Battle Maison Discussion & Records

(Sorry for posting so soon again :p I guess this technically doesn't qualify as a double post, and I don't think I should be editing an entire new achievement into my previous post, that might get confusing and would be way too long anyway)

It's over. I finally got all trophies. Well, this went a lot smoother than I could've thought. Turned out all I needed for multi battles was an actually reliable AI partner instead of the mediocre ones I had - once I got it, I beat Super Multi with AI on my very first run. I nicely asked Haunter if I could use his AI team, and it was exactly what I needed :) Grazie mille, non ci sarei mai riuscito senza il tuo aiuto. Mi hai dato una squadra ottima ^_^
Many thanks, I never could have done it without your help. You've given me a very good team. (I promised a shoutout in Italian if I'd win the trophy)

(Also, I finally found a good verification mascot :p)

My lead:

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/19/19/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide

My backup:

Pterror (Aerodactyl) @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Rock Head -> Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/10/30/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace
-Ice Fang

AI lead:

Charizard @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Mild (assuming it's the AI's Charizard3)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 I guess
EVs: 170 Atk / 170 SpA / 170 Spe (again, assuming it's Charizard3)
-Heat Wave
-Air Slash
-Rock Slide

AI backup:

Raikou @ Air Balloon
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid (assuming it's Raikou3)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 I guess
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe (assuming Raikou3)
-Shadow Ball
-Volt Switch (lol useless for a backup)
Vs. Nita and Morgan: QBRW-WWWW-WWW8-UZ57

So, I happened to have almost the exact same pokemon Haunter used in my boxes, and since I didn't want to fix something that wasn't broken I used those as well, albeit with some small differences. My Garchomp used a Life Orb for more power, as it always does when I use it, and has Protect over Fire Fang, at least for opposing Froslass so that Charizard could safely take her out (even in case of Sash). Garchomp's Earthquake is awesome for immediately weakening both opposing leads; I also used it with my Hawlucha partner, and would have used it as well even if Haunter hadn't. My Aerodactyl has the same moves as Haunter's, but is Adamant rather than Jolly (which honestly doesn't matter that much here, after mega evolving you only miss out on Accelgor). I guess Protect could go over Ice Fang here, I didn't use Ice Fang even once and Protect would at least be nice for safely mega evolving against opposing Jolteon.
Charizard is as reliable as it gets. The Scarf eases prediction massively and almost guarantees it to land a hit, and it usually locks itself into Heat Wave (which kind of stinks against opposing Flash Fire mons, but Garchomp eats them alive anyway). The worst that happened was locking itself into a situational coverage move (i.e. Crunch for Ghosts), which still worked out nicely at that very turn at least. Raikou is a little worse, it's a tad more unpredictable and uses Protect completely randomly (e.g. when ganging up on Cresselia2; it chose Protect over attacking it, leaving it at 2% HP and allowing it to use Moonlight >.<). The closest battle in this streak was also Raikou's fault; instead of Thunderbolting and killing Probopass (the deceptively strong life orb one), it stole the kill on a very weakened Latios from Aerodactyl (which mega evolved that turn and thus got outsped). Aerial Ace then did squat to Probopass, allowing it to OHKO Aerodactyl with Power Gem. Granted, Raikou then neatly defeated Probopass and the backup Rapidash, but if he had just attacked Probopass I wouldn't have been in that position in the first place :\
The chatelaine battle was against Nita and Morgan and thus had somewhat awkward matchups (I couldn't spam Earthquake to great effect with one flying opponent, nor spam Rock Slide with one fighting-type opponent), but I never lost control of the battle. With help from Charizard, Garchomp defeated Cobalion and Virizion and weakened Tornadus so that Raikou could pick it off. Thundurus then killed Garchomp with Sky Drop, but after Raikou weakened it with Thunderbolt, Aerodactyl's Rock Slide was more than enough to defeat it and grant me my final statue ^_^ (included the replay with the team)

For the sake of completion, here are all my teams from the other formats, including chatelaine replays (without detailed descriptions, those are in my first post in this thread. I don't know how to get a post's URL so I can't link it, but I'm sure y'all know how the search function works :p)

Greninja @ Lum Berry
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/19/19/31/31/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Mat Block
-Hydro Pump Grass Knot
-Ice Beam
-Extrasensory Dark Pulse


Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost -> Speed Boost
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/X/13/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Flare Blitz
-Sky Uppercut Low Kick
-Rock Slide


Metagross @ Assault Vest (on my first runs to the chatelaine, then swapped out for Garchomp)
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/10/18/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
-Meteor Mash
-Hammer Arm
-Bullet Punch


Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/19/19/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide


Rotom-W @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/15/31/31/11/31
EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 240 SpA / 8 SpD
-Hydro Pump
First time vs. Evelyn: 86AW-WWWW-WWW8-UZ6F (ignore the misplays, I know I should've used Protect on Blaziken rather than switching out :p)


Greninja (see Doubles)


Zapdos @ Wise Glasses (on my first runs to the chatelaine, then swapped out for Bob for a better fighting chance against Trick Room. The 166 streak was reached with Zapdos though)
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Rash (rofl)
IVs: 6/25/6/16/4/13 (rofl. Just the Zapdos I caught on Platinum five-odd years ago who now by some twist of fate got to return to life as a Maison ace.)
EVs: 100 HP / 252 SpA / 156 Spe
-Heat Wave


Bob (Talonflame) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe
-Brave Bird


Manny (Mamoswine) @ Life Orb
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Naive
IVs: 1/31/17/31/31/31
EVs: 244 Atk / 12 SpA / 252 Spe
-Icicle Crash
-Ice Shard


Blaziken (see Doubles)


Rotom-W (see Doubles)


Metagross (see Doubles)
First time vs. Dana: BT7W-WWWW-WWW8-UZ67 (ignore the misplays, I know I should have sacked Greninja instead of switching out :p)


Cloyster @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Nature: Naive
IVs: 16/31/31/31/24/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 48 SpA / 208 Spe
-Shell Smash
-Icicle Spear
-Rock Blast
-Hydro Pump


Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Fire Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball


Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Chlorophyll -> Thick Fat
Nature: Relaxed
IVs: 31/17/31/31/31/25
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 188 SpD
-Giga Drain
-Sludge Bomb
-Leech Seed

Easy mode, used for restoring my streak after losing at 49 (the Cloyster team did the chatelaine battle), then used for continuing to 100.

