252Def Drapion was for the solo Durant sweeper with Protect, where maximum physical bulk was more desirable against early Explosion/recoil death into an EQ user before being fully set up.
Does any of the more expert players know when exactly a pokemon will set up trick room? I lost my triples streak at 167 to a Trick Room Cresselia (trainer's name was Veteran Alfie iirc). Although I expected to eventually lose to Trick Room, I'm actually pretty miffed about this loss, because the opponent also had a Raikou - how the hell am I supposed to expect Trick Room then? I already had a hunch the AI's pokemon in doubles/triples are not exactly team players (the only real teamwork I've seen was the occasional Wide Guard/Explosion combo and MAYBE Fake Out), but does this mean a Pokemon that knows trick room will basically always use it, regardless of its teammates?
Does any of the more expert players know when exactly a pokemon will set up trick room? I lost my triples streak at 167 to a Trick Room Cresselia (trainer's name was Veteran Alfie iirc). Although I expected to eventually lose to Trick Room, I'm actually pretty miffed about this loss, because the opponent also had a Raikou - how the hell am I supposed to expect Trick Room then? I already had a hunch the AI's pokemon in doubles/triples are not exactly team players (the only real teamwork I've seen was the occasional Wide Guard/Explosion combo and MAYBE Fake Out), but does this mean a Pokemon that knows trick room will basically always use it, regardless of its teammates?

You're right, AI team composition is totally random (they can play weather wars against each other and knock each other out with spread moves), and if something has trick room it will probably use it! So there is really no way to safely know whether it will use it or not, to be on the edge of caution expect it to and do what you can to get rid of it ASAP.
Does any of the more expert players know when exactly a pokemon will set up trick room? I lost my triples streak at 167 to a Trick Room Cresselia (trainer's name was Veteran Alfie iirc). Although I expected to eventually lose to Trick Room, I'm actually pretty miffed about this loss, because the opponent also had a Raikou - how the hell am I supposed to expect Trick Room then? I already had a hunch the AI's pokemon in doubles/triples are not exactly team players (the only real teamwork I've seen was the occasional Wide Guard/Explosion combo and MAYBE Fake Out), but does this mean a Pokemon that knows trick room will basically always use it, regardless of its teammates?
Teamwork? From the AI? lol
But seriously though, in all battles in my Triples streak, a Trick Room user would always use it in the first turn, regardless of its teammates.
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Yeah, the AI very much likes to use its first Trick Room immediately. However, in my experiences there is sometimes a one turn lag before a foe re-sets Trick Room after the first Trick Room fades. Sometimes, the enemy uses it immediately, while other times it attacks one turn first. Sadly, I'm not sure what explains this variation. I don't think this is just the "go for the kill" code, since it often happened in Super Singles play against my Suicune with full HP from Rest.
So yesterday I made a Doubles team, consisting of MegaZardY, Chlorophyll Venusaur, Sash Mamoswine and Weakness policy Dragonite. It completely annihilated everything, as you'd expect something so OP to do.
Today, I made a triples team, with the same four but I added a Talonflame and Support Klefki. Talonflame is for priority Flying moves while Klefki was there for Sunny Day and Thunder wave support.
I had an amazing battle with the Chatelaine in super triples. Here it is:

I completely ballsed up the first half of it and I had to pull something out of the hat to have even a slight chance of winning! It literally was the best battle I've had on the game yet, and that includes wifi battles :P
Thanks guys ^.^ good to know at least that I can never count on anything regarding tr setters. Taunt Talonflame over Zapdos would solve the tr problem, but that would leave me a lot more threatened by watertypes so I guess it's not the best option either (don't tell me to switch out Mamo for Torterra or Stunfisk :p). Oh well, against Cresselia I at least managed to stall out the TR turns (I ended up in a 3v3 matchup with suboptimal setup, i.e. Greninja in the middle next to Metagross, but still, I survived, even though I did set up Tailwind, completely throwing Zapdos's first turn down the drain and giving myself even more of a speed disadvantage). I actually lost to Regigigas's parafusion. In any case, it went a lot less bad than in my TR loss against Clawitzer, so maybe the current team can somewhat handle TR after all :) for now I'll just see what my rotation team's limit is (team is probably broken af, but I kinda suck at that format, so ya. Now at 65.)

