Tournament BLT V: Group Stage Week 1

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Art by sirDonovan.
Post approved by Sir Donovan.

Welcome to the first week of BLT V! The format of this tournament is simple: there will be 2 groups with 4 teams in each. Within each group, the four teams face each of the other three teams in their group once. After three weeks, the teams will be ranked (2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss). The top two teams advance from their groups, while the rest are eliminated. If there is a tie between teams at this point in the tournament, the two teams with the best win/loss over the three week period will advance. From here, the top 4 teams that advance will verse each other in a single elimination format for the semifinals and then finals. Matches will be in standard Smogon SM tiers, so challenge your opponent in those. Obviously, play on PS! (preferably main or smogtours server). Series are played in a best-of-one.

Basic tournament rules - you absolutely should read this, especially if you're new to forum tournaments

Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, please.

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. No activity post means no activity call. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be fine.

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated to.

Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.).

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitution.


Eevee Group

Pewter City Prehistorics (iStockphoto explodingdaisies) (4) VS
Pastoria Poliwraths (Roseybear TheWall) (4)
Black City Bolts (Plas Glacierider) (2) VS
Azalea Alakazams (Samjo MJ) (6)

Pewter City Prehistorics VS Pastoria Poliwraths

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Micro
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall
NU: Jrsmash9 VS belmontgabriel
LC: London13 VS Simbo
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose

Black City Bolts VS Azalea Alakazams

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri
LC: Osh VS Mael
DOU: SMB VS abbp
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111


Pikachu Group

Sunyshore Snorlax (Trace EternalSnowman) (6) VS
Blackthorn Blastoises (Silverwhiteblue Dogknees) (2)
Driftveil Diancies (Martha Robb576) (3) VS
White Forest Weaviles (Mihawk349 Lightning1870 (negatory)) (5)

Sunyshore Snorlaxs VS Blacktorn Blastoises

Ubers: Eternalsnowman VS t0te
OU: kyotoshi VS halaman95
UU: keeping it icy VS naruto(sage)
RU: Ark VS serenes' grace
NU: sanjay VS akiko yosano
LC: Ninjadog VS luthier
DOU: silver25x VS rafooa11
Mono: kythr VS raj.shoot

Driftveil Diancies VS White Forest Weaviles

Ubers: Lkapkd VS Raftel Reshirams
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS le Sabreur
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell rayquaza3000)
NU: Go0D VS Skelos
LC: F i l l e VS mikaav
DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS Peachyclouds (peachycl0uds)

There is a post below for all tags which will be posted by Eyan.

For this round the recent tier shifts will NOT be in effect and will take place in next week. Shifts can be found here.

In week 2, you'll be playing the team directly beneath you. To make this clear, for example, the Sunyshore Snorlaxs will play the Driftveil Diancies and the Blackthorn Blastoises will be playing the White Forest Weaviles.

Please remember to use the Tournaments sub-room Tours Plaza for BLT V discussion and to keep this thread civil regardless of friendly banter.

This week ends 22th July at 11:59PM EST (GMT-4). Good luck everyone!
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Here's some predicts, as always don't take it personally if you're predicted against, and hf everyone.

Pewter City Prehistorics (3) VS Pastoria Poliwraths (5)

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Mirco - Ham I think is the better player, especially in Ubers
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 - Could easily go either way but I'll give the edge to BigBoy.
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco - Sanzy is pretty underrated, was good when I've played him in tours room and is coming off a win vs. FLCL in UU Open
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall - TWW is arguably the best RU player in the tour, and I'd expect him to win here.
NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry - Going to back Twixtry as I believe him to be more knowledgable/better at NU.
LC: London13 VS Simbo - Both good LC players but I think Simbo is better and coming off a strong LCPL season going 4-2, though he has looked perhaps a little down in confidence in the last couple matches I've seen him play.
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One - Much better in DOU, and from what I've heard Anime gets teams from TCO lol.
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose - Not really too sure on this one, bit of a tossup.

