Copyediting Bulky DD Salamence (GP 0/1)

name: Bulky Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Dual Wingbeat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / Lum Berry
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 80 Def / 156 Spe
tera type: Fire / Steel / Ground

Set Details

Bulky Dragon Dance Salamence functions as a deceptively competent setup sweeper. Earthquake hits Steel- and Rock-types like Jirachi, Registeel, and Rhyperior for massive damage. Roost allows it to maintain health while setting up. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item as it allows Salamence to maximize its defensive capabilities switching into foes like Armarouge and Slither Wing; Lum Berry is an alternative that can be used to prevent status attempts from stopping a potential sweep, such as Will-O-Wisp from Galarian Weezing and Talonflame or Scald Slowbro. Intimidate leverages Salamence's bulk to increase its survivability against powerful wallbreakers like Crawdaunt and Krookodile, though it does risk activating Defiant for other foes like Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos. The HP and Defense investment, coupled with its own Intimidate support, ensures Salamence can avoid being OHKOed by Choice Band Entei Stone Edge and 2HKOed by Choice Band Krookodile Knock Off. The Speed investment is enough to outpace Timid Armarouge, with the Attack investment helping secure 2HKOs on Jirachi and Volcanion and an OHKO on Armarouge at +1. Tera Fire flips the weakness to Fairy into a resistance and stops Salamence from getting burned, which makes would-be checks like Galarian Weezing and Talonflame setup fodder. Tera Steel similarly provides a resistance to Fairy while also providing a resistance to Dragon, helping in matchups against opposing Salamence and other powerful foes like Hisuian Goodra and Noivern. Both Tera Fire and Tera Steel also offer the resistance to Ice, preventing Mamoswine from threatening to revenge kill it with its powerful Ice Shard. Tera Ground can be used to boost the power of Earthquake while providing a key immunity to Thunder Wave, which can stop Klefki and Reuniclus from disrupting it.

Salamence fits well on balance and bulky offense structures as a late-game cleaner, using its natural bulk and good defensive Dragon / Flying typing to find setup opportunities against common foes like Chesnaught and Slither Wing. Slither Wing is a great teammate for Salamence, as it can invite physical walls like Amoonguss and Chesnaught in for Salamence to use as setup fodder. Other VoltTurn teammates, like Cyclizar and Magnezone, can similarly provide safe entry points for Salamence against foes like Chesnaught and Registeel. While Lum Berry sets can switch into Volcanion without much worry, Heavy-Duty Boots variants need to be wary of getting burned, so teammates that can help handle Volcanion like Cyclizar and Umbreon are valuable; Lum Berry sets should be mindful of entry hazards though, making Rapid Spin Cyclizar and Defog Galarian Weezing valuable teammates. Salamence is keen on using Terastallization to most effectively setup and sweep, as well as avoid being revenge killed by foes like Gardevoir and Mamoswine, so partners that are less reliant on Terastallization like Armarouge and Fezandipiti make for valuable teammates. Slowbro and Umbreon are two notable problems for Salamence, as Slowbro can generally take its hits well and Umbreon can use its boosted Attack against it with Foul Play; partners who can handle these two, such as Gardevoir and Fezandipiti, are appreciated.

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name: Bulky Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Dual Wingbeat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / Lum Berry
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 80 Def / 156 Spe
tera type: Ground / Fire / Steel / Ground More relevant order

Set Details

Bulky Dragon Dance Salamence functions as a deceptively competent setup sweeper with the capacity to check certain threats like Crawdaunt and Krookodile as needed You mention this again later in the paragraph, you can talk more generally about it being hard to take down or just end the line at "setup sweeper". Earthquake hits Steel-types like Jirachi and Registeel for massive damage. Worth briefly talking about Roost allowing Salamence to use its bulk to set up on passive pokemon Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item as it allows Salamence to maximize its defensive capabilities switching into foes like Armarouge and Slither Wing; Lum Berry is an alternative that can be used to prevent status attempts from stopping a potential sweep, such as Will-O-Wisp from Galarian Weezing and Talonflame. Intimidate leverages Salamence's bulk to increase its survivability against powerful wallbreakers like Crawdaunt and Krookodile, though it does risk activating Defiant for other foes like Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos. The HP and Defense investment, coupled with its own Intimidate support, ensures Salamence can avoid being OHKOed by Choice Band Entei Stone Edge and 2HKOed by Choice Band Krookodile Knock Off. The Speed investment is enough to outpace Timid Armarouge, with the Attack investment helping secure 2HKOs on Jirachi and Volcanion and an OHKO on Armarouge at +1. Tera Ground is preferred to boost the power of Earthquake while providing a key immunity to Thunder Wave, which can stop Klefki and Reuniclus from disrupting it. Tera Fire flips the weakness to Fairy into a resistance and stops Salamence from getting burned, which makes would-be checks like Galarian Weezing and Talonflame setup fodder. Tera Steel similarly provides a resistance to Fairy while also providing a resistance to Dragon, helping in matchups against opposing Salamence and other powerful foes like Hisuian Goodra and Noivern. Both Tera Fire and Tera Steel also offer the resistance to Ice, preventing Mamoswine from threatening to revenge kill it with its powerful Ice Shard.

