Board Game Blind Date Diplomacy - GAME OVER (7-way draw)

Spring 1905 Moves
Freshly stabbed by their voluminous neighbor, the Italian garrison in Tunis begins a daring stealth operation in the Balkans... and some stuff happens in the north too I guess but that's boring!

A Bud-Tri (successful)
A Bul-Con (bounced)
A Rum S Ukr-Sev (successful)
A Ukr-Sev (successful)
A Ven-Tyr (bounced)
A Vie-Boh (successful)
F AEG H (successful)
F Tri-Alb (successful)

A Yor S NWG-Edi (successful)
F ENG-Bel (successful)
F Lvp-NAO (bounced, dislodged)
F NWG-Edi (successful)
F Stp(nc)-Nwy (successful)

A Bel-Ruh (successful)
A Bur S Bel-Ruh (successful)
A Edi-Lvp (successful)
A Par-Bre (successful)
F Bre-MAO (successful)
F MAO-IRI (successful)
F NAO S Edi-Lvp (successful)

A Ber S Bur-Mun (target did not accept support)
A Hol S Tus-Rom (invalid, shown on map as A Hol S Ven-Rom)
A Kie S Bur-Mun (target did not accept support)
F HEL-Den (successful)

A Tun-Gre (successful)
A Tyr-Ven (bounced)
F ION C Tun-Gre (successful)

A Boh-Sil (successful)
A Mun S Boh-Sil (successful)
A War-Mos (successful)

A Sev H (successful)
F Con H (successful)
F EAS-AEG (bounced)
F Smy S Con (successful)

The following units have been dislodged:
English F Lvp (retreat to Cly, Wal or disband)
Turkish A Sev (retreat to Arm or disband)

If your units are on the list of dislodgments, I need retreat orders from you in the next 24 hours; I will finish the update once that has happened.