And Berry Juice the AI is pretty dumb indeed, but I would consider a Wide Guard/Explosion or Wide Guard/Earthquake combo to be teamwork. I always have to be careful when I see Bastiodon on the opposing team, I cannot just blindly click Ice Beam+Heat Wave+Earthquake :p
Thanks guys ^.^ good to know at least that I can never count on anything regarding tr setters. Taunt Talonflame over Zapdos would solve the tr problem, but that would leave me a lot more threatened by watertypes so I guess it's not the best option either (don't tell me to switch out Mamo for Torterra or Stunfisk :p). Oh well, against Cresselia I at least managed to stall out the TR turns (I ended up in a 3v3 matchup with suboptimal setup, i.e. Greninja in the middle next to Metagross, but still, I survived, even though I did set up Tailwind, completely throwing Zapdos's first turn down the drain and giving myself even more of a speed disadvantage). I actually lost to Regigigas's parafusion. In any case, it went a lot less bad than in my TR loss against Clawitzer, so maybe the current team can somewhat handle TR after all :) for now I'll just see what my rotation team's limit is (team is probably broken af, but I kinda suck at that format, so ya. Now at 65.)

And Berry Juice the AI is pretty dumb indeed, but I would consider a Wide Guard/Explosion or Wide Guard/Earthquake combo to be teamwork. I always have to be careful when I see Bastiodon on the opposing team, I cannot just blindly click Ice Beam+Heat Wave+Earthquake :p
If you are considering using Taunt Talonflame over Zapdos, you could have Greninja use Grass Knot too, so you can beat Water-types that Rotom can't(namely Water/Ground pokemon, like Quagsire).
I think that if the AI has a chance of 1HKOing, they will generally not use Trick Room. Against my Triples team, Exeggutor4 always tries to Wood Hammer my Blastoise, Trevenant always goes for Energy Ball, and Slowbro/Slowking will use Surf against Talonflame. The opponent WILL use Trick Room, even if there's another fast Pokemon on their side (I've seen several Hex Maniacs set up TR with an Espeon out, for instance.) They always go for Trick Room at the first opportunity, and I've even seen some Pokemon go for Trick Room again to reset it (made life a lot easier those battles).
If you are considering using Taunt Talonflame over Zapdos, you could have Greninja use Grass Knot too, so you can beat Water-types that Rotom can't(namely Water/Ground pokemon, like Quagsire).
That just might work, I didn't consider Grass Knot at first because I thought it was unreliable, but I looked up its base power and most of the pokemon I care about are hit for 80 BP or more (except Vaporeon and like 2 more), so it should be fine (Also, Quagsire get murdered by Mamo :p but w/e, at least I can hit all watertypes hard then). As for Talon, I've got one in my boxes, with a little moveset tweaking it would be something like this:


Bob (Talonflame) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/nobody cares/31/31
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe (can't remember for the life of me what this spread does, but sure as hell I don't need any more speed than this for taunting TR setters ^.^)
-Brave Bird

It's worth trying at least, and it's not like I'm putting a long streak at stake right now by experimenting :s Losing Zapdos's Heat Wave would suck pretty bad since Greninja and Mamo often lack just a little bit of power for OHKOing something, but at least it would remove my TR weakness for the most part.

And SimicCombine thanks, but I can OHKO the setters that can OHKO me myself (Exeggutor & Trevenant with Mamo, Slowbro & Slowking with Zapdos and maybe a little help from Mamo). The setters that give me problems can't OHKO me, so they will use Trick Room (Cofagrigus unless I'm extremely lucky with a crit/flinch, Dusknoir, Cresselia).

