* Now talking in #mob
* Topic is ' It is now Day 5. Day 5 ends Thursday at 5:00 GMT, or when majority is reached and the grace period has ended.'
* Set by auramaster on Tue Mar 01 21:00:05
<UncleSam> also you arent even playing
<Objection> I know
<UncleSam> xaqwais
<UncleSam> claim
<UncleSam> now
<Xaqwais> wait what
<UncleSam> you may check thread
<UncleSam> if you want
<Objection> I'm just saying that without the inspector's aok you are not 100% clean
<UncleSam> you have three minutes
<UncleSam> otherwise you will be labelled as mafia
<UncleSam> times ticking
<Objection> eh fine nvm
<HitoriRaven> So basically, what I said Objection?
* Bliss has joined #mob
<UncleSam> 2 minutes xaqwais
<Objection> great minds think alike :P
<HitoriRaven> oh yeah xD
* iiMKUltra has joined #mob
<Xaqwais> hm
<Objection> hey iimk
<UncleSam> xaqwais you have one minute
<iiMKUltra> hey
<Bliss> Sent
<UncleSam> iimkultra i will lead us to victory
<iiMKUltra> i us
<UncleSam> i saw bliss
<Objection> 16:32 UncleSam iimkultra i will lead us to victory
<iiMKUltra> is us trying to get xaq sub
<Objection> iimk was mafia lol
<iiMKUltra> yeah
<UncleSam> oh really
<UncleSam> i thought he was village?
<iiMKUltra> lead the dead mafia to victory
<UncleSam> or was he just leading
<Objection> pffff
<UncleSam> w/e
<iiMKUltra> also
<iiMKUltra> what the fuck was aura thinking
<Objection> you know, you should check the thread of the game you're subbing into
<Xaqwais> I diunno I'm like overly cautious of giving out role pms
<UncleSam> oh btw hydrattler hitoriraven xaqwais i want night results too
<iiMKUltra> subbing dle into
<UncleSam> xaqwais times up
<Xaqwais> Kay.
<UncleSam> either confess or claim
<Objection> don't worry xaq, he always does this
<Objection> regardless of whether or not he's a villager
<HitoriRaven> Oh yeah
<UncleSam> no?
<Objection> oh wait, you actually had an inspection of a mafia in fallout3
<Xaqwais> Go easy on me, smogon mafia is so crazyily different
<Xaqwais> rm
<Xaqwais> erm*
<UncleSam> i am proven by the hosts
<Xaqwais> I think. I'll wait it out
<UncleSam> look at the kill flavor
<UncleSam> xaqwais you may not know this
<UncleSam> but not claiming=mafia
<UncleSam> just letting you know
<Objection> wrong!
<UncleSam> um no lol
<Bliss> Objection objected
<UncleSam> objection is just retarded
<HitoriRaven> It just means they're cautious
<Objection> not claiming = mafia or paranoid villager
<HitoriRaven> There. Ya see?
<UncleSam> villagers cannot afford to be fucking cautious on d5
<UncleSam> d1 MAYBE
<UncleSam> but even then its dumb
<Bliss> They can't afford to be dumb either
<UncleSam> being dumb=not trusting the dude who has proven his role publicly
<Objection> I should've been more paranoid in mythology
<UncleSam> dur?
<iiMKUltra> you should have got a fucking backup
<iiMKUltra> and who did you get moled by?
<Objection> I would
<Objection> if you trusted the vilalge inspector]
<iiMKUltra> not my fault
<iiMKUltra> i was freaked by that inspection result
<Objection> I had zero confirmed villagers
<Objection> I had zero confirmed non-villagers
<iiMKUltra> take a risk
<Objection> I did
* HitoriRaven has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Objection> It backfired
<iiMKUltra> i did it with you
<iiMKUltra> ah
<UncleSam> objection you did you just cant figure this shit out
<iiMKUltra> who was it?
<UncleSam> in fallout makiri was a confirmed non villager
<Objection> stevensnype
<UncleSam> you couldnt figure that out either
<iiMKUltra> oh come on
<iiMKUltra> snype was confirmed mafia
<iiMKUltra> hydrattler ratted him out
<Objection> Hydrattler could'veb een making that upo
<iiMKUltra> true
<Objection> Hell, snype himself made up all the info about his "teammates"
<UncleSam> xaqwais is mafia
<iiMKUltra> but he shouldn't have been the first person you turned to
<UncleSam> just letting everyone know
<UncleSam> so you can lynch him d6
<Xaqwais> Look at it from my (inexperienced view). You are either mafia with a fake claim to find power roles, or someone who uh, wants a transfer of leadership from dukefan and that throws me off
<UncleSam> have a nice day
<Objection> iimk
<Objection> Who exactly was the first person I should've turned to
<UncleSam> brb posting in the thread
<iiMKUltra> hmmm
<UncleSam> could someone post so i dont have to double post
<iiMKUltra> whoever had the hooker claim
<iiMKUltra> that wasn't flamestrike
<Objection> There were two hooker claims!
