Couldn't find a good time towards posting this notably earlier due to DDoS issues.
<p>Butterfree's claim to fame is its access to Quiver Dance like several other Bug-types. However, what sets Butterfree apart are it's two abilities: Tinted Lens and Compoundeyes. Tinted Lens allows Butterfree to disregard coverage moves on a sweeping set, while Compoundeyes makes Butterfree's support options more accurate. Unfortunately, the poor bug is plagued by the typical early-Bug-type syndrome: poor typing, and even more poor defenses. While Butterfree may be versatile, the prevalence of Stealth Rock cuts down significantly on its survivability and effectiveness in the NU metagame.</p>
name: Quiver Dance
move1: Quiver Dance
move2: Sleep Powder
move3: Bug Buzz
move4: Substitute / Roost
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Tinted Lens
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>With Quiver Dance, Butterfree functions as a capable setup sweeper, while being able to incapacitate a slew of slower Pokemon with Sleep Powder before or after a boost when necessary. The presence of Sleep Powder is one of the set's most important features, since Butterfree has the capability of forcing out and gaining setup opportunities on a myriad of defensive Pokemon, such as Musharna, Tangela, or Alomomola, as well as Choice-locked Fighting or Ground-types like Sawk or Golurk. Bug Buzz is the only attacking move that Butterfree needs on this set, since Tinted Lens boosts the power of resisted moves by 2x. Substitute allows Butterfree to both avoid status from Pokemon such as Musharna or Mandibuzz and avoid revenge killing by Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Primeape or Jynx. Roost is an interesting choice that allows Butterfree to heal off damage taken from Stealth Rock or weak attacks such as Giga Drain from Roselia or Foul Play from Mandibuzz.</p>
<p>The EV spread is self-explanatory: Butterfree needs all of the speed and power it can get since its base stats are somewhat lacking in that department. Even though it may seem attractive, a defensive EV spread is better left to Pokemon with "actual defenses". Max speed with a Timid nature allows Butterfree to outspeed Swellow after a Quiver Dance Boost, and tie with positive-natured Ludicolo in the rain after two boosts. However, if outspending those threats isn't a big deal, using a Modest nature gives Butterfree more power and still allows it to outspeed max speed Serperior after a boost. As for the item, Insect Plate or Bug Gem are suitable replacements. Insect Plate gives a flat 20% boost in power to Bug Buzz, while Bug Gem allows Butterfree to KO Charizard at +1 SpA after Stealth Rock.</p>
<p>Stealth Rock support is extremely helpful, as it allows Butterfree to cleanly OHKO Scolipede and Primeape after a Quiver Dance boost with no boosting item, while getting the OHKO on Sawk and Braviary with a boost and Life Orb. In general, many of Butterfree's checks tend to be Stealth Rock weak, such as Regice, Charizard, and Rotom-S. Golem tends to be a good partner to Butterfree like many Rock- and Ground-types, since it only shares Butterfree's weakness to Ice-type attacks, and it resists every other one of Butterfree's weaknesses, while Butterfree 4x resists Fighting and Grass, and is immune to Ground. Other good options include Golurk, Piloswine, or Seismitoad. Probopass is also worth mentioning, since it can trap opposing Steel-types that resist Bug Buzz, and gain momentum with a slow Volt Switch. Butterfree also appreciates Rapid Spin support; Wartortle is the best of the bunch in NU. It resists Ice and can use the combination of Foresight and Rapid Spin to assure hazards leave your side of the field. Offensively, Butterfree has trouble breaking through dedicated special walls, such as Regice, Audino, and Lickilicky. Choice Band Sawk (and to a lesser extent Gurdurr and Primeape) is a good partner, as it can KO all of those Pokemon with ease. Choice Band Sawk also functions as a good anti-lead, as it can OHKO most Stealth Rock setters through Sturdy with Mold Breaker.</p>
name: Dual Powder
move1: Sleep Powder
move2: Stun Spore
move3: U-turn
move4: Tailwind
item: Focus Sash
ability: Compoundeyes
nature: Jolly
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
