Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Alright, I'm back (again :s) to resolve what's hopefully the final issue of my triples team. I just lost somewhere in the 160s in a rather strange battle against a lot of surprisingly bulky legendaries, which featured more untimely misses than usual (and some weird AI predictions, e.g. Latios who attacked Rotom rather than Blaziken), the most untimely miss of which was at the end: Blaziken went 1 on 1 against Suicune, who was in Sky Uppercut's KO range (maybe even in Flare Blitz's :..( I just didn't wanna risk it because it really wasn't that clear), missed SU, causing me to lose. I think this team really should be able to win the Starf Berry; the Trick Room problem has been solved as much as possible by adding Taunt Talonflame, the remaining issue is that I tend to rely on moves with imperfect accuracy a little too much.

I can think up two changes to remedy this:
-Greninja: Scald (or Dark Pulse?) over Hydro Pump. Problem is, I already surrendered some firepower when swapping out Zapdos for Talonflame (didn't matter at the time because Talon is 'only' the utility attacker), but that means I shouldn't be neglecting Greninja's and Mamo's power, which I feel I would be doing if I were to take out Hydro Pump. On the other hand, I've found I'm using Hydro Pump not that much anymore because I can now use Grass Knot on Rock types, and if I just need a reliable STAB I usually go with Ice Beam. I really need a Water-type move to hit Fire-types though because they resist both Ice Beam and GK. Maaaybe Dark Pulse could also work, offensively it wouldn't matter I guess but I think a Water-type move is better because it screws Fire-types over defensively as well (because Protean).

I'd go with Dark Pulse, as Blaziken, Mamoswine, Metagross, and Rotom already have moves to hit Fire-types(Rock Slide, Earthquake and Hydro Pump), and Dark Pulse has that utility of hitting things that are not close to Greninja. Also, after using Mat Block, you'll be a Fighting-type, attracting Psychic-type moves, and then you can use Dark Pulse to be immune to these moves:)

-Blaziken: Low Kick over Sky Uppercut. It's getting really annoying that Blaziken has only one perfectly accurate move (Flare Blitz), so I think SU just doesn't cut it anymore. I didn't consider Low Kick at first at all because I thought it was unreliable (using GK on Greninja has convinced me otherwise) and because I thought it was a tutor move -.- I'm a lot less reluctant to making this change (only thing is it would require me to breed a new Torchic), because it hits most stuff for 80BP or more (i.e. neglegibly weaker or clearly stronger than SU).
The only problem here is, I don't know for sure if there are any relevant targets where Low Kick is too weak. So far I've only noticed Blissey (60BP, which is annoying but I've also got Talon's Taunt and Gross's Hammer Arm), but I don't know if there are more.

vs. Blissey1 and 2: 252+ Atk Mega Blaziken Low Kick (60 BP) vs. 0 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 254-302 (76.9 - 91.5%)
vs. Blissey3: 252+ Atk Mega Blaziken Low Kick (60 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 234-276 (64.6 - 76.2%)
vs. Blissey4: 252+ Atk Mega Blaziken Low Kick (60 BP) vs. 0 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 234-276 (70.9 - 83.6%)

As you said, you have other moves to finish the job, but I'm not sure. Are there other relevant pokemon that are hit harder by Sky Uppercut than any other move Blaziken has?

This would leave me with the following inaccurate STABs: Mamo's Icicle Crash (unremediable), Rotom's Hydro Pump (unremediable), and Metagross's Meteor Mash (same), as well as some coverage moves. That SHOULD work, because Mamo and Rotom have more spammable STABs (Earthquake and T'bolt) and Metagross's job is more not dying than actually killing stuff lol (aside from applying some pressure with EQ and sniping some stuff with BP).

For reference, this is the team in its current form, should be pretty clear how it works:

Greninja @ Lum Berry
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/19/19/31/31/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Mat Block
-Hydro Pump -> Scald/Dark Pulse?
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot


Bob (Talonflame) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/nobody cares/31/31
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe
-Brave Bird


Manny (Mamoswine) @ Life Orb
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Naive
IVs: 1/31/17/31/31/31
EVs: 244 Atk / 12 SpA / 252 Spe
-Icicle Crash
-Ice Shard


Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost -> Speed Boost
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/27/13/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Flare Blitz
-Sky Uppercut -> Low Kick?
-Rock Slide


Metagross @ Assault Vest
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/10/18/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
-Meteor Mash
-Hammer Arm
-Bullet Punch


Rotom-W @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/15/31/31/11/31
EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 240 SpA / 8 SpD
-Hydro Pump

tl;dr: need advise over power vs. accuracy in order to reach the consistency necessary for 200 wins, because it's a tad frustrating getting close again but seeing it slipping through my fingers because I gave the RNG a little too much room. Halp.
If anybody could help me with these two small issues, I'd really appreciate it ^.^
Replies in bold.
tl;dr:Greninja->Dark Pulse, and Blaziken->Low Kick(not sure though)
And I got to achieve a 200+ again, on other mode! :)

I achieved 323 victories on Super Rotation with the intersting squad below:


CrazyMouth, the (Mega)Mawile @ Mawilite
Intimidate > Huge Power / Brave
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp.Def (157/150/105/x/76/49 > 157/172/145/x/116/63)
- Iron head
- Play Rough
- Protect
- Swords Dance

This guy is unbelivable. He just torn everyone apart just mega-evolving, but when you use SD AND are on a Trick Room... it just wins the game. Period. The main strategy of this team is to make it mega-evolve using Swords Dance and then finish everyone. Do you resist it? 2HKO. Heatran? 2HKO (most of times) Got Burned? Ok, this is a little boring, but then I SD once more and it is almost the same. Bring it on! Really, it is like a locomotive, a bullet-train: if you get to make it move, it is unstopable! I really love you, CrazyMouth. Even you having those strange things growing on your head. I love you.


MJ, the Hypno @ Light Clay
Inner Focus / Relaxed
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Sp.Def (192/x/134/x/136/78)
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Trick Room
- Protect

A truly odd choice, I know. But I noticed that Hypno was the best Inner Focus Trick Roomer that exist (Alakazam and Girafarig) and this stoped any Fake Out, Rock Slide and all other annoying flinching that always bugged me. But you may notice that MJ has no attack at all, so, of course, it is completely shut down by Taunt (and Encore), right? Wrong!... no, that's right, I had a lot of problems because of it during my streak AND ended because of it... of course I could use Mental Herb, but Light Clay gave me those 3 precious turn of defense that made all the team... fit so well. Well, even not atacking, MJ is very annoying to kill. It just felt for a powerful X-Scissor or Shadow Ball (and just when the walls were down!), so I could relly on him very often. I salute you, you kid-kidnapper-fluffy-thing!