Black City Bolts (6) VS Azalea Alakazams (2)

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ - Definite HL game, honestly not sure I could see either winning, if I had to pick I'd go MJ.
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 - Hard to back against the OST semi-finalist here, though Sand is decent.
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega - Not overly familiar with these two but Sir Slaking was the better player from my experiences in qualifying so I'll back him.
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea - KingofCrimea is a pretty decent RU player and admittedly I know next to nothing about pokemon e3
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri - Another HL game, two very good players, going to give the edge to Plas.
LC: Osh VS Mael - Should be an interesting game, mael whilst not an LC main did ok in exhibition, but I rate Osh pretty highly as an LC player and I don't see mael as having a great deal of support in LC on his team, whereas Osh also has Plas.
DOU: SMB VS abbp - SMB is really good in DOU from what I've seen, and abbp is a bit of an unknown.
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111 - Poison Adhesive I'm familiar with so I'll back them for the win in this one.

Driftveil Diancies (6) VS White Forest Weaviles (2)

Ubers: Lkapkd VS raftel Reshirams - I don't think either is that great in Ubers but I'd say Lkap is slightly better overall.
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS le Sabreur - Not sure about SM OU specifically but Beds is the better mons player overall and I'd expect him to get the win here.
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn - Jrdn is a quality player but I'd expect Kreme to win in UU.
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell rayquaza3000) - Don't know how either of these two really are in RU, though from what I've seen in general I'll give Morgan the win.
NU: Go0D VS Skelos - I think Finn is underrated and usually has interesting team choices, so I'll back him here.
LC: F i l l e VS Mikaav - Fille is the better LC player and has more experience, though as with the other LC matches an upset wouldn't be surprising.
DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V - Tough one to call, will go with Frisoeva just.
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS Peachyclouds (peachycl0uds)- One of the top Mono players in this tour imo.
Hey Guys Now that week 1 is up i'm posting some predictions. This is my first time doing so, and i hope this doesn't effect your feelings/confidence.

Starting of with

Pewter City Prehistorics VS Pastoria Poliwraths

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Mirco ( Ham is likely to be the favourite in every match ).
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 (Don't know much about Denisthemenace ,but Bigboy is good enough to pull of a win).
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco ( sanzy is good but OD is just too good).
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall ( rip kara has to face the best Ru players round 1).
NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry (Jrsmash won TLT you cannot expect him to lose).
LC: London13 VS Simbo ( Two good players and could go either way ,rooting for london).
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One (Just think of anime beating cheese ,i would die to see that happen).
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose (Better matchup wins).

Black City Bolts VS Azalea Alakazams

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ (Good match but Mj will turn out to be the winner).
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 (The winner of the last BLT and a esteemed OU do you expect me to choose).
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega ( I could go wrong).
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea ( King of Crimea is good and can change this).
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri (Waiting for this...).
LC: Osh VS Mael (Osh is very good but i just could not predict against Mael).
DOU: SMB VS abbp (SMB should get this ez).
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111 (Decent players anyone can win).

Sunyshore Snorlaxs VS Blacktorn Blastoises

Ubers: Eternalsnowman VS t0te (Cheering for scarf shyamin but Sadly ESM will win).
OU: kyotoshi VS halaman95 (halaman is still new for what i know).
UU: keeping it icy VS naruto(sage) (keeping it icy can win this too).
RU: Ark VS serenes' grace (probably the deciding match).
NU: sanjay VS akiko yosano(akiko is good but not sure to take on sanjay).
LC: Ninjadog VS luthier(This should be yummy to watch).
DOU: silver25x VS rafooa11 (Expecting rafooa experiance to come into play).
Mono: kythr VS raj.shoot ( Raj.Shoot gonna hax anyone that plays him to victory ez).

