Greetings and welcome to the "Bebop's Attic" trade thread featuring legendaries , shinies and breedables. I am a pretty straightforward guy so my collection includes soft-reset shiny legendary mons , semi-flawless or flawless shinies using only the Masuda Method and perfect breedables.
Remember to read the rules I will post below so we can trade smoothly without any problems or delay.
Rules and General Information
1.Do not trade me hacked or manipulated Pokémon (I'm only looking for legit Pokémon).
2.All of the Pokémon were obtained legitimately. You'll always receive a cloned version. If you don't like cloned mons or you think of them as hacked please refrain from trading here.
3.You don't need to have an active trade thread in order to do business with me. I would however prefer if you'd include as much information as possible.
4.If you CMT here, we'll discuss the trade / negotiate here. If I CMT in your thread, we discuss the trade / negotiate there in order to keep things organized.
5.Please comply with the Pokémons' redistribution rights.
6.All of my Shiny Pokemon are Semi-Redis if not otherwise stated.
7.Every single one of my bred Pokémon was bred using flawless RNG abused Dittos that I obtained from PsIana and Most.
8.I can't clone myself for the time being, hence why requests may occasionally take a while. Thank you for your patience.
Dope users
Big shout out to my good friend Max. Optimizer whom has helped me with general knowledge of how things move here in Smogon, countless rare mons and his cloning services. Everything I have here is free for him to get.
Shout out to PsIana for constantly giving or RNG-ing for me flawless shinies, a very generous guy.
Big thanks to _Dragon and Drakero for allowing me to use this format.
Big thanks to Christian for constantly providing countless mons necessary for competitive battling at the last minute.
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