Fishy, the Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Water Absorb / Bold
244 HP / 252 Def / 12 Sp.Def (236/x/123/130/117/85)
- Scald
- Haze
- Wish
- Protect

My safety net. Whenever I know I was potentially screwed, I could switch to Fishy and just Wish I was better (did you notice what I did there? Wish? Oh, ok.) His sole mission is: do not let anyone die. If the other lives went red, switch fo Fishy, Wish, switch back protecting and then I have 60% (MJ) to 75% (CrazyMouth) of their life back! Haze over Heal Bell because it is so boring picking pokes from last generation AND because I noticed that it was very useful against several Calm Minders or DT Regigigas. Scald because sometimes, with both defenses up, Fishy could finish the game by itself. And easily. Look how happy he is! =D


Malfoy, the Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Multiscale / Adamant
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd (167/204/115/x/120/132)
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Protect

I love to use Malfoy, but I need to confess that I used him because I didn't know who else to use. He is wonderful, can enter and clean the job when anyone of the other is down, have great synergy with Wish due Multiscale, Lum Berry protect from statuses, DD make it faster (preferentially after Trick Room is out...) and stronger than anyone aaaaand that's it. Like I said, it was an ok option to use as the 4th member, but I always thought that I could arrange some poke even better. If you guys have any thoughts I'm reading.

Strategy: Like I said before, the main strategy is to keep CrazyMouth alive when it gets pumped and then destroys everything it can see. An usual match (about 50% of them have gone more or less like it) was:
- Sent out pokes (CrazyMouth in front because of the Intimidate), notice if my three oponnent are more special or phisical attackers
- Switch to MJ, use the screen that fits better (or both, if this is the case - specially if I'm facing strong fire/gound pokes)
- Switch back to CrazyMouth, mega-evolve using Swords Dance
- If MJ is a little hurt (>50%), swith to Fishy, use Wish, then back to MJ, use Protect and get healed by the power of our fishealer!
- Then MJ use Trick Room
- Finally, switch back to CrazyMouth and WIN.
Of course that this is ideal, but it runs very much in this direction almost every battle. Sometimes I have to take more on bulk fire types (but if the other team have plenty fire and no thing that resist water, I go just with Fishy's Scald till the end), Steel and things like that. If anyone dies, the other team usually is reaching its end and Malfoy enters just to finish them all.

Flaws: But of course no strategy is perfect (and the player don't help that much =D ). Running this streak, I faced several threats, like:
- Taunt users (specially this pesky Crobat that made me lose!). It is fun how AI predicts that I'm switching to MJ. Always predicts. I had something like 5 to 7 battles when MJ was shut down and could just Struggle. This is not nice. I hate you Crobat. I never liked Batman that much. (I'm lying: everybody loves Batman)
- Encore users: it is not THAT awful as Taunt users, as I can stall a little to make it away, but sometimes a match got 5, 10 turns longers because of it.
- Heatran/Moltres: even though I could kill them both on two attacks (sometimes Heatran on 3 and Moltres on 1), they could kill CrazyMouth on 1. Specially as they got a lot of critical as they did. Or not missing any Overheat/Magma Storm. Well, it happens.
- Confuse Ray: ok, the main reason I didn't use Heal Bell is that it doesn't work on confusion, because... it is SO annoying to hurt yourself in confusing. Specially when you have a +2 Huge Power killing machine that is not able even to Protect to be healed by a wish!
- Brick Break: it is not that common, but sometimes they used it on wrong times, making the match longer. It is just boring, you know.
- AI prediction: it is just... incredible sometimes. But this is part of the game!
Long Battle against Veteran: SSYG-WWWW-WWW8-LNJH (He had a Heatran that always landed a Magma Storm on my poor CrazyMouth...)

How I lost: Due an early (1st turn, actually) Taunt on MJ, that made me switch to Malfoy, and right after losing Fishy to a outstanding Thunderbolt. And geting paralyzed 3 times in a row. But I would lose, anyway. I might have won this match, but how can we assure it, isn't it? :)

I think that's it. I will be very happy to receive any indications on how to improve this team because it was very fun to play with it. Mega-Mawile is a killing machine, I'm still impressed. If you have recomendations, please go on. Or if you want to take this team and use it (changing it a little to fit your personal tastes), go ahead, it is really fun to play with. For now, I'll stop rotations a little to focus on doubles. I'm already on a 200+ streak with a Trick Room Aron team (using my body MJ AND the killing machine!), let's see how far can I get. :)
Inspired by the Sharpedo teams I have returned to the Maison to fight again. Togekiss aside, I would probably consider this as VGC practice in the sense that I need help to remember (hopefully by Protecting rather than learning the hard way by getting hit) which Pokemon can pack Ice moves (other than hidden power of course).

I honestly enjoyed using Sharpedo ever since I discovered it in this thread thanks to flavor0 here:

I'm only at 31 wins right now, but I probably don't expect to get very far on this first try. I need to see the flaws in this.

BASIC: AoE the enemy with Dazzling Gleam and Earthquake.
1. Have a Fantasy Core with Sharpedo as special guest to make a Shark-themed team. (It's almost Shark Week...)
2. Check for enemy team weaknesses that can be single-target with Flamethrower or Grass Knot or Dragon Claw.
3. Predict which Pokemon have ice moves (hey, I have to play this on the go, can't have the list of Maison enemies with me all the time) and Protect.
4. Remember which Pokemon are faster than Jolly Garchomp.
5. Have Sharpedo revenge KO and draw fire with the usual Destiny Bond shenanigans.
6. Switch Aegislash in on Fairy, Rock, Ice moves as needed. Maybe even Grass and Bug for Sharpedo.

Win conditions:
1. AoE makes the match 4-2 in my favor.
2. Enemy is stuck with Pokemon that can't handle Aegisub well.
3. Be 3-2 or maybe even 2-2 with full life Sharpedo in play and with no detrimental weather.

Possible improvements so far:
1. Iron Head seems to be wasted on Garchomp. I'm considering Aqua Tail, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Fire Blast. Maybe even Rest.
2. Team feels so empty without a Mega.
3. While I'll lose the Shark theme, Sharpedo may be better off as Gyarados or Mega Gyarados for this setup.
4. No Ice moves I might have to put Ice Fang on Sharpedo. (ugh, 4 moves syndrome)
5. No support moves like screens, statuses, buffs or redirection.
6. I need to remember who uses Wide Guard.

Team Members:
Togekiss "Shark Eater" @ Assault Vest
Garchomp "Sand Shark" @ Lum Berry
Aegislash "Harpoon" @ Leftovers
Sharpedo "Shark Weak?" @ Focus Sash


Togekiss "Shark Eater" @ Assault Vest
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot


Garchomp "Sand Shark" @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head


Aegislash "Harpoon" @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- King's Shield
- Substitute
- Shadow Ball
- Flash Cannon


