Battle Maison Discussion & Records

turskain- Very nice! Team looks solid, nice job breaking 1000 wins.
I really like your choice in lucario as a special attacker and placement on the team.

Curious though, from a glance I would imagine fire to be a threat, but you do not list it as so. I guess garchomp can handle it well? I might be underestimating the strength of rotom as well, since the only water move I run is scald but freeing up a slot for dark pulse on greninja is something that a few teams do and I like the results.

Anyway, keep up the good work, maybe I will get finish breeding and take another run before November.
Fire types can mostly be outsped and KO'd with neutral hits, with the exception of Entei3 & Typhlosion3 (Scarf Eruption) and bulky Entei2/4. Mega Lucario outspeeds them all and Aura Sphere deals a ton of damage to every Fire-type (and OHKOs at +2, aside from Focus Sash Infernape4 and the Entei mentioned earlier) except for Volcarona, Charizard, Moltres and Chandelure, the first of which is a 87.5% chance to OHKO with Brave Bird (use Volt Switch for easy entry and KO security if nothing else begs to be smacked) and the Fire/Flying types are OHKOed by Specs Thunderbolt - for possible Charizard3 (Choice Scarf) be sure to Protect or switch out Lucario when it comes out to stay safe. Chandelure walls Lucario and Garchomp is the best answer against it, which can be slightly risky in case of a random WoW, but it can still be taken down between Brave Bird, Dark Pulse and HP Water should the need arise. Blaziken4 with Speed Boost also falls to Volt Switch Brave Bird. Darmanitan4 usually targets Lucario, and the preferred play is switching in Talonflame to KO with Brave Bird (after it takes Flare Blitz recoil) if it's in a position to attack it - if it's on the right-side, it can just be sort of ignored while Lucario probably sets up, it locks into Superpower and gets disposed of later. That goes for a lot of things in the right-side position - if it can't hit Lucario who can freely get to +2 and bombard the field, it just can't do anything to stop the onslaught even if it can be an annoyance.

Rotom-W, if you keep it in, also deals equivalent (high) neutral damage to Aura Sphere with Specs Thunderbolt, so pretty much any fire type can be 2HKO'd under Mat Block if you want them dead right away. I don't HP Water Fire-types most of the time, they're just not worth being locked into it and Thunderbolt and Volt Switch deal sufficient damage when needed.

Scizor also deals quite a lot of damage to Fire-types with Quick Attack (and even resisted Bullet Punch before I switched to QA) - enough to KO most fire types with Quick Attack + Aura Sphere, with Dark Pulse on top to triple down securing the KO on particularly bulky things like Ninetales4. Flame Body is a risk, but most of its users don't demand Scizor to hit them (or you wouldn't bring Scizor in against them in the first place).

Chomp stays on the bench against most Fire-types, since the leads and Volt Switched Scizor and Talonflame already give most of them a pounding. If you see a triple Ground weak lead begging to be Triple KO'd and there is no risk of a stray Will-O-Wisp or there is a Chandelure, then he can come in to claim style points with a huge EQ.

I re-EV'd Scizor to 148 HP / 236 Atk / 76 SDef / 44 Spe so it can survive 2 friendly Discharges, cutting Speed and Attack to do so. I wasn't using Discharge when initially EV'ing it, so it wasn't taken into account, but now it is, after I had a close call with misplays and Scizor getting KO'd by a Discharge he might've survived with more EV investment into special bulk.

120+ SpA Choice Specs Rotom-W Discharge vs. 148 HP / 76 SpD Scizor: 70-84 (42.6 - 51.2%) -- 3.1% chance to 2HKO
I'm so over multis at the moment. Just lost to a turn one freeze from focus sash Glaceon on my Hitmonlee because I decided to fake out the Wailord next to it instead, which took out Typhlosion with Hydro Pump on turn 2, if I wasn't frozen he would have been an easy kill for Lee. Surely it doesn't matter though as Entei can just come in and finish off the two with Eruption? Nope, he instead decides to charge up a Solar Beam to take out a 5% health Wailord and gets swiftly taken out... So I was left with M-Kang to take out the remaining 3, didn't happen, can't remember what came out after Wailord but I couldn't one-shot it and Kang had taken a Hydro Pump while taking out Wailords partner (a Flareon, White Herb+Superpower). Damn I love playing Multis for some reason but I can't stand losing when the AI does stuff like that (reason why I believe these Eruption teams only work with sun support, but I hate the massive rock weakness that it brings...)
Quick update on the Triples streak, which is now at 1133 wins (isn't that a nice number?):
Battle video: AV9W-WWWW-WWW9-8GAG vs. Tornadus/Articuno/Heatran/Latios/Registeel/Regice
Team writeup: HERE

(I figured how to cope with the upload limit somewhat - for this ongoing streak, I can just remove the previous ongoing proof video, which I did, and upload a new ongoing proof or the losing battle in its place. Kinda obvious, but I didn't realize that before.)

Not really a notable update, but the reason I'm making one is I re-EV'd the damn Scizor again, and finally think I've "finished" the team. Took me long enough, with over 1100 wins already before I got it right...

The new spread is 252 HP / 164 Atk / 44 SDef / 44 Spe / 4 Def. I thought of cutting Attack heavily about an hour after I was done re-EVing it, and felt a bit dumb... but a few calcs later, I confirmed that even with a cut, its power was enough to get the kills I was looking for (Terrakion2 is a big one), and being able to have all of max HP, enough Special bulk to take two Discharges, and a decent-ish Speed number is great. I'll edit the new spread (and proof) into the team write-up; hopefully, this'll be the last edit and from now on I'll just have to link to it when I hit 2000 or lose.
Quick update on my Triples streak (team here) and unfortunate developments on my Charizard Y/Darmanitan Doubles plan.

My Triples streak is up to 1400
Battle video: GTKW-WWWW-WWW9-8TJB

On Doubles, I slightly tweaked my original team here by giving Charizard Heat Wave, giving Breloom Focus Sash and Garchomp Life Orb, and switching Darmanitan with Garchomp. Everything was great, Earthquake and Heat Wave combined to KO almost everything, whatever survived died hard to Sun-boosted scarf Flare Blitz. Life was good until my streak hit 128, and I went up against Veteran Eleanor, who just flat out hard countered my team.

Battle Video: X37W-WWWW-WWW9-8TJ9

She led with Entei3 (Scarf Eruption) and Latias3 (Specs). In back were Raikou and Terrakion, both of whom outsped and could 1HKO Charizard. I tried every permutation possible on replays, and simply couldn't win through Latias' power and Entei's continual Eruptions. Just a terrible, terrible matchup. Which sucks because the team is fun, synergistic, but just flat out loses to too many things to get a long streak. CharizardY's general uselessness against Veterans doesn't help much either.

