Ever since Pokemon Black and Pokemon White, Game Freak have had a problem with taking perfectly fine starter Pokemon concepts and ruining them by subtracting two from the number of legs they have on the ground. Tepig became Emboar, Fennekin became Delphox, Litten became Incineroar. Perhaps Game Freak have recently been wanting to evoke that feeling of childhood nostalgia by reminding you of that time you learned to walk.
Regardless, the new Gen 9 starters have been revealed and they've left us with Sprigatito, a Pokemon with two striking similarities to Litten:
- It's a cat
- It blazes (but in a different way to Litten)
- There are no requirements, anyone is allowed to enter.
- This is a bet on whether or not Sprigatito's final evolution will be bipedal or not.
- To enter, reply to this thread with your choice of either "Sprigatito will stand up" or "Sprigatito will stay on all fours" or anything that indicates one of these two options IN BOLD so I can see it. You must also post an embarrassing profile picture alongside your prediction as a wager.
- If you bet incorrectly, you must change your avatar to the embarrassing picture for 1 month.
- You may not edit your prediction once you have posted it.
- Your time ends when Sprigatito's final evolution is officially revealed.
- Your time starts now.
People who think Sprigatito WILL stand up:
- CaffeineBoost
- dave
- Geckokeso
- Albatross
- TheSnoom
- Ratio
- May
- Surgo
- a loser
- ausma
- GoodMorningEspeon
- Bug Maniac Aydon
- CryoGyro
- Mega-Pokebattlerz
- Snessy!
- Regic Boat
- Kalalokki (is also betting my custom title)
- doipy hooves
- Lord Zorz
- Faint
- K. Roolest Shark
- Low-Key
- superstrike66
- Ivy
- Bice
- Bloopyghost
JSole26The Raichannel (new name, same screenshot from Yugioh)- Ullar
- LeoShaw
- itsallyellow
- UhBella
- Yung Dramps
- Clastia
- PhantomSpooks
- r1dude
- Kinzo Ketchum (bonus points if Sprigatito becomes some sort of wrestler)
- PowerOfMemes
- Vibuma
- Venuesaur
- Dead by Daylight
- ChaospireX
- PyProd
- Runoisch
- pants
- Fancy1
- Total Clefairy
- Oglemi
- Fishy
- ThatOneSpork
- Laurenbee
- Finland
- Neko
- Bidoof Princess
- shnowshner
- Aurora
- HaHaOktoberfest
- Zipzapadam
- PartMan
- Bog Monster
- Abyssal Ruins
- Dorron
- GatoDelFuego
- BP
- Fivell (playing for a year)
- megaspoopy000
- NB402141
- Lucario
- Shadowpea
- omi
- Fusion Flare
- Panic Station (pending google translate)
- Goom3745 (playing for 3 months)
- LillianLoop
- BakuraFangirl28
- Cusalgado33
- Styles2You@Showdown
- GlitchedKitsune
- NeonNitroGlycerin
- MiNi Charizard-X
- R8
- Cdijk16
- FakeFan0
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