<p>Butterfree's accurate status moves are its best options to support the team, it being capable of crippling a good portion of the opposing team. Compoundeyes increase the accuracy of its moves, upgrading the accuracy of Butterfree's status moves to 97.5%. Sleep Powder is the main move as it is basically able to temporarily remove an opposing Pokemon from the battle. This notably allows it to stop hazard setters, and even neutralize a problematic Pokemon for your team. Stun Spore is an auxiliary move that can allow Butterfree to catch something that the opponent switches in after the Pokemon is put to sleep. It's also a nice alternative for hitting Primeape on the switch, as well as being usable when Sleep Clause is active. Stun Spore is also a very effective move to use when you are unwilling to waste Sleep Powder on a Pokemon that doesn't significantly threaten your team. U-turn is an integral move as it helps ease prediction after one of your opponent's Pokemon has been put to sleep, as it allows Butterfree to get something in for free regardless of what they do. Tailwind is mostly filler, but doubling your team's Speed can be useful if you are low on health but still want to support the team.</p>
<p>The EV spread allows Butterfree to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible and status them. A spread with maximum Special Attack and Speed with a Timid nature and Bug Buzz instead of Tailwind can be worth considering to prevent Butterfree from being forced out by Sap Sipper Pokemon; it has Focus Sash anyways, so the extra bulk rarely comes into play as Butterfree is 2HKOed by most moderately powerful attacks. This set doesn't particularly mind Stealth Rock on its side nearly as much, as it is meant to simply inflict as much status as possible and then bring in a teammate safely. Thanks to Butterfree's ability to cripple a significant portion of teams, Pokemon that take advantage of free turns or outspeeding more Pokemon, such as various wallbreakers or setup sweepers, are good teamamtes. Good options include Sawk, Fraxure, Carracosta, or Marowak, all of which who appreciate the safe switches and outspeeding the opposition. Pokemon that can beat Sap Sipper users that wall Butterfree are also good teammates, with Gurdurr being a very effective option. Toxic is a viable option to use over Tailwind, as it allows Butterfree to cripple defensive Pokemon that doesn't particularly mind being paralyzed after Sleep Clause is active.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Rain Dance with Damp Rock or Sunny Day with Heat Rock are viable support sets, as Butterfree is able to setup weather reliably with the help of Sleep Powder and it can provide a free switch in for a weather sweeper with U-turn. Hidder Power Ground and Rock are possible options, as the former threatens Bastiodon and Probopass while the latter deals with Charizard. Giga Drain and Psychic are attacking options that can be used on the Quiver Dance set, with the former hitting Ground-, Rock-, and Water-types while while the latter threatening Scolipede and Fighting-types. Neither moves provide notable coverage otherwise, and Tinted Lens reduces the need for such coverage. Whirlwind may seem enticing to scout your opponent's team, but Butterfree generally has better things to do and it doesn't help Butterfree in any significant way.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>It is difficult to counter Butterfree as Sleep Powder can practically cripple any counter and turn it into a set up opportunity, while U-turn allows it to escape from any threat. The single most reliable way of crippling it is Stealth Rock, as even with Roost it drastically detracts from Butterfree's ability to sweep or disrupt its opponents consistently. However, Sleep Powder prevents many common Stealth Rock users from setting up. As for countering Butterfree directly, Sleep Talk users such as Regice or Munchlax are some of the best counters, as they don't mind absorbing status and can easily shrug off even boosted attacks due to their excellent Special Defense. In return, they can immediately threaten Butterfree with their respective STAB moves, or even phaze it out with Whirlwind in Munchlax's case. Pokemon that are immune to sleep with their abilities, such as Vital Spirit Electabuzz or Primeape and Sap Sipper Miltank, can take advantage of Butterfree's mediocre initial power and proceed to dispatch it. </p>
<p>If you do not have an actual way of stopping Butterfree from putting a Pokemon to sleep, sacrificing a Pokemon to Sleep Powder is a viable option; once Sleep Clause is active, Butterfree is much easier to deal with. Even after a Quiver Dance boost, many bulky Pokemon can still tank a hit and wear Butterfree down considerably if they are not weak to its STAB move. Bastiodon is a solid counter against Butterfree, as it can tank the Quiver Dance set very well, does not care about paralysis, and can either Roar away its Quiver Dance boosts or bounce back Sleep Powder with Magic Coat. Most specially defensive Pokemon, such as Camerupt, Lickilicky, Audino, Altaria, or Probopass, can easily wall Butterfree and phaze it out or outright beat it. Fast Substitute users, particularly Articuno, Driftblim, or Charizard, can use Butterfree as setup fodder, especially the Dual Powder set. Butterfree is