Driftveil Diancies VS White Forest Weaviles

Ubers: Lkapkd VS raftel Reshirams (RR gonna winthis believe me).
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS le Sabreur (Le Sabreur is good but beds is very experienced in OU).
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn( Praying for jrdn to win).
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell's got this).
NU: Go0D VS Skelos (Go0d is good but Skelos plays Nu better).
LC: F i l l e VS mikaav (Fille is a tough opponent but mikaav is not any easy).
DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V (How did King Leo V even make it to BLT ??)
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS Peachyclouds (peachycl0uds) (One of the best mono players).
The long awaited girl predicts

Before starting I'll just have you all known that these will be 100% unbiased and I have the proper knowledge of every player and their mother to make a 100% accurate predict with a good explanation of why they'll win their respective game and what their edge over their opponent is

Pewter City's skills are Prehistorics VS Pastoria Poliwags doesn't exist in sinnoh

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Mirco - Known for his insane meat obsession, there is almost nothing flesh that 4(c)ham won't devour
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 - Dennis managed to misspell his own name, while BigBoy has 3+ numbers that starts with a 0 so automatic goat status applied, he'll probably be the new hero after 067Jox meaning he'll take down any menaicing threat, even if it's an illiterate one
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco - So apparently Sanzy Viany is an artist but she's a foreigner and I couldn't understand jackshit so giving the edge to OD because also OD is my old clan bless
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall - The British version of Pink Floyd, albeit a tadbit lesser known, getting success with his RU hit "We remove the bricks"
NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry - I've heard Twixtry being referred to as the Jesus of NU, despite being named after a chocolate attempt.
LC: London13 VS Simbo - Ok so around 6 million people live in London while only a handful of people live on the simbo islands, mostly like a vacation resort kinda place? I don't really know I'll pass a link but he made it here with less suppot so eh.
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One - Cheese said I wasn't the best LCer but I always get the last laugh
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose - So prose is a really chill thing and peppers are pretty hot and we all know fire beats ice and this the most matchupy tier outside of NU so yk

Insert racist joke City Bolts VS Azalea Spoons

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ - He has 2 wells more than MJ who's barely got that many letters in his name and since it's not a 3 letter name he's not an instawineastbeast
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 - I'm gonna vote against the Zams on every game because this was gonna be highlight af but they cheated us and put Mael in LC
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega - So Slaking is Slowbros retarded younger brother who thinks he's hella smart but he's related to Slowbro so that gives him an edge because that's my bae mon and megas were a boring concept eventhough they made Lopunny a very bae mon
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea - I have legit no clue who the fuck this is but and King is goat but I'm voting for Bolts
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri - Again you got the fire against ice scenario and idfk why ppl keep bringing ice v fire what the fuck you're all hella dumb
LC: Osh VS Mael - Ok nvm this is lowkey a better highlight but Oshawott is still inferior to Mudkip and Mael is chill and got hella OP teams (hahaha owait only like 3 ppl gets that joke) but now I can actually predict zams to win again
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111 - Bamboozled again

Sunyshore Fatmons VS Blacktorn generic starters

Ubers: Eternalsnowman VS t0te - So basically this is a fucking snowman that won't melt during the summer which is literally impossible so despite T0te being totally fire he still can't win so erhm ye I'll probably use this excuse every week because I'm lazy as fuck
OU: kyotoshi VS halaman95 - So the 3+ number rule almost applied here ... almost
UU: keeping it icy VS naruto(sage) - So basically there's this little blond kid with extremely complex daddy issues that goes around turning into frogs and shit and this slightly cool kid things he can beat him??? lolgl
RU: Ark VS serenes' grace - Gen 4 Jirachi is a cunt and I hate it but fuckers broke and can 1v1 heatrans by spamming iron head so a boat made of tree taht you can't even fucking stear (?????) won't stand a chance sorry
NU: sanjay VS akiko yosano - Sanjaysan vs other japanese name I can't pronounce will probably end up having their match stretched out over like 20 episodes probably with like at least 3 flashbacks at random spots to keep us bored
LC: Ninjadog VS luthier - Enough said
DOU: silver25x VS rafooa11 - So we basically have Rafael the ninja turtle vs the Silver surfer but the silver surfer 2 dudes 1 vag and a rock movie was pretty fucking trash so ye
Mono: kythr VS raj.shoot - So this is basically some semen joke vs a "whythr" joke and I don't feel like pulling either of them