<iiMKUltra> <iiMKUltra> that wasn't flamestrike
<iiMKUltra> his was really poorly written
<Objection> At least flamestrike talked to me
<iiMKUltra> i was going to talk to snype
<Objection> the real village hooker did nothing
<iiMKUltra> and then decide who to lynch
<UncleSam> objection it does not fucking matter if people "defend" themselves
<UncleSam> there is evidence and there is lack of evidence
<iiMKUltra> that's the problem with beginner though
<UncleSam> that is all there is in mafia
<iiMKUltra> a poor claim is pretty big evidence
<Objection> So no reasoning unclesam?
<UncleSam> xaqwais has a really fucking poor claim
<Objection> notice I didn't even use the word logical or fallacy
<UncleSam> objection you can figure out what is actual evidence and what isnt
<UncleSam> that is all there is to it
<Objection> ok then unclesam: define them
<UncleSam> i didnt say them once lol
<Objection> what counts as actual evidence?
<UncleSam> where did i say them
<iiMKUltra> whatever differs from a village norm
<iiMKUltra> talking to the leader not so much
<UncleSam> xaqwais dukefan lynched a villager
<Objection> iimk: *cough*danman*cough*mythology*cough*
<iiMKUltra> as flamestrike is hardly a beginner
<UncleSam> he is either a shit leader or mafia
<UncleSam> either way he needs to be replaced
<iiMKUltra> dmtc had a well written claim
<iiMKUltra> it was a weird fucking role
<iiMKUltra> but the claim had no errors
<iiMKUltra> that wasn't really a fair game though
<UncleSam> oi hydrattler bliss know that xaqwais is mafia in case i die k?
<Objection> And besides, even if someone is 100% confirmed villager, how do I know I'll get some help from them if I turn to them?
<iiMKUltra> the village were screwed from n1
<Objection> That relies on activity
<iiMKUltra> because any non-retarded villager will want to help their leader
<Objection> And the real village hooker did not speak to me once
<iiMKUltra> just wait til they get on irc
<iiMKUltra> and talk to them
<Objection> I don't think I ever saw him on irc
<Bliss> Heard you Sam
<iiMKUltra> who was it?
<Objection> alphajolt i think
<Objection> yeah
<Xaqwais> Heh, refusing to claim for the time being is full proof of being mafia, hah.
<Objection> it was alpha
<UncleSam> yes it is xaqwais
<UncleSam> if you had played before
<UncleSam> you would know that
<Xaqwais> This is my first mafia game, I've been overly cautious and follwoing baandwagons all the time
<UncleSam> only mafias dont claim
<UncleSam> thats what mafias do
<UncleSam> to blend in
<Objection> unclesam: factor in stupidity
<UncleSam> and avoid randkills
<UncleSam> ok its possible xaqwais is a fucking retard
<Xaqwais> Yeah please factor in stupidity.
<UncleSam> but in that case
<UncleSam> he is still a good lynch
<UncleSam> so whatever
<Bliss> He's calling himself an idiot
<Xaqwais> I might still have a good role though
<Objection> hell, I remember in everybody starts somewhere, the village hooker was acting like a retard
<Bliss> What a moron
<UncleSam> i really don care
<UncleSam> if you have a good role
<UncleSam> if you dont claim with it it is useless
<iiMKUltra> that is a problem with beginner, i admit
<iiMKUltra> but people will never learn
<iiMKUltra> without beginner games
<Objection> Correct
<Xaqwais> Yeah, but from my point of view I have no proof you're mafia or not, why would I claim to random people. Seems counter productive to me.
<Objection> And I did learn something from mythology
<Objection> Don't give info to people just because they ask for it
<iiMKUltra> ugh i wish i could deadtalk
<UncleSam> wtf do you mean no proof
<iiMKUltra> nice job onjection
<UncleSam> i am 100% proven
<UncleSam> i killed the wolf
<UncleSam> look at the fucking flavor
<Objection> Next time I'm leading a village
<UncleSam> and what do you think "here is my role pm" was supposed to be?
<UncleSam> if not proof?