Even swapping out Breloom with Wide Guard Aegislash didn't work, as Latias took out too many Pokemon before it succumbed (it always survives a max attack Shadow Sneak anyway).
I tried out Sawk, and it wasn't that good. I bred a 2/31/0/x/2/31 one with 252/252 EVs and the rest in SAtk (lowest IVs I could easily pass on from my Dittos), and it worked surprisingly often, especially with Close Combat dropping its defenses even further.

Reversal, while absolutely huge with a neutral hit, just lacked the coverage to sweep, and none of the coverage moves deal enough damage, and there is no Swords Dance option to give it more damage - Work Up/Bulk Up isn't enough. Rock Tomb killing Volcarona is neat, but any Fighting-resists (outside weak ones that are KO'd by Reversal through resist) stop its sweep cold, and there are a lot of nasty things among them, like Gardevoir4 (tracing Sturdy) and others. Replacing Counter with a coverage move could help with some of these - Knock Off would help against Psychics, Earthquake could help with a few things, Poison Jab would help with fairies - but there's still a ton of things it just won't kill, and Mold Breaker and Unnerve also smash it, which includes funny mons like the AI's own Sawk4 with Life Orb.

It was a fun little thing, though, and now the theorymon hat is on for a different team inspired by the Gliscor talk (and the silly Sawk): Cloyster/Gliscor/Greninja. I'm thinking of speed cutting Cloyster a bit since Terrakion2 and Landorus2 are food for Gliscor once locked into a Fighting-type move and putting the spare EVs in SpA for a little more punch on Surf. Gliscor doesn't care about Poison and Electric hits; Greninja's there for an immediate attacker and a Fire resist that doesn't care about Burn. It should also provide a safe switch-in for Gliscor against some things with two switches.

SimicCombine, nice! I'd wondered where your Triples streak was going since it had been sitting there for so long. Glad to see you're still on it.

Your experiences with Charizard-Y being useless against Veterans (and a lot of other faster things) match mine, and that's why I think it'd be hard to make it work without Mat Block Greninja letting it get around its Speed problem. Triples is where Charizard-Y can get both Mat Block Greninja and a Scarf Darmanitan (or Scarf Heliolisk, or Scarf Infernape, or any other Sun-boosted menace) on the field with it, and I think that while it's inferior to Lucario/Greninja even there, it can still do 1000+.
So apparently Musharna and Mega Ampharos are a bad mix in Super Doubles, but not for the reason I expected.

See, Ampharos' Mold Breaker breaks EVERY mold, including Musharna's Telepathy ability (so it still gets hit by discharge).

Oh well, back to the drawing board...
So apparently Musharna and Mega Ampharos are a bad mix in Super Doubles, but not for the reason I expected.

See, Ampharos' Mold Breaker breaks EVERY mold, including Musharna's Telepathy ability (so it still gets hit by discharge).

Oh well, back to the drawing board...

Discharge Ampharos really isn't a good idea to start with at all, honesty. Discharge has a 30% chance to paralyze it's target, creating a disadvantage for Trick Room teams.
Getting some theorymon down on Cloyster/Gliscor/Greninja. I finished breeding and training the team:


Cloyster @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Nature: Naughty
EVs: 252 Atk, 244 Spe, 12 SAtk
-Icicle Spear
-Rock Blast
-Shell Smash

I prefer Naughty with Surf to Razor Shell for two reasons, even with the base power nerf in XY and Greninja's presence on the team:
  1. Accuracy - 95% is never worth the risk if there is a 100% accurate alternative.
  2. Making contact - Fire types (the primary target for a Water STAB) now have more Flame Body in the Maison, so disposing of them with a non-contact move is very important.
This Cloyster is a random shiny that hatched while I was breeding for a 6IV Shellder. It has an imperfect SDef IV of 16; I bred for a long time, longer than I did for previous 6IVs/HP Waters - luck was not on my side here, and then a shiny hatched with just SDef missing, which was enough incentive for me to call it off and settle for an imperfect-SDef Cloyster. Hopefully, it won't cost me.

Cutting Speed by a grand total of 1 was the most I could do, as Volcarona sits right at 120 and can't be counted out with Rock Blast's inaccuracy and Hurricane confusion hax.


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 212 HP, 220 Spe, 76 SDef

Speed cut to 157, as tying with 161 is actively bad and prevents you from stalling them reliably, and the things in 160-158 are food for Greninja and doesn't have anything threatening in it. 177 HP; the rest are dumped into SDef, as it will often want to switch into Special attacks aimed at Cloyster to stall out some PP to allow Cloyster guaranteed set-up to +6.

Looking at 160-158 again, the exact things there are Pyroar4 (Hyper Voice) which Gliscor has no business being out against or switching into, and Krookodile, which has so much attacking PP that it is not possible to stall out of it. Accordingly, nothing of value is lost with the cut.


Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse

This Greninja is not speed cut like the previous Singles one, since on that team the 185-188 Pokémon were set-up fodder for Aegislash/Dragonite; this is not the case here, so max Speed is preferred. The Doubles 1-speed cut is possible, but I didn't have any spare Greninja on hand with that spread and it was already taken by the Triples team, so an uncut one will have to do.

The instant comparison point is Peterko's Cloyster/Garchomp/Suicune Subway team, the most succesful Cloyster team to date.

What Gliscor can do here in the Suicune position is stall out attacking moves on a lot of things it can safely switch on - then after they've been stalled out, Cloyster can be switched in to get to +6 with an intact Focus Sash. This should be the first strategy to consider, and used whenever applicable for a nearly guaranteed win - when it works, it's even stronger than Cloyster set up by Durant, since this Cloyster can use Surf.

