User-Entry Triggers: Moving any triggers "When the user enters play" to a templating closer to "Once per [term for entering play], at the start of the Battling Phase:". P2X7 gave me several workable keywords that nonetheless would have sent even veteran players reaching for the handbook, trying to figure out "how the hell do I manifest an ability". After thinking about this for a while, I'm convinced that it'd be better to make a new keyword that names "the time you spend in play, each time you enter play".
- The goal of this templating is to continue to prevent "revolving-door" switches involving abilities that trigger on switch—such as sending a Drought Pokemon after a KO, then trying to immediately initiate a switch to get "free" Sun.
- Possible names for "an uninterrupted stretch of time spent in play" include a "fielding" (uncommon), a "send-out" (shared with other vocab), a "deployment" (has flavor baggage), a "session" (?), and a handful of other, longer or vaguer terms.
Other Entry Triggers: There's a cleaner event that game pieces like held items can watch for: The end of the Switching Phase.
- Whether entry hazards trigger at the end of the switching phase (unlikely), or continue to observe the now less-crowded "when a Pokemon enters play" event (likely), will depend on how punishable we decide switching should be. We already have a wealth of feedback from players regarding hazard strength, so please keep feedback focused on rules clarity and not "please buff/nerf hazards" assuming you want your post to stay up
- Once all the entry-triggering effects are uncluttered, we won't need to have the Switching Phase be a "closed event" anymore, and we can be rid of this confusing piece of terminology.
On-Hit Triggers: Uncluttering this space will be much harder. There's a wealth of effects that need to be tied to move success, like Knock Off; and many of the intended counters (Protect, Substitute, Razor Wind) to effects that trigger on-hit already correctly interact with these effects. That is to say, changing a bunch of on-hit effects to instead watch for some other event would cause a lot of unwanted balance repercussions... Much in the same way the "closed event" Switching Phase did.
- Some moves like Bug Bite only work properly when trigger sorting allows them to. Having to check Effect Trigger Sort rules to see if Bug Bite or Pluck even work is maybe the biggest thing we want to correct.
- Tangentially, it might be time to have a harder look at the sheer number of "on round start" Berries, which completely invalidate most Berry counterplay besides Unnerve; but that doesn't have much to do with this work.
Trigger Priority: I'd like to find two intuitive words or phrases for "this trigger goes before/after other triggers that watch the same event", much in the same way rule 1.2 Numbers currently uses "base" and "final". I feel like being able to simply say on Knock Off, "On-hit, with low trigger priority" (
but with a clearer phrase) would immediately solve most players' confusion that comes up in chat.
- This would introduce a new step before "Component Trigger Sort", but I don't really think anyone will complain.
- This also would force me to rewrite the trigger-sorting example, and you can rest assured that I will complain about this.
- We'd have to find phrases that are pretty clearly referring to trigger sorting, though. Saying "On hit, quickly:" is maybe even worse than current sorting rules.