The following Pokemon effortlessly switch-in to CAP25g and hard counter it, using a dummy spread of 88 in all stats and maximum offensive investment with a neutral nature. I am being strict here, and listing only Pokemon that absolutely demolish 25g even if we outspeed it, have priority, or dramatically increase our offensive stats or tankiness - we lose to these, straight up, without very specific coverage.
Counter Any Build of 25g:
Heatran (all sets)
Jumbao (Drought builds are super deadly, but Wish sets can tank anything we dish out, even HPs, and possibly 2HKO with Moonblast)
Necturna (all sets but especially the V-create All-out Attacker set)
Pajantom (all sets; Z-Offense sets just crush us with Ice Punch or Outrage, while Defensive sets trap us with Spirit Shackle and then grind us out)
Chansey (stalls out Physical sets as well as Special without SE CoveragE)
Cyclohm (all sets)
Magnezone (all sets, since it near-always carries HP Fire)
Pyroak (all sets)
Scizor (Mega) (all sets)
Zapdos (all sets)
Cawmodore (w/ Volt Absorb uses us as set-up bait and OHKOs once it has Drummed Up)
Kyurem-B (all sets)
Latios (Mega)
Latias (Mega) (can set up CM and 2HKO us with Stored Power before we whittle it down)
Marowak-Alola (with Volt Absorb)
Venusaur (Mega) (all sets)
Tangrowth (Assault Vest set)
Amoonguss (All sets)
Charizard (Mega-X) (all sets)
Plasmanta (All sets)
Mollux (all sets, although Defensive does a bit better than Scarf; Scarf could fall to powerful priority)
Heracross (Mega)
Counter Physical 25g Only:
Landorus-T (all sets, but Defensive does better than Flynium. Dies to HP Ice with any reasonable SpA stat)
Zygarde (all sets. Dies to HP Ice with any reasonable SpA stat)
Clefable (Defensive Magic Guard can tank our hits and Soft Boil, knocking off our item, setting rocks, or earning a 2-3HKO with Moonblast. Also can run an aggressive Life Orb Flamethrower/Ice Beam set that hurts us pretty bad. Unware Cleric is a better matchup for us, and a safe switch-in opportunity).
Tapu Bulu (wouldn't love coming in on a strong HP, but all sets can use a physical 25g as set-up bait or easy pickings)
Tangrowth (Physically Defensive set)
Serperior (almost always carries HP: Fire, and even HP: Ice is a bit shaky for us to stop it but its possible with better SpA)
Counters Special 25g only:
Magearna (Double Dance and AV Sets; Shift Gear sets are more of a check)
Muk-Alola (Assault Vest)
A few musings:
- We do predictably badly versus most Fire and Dragon types, and for the most part that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
- Because our resists largely don't help us in stopping Grass, Steel, and Electrics, we should probably be thinking Offense and not Defense.
- Despite our Bug weakness, only Scizor is a true counter - the rest will probably be more like a Check, as they'll all generally not love eating STAB electric moves.
- This is a lot of stuff that shuts us down, and part of me thinks we should aim to have the ability to beat Ground Dragon/Ground Flyings (Lando, Zygarde) more easily.
- We should consider having better game versus Grass, especially Jumbao - most grasses wall us which is sad.
EDIT: I cleaned a few things based on conversation, added Kyu-B who I just plain forgot, and highlighted in blue mons who are STILL counters even if we give our Pokemon 90+ BP Ice coverage. If we did such a thing, everything not in blue becomes a Check instead of a Counter due to our newfound ability to murder them. Latias-M is a special case and got a different coloration; if we did give 25g powerful ice coverage on the special side it still counters, but on the physical side it dies, oh how it dies.
EDIT the 2nd: Moved Clefable as a I reran some calcs based on Luc's comments below and decided it isn't really a counter to special sets given how much damage it would take with more reasonable offensive stats, and specificied it is only certain builds (Defensive Unware Support) that actually wall us out. I stand by the rest of this, and double-checked Chansey to be sure.
Counter Any Build of 25g:

Counter Physical 25g Only:

Counters Special 25g only:

A few musings:
- We do predictably badly versus most Fire and Dragon types, and for the most part that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
- Because our resists largely don't help us in stopping Grass, Steel, and Electrics, we should probably be thinking Offense and not Defense.
- Despite our Bug weakness, only Scizor is a true counter - the rest will probably be more like a Check, as they'll all generally not love eating STAB electric moves.
- This is a lot of stuff that shuts us down, and part of me thinks we should aim to have the ability to beat Ground Dragon/Ground Flyings (Lando, Zygarde) more easily.
- We should consider having better game versus Grass, especially Jumbao - most grasses wall us which is sad.
EDIT: I cleaned a few things based on conversation, added Kyu-B who I just plain forgot, and highlighted in blue mons who are STILL counters even if we give our Pokemon 90+ BP Ice coverage. If we did such a thing, everything not in blue becomes a Check instead of a Counter due to our newfound ability to murder them. Latias-M is a special case and got a different coloration; if we did give 25g powerful ice coverage on the special side it still counters, but on the physical side it dies, oh how it dies.
EDIT the 2nd: Moved Clefable as a I reran some calcs based on Luc's comments below and decided it isn't really a counter to special sets given how much damage it would take with more reasonable offensive stats, and specificied it is only certain builds (Defensive Unware Support) that actually wall us out. I stand by the rest of this, and double-checked Chansey to be sure.
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