Not predicting my squad because there is like legit no way we're losing the week because wtf goatsquad shoutouts incoming for sure
For this round the recent tier shifts will NOT be in effect and will take place in next week. Shifts can be found here.
This means that every single UU, RU, and NU game should be played in OU btw, since Gastrodon jumped from PU to OU. If you bring any illegal Pokemon, you automatically forfeit the game.
Pewter City Prehistorics(3) VS Pastoria Poliwraths(5)
Ubers: Hamhamhamham(80) VS Mirco(20) - Can't really predict against ham in Ubers. I've also heard micro is out of practice so that just makes it easier.
OU:Denisthemenace(40) VS Bigboy038(60) Haven't seen Denis play and ik bigboy is good. Still could go either ways.
UU: Sanzy(40) VS OminousDraco(60)
OD is good this but sanzy is also good. Not to mention sanzy will get help from ed which makes this match even more close. I still think OD edges this out.
RU: Karalynia(20) VS The Welsh Wall(80)
Easily one of the best Ru players this blt. Can't see him losing this one.
NU: Jrsmash9(60) VS twixtry(40)
jrsmash is good and I don't know anything about twixtry. He's still gonna win cuz timer
LC: London13(30) VS Simbo(70)
Simbo had a good lcpl and also did great in LC Swiss. Should win but London still has a chance
DOU: Anime Sans(10) VS The Cheesen One(90)
Anime qualified with cheese's teams. That explains this
Mono: Richardpepper(??) VS Jasprose(??)
Haven't seen both of them play so just did /pick

Black City Bolts (4) VS Azalea Alakazams (3)
Ubers: Byronthewellwell(40) VS MJ(60)
Heard good things about byron and he's also doing good in Ubers ssnl but I reckon MJ wins this. Definately a game to watch tho
OU: Charmflash(50) VS Sand1234(50)
From what I've heard,sand is a Ou god but can't predict against a ou mod and an ost finalist. Sand also gets help from MJ as well as mael so this a match u want to watch.
UU: Sir Slaking(??) VS ORAS-Mega(??)
Honestly haven't seen both of them play much. But from what I've seen (which is really limited), oras-mega played better during the quals.
RU: pokemon e3(30) VS King of Crimea(70)
Heard a lot of good things about KOC from many peeps. Pokemon E3 is not bad either but I just can't see him winning this
NU: Plas(55) VS Snow Jiniri(45)
Two goats facing each other. Will definately be a match to watch out for. I'm gonna root for plas given his performances in nu tours and his over all experience. However Xiri can take this too. Pls do tell us when u guys are playing.
LC: Osh(70) VS Mael(30)
Don't know about mael in LC but I do know osh is good. And as ninjadog said "Osh also has Plas."
DOU: SMB(90) VS abbp(10)
Smb is a certified Dou goat and the best player for Dou this blt. Can't see him losing since ik abbp doesn't play this tier a lot
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111
Rip Saba

Sunyshore Snorlaxs(5) VS Blacktorn Blastoises(2)
Ubers: Eternalsnowman(80) VS t0te(20)
Esm is one of the best Ubers player this blt so I expect him to win this comfortably
OU: kyotoshi(???) VS halaman95(??)
No clue so another /pick
UU: keeping it icy(60) VS naruto(sage)(40)
Both are good players but I feel ark's help will boost icy's winning chances
RU: Ark(50) VS serenes' grace(50)
Definately a HL match. While one could argue sg has better chances, ark's overall battling skill and trace's help can give him the edge. Excited to see this match
NU: sanjay(60) VS akiko yosano(40)
Another good match. Sanjay is definately on an advantage but Akiko is no pushover
LC: Ninjadog(60) VS luthier(40)
Both good lc players. However I feel ninjadog will win this
DOU: silver25x(30) VS rafooa11(70)
havent seen both of them play , but I dont think silver plays dou
Mono: kythr(??) VS raj.shoot(??)
gonna root for Raj here since he is underrated. But could go either way since I don't know much about kythr
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Pewter City Prehistorics(1) VS(3) Pastoria Poliwraths(4)

