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BH Plus


Garde Mystik
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderatoris a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Originally owned by TheBurgerKing99


Dream World Pictures from pldh
The metagame Balanced Hackmons has been one of the most popular OMs ever since the start of it. It's had a long history, and has had many changes over time. Balanced Hackmons has also strived to be very based in the mechanics of Pokemon, and as such, changing mechanics / information about mechanics has changed the tier much over time. Because of this, many prominent BH players and myself got together, and voted on what we decided the best parts of the metagame over time. These are are what we decided on:

- The move Nature Power now calls the move Earthquake.

- Forms of the Pokemon Arceus are the type of the form that appears visually.

- If weather is called by an ability, it lasts until it is changed.

- Steel type resists dark type attacks.

- There is no team preview.

- There is no EV limit.

Note: Every other mechanic works like it does in gen 6. Also, if there are mechanical changes people want, there will be biweekly voting for changes in the metagame.
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Can I make a few suggestions? Don't answer, I'm making them anyways.
  • Multitype works on any pokemon
  • Stance Change works on any pokemon (switches atk with def, and spa with spd)
  • Forecast works on any pokemon, adding a second/third type, or changing normal typing if the pokemon has it (water type in rain, fire type in sun, ice in hail, rock in sandstorm)
  • Flower Gift works on any pokemon
but what about deoxys cuz he has a normal form an attack form a defense form and a speed form how can we justify this?
Can I make a few suggestions? Don't answer, I'm making them anyways.
  • Multitype works on any pokemon
  • Stance Change works on any pokemon (switches atk with def, and spa with spd)
  • Forecast works on any pokemon, adding a second/third type, or changing normal typing if the pokemon has it (water type in rain, fire type in sun, ice in hail, rock in sandstorm)
  • Flower Gift works on any pokemon
Those both require a lot more coding (since it involves adding new pokemon), and adding things that were never in game. The idea of this is to take the best features of previous renditions of BH.
Does steel resist ghost type attacks in this? If not, why not?
this was chosen because ghost unlike dark, ghost has an immunity alongside a resist, rather then 3 resists one of which has no viable users, but on top of that, ghost has NO decent moves worth using, shadow ball and shadow claw being the 2 best choices. while dark gets knock off, dark pulse, night daze, (hyperspacefury for hoopa) suckerpunch, and so much more to abuse typingwise. ghost has superior typing, but severly lacks the oomph to make it worthwhile. dark on the other hand, has both a good typing AND the moves required to "oomph" it. it was a buff to steel type, and a nerf to dark type. but theres no need to nerf a type allready nerfed by its coverage
this was chosen because ghost unlike dark, ghost has an immunity alongside a resist, rather then 3 resists one of which has no viable users, but on top of that, ghost has NO decent moves worth using, shadow ball and shadow claw being the 2 best choices. while dark gets knock off, dark pulse, night daze, (hyperspacefury for hoopa) suckerpunch, and so much more to abuse typingwise. ghost has superior typing, but severly lacks the oomph to make it worthwhile. dark on the other hand, has both a good typing AND the moves required to "oomph" it. it was a buff to steel type, and a nerf to dark type. but theres no need to nerf a type allready nerfed by its coverage
You say that, but you're forgetting that Ghost types have perfect coverage anyways because they usually run Fight / Ghost and they usually run Judgment, which is extremely solid STAB... not that I disagree with the change. Just pointing it out.
You say that, but you're forgetting that Ghost types have perfect coverage anyways because they usually run Fight / Ghost and they usually run Judgment, which is extremely solid STAB... not that I disagree with the change. Just pointing it out.
Steel resisting ghost wouldn't change that at all. Most people use fighting coverage to hit steels anyways. The only thing that would really change is that Aegi isn't hit SE by Megagar.
Does steel resist ghost type attacks in this? If not, why not?

We decided everything by straight yes/no votes and decided that steel resisting ghost wasn't necessary. The dark resist was more important since dark gets every annoying move under the sun *cough* *cough* knock off.