Skippy (Kangaskhan) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/10/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Power-Up Punch
-Sucker Punch


Zar'roc (Aegislash) @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/6/31/13
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
-King's Shield
-Swords Dance
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword


Glaedr (Dragonite) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Extreme Speed


Mittens (Meowstic-M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Bold
IVs: 31/31/31/11/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 60 SpD
-Light Screen
-Thunder Wave


Glaedr (Dragonite) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Extreme Speed


Anubis (Lucario) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus -> Adaptability
Nature: Timid
IVs: 15/13/31/31/23/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Nasty Plot
-Aura Sphere
-Flash Cannon
-Dark Pulse


Tingle (Clefable) @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Nature: Bold
IVs: 31/26/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spe
-Calm Mind
Vs. Morgan: Z9PG-WWWW-WWW7-HNG3

Last but not least, a big thank you to everyone who helped me completely beat this place, be it by helping me tweak my triples team, be it by giving me an AI partner, be it by simply posting useful stuff while I was still lurking - it's all very much appreciated. May you all not be trashed horribly in the Battle Factory (provided it returns in ORAS), and good luck with all your epic streaks!
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It's over - posting a Super Rotations streak of 528 wins.

Oh my God I love this team. From the AI's perspective, it's the equivalent of playing against someone who uses Rock 99% of the time in Rock, Paper, Scissors and throwing Scissors as you say to yourself, "Surely he's not going to do Rock again?!"

It's also a good reminder for times you're thinking the AI cheats that at least your Pokemon have access to performance-enhancing PP drugs and they don't, enabling you to do things like stall out a +6/+6/+6 Volcarona with Klefki without even needing to rely on getting a crit.
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And we're over 2000 posts! Good show, all! I've updated through here, so certainly let me know if I've missed anything. Note that I'm not posting 50-win streaks in AI Multis since that would put almost the whole five trophies club on the AI Multis leaderboard, but one can always read about those teams in their five trophies club entries.

P.S. The Dutch Plumberjack, I love the Starmie mascot!
So I was thinking in Triples of amending my opening lineup which was Greninja-Aron-Hitmonlee by replacing Hitmonlee with a boosting sweeper, as I practically get a free turn of set up with Mat Block and Sturdy. I have been thinking of MegaKhan getting off a PowerUpPunch or Dragon Dance/Swords Dance Garchomp (Maybe Mega) but I would like some suggestions, or pokes you guys know work well in this position.
So I was thinking in Triples of amending my opening lineup which was Greninja-Aron-Hitmonlee by replacing Hitmonlee with a boosting sweeper, as I practically get a free turn of set up with Mat Block and Sturdy. I have been thinking of MegaKhan getting off a PowerUpPunch or Dragon Dance/Swords Dance Garchomp (Maybe Mega) but I would like some suggestions, or pokes you guys know work well in this position.

Considering a Triples streak of 1845 used a front line of Greninja/Aron/SD Garchomp, I'd say you're on to something:
So I was thinking in Triples of amending my opening lineup which was Greninja-Aron-Hitmonlee by replacing Hitmonlee with a boosting sweeper, as I practically get a free turn of set up with Mat Block and Sturdy. I have been thinking of MegaKhan getting off a PowerUpPunch or Dragon Dance/Swords Dance Garchomp (Maybe Mega) but I would like some suggestions, or pokes you guys know work well in this position.

Unfortunately, Garchomp doesn't get Dragon Dance...
Even though it's not much to report, I just got wrecked by Pokemon Ranger Willow at battle 49. I made several mistakes and have since beaten her in Mock battles.. Her team was Golurk, Feraligatr, Greninja and Gastrodon (all set 4). Turn 1 I Protected with T-tar to get off an Earthquake with Chomp and take the Hammer Arm from Golurk. Turn 2 is where I could have saved it, I wasn't sure if Feraligatr would atack or boost again, I decide that because I couldn't Protect again I would have to attack, so I aim a Crunch at 'Gatr and Iron Head at Golurk (I should have gone for a second Earthquake). 'Gatr out speeds and OHKOs T-tar with Waterfall and 'Chomp finishes Golurk, Gatr's Liechi berry activates after Sandstorm damage. I send in Excadrill and she sends out Greninja, I waste a turn by Protecting with Excadrill because I was hoping to get another Earthquake off with Chomp, this was a bad move but it was what I had been doing every battle so I guess it was kind of a habit. Greninja kills off Chomp with Blizzard while Gatr boosts again. I'm still not worried because Gatr is in KO range and Greninja just turned itself into an ice type, except Gren lives the Rock Slide with about ~30% and hits back with Blizzard leaving Exca at around 40% and Roserade at 10HP. Now I don't know why I did it but I used Hidden Power with Roserade which killed the Greninja but it died to Life Orb recoil, if I had of used Giga Drain it would have finished it, regained enough health to survive the Life Orb and Sand damage, then it would have been alive for the Gastrodon that came out to Giga Drain it to death. Instead I was left with just Excadrill which died to an Earthquake. I played a few Mock battles and won in a few different ways, like sacking T-tar on turn 2 and KOing her leads with a second Earthquake, or Protecting turn one and switching in Roserade for Chomp, then prioritising Feraligatr and Geninja so it's just Gastrodon and Golurk EQing themselves. Obviously I wish I had just clicked Giga Drain in the real battle but I thought Roserade was just gonna die to Blizzard anyway so I didn't weigh up my options properly...

I think that the team is OK, I'm not sure if it's more it needing improving or my battling skill lol. I think I might swap the Smooth Rock for an Air Balloon on T-tar because there were a lot of times that I wanted to be able to use EQ again but couldn't because it would come at the cost of T-tar. Maybe I do need that ground-immune Tailwind user after all
NoCheese you requested my old triples streak to be added to the leaderboards, so here's a comprehensive team writeup and a photo so that you can link a more suitable post :) (btw Starmie is luf, Starmie is lyfe)

This team started out as an extension to my doubles team (Greninja/Mega Blaziken/then Metagross/Rotom-W), since that worked and I saw no reason not to base my triples team on it. In the end, however, it did play a little differently. As for its main concept, it's a Tailwind team. Its current form is the result of a long process of evolution, effectively starting from my doubles team's first version Greninja/Mega Blaziken/Metagross/Togekiss.