Sharpedo "Shark Weak?" @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Destiny Bond
- Waterfall
- Crunch
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Replies in bold.
tl;dr:Greninja->Dark Pulse, and Blaziken->Low Kick(not sure though)
Alright, then I'm gonna go with that. As for Greninja, I know how Water STAB works so I guess it's best to try Dark Pulse for now, if that sucks I can always switch back to Water, and it's not like my leads have a bad matchup against fire defensively anyway. (I do have multiple moves that are super effective against them, but most are unreliable/weak coverage moves, I'll see how it works out). I've never found myself wanting to hit the opposite side of the field outside of opposing last mon situations (which are only annoying, far from dangerous), but I'll see, could be more nifty than I gave it credit for.
If CB Armaldo murders me, I'll blame you :p
As for Blaziken, those calcs are actually kinda cute, if Low Kick+any other physical hit will kill Blissey I guess she won't be a problem. I browsed through Bulbapedia's weight list again, and the only too light relevant stuff where I'd prefer fighting STAB over fire STAB is Ninetales (40BP) and Scrafty (60BP) I guess (and stuff that gets smashed by Low Kick anyway such as Houndoom, and stuff that I really shouldn't rely on Blaziken to cover in the first place, such as Gastrodon and Politoed. As for Ninetales, I know I have Rock Slide but if I reject SU because of accuracy I automatically declare Rock Slide unreliable too, plus that move is actually meant for finishing off multiple weakened targets at once); there's also a lot of relevant stuff that Low Kick hits for 80BP, but 80BP and 100% accuracy is better than 85BP and 90% accuracy obviously. I've probably missed a lot of stuff, but w/e, I'll notice that as I go along.
Thanks ^.^
And I got to achieve a 200+ again, on other mode! :)


MJ, the Hypno @ Light Clay
Inner Focus / Relaxed
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Sp.Def (192/x/134/x/136/78)
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Trick Room
- Protect

A truly odd choice, I know. But I noticed that Hypno was the best Inner Focus Trick Roomer that exist (Alakazam and Girafarig) and this stoped any Fake Out, Rock Slide and all other annoying flinching that always bugged me. But you may notice that MJ has no attack at all, so, of course, it is completely shut down by Taunt (and Encore), right? Wrong!... no, that's right, I had a lot of problems because of it during my streak AND ended because of it... of course I could use Mental Herb, but Light Clay gave me those 3 precious turn of defense that made all the team... fit so well. Well, even not atacking, MJ is very annoying to kill. It just felt for a powerful X-Scissor or Shadow Ball (and just when the walls were down!), so I could relly on him very often. I salute you, you kid-kidnapper-fluffy-thing!

Now I'm wondering if this guy could be used with any luck in Triples.. always wanted to do a viable Trick Room team!
Mega Kangaskhan is easy mode on its own, but would be even better with Alakazam killing Fighting types. Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Power-up Punch, and Return and have Scrappy so you can use Fake Out on Ghosts that are obviously going to target your partner. Greninja would still be good in the back not only for Speed and restoring Suicune's health, but also because it will draw Grass/Electric moves away from Suicune, which you can abuse by using Grass Knot to survive the now-resisted hits.

Yeah, I tried it with Mega Kanga-Baby. She hit pretty hard. Got a streak of 41 on the first try.

I changed Life-Orb on Greninja with Absorb Bulb (credits to cant say), which turned out to be handy while playing alongside with 'Cune.

Most battles turned out to be sexy Prediction-battles where I came out 4-2 after 2 rounds with nearly untouched Pokémon.

I finally lost to a Tentacruel (which I targeted first because I knew it would be impossible for Greninja + Lucario) to stop it but then suddenly a Lucario appeared who just ran through Kanga and Greninja (while 'Zam and 'Cune died by other means).

I will try one more run and change Dark Pulse with Signal Beam to have something in the cuff for Fighting Types. Dark Pulse was not tooo useful (just killed some Ghost types I might have killed with different moves anyway). The bad thing about Greninja is that I can't switch it in on Fighting moves because it shares Kanga's single weakness...

If this won't help I try to switch Greninja with Defensive Water Absorb Jellicent. 'Cune and Jellicent can heal each other and I can switch in Jellicent on Fighting attacks aimed at Kanga (and also Water + Normal moves to reset Fake Out).

I might run something like
Jellicent@Leftovers Water Absorb Calm/Bold
Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Dazzling Gleam

Probably I should go physically defensive because Cune might already sponge special moves with Calm Mind. Both share two weaknesses but it's possible for Jelli to recover 13/16 of his HP in one round.

Any opinions on that? Who has experience with Jellicent at the Battle Maison?
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Re: Jellicent
Nicki-- There's also Hp-heavy Lanturn and its Volt absorb... I'd almost have suggested Mantine (Water absorb, 140 SpDef, resists fighting), but that would make you even more of a lightning trap for AI. And every other opponent will have electric stuff, if you have 2+ water types up front. (Source: triples run with Greninja/Mantine/Politoed Super-Frogs-Plus-Pancake team.)


Would appreciate some feedback on a Florges team for Triples, if anyone's got time. :3

This started out as an effort to use Florges in Maison Triples. It also came about because the second run of my Slacking team ended at 111, and ‘ve realized that ‘m just not that good at keeping track of fine details that win or lose battles.

Basic strategy: resist-switches and Earthquake spam. Gyarados goes into fire attacks for Florges, Aegislash into fighting for Kanga (if Florges or Talonflame can’t take them out first), and Gliscor comes in for Talonflame. Protects on almost everything for entertainment value, and you tend to shuffle the critters around a lot while playing. I am currently on battle 56, so this team can take you past the 50 battle hump at the very least.

I’d –love- to find a way to use a grass type in here to take advantage of Florges’s Flower veil. Unfortunately, the only one that comes to mind with this strategy (a Rest/Gyro Ball/Power Whip/Payback Ferrothorn) adds so much additional fire weakness and has none of Aegislash’s nommy priority. Another thought, mentioned further down, is to try for a quasi-rain team. It would also be nice to find less orthodox replacements for Gyarados and Aegislash.

Florges @ Bright Powder
Ability: Protean
Nature: Flower Veil
EVs- HP & SpDef
IVs: 31/?/31/31/31/31
- Wish
- Protect
- Aromatherapy
- Moonblast

A surprisingly bulky cleric. Sets up Wish, takes out the the dragon and fighting types (whom Kangaskhan does not generally like). Aromatherapy supports Kanga and anything else that is out at the time, in a big way. Interesting factoid- when aroma-therapy-ing Toxic Orb poisoning, the poisoning comes back the same turn, so you do not lose out on Gliscor’s healing.

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
EVs- Atk & Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- Protect
- Flare Blitz

AKA the Suicide Bird. Doesn’t last more than 2 turns when it’s in, but hits like a truck while it lasts. Takes care of steel and fighting threats to Florges and Kanga, which is nice.

Kangaskhan @ Mega Stone
Ability: Early Bird
Nature: Naughty
EVs- Atk & Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/?/31
- Power Up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Fakeout

Crappy nature, crappy SpDef IV; need to breed up a better one. Standard Kanga build. I find that FakeOut is pretty useless in triples, as I use it maybe 1 out of 10 times in favor of Power Up Punch. (On Air Balloon pokemon, usually) Protect may be a better option.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Adamant
EVs- Atk & Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
- Protect
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Classical stall Gliscor. Immune to lightning, so ends up going in place of Talonflame on the first turn, as often as not. This stall build is an absolute darling, and there is only a handful of pokemon that it does not deal well with. (Skarmory and Wheezing come to mind).

