- Nevaeh7805
- Timezone: PDT
- Mono, DOU, Ubers
You will need to make the top 16 in the tours room leader board to qualify for this tour.
- Nevaeh7805
- Timezone: PDT
- Mono, DOU, Ubers
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but
I will be replacing Alore as Co-Manager of the Driftveil Diancies!
ALore noooo... but ey robbI hate to be the bearer of bad news, but
I will be replacing Alore as Co-Manager of the Driftveil Diancies!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but
I will be replacing Alore as Co-Manager of the Driftveil Diancies!
LC > mono > ubers > anything not dou
Lc, ru, nu (others if needed except dou)
Not doubles
NU > OU > LC > UU > Anything not doubles