<Objection> I'm going to need a one-size-fits-all answer to everyone's questions
<Bliss> Yes
<Objection> Until I know that they are villagers
<iiMKUltra> personally i think i did well
<iiMKUltra> i only made one mistake imo
<Objection> Yeah you did
<iiMKUltra> i should have said in the thread
<Bliss> Personally, I think you should shut up iimk
<Objection> *did well
<iiMKUltra> 'other bg, on me, you know who you are'
<iiMKUltra> what is your problem bro
<Objection> ...
<iiMKUltra> i haven't done anything to you
<iiMKUltra> most people like me
<Objection> which game were you talking about just then iimk?
<iiMKUltra> i'll leave it at that
<Bliss> Cool story bro
<iiMKUltra> myth
<Objection> we had two bgs?
<Xaqwais> Role pms can be faked right? I mean I know I'm not a good mafia player (specially in the style that smogon goes by it) but in a game where anyone can fake a claim, it seems dumb to give your role pm
<iiMKUltra> there wasn't another bg
<Xaqwais> to jsut anyone
<Objection> oh
<UncleSam> xaqwais beginners just claim
<UncleSam> they dont beat around the bush like this
<iiMKUltra> but if the mafia thinks there is, and he's on me
<iiMKUltra> they wouldn't have killed me
<UncleSam> unless they dont even have a fake up and are mafia
<iiMKUltra> or it would have been less likely
<UncleSam> everyone knows i am clean just based on the flavor
<UncleSam> i mean the fucking host said it
<UncleSam> either the host lied or i am clean
<UncleSam> brb
<Xaqwais> So beginners are expected to make reckless decisions. Listen, if you want my role, talk to dukefan and check it with me
<Objection> yeah I am still noob
<iiMKUltra> you're getting better
<iiMKUltra> unlike some people
<Xaqwais> Just because I'm new, doesn't mean that I'm gonna just gonna be gung ho, I'd think new players would tend to be more cautious, but again, i'm new.
<Bliss> I p much claim to everyone
<Bliss> If I don't think the leader is trustworthy, it may not be a fully true claim
<Objection> I think my claiming strategy in the beginning of fallout3 mafia was a good one
<iiMKUltra> what was that?
<iiMKUltra> claiming to anyone but us was a pretty good strategy
<Objection> There were multiple people trying to be leader
<Objection> So I gave them my character name
<Objection> And one bit of flavour from my role pm
<Objection> And said "if you want more, prove you're village"
<Objection> That way, I don't give away too much info to the wrong people, while also hopefully not looking too suspicious to the right people
<Objection> oh snap it's five to! gtg
* Objection is now known as Objection|afk
<iiMKUltra> bye
<Hydrattler> bye
<Xaqwais> later
<UncleSam> back
* Bliss has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<UncleSam> xaqwais i still lack your claim
<Xaqwais> I'm still scared of sending it haha. I gave my role to ILL recklessly, and to dukefan after he told me what it was. Other people/person have asked and I didn't give
<Xaqwais> just cause I'm playing overly cautious
<UncleSam> i love liza was village
<UncleSam> very reckless of you
<Xaqwais> Yeah, I had no where to go at the beginning of the game
<iiMKUltra> lol
<UncleSam> xaqwais
<UncleSam> you are mafia
<UncleSam> admit it
<UncleSam> i might be able to work something out with you
<UncleSam> to lynch the other mafia
<UncleSam> otherwise you get lynched
<Xaqwais> I'm not. If you lynch another villager, will someone else come up to replace you?
<UncleSam> either your faction is guaranteed to lose a man tomorrow or you only *might* lose a man tomorrow
<UncleSam> w/e xaqwais
<UncleSam> btw dukefan just claimed to me so "lol"
<UncleSam> everyone with half a brain
<UncleSam> knows im 100% clean
<Xaqwais> I apoligize for that then.
<UncleSam> including you
<UncleSam> no you arent stupid
<UncleSam> you just dont have a fake claim
<UncleSam> ready
<UncleSam> which is quite honestly preposterous considering it is n5 but hey, beginner mafia, whatcha gonna do?
<Xaqwais> Yeah I didn't think it'd be necessary to make a fake claim as a villager but uh, yeah, my bad.
<UncleSam> "lol"
<Xaqwais> also uh, I'm confused why would duke fan need to claim to you when he posted in the thread?
<Xaqwais> Was he not showing a power role or something?
<UncleSam> i have no clue what that means but he claimed to me because he knows im village
<Xaqwais> Didn't dukefan already put his role pm in the thread itself, once he took leadership?
<UncleSam> anyhow ill be on later
<UncleSam> not that i remember
<iiMKUltra> yeah he did
<UncleSam> ya i just found it
<UncleSam> but anyway i wanted him to forward his pm anyway
<UncleSam> to check for inconsistencies
<UncleSam> later
* UncleSam has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)