Can I make a few suggestions? Don't answer, I'm making them anyways.
  • Multitype works on any pokemon
  • Stance Change works on any pokemon (switches atk with def, and spa with spd)
  • Forecast works on any pokemon, adding a second/third type, or changing normal typing if the pokemon has it (water type in rain, fire type in sun, ice in hail, rock in sandstorm)
  • Flower Gift works on any pokemon

The flower gift one I can see since that is how the ability used to be in early 5th gen. I like that ability and I know flint has a boner for it as well. Flowerdon will be scary af. The rest I would be wary about changing. We kinda wanted to take the best changes from past versions of BH rather than making completely new ones. This also makes it a lot easier to code since we can just rob code from past versions of the PS source.

I can already see ogre/don weather being terrifying. This will be fun.
Suggestion: Sleep counter is reset on switch and Whirlwind can be called by Prankster.

*Is shot. Repeatedly. By nukes.*
Suggestion: Sleep counter is reset on switch and Whirlwind can be called by Prankster.

*Is shot. Repeatedly. By nukes.*
you mean copycat, and both of those were BAD aspects of the meta O.o though i do support sleep. SPORETAIL GIGAS REVIVAL!!! whirlwind though...i think thats a bit much.
You can have the sleep reset thing if we get a sleep clause IMO. Otherwise hell no.
I wouldn't say hell no, remember that spore was really stupid in gen v bh. This is when we had no safety goggles, which nerfs spore quite a bit along with grass types absorbing spore. This isn't to say that spore isn't broken, but it certainly isn't as broken as it was previously, and probably not broken now. Also you haven't even played a game of the meta to see what this meta even looks like. Arceus-grass is gonna be a pretty big threat most likely, and that thing can switch in on spores with ease.
Spore isnt the only thing putting stuff to sleep, DV's miss rate is not gonna balance out the fact that everytime you swap out, the next time you come in, you are guaranteed to have at least one turn of inactivity. Sleep reset phazing was the worst and I can't think of a single reason it should be brought back. The fact that we went an entire gen with it astounds me to this day
you mean copycat, and both of those were BAD aspects of the meta O.o though i do support sleep. SPORETAIL GIGAS REVIVAL!!! whirlwind though...i think thats a bit much.

Why do you think I was shot repeatedly? I was definitely joking on those. If this was still Gen V, I'd probably ranting and raving in multipage tirades against the lack of Sleep clause or something to stop the Copyroar stuff.

And yeah, did mean Copycat. Left out a word. >.>
        name: "Balanced Hackmons Plus",
        section: "Other Metagames",

        mod: 'bhplus',
        ruleset: ['Ability Clause', '-ate Clause', 'OHKO Clause', 'Evasion Moves Clause', 'HP Percentage Mod'],
        banlist: ['Arena Trap', 'Huge Power', 'Parental Bond', 'Pure Power', 'Shadow Tag', 'Wonder Guard', 'Assist', 'Chatter'],
        onModifyMove: function (move, pokemon) {
            if (move.id === 'naturepower') {
                move.onTryHit = function (target, source) {
                    var moveToUse = 'earthquake';
                    if (this.isTerrain('electricterrain')) {
                        moveToUse = 'thunderbolt';
                    } else if (this.isTerrain('grassyterrain')) {
                        moveToUse = 'energyball';
                    } else if (this.isTerrain('mistyterrain')) {
                        moveToUse = 'moonblast';
                    this.useMove(moveToUse, source, target);
        validateSet: function (set) {
            var template = this.getTemplate(set.species);
            var item = this.getItem(set.item);
            var problems = [];