Greninja @ Lum Berry
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/19/19/31/31/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Mat Block
-Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot

Greninja does what Greninja always does, which is protect the entire team during turn one and (usually) guarantee a turn of setup. The moveset has gradually evolved over time. It started out as Mat Block/Hydro Pump (nuke)/Ice Beam (reliable STAB)/Extrasensory (Dark Pulse would leave me too vulnerable to fighting spam I thought), and stayed like this until I already got a 105 win streak in doubles and my first 160+ win streak in triples. Then, however, I had to swap out Zapdos (details on this see Bob), which left my front line extremely weak against Water-types, which I patched up by swapping out Extrasensory for Grass Knot. This moveset still didn't work as I hoped, however, as I lost another 160+ win streak in part due to Hydro Pump's low accuracy. I could patch this up by swapping it out for either Scald or Dark Pulse; I decided to try Dark Pulse first, as I already knew what it was like to have Water STAB. I think it's safe to say the moveset won't get any better than this. I vastly underestimated Dark Pulse's additional utility of hitting across the entire field, which gives my other leads a lot more flexibility in choosing their targets (not to mention it also draws in Psychic-type moves after the Mat Block turn :p); Greninja can pick off targets on the other side of the field, which is extremely useful if this is a levitator, which would prevent me from spamming Earthquake with my rightmost lead.


Bob (Talonflame) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe
-Brave Bird

This is a role-compressing glue mon if I've ever seen one. As I stated, I based this team on my doubles team. Because I could use three leads here and more offense is always better, I figured I'd make the most of my setup turn and build a Tailwind team. The first setter I tried was a support Noivern, which totally sucked because of an utter lack of offensive presence. Fortunately, around then Bank arrived in Europe. The night before I was supposed to go to a friend's place in order to transfer four boxes worth of legendaries, Unova-available hidden abilities, and other Kalos-unavailable stuff, I had a brainwave and tutored my good ol' Platinum Zapdos Tailwind and Heat Wave because why the hell not and because he'd just rot away in my box anyway otherwise. Zapdos (Thunderbolt/Heat Wave/Tailwind/Protect) made for a really, really good Tailwind setter and utility attacker. Usually, it'd set Tailwind, which worked out fine in most cases because of Greninja and Zapdos's above average bulk, and use Heat Wave to clean up the rubble my other leads left. Its Thunderbolt packed quite the punch too of course. Sadly, things couldn't last, because my team was too weak to Trick Room, as commonly happens with Tailwind teams. I could defeat some of the setters with my leads (e.g. Slowbro, Trevenant), but bulky stuff like Cresselia and Cofagrigus was - barring hax on my part - guaranteed to get up Trick Room. I got a 160+ run with the Zapdos team, but I lucked out with the amount of TR I ran into, and eventually lost to it. I was trying to get the Starf Berry in Triples, and I figured I would have to do something about TR in order to win it. The best of dealing with this is obviously Taunt, so I was looking for a flyer/levitator (in order to safely spam Earthquake) with access in Kalos (because I don't have Bank myself) to both Tailwind and Taunt. To my knowledge, the best mons that fit this profile is Talonflame; the others are either too slow or too weak or suck otherwise. I feel bad for ditching Zapdos, but Talonflame is a better Tailwind setter thanks to Gale Wings - which allows it to set up in the face of bullshit (pun totally not intended lol) like Scarf Terrakion, and it can use Taunt to stop any Trick Room setter barring Aroma Veil Aromatisse and (ironically) Oblivious Slowbro and Slowking (which fortunately fall to double targeting with my leads), as well as trolling those annoying Stockpilers and status spreaders. Brave Bird hits decently hard, and Protect is essentially mandatory on anything with a 4x weakness.


Manny (Mamoswine) @ Life Orb
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Naive
IVs: 1/31/17/31/31/31
EVs: 244 Atk / 12 SpA / 252 Spe
-Icicle Crash
-Ice Shard

I used Blaziken as a lead in my doubles team, but for this team I wanted a lead that would actually benefit from Tailwind. Mamoswine is a brilliant early-game wallbreaker; usually it uses Earthquake on the first turn to bring two opponents into KO range (or even outright KO them), which allows me to gain a lot of momentum on my second turn. Ice Shard is extremely valuable for sniping dangerous, fast stuff like Scarf Lando, or pop balloons on Raikou, or safely finish off Quick Claw mons/priority users, or whatever you can use good priority for. Icicle Crash is Mamo's best Ice STAB and hits most stuff that resists/is immune to Earthquake really hard. I can't stress enough how extremely awesome Mamo's STAB combo is; it hits literally everything in the Maison except Cryogonal (whose defense is so shit that it still takes a shit ton from Icicle Crash) and Levitate Bronzong for at least neutral damage, and considering Mamo's awesome power it hits like a truck as long as it stays alive :) Surskit, Rotom-W (both of which are hit super effectively by Freeze-Dry btw so they don't really count anymore), and Rotom-H are the only other opponents that Mamo's STAB combo can't hit neutrally, but they're not used in the Maison. Freeze-Dry is mainly here because I originally bred this Mamoswine for singles, and because Protect would require me to breed a Jolly one :) I couldn't be bothered to get a Protect Mamo, because there were also enough times when I was quite happy to have Freeze-Dry - for instance, it OHKOes Kingdra, Ludicolo, and most Gyarados and Quagsire, while severely damaging Gastrodon and specially defensive versions of Gyarados and Quagsire. Mamo usually doesn't stay alive for long, but it nearly always kills or breaks down at least two opponents.


Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost -> Speed Boost
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/31/13/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Flare Blitz
-Low Kick
-Rock Slide

The powerhouse from my Doubles team, who takes a slightly more laid-back approach here. He's essentially Greninja's backup in the role of a fast, powerful attacker, and in this team he's mainly a cleaner, whereas he's a wallbreaker in my doubles team. Flare Blitz and Low Kick (which outclasses Sky Uppercut - which I had at first because I thought Low Kick was a tutor move, but ultimately ditched because of unreliability - in almost every conceivable way and doesn't have HJK's excessive yolo factor) have excellent neutral coverage together. Rock Slide is a spread move to finish off multiple weakened opponents or target 4x weak opponents, and Protect is useful for getting a guaranteed Speed Boost if need be and of course also excellent otherwise.


