Signups Battle Tower Thread - Mk.VI

I turned the Battle Arena from the Hoenn Battle Frontier into an arena for people to play on, if anyone is interested.

Arena: Hoenn Battle Arena
"Let the toughest teams gather!" The Battle Arena is one of the seven facilities in the Hoenn Battle Frontier, led by Arena Tycoon Greta. In this traditional dojo, Pokémon battle, not in the brutish style of modern competitive Pokémon battles, but to appease a Pokémon Master who judges each battler on their form and expression of skill.

:roselia: Dueling Etiquette
Pokémon that battle in the Battle Arena must observe certain customs.
  • Switching is OFF for this battle
  • When both Pokémon have been on the field for two rounds, they will be judged on the categories of Mind, Skill, and Body
    • After being scored, the Pokémon with the lowest number of points will be removed from the battle
    • In the case of a tie, both Pokémon will be removed from the battle
  • Pokémon will be sent out in the order of their initial send-in
:xatu: Judgment: Mind
Pokémon must possess the mental discipline to balance offense and defense.
  • Each time a Pokémon intends to use an attack, they are awarded one (1) point
    • Except, if a Pokémon intends to use Fake Out, they lose one (1) point
  • Each time a Pokémon intends to use a move that grants Protection, they lose one (1) point
  • At the end of the round, the Pokémon who has been awarded the most points in this category earns an additional two (2) points
:scyther: Judgment: Skill
Truly skilled Pokémon must be able to execute every move without fail.
  • When a Pokémon successfully executes a move without missing, they are awarded one (1) point
    • If the move was super effective, the Pokémon is awarded an additional one (1) point
    • If the move was not very effective, the Pokémon loses one (1) point
  • When a Pokémon misses a move, they lose two (2) points
  • When a Pokémon fails to attempt or execute a move, they lose two (2) points
    • Except, if a Pokémon flinched due to the effects of Fake Out, they lose no points
:cradily: Judgment: Body
A good Pokémon is one that is alive and well.
  • When Pokémon are judged, the Pokémon who has lost the least amount of HP earns two (2) points


Custom Battles:
Eve vs Hyjack (Forgotten Fighters) (Ref: ???)
??? vs ??? (Battle Arena) (Ref: Doduodrio)
The last one is a bit stalled so putting up dojo again.
this time with no new player requirements.

The Blazing Dojo
A dojo is accepting new students. Here pupils will learn through practice, under the watchful eye of sensei Helios.

  • Rules are B3P2, level 4, half start off. Everything else standard
  • After the ref has resolved a round there is a commentor phase where I (Helios) give commentary on the previous round. Did anyone do any cool strategies, are there better ways players could achieve their goals with their subs, etc.

Completion: +2tc, +2 rc to the ref.
Victory: +3tc, +3rc for the victorious player.
Bounty Payment

Custom Battles:
Hyjack vs ??? (Battle Arena) (Ref: Doduodrio)
??? vs ??? The Blazing Dojo, B3P2 Lvl 4 Custom (ref:???)
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Challenging Novax to a Lv4 B1P1 best of 3 series with the following rules:
  1. 6 item backpack
  2. After the first battle, we alternate send order (Basically the first roll of Who sends/equips/orders in what sequence is flipped for battle 2 without a roll), and Battle 1's order is repeated for Battle 3.
  3. Unique Item clause: Neither player can equip an item that has been equipped in a previous battle in the series.
Say my backpack has 1 :oran berry:Oran Berry, 1 :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry, and 1:enigma berry:Enigma Berry, and Novax's backpack has 1 :oran berry:Oran Berry, 1 :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry, and 1:enigma berry:Enigma Berry.
Battle 1 starts, I Equip :oran berry: Oran Berry, Novax equips :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry. The battle goes on and it ends.
Battle 2 starts. We are forced to both equip :enigma berry:Enigma Berries, because Sitrus Berry and Oran Berry have been equipped in the last battle. We are allowed to both have Enigma Berries in battle 2, because they never got equipped before, and it only restricts from previous battles.
Battle 3 starts, neither of us can equip anything, because all of our items have been equipped in the previous 2 battles. This is why Backpack size is 6.

All other rules standard.

Hyjack vs Novax (Unaccepted) Lv4 B1P1 Custom Rules | Ref: ???
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Looking for my first battle!
Bring 3, Pick 1 Singles
Standard Hours
Level 0
6-item Backpack
Players may bring their starting items only.*
All other rules standard

Hyjack vs Novax (Unaccepted) Lv4 B1P1 Custom Rules | Ref: ???
djkslaf vs ??? Lv0 B1P1 Beginner Battle | Ref: ???
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