Gyarados @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Jolly
EVs- Hp & Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Return
- Stone Edge

This is one of the pokemon in this team I’d like to replace. Yes, EQ immunity and fire resistance is nice, but Choice items (in my opinion) are too limiting for Triples. The horrid lighting weakness, when added to the one of Talonflame, assures that the game throws Elecktross/Air Balloon electrics at you on every other team. Ideally, the replacement for this one would have a priority move and be a grass type.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Brave
EVs- Atk & HP
IVs: 31/31/31/?/31/31
- Iron Head
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak

Second pokemon I’d like to replace. Standard Aegislash; needed a fighting resistance, but ended up with another fire weakness. It seems to me that Florges would function well on a rain team, but ‘m not sure if trying to cram a Politoed/Ludicolo/Jellicent on a team already burdened with relatively slow Florges and Gliscor is a good idea.

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Now I'm wondering if this guy could be used with any luck in Triples.. always wanted to do a viable Trick Room team!
Meeeh that Hypno would probably be too much of a momentum killer in triples, you want to hit as much and as hard as possible there, and you can't really afford to have some slacker that can't kill anything himself. In rotation he's alright because then he's the only one getting attacked on his turns, but imo triples would be too fast-paced for him, you'd be battling 2v3 all the time.
That said, a viable TR team sounds like fun :) some time ago I played around with one on Battle Spot doubles, consisting of Reuniclus/Scrafty/Cofagrigus/Mega Abomasnow. Worked pretty well. In triples you wanna lead with double fake out imo, don't know who the second one should be though because fake out users tend to be relatively fast :\ in case of emergency there's always power items or iron ball I guess. (megastoise could work, speed ties with uninvested neutral base 54, assuming negative Speed nature and 0 IVs)
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Meeeh that Hypno would probably be too much of a momentum killer in triples, you want to hit as much and as hard as possible there, and you can't really afford to have some slacker that can't kill anything himself. In rotation he's alright because then he's the only one getting attacked on his turns, but imo triples would be too fast-paced for him, you'd be battling 2v3 all the time.
That said, a viable TR team sounds like fun :) some time ago I played around with one on Battle Spot doubles, consisting of Reuniclus/Scrafty/Cofagrigus/Mega Abomasnow. Worked pretty well. In triples you wanna lead with double fake out imo, don't know who the second one should be though because fake out users tend to be relatively fast :\ in case of emergency there's always power items or iron ball I guess. (megastoise could work, speed ties with uninvested neutral base 54, assuming negative Speed nature and 0 IVs)

You've got a point about Hypno there..

I think you could get away with one or two fast/priority move pokes in trick room teams, (such as Talonflame the Suicide Bird), for the times where you wouldn't be able to set up right away/when setup fails for whatever reason. Or why not Greninja+Mat block first turn? Then pull him back for when the trick room wears out. Could squeeze a Safeguard guy /w Prankster somewhere in there, too...

(Of course, it's entirely possible that this wouldn't work as well in reality as it does in my head.)
1. Iron Head seems to be wasted on Garchomp. I'm considering Aqua Tail, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Fire Blast. Maybe even Rest.
Ever consider Dual Chop? Also, that guy's screaming for Rough Skin.. may not seem like much of an ability, but it does add up in the long run.
Worst Stall Wars ever:

Water Absorb Suicune vs. Water Absorb Vaporeon.

Vaporeon Water Ring


Vaporeon ran out of PP first, but heals each turn with Leftovers. and Suicune saved up Surfs for the finals - just to heal its opponent. NARGRGR (A.I. controlled Suicune...)
You've got a point about Hypno there..

I think you could get away with one or two fast/priority move pokes in trick room teams, (such as Talonflame the Suicide Bird), for the times where you wouldn't be able to set up right away/when setup fails for whatever reason. Or why not Greninja+Mat block first turn? Then pull him back for when the trick room wears out. Could squeeze a Safeguard guy /w Prankster somewhere in there, too...

(Of course, it's entirely possible that this wouldn't work as well in reality as it does in my head.)
I'm afraid it wouldn't, sorry. Using Greninja in a Trick Room team is a bad idea, as Greninja is completely helpless in TR (fast+frail) and you shouldn't be using mons that don't function at all in your intended playstyle (not to mention the momentum loss switching out every time incurs, you really shouldn't underestimate that, especially in something as fast-paced as doubles/triples). Of course, it might happen TR runs out or setting up fails (it's almost guaranteed with double fake out and adequate prediction though) so you really should have some pokes that function well outside of TR, but those are mainly bulky attackers. Using fast mons is a bad idea as they don't function in TR; priority users on the other hand are pretty useful, as they function outside of TR as well. Talon is not the best example though as it's too fast to use any attack other than BB within TR; it's a good mon that's capable of functioning somewhat adequately within TR (because of BB), rather than a good TR mon.
If I were to build a TR team, it would include two fake out mons, a setter, a backup setter, and two bulky attackers. Priority and spread moves are always nice of course ^.^ Robo Mike Hariyama and Sableye are all right, but I wouldn't like my front line to be complete dazzling gleam bait :p

Just thrown together from theorymon in half a minute, probably has some serious coverage/synergy issues but should be capable of somewhat pulling its weight.

Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 192 HP / 64 Def / 252 SpA
IVs: 0 Spe
Ability: Magic Guard
-Trick Room
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Ability: lol -> Mega Launcher
-Fake Out
-Water Spout/Hydro Pump/idk, in any case STAB and WS is fun if it works (which it should)
-Dark Pulse/Aura Sphere/Ice Beam/Dragon Pulse/idk

Scrafty @ Assault Vest
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Ability: Intimidate
-Fake Out
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch

Cofagrigus @ Mental Herb
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Ability: Mummy
-Trick Room
-Shadow Ball

Escavalier @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Ability: Overcoat (?)
-Iron Head
-Drill Run/Knock Off

Azumarill @ Mystic Water
Nature: Brave
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Ability: Huge Power
-Aqua Jet
-Play Rough
-Protect/Superpower/Return/(rofl) Belly Drum (REALLY not recommended though, you won't get the chance)
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I've updated the records list through here. As always, please let me know if there are any omissions or errors. And continued good luck on the streaks! I was grinning as I listed a Hypno on a 300+ win team, so special bonus points to Fencas for that!
I feel the first two losses I had are from getting used to my team, but the third with two Fissures in a row...

Ever consider Dual Chop? Also, that guy's screaming for Rough Skin.. may not seem like much of an ability, but it does add up in the long run.
Already have Dragon Claw though, I prefer the 100% accuracy on that.
Finally, I don't think Rough Skin would've helped much based on what is hitting my Garchomp (Psychic, Ice Beam, Blizzard), since it's usually Sharpedo that draws fire from everything else. Sand Veil helps out more in this regard since a random sandstorm can be a source of hax on my side.
I've updated the records list through here. As always, please let me know if there are any omissions or errors. And continued good luck on the streaks! I was grinning as I listed a Hypno on a 300+ win team, so special bonus points to Fencas for that!
It is always fun to use some unexpected mon AND go well. :)
And the thing is: it could be even better! I really think that a backup better than Dragonite could have helped me more.