What Gliscor can't do is handle Water types, especially Greninja/Starmie and the like, which is why Greninja is in the Garchomp position. Assorted theorymon for miscallenous speculative threats follows:
  • Starmie4: the plan is to switch in Gliscor on Thunderbolt, and then switch Greninja on Ice Beam and KO it with Dark Pulse. If there's a freeze, that's bad - but even if it happens, you still get Scald damage on Starmie, which will put it in KO range for +2 Icicle Spear, and there's still a chance to Shell Smash on it afterwards - barring paralysis/flinch on top of a freeze, of course. So Starmie will need two instances of hax on its side to guarantee a loss, which is not great, but it should be manageable.
  • Greninja4: Greninja can switch in and KO with LO Grass Knot.
  • Volcarona4: Rock Blast is an OHKO. If it fails due to missing or Hurricane confusion, hoping it Quiver Dances on Gliscor instead of going for a kill is a possible get-out-of-jail-free card.
  • Vaporeon: Vaporeon4 is food for Gliscor after it switches in on Shadow Ball, but Vaporeon1 (Quick Claw) can be a menace. It should be possible to tell the set apart with Protect after switching in Gliscor (other Vaporeon sets will use an Ice attack while Vaporeon1 will use Surf), but you must keep an eye for it.
  • Fake Out users: Gliscor should be able to switch in on all of them. Greninja will need to come in afterwards for Jynx, risking a freeze.
  • Taunt users: Gliscor and Greninja both destroy Crobat. Cloyster assumes Taunt and uses Rock Blast to KO before smashing - even if it misses, Greninja needs fifty turns to kill it. Toxicroak is Gliscor bait. Tornadus4 is KO'd by Icicle Spear if it happens to use Taunt.
  • Confuse Ray: my impression is that Gliscor should do pretty well against most of the users, but I'm not sure.
  • Will-O-Wisp: Greninja beats all of its users.
  • Thunder Wave & Electric attacks: Gliscor should handle them, stall them out, and then allow Cloyster the honor.
  • Trick Room: Everything bar Slowking/Slowbro is Gliscor bait; Greninja OHKOs Slowbro (though TR will probably go up), Icicle Spear on Turn 1 + Dark Pulse after switch has a high chance to KO Slowking but, TR will still stay up. If both of them show up at once or an Aromatisse/Druddigon situatuon occurs, it might get rough, but if Greninja falls, Protect and switches should be enough to stall TR out to allow Gliscor to begin stalling.
  • Anything slower than Gliscor/Electric attackers: AI, meet Substitute-Protect; run out of attacking PP; get Cloyster to +6 with an intact Sash if possible.

I'm feeling pretty good about this one, and will start playing soon, but I'm especially interested in whether my impressions of Gliscor are on the mark. It'd be a shame to lose because of trying to get too greedy with stalling PP, which I will want to do often, so if there's anything you guys can think of, I'm all ears. Especially VaporeonIce, since you had that crazy 500+ win streak with Gliscor in Singles (which you should submit for the leaderboard even though it doesn't beat your existing records, because it is seriously amazing.)
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Gliscor not just stalling things out, but also buying Cloyster a lot of free setups is really sweet, and I like the look of that team. Cloyster at +2 already beats a large fraction of things, particularly if Rock Blast hits, but if you're at +6 with your Sash intact, the list of what can mess you up becomes very short indeed, as I learned in my Durant - Cloyster - Garchomp streak. Surf over Razor Shell is absolutely correct, and even if you don't consider accuracy and contact (which are the most important factors), Peterko's analysis last generation suggested that Surf matches up better against slightly more threats than does Razor Shell. Poor Starmie, though, getting its job stolen by Greninja. And yeah, on anything with Substitute, Speed ties are evil, evil, evil, so good call on gearing down a little to avoid that. Frustrating how things like Quick Claw and priority moves (both positive and negative) can still cause the same issue of the AI sometimes getting in two attacks in a row, but where you can prevent eliminate one cause of the problem, such as Speed ties, it would be foolish not to do so. Best of luck!!.

PS: Closing in on 1000 in triples. Looks like we're starting to get quite a crowd in the four digits club!
Getting some theorymon down on Cloyster/Gliscor/Greninja. I finished breeding and training the team:


Cloyster @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Nature: Naughty
EVs: 252 Atk, 244 Spe, 12 SAtk
-Icicle Spear
-Rock Blast
-Shell Smash

I prefer Naughty with Surf to Razor Shell for two reasons, even with the base power nerf in XY and Greninja's presence on the team:
  1. Accuracy - 95% is never worth the risk if there is a 100% accurate alternative.
  2. Making contact - Fire types (the primary target for a Water STAB) now have more Flame Body in the Maison, so disposing of them with a non-contact move is very important.
This Cloyster is a random shiny that hatched while I was breeding for a 6IV Shellder. It has an imperfect SDef IV of 16; I bred for a long time, longer than I did for previous 6IVs/HP Waters - luck was not on my side here, and then a shiny hatched with just SDef missing, which was enough incentive for me to call it off and settle for an imperfect-SDef Cloyster. Hopefully, it won't cost me.

Cutting Speed by a grand total of 1 was the most I could do, as Volcarona sits right at 120 and can't be counted out with Rock Blast's inaccuracy and Hurricane confusion hax.


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 212 HP, 220 Spe, 76 SDef

Speed cut to 157, as tying with 161 is actively bad and prevents you from stalling them reliably, and the things in 160-158 are food for Greninja and doesn't have anything threatening in it. 177 HP; the rest are dumped into SDef, as it will often want to switch into Special attacks aimed at Cloyster to stall out some PP to allow Cloyster guaranteed set-up to +6.

Looking at 160-158 again, the exact things there are Pyroar4 (Hyper Voice) which Gliscor has no business being out against or switching into, and Krookodile, which has so much attacking PP that it is not possible to stall out of it. Accordingly, nothing of value is lost with the cut.


Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
-Dark Pulse

This Greninja is not speed cut like the previous Singles one, since on that team the 185-188 Pokémon were set-up fodder for Aegislash/Dragonite; this is not the case here, so max Speed is preferred. The Doubles 1-speed cut is possible, but I didn't have any spare Greninja on hand with that spread and it was already taken by the Triples team, so an uncut one will have to do.

The instant comparison point is Peterko's Cloyster/Garchomp/Suicune Subway team, the most succesful Cloyster team to date.

What Gliscor can do here in the Suicune position is stall out attacking moves on a lot of things it can safely switch on - then after they've been stalled out, Cloyster can be switched in to get to +6 with an intact Focus Sash. This should be the first strategy to consider, and used whenever applicable for a nearly guaranteed win - when it works, it's even stronger than Cloyster set up by Durant, since this Cloyster can use Surf.