This Talon stuff brings me to another question: since he's frail af, will he draw in the majority of attacks? (I know Aron does, but Talon is not that frail :p and it's not like Fire/Flying is a bad defensive typing either) Would be nice to use Protect for using him as some sort of lightningrod to allow Greninja and Mamo to murder opponents without fearing a lot of attacks. (I have noticed that, if two opponents are capable of OHKOing the same pokemon, they will both attack him, so that looks promising at least)
Talonflame does tend to draw a lot of attacks, but those tend to be Rock Slides anyway. Even then, the AI has a weird tendency to use un-STAB'd Earthquakes when the only targets are Blastoise and the partner. Maison AI is weird.
That just might work, I didn't consider Grass Knot at first because I thought it was unreliable, but I looked up its base power and most of the pokemon I care about are hit for 80 BP or more (except Vaporeon and like 2 more), so it should be fine (Also, Quagsire get murdered by Mamo :p but w/e, at least I can hit all watertypes hard then). As for Talon, I've got one in my boxes, with a little moveset tweaking it would be something like this:


Bob (Talonflame) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/nobody cares/31/31
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe (can't remember for the life of me what this spread does, but sure as hell I don't need any more speed than this for taunting TR setters ^.^)
-Brave Bird

It's worth trying at least, and it's not like I'm putting a long streak at stake right now by experimenting :s Losing Zapdos's Heat Wave would suck pretty bad since Greninja and Mamo often lack just a little bit of power for OHKOing something, but at least it would remove my TR weakness for the most part.

And SimicCombine thanks, but I can OHKO the setters that can OHKO me myself (Exeggutor & Trevenant with Mamo, Slowbro & Slowking with Zapdos and maybe a little help from Mamo). The setters that give me problems can't OHKO me, so they will use Trick Room (Cofagrigus unless I'm extremely lucky with a crit/flinch, Dusknoir, Cresselia).

This Talon stuff brings me to another question: since he's frail af, will he draw in the majority of attacks? (I know Aron does, but Talon is not that frail :p and it's not like Fire/Flying is a bad defensive typing either) Would be nice to use Protect for using him as some sort of lightningrod to allow Greninja and Mamo to murder opponents without fearing a lot of attacks. (I have noticed that, if two opponents are capable of OHKOing the same pokemon, they will both attack him, so that looks promising at least)
Oh, right, I forgot about Mamoswine's Freeze-Dry. At least Grass Knot helps against Water-types that are in front of Greninja(out of Mamo's range), so yeah.
About Talonflame's frailness, it does draw moves that hit it super-effectively/can KO it, as I've seen with my Aegislash(It's fun to draw moves in Blade forme because of its frailness, then using King's Shield:D).
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Sup guys, I just beat the 50 battle in the Super Single Battle format (lol I'm late, but I just started a 2 days ago)

At the 50th battle, you fight Battle Chatelaine Nita.

We all know that she uses the legendary trio of Unova, so I think I'll be good maybe a little later. But that's why I'm here, I'd like some advice. This is the team I've been using, and it's been pretty easy to use so far:

Item: Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Sludge Wave

Item: Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Item: Ampharosite
Ability: Static -> Mold Breaker
Nature: Modest
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Agility
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast

So I just would like some advice on this team. How will it do on the way to 100? I'm going to try to get that rare berry or whatever. So far, everything has been pretty easy, the most threatening thing I saw was a team of Regigigas / Tornadus / Thundurus and I got through it easily. Thanks! :)
Sup guys, I just beat the 50 battle in the Super Single Battle format (lol I'm late, but I just started a 2 days ago)

At the 50th battle, you fight Battle Chatelaine Nita.