Rotom-W @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/15/31/31/11/31
EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 240 SpA / 8 SpD
-Hydro Pump

The glue from my Doubles team, originally added to patch up a water weakness there. He's essentially Talonflame's backup as a levitator allowing me to spam Earthquake, but of course the similarities end there. His main merit is simply being hard to kill due to good natural bulk and amazing defensive typing, while still hitting hard in return. Pump's accuracy is a letdown, but unfortunately it doesn't get Scald and HP Water is too weak, not to mention a lot harder to breed than e.g. HP Ice :p


Metagross @ Assault Vest
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/10/18/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
-Meteor Mash
-Hammer Arm
-Bullet Punch

Originally added to my Doubles team as a bulky hard-hitter, but ultimately fell out of favour there when I tried out Garchomp for multi with real life person - which ultimately proved to be unnecessary, bit w/e - it hit even harder, was still quite bulky, and actually had reliable STAB moves, and Rotom offered enough bulk on its own. It got to stay in this team because I considered one bulky mon to be too few here, and because Mamoswine had already hogged the Life Orb :p now that I'm typing this, I'm getting intrigued how this team would like having Garchomp in their midst though. Anyway, Metagross is essentially Mamo's backup as an Earthquake-spammer with priority. Max HP and and Assault Vest allow it to easily live basically any neutral hit, so it's a great insurance to outlive dangerous late-game opponents.

Even with all modifications I made over the course of time, still team still remains quite flawed. It lacks just an essential bit of immediate power and just an essential bit of consistency because of some inaccurate moves, the combination of which has caused me to lose three times in a row in the 160s - at which point I gave up on the Starf Berry because it was starting to reek of an obsession, only to unexpectedly win it in Rotations, but that's a different story from a different post :) More specific threats include the Taunt-immune Trick Room setters, dangerous stuff that outspeeds Greninja, preventing it to set up Mat Block - e.g. Jolteon, Aerodactyl, and Scarf Terrakion - Fake Out users, and multiple bulky opponents at the same time.

I didn't save my losing replays because I don't like to dwell on my failures and because I couldn't possibly expect I was gonna need them for leaderboard verification when the lowest streak was 302 :\ but anyway, if a simple photo suffices, then here we go. The longest streak I've reached was 166. I've done so many battles with this team, a lot of which were amazing, but it's been a while and most of them have blended together, so I can't write up a detailed warstory :(

Even with all its flaws, I've really grown to love this team. It's not all my own work, because I based it on my doubles team, for which I had stolen the Greninja/Blaziken lead from YouTuber SauceSpam (see my doubles post on the previous page), but still, moulding my doubles team into a tailwind triples team and then trying to chisel away its flaws and make it as all-round prepared as possible really made me grow close to it. Not to mention I really like most of the Pokemon I used here (once again, Karen would be proud. Greninja, Mamoswine, Blaziken, Metagross <3 not really Talonflame and Rotom but those were glue mons anyway and have gained my respect regardless)
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Hi all,

I'm very happy to hear that this thread exists. Loved the Subway one and, with the new breeding mechanics in XY, I'm hoping to really smash the Battle Maison and maybe finally reach my target of 200 straight wins in something Battle Tower-esque.

So far I've only reached 57. I was cruising using a team of Mega Blazekin / Hydreigon / Aegislash but was stopped dead in my tracks by an annoying Double Team Zapdos (with Brightpowder).

So, with a new team, I'm thinking of trying to navigate round the problem of Evasion, namely with Haze/Psych Up. Does anyone have any good suggestions of Pokemon who can use either of those moves effectively? So far, I've only come up with Greninja.

I've heard great things about SubToxic Gliscor in the Battle Maison so I'm thinking of a team with Mega Blazekin / Gliscor / something. That something will have to be something that can take down bulky waters as well as resisting (preferably) Fairy and Water, as well as having one of the two moves above. So far, the only decent match I've round is Roserade (I'm not counting legendaries since you can't breed them). There is the minor problem then though of having no Ice moves (for Dragons).

Anyone have any advice they can offer me? Much appreciate any you can give! :)
Hi all,

I'm very happy to hear that this thread exists. Loved the Subway one and, with the new breeding mechanics in XY, I'm hoping to really smash the Battle Maison and maybe finally reach my target of 200 straight wins in something Battle Tower-esque.

So far I've only reached 57. I was cruising using a team of Mega Blazekin / Hydreigon / Aegislash but was stopped dead in my tracks by an annoying Double Team Zapdos (with Brightpowder).

So, with a new team, I'm thinking of trying to navigate round the problem of Evasion, namely with Haze/Psych Up. Does anyone have any good suggestions of Pokemon who can use either of those moves effectively? So far, I've only come up with Greninja.

I've heard great things about SubToxic Gliscor in the Battle Maison so I'm thinking of a team with Mega Blazekin / Gliscor / something. That something will have to be something that can take down bulky waters as well as resisting (preferably) Fairy and Water, as well as having one of the two moves above. So far, the only decent match I've round is Roserade (I'm not counting legendaries since you can't breed them). There is the minor problem then though of having no Ice moves (for Dragons).

Anyone have any advice they can offer me? Much appreciate any you can give! :)
If I were you, I wouldn't bother with Haze/Psych Up. Those moves are bad outside of stopping evasion boosts, and even if an opponent is boosting evasion, it's still risky as he might kill you as you Haze and simply set up again. Psych Up is unreliable even for stopping evasion, as you'll simply turn the game into a lottery that way. I think you've already explored the best way of stopping evasion: Sacred Sword. Aegislash can use this to simply ignore the evasion boosts, you just happened to run into a pokemon that resisted it :) Another option is Unaware Clefable, he ignores evasion boosts as well, but I think singles are too fast-paced for him to effectively set up. The best advice I can give is really cheap, which is to simply kill them before they gather too many boosts. Also, if you're aiming for a long streak (which you are), you really shouldn't use moves with imperfect accuracy. Using a situational coverage move with 95% is fine, but your STAB moves really need to have 100% accuracy. I've only reached 200 wins in one mode, where I only used 100% accurate moves - in all other modes, an unreliable move eventually screwed me over.
Anyone have any advice they can offer me? Much appreciate any you can give! :)

Mega Blaziken is pretty hard to use, since HJK is way too unreliable for long streaks, and even Mega Evolved, you are frail enough that one miss or failure to OHKO can leave you in a tough spot. If you are going to use it, however, I absolutely echo The Dutch Plumberjack regarding the importance of high accuracy moves and the inadvisability of Haze / Psych up as Double Team countermeasures. Sacred Sword and its ilk are certainly one way to get around Double Team, but stall is another, since many Double Team users can't break through a strong wall, particularly if it has Substitute and/or a means to heal its status. So yes, SubToxic Gliscor (go with Jolly, the Speed really does help) is a fine option in general, and matches up particularly well against Zapdos2.