What Gliscor can't do is handle Water types, especially Greninja/Starmie and the like, which is why Greninja is in the Garchomp position. Assorted theorymon for miscallenous speculative threats follows:
  • Starmie4: the plan is to switch in Gliscor on Thunderbolt, and then switch Greninja on Ice Beam and KO it with Dark Pulse. If there's a freeze, that's bad - but even if it happens, you still get Scald damage on Starmie, which will put it in KO range for +2 Icicle Spear, and there's still a chance to Shell Smash on it afterwards - barring paralysis/flinch on top of a freeze, of course. So Starmie will need two instances of hax on its side to guarantee a loss, which is not great, but it should be manageable.
  • Greninja4: Greninja can switch in and KO with LO Grass Knot.
  • Volcarona4: Rock Blast is an OHKO. If it fails due to missing or Hurricane confusion, hoping it Quiver Dances on Gliscor instead of going for a kill is a possible get-out-of-jail-free card.
  • Vaporeon: Vaporeon4 is food for Gliscor after it switches in on Shadow Ball, but Vaporeon1 (Quick Claw) can be a menace. It should be possible to tell the set apart with Protect after switching in Gliscor (other Vaporeon sets will use an Ice attack while Vaporeon1 will use Surf), but you must keep an eye for it.
  • Fake Out users: Gliscor should be able to switch in on all of them. Greninja will need to come in afterwards for Jynx, risking a freeze.
  • Taunt users: Gliscor and Greninja both destroy Crobat. Cloyster assumes Taunt and uses Rock Blast to KO before smashing - even if it misses, Greninja needs fifty turns to kill it. Toxicroak is Gliscor bait. Tornadus4 is KO'd by Icicle Spear if it happens to use Taunt.
  • Confuse Ray: my impression is that Gliscor should do pretty well against most of the users, but I'm not sure.
  • Will-O-Wisp: Greninja beats all of its users.
  • Thunder Wave & Electric attacks: Gliscor should handle them, stall them out, and then allow Cloyster the honor.
  • Trick Room: Everything bar Slowking/Slowbro is Gliscor bait; Greninja OHKOs Slowbro (though TR will probably go up), Icicle Spear on Turn 1 + Dark Pulse after switch has a high chance to KO Slowking but, TR will still stay up. If both of them show up at once or an Aromatisse/Druddigon situatuon occurs, it might get rough, but if Greninja falls, Protect and switches should be enough to stall TR out to allow Gliscor to begin stalling.
  • Anything slower than Gliscor/Electric attackers: AI, meet Substitute-Protect; run out of attacking PP; get Cloyster to +6 with an intact Sash if possible.

I'm feeling pretty good about this one, and will start playing soon, but I'm especially interested in whether my impressions of Gliscor are on the mark. It'd be a shame to lose because of trying to get too greedy with stalling PP, which I will want to do often, so if there's anything you guys can think of, I'm all ears. Especially VaporeonIce, since you had that crazy 500+ win streak with Gliscor in Singles (which you should submit for the leaderboard even though it doesn't beat your existing records, because it is seriously amazing.)
What I'm not clear on is what moves you're planning to set Cloyster up against. Here's a subset of Pokemon (starting from #800 on the list):
Altaria 4: Can set up on Cotton Guard (assuming it doesn't spam that instead of Sing; I don't think it will use Dream Eater on a non-sleeping Pokemon)
Toxicroak 4: Taunt, can't set up
Gothitelle 4: Substitute/Psych Up? Again, only works if it runs out of Flatter PP first.
Reuniclus 4 (Magic Guard): Recover, but only if it uses up Trick PP first (which I doubt it will, but it might)
Bisharp 4: Taunt, can't set up
Abomasnow 4: Set up on Ice Shard/Protect once it uses up the PP of its other moves (but it may not use Focus Blast on Gliscor)
Nidoqueen 4: Has four attacking moves
Nidoking 4: Has Protect, but it will use that up before its attacking PP
Cradily 4: You can definitely set up on this, because it's laughably bad and is set-up bait for everything.
Armaldo 4: Choice Band Struggle? I wouldn't try it; with Choice Band + Defense drops, it could take Cloyster out
Rampardos 4: Nope
Bastiodon 4: I don't think this will use its attacking PP very quickly; it likes Metal Burst a lot
Floatzel 4: Aqua Jet, I guess
Mismagius 4: Nope
Carracosta 4: Will use up Water PP on Gliscor, so you can't set up on it.
Escavalier 4: Nope; Swagger messes you up
Accelgor 4: Encore and Protect. I guess you can stall out ALL of its PP for Struggle, but with Bug Buzz SpDef drops, it probably won't work
Zebstrika 4: Switches out of Gliscor
Drifblim 4: Will save its Hypnosis and T-Bolt PP
Seismitoad 4: It will save its Dig PP; you can set up, but you'll take heavy damage.
Poliwrath 4: Four attacking moves, and Circle Throw you out.
Rapidash 4: Will use Protect PP before running out of attacking PP
Muk 4: Boom!

Obviously, setting up Cloyster wouldn't be your strategy against all of these Pokemon. My point is, most Pokemon don't have a handful of attacking moves, plus a fourth move that says "do nothing." If you're lucky, they'll have Rest+Sleep Talk, which lets you set up (the first thing that came to mind is Walrein, but you don't want to actually risk switching Gliscor in against it), and Curse+Rest is another easy target. But those are few and far between; generally, the non-attacking moves will be status moves or something else that can mess you up. And for Pokemon with more than one non-attacking move, they usually won't waste the PP of the one you want them to (such as Gothitelle's Flatter) against Gliscor for a free Cloyster set-up.

Gliscor is awesome at stalling, but it only has 32 PP to do so. Against most Pokemon (like the aforementioned T-Wave users), that isn't anywhere near enough; you'll be forced to Toxic or start attacking (though you can stall Flying/Levitate Pokemon some more with EQ, assuming they're not breaking your Sub). Your best case scenario for a Cloyster set up will usually be setting up on a Pokemon that's locked into Struggle, but very few Pokemon have 32 PP or less, so you'll usually be stuck doing that against opponents with Choice items. I would focus on having Gliscor kill things, which it's actually quite good at. There's usually only one move it REALLY needs to stall out (sometimes there are two), and after that, it can get off a free Toxic for a (gradual) KO. Watch out for stuff like Yanmega (especially Speed Boost), who I think will randomly use Air Slash against Cloyster sometimes and can mess you up a bit with Bug Buzz SpDef drops.

Speaking of Choice item users, watch out for Trick. Alakazam is particularly tough, since it might use Trick and it might use Focus Blast. Gliscor likes Focus Blast, but hates Trick; Greninja doesn't mind Trick, but hates Focus Blast.

Froslass can be a problem, since Focus Sash Destiny Bond can kind of put Greninja in a "checkmate" position (switch to Gliscor and risk a random Ice move? Or stay in, attack, and die?), while a first turn Destiny Bond can KO Cloyster (and you risk a Rock Blast miss if you attack).

Good luck! I think this team can do well, but you'll need to do a lot of testing to find out the best strategy against a variety of different leads.