I'm already on a 200+ streak with a Trick Room Aron team (using my body MJ AND the killing machine!), let's see how far can I get. :)
...and I lost. Miserable. By a lot of mistakes. I was so pissed that I never saved the matched, but the team was the same Hypno as before, Aron, standard Mega Mawile and Azumarill. I will not even try to use this one because I know this same idea can go further on doubles. I'll update soon (I guess).
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I've updated the records list through here. As always, please let me know if there are any omissions or errors. And continued good luck on the streaks! I was grinning as I listed a Hypno on a 300+ win team, so special bonus points to Fencas for that!
Hello, I checked and found a misundertunding, since my last record of 316 victories was meant for Super Doubles and not Triples, that's it :)
Ooh, talk about Trick Room teams. My bread and butter! Allow me to pitch some food for thought.

First, a setter that is nearly deadweight once TR up is more and more acceptable the harder it is to kill them. Pokemon like Cofagrigus that can be EV'd to be extremely bulky are better off running a Mental Herb and full support moves as well as Destiny Bond. As an attacker, its movepool is too shallow and it isn't threatening without Nasty Plot, which takes up more space than it can afford as a setter, a job for which it is much better suited.

If you want to bring two setters, give consideration to running both as leads and on opposite ends instead of one at a time. This has multiple perks: if you do your research, you can easily learn which setter is more likely to be targeted and is at bigger risk of being shut down; this also goes a long way in preventing you from spending two turns with no TR active and thus no momentum built because a bad enemy lead combo successfully thwarted your lone setter and backup. Before I began limiting my randoms teams to ten battles apiece, a particular team lead with two setters, a Bronzong and a Carbink, and they reached Dana so easily that I let them continue onto 100. They never had a particularly rough time of it.

I haven't been in any battles in which I wished I had two Fake Out leads. It seems pretty unnecessary to me, considering only the center one can target every opponent. You're better off running a bulky sweeper in a slot that can reliably take out an opponent while the setter does its business, or draw abuse while protecting itself.

Your most reliable Megas will be Abomasnow, Mawile and Ampharos. No one else even comes close, though Aggron gets a special mention in that, like Cresselia, the opponents seem to love ganging up on it, and it just eats that shit right up. It also is not too bad offensively, and can reliably set up during its first turn, though it won't carve through teams like the aforementioned three (Abomasnow is the best of them all. Believe it.)

Speaking of Cresselia, it is arguably the best setter in the game. No, it has no Aroma Veil, but it isn't threatened by an ounce of the things that easily OHKO Aromatisse. Hax stops Cresselia. Not the type chart. Cresselia is the only setter I've felt comfortable running in the center position.

Helping Hand, Gravity, Heal Pulse, Ally Switch and Healing Wish/Lunar Dance are excellent moves. Bulky pokes with entirely support-geared movesets are underrated on Trick Room teams. If you're not interested in that, at least consider Helping Hand and Heal Pulse for the things that can learn them.

Scientists and Black Belts can be some of the most unwelcome sights. Their teams are loaded with pokes that make that all-important first turn miserable. Sniper Drapion 4 easily OHKOs most setters with their shared Dark or Poison weakness in spite of their bulk. Tyrantrum 4 is just a fucking behemoth. Toxicroak 4 packs Taunt and Gunk Shot; depending on your setter and Croak's pals, it can create some conflicts of interest when determining who to Fake Out. Scientists can pack Gengar 4, while both trainers can pack Armaldo 4. Black Belts can also lead Medicham 4 and Darmanitan 4; should their abilities be Pure Power and Sheer Force, respectively, their main STAB move will hit like a nuke.

Psychics and Hex Maniacs are a mixed bag. Sometimes their own Trick Room users will spam the move, while they can often lead with Ghosts, blocking Fake Out and providing ample threat to several setters. It'll usually come down to particular combos, as these two trainer types are just as likely to be steamrolled. Battles with Mara are usually very amusing and simple, and I suggest simply withdrawing your own setter and bringing in a sweeper. Her teams are usually extremely unsynergetic.

Pokes that have served me surprisingly extremely well on these teams, that aren't normally selected by players:
Mega Scizor
Specs Slowking
Expert Belt Breloom (Mach Punch/Bullet Seed/Rock Tomb/Superpower)
Weakness Policy Regice
Assault Vest Magnezone
Weakness Policy Baton Pass Glaceon
Clawitzer (This was a HOLY SHIT, please come up in the RNG more, PLEASE.)
Trick-or-Treat Gourgeist

If you just want to steamroll with the most reliable guys around, you can't go wrong with:


Mega Ampharos
Mega Mawile
Mega Abomasnow
Reuniclus (Don't bother using it as a setter. It's much better at killing things.)

My love for ToT Gourgeist came about after realising that Gourgeist wasn't a very good setter (weak to flying, which can target it from anywhere on the field) and that I loved spamming Knock Off. ToT makes most things weak to that move, with some particular walls 4x weak, namely Bronzong and Cresselia, whom I dislike fighting with my TR abusers. It also made Porygon2, a generally very reliable poke on these sorts of teams, immune to the many powerful fighting attacks and also gave it STAB for its Shadow Ball. Gourgeist has been pretty fun to have around on the teams for which it manages to be drawn.

As for Clawitzer, it hits anywhere on the field with most of its best moves, and it hits really hard. I love having it for the occasions I face enemy TR users, particularly Mara, because it easily OHKOs the majority of her pokes save for Aromatisse. If my RNG site draws another poke that normally uses a Life Orb, I'll always let Clawitzer be the one that gets to keep it.
So I'm probably the smartest person ever. I started a super triples streak last night using a supposedly Specs Pixilate Hyper Voice Sylveon, and everything was going great. I didn't really have any issues, and Sylveon was doing a ton of damage. I get to battle 35 this morning and run into a Frisk Gourgeist only to learn that my Sylveon was still holding Lucky Egg from my leveling it up. :pirate: I just switched to Specs, and it's astounding how hard this thing hits.

EDIT: Achieved all the trophies on 7/25/2014!
Greetings Smogon,

I've only been trying on and off since this game released to reach 200 wins in Super Singles. I probably could have achieved it faster if I didn't like to breed so many stupid gimmick Pokemon.

Anyway if anyone cares, here's the video to prove it. You can bet I was tense. I only encountered this Glaceon once during this whole stretch from 1 to 200. Every Glaceon before it did not use Ice Shard. I was so scared my Kangaskhan would get frozen (other Ice type moves are used besides Ice Shard).


If there is a 17th place that I can be put onto, I would appreciate it. If I can't go on there until I lose, well I guess I'll get back to this thread. Maybe I will get first place!

The three that withstood it all....

Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Special Defense
-Hidden Power Ice
-Nasty Plot

I just randomly thought of this set while I was at work. It works extremely well, actually. Curse users have always been a problem for me in Super Singles, and they can Curse all they want as long as Infernape is at full health. He has KOed many things with Counter. If I don't need to use Counter, I can use Nasty Plot, and then sweep with +2 Blaze STAB Flamethrower.

