I like it! I would have left Gengar in against Registeel; since Registeel 4 can't hit Gengar, it would probably switch out eventually. Even if it doesn't, you could probably switch-stall pretty effectively, since I imagine Registeel would avoid using its EQ and Toxic PP against Gengar. Alternatively, you could have just brought in Kangaskhan and smashed its face in with Earthquake. You'd risk Double Team misses, but you should have a few turns to hit it.
Is Dazzling Gleam ONLY for Fighting-types? If so, Psychic hits a little bit harder against everything except Scrafty and Gallade (and does notably more damage against the numerous Fire/Fighting starters; then again, Psychic doesn't OHKO Blaziken, which sucks, but at least it can put it at the point where Flare Blitz recoil makes it self-KO). I can see Gleam being good against Dragons and Dark-types, though. See if there are any Dragon- or Dark-types that feel particularly threatening to you before deciding to switch to Psychic.
When I think about threats, the first thing that comes to mind is Regigigas. It can't OHKO Gengar (252 Atk EV 100 BP Payback doesn't OHKO Gengar, because Slow Start sucks), which makes it particularly likely to use jank like Confuse Ray, throwing a huge wrench in your strategy is Gengar KOs itself (though you can switch out after Confuse Ray, confident it won't use it again). I'd also be worried about Thunder Wave; Gengar is really fast, so lots of opponents will probably try to hit it with Thunder Wave. Parahax can stop you from getting off Destiny Bond, which is really bad.
With the Registeel fight I was worried that I would run out of Shadow Ball PP before I killed it which would force me to switch anyway (Sludge Bomb and Dazzling Gleam obviously don't work here). If I had switched in Kangaskhan I would still be gambling on being able to hit it with Earthquake so it could have just killed me in the process, so switching in Sharpedo and sacking it for a Destiny Bond kill seemed the safest option...
EDIT: wait now I get what you meant, switch out on the predicted Double Team / Protect turns then back in as it tries to Toxic / Earthquake. Hmmm even after that I would need to hope for consecutive hits against +6 evasion. After switch stalling Toxic and Earthquake (10PP each), Protect would be gone too and Double Team wouldn't be far off, meaning if I couldn't hit him he would just Struggle me to death (lefties keeping him alive). So I still think sacking Sharpedo was the best option
Yeah sorry I should have elaborated a bit more on Dazzling Gleam, between it and Shadow Ball, Gengar gets pretty sweet neutral coverage with important SE hits on fighting, dark and dragon. Psychic is interesting, I'll definitely consider it but if I do swap some moves around I think t-bolt (or even Energy Ball) will go in first...
The good thing about Gengar holding a sash is that it nearly guarantees to get at least one move off before going down / getting statused. Hopefully in those situations Gengar has at least fired off some good damage, and even if I'm in a 2-3 situation because Gengar's Destiny Bond plan got disrupted, usually Sharpedo can come in and revenge kill, and then I'm in the same position I would have been in if I traded 1 for 1 with Destiny Bond anyway. Of course there may be something Gengar doesn't hurt very much which also can't be revenge killed so easily which would put me in trouble but I haven't thought of what that is or how I'll handle it yet lol
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