Tournament BLT V: 'Best Leaderboarders' Tournament

Hey kythr you currently need to post to check in to confirmed your spot in this tour or your spot will go to the 1st sub in line from your qualification cycle and for you to compete you will need to qualify again in a different cycle.
2 short questions, the leaderboard table is about the tours in all the rooms or only the ones in the tournament room?
And the second one, when will the cycle 4 (the second in Junes start)?
Alright three cycles down, one more to go.

Congratulations to all the players who qualified this cycle.

King Leo V, (leo05051998 )
saba1111, saba1111
Negatory, lightning1870
Simbo, Simbo
Jrsmash9, Jrsmash9
charizardfanboy901, Kreme
Micro, Microwavable
Charmflash, Charmflash
Mikaav, Mikaav
F i l l e, Fille
keeping it icy, Abyssal Ruins
Unconscious Minds, Hamhamhamham
arce9, TheFranklin
Kreme Hassan, Ark

Anyone who has not been tagged, please let me know in this post especially those who did not get tagged at all.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but
I will be replacing Alore as Co-Manager of the Driftveil Diancies!


Yeah, so this happened Alore has stepped down from his manager position and Robb576 will be taking his place aside Martha as the co-manager for the Driftveil Diancies
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