The only problem with him is if he is up against something faster, uses special attacks, and he can't KO even with Blaze. Water Type leads usually mean switch, or sacrifice him to do two Flamethrowers. Physical Water Types can be Countered. Counter is very useful on him. I did press my luck a little bit with trying to Counter Waterfall a few times. His greatest moment was Countering a Fissure from a Whiscash, lol. If you use him, have something that can switch into Special Water attacks, and Psychic. That was my team's main flaw. They also led with Jolteon a lot. First switching to Garchomp worked. Then they started using Fake Tears on the turn I switched, and then Hyper Beam. I had to switch again to avoid a KO. Mega Kangaskhan usually took this opportunity to Power-Up Punch, and then sweep.

Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Veil, Rough Skin starting at battle 201
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Poison Jab
-Swords Dance

When I decide to go further, I will probably breed another Chomp with Rough Skin. It would have helped a little bit. Sand Veil has helped in the past against the few Hippowdon and Tyranitar that you meet up with. Rough Skin at least punishes Fake Out users that also hold a Focus Sash, and other various attacks. Poison Jab was only used to avoid putting "starters" (things with Blaze, Overgrow, Torrent), into the range where their ability would kick in. Facade can help against burns, but not from Ghosts. Having an attack that isn't Dragon Claw (you want to be able to beat a Togekiss) is a very good idea. Poison Jab is the most reliable attack, and is 1/16th stronger than Earthquake against Azumarill. While that is a very small difference, it could mean the difference between winning and losing.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy (before Mega)
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 236 Speed, 12 HP, 4 defense, 4 Special Defense
-Sucker Punch
-Power-Up Punch

2 speed points higher than neutral nature base 100's before Mega Evolution. For some reason, 232 Speed EVs ties with neutral base 100s, and 236 gives two speed points to add up to 154 at level 50 (152 is a Speed tie with Base 100s. The other small EVs I decided were a good idea after reading a certain post in this thread.

Edit: Ice Shard does not trigger Rough Skin, updated.


Well I just lost on battle 248 in Super Singles. What a piece of crap this Veteran was. They constantly lead with Latias or Latios against me, and the most safe option is to just sacrifice Infernape and do some damage so I can just Sucker Punch with Mega Kangaskhan. That went just fine. I took a Draco Meteor with Mega Kangaskhan, Power-Up Punched, then Sucker Punched to kill. Usually this is a clean sweep, but of course the worst possible thing came out next, Virizion. I laughed and knew this was probably the end. I can't Sucker Punch it due to Justified, Garchomp will most likely stand no chance against a +2 Virizion. Sucker Punch wouldn't do much damage anyway. I let Mega Kangaskhan die, and proceed to use Swords Dance with Garchomp. Virizion uses Protect, wasting its turn. Next turn it uses Leaf Blade and does less than half of Garchomp's HP. It takes damage from Rough Skin (bred a new chomp last night). Garchomp uses Outrage and KOes Virizion. Right now I'm praying the next thing is something that will die in one hit to +2 Outrage, such as Moltres and Zapdos. They send in Regice and Outrage does around 85%. I pray that it will use Blizzard, or something that can miss. It uses Ice Beam, and Garchomp goes down. Well ****.

I am not sure there was a way to win, besides stupidly switching in Mega Kangaskhan on turn 1, having Draco Meteor miss, then KO Latias. Infernape could have handled Regice, and Garchomp could have handled Virizion. Strange that it took 248 battles to face the perfect counter-team

Here's the video.

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well, i got all the maison trophies. it's been a mostly enjoyable romp through the different battle modes except for multi with AI which fucking sucks, and i got to try out a ton of different pokemon. so, here are my teams/streaks:

Streak: 111
i used a lot of teams in singles, but this is the one with my highest streak.

Conkeldurr @ Assault Vest
128 HP/252 Atk/128 SpD
~Drain Punch
~Rock Slide
~Mach Punch

av conkeldurr leads off because it can slug its way through so many fragile mons without losing much health with drain punch+mach punch. fighting stab is also nice to have for fat stuff like walrein and registeel. as you can probably guess from payback i bred this in xy, so no knock off unfortunately, which makes slower psychic types annoying. rock slide is pretty much necessary as the other coverage move because this team is massively weak to fire/flying-types, and i'm frankly amazed that one of those isn't even what ended my streak. ev spread is lazy and should probably just be max atk/sdef, but i wanted some physical bulk because it seemed a shame to not invest in 105/95 physical bulk. of course i never survived brave birds anyways, so it was a pointless sentiment...

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
252 HP/196 Def/60 SpD
~Giga Drain
~Sludge Bomb
~Leech Seed

i hate sleep powder, leech seed, and toxic, so here's an all-in-one switch-in to those. past that mega venusaur walls a ridiculous amount of things, though set-up moves are an issue. that, and its actual type weaknesses of psychic and flying which are shared by conkeldurr, i'm a great teambuilder. leech seed is incredible, providing healing and consistent damage (especially nice versus double teamers with venusaur's toxic immunity). and as far as fixing conkeldurr's faults, venusaur demolishes every fairy type.

Aegislash @ Spooky Plate
Quiet/Stance Change
252 HP/52 Atk/204 SpA
~Shadow Ball
~Sacred Sword
~Shadow Sneak
~King's Shield

aegislash is glue to patch up my rather prominent psychic and flying weakness, as well as just being damn good in general. standard set, though i really like how sacred sword ignores evasion boosts (nice versus double team regigigas/registeel, though imo zapdos/cresselia are the most dangerous ones which resist fighting). king's shield is also super cheeky- several times i king's shielded a physical attacker to nerf it, then went to venusaur and leech seeded it, healed up with synthesis, then back to aegislash who could beat the pokemon without losing health due to king's shield making the damage it takes piddly and stalling for leech seed healing. mmmm.

Streak: 121
proof: 7XWG-WWWW-WWW8-P5GR

this is a team dedicated to using my favorite new ability, symbiosis.

Pyroar @ Normal Gem
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd
~Hyper Voice
~Hyper Beam

first off, as is obvious from the team focus, my other lead is symbiosis florges. specs, to be precise. gems (well, gem to be more accurate) are the easiest way to trigger symbiosis, and they have the nifty property of their damage bonus stacking with the choice specs symbiosis transfers right before the attack goes off. this lets hyper voice spread lots of damage to both opponents, actually being capable of ohkoing frail foes like manectric. hyper beam is the other option, and gem+specs boosted it is an absolute nuke. the most notable ohko it gets is on tyrantrum 4, which is annoyingly unpredictable since it can ohko both pyroar and florges, and it's faster than i can really allow florges to be (without sacrificing a lot of special attack). it's also ohkos charizard 4, who's an asshole because it kos pyroar with focus blast, and florges can't do much to it, plus it can flinch it's way to victory with air slash. flamethrower is another stab, which is used to on fire-weak things, most notably steels florges can't do much to. it can also provide chip damage without taking florges' specs. protect is last, but incredibly useful since pyroar is so frail and shares no weaknesses with florges. as such it's often easy to predict when the enemy will attack pyroar, and then wreck pokemon with specs florges after they attack pyroar in vain. lastly, while people often rag on pyroar for having poor abilities (most infamously moxie), i found unnerve pretty nice to have. it really messes with chesto resters, as the ai doesn't take into account that they won't wake up. it also prevents occa berry and rindo berry from activating. also once i ran into endrev heracross once and it prevented salac berry from activating, which was pretty handy!