As for a third Poke to team with Blaziken and Gliscor, Azumarill is a possible option. It provides Fairy coverage for opposing Dragons, and with Power-Up Punch, even has the potential to muscle through some (but not all) bulky Water-types. A four attack Assault Vest set is one option, while if you worry about Play Rough's imperfect accuracy, something like Wide Lens is a viable option too. Sadly, Azumarill lacks reliable recovery outside of Rest, so boosting bulky Water-type foes may be big problems. You can run Toxic on the Wide Lens set, I guess, but that loses to Curse + Rest.

Note, however, that even with its type disadvantage, Poison Heal Gliscor (once in safely) can beat many bulky waters by stalling out their relevant attacks with Protect and Substitute, so if you are running Gliscor, Azumarill won't need to do all the work by itself. Sadly, Gliscor will often have difficulties making that safe switch in, since it will be hit hard by the Water-type attacks that Blaziken draws. Pivoting via Azumarill might be your best (imperfect) option if you plan to use Gliscor to stall out a bulky Water-type.

Toxic stall Milotic with Ice Beam is another (non-legendary) possibility that provides anti-Dragon coverage and beats many bulky Water-types, but you still lose to Water-types with Curse + Rest and since most Dragons will outspeed you, Milotic has difficulty switching into strong Dragon-type attacks.

Digging more deeply, something like Empoleon resists Dragon-, Fairy-, and Water-type attacks, so perhaps it has potential, but can't say I've played around with it much. And Swords Dance + Roost Scizor lines up well against many Dragons and Fairies and can beat some Bulky Waters, particularly with a timely Bug Bite steal of a Chesto Berry from a Rest user.

As for general advice, read through posted streaks on the leaderboard, particularly those using Pokemon you are considering, as many of the write-ups provide a bunch of wonderful information. And (shameless plug!) the Maison Singles Guide in my signature might prove very useful too, as it discusses both general strategies and specific recommended Pokemon in some detail. Best of luck!!
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Posting a Super Triples streak of 427 wins. I was playing this alongside the Rotations streak and was at 300-something when I posted that one.
Battle video: YELW-WWWW-WWW8-UQLL
Veteran Saba sent out Entei3, killing the Sash-less Greninja instead of going for Eruption, and I lose very quickly due my team being really bad and being 2 Pokémon behind after the opening turn.

The abomination responsible for this is Greninja/Charizard adapted for Triples:


Greninja @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SAtk, 244 Spe, 12 HP
Ability: Protean
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse
-Mat Block


Heliolisk @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SAtk, 228 Spe, 28 HP
Ability: Solar Power
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse
-Volt Switch


Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Ability: Blaze
-Solar Beam
-Dragon Pulse


Rotom-W @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/30
EVs: 252 HP, 216 Spe, 40 SAtk
Ability: Levitate
-Hidden Power [Water]
-Dark Pulse


Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Ability: Rough Skin
-Dragon Claw
-Swords Dance


Gengar @ Focus Sash
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Ability: Levitate
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Destiny Bond

I wasn't going to post this since the team is terrible and the streak had a serious case of the not-good in general, but lead Scarf Heliolisk with a Focus Sash Gengar back-up is a pretty novel combination, so I might as well.

The team core is the same as Doubles Greninja/Charizard, with some item shuffling due to team requirements and this being Triples. It's the standard Greninja/Charizard combo and it is pretty similar to its Doubles appearance, aside from Greninja having to cede Focus Sash to Gengar, which is really bad, as seen in the loss and many other close calls due to Greninja being unable to do things because of dying prematurely.

Heliolisk is the interesting one here. Solar Power gives it 241 Special Attack, and Scarf with the Speed EVs gives it 259 Speed, outspeeding the entire Maison. Its purpose is to be a fast damage dealer, which it wasn't that good at, and neutralize fast threats that endanger Greninja/Charizard which it also failed to do, as seen in the loss.

Its stats and Sun movepool are horrid - what was GameFreak thinking giving Solar Power to this Pokémon and making it suck so much? Even Solar Power Charizard might be better than it, if Species Clause wasn't a problem. It doesn't get any Fire moves, it doesn't get Solar Beam, it doesn't get... well, you get the idea. Solar Power makes it deal decent damage, but it is quite underwhelming compared to what you'd expect, as its only decent move is Thunderbolt, and none of its moves are boosted by the Sun. It also can't make good use of its Speed - Manectric and Jolteon laugh at its pitiful attacks, any potential Lightningrod Pokémon makes its only good move useless, its neutral hits are decent but its coverage moves deal no damage... and that's just its underwhelming offense, before we get to its defensive properties.

62 base HP, 52 base Defense... the list of things that can OHKO it is very long; it includes every Quick Claw user, Conkeldurr, Bisharp Sucker Punch, any Earthquake, and nearly any physical attack. It also has no resistances and useless secondary typing, so you're out of luck there as well. Because of this, it needs to switch out a lot; Volt Switch sees a lot of use to allow decent damage to be dealt upon exit, but against Lightningrod it will not be usable. Solar Power damage on top is another hit against it; even really pathetic physical attacks will usually kill it due to Solar Power ticking it over.

The key that enabled it to not implode 10 battles into the streak is Gengar; it can freely switch into EQ and Fighting moves and Sucker Punch and use Sash effectively even as a back-up with Sun taking down Hail/Sandstorm and most of what it switches in being ineffective. It needs the Sash over Greninja, as oftentimes it will have to switch into regular powerful attacks as well and makes excellent use of it with Destiny Bond in neutralizing enemies with multiple boosts - but that dooms Greninja into Life Orb and leaves the lead trio extremely fragile.

Maybe ORAS will bring back Hyper Voice and Earth Power and Heat Wave tutors and Heliolisk will have a niche somewhere. Until then, never use it in the Maison; it is awful.