I'll post the Dragonite/Aegislash/Gliscor streak soon; I probably would have posted it earlier, but your own Singles streak discouraged me from doing so (after all, you used a different third Pokemon for Dragonite/Aegislash, and it clearly worked better than my choice). Nevertheless, I'm sure people will like to see Gliscor being a hilarious bastard successful!
What I'm not clear on is what moves you're planning to set Cloyster up against. Here's a subset of Pokemon (starting from #800 on the list):
Altaria 4: Can set up on Cotton Guard (assuming it doesn't spam that instead of Sing; I don't think it will use Dream Eater on a non-sleeping Pokemon)
Toxicroak 4: Taunt, can't set up
Gothitelle 4: Substitute/Psych Up? Again, only works if it runs out of Flatter PP first.
Reuniclus 4 (Magic Guard): Recover, but only if it uses up Trick PP first (which I doubt it will, but it might)
Bisharp 4: Taunt, can't set up
Abomasnow 4: Set up on Ice Shard/Protect once it uses up the PP of its other moves (but it may not use Focus Blast on Gliscor)
Nidoqueen 4: Has four attacking moves
Nidoking 4: Has Protect, but it will use that up before its attacking PP
Cradily 4: You can definitely set up on this, because it's laughably bad and is set-up bait for everything.
Armaldo 4: Choice Band Struggle? I wouldn't try it; with Choice Band + Defense drops, it could take Cloyster out
Rampardos 4: Nope
Bastiodon 4: I don't think this will use its attacking PP very quickly; it likes Metal Burst a lot
Floatzel 4: Aqua Jet, I guess
Mismagius 4: Nope
Carracosta 4: Will use up Water PP on Gliscor, so you can't set up on it.
Escavalier 4: Nope; Swagger messes you up
Accelgor 4: Encore and Protect. I guess you can stall out ALL of its PP for Struggle, but with Bug Buzz SpDef drops, it probably won't work
Zebstrika 4: Switches out of Gliscor
Drifblim 4: Will save its Hypnosis and T-Bolt PP
Seismitoad 4: It will save its Dig PP; you can set up, but you'll take heavy damage.
Poliwrath 4: Four attacking moves, and Circle Throw you out.
Rapidash 4: Will use Protect PP before running out of attacking PP
Muk 4: Boom!

Obviously, setting up Cloyster wouldn't be your strategy against all of these Pokemon. My point is, most Pokemon don't have a handful of attacking moves, plus a fourth move that says "do nothing." If you're lucky, they'll have Rest+Sleep Talk, which lets you set up (the first thing that came to mind is Walrein, but you don't want to actually risk switching Gliscor in against it), and Curse+Rest is another easy target. But those are few and far between; generally, the non-attacking moves will be status moves or something else that can mess you up. And for Pokemon with more than one non-attacking move, they usually won't waste the PP of the one you want them to (such as Gothitelle's Flatter) against Gliscor for a free Cloyster set-up.

Gliscor is awesome at stalling, but it only has 32 PP to do so. Against most Pokemon (like the aforementioned T-Wave users), that isn't anywhere near enough; you'll be forced to Toxic or start attacking (though you can stall Flying/Levitate Pokemon some more with EQ, assuming they're not breaking your Sub). Your best case scenario for a Cloyster set up will usually be setting up on a Pokemon that's locked into Struggle, but very few Pokemon have 32 PP or less, so you'll usually be stuck doing that against opponents with Choice items. I would focus on having Gliscor kill things, which it's actually quite good at. There's usually only one move it REALLY needs to stall out (sometimes there are two), and after that, it can get off a free Toxic for a (gradual) KO. Watch out for stuff like Yanmega (especially Speed Boost), who I think will randomly use Air Slash against Cloyster sometimes and can mess you up a bit with Bug Buzz SpDef drops.

Speaking of Choice item users, watch out for Trick. Alakazam is particularly tough, since it might use Trick and it might use Focus Blast. Gliscor likes Focus Blast, but hates Trick; Greninja doesn't mind Trick, but hates Focus Blast.

Froslass can be a problem, since Focus Sash Destiny Bond can kind of put Greninja in a "checkmate" position (switch to Gliscor and risk a random Ice move? Or stay in, attack, and die?), while a first turn Destiny Bond can KO Cloyster (and you risk a Rock Blast miss if you attack).

Good luck! I think this team can do well, but you'll need to do a lot of testing to find out the best strategy against a variety of different leads.

I'll post the Dragonite/Aegislash/Gliscor streak soon; I probably would have posted it earlier, but your own Singles streak discouraged me from doing so (after all, you used a different third Pokemon for Dragonite/Aegislash, and it clearly worked better than my choice). Nevertheless, I'm sure people will like to see Gliscor being a hilarious bastard successful!

I played a few dozen battles, and I definitely see I was overrating the PP stall Cloyster setup's applicability heavily. But it is possible against a couple of things, still - so far I've ran into:
  • Politoed4: Hypnosis causes sleep, but using it 20 times in a row enables free set-up, and its three other moves have low PP.
  • Gallade4: two useless moves after Close Combat and Psycho Cut are out.
  • Venusaur4: Leech Seed + Sludge Bomb are quickly stalled.
It's not very big in the end, but getting a free-ish (at the cost of a lot of Gliscor PP) +6 100% Cloyster against even a handful of things is definitely useful. There's probably a couple more than these - I'm going through the sheet and noting them as they show up. And well, it isn't an essential strategy - Cloyster popping a Smash and Gliscor switching in on Electric/Fighting moves and killing things and Greninja coming in on a burn risk still work great.

Specs Trick isn't a problem if the AI can go for a KO instead - it does use Trick a lot on Dragonite with Alakazam4, but in Doubles/Triples when there's a Sashed Greninja and a Focus Blast-inviting Lucario, I have never seen it use Trick - it always goes for Focus Blast on Mat Block. Cloyster is an even more secure KO, so it should always be using Focus Blast. Lati@s3 aren't as certain in going for a super-effective attack since Draco Meteor is so powerful (205 BP with STAB versus 220 on SE Thunder), which could be a problem since if it goes for Draco Meteor, Gliscor is toast, but Thunder's 30% paralysis chance is also very bad for Cloyster. And if it does use Meteor and KO Gliscor, Cloyster can safely Smash on it afterwards, though it's not a great position to be in.

Greninja does pretty well against Froslass from my experience - if you break Sash using Scald or Ice Beam, the Ice resist makes random Ice moves highly unlikely (conversely, you can also break it with Dark Pulse to ensure that a possible Aegislash switch-in won't eat a Shadow Ball) - though switching things in and out is still not an easy play to make, since it still outspeeds and OHKOes Gliscor. It could be worth it to ensure that Greninja stays alive against a Psychic that might have Froslass+Starmie - the two are on different sets for generic trainers and Aces, so outside Psychics/Hex Maniacs it is not a pair that can exist, but with their narrow Pokémon pools it is a nasty possibility on those trainers.

I worry a bit about Snorlax4, since it can have Thick Fat to wall Cloyster and Body Slam to paralyze it, and it might also paralyze Gliscor with Body Slam on the switch-in and have Immunity afterwards to add insult to injury. I'm even considering saccing Greninja when I see it to prevent the looming 30% hax tragedy and get Gliscor in safely.