We all know that she uses the legendary trio of Unova, so I think I'll be good maybe a little later. But that's why I'm here, I'd like some advice. This is the team I've been using, and it's been pretty easy to use so far:

Item: Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Sludge Wave

Item: Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Item: Ampharosite
Ability: Static -> Mold Breaker
Nature: Modest
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Agility
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast

So I just would like some advice on this team. How will it do on the way to 100? I'm going to try to get that rare berry or whatever. So far, everything has been pretty easy, the most threatening thing I saw was a team of Regigigas / Tornadus / Thundurus and I got through it easily. Thanks! :)

Looks pretty solid so far. I especially like how it can deal with status well: you've got 2 mons that are immune to TWave and don't really care about WoW, and you've got one that is immune to Toxic, i.e. will always defeat satan's Cresselia (Double Team, Toxic, Moonlight, Protect w/ Leftovers). I have seen some things that can be improved though:
-pretty minor but you run Focus Blast on two mons. In general, you want to avoid low accuracy moves as much as possible, as consistency is more important than power here. That said, from what I see it's probably a situational coverage move, so it shouldn't matter that much.
-I think your Scizor's moveset can be improved a little. Because the opponent rarely switches, U-turn and especially Pursuit are much less useful here. I'd swap out Pursuit for Thief, as Thief has an effective 90 BP as opposed to Pursuit's 60. As for U-turn, I guess you mainly use that one as a damaging switch. Imo a better choice here would be Bug bite (stronger+removes berries, although it would be a pain to get) or X-scissor (just stronger). I don't really know with what purpose you've used U-turn though, and I can certainly see it being more useful, so you can make a better judgment on that than I can.
-Your team seems to have a weakness against special Water-types with Ice coverage (two of your mons are weak against Ice, and Scizor is slow and won't take a strong Water-type attack well). Maybe you haven't run into one until now, but it's pretty likely the RNG will pull out Greninja or Starmie or so at least once on your run to 100, and then you'll have at least significant trouble getting past them. You could replace Amphy with Mega Gyarados (just the first thing that came to my mind, probably not the best idea); this would cover this weakness, but it would leave you more vulnerable to TWave/WoW, which can be somewhat remedied by leading with Gyarados and switching to Lando on said moves.

I thorougly dislike singles though (too much cheap strategies for my taste), so I stopped playing them after I got the trophy and I don't know that well what are the most relevant mons here. Someone else might be able to give you better advice regarding your team composition (plus, judging by your C&C work I guess you'd rather keep Amphy :p). I also think you should just continue using this team until your streak ends and then evaluate, as there's no better way to find out your team's weaknesses than actually running into them, and I generally dislike experimenting mid-streak.

Also, for most people (including me) it's a lot easier getting a long streak in the other formats (especially triples). My doubles team got to 105 and my triples team got to 166, despite having no previous experience whatsoever with these formats. You can use bigger teams here and thus take more threats into account, and the AI generally just uses singles tactics in these formats, so it's a lot easier to outplay them. I suggest getting the Lansat and Starf berries here ;)

Good luck ;)
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GYAHH!!! I hate the AI! Every trainer I have partnered with for the multi battles has either horrid movesets or no brain (or both). 5 times I have lost only because of my "partner" not doing the obviously good move/having a garbage moveset (offensive donphan without ice shard, really? And you never EQ when your partner has an air balloon?). Anyone have an idea with what partners I should pick/or just general help? (I wish I had one with the scarf typhlosion! Been getting FCs every day for a week and still no luck).
Hey guys, I need some advice on my Rotations team, I need a last member for a classic Screen+Sweepers team. This is the team:
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Def / 212 HP / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Moonlight

Klefki (F) @ Mental Herb
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 92 Def / 164 SpD
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Safeguard
- Flash Cannon

Gyarados (M) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 12 HP / 244 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Return