Team merits:
  • Claims the questionable honor of being the biggest streak that uses Heliolisk, beating atsync's rain team that employs a powerful, Focus Sash-using Dry Skin Heliolisk.
  • Using Solar Power Heliolisk and not losing before the fifth battle.
The Dutch Plumberjack + NoCheese Thanks for the replies guys!

I actually wasn't aware that Sacred Sword ignored Evasion Boosts too, that's great! Mega Blazekin has been doing very well for me so far, but I could switch it out. Perhaps a team of Aegislash / Gliscor / something would work. Again, that something would be for bulky waters, mainly. Azumarill is a decent option all round, and 4 attacks + Assault Vest has been doing very well for me in online battles. I'll have a think about that.

Also, I've just been using a random team to get up to 30ish before seriously starting my streak, and I've been thinking about LO Greninja. It's a great Pokemon, but how well does it work later on in the Maison, especially with only Surf? I've been thinking about replacing U-turn for Grass Knot on the usual set, for extra coverage (against those pesky waters too!) and because U-turn rarely seems worth it to me, especially with LO recoil. Greninja / Gliscor / Aegislash could potentially be a good team, but then am I a fool for not making use of a Mega?

Thanks again :)

P.S. turskain Anything that gets 400+ wins is certainly no bad team!!
Thanks for the replies guys!

I actually wasn't aware that Sacred Sword ignored Evasion Boosts too, that's great! Mega Blazekin has been doing very well for me so far, but I could switch it out. Perhaps a team of Aegislash / Gliscor / something would work. Again, that something would be for bulky waters, mainly. Azumarill is a decent option all round, and 4 attacks + Assault Vest has been doing very well for me in online battles. I'll have a think about that.

Also, I've just been using a random team to get up to 30ish before seriously starting my streak, and I've been thinking about LO Greninja. It's a great Pokemon, but how well does it work later on in the Maison, especially with only Surf? I've been thinking about replacing U-turn for Grass Knot on the usual set, for extra coverage (against those pesky waters too!) and because U-turn rarely seems worth it to me, especially with LO recoil. Greninja / Gliscor / Aegislash could potentially be a good team, but then am I a fool for not making use of a Mega?

Thanks again :)

P.S. Anything that gets 400+ wins is certainly no bad team!!
LO Greninja is good in singles too (well, judging by the leaderboards, haven't really used it myself). I would totally switch out U-turn for Grass Knot though, Grass Knot has excellent coverage whereas U-turn doesn't really hit anything off of an uninvested Attack stat and doesn't work as effectively as in online battles because the AI doesn't switch; effectively, you're only using it as a damaging switch, and because you're taking LO recoil and not dealing any real damage it isn't worth it imo.

If you really wanna use Mega Blaziken, you can also breed in Low Kick from Scrafty for fighting STAB. Apart from a few exceptions, it hits everything it needs to hit for at least 80BP (as well as a lot of stuff for 100 or 120BP) - iirc you only really miss out on Lanturn and Ninetales (40BP) and probably Vaporeon (60BP, but you shouldn't rely on Blaziken to handle him in the first place). Don't forget, you've got 160 base Attack, so stuff like Houndoom (60BP, OHKOed) and Blissey, Scrafty, and Umbreon (60BP, 2HKOed) is smashed regardless; not to mention it's got perfect accuracy. I've reached a decently long streak with Low Kick Mega Blaziken in doubles (not 100% comparable, but w/e) and I can confirm Low Kick is drop-dead delicious on him ;) I do, however, recommend that you look up Low Kick's base power on Bulbapedia and check how hard it hits the targets you want it to hit.

And not using a mega is perfectly fine, especially if you're only using three pokemon you shouldn't feel obliged to do so. Essentially it's just another pokemon forme anyway. Take a look at the leaderboard, the no.5 team in singles doesn't use a mega as well (without resorting to AI cheesing like Durant).
The Dutch Plumberjack + NoCheese Thanks for the replies guys!

I actually wasn't aware that Sacred Sword ignored Evasion Boosts too, that's great! Mega Blazekin has been doing very well for me so far, but I could switch it out. Perhaps a team of Aegislash / Gliscor / something would work. Again, that something would be for bulky waters, mainly. Azumarill is a decent option all round, and 4 attacks + Assault Vest has been doing very well for me in online battles. I'll have a think about that.

Also, I've just been using a random team to get up to 30ish before seriously starting my streak, and I've been thinking about LO Greninja. It's a great Pokemon, but how well does it work later on in the Maison, especially with only Surf? I've been thinking about replacing U-turn for Grass Knot on the usual set, for extra coverage (against those pesky waters too!) and because U-turn rarely seems worth it to me, especially with LO recoil. Greninja / Gliscor / Aegislash could potentially be a good team, but then am I a fool for not making use of a Mega?

Thanks again :)

P.S. turskain Anything that gets 400+ wins is certainly no bad team!!
I used a team with the Aegislash/Gliscor combo to get to 524 wins (with a Dragonite lead). The Aegislash/Gliscor combo is super good, but it has big problems with Froslass, Glaceon, Weavile, and Greninja (Aegislash can beat most of them with the right coverage move, but it comes out severely crippled, leaving you really vulnerable). Similarly, Gliscor can stall out Glaceon, but it wastes a lot of PP (Shadow Ball hits hard), meaning Gliscor is less effective at stalling whatever comes next. Greninja is good against most of those Pokemon, though Weavile can be a bit of a problem (the AI might use Fake Out turn 1 and Taunt turn 2, though, which would let you 2HKO). I would definitely use Grass Knot; I don't think U-Turn is doing a lot for you, especially because Aegislash and Gliscor can switch in against most attacks the AI would use against Greninja anyway. Grass Knot is also its best move against opposing Greninja, and since Greninja 4 is Modest, you can hit it with Grass Knot and OHKO before it can (potentially) change types with Protean.

atsync used Choice Specs on his Greninja, and I think the added power is probably worth it, especially because Aegislash and Gliscor are pretty easy to switch in when you have to switch Greninja out. I would use Dark Pulse over Extrasensory, since the other two Pokemon are generally very good against Fighting and Poison types.