not particularly difficult to revenge kill; most Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Rotom-S, Charizard, or Braviary can outspeed and easily pick off Butterfree. This also includes most priority users, as Butterfree is quite frail on the physical side and only resists Mach Punch. While Butterfree can somewhat mitigate this problem with Substitute, it's generally hard to keep its Substitute up due to its frailty. Pokemon that have Rock Blast can generally break Butterfree's frail Substitutes and hit her for massive damage, such as Golem, Piloswine, and Garbodor. The best way to defeat Butterfree is to take advantage of the fact that its neither especially powerful nor fast and have a method for dealing with Sleep Powder.</p>

<p>Butterfree's claim to fame is its access to Quiver Dance like several other Bug-types. However, what sets Butterfree apart are it's two abilities: Tinted Lens and Compoundeyes. Tinted Lens allows Butterfree to disregard coverage moves on a sweeping set, while Compoundeyes makes Butterfree's support options more accurate. Unfortunately, the poor bug is plagued by the typical early-Bug-type syndrome: poor typing, and even more poor defenses. While Butterfree may be versatile, the prevalence of Stealth Rock cuts down significantly on its survivability and effectiveness in the NU metagame.</p>
name: Quiver Dance
move1: Quiver Dance
move2: Sleep Powder
move3: Bug Buzz
move4: Substitute / Roost
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Tinted Lens
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>With Quiver Dance, Butterfree functions as a capable setup sweeper, while being able to incapacitate a slew of slower Pokemon with Sleep Powder before or after a boost when necessary. The presence of Sleep Powder is one of the set's most important features, since Butterfree has the capability of forcing out and gaining setup opportunities on a myriad of defensive Pokemon, such as Musharna, Tangela, or Alomomola, as well as Choice-locked Fighting or Ground-types like Sawk or Golurk. Bug Buzz is the only attacking move that Butterfree needs on this set, since Tinted Lens boosts the power of resisted moves by 2x. Substitute allows Butterfree to both avoid status from Pokemon such as Musharna or Mandibuzz and avoid revenge killing by Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Primeape or Jynx. Roost is an interesting choice that allows Butterfree to heal off damage taken from Stealth Rock or weak attacks such as Giga Drain from Roselia or Foul Play from Mandibuzz.</p>
<p>The EV spread is self-explanatory: Butterfree needs all of the speed and power it can get since its base stats are somewhat lacking in that department. Even though it may seem attractive, a defensive EV spread is better left to Pokemon with "actual defenses". Max speed with a Timid nature allows Butterfree to outspeed Swellow after a Quiver Dance Boost, and tie with positive-natured Ludicolo in the rain after two boosts. However, if outspending those threats isn't a big deal, using a Modest nature gives Butterfree more power and still allows it to outspeed max speed Serperior after a boost. As for the item, Insect Plate or Bug Gem are suitable replacements. Insect Plate gives a flat 20% boost in power to Bug Buzz, while Bug Gem allows Butterfree to KO Charizard at +1 SpA after Stealth Rock.</p>
<p>Stealth Rock support is extremely helpful, as it allows Butterfree to cleanly OHKO Scolipede and Primeape after a Quiver Dance boost with no boosting item, while getting the OHKO on Sawk and Braviary with a boost and Life Orb. In general, many of Butterfree's checks tend to be Stealth Rock weak, such as Regice, Charizard, and Rotom-S. Golem tends to be a good partner to Butterfree like many Rock- and Ground-types, since it only shares Butterfree's weakness to Ice-type attacks, and it resists every other one of Butterfree's weaknesses, while Butterfree 4x resists Fighting and Grass, and is immune to Ground. Other good options include Golurk, Piloswine, or Seismitoad. Probopass is also worth mentioning, since it can trap opposing Steel-types that resist Bug Buzz, and gain momentum with a slow Volt Switch. Butterfree also appreciates Rapid Spin support; Wartortle is the best of the bunch in NU. It resists Ice and can use the combination of Foresight and Rapid Spin to assure hazards leave your side of the field. Offensively, Butterfree has trouble breaking through dedicated special walls, such as Regice, Audino, and Lickilicky. Choice Band Sawk (and to a lesser extent Gurdurr and Primeape) is a good partner, as it can KO all of those Pokemon with ease. Choice Band Sawk also functions as a good anti-lead, as it can OHKO most Stealth Rock setters through Sturdy with Mold Breaker.</p>
name: Dual Powder
move1: Sleep Powder
move2: Stun Spore