            if (set.species === set.name) delete set.name;
            if (template.isNonstandard) {
                problems.push(set.species + ' is not a real Pokemon.');
            if (item.isNonstandard) {
                problems.push(item.name + ' is not a real item.');
            var ability = {};
            if (set.ability) ability = this.getAbility(set.ability);
            if (ability.isNonstandard) {
                problems.push(ability.name + ' is not a real ability.');
            if (set.moves) {
                for (var i = 0; i < set.moves.length; i++) {
                    var move = this.getMove(set.moves[i]);
                    if (move.isNonstandard) {
                        problems.push(move.name + ' is not a real move.');
                if (set.moves.length > 4) {
                    problems.push((set.name || set.species) + ' has more than four moves.');
            if (set.level && set.level > 100) {
                problems.push((set.name || set.species) + ' is higher than level 100.');
            return problems;
exports.BattleStatuses = {
    raindance: {
        inherit: true,
        onStart: function (battle, source, effect) {
            if (effect && effect.effectType === 'Ability') {
                this.effectData.duration = 0;
                this.add('-weather', 'RainDance', '[from] ability: ' + effect, '[of] ' + source);
            } else {
                this.add('-weather', 'RainDance');
    sunnyday: {
        inherit: true,
        onStart: function (battle, source, effect) {
            if (effect && effect.effectType === 'Ability') {
                this.effectData.duration = 0;
                this.add('-weather', 'SunnyDay', '[from] ability: ' + effect, '[of] ' + source);
            } else {
                this.add('-weather', 'SunnyDay');
    sandstorm: {
        inherit: true,
        onStart: function (battle, source, effect) {
            if (effect && effect.effectType === 'Ability') {
                this.effectData.duration = 0;
                this.add('-weather', 'Sandstorm', '[from] ability: ' + effect, '[of] ' + source);
            } else {
                this.add('-weather', 'Sandstorm');
    hail: {
        inherit: true,
        onStart: function (battle, source, effect) {
            if (effect && effect.effectType === 'Ability') {
                this.effectData.duration = 0;
                this.add('-weather', 'Hail', '[from] ability: ' + effect, '[of] ' + source);
            } else {
                this.add('-weather', 'Hail');
    arceus: {
        onSwitchInPriority: 101,
        onSwitchIn: function (pokemon) {
            var type = pokemon.types[0];
            if (pokemon.ability === 'multitype') {
                type = this.runEvent('Plate', pokemon);
                if (!type || type === true) {
                    type = 'Normal'; //FOR THE MINDGAMES
            pokemon.setType(type, true);
exports.BattleTypeChart = {
    "Steel": {
        damageTaken: {
            psn: 3,
            tox: 3,
            sandstorm: 3,
            "Bug": 2,
            "Dark": 2,
            "Dragon": 2,
            "Electric": 0,
            "Fairy": 2,
            "Fighting": 1,
            "Fire": 1,
            "Flying": 2,
            "Ghost": 0,
            "Grass": 2,
            "Ground": 1,
            "Ice": 2,
            "Normal": 2,
            "Poison": 3,
            "Psychic": 2,
            "Rock": 2,
            "Steel": 2,
            "Water": 0
        HPivs: {"spd":30}
Thanks to Ranger Mike for helping me test
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so i noticed flint saying he was getting ready to rev up groudon for BH plus and was dissapointed...but it got me thinking...why not take a gen 4 mechanic, and let flower gift work on ALL pokemon? sure, this is mainly for gen 5+6, but maybe we can give gen 4 a chance.
so i noticed flint saying he was getting ready to rev up groudon for BH plus and was dissapointed...but it got me thinking...why not take a gen 4 mechanic, and let flower gift work on ALL pokemon? sure, this is mainly for gen 5+6, but maybe we can give gen 4 a chance.

I'm interested, only on the condition Primal Groudon is banned. The thing would have almost no checks and counters: band flower gift v-create can 2hko fur coat Tina.
I'm interested, only on the condition Primal Groudon is banned. The thing would have almost no checks and counters: band flower gift v-create can 2hko fur coat Tina.
I'd be interested too, but I really don't want Primal Don banned from the tier. I'd agree to a complex ban of Flower Gift + Primal Don 100%.
I'm interested, only on the condition Primal Groudon is banned. The thing would have almost no checks and counters: band flower gift v-create can 2hko fur coat Tina.
This is pretty untrue as you can still use fur coat, as well as a different weather yourself. Many people are already using primoridial arceus grass againt np groudon.
252+ Atk Choice Band Flower Gift Primal Groudon Land's Wrath vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina in Sun: 147-174 (29.2 - 34.5%)
252+ Atk Choice Band Flower Gift Primal Groudon Land's Wrath vs. 248 HP / 252 Def Fur Coat Giratina in Sun: 161-190 (32 - 37.7%)
Let's at least give these things a chance instead of going for bans right away. If any decision needs to actually be made, it should be the arc clause (which can actually be called the "god clause" heh)

Also though flower gift is one of my favorite abilities, I think we should set a clear demarcation on how far back we should go to get mechanics otherwise theoretically, there is no real reasoning not to go back to gen 1 or 2 for some mechanic either