If you use Azumarill, give it a Wide Lens instead of Assault Vest; Play Rough is WAY too good to pass up, but you can't afford to have it missing all the time. That said, I think Greninja would work out better for you than Azumarill would, simply because it gets more quick KOs and reduces the chance of the opponent to mess you up. This is particularly apparent against something like Tornadus 1, who can confuse Azumarill with Hurricane and put you in a really bad spot, while Greninja just outspeeds and OHKOs. Also, with Azumarill, nothing on your team can take a Will-O-Wisp, meaning you'd have to lead with Gliscor to avoid letting your opponent instantly cripple one of your Pokemon every time they have a Will-O-Wisp lead (since Azumarill won't be outspeeding much, and stuff like Cofagrigus will mess you up even though you do outspeed).

Good luck!
Just lost my Rotations streak at Battle 453. I basically just copied VaporeonIce's Chansey/Mega Venusaur/Cloyster/Gliscor team, not sure if that disqualifies me from #2 on the leaderboard but I can't see any rule saying I can't.

Battle #453: WBKW-WWWW-WWW8-VVAC: Vs. Chef Andrei, Jynx, Glaceon, Froslass, Cryogonal.

Edit: Not much of a write-up here because I mostly play battle facilities as a distraction and don't tend to think too hard about adjusting my strategy. I pretty much only beat VaporeonIce's team due to dumb luck and persistence. If you're looking for advice on this team, check out his original post and the post about what I did wrong in the proof video.
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Hey Smogon, first post here.

Thanks for this awesome threat, helped me get some smaller streaks going already, and it got me the statue for single and triple, but how can anyone stand the stupid AI in multi???

The streaks go fairly okay initially, but at some point the opponents target down your pokes first and then you are just royally screwed, no matter how low the opponents pokes are.

My latest loss actually left me more than slightly annoyed, where my ally had a half health Regirock and a full health scarfed Entei left which loves to spam Eruption. My Ninetails sets up the sun but dies, and they KO the Regirock a few turns after (he was paralyzed of course -.-), but the opponents last two pokemon are Lanturn at about 10hp and Yanmega - easy Eruption victory, right?

You guessed it: NOPE! The superslow bulky Lanturn with 10hp was SO IMPORTANT that the AI decides to SOLARBEAM it, leaving him with 4 turns of no sun after and a x4 resisting Yanmega on the other side... check for yourself:


P.S. I know I didnt play it perfectly, so it might not be entirely undeserved, but come on - this is some grade-A bullshit. This is everything that is wrong with the AI.
Man... I am a sad panda :(

Just lost on the 50th battle on super multi with AI, don't know how much the crits and misses mattered or if I just misplayed...


I was using this team:
Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Fake Out
- Power-Up Punch
- Return

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Knock Off
- U-turn

I was wondering if I should try again with the same team/setup or try a different partner or different pokemon myself....
This would have been my 5th statue, man soo close. Sorry I just felt like I need to share this with somebody to make me feel better about this^^
Hey Smogon, first post here.

Thanks for this awesome threat, helped me get some smaller streaks going already, and it got me the statue for single and triple, but how can anyone stand the stupid AI in multi???

The streaks go fairly okay initially, but at some point the opponents target down your pokes first and then you are just royally screwed, no matter how low the opponents pokes are.

My latest loss actually left me more than slightly annoyed, where my ally had a half health Regirock and a full health scarfed Entei left which loves to spam Eruption. My Ninetails sets up the sun but dies, and they KO the Regirock a few turns after (he was paralyzed of course -.-), but the opponents last two pokemon are Lanturn at about 10hp and Yanmega - easy Eruption victory, right?

You guessed it: NOPE! The superslow bulky Lanturn with 10hp was SO IMPORTANT that the AI decides to SOLARBEAM it, leaving him with 4 turns of no sun after and a x4 resisting Yanmega on the other side... check for yourself:


P.S. I know I didnt play it perfectly, so it might not be entirely undeserved, but come on - this is some grade-A bullshit. This is everything that is wrong with the AI.


I don't think you necessarily played that badly although there were a few turns that I thought were odd. E.g., you COULD have switched Garchomp for Ninetales to take Ice Beam and I probably would have done, but I guess that would have popped its Air Balloon and left it vulnerable to an ally Earthquake. You could have also targeted Yanmega with Ninetales instead of Lanturn, but it might have blocked it with Detect and given Lanturn a free turn.

I'm not sure if using Mega Garchomp is necessarily the best idea with that partner anyway, since both of your partner's Pokemon are Earthquake-weak and Entei relies on being healthy to power its Eruption.

But no, most of us don't really like multi with AI much since the AI is generally terrible at logic and situational awareness. We play it only because we want the trophy, and then we get the hell out of there when we win it!

  • Claims the questionable honor of being the biggest streak that uses Heliolisk, beating atsync's rain team that employs a powerful, Focus Sash-using Dry Skin Heliolisk.

my reign is over ;_;

But seriously you are right about Heliolisk currently being a mediocre choice for most Maison teams and I'm not surprised by anything you said about it (but lol you still got a 400+ streak with Heliolisk in the centre position, nice one).

My opinion on Heliolisk is: either use it on a rain team or don't use it at all.
I'm not sure if using Mega Garchomp is necessarily the best idea with that partner anyway, since both of your partner's Pokemon are Earthquake-weak and Entei relies on being healthy to power its Eruption.

Fair point. Initially I played with another AI team which had the same Entei (as first poke, so Ninetails was my lead), followed by Gallade, so the Garchomp was less of a problem. Shitty thing there was that the Gallade had Scope Lens with (Stone Edge/X-Scissor/Psycho Cuy/something else) and took up to 4 turns to KO anything if it didn't get the crits, which left me with some terrible losses.

I don't know how else to do this, because those are the only 2 proper teams I have for AI, and I don't have Charizardite Y, so I'm bound to Ninetails for the sun. Which AI team would you use and what would you replace Garchomp with? Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!

Fair point. Initially I played with another AI team which had the same Entei (as first poke, so Ninetails was my lead), followed by Gallade, so the Garchomp was less of a problem. Shitty thing there was that the Gallade had Scope Lens with (Stone Edge/X-Scissor/Psycho Cuy/something else) and took up to 4 turns to KO anything if it didn't get the crits, which left me with some terrible losses.

I don't know how else to do this, because those are the only 2 proper teams I have for AI, and I don't have Charizardite Y, so I'm bound to Ninetails for the sun. Which AI team would you use and what would you replace Garchomp with? Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!