move3: U-turn
move4: Tailwind
item: Focus Sash
ability: Compoundeyes
nature: Jolly
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
<p>Butterfree's accurate status moves are its best options to support the team, it being capable of crippling a good portion of the opposing team. Compoundeyes increase the accuracy of its moves, upgrading the accuracy of Butterfree's status moves to 97.5%. Sleep Powder is the main move as it is basically able to temporarily remove an opposing Pokemon from the battle. This notably allows it to stop hazard setters, and even neutralize a problematic Pokemon for your team. Stun Spore is an auxiliary move that can allow Butterfree to catch something that the opponent switches in after the Pokemon is put to sleep. It's also a nice alternative for hitting Primeape on the switch, as well as being usable when Sleep Clause is active. Stun Spore is also a very effective move to use when you are unwilling to waste Sleep Powder on a Pokemon that doesn't significantly threaten your team. U-turn is an integral move as it helps ease prediction after one of your opponent's Pokemon has been put to sleep, as it allows Butterfree to get something in for free regardless of what they do. Tailwind is mostly filler, but doubling your team's Speed can be useful if you are low on health but still want to support the team.</p>
<p>The EV spread allows Butterfree to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible and status them. A spread with maximum Special Attack and Speed with a Timid nature and Bug Buzz instead of Tailwind can be worth considering to prevent Butterfree from being forced out by Sap Sipper Pokemon; it has Focus Sash anyways, so the extra bulk rarely comes into play as Butterfree is 2HKOed by most moderately powerful attacks. This set doesn't particularly mind Stealth Rock on its side nearly as much, as it is meant to simply inflict as much status as possible and then bring in a teammate safely. Thanks to Butterfree's ability to cripple a significant portion of teams, Pokemon that take advantage of free turns or outspeeding more Pokemon, such as various wallbreakers or setup sweepers, are good teamamtes. Good options include Sawk, Fraxure, Carracosta, or Marowak, all of which who appreciate the safe switches and outspeeding the opposition. Pokemon that can beat Sap Sipper users that wall Butterfree are also good teammates, with Gurdurr being a very effective option. Toxic is a viable option to use over Tailwind, as it allows Butterfree to cripple defensive Pokemon that doesn't particularly mind being paralyzed after Sleep Clause is active.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Rain Dance with Damp Rock or Sunny Day with Heat Rock are viable support sets, as Butterfree is able to setup weather reliably with the help of Sleep Powder and it can provide a free switch in for a weather sweeper with U-turn. Hidder Power Ground and Rock are possible options, as the former threatens Bastiodon and Probopass while the latter deals with Charizard. Giga Drain and Psychic are attacking options that can be used on the Quiver Dance set, with the former hitting Ground-, Rock-, and Water-types while while the latter threatening Scolipede and Fighting-types. Neither moves provide notable coverage otherwise, and Tinted Lens reduces the need for such coverage. Whirlwind may seem enticing to scout your opponent's team, but Butterfree generally has better things to do and it doesn't help Butterfree in any significant way.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>It is difficult to counter Butterfree as Sleep Powder can practically cripple any counter and turn it into a set up opportunity, while U-turn allows it to escape from any threat. The single most reliable way of crippling it is Stealth Rock, as even with Roost it drastically detracts from Butterfree's ability to sweep or disrupt its opponents consistently. However, Sleep Powder prevents many common Stealth Rock users from setting up. As for countering Butterfree directly, Sleep Talk users such as Regice or Munchlax are some of the best counters, as they don't mind absorbing status and can easily shrug off even boosted attacks due to their excellent Special Defense. In return, they can immediately threaten Butterfree with their respective STAB moves, or even phaze it out with Whirlwind in Munchlax's case. Pokemon that are immune to sleep with their abilities, such as Vital Spirit Electabuzz or Primeape and Sap Sipper Miltank, can take advantage of Butterfree's mediocre initial power and proceed to dispatch it. </p>
