Tournament BSS World Cup - Administrative Decisions

Re: Managers, Teams and US Map

In this edition of BSS World Cup we have 8 teams which are the following:

US West - Moose And Goose
US East - NOVED + zee
Latin America - luisin + One Last Kiss
Brazil - Thick Fat Azumarill + Askov
Asia - Fluore
Europe - AtraX Madara + Pearl
India + Rest of the World - hunternoooob + Fc
France & UK - Herv + frostyicelad

US will be divided by this map:

The rest of the teams:

When everything is ready you will receive the invitation to join the BSS discord!

Managers, for any questions do not hesitate to contact me on Smogon or Discord: luisin#7513
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RE: Schedule

Week 1:
Latin America vs Europe
Brazil vs France + UK
US East vs India + RoW
US West vs Asia

Week 2:
France + UK vs Asia
Europe vs India + RoW
Brazil vs US West
Latin America vs US East

Week 3:
US West vs France + UK
US East vs Europe
Asia vs India + RoW
Latin America vs Brazil

Week 4:
Europe vs Asia
India + RoW vs France + UK
Brazil vs US East
Latin America vs US West

Week 5:
US East vs Asia
Brazil vs Europe
Latin America vs France + UK
India + RoW vs US West

Week 6:
Latin America vs Asia
Brazil vs India + RoW
Europe vs France + UK
US West vs US East

Week 7:
France + UK vs US East
Latin America vs India + RoW
US West vs Europe
Brazil vs Asia
RE: DerpySuX vs EETH

During Game 2 of this series, the server restarted. After consulting with multiple tournament directors, the ruling is that, because EETH forfeited Game 2 and DerpySuX forfeited Game 3, the final score of this series is EETH 2-1 DerpySuX.

Sorry for how long this took, hopefully, this is the last time we have to use this thread.
RE: DerpySuX vs EETH 2

The score is 1-0 with EETH up BUT need to recreate g2 exactly how it stayed after the server went down.

how to do this?
turn 1 Derpy uses Freeze Dry and EETH Shadow Ball
turn 2 Derpy uses Substitute and EETH uses Shadow Ball

in case Shadow Ball has the roll in favor (which is difficult)
(252 SpA Tera Ghost Dragapult Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Iron Bundle: 218-258 (86.1 - 101.9%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO)
derpy can use sub and so dragapult has the kill.

they can play after this decision or finish game 2 and game 3 another day (with the same teams)
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To be clear I had 0 influence on this ruling, as I am on one of the involved teams

RE: Akeras vs Leavers

After both players scheduled, Leavers forgot to attend the game. After this, Akeras didn't inform the managers of the opposing team (and as a result, the managers didn't inform the players, nor make a substitute) until the following day. The host team has decided that the game will be ruled as a dead game as a result of a lack of opportunity given to Leavers' team to provide a substitute.
RE: Format

Following community feedback in the Battle Stadium Singles Discord, a vote was conducted among the managers of the teams that have qualified for / can qualify for playoffs as to if the format should be changed to all [Gen 9] Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C slots. Following the results of the vote, which showed overwhealming favor towards changing the format, the format for playoffs will be as follows:
  1. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  2. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  3. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  4. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  5. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  6. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  7. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C
  8. Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C