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Mirco - simply the better player imo
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 - even mu, rooting for denis
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall
NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry - played both, i think they are about the same level
LC: London13 VS Simbo
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose

Black City Bolts(3) VS(4) Azalea Alakazams(1)

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ - both rly strong
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 - looking back at last year i actually think sand can take this
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri - :swole:
LC: Osh VS Mael
DOU: SMB VS abbp
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111

Driftveil Diancies(3) VS(2) White Forest Weaviles(3)

Ubers: Lkapkd VS raftel Reshirams - happened
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS le Sabreur
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell rayquaza3000)
NU: Go0D VS Skelos
LC: F i l l e VS mikaav - close match gotta favor fille tho
DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS Peachyclouds (peachycl0uds)
take this prediction w/ a grain of salt lol, hf
Pewter City Prehistorics VS Pastoria Poliwraths

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS m!rc0 - ham is the greatest.
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 - should be a decent match all things considered.
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco - od is a good player while sanzy did beat flcl on uu open, this should be pretty close.
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall - tww is simply better here.
NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry - twixtry is probably the better player here but it could go either way and i won't be surprised anyway.
LC: London13 VS Simbo - predicting lc match is impossible lol it's literally a tossup.
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One - this shouldn't even be close, cheese should win easily.
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose - think jasprose is the better player here, might go either way though.

Black City Bolts VS Azalea Alakazams

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ - rooting for mj but this can go either way lol
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 - za is a great player but this game should be closer than most people think
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega - was impressed by oras-mega, might go either way though
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea - i genuinely have no clue lol
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri - omg go both
LC: Osh VS Mael - mael is the better player but osh has more lc experience/knowledge, this game should be a great one
DOU: SMB VS abbp - idk who abbp is
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111 - don't think saba is good enough to beat poison adhesive

Driftveil Diancies VS White Forest Weaviles

Ubers: Lkapkd VS Raftel Reshirams - already happened but that game was extremely painful to watch
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS Le Sabreur - beds is just the better player
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn - #fgo vs goon :psycry:
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell rayquaza3000) - lmao
NU: Go0D VS Skelos - idk which 1 of you is better so please be content w/ the vs bolded lol
LC: F i l l e VS mikaav - Fille is great while mikaav is unproven
DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V - the goat slayer himself is unstoppable
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS Peachyclouds (peachycl0uds) - this should be a pretty cool game, i expect nice game from both
here are some fun predicts for u nerds. also when GXS typo's your name so everyone else does too :sadface:

Pewter City Prehistorics [1] VS Pastoria Poliwraths [6]
fair warning: slight bias

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Micro - HAMSLAM
OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 - OU goat from the Ranchers last blt
UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco - another OU goat from the Paniola Ranchers
RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall - imagine getting TWW for 10k. S T E A L
NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry - Purely because jrsmash won all his TLT games from timer
LC: London13 VS Simbo - could go either way
DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One - one of the best DOU players in the tour, what else is there to say?
Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose - RichardPepper will get the MU but somehow will find a way to lose

Black City Bolts [1] VS Azalea Alakazams [5]
honestly most if not all of these matches will be close so won't be surprised if the Bolts can turn the tide

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ - Goon
OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 - Dont know charmflash much, heard he's good tho. More familiar with sand. HL match for sure
UU: Sir Slaking VS ORAS-Mega - dont know the other guy
RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea - both are good, also dont know either
NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri - This will be close but I think Xiri will pull through
LC: Osh VS Mael - fuck Osh, plus heard Mael is quite the bloke
DOU: SMB VS abbp - happened
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111 - go blaze's cousin!!!