<p>If you do not have an actual way of stopping Butterfree from putting a Pokemon to sleep, sacrificing a Pokemon to Sleep Powder is a viable option; once Sleep Clause is active, Butterfree is much easier to deal with. Even after a Quiver Dance boost, many bulky Pokemon can still tank a hit and wear Butterfree down considerably if they are not weak to its STAB move. Bastiodon is a solid counter against Butterfree, as it can tank the Quiver Dance set very well, does not care about paralysis, and can either Roar away its Quiver Dance boosts or bounce back Sleep Powder with Magic Coat. Most specially defensive Pokemon, such as Camerupt, Lickilicky, Audino, Altaria, or Probopass, can easily wall Butterfree and phaze it out or outright beat it. Fast Substitute users, particularly Articuno, Driftblim, or Charizard, can use Butterfree as setup fodder, especially the Dual Powder set. Butterfree is not particularly difficult to revenge kill; most Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Rotom-S, Charizard, or Braviary can outspeed and easily pick off Butterfree. This also includes most priority users, as Butterfree is quite frail on the physical side and only resists Mach Punch. While Butterfree can somewhat mitigate this problem with Substitute, it's generally hard to keep its Substitute up due to its frailty. Pokemon that have Rock Blast can generally break Butterfree's frail Substitutes and hit her for massive damage, such as Golem, Piloswine, and Garbodor. The best way to defeat Butterfree is to take advantage of the fact that its neither especially powerful nor fast and have a method for dealing with Sleep Powder.</p>
name: Quiver Dance
move1: Quiver Dance
move2: Sleep Powder
move3: Bug Buzz
move4: Substitute / Roost
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Tinted Lens
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
name: Dual Powder
move1: Sleep Powder
move2: Stun Spore
move3: U-turn
move4: Tailwind
item: Focus Sash
ability: Compoundeyes
nature: Jolly
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
[Other Options]
[Checks and Counters]
- Often referenced alongside many other forgotten Pokemon of its typing as initially some of the worst Pokemon in the game until its movepool advancement for B/W in its case, of which it receives an excellent boosting move in Quiver Dance.
- Quiver Dance, alongside Butterfree's gifted ability within Tinted Lens and the ability to incapacitate a target in the form of sleep, allows it to function as a dangerous special sweeper.
- Its support movepool with the addition of Compoundeyes allows it to serve a role as an effective status spreader if one chooses to become more of a team player rather than an outright sweeper.
- Mediocre stats that can often play its part upon its frailty and difficulty to achieve a position of which it would get solid opportunities of posing as a significant threat in various cases.
- Serves as a solid example of an effective late game sweeper or a status spreader that can find opportunities to disrupt opponents throughout the course of the battle, both of which serves a good case of its versatility.
name: Quiver Dance
move1: Quiver Dance
move2: Sleep Powder
move3: Bug Buzz
move4: Substitute / Roost
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Tinted Lens
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Functions as a setup sweeper that has the capabilities of forcing out and gaining setup opportunities on a myriad of defensive Pokemon such as Misdreavus, Musharna, Tangela, Alomomola, Seismitoed, Weezing as well as Choice-locked Fighting or Ground types such as Primeape, Sawk, or Golurk.
- The presence of Sleep Powder helps aid its ability to setup, which can be used to either incapacitate either a counter, gain you a free opportunity to setup as the opponent switches out in attempts of avoiding having an important Pokemon being put to sleep, or capitalizing on anything that's naturally slower than Butterfree so it can obtain a free opportunity of setting up.
- Faces a lot of competition with Jynx overall as a mono attacking sweeper that can sleep the opponent, but separates from the addition of Tinted Lens and the ability to boost Speed.
- Tinted Lens is an excellent ability for this set as it helps save the need of running additional coverage moves just to gain a stronger hit on certain threats such as Swellow, Scolipede, or Primeape that would otherwise not mind taking a hit from its primary STAB move, thus making Butterfree significantly harder to wall.
- Bug Buzz serves as its main STAB move that is capable of deliverage solid dents though a majority of Pokemon that doesn't resist the move after a boost or two.
- Substitute is important on this set as it not only further complements its opportunities of setting up, but it also aids upon mitigating advantage of the nature of its frailty, leaving it less prone of becoming revenge killed if it can maintain one with the help of disabling a foe with Sleep or easing prediction with its tendency of forcing a lot of switches.