Looking forward to the Gliscor streak being posted.
I played a few dozen battles, and I definitely see I was overrating the PP stall Cloyster setup's applicability heavily. But it is possible against a couple of things, still - so far I've ran into:
  • Politoed4: Hypnosis causes sleep, but using it 20 times in a row enables free set-up, and its three other moves have low PP.
  • Gallade4: two useless moves after Close Combat and Psycho Cut are out.
  • Venusaur4: Leech Seed + Sludge Bomb are quickly stalled.
It's not very big in the end, but getting a free-ish (at the cost of a lot of Gliscor PP) +6 100% Cloyster against even a handful of things is definitely useful. There's probably a couple more than these - I'm going through the sheet and noting them as they show up. And well, it isn't an essential strategy - Cloyster popping a Smash and Gliscor switching in on Electric/Fighting moves and killing things and Greninja coming in on a burn risk still work great.

Specs Trick isn't a problem if the AI can go for a KO instead - it does use Trick a lot on Dragonite with Alakazam4, but in Doubles/Triples when there's a Sashed Greninja and a Focus Blast-inviting Lucario, I have never seen it use Trick - it always goes for Focus Blast on Mat Block. Cloyster is an even more secure KO, so it should always be using Focus Blast. Lati@s3 aren't as certain in going for a super-effective attack since Draco Meteor is so powerful (205 BP with STAB versus 220 on SE Thunder), which could be a problem since if it goes for Draco Meteor, Gliscor is toast, but Thunder's 30% paralysis chance is also very bad for Cloyster. And if it does use Meteor and KO Gliscor, Cloyster can safely Smash on it afterwards, though it's not a great position to be in.

Greninja does pretty well against Froslass from my experience - if you break Sash using Scald or Ice Beam, the Ice resist makes random Ice moves highly unlikely (conversely, you can also break it with Dark Pulse to ensure that a possible Aegislash switch-in won't eat a Shadow Ball) - though switching things in and out is still not an easy play to make, since it still outspeeds and OHKOes Gliscor. It could be worth it to ensure that Greninja stays alive against a Psychic that might have Froslass+Starmie - the two are on different sets for generic trainers and Aces, so outside Psychics/Hex Maniacs it is not a pair that can exist, but with their narrow Pokémon pools it is a nasty possibility on those trainers.

I worry a bit about Snorlax4, since it can have Thick Fat to wall Cloyster and Body Slam to paralyze it, and it might also paralyze Gliscor with Body Slam on the switch-in and have Immunity afterwards to add insult to injury. I'm even considering saccing Greninja when I see it to prevent the looming 30% hax tragedy and get Gliscor in safely.

Looking forward to the Gliscor streak being posted.
Yeah, Snorlax definitely seems like a problem. Given the potential for it to have Immunity, I don't think sacrificing Greninja is the best play against it. It has an annoying tendency to use Power-Up Punch, which can make it a massive pain for Gliscor, since it can buff its attacks enough so that everything will break the Sub. On top of that, even if you spam EQ to take it out, Gliscor generally won't have a Sub when the third Pokemon comes in (because Body Slam almost always breaks the Sub, making it hard to set it up and keep it up, especially if Snorlax uses PuP). Gliscor really wants to have its Sub up, or it's really vulnerable to faster Pokemon.

I think I would sacrifice Cloyster. I'd try setting up Shell Smash and attacking with Icicle Spear (Body Slam doesn't 2HKO -1 Def Cloyster). Even without Thick Fat, it won't OHKO without crits (252+ Def Snorlax is insane), but even if it does take you out, two-thirds of the time, Spear will do enough for EQ to KO, meaning you can set up stall with Gliscor until it uses PuP, then take it out. I'd still expect to come out of the match-up with Cloyster fainted (though it might not) and Gliscor without a Sub, but Sub-less Gliscor + Greninja is better than Sub-less Gliscor + Cloyster, because Greninja isn't reliant on a Sash to survive hits from special attackers. Basically, it's less threatening to switch in Greninja against a threat to Gliscor than it is to switch in Cloyster.

Lapras 4 can also cause problems with the threat of Body Slam paralysis (and even Rock Blast doesn't OHKO if it's unboosted), so I would probably set up Shell Smash and try to use Rock Blast against it.
VaporeonIce : Thanks a million for the advice! I've made to bookmark some of the pages on this thread and use your (and others') posts to help me during my streak.

I was thinking of putting Gliscor's remaining EVs into SDef and was wondering whether or not I should switch back to LO Greninja, so I'm glad that's all cleared up! :)

Everything's bred so as soon as I've finished EV-training I'll hit the maison and I'll be sure to let you all know how I do...
I'm glad to see people modifying the concept of my team for greater streaks! Redundantmoth over at Reddit (Hi!) just got a 500 streak in Doubles using a variant of my team, and Eppie's broken my record by using Dusclops and Iron Fist Conkeldurr. I've never gotten access to an Iron Fist Conkeldurr with those stats and moves, but it's a step up when statuses aren't a problem. Perfect stats would've allowed Conkeldurr to OHKO Abomasnow, I've calculated, which might've continued my streak. Frisk is probably more useful for figuring out Battle Maison sets when Taunt is rare. Losing Aromatisse to a strong hit felt more threatening and common than having it be Taunted. Good job!

Eppie: It's interesting to know that opposing Pokemon will use OHKO moves on the Trick Room setter over Aron. I haven't seen that in my streak, but that might've been just from the RNG working in my favor. That makes the team a bit more wary of dealing with most OHKO move users besides Walrein.
Looking at 160-158 again, the exact things there are Pyroar4 (Hyper Voice) which Gliscor has no business being out against or switching into, and Krookodile, which has so much attacking PP that it is not possible to stall out of it. Accordingly, nothing of value is lost with the cut.

Continuing to be intrigued by Gliscor, and accordingly have done a touch of theorymoning. It's a small point, but note that even with no Attack investment, Gliscor has a 37.5% chance to OHKO Pyroar4 with Earthquake, so it's not necessarily horrid to bump to 236 Speed EVs to get to 159 Speed and ensure you outrun Pyroar.
Yeah, Snorlax definitely seems like a problem. Given the potential for it to have Immunity, I don't think sacrificing Greninja is the best play against it. It has an annoying tendency to use Power-Up Punch, which can make it a massive pain for Gliscor, since it can buff its attacks enough so that everything will break the Sub. On top of that, even if you spam EQ to take it out, Gliscor generally won't have a Sub when the third Pokemon comes in (because Body Slam almost always breaks the Sub, making it hard to set it up and keep it up, especially if Snorlax uses PuP). Gliscor really wants to have its Sub up, or it's really vulnerable to faster Pokemon.

I think I would sacrifice Cloyster. I'd try setting up Shell Smash and attacking with Icicle Spear (Body Slam doesn't 2HKO -1 Def Cloyster). Even without Thick Fat, it won't OHKO without crits (252+ Def Snorlax is insane), but even if it does take you out, two-thirds of the time, Spear will do enough for EQ to KO, meaning you can set up stall with Gliscor until it uses PuP, then take it out. I'd still expect to come out of the match-up with Cloyster fainted (though it might not) and Gliscor without a Sub, but Sub-less Gliscor + Greninja is better than Sub-less Gliscor + Cloyster, because Greninja isn't reliant on a Sash to survive hits from special attackers. Basically, it's less threatening to switch in Greninja against a threat to Gliscor than it is to switch in Cloyster.

