Tournaments BW NU Open - Won by Real FV13

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Round 1

Paratrooper69  vs  chuggachuggachooo
donk27  vs  leoperi99
Hubriz  vs  Astrø
Medeia  vs  Django
Baddy  vs  bydy
mkizzy  vs  Real FV13
Tack  vs  dawn to the dusk
crucify  vs  havocknight
Feaniix  vs  mad dawg
A Welcome Guest  vs  Don Bork
DaviDXrt  vs  Airarises
Oathkeeper  vs  B1Kharma
Kingrock4334  vs  laserduck
Concept Everything  vs  Monai
lemonademaker  vs  Cao Jie
Banbadoro  vs  Cawil Maxamad
Cielau  vs  mentalsoft
Rellia  vs  Jonen
TakingNotesKinda  vs  Charliezard7
DHUVANESH  vs  Eiscue_Sweeper
roxie  vs  Valerie
Planet  vs  SOMALIA
watashi  vs  Kaboom
Zaeoy  vs  Tal
Luispeikou  vs  AngryPidgeon
des121  vs  Rewer
LpZ  vs  zben
etern  vs  Trockenschwamm
seroo  vs  Bughouse
it's tago!  vs  Kiyo
AlyssaVGC  vs  Stories
feen  vs  Mister McLovin

subs closed

DL: 11:59 GMT April 7 (not est be aware!!)
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