CAP 35 So Far
Shiny Palette Rules
Final Submission Post
All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the shiny palette rules (listed above) and the following:
Shiny Palette Rules
- Shiny palettes must be submitted as palette swaps of the winning sprite entry. No other modifications to the image may be made.
- Colors in a shiny palette must have the same relative hue and brightness compared to the corresponding color on the original sprite.
- Acceptable:
- Light blue -> light red AND dark blue -> dark red
- Light blue -> white AND dark blue -> gray
- Light blue -> gray AND dark blue -> black
- Unacceptable:
- Light blue -> dark green AND dark blue -> light green
- Light blue -> light red AND dark blue -> dark green
- Acceptable:
- Images must be in PNG format.
Final Submission Post
All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the shiny palette rules (listed above) and the following:
- The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, with the sprites at the top, and any additional description or comments (if applicable) below them.
- The final submission image must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as Smogon forums or Imgur). Do not use the 'Attach a photo' tool on messaging apps (e.g. Discord). Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
- Only make one (1) final submission post.