Sunyshore Snorlaxs [5] VS Blacktorn Blastoises [2]
when snorlaxes are in top two teams and get the easiest bracket. rigged.

Ubers: Eternalsnowman VS t0te - t0te brings scarf shaymin but ESM will bring scarf deoxys-speed :wesmart:
OU: kyotoshi VS halaman95 - who's halaman
UU: keeping it icy VS naruto(sage) - better player + naruto fan
RU: Ark VS serenes' grace - another HL match, definitely can go both ways
NU: sanjay VS akiko yosano - one of the best NU players in this tour
LC: Ninjadog VS luthier - Luthier will tryhard to win but unfortunately will choke and then beg to follow Ninjadog on facebook
DOU: silver25x VS rafooa11 - boi hasnt touched the tier but he'll probably win this
Mono: kythr VS raj.shoot - raj built a team with 2 megas 10/10

Driftveil Diancies [3] VS White Forest Weaviles [5]

Ubers: Lkapkd VS raftel Reshirams - happened
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS le Sabreur
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell rayquaza3000) - friend <3
NU: Go0D VS Skelos - another friend
LC: F i l l e VS mikaav - happened
DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V - friso will go undefeated
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS Peachyclouds (peachycl0uds)

I probably won't be right on most of them but on a happier note, good luck everyone!
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Unfortunately after winning 2 blt's :psysly: I failed to strike back in time with another victory to fulfill the legacy of trevs :psysad: so I shall now use this opportunity to make some predicts:psysly: because thats all I can do with my current power:psygrump:

Only gonna be doing ones where Im actually familiar with the player(s) :psyglad: Im aware i did the colors wrong btw im just too lazy for that.:psysad:

Pewter City Prehistorics (3) VS Pastoria Poliwraths (4)

Ubers: Hamhamhamham VS Mirco - Poor Mirco has to face probably the best player on the team himself week 1 :psygrump: Its okay though even if you do not win i will still respect you as a fellow memestar

OU: Denisthemenace VS Bigboy038 - Not a surprise a lot of people dont know denis but Imo hes clearly the favored one here, BigBoy is competent enough but denis has evolved from losing to sableye turn 2 :psynervous: and playing out 40 turns of dominance only to end up outplaying himself and somehow lose to an italian stallion who is winning olt by using empo's account :psywoke: so I believe he will take this one.

UU: Sanzy VS OminousDraco - Dont know sanzy but OD is a certified indian pehlwaan with the support of all of india's population which amounts to a force greater than NE combined so its gonna be rough for his opponent :psyduck:

RU: Karalynia VS The Welsh Wall - First mirco gets hamslam and now karo gets probably the best RU'er in the tour, the last time karo touched mons was probably when he ran out of Black Butler episodes to watch which was done years ago so I dont see him taking this one. :psysad:

NU: Jrsmash9 VS twixtry - Well I havent seen twix play NU but he was just done with defeating one of the most likely players to win ubers open so he might just be popping:psywoke:, my only advise to him is to get a stable internet connection because the powe of jrsmash9 extends far outside the boundaries of his computer screen.:psynervous:

LC: London13 VS Simbo - London has been hanging around PS! for long enough to know the proper Do's and Don'ts of battling and familiar with the LC metagame so I'm picking over his opponent who I've only heard the name of but never seen in action:psyduck:

DOU: Anime Sans VS The Cheesen One - I didnt think evolving from comic sans to anime sans was enough to beat cheese whos been playing the DOU for quite sometime and is quite familiar with the metagame id say so and i was right ofc because this already happened.