Florges @ Choice Specs
12 HP/108 Def/220 SpA/4 SpD/164 Spd
~Dazzling Gleam
~Grass Knot

while florges is necessary to utilize symbiosis, i didn't expect it to be as good as it was. specs moonblast hits really hard and ohkos most uninvested pokemon even without being super-effective. dazzling gleam is really nice too, its spread damage is perfect after a hyper voice from pyroar, potentially netting a double ko. also, if florges keeps the specs, dazzling gleam's usually strong enough to ohko pokemon weak to it while softening up the other. psychic is coverage for poison types as well as the strongest option versus fire types, though it's a pretty meh move overall. grass knot is great support for pyroar, crushing rock/ground/water types that threaten it, with slower, bulkier ones often dying to a hyper voice+grass knot combo. faster ones run into a protected pyroar, and then get ohko'd by florges afterwards. aerodactyl is an exception due to it's surprisingly solid 80/75 special bulk, which only has an 75% chance of being ohko'd by specs moonblast as pyroar protects. also, rock slide aerodactyl can just flinch florges, though it doesn't do a whole lot of damage. in short aerodactyl is an annoying fuck which my back-ups can deal with if it gets lucky.

onto the wonky ev spread, 12 HP/108 Defense is the most efficient combo of evs i could find to ensure that florges "always" (barring a crit) survives aerodactyl's cb stone edge, which *ideally* should redirect it's fury to pyroar, who protects as florges moonblasts aerodactyl. i emphasize ideally, because i never actually ran into cb aerodactyl to test this. hopefully i'm right! 164 Speed lets florges outspeed cobalion 2, which has enough bulk to survive pyroar's flamethrower and threatens ton of damage and flinch chance to florges otherwise. rest goes into special attack, which unfortunately leaves it a bit shy of max. oh well.

Dragonite @ Assault Vest
68 HP/252 Atk/188 Spd
~Dragon Claw
~Brick Break
~Extreme Speed

dragonite is glue for a couple of things. first off is heatran and chandelure, which resist or nullify pyroar's hyper voice. waterfall only 2hkos (though i think heatran has a chance to be 3hko'd) them, but dragonite takes piddly damage from them, and chandelure isn't too threatening to florges. unfortunately heatran's flash cannon is bad news for florges (though not an ohko because lol 154 base sdef), so if flash cannon heatran is around it will pretty much always ko florges, so i just have to hope the other mon is something florges can do good damage to (it always was for me) before it dies. dragonite also resists fighting, which is important when dealing with specs alakazam, who always targets pyroar, and is not reliably ohkod by specs moonblast. however with dragonite's nice special bulk courtesy of assault vest i can switch into it with ease. then i go one step further and don't even ko it, since focus blast locked zam with dragonite and florges out is almost assured to be less dangerous than anything else on the opponent's team. scarf landorus is a similar threat to specs zam, except with earth power. anyways, dragonite also has really nice priority with extreme speed, and picking things off with that is probably my most used move with dragonite. dragon claw is stab, though honestly i hardly used it and would not be opposed to replacing it. brick break is for steels, mainly cobalion who is troublesome to deal with, ESPECIALLY cobalion 4, though i never ran into it. superpower would be much better, but that's a bw2 tutor so oh well. also, i'm not really sure if assault vest is the best item for this. ideally i would use lum berry, since one of dragonite's main purposes is to deal with heatran/chandelure, which can both have flame body as i 2hko them with a contact move, making burn quite likely. in fact, i actually lost because (well, among other things) i got burned by flame body. unfortunately, symbiosis bites me in the ass here, as dragonite often fights alongside florges, who would give dragonite its choice specs if it used its lum berry, a poor deal for both. maybe muscle band?

Medicham @ Medichamite
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~Drain Punch
~Psycho Cut
~Fake Out
~Bullet Punch

last off is the obligatory mega. i chose medicham because i wanted something that could destroy blissey and snorlax 4 and act as insurance against aerodactyl. fake out is also really, really helpful, especially with such a high attack stat to give it some oomph. bullet punch is added priority that also deals load of damage to aerodactyl, koing it with prior damage. psycho cut is the best coverage move, i think, as it hits ghosts/fairies the hardest. main issue is that psychics resist medicham's stabs (though i make a point to say resist and not wall, as the latter often isn't true!), with cresselia being the most problematic. it's not too bad early on, where i have pyroar and florges' raw firepower to deal with it, but later on in a match cresselia can be very annoying since raw power isn't exactly my dragonite's forte.

Streak: 55
this is a team dedicated to spamming the greatest move, boomburst (from exploud).

Mr. Mime @ Mental Herb
252 HP/252 Def/4 Spd
~Helping Hand
~Fake Out
~Wide Guard

obviously you can't spam boomburst very well if your team is annihilated at the same time, so supporters need to have some sort of innate protection. mr. mime is wonderful, actually being good enough in theory (and in practice as i found later) to make me breed something in gen v (necessary for helping hand). helping handed boombursts destroy the world, and honestly that's all that's necessary a good amount of the time. but mr. mime proves its worth with fake out and wide guard, which are amazing support, especially fake out. honestly fake out was a move i knew was good in doubles/triples, but without having played either very much, i didn't know how good. now i can't get enough of it! wide guard is used to block rock slide/earthquake from rock-heavy teams (aerodactyl especially, who is the worst), which obviously are no fun when boomburst spamming. safeguard is pretty niche, the only specific threat it was for was thunder wave probopass, but i think i used it once to stop a toxic cresselia.

Exploud @ Choice Specs
44 Def/252 SpA/40 SpD/172 Spd
~Ice Beam
~Focus Blast


Noivern @ Life Orb
4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spd
~Air Slash

noivern's telepathy lets it avoid boomburst damage, so it's free to support exploud. tailwind is the primary attraction, which is pretty much a triples staple, as doubled speed for your team is far too useful to ignore. air slash and flamethrower with a life orb let noivern pick-off or weaken fighting and steel-types. basically, faster fighting types (compared to exploud) are ohko'd by air slash, and slower ones can be weakened so that they die to noivern's chip damage plus boomburst. unfortunately, random special attackers like tornadus with focus blast pretty much necessitate a fake out from mr. mime to deal with. snatch is for wide guard users- it's the only way to prevent it from working turn 1, as far as i know.

Clefairy @ Eviolite
Calm/Friend Guard
252 HP/100 Def/156 SpD
~Follow Me
~Heal Pulse
~Healing Wish
~Thunder Wave

this is something i had leftover from an old super-gimmicky team, so it's here as a filler. friend guard reduces damage to allies by 25%, which combined with follow me and heal pulse gives clefairy several ways to mitigate damage. healing wish is from previously mentioned old team, but here it doesn't really do much. unfortunately, helping hand is bw2 tutor only, so i couldn't really think of anything better.