You can always ask in the WiFi forum (simple requests thread) if someone can trade you a Charizardite Y. There's a bunch of guys there that can clone stuff, and if you can breed some good stuff (pref. with egg moves) or have some nice hidden ability mons/some females in apricorn balls or w/e it shouldn't be too hard to trade for one.
If you can get Charizardite Y, you should be all set with one of your Entei teams (probably the Gallade team because the faster your partners are, the better, and it's an all-out attacker so no need to worry about it spamming sunny day or so)
Unfortunately, Garchomp doesn't get Dragon Dance...
Even though it's not much to report, I just got wrecked by Pokemon Ranger Willow at battle 49. I made several mistakes and have since beaten her in Mock battles.. Her team was Golurk, Feraligatr, Greninja and Gastrodon (all set 4). Turn 1 I Protected with T-tar to get off an Earthquake with Chomp and take the Hammer Arm from Golurk. Turn 2 is where I could have saved it, I wasn't sure if Feraligatr would atack or boost again, I decide that because I couldn't Protect again I would have to attack, so I aim a Crunch at 'Gatr and Iron Head at Golurk (I should have gone for a second Earthquake). 'Gatr out speeds and OHKOs T-tar with Waterfall and 'Chomp finishes Golurk, Gatr's Liechi berry activates after Sandstorm damage. I send in Excadrill and she sends out Greninja, I waste a turn by Protecting with Excadrill because I was hoping to get another Earthquake off with Chomp, this was a bad move but it was what I had been doing every battle so I guess it was kind of a habit. Greninja kills off Chomp with Blizzard while Gatr boosts again. I'm still not worried because Gatr is in KO range and Greninja just turned itself into an ice type, except Gren lives the Rock Slide with about ~30% and hits back with Blizzard leaving Exca at around 40% and Roserade at 10HP. Now I don't know why I did it but I used Hidden Power with Roserade which killed the Greninja but it died to Life Orb recoil, if I had of used Giga Drain it would have finished it, regained enough health to survive the Life Orb and Sand damage, then it would have been alive for the Gastrodon that came out to Giga Drain it to death. Instead I was left with just Excadrill which died to an Earthquake. I played a few Mock battles and won in a few different ways, like sacking T-tar on turn 2 and KOing her leads with a second Earthquake, or Protecting turn one and switching in Roserade for Chomp, then prioritising Feraligatr and Geninja so it's just Gastrodon and Golurk EQing themselves. Obviously I wish I had just clicked Giga Drain in the real battle but I thought Roserade was just gonna die to Blizzard anyway so I didn't weigh up my options properly...

I think that the team is OK, I'm not sure if it's more it needing improving or my battling skill lol. I think I might swap the Smooth Rock for an Air Balloon on T-tar because there were a lot of times that I wanted to be able to use EQ again but couldn't because it would come at the cost of T-tar. Maybe I do need that ground-immune Tailwind user after all

Yeah so I was pretty disappointed when I found that out. So to alleviate this I am currently running Greninja Talonflame MegaGarchomp. Mat Block Tailwind and Swords Dance means Garchomp hits like a truck and out speeds every single pokemon in the Maison although I'll adjust his EV's later so that he doesn't out speed Choice Aerodactyl who doesn't show up after Battle 40. Currently I'm in the 70s and still going strong.
The Dutch Plumberjack + NoCheese Thanks for the replies guys!

I actually wasn't aware that Sacred Sword ignored Evasion Boosts too, that's great! Mega Blazekin has been doing very well for me so far, but I could switch it out. Perhaps a team of Aegislash / Gliscor / something would work. Again, that something would be for bulky waters, mainly. Azumarill is a decent option all round, and 4 attacks + Assault Vest has been doing very well for me in online battles. I'll have a think about that.

Also, I've just been using a random team to get up to 30ish before seriously starting my streak, and I've been thinking about LO Greninja. It's a great Pokemon, but how well does it work later on in the Maison, especially with only Surf? I've been thinking about replacing U-turn for Grass Knot on the usual set, for extra coverage (against those pesky waters too!) and because U-turn rarely seems worth it to me, especially with LO recoil. Greninja / Gliscor / Aegislash could potentially be a good team, but then am I a fool for not making use of a Mega?

Thanks again :)

P.S. turskain Anything that gets 400+ wins is certainly no bad team!!

Try Ferrothorn. I've been using him as a filler pokemon and he always performs really well. Ingrain Curse Gyro Ball Power whip with leftovers is what I've been using. Plus you can get him and breed him all on the one game.
Just lost my Rotations streak at Battle 453. I basically just copied VaporeonIce's Chansey/Mega Venusaur/Cloyster/Gliscor team, not sure if that disqualifies me from #2 on the leaderboard but I can't see any rule saying I can't.

Battle #453: WBKW-WWWW-WWW8-VVAC: Vs. Chef Andrei, Jynx, Glaceon, Froslass, Cryogonal.
Okay, I actually find this really irritating. The main reason is that your play in the battle video is awful. Chansey beats all of the lead Pokemon by itself (actually, it beats all four Pokemon by itself); there's pretty much no reason to rotate to anybody else unless there's some reason to think Chansey is in trouble (and if it gets frozen and down to low health, switch out to Gliscor to activate Natural Cure). Once two of the Pokemon were Poisoned, all you had to do was spam Soft-Boiled until someone fainted, then use Toxic until someone else was poisoned, then spam Soft-Boiled (obviously, freeze/SpDef drops count interfere with that, but again, that's what switching out/Natural Cure are for). Other horrendous misplays include rotating in Cloyster while the AI has a Fake Out user on the field, using Venusaur's Earthquake instead of Giga Drain when there's no reason to do so (the only Pokemon hit harder by EQ is Jynx, who outspeeds Venusaur and has STAB Psychic to take it out, so you definitely didn't want the AI to rotate to Jynx), and selecting Rock Blast even though Icicle Spear was a OHKO on all three of the opponent's Pokemon.

I'm kind of glad the team could get a little further, even with someone who didn't play it optimally. That said, I hope we don't get a bunch of people who never post on Smogon coming along and taking up the leaderboard with 1000+ streaks with Whimsicott/Durant/Drapion (which I think randos who don't know the Maison that well could do with the information I provided, because while there's more variation in the strategy than the "lol Durant is mindless" crowd believe, it's still really easy to play and insanely reliable).

Also, I'm sitting at 1120 wins in Singles right now; I haven't really been playing that much, especially since I don't take the train to get to school anymore. It's not really worth proof/a battle video, though; I'll post one if/when I get to 1200.