Mono: Richardpepper VS Jasprose -

Black City Bolts (3) VS Azalea Alakazams (2)

Ubers: Byronthewellwell VS MJ - Well this one is really tough. On one side we have byron who is a trev:psysly: which makes him a certified GOAT but on the other side we have not Micheal Jackson, Not Micheal Jordan but Marjani Marjani:psywoke:, whos strength I can not even begin to fathom so this is extremely difficult for me to judge.:psytear:

OU: Charmflash VS Sand1234 - I do not like predicting against a fellow trev:psysad: but alas I have to give the hand to the player with more experience here. Za uses all kinds of ridiculous shit that even the likes of OU room can not comprehend, perhaps he is an entity entirely different than even robopoke so i hope he brings something even more extraordinary than SG Ihead gear. Knowing sand he might just whip out protean gren and SD marowak or the Latios rain and still win with it which is a feat only he can achieve. Ill be looking forward to this one:psywoke:

RU: pokemon e3 VS King of Crimea - Heard some good things about pokemon e3 and KoC has already established himself to be fairly competent so Im going with the player i know more about.:psyduck:

NU: Plas VS Snow Jiniri - Half of the fucking trevs are in this pool wtf:psygrump:. Both are really good and plas can whip out heater squads just like CTC except he does not go 2-6 with them and xiri is my grandad and i cannot disrespect my grandad which leaves me perplexed. Gonna be an exciting game to watch:psysly:.

LC: Osh VS Mael -

DOU: SMB VS abbp - Lol

Mono: Poison Adhesive VS Saba1111 - Their name is the same as my cousin and if theyre anything like her then im sorry for their team.:psysad:

Sunyshore Snorlaxs (2) VS Blacktorn Blastoises (3)

Ubers: Eternalsnowman VS t0te - King of unteams:psygrump: and king of winning with unteams himself:psywoke:, the man whom i threw from his chair as an ou player:psysad: and forced him to play Ubers in BLT 3 which allowed him to ascend into a being way beyond human understanding:psywoke:. Now hes mastered the art of using any mega in ubers and winning with it, pinsir, garchomp and his beloved mega venusaur that he weilds better than the legend bloody himself, you name it.

UU: keeping it icy VS naruto(sage) - Back from the dead for another BLT:psyglad:, Legend says that no one has ever been able to push him back enough for him to unleash the sage of the six paths nine tails super saiyan jesus god mode. Only sasuke can beat him and i dont see keeping it icy being him. (probably the edgiest post ive ever written and im not sorry if it hurts your eyes)

RU: Ark VS serenes' grace - Although Ark wasn't officially a trev, he did more than enough for the team to be considered a part of it which is why i absolutely must not go against him, SG is also quite good and will give him a good battle for sure.

NU: sanjay VS akiko yosano - :psycry::psycry::psycry::psycry::psycry::psycry::psycry::psycry:

LC: Ninjadog VS luthier - Luthier about to find out ninjadog's whole family history just to prep vs him and probably still lose:psygrump: but ill root for him

DOU: silver25x VS rafooa11 - "PAKISTAN ZINDABAD", said parivard, to motivate raf like nothing ever could.

Driftveil Diancies (3) VS White Forest Weaviles (4)

Ubers: Lkapkd VS raftel Reshirams - Negative Ladder ranking match if ive ever seen one Happened.

OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS le Sabreur - Played Sab in blt3 which was a long while ago and he was already competent back then so im sure hes improved a ton, Beds is the goat but im not sure how familiar he is with the metagame so it could go either way but beds probably has the edge id say.:psyduck:

UU: Truth (Kreme) VS jrdn - Tough one, both are vgood but Im rooting for my canadian boy
who never got to shine in wcop:psysad:

RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Hell rayquaza1 (Hell rayquaza3000) - You've probably gotten top 3 easiest match ups in the tournament so dont disappoint me karo and mirco:psygrump:

NU: Go0D VS Skelos - Badlanders can destroy anyone:psyangry: they want especially those who're still learning the art of switching your pokemon out of an obvious threat.

LC: F i l l e VS mikaav - Love fille, but already happened so no point adding anything.

DOU: Frisoeva VS King Leo V - GOD FRIS BKC SLAYER!:psywoke: Coming from the depths of VGC and everyone knows DOU and VGC are exactly the same, if you dont believe me then ask Silverwhiteblue and he will enlighten you about it.

If these predictions offended any of you then I guess I can call myself successfull and if you weren't offended then please be I tried very hard :psysad:
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