I'm thinking about using Dragonite, or maybe a support/pivot pokemon... I'm not sure
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Looks pretty solid so far. I especially like how it can deal with status well: you've got 2 mons that are immune to TWave and don't really care about WoW, and you've got one that is immune to Toxic, i.e. will always defeat satan's Cresselia (Double Team, Toxic, Moonlight, Protect w/ Leftovers). I have seen some things that can be improved though:
-pretty minor but you run Focus Blast on two mons. In general, you want to avoid low accuracy moves as much as possible, as consistency is more important than power here. That said, from what I see it's probably a situational coverage move, so it shouldn't matter that much.
-I think your Scizor's moveset can be improved a little. Because the opponent rarely switches, U-turn and especially Pursuit are much less useful here. I'd swap out Pursuit for Thief, as Thief has an effective 90 BP as opposed to Pursuit's 60. As for U-turn, I guess you mainly use that one as a damaging switch. Imo a better choice here would be Bug bite (stronger+removes berries, although it would be a pain to get) or X-scissor (just stronger). I don't really know with what purpose you've used U-turn though, and I can certainly see it being more useful, so you can make a better judgment on that than I can.
-Your team seems to have a weakness against special Water-types with Ice coverage (two of your mons are weak against Ice, and Scizor is slow and won't take a strong Water-type attack well). Maybe you haven't run into one until now, but it's pretty likely the RNG will pull out Greninja or Starmie or so at least once on your run to 100, and then you'll have at least significant trouble getting past them. You could replace Amphy with Mega Gyarados (just the first thing that came to my mind, probably not the best idea); this would cover this weakness, but it would leave you more vulnerable to TWave/WoW, which can be somewhat remedied by leading with Gyarados and switching to Lando on said moves.

I thorougly dislike singles though (too much cheap strategies for my taste), so I stopped playing them after I got the trophy and I don't know that well what are the most relevant mons here. Someone else might be able to give you better advice regarding your team composition (plus, judging by your C&C work I guess you'd rather keep Amphy :p). I also think you should just continue using this team until your streak ends and then evaluate, as there's no better way to find out your team's weaknesses than actually running into them, and I generally dislike experimenting mid-streak.

Also, for most people (including me) it's a lot easier getting a long streak in the other formats (especially triples). My doubles team got to 105 and my triples team got to 166, despite having no previous experience whatsoever with these formats. You can use bigger teams here and thus take more threats into account, and the AI generally just uses singles tactics in these formats, so it's a lot easier to outplay them. I suggest getting the Lansat and Starf berries here ;)

Good luck ;)

In regards to Pursuit and U-Turn, I use these for competitive battles on my 3DS too, haha. With water-types, Mega-Ampharos is so bulky it can take an Ice Beam from both and set up Agility (even with 0 HP EVs). I not so sure if the Greninja packs Shadow Sneak since I've never run into it before.

In regards to Pursuit and U-Turn, I use these for competitive battles on my 3DS too, haha. With water-types, Mega-Ampharos is so bulky it can take an Ice Beam from both and set up Agility (even with 0 HP EVs). I not so sure if the Greninja packs Shadow Sneak since I've never run into it before.

In the OP there's a list of all Pokemon and all trainers in the maison (regarding Greninja, there is a physical Greninja that runs Water Shuriken, but that one shouldn't be a threat. There's also one that runs Blizzard, however, so that one may be more dangerous).
As for Scizor, I know that problem. I even had to breed two separate Rotoms, one for the Maison and one for wifi battles.
I just hit win 50 for the 2nd time and feel set for a deep run in Super Doubles. And I'm cleaning house, have only been threatened once. Maybe I can crack the list. Here's what I'm wielding:

Politoed @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Perish Song

Beartic @ Choice Band
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Def
-Icicle Crash
-Brick Break
-Rock Slide
-Shadow Claw

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker)
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 SpD
-Ice Fang
-Dragon Dance

Raikou @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Rash
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Weather Ball
-Aura Sphere

Basically, get the rain going and exploit it to win. Beartic bashes through many with a STAB Icicle Crash with a Choice Band plus can net KOs on other Pokes with her other moves. Just about everything she faces is either OHKOed or 2HKOed. With rain and Swift Swim, 9 times out of 10 she is the fastest Poke on the field.

Gyarados is usually my final win condition and I decide whether to Mega-Evolve or not depending on what's on the field. The Intimidate works nicely against physical threats.

Raikou is from a HG/SS event and is practically designed to function in the rain, let alone any weather with its Weather Ball move. Ground types can't beat Raikou unless they outrun it.