Heracross @ Heracronite
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~Pin Missile
~Close Combat
~Rock Blast
~Bullet Seed

heracross is one of my favorite megas, and it's deadly under tailwind, pretty much always being able to get a kill if it can an attack off (easy under tailwind!). it's also a fighting type, which i've never really gone wrong with. specifically to this team, it lets me punch through blissey and snorlax (mainly the assault vest one, the others can be punched through with boomburst).

Gardevoir @ Pixie Plate
80 HP/252 SpA/176 Spd
~Dazzling Gleam
~Heal Pulse

gardevoir is both back-up supporter for exploud with telepathy, as well as a back-up central attacker with dazzling gleam. heal pulse is a filler that i don't think i ever used, so i probably should have used protect in it's stead.

Streak: 68
the premise of this team is to abuse sturdy with rotation's easy wishpassing due to rotation mechanics and protect. namely, i use a carracosta with a low hp iv (7 or lower) with an alomomola, which allows the wishes to fully heal carracosta so that it can set up shell smashes again and again due to sturdy, basically letting carracosta be an offensive set-up sweeper with the bulk of an alomomola (as carracosta is alive as long as alomomola is). in practice, this has several issues, but we'll deal with those with the rest of the team! not terribly well since this streak is fairly low

Carracosta @ Mental Herb
252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
~Shell Smash

does pretty much what's described above. shell smash/protect are necessary, so that just leaves two coverage moves. water/normal has great neutral coverage, so i went with that. however, i considered (and still might) using knock off over return, which fares better versus ferrothorn (who is so, so awful if it has iron barbs [another issue with a strategy that relies on sturdy]), as well as cresselia who is annoyingly bulky. that being said it's a combo resisted by a fair few things so i wasn't sure if it was worth it, and i got my trophy before i cared enough to try out knock off. anyways, mental herb as an item shows another issue with this team- taunt. carracosta puts it to much better use than alomomola because preventing one taunt lets it get a shell smash off, letting it threaten (and possibly outspeed) the taunter.

Alomomola @ Leftovers
252 HP/128 Def/128 SpD

i opted for a standard stalling set to compliment wish. honestly this is capable of beating teams by itself if necessary, which i did a couple times. soak can be used to make things neutral to return (for the few things that resist water+normal), which would be nice if i could ever get it to actually hit what i wanted to. ev spread kind of pains me since this is such an inefficient way to ev alomomola bulk-wise, but unfortunately it needs max hp for this to work. defenses are split even because i'm lazy, with calm to help patch up weaker special defense.

Klefki @ Focus Sash
Level 1
~Light Screen
~Rain Dance

speaking of laziness, here's a level 1 pokemon! ok, ok, there is an actual reason for lvl 1. the odd phazer (especially those with circle throw/dragon tail) are incredibly annoying, so this is lvl 1 so it can die quickly, leaving me with three pokemon left. with a lvl 50 mon it's hard to control when you die, especially when trying to set up screens as you do it, so i think it's fairly likely that even with light clay, you'd burn through an annoying amount of screen turns waiting to die. i considered using a dual screen user with a suicide move instead, but i really need all four moves on this klefki. screens are obvious, and safeguard would have just been a perk, but as it turns out aromatherapy does not heal confusion, making it a necessity. rain dance is to counteract snow warning and hail, though it's not great at dealing with the latter since they can set it again, and obviously this klefki is a bit lacking in bulk to keep up the weather war. it also has the perks of boosting carracosta's waterfall and healing status on alomomola.

Aromatisse @ Sitrus Berry
Bold/Aroma Veil
252 HP/200 Def/44 SpA/12 Spd
~Skill Swap

in reserve is aromatisse, who serves a couple of purposes. the most prominent is aromatherapy, which is great in rotations, and prevents burn/poison/paralysis from messing up carracosta (and alomomola to a lesser extent). skill swap is to remove mold breaker, which ignores sturdy. but as i've found with soak this is really difficult to do in practice, and it's often redundant because moonblast just straight-out kos or maims a lot of mold breakers (the 44 SpA evs are specifically to guarantee an ohko on no hp/sdef haxorus). aromatisse's other purpose is to help counteract the presence of taunt by acting as a back-up wisher for carracosta (who has some of its own taunt protection with a mental herb), though two wishes are needed if >~70% of carracosta's health is gone. still, it's better than a struggling alomomola.

Multi with AI
Streak: 53

last and certainly least, multi with ai. i tried out a ton of stuff to no avail, getting the most progress of my ~90 multi partners from tierno of all people. seriously, if you're having trouble with multi ai, while my first suggestion would be to find a typhlosion/entei lead partner, i would definitely suggest trying to team build around tierno. he uses talonflame4/hawlucha3, the former being amazing. on paper, he leads with hawlucha, but i noticed something strange- he can actually lead with talonflame, too (which i've heard is a property all the pre-set partners have). leading with talonflame is significantly better, as even without gale wings it's good, and hawlucha wastes a ton of turns with pointless taunts, and is reliant on a 90 acc move. i personally used tyranitar/mega garchomp to take advantage of two earthquake immunities, and got to battles 40+ 8/10 attempts i used that set-up. the biggest issue i ran into were fast electric types which donked talonflame before it could do anything. if i were to refine my tierno team, i might try leading with mega manectric to have the option of forgoing megavolving to protect talonflame with lightning rod. in other cases it's a solid special attacker that also provides intimidate support. not sure what to do for the back- maybe a scarfed ground type? idk, thinking about multi is no fun, and thankfully i have no need to now that i've gotten my trophy, courtesy of a serendipitous encounter with someone with a typhlosion lead multi partner. you can probably guess my winning team set up from that...

PARTNER: Typhlosion (Blaze) / Archeops (Defeatist)
set 3 as always

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Timid/Solar Power
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd
~Solar Beam
~Dragon Pulse

surprise, it's charizard y. sets up sun for typhlosion to wreck things with eruption, and contributes lots of damage itself, mainly solar beam for fire resists. incinerate is a weird choice on paper, but i much preferred it to heat wave. typhlosion's eruption can often leave both foes with low health, and incinerate can finish them without heat wave's added power. and rather importantly, incinerate doesn't have to go through 90 acc for each hit, making it more consistent.

Tyrantrum @ Choice Scarf
Jolly/Strong Jaw
252 Atk/12 SpD/244 Spd
~Rock Slide
~Fire Fang
~Ice Fang

back-up to deal with threats to the leads, which basically consists of aerodactyl and archeops, though they're rather huge threats. this can switch in on both without dying, providing the other mon doesn't attack tyrantrum (though if it's just rock slide aerodactyl, it needs to be a big hit), and outspeed and ohko with strong jaw ice fang. scizor is better for this specific purpose, but it makes me very vulnerable to flash fire users, unlike tyrantrum who has little trouble with them. i also like tyrantrum as a scarfer since all of it's moves are strong, so outside of typing issues none of them are bad to be locked into.
For my Singles Maison team, I am trying to do a Drapion/Aron/something team where Drapion lays down Toxic Spikes and roars out the foe, and then Aron sweeps the AIs team. If Aron encounters a Steel, Poison, or Ghost type, or somehow gets KOed, switch to the last pokemon and defeat it.

Which pokemon would work best in the last spot, and what EVs should I give Drapion?