NU Bewear [NU]


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Bewear @ Chople Berry
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Double-Edge
- Drain Punch
- Darkest Lariat

If you're looking for a hard-hitting wallbreaker, direct your attention to Bewear. Thanks to its raw power, Swords Dance, and its ability in Fluffy, Bewear can switch in and break holes in the opposing team. Bewear's dual STAB combination is powerful and almost unresisted, but that's where Darkest Lariat comes in, to hit the very few Pokemon that resist or are immune to both of its STAB moves. While Chople Berry is the default item here, Silk Scarf is an alternative item that lets Bewear OHKO Vileplume and Sylveon after one Swords Dance boost. While Bewear has a monstrously high Attack stat, it does struggle with Psychic-types like Starmie, Cresselia, and Espeon. Therefore, teammates like Drapion and Zoroark help get rid of these threats. Physical walls like Diancie, Intimidate Arcanine, and Palossand can also deal with Bewear to varying levels of success, so special attackers like Rotom-C and Dragalge are helpful partners.
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im not nu qc but chople berry is wayyy more useful. lets u survive and take out mienshao trying to revenge weakened bewear, you can even do crazy stuff like switching into (non-mold breaker) pangoro cc and forcing it out lol. imo it should definitely be slashed or the primary item, ohkoing plume alone isnt superior to all the chople benefits
do chople > silk skarf, it's more common because the utility it offers surpasses the slight power increase

the issue i take w/ the prose atm is it is basically just the moves section of an analysis. recall the examples of what we look for here; you'll see that there is very little emphasis put on the specific moves and more emphasis put on contextualizing the pokemon's position in the metagame.

fix the prose to address this and i'll check it again once you have
add Swords Dance to the list of reasons Bewear is a great wallbreaker; it does not need an entire sentence. reword to "switch in and break holes ..." because that better addresses Fluffy's role

add a sentence talking about Bewear's STAB coverage being great and Darkest Lariat covering the few Pokemon that resist/are immune to it

" Combine this with the fact that there is limited switch-ins to this bear, not to mention its ability, and you're looking at one big powerhouse in the NU metagame " remove this sentence, it adds no new information

Bewear doesn't really struggle with Ghost-types THAT much; I think you can leave them out.

change the last sentence from Fairy-types to physical walls; Intimidate Arcanine, Palossand, and others all can deal with Bewear to varying levels of success

qc 1/1 when done
Bewear @ Chople Berry
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Double-Edge
- Drain Punch
- Darkest Lariat

If you're looking for a heavy hard-hitting wallbreaker, direct your attention to Bewear. Thanks to its raw power, Swords Dance, and its ability in Fluffy, Bewear can switch in and break holes in the opposing team. Bewear's dual STAB combo combination is powerful and almost unwallable unresisted, but that's where Darkest Lariat comes in, to hit the very few Pokemon that resist or are immune to both STABs its STAB moves. While Chople Berry is the default item here, Silk Scarf is an alternative item that lets Bewear 2HKO Vileplume and Sylveon after one Swords Dance boost. While Bewear is a monster of an attacker has a monstrously high Attack stat, it does struggle with Psychic-types like Sigilyph, Cresselia, and Espeon. Therefore, teammates like Drapion and Zoroark help get rid of these threats. Physical walls like Sylveon;(RSC) ,(AC) Intimidate Arcanine, and Palossand and others all can deal with Bewear to varying levels of success. (seems to me like something's missing here, aren't you supposed to mention a few answers that could deal with these threats?)
If the last sentence's intentional, then disregard my comment and consider this GP 1/1.
Bewear @ Chople Berry
Ability: Fluffy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Double-Edge
- Drain Punch
- Darkest Lariat

If you're looking for a heavy hard-hitting wallbreaker, direct your attention to Bewear. Thanks to its raw power, Swords Dance, and its ability in Fluffy, Bewear can switch in and break holes in the opposing team. Bewear's dual STAB combo combination is powerful and almost unwallable unresisted, but that's where Darkest Lariat comes in, to hit the very few Pokemon that resist or are immune to both STABs its STAB moves. While Chople Berry is the default item here, Silk Scarf is an alternative item that lets Bewear 2HKO Vileplume and Sylveon after one Swords Dance boost. While Bewear is a monster of an attacker has a monstrously high Attack stat, it does struggle with Psychic-types like Sigilyph, Cresselia, and Espeon. Therefore, teammates like Drapion and Zoroark help get rid of these threats. Physical walls like Sylveon;(RSC) ,(AC) Intimidate Arcanine, and Palossand and others all can deal with Bewear to varying levels of success. (seems to me like something's missing here, aren't you supposed to mention a few answers that could deal with these threats?)
If the last sentence's intentional, then disregard my comment and consider this GP 1/1.
the last comment is indeed valid; I wouldn't mention Sylveon here, though, given +2 Double-Edge needs very minimal chip to blast it into oblivion. Diancie would be a better mention
Milak, Hopefully I fixed that little change you were wondering about at the end. I replaced Sylveon with Diancie. If this is what Rabia wanted, then this is good to go for being scheduled!