Lapras 4 can also cause problems with the threat of Body Slam paralysis (and even Rock Blast doesn't OHKO if it's unboosted), so I would probably set up Shell Smash and try to use Rock Blast against it.

I just met Snorlax, and risked the Smash (no parahax), and to my surprise, it was OHKO'd straight up at +2 without Thick Fat.

Yes, Snorlax4 is Careful HP/SDef, without Def EVs or +Def nature at all! A similar mistake I made in the theorymon was Slowking4; I mistakenly did the calcs with Quiet HP/SAtk, but as it turns out, it is Quiet HP/SDef, meaning Icicle Spear+Dark Pulse will not KO and the play should be a Gliscor switch-in or a straight switch to Greninja. It seems Slowking4/Slowbro4 prefer to use Psychic straight on Cloyster instead of going for Trick Room, so switching straight to Gliscor for a free Sub should work. The imperfect SDef IV might be working in my favor here, actually:

0 SpA Slowbro Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Cloyster (16 SDef IV): 118-139 (94.4 - 111.2%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
0 SpA Slowbro Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Cloyster (31 SDef IV): 105-124 (84 - 99.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Additionally, the list of confirmed PP stall victims is currently:

Gallade4 - Greninja is immune to Psycho Cut - you can switch between Greninja and Gliscor to conserve PP)
Regice2* - stall out PP, switch in on predicted Rest, Smash and go Rock Blast; if it misses, switch Gliscor back in, EQ it, and repeat until the Rock Blast hits. You only get +2 with full HP, but it's better than any other scenario against it since it has Rest to survive against Gliscor and a straight Smash risks a Rock Blast miss and Thunderbolt paralysis
Bastiodon4 - it seems to use Rock Slide often enough to get rid of its meager 10 PP

* - not actually +6, but still an intact Sash and the safest play against it

Venusaur4 worked fine the first time I saw it, but the next time it used up Sub PP over Leech Seed, so I'm unsure about it for now. I'll have to try again when I see it the next time, maybe spend less EQ PP on it.

There aren't many interesting things on there yet, but especially Gallade and Dusknoir seem quite good to guarantee +6 to dispose of any Starmie/Froslass risk against Psychics when they show up. Other Psychic types that should be PP stall bait are Musharna4 and Reuniclus4 (if it has Magic Guard and you let it break your Sub with Focus Blast and don't set a new one, it should be using Trick instead of Recover while you use Toxic; without Magic Guard, it dies). 3/17 Pokémon on Psychics/Hex Maniacs (except for Anastasia and Mara) being a free win sounds pretty decent with the high Starmie risk they carry. And a Gliscor with Sub is also pretty good against Starmie, and a +6 set-up on Alakazam4's Struggle is nice, too.

NoCheese, that's a good point. For this team specifically, though, Greninja can switch in on Pyroar and Cloyster can Smash on it (Overheat cannot burn), so there's no reason to ever take a risk with Gliscor. Additionally, the extra SDef EVs are valuable:

252 SpA Latias Draco Meteor vs. 212 HP / 76 SpD Gliscor: 114-135 (64.4 - 76.2%)
252 SpA Latios Draco Meteor vs. 212 HP / 76 SpD Gliscor: 127-151 (71.7 - 85.3%)

Latios2 DM is still bad news and will probably result in having to sac Gliscor, but with the SDef EVs, Latias2's DM will still allow Sub to go up most of the time when switching in on Thunder, allowing Gliscor to survive instead of needing to sac it and go to Greninja for the KO.

Straight Smash is still an option against Latis, but it risks 30% Thunder paralysis, and against Set1, Lax Incense hax. I suppose the best play for each of them is a Gliscor switch-in on Latias, and a straight Smash on Latios, since the Thunder Paralysis risk is lower than Gliscor having to die to DM if it's Set2.

Additionally, Set1 are both PP stall bait, so if Smashing and discovering it is Set1, it is possible to switch in Gliscor even after Sash is broken to ensure that Lax Incense will not matter and get +6, even if there's no Sash anymore.
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Quick, easy question for y'all: If you've already beaten a Chatelaine on a certain mode, do you have to fight her again when you reach 50 on a separate streak on that same mode? I.e. will your 50th battle always be against a Chatelaine, or just the first time around?
Quick, easy question for y'all: If you've already beaten a Chatelaine on a certain mode, do you have to fight her again when you reach 50 on a separate streak on that same mode? I.e. will your 50th battle always be against a Chatelaine, or just the first time around?
quick, easy answer: yes, always. So that's at least one battle where you know what to expect ^_^
quick, easy answer: yes, always. So that's at least one battle where you know what to expect ^_^
Awesome, I have a sort of counter-team for it, so it should be easy enough :D

A harder question this time, with my team of Greninja / Aegislash / Gliscor, I came up against a tricky battle that included Articuno2 (I think, it's the one with Sheer Cold and Ice Beam). I only won due to a lucky flinch hax from Greninja's Dark Pulse. What should I have done differently? I did think to stall out Sheer Cold with Gliscor, and then switch to Aegislash, at which point Aegi could set up. However, the AI always goes for Ice Beam vs Gliscor because it scores the KO. Thoughts?
I'm glad to see people modifying the concept of my team for greater streaks! Redundantmoth over at Reddit (Hi!) just got a 500 streak in Doubles using a variant of my team, and Eppie's broken my record by using Dusclops and Iron Fist Conkeldurr. I've never gotten access to an Iron Fist Conkeldurr with those stats and moves, but it's a step up when statuses aren't a problem. Perfect stats would've allowed Conkeldurr to OHKO Abomasnow, I've calculated, which might've continued my streak. Frisk is probably more useful for figuring out Battle Maison sets when Taunt is rare. Losing Aromatisse to a strong hit felt more threatening and common than having it be Taunted. Good job!

Eppie: It's interesting to know that opposing Pokemon will use OHKO moves on the Trick Room setter over Aron. I haven't seen that in my streak, but that might've been just from the RNG working in my favor. That makes the team a bit more wary of dealing with most OHKO move users besides Walrein.