Edit: Took out Beartic's Aqua Jet and replaced with Brick Break.
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I just hit win 50 for the 2nd time and feel set for a deep run in Super Doubles. And I'm cleaning house, have only been threatened once. Maybe I can crack the list. Here's what I'm wielding:

Politoed @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Perish Song

Beartic @ Choice Band
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Def
-Icicle Crash
-Aqua Jet
-Rock Slide
-Shadow Claw

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker)
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 SpD
-Ice Fang
-Dragon Dance

Raikou @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Rash
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Weather Ball
-Aura Sphere

Basically, get the rain going and exploit it to win. Beartic bashes through many with a STAB Icicle Crash with a Choice Band plus can net KOs on other Pokes with her other moves. Just about everything she faces is either OHKOed or 2HKOed. With rain and Swift Swim, 9 times out of 10 she is the fastest Poke on the field.

Gyarados is usually my final win condition and I decide whether to Mega-Evolve or not depending on what's on the field. The Intimidate works nicely against physical threats.

Raikou is from a HG/SS event and is practically designed to function in the rain, let alone any weather with its Weather Ball move. Ground types can't beat Raikou unless they outrun it.

I'm not exactly good at Doubles (actually, I'm not good at Doubles at all), so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I would probably give Beartic Brick Break or Superpower for a stronger/more reliable hit against Tyranitar and Abomasnow. I'm concerned that your power move for your first two Pokemon is a 90% accuracy move, which comes out to a rather pathetic 81% accuracy against opponents with Lax Incense or Bright Powder. I'd also be worried about the fact that Tyranitar holds Focus Sash, meaning that, if you switch out Politoed so you can win the weather war, Tyranitar will survive Beartic's attack with 1 HP. Crit Rock Slide also OHKOs Gyarados, and Worker (Rock/Steel/Ground) teams are more likely to have Pokemon who have Rock Slide and are faster than Beartic under sand (Krookodile, Archeops, Aerodactyl, Sand Rush Excadrill, Marowak), which can lead to annoying flinches. Trick Room can also cause some problems, particularly from Slowbro, who easily survives double-targeting from your two leads.

Good luck!
I asked this in the wi-fi section but everybody's a bit busy with their Vivillons atm, so ... I have this shiny Vaporeon: 31 / 2 - 12 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 7 - 12. Thoughts about that Speed stat? Is it good enough for the Battle Maison or will it make enough of a difference that I should just use one of his perfect brethren?
Just got my 50 win streak in each category. I think the most frustrating one was rotation, just because of the AI randomness. Predicting the AI to switch out of a super effective move, or to use a super effective move on me, and then having them do something completely different? Well at least its done now lol.

Multi battles were fun and suprisingly easy, I was doing those locally co-op with my sister so we had a lot of team work, and the potential of 2 mega pokemon gives a huge advantage (even though neither of us used one)

My main pokemon throughout were

Latios Life Orb
Timid 252 speed/252 SpAtt/4 Hp
Dragon Pulse

I found roost a little more useful than thunderbolt against toxic/will-o stallers (though there are times thunderbolt would have helped more)

Ferrothorn Leftovers
Brave 188 Att/252 HP/70 SpDef

Gyro Ball
Power Whip
Leech Seed

Was able to stall quite a lot of things out with just leech seed and protect, chose to put a lot of EVs into attack to speed up victories

Talonflame Choice Band
Adamant 252 Att/252 Speed/4Hp
Flare Blitz

Nothing new here, standard talonflame, Acrobatics is there for the fling/thief combo pokemon, only used U turn and acrobatics a few times.

Mamoswine Focus sash
Hasty 252 Speed/188 Att/70 SpAtt

Ice Shard
Icicle Crash

Standard freeze dry mamo. Didnt really use freeze dry much though.

