I've finally made it past the Chatelaines for Super Doubles ( 63 Wins ) and Super Triples ( 89 Wins ), with my Hail team. Not everyone has perfect 31 IVs, but most of them are in the "outstanding" category when IV checked.
Abomasnow ( Snow Warning , Adamant, 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Speed, 31 IVs in Hp Atk and Speed ) @ Abomasite
1. Ice Shard
2. Wood Hammer
3. Protect
4. Leech Seed
This was the abomasnow I was using for doubles in black2 and white2. EV Spread was from Smogon's b/w dex. The Abomasite is really helpful when slower weather starters come in ( Politoed, Tar and Hippowdon ) I get hail back and usually deal with them with wood hammer. Protect has been crucial, not only from enemy attacks, but also from my team mates' other moves ( Surf, Discharge, Earthquake ) Leech Seed to stall when necessary.
Rotom F ( Levitate, Modest, 252 SpA / 252 Speed / 4 Hp, 31 IVs in Hp, SpA and Speed )
Choice Scarf
1. Blizzard
2. Discharge
3. Volt Switch
4. Trick
Scarf Rotom Blizzards/ Discharge, is the main source of damage. Levitate is key as I set Rotom in the middle position for Blizzard to hit all 3 member of the enemy team, with Mamoswine on the right dishing out earthquakes. Good Synergy with Mamo as well as discharge doesnt hit him. Trick was rarely used but did work wonders on slow set up mons. Outspeeds Aerodactyl ( OHKO ) Jolteon ( Blizz + Ice Shard) and Espeon ( Blizz + Ice shard )
Mamoswine ( Thick Fat, Jolly, 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Hp, 31 Ivs in Hp, Atk and Speed ) @ Focus Sash
1. Ice Shard
2. Icicle Spear
3. Stone Edge
4. Earthquake
The last of my 3 starting mons for triple battles. Focus sash has saved my life so many times, as he is immune to both hail and sandstorm damage. His Earthquake + Blizz or Discharge + Ice shard from Abomasnow is usually enough to clear or heavily damage the enemy team. Earthquake and Blizz have very good synergy as most of the mons who resist one is hit hard by the other.
Starmie ( Natural Cure, Timid 252 SpA / 252 Speed / 4 HP, 31 IVs in SpA and Speed )
Life Orb
1. Blizzard
2. Surf
3. Psychic
4. Rapid Spin <--- meaning to change this to Protect or another attacking move
My other mass attacker, usually takes the place of Rotom F if he faints. Careful use of Surf required as Mamoswine is hit hard by it if placed on the wrong side of the team. STAB Psychic allows me to push through some of the tougher Fighting types which give my Ice mons a lot of trouble.
Machamp ( No Guard, Adamant 252 Hp/ 252 Atk / 4 Speed, 31 Ivs in Hp and Speed, Attack IV is close to 31 ) @ Lum Berry
1. Dynamic Punch
2. Payback
3. Stone Edge
4. Bullet Punch
Physical brute and provides me with a rock resist, and a fighting STAB attack. I'm thinking of changing the berry to an assault vest, as he was rarely burned through the entire run.
Chandelure ( Flash Fire, Modest 252 SpA/ 252 Speed, 31 IVs in SpA and Speed ) @ Air Balloon
1. Shadow Ball
2. Flamethrower
3. Psychic
4. Energy Ball
Perfect switch in for the snowman if he just used protect during the prior turn. Balloon was used so that he can stay beside Mamoswine during earthquakes. Packs a punch, but still debating if I should change Flamethrower for Heat Wave
The first 4 mons are the ones I used for doubles. Main strategy would be to set up hail and hit hard with Blizz and Quake. Priority attacks to pick up stragglers from those 2 attacks. I chose the other Starmie Machamp and Chandelure as they all have good typing synergies with the ice types.
I'll be posting pictures for proof later.
Pics posted. Any advice or recommendations are most welcome