Salamence fits well on balance and bulky offense structures as a late-game cleaner, using its natural bulk and good defensive Dragon / Flying typing to find setup opportunities against common foes like Chesnaught and Slither Wing. Slither Wing is a great teammate for Salamence, as it can invite physical walls like Amoonguss and Chesnaught in for Salamence to use as setup fodder. Other VoltTurn teammates, like Cyclizar and Magnezone, can similarly provide safe entry points for Salamence against what mons? , which it can use to get a Dragon Dance boost to outpace foes like Barraskewda and Noivern This isn't really related to the rest of the line. While Lum Berry sets can switch into Volcanion without much worry, Heavy-Duty Boots variants need to be wary of getting burned, so teammates that can help handle Volcanion like Cyclizar and Umbreon are valuable. Add somewhere that Lum Berry should be paired with reliable hazard removal Salamence is keen on using Terastallization to most effectively setup and sweep, as well as avoid being revenge killed by foes like Gardevoir and Mamoswine, so partners that are less reliant on Terastallization like Armarouge and Fezandipiti make for valuable teammates. Tera Ground Salamence can use its new immunity to Thunder Wave to setup against difficult foes like Registeel and Reuniclus without worry, while Tera Fire can help against Talonflame and Galarian Weezing. redundant with P1 A notable wall for Dragon Dance Salamence is Quagsire, which uses Unaware to completely counter its setup attempts; teammates like Amoonguss and Poison Heal Breloom can help check Quagsire while being disruptive with moves like Stun Spore and Toxic. Not really common or viable enough to be mentioned outside of checks and counters, talk about Umbreon instead

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Great work, implement and ready for QC 2
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name: Bulky Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Dual Wingbeat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / Lum Berry
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 80 Def / 156 Spe
tera type: Fire / Steel / Ground

Set Details

Bulky Dragon Dance Salamence functions as a deceptively competent setup sweeper. Earthquake hits Steel- and Rock-types like Jirachi, (AC) Registeel, (AC) and Rhyperior for massive damage. Roost is used in conjunction with Terastallization typically, allowing allows it to maintain health while using would-be checks like Galarian Weezing and Talonflame as setup fodder setting up. mentioning Tera here feels redundant, especially since the two mentioned are only stopped by Tera Fire. Maybe mention Hippo and Ches instead, or how it can stay healthy over the course of the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item as it allows Salamence to maximize its defensive capabilities switching into foes like Armarouge and Slither Wing; Lum Berry is an alternative that can be used to prevent status attempts from stopping a potential sweep, such as Will-O-Wisp from Galarian Weezing and Talonflame or Scald Slowbro. Intimidate leverages Salamence's bulk to increase its survivability against powerful wallbreakers like Crawdaunt and Krookodile, though it does risk activating Defiant for other foes like Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos. The HP and Defense investment, coupled with its own Intimidate support, ensures Salamence can avoid being OHKOed by Choice Band Entei Stone Edge and 2HKOed by Choice Band Krookodile Knock Off. The Speed investment is enough to outpace Timid Armarouge, with the Attack investment helping secure 2HKOs on Jirachi and Volcanion and an OHKO on Armarouge at +1. Tera Fire flips the weakness to Fairy into a resistance and stops Salamence from getting burned, which makes would-be checks like Galarian Weezing and Talonflame setup fodder. Tera Steel similarly provides a resistance to Fairy while also providing a resistance to Dragon, helping in matchups against opposing Salamence and other powerful foes like Hisuian Goodra and Noivern. Both Tera Fire and Tera Steel also offer the resistance to Ice, preventing Mamoswine from threatening to revenge kill it with its powerful Ice Shard. Tera Ground can be used to boost the power of Earthquake while providing a key immunity to Thunder Wave, which can stop Klefki and Reuniclus from disrupting it.

Salamence fits well on balance and bulky offense structures as a late-game cleaner, using its natural bulk and good defensive Dragon / Flying typing to find setup opportunities against common foes like Chesnaught and Slither Wing. Slither Wing is a great teammate for Salamence, as it can invite physical walls like Amoonguss and Chesnaught in for Salamence to use as setup fodder. Other VoltTurn teammates, like Cyclizar and Magnezone, can similarly provide safe entry points for Salamence against foes like Hisuian Goodra Chesnaught and Registeel. While Lum Berry sets can switch into Volcanion without much worry, Heavy-Duty Boots variants need to be wary of getting burned, so teammates that can help handle Volcanion like Cyclizar and Umbreon are valuable; Lum Berry sets should be mindful of entry hazards though, making Rapid Spin Cyclizar and Defog Galarian Weezing valuable teammates. Salamence is keen on using Terastallization to most effectively setup and sweep, as well as avoid being revenge killed by foes like Gardevoir and Mamoswine, so partners that are less reliant on Terastallization like Armarouge and Fezandipiti make for valuable teammates. Slowbro and Umbreon are two notable problems for Salamence, as Slowbro can generally take its hits well and Umbreon can use its boosted Attack against it with Foul Play; partners who can handle these two, such as Gardevoir and Fezandipiti, are appreciated.

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Looking good, a few changes for QC 2/2!