- Life Orb increases Butterfree's overall damage output by an enticing amount, which is important to consider when utilizing a Pokemon that wants as much power as it can obtain with as few turns as possible. This option, however, is not recommended when using Substitute, as it becomes significantly easier to detract Butterfree's health over the course of the battle. This problem especially becomes relevant when factoring its major weakness to Stealth Rock.
- Roost is an interesting choice that takes the utmost advantage of Life Orb, as it gets the option of alleviating the residual damage that Butterfree will be accumulating from Stealth Rock and Life Orb recoil. It can find various opportunties when factoring its ability to force switches a lot and taking advantage of the free turns it gains after putting threats to sleep.
- The EV's are essentially self-explanatory and are mandatory for the initial role of this set.
- Contrary to how attractive this would theoretically seem, investing in bulk in attempts of further taking advantage of its ability to setup multiple Quiver Dance boosts is simply not worth the change since it isn't going to make any notable differents in terms of taking significant neutral hits, and Butterfree typically can't afford to go any slower as it likes to incapacitate as much as it can so it can setup safely.
- A Timid nature is the most optimal way to ge in terms of a suitable nature as it allows Butterfree to outspeed everything up to Swellow after a boost, but a Modest nature is also a well-suiting option to give it a useful cushion of power if you don't mind missing out of Swellow. Butterfree still obtains the ability to outspeed everything up to positive-natured Serperior after a boost, which is one of the fastest Pokemon that you'll typically see outside of a Choice Scarf user. This does come at the drawback of missing out on tying other positive-natured 70 base Speed Pokemon such as Ludicolo.
- Courtesy to its dismay of the presence of Stealth Rock, the support of it is always highly recommended recommended for this set to properly function. It helps achieve various OHKOs and cripples the amount of switch-in opportunities that Butterfree's checks and counters can have and thus helps eventually push them into KO range.
- Most Stealth Rock users share solid synergy with Butterfree, with their general capabilities of covering the resistances of Rock-, Fire-, Flying-, or Electric-types moves commonly aimed at it and performs a good job of checking most fast threats that otherwise threaten it.
- Likewise, Butterfree would also greatly appreciate teammates that perform well in terms of keeping its debilitating weakness of Stealth Rock away from the field. Rapid Spin supporters are typically the most reliable options for this role, thus being the most recommended teammates. Acceptable servants of this particular role includes Armaldo, Torkoal, or Wartortle. If a more offensive approach is necessary, for the team good examples include Mold Breaker Sawk, Taunt Samurott, or Shell Smash Torkoal, as they all perform a good job of breaking through most specially defensive Pokemon that can be bothersome for Butterfree.
- In terms of its appreciation regarding momentum, Pokemon like Primeape serves as a solid option as it is able to outpace and revenge kill a wide variety of faster or Choice Scarf Pokemon that can otherwise pose as annoyances as they are able to hinder Butterfree's ability to perform a sweep. Primeape also threatens troublesome Pokemon such as Lickilicky, Bastiodon, or Regice, targets that Butterfree really appreciates the removal of (not to mention being able to wear lure Garbodor a notch with Earthquake). In return, Primape also appreciates providing momentum with U-turn that it gives Butterfree free opportunities for it to easily take advantage of and setup on Primeape's common switch-ins, such as Misdreavus, Musharna, Tangela, Alomomola or Weezing.
- Other good momentum grabbers include Eelektross and Mixed Luxray with use of their slow Volt Switches (especially the former). Both do a good job of luring and threatening specific threats that troubles Butterfree, with the former functioning as a very effective lure against Lickilicky or Regice with Superpower and being able to check and threaten a myriad of the Stealth Rock users with Giga Drain and the latter doing essentially the same role, while it's particularly better at luring Stealth Rock users.
- Appreciates the support of entry hazards in general to help punish switching and grounded foes. Garbodor's synergy with Butterfree is pretty decent in comparison to the rest of the users, which includes choices of Scolipede, Roselia, or Cacturne.
name: Dual Powder
move1: Sleep Powder
move2: Stun Spore
move3: U-turn
move4: Tailwind
item: Focus Sash
ability: Compoundeyes
nature: Jolly
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
- This set's primary goal is to support the team with the aid of spreading status with Sleep Powder or Stun Spore with the addition aid of providing momentum.
- Excels at finding opportunities if you can bring it in on something slower that doesn't particularly threaten Butterfree, such as Tangela, Misdreavus, or Cacturne.