First of all, I don´t think you lost because of hax or because your Conkeldurr has imperfect IV´s / the wrong ability (while you mentioned earlier that you actually chose Guts Conkeldurr, because it ''doesn't mind status''). From what I've read (you removed the battle video so that is all the data that I have), you lost because you made the wrong decisions. You switched out Aron for Conkeldurr risking it'd get frozen solely for not breaking Sturdy, which, - in my opinion - was your first (and biggest) mistake during battle #687. Abomasnow summons Hail for 5 turns, meaning the battle should take at least 5 turns to avoid Sturdy being broken by Hail. Maison battles that run Trick Room Endeavor strategies should never take 6+ turns because if they do, you're facing problematic Ghosts, Dimension restorers or Priority users with bulky back-ups. There wasn't a single reason to switch Aron out for Conkeldurr, you could've simply targeted Politoed, get Trick Room up, have Aron faint and revenge Abomasnow with Drain Punch + Dazzling Gleam on turn 2. The second mistake you made was sent out Kangaskhan after Conkeldurr died (instead of choosing Aron). Aron can't ''kill'' on it's own, as you mentioned, so why risk creating a situation were Aron is standing alone against the AI's Pokémon?

I lost because I decided to attack a possible Flame Body candidate (which is a 30% chance, the same odds as getting frozen by Blizzard). I didn't lose because of hax and my point is, neither did you. On a side note, Abomasnow4 (which is the one you were facing) has a 18.75% chance of surviving Conkeldurr's Drain Punch, so you can't relate that to your Conkeldurr's IV's either. I don't know why you're claiming that it would've KO'd while it doesn't, roughly 1/5 times. Also, could you explain to me how you're expecting to outstall Walrein4 in a 1v1 Situation with Aron (assuming it KO'd the rest of the team)?
I'd suggest you to put more thought/research in your statements as I've already proven four to be incorrect so far..

I strongly disagree with your statement that people took ''your'' concept and broke/are breaking your record with it. I was the first person who brought Trick Room Endeavor under the attention in this thread, and the first who prove the effectiveness of it. But if any credit should go to Battle Tower/Subway/Maison Trick Room Endeavor teams, it belongs to R Inanimate. You were wondering how I came up with the idea to use Foresight over Will-O-Wisp on Dusclops, allow me to take you back four years. The fact that our teams involve 75% of the same species doesn't make it ''your concept''. I started out with Dusclops/Smeargle/Aegislash/Aron (360), which ''evolved'' into Dusclops/Aron/Mega Kangaskhan/Aegislash (420, I never posted that record because I was focusing on a record breaking streak: ''Acta non verba''). After losing at 420 I felt like Aegislash was the ''weak spot'' of the team because it can't tank hits in blade form, and it relied too much on Life Orb / King's Shield. Since Aegislash was my ''hail counter'', I needed a replacement that was capable of dealing with ''hail teams''. Machamp/Conkeldurr/Scizor/Mawile have all been on ''Jacob's list''/candidates (you'd get that if you watched Lost), and have all been part of my 765 streak, Conkeldurr just happened to be the ''better one''.

While our teams are very similar in species, my team differs from yours in so many ways. I have Frisk, Swagger, Iron Fist, an EV spread designed for Assault Vest, Rock Slide and a better spread for (Mega) Kangaskhan: A team that evolved from the initial Dusclops/Smeargle/Aegislash/Aron.

Thanks for the congratulations and good luck should you decide to give Maison another shot!
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Awesome, I have a sort of counter-team for it, so it should be easy enough :D

A harder question this time, with my team of Greninja / Aegislash / Gliscor, I came up against a tricky battle that included Articuno2 (I think, it's the one with Sheer Cold and Ice Beam). I only won due to a lucky flinch hax from Greninja's Dark Pulse. What should I have done differently? I did think to stall out Sheer Cold with Gliscor, and then switch to Aegislash, at which point Aegi could set up. However, the AI always goes for Ice Beam vs Gliscor because it scores the KO. Thoughts?

Stalling Ice Beam with Gliscor (hoping it doesn't Sheer Cold on Turn 1 when you switch it in) can work. It won't be possible to stall Ice Shard since it has infinite PP, but Ice Shard looks to do little enough damage to Gliscor that after Ice Beam is stalled (10 PP), you can survive two of them and get both Toxic and Sub in and start the Toxic stall afterwards:
0- Atk Articuno Ice Shard vs. 212 HP / 0 Def Gliscor: 64-76 (36.1 - 42.9%)

Edit: the calc was wrong - it deals even less than I thought.
Ok, so stalling Ice Beam should work then. I'll give that a shot next time it crops up (as it inevitably will).

One other thing. I keep seeing people saying things along the lines of "oh if so and so has [pokemon] and [pokemon] it means he's unlikely to have [pokemon]" even though all three are on the list of Pokemon that the trainer in question could have. So say, for Veterans, is it like if they have two pokemon that are 1, they're unlikely to have one that's a 2. I.e. they won't have Zapdos1, Articuno1 and then Suicune2 or something? Or is it something else?
Ok, so stalling Ice Beam should work then. I'll give that a shot next time it crops up (as it inevitably will).

One other thing. I keep seeing people saying things along the lines of "oh if so and so has [pokemon] and [pokemon] it means he's unlikely to have [pokemon]" even though all three are on the list of Pokemon that the trainer in question could have. So say, for Veterans, is it like if they have two pokemon that are 1, they're unlikely to have one that's a 2. I.e. they won't have Zapdos1, Articuno1 and then Suicune2 or something? Or is it something else?
I haven't heard of anything of the sort. If it's on the Trainer's list of possible Pokémon, it should be as likely as any other - except for those that have the same item as another Pokémon on the AI's team, which cannot appear since Item Clause is in play. The most information you can glean from that is on Veterans, where if you see Landorus2 (Choice Scarf) you know that any Terrakion the AI sends out won't be the Scarf set, and Lati@s Set1 ruling it out on the other twin being Set1, and things like that. On Roller Skaters, you can get similar useful information in that if you see one Scarf set, you know that other Pokémon with a possible Scarfed set will be the non-scarfed one.

Edit: or they might be talking about when you see the AI send in a Pokémon after knockout/U-Turn, you can glean information from what the AI has based on it. Say the AI sends Landorus in facing Lucario after a KO - you know that it is very likely to be the Scarf set with Focus Blast/Earth Power to nail Lucario and not the Smack Down/Fissure one that can't touch Lucario. Similarly, if the AI sends a Pokémon that has a set that can KO and a set that can't as the very last Pokémon (preferring all other switch-ins to it), you know that it's most likely the set that can't get a KO.
Hmmm, yes, I think it may have been in reference to Item Clause, turksain. I'm not sure, but I'll try and dig out the posts I read. Thanks for your help! :)
There's a post about twenty pages back that details the possible sets each trainer can run. Basically, most of the non-Veteran, non-niche (weather, trick room, etc.) trainers take their entire team from one of two sets of Pokemon. One of which includes all new Pokemon. Different Veterans also run different movesets. Roller Skaters, Furisode Girls, and some Pokemon Breeders can be tricky because they use non set4 Pokemon. I'll see if I can find the post. It's a great summary of the trainer list and IMO is worth putting in the OP.

Edit: found it
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