These were my main 4 pokes, For triples I used the cheesy lv 1 aron + Sandrush excadrill strategy.

my 120 rotation never got posted to the records list?
(plz fix!)

anyway, new stuff. got all the trophies! pic attached.

now for the important part.
458 in triples! heres the loss: k6kw-wwww-www8-afdk

Talonflame @ focus sash ,gale wings, adamant, 252 hp 252 atk, 5iv. brave bird, tailwind, swords dance, flare blitz
Garchomp @ Garchompite ,rough skin-sand force, jplly, 252 atk 252 spe, 5iv. Earthquake, dragon claw, rock slide, swords dance
Greninja @ air balloon , protean,timid, 252 spatk 252 spe, 5 iv. Smack down, ice beam, dark pulse, mat block

hydreigon @ life orb, levitate, timid, 252 spatk 252 spe, 5iv. hyper voice, dark pulse, dragon pulse, earth power.
dragonite @ lum berry, multiscale, adamant, 252 atk 252 spe, 5iv. Dragon dance, outrage, fire punch, earthquake
aegislash @ leftovers, stance change, adamant, 200? hp 252 atk (puts hp at 160 then splits between defenses) . kings shield, sacred sword, swords dance, shadow sneak.

most battles were won with my lead. talonflame sets up tailwind, garchomp dances, ninja blocks. then i pick stuff off with brave bird and dark pulse, or smack down levitate/flyers, and spam EQ with garchomp. obviously rock slide was for multiple flyers. 0 speed ev talonflame is slower than jolly 252 ev garchomp, so i could flare blitz to take out whatever had a sash or survived garchomp, also conserving full hp for the sash if garchomp kills everything. swords dance talonflame was great, because if garchomp was making the kill then talonflame could boost. pretty obvious team.
the rest are pretty self explanatory, although i may change things up next run. aegi won several clutch battles, hydreigon has two STAB pulse moves, dragonite was good but its earthquake is really weak compared to boosted stab garchomp..

problems: really the only issue is trick room, which i did eventually lose in. there were several teams of solid ice types that i made it through, even if i lost garchomp first turn. also, after a few hundred battles you start to get distracted easily, so there were times i didnt notice air balloons come in or wide guarders.

anything else, just ask me!


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my 120 rotation never got posted to the records list?
(plz fix!)

anyway, new stuff. got all the trophies! pic attached.

now for the important part.
458 in triples! heres the loss: k6kw-wwww-www8-afdk

Talonflame @ focus sash ,gale wings, adamant, 252 hp 252 atk, 5iv. brave bird, tailwind, swords dance, flare blitz
Garchomp @ Garchompite ,rough skin-sand force, jplly, 252 atk 252 spe, 5iv. Earthquake, dragon claw, rock slide, swords dance
Greninja @ air balloon , protean,timid, 252 spatk 252 spe, 5 iv. Smack down, ice beam, dark pulse, mat block

hydreigon @ life orb, levitate, timid, 252 spatk 252 spe, 5iv. hyper voice, dark pulse, dragon pulse, earth power.
dragonite @ lum berry, multiscale, adamant, 252 atk 252 spe, 5iv. Dragon dance, outrage, fire punch, earthquake
aegislash @ leftovers, stance change, adamant, 200? hp 252 atk (puts hp at 160 then splits between defenses) . kings shield, sacred sword, swords dance, shadow sneak.

most battles were won with my lead. talonflame sets up tailwind, garchomp dances, ninja blocks. then i pick stuff off with brave bird and dark pulse, or smack down levitate/flyers, and spam EQ with garchomp. obviously rock slide was for multiple flyers. 0 speed ev talonflame is slower than jolly 252 ev garchomp, so i could flare blitz to take out whatever had a sash or survived garchomp, also conserving full hp for the sash if garchomp kills everything. swords dance talonflame was great, because if garchomp was making the kill then talonflame could boost. pretty obvious team.
the rest are pretty self explanatory, although i may change things up next run. aegi won several clutch battles, hydreigon has two STAB pulse moves, dragonite was good but its earthquake is really weak compared to boosted stab garchomp..

problems: really the only issue is trick room, which i did eventually lose in. there were several teams of solid ice types that i made it through, even if i lost garchomp first turn. also, after a few hundred battles you start to get distracted easily, so there were times i didnt notice air balloons come in or wide guarders.

anything else, just ask me!
Well... Why does Hydreigon have Hyper Voice? I mean, what does it hit? You could replace it with Flamethrower or Protect...