- Compoudeyes further extends the reliability that is much appreciated for this set to effectively function, as it provides a substantial accuracy upgrade of 97.5% of Butterfree's status moves on this set.
- Sleep Powder is the move with the highest reward value upon initiation in this set, and thus should be used in more important situations in relation to the team's needs on the threat management category such as sleeping a troublesome threat. In a way, this also gives it a unique niche of being an effective way of disabling Stealth Rock users with Sleep Powder, preventing them from having them up.
- Stun Spore is the secondary move that works wonders in terms of crippling because the threat of the Quiver Dance set alone is enough to force a lot of switches after it has incapacitated something in the form of sleep, allowing to cripple common switch-ins with paralysis on the follow-up.
- U-turn shares many integral values on this set as it helps eases prediction on how the opponent reacts after they have been put to sleep and does a nice job of drawing momentum towards getting something in for free after sleeping the opponent or if the opponent attempts to switch into their already statused Pokemon or Sap Sipper user.
- The last slot are primarily filler options, with Tailwind further providing support for the team with free opportunities with the help of sleep and Focus Sash. It can also be useful in clutch situations if you're willing to sacrifice Butterfree to a Choice Scarf switch-in such as Primeape or Rotom-A and cripple them with Stun Spore before they are able to move, assuming that Sleep Clause has been activated.
- Roost increases longevity, allowing it to buy more opporutnities to spread status.
- EVs are enlisted to maintain bulk, while investing as much speed as possible so it can disrupt as much as it desires to do so.
- Rain Dance with Damp Rock or Sunny Day with Heat rock can be considered for fillers.
- Pokemon that takes advantage of status well such as wall-breakers or setup sweepers appreciates the ability to either give them more free turns or better opportunities of setting up.
- This set doesn't mind the presence of Stealth Rock on its side nearly as much, as it's mainly supporting the team as opposing to trying to setup an outright sweep.
- Pokemon that can reliably threaten Sap Sippers, particularly Miltank, are good partners.
[Other Options]
- Choice Scarf can be used to immedately increase the amount of Pokemon that it can incapacitate, but locking yourself into a non-attacking move is often very situational and the set otherwise doesn't accomplish much of anything that the Dual Powder set does already.
- Giga Drain and Psychic can be unique options of additional moves to make use of in the Quiver Dance set, with the former gaining additional health upon use of it and hitting Rock-, Ground- and Water- types super effectively while the latter can hit Scolipede and Gardevoir or additional damage, but neither moves provide much addition coverage otherwise.
- Whirlwind can be used to phaze and scout if the opponent will stay in or not after being put to sleep, but otherwise makes poor use of this move and has better things to do.
Not much else otherwise.
[Checks and Counters]
- The main obstacles that inhibits a daunting and controversal task in the context of countering Butterfree has to do with the presence of Sleep Powder, Tinten Lens, and ultimately deciphering what set it is running. It also should be taken into account that Sleep Powder is Butterfree's most influential move, so the tendency of incapacitating a counter or a slower foe in the form of sleep is a factor that is to not be underestimated for when facing Butterfree.
- Much to Butterfree's dismay, the single best and most reliable way of crippling it in any manner is activating the omni-present Stealth Rock; this is a major detriment for Butterfree, as even with Roost it drastically detracts its ability to successfully attempt a sweep or disrupt its opponents with consistent status. Keep in mind, however, that Butterfree does have a tendency of targeting Stealth Rock users as sleep fodder as a means of disabling you from doing so.
- Rest-Talk users such as Regice or Munchlax are perhaps the best examples of counters, as they don't mind taking advantage of having to absorb sleep, shrugs off boosted hits with laughable ease, and either immediately threating out with their STAB moves or for the case of the latter, phaze it out with Whirlwind.
- Pokemon that can avoid sleep by virtue of their abilities while also threatening and being able to switch in at least once or twice are other good ways of keeping it in check. Options include Vital Spirit Electabuzz, Magmar, or Primeape.
- Fast Substitute users, particularly Articuno, or Driftblim, or Charizard has the capabilities of using Butterfree as setup fodder on especially the Dual Powder set and the fact that they force it out anyways.
- To a lesser extent, Sap Sippers completely disrupt Butterfree's ability to spread status and can come in and punish Butterfree's use of Sleep Powder.
- After sleep clause is activated, the list extends to a much more manageable path.
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