CAP 35 - Part 14 - Pokedex Submissions


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Legal Pokedex submissions must meet the following standards:
  • Species Names cannot be over 13 characters.
  • The submitter must show they have made a best effort to write flawless grammar. The CAP mod team will make an effort to correct all unambiguous issues when the thread is closed, but you should not rely on this.
  • Pokedex Entries cannot be longer than 30 words and cannot be over 153 characters (this includes spaces and punctuation).
  • Pokedex Entries can only contain the following characters:
    • Letters A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Dash (-)
    • Apostrophe (')
    • Double quote (")
    • Period (.)
    • Exclamation point (!)
    • Comma (,)
    • Colon (:)
    • Semi-colon (;)
    • Space
Work In Progress (WIP) Pokedex Entries can be posted at any time for comments from the community.

No more than three WIP Pokedex Entries can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread. This limit applies to ALL posts made by a single person, even if previous posts are edited or deleted. This limit is intended to curb the tendency for some submitters to spam the thread repeatedly with multiple Pokedex Entries. This detracts from other submissions and makes it difficult for commenters to survey the submission thread.

Do not bump your WIP Pokedex Entries by posting them repeatedly, or making minor wording changes. Bumping will result in the disqualification of all Pokedex Entries by the offender. Editing or deleting bump posts will not prevent disqualification.

Final Submission Post

Only ONE Final Submission can be made per person.

Pokedex entries Final Submissions must posted exactly in the following format and in the following exact order:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on its own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • "<Pokémon Name>, the <Species Name> Pokémon", with the Pokemon name and the Species Name in bold
  • A blank line
  • The Scarlet Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Scarlet" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Violet Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Violet" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line (optional)
  • "Proofread by: ", followed by 1 - 3 names of users who have proofread the Final Submission entries (optional)
Below the Final Submission you can post other comments, explanations, etc.

By making a Final Submission, the submitter gives the CAP moderation team the right to:
  • Upon slating, copyedit their submission for minor spelling/grammar errors.
  • Upon winning, send their submission to the GP team for larger spelling/grammar revisions.
Example final submission:
Final Submission

, the Stealth Pokémon

Scarlet: Dragapult can make its whole body transparent by clearing its mind and focusing. Even the Dreepy in Dragapult’s horns become invisible.

Violet: The fastest Dragapult of the group is always surrounded by Dreepy that want to fly at sonic speed.

Any Final Submission that does not follow the proper format will be disqualified.
Final Submission

, the EleCattle Pokémon

Scarlet: When agitated, this Pokémon lets loose a flare of electricity from its majestic horns. It swallows Grass-type Pokémon like Dolliv whole in one gulp.

Violet: Shox's digestive tract contains unique gut flora which produce natural gas from its diet, serving as fuel to generate many megawatts of electric power.

The Scarlet dex paraphrases the description of the move Discharge, which Shox officially learns via level up. It also paraphrases:Dubwool: (as a fellow farm animal-like mon) and :Swalot:(as something with a big mouth) 's dex entries; the chosen prey as :Dolliv: is meant to be a reference regarding Olive-Fed Wagyu Beef which is noted to be one of the rarest and most delicious beef in the world (as a reminder, :Smoliv:'s oil is bitter and astringent while :Dolliv:'s is tasty and fresh-scented). Shox is based on a breed of beef cattle (the Galloway or a Highland breed), so a culinary reference should be fitting.
The Violet dex is reflective of real life ruminants, who do have these gut flora to enable biomethanation, producing methane - itself a major part of natural gas, which as most people know is one type of fossil fuel and thus I feel the slight leap in logic is acceptable and so the opportunity to make Shox a walking bioreactor was too good not to pass. Uniquely, there's some extra logic for its Ice-type coverage, as natural gas is usually cooled to a liquid state for transport across long distances. The range of electricity Shox produces is reflective of real life Tesla coils.
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the Meandering Pokémon
Scarlet: Shox can be seen strolling in the countryside looking for foliage. Despite its wandering nature, it never hesitates to defend its trainer.

Violet: Shox is said to be hard to anger yet incredibly ruthless upon provocation. Legend says that a crack of thunder erupts upon a tree being chopped down.
Both these dex entries reference mythological concepts, with the Scarlet entry following Chinese tradition of presenting oxen as loyal and benevolent animals ready to sacrifice themselves to save humanity while the Violet entry focuses on the common American legend of Paul Bunyan and his ox, Babe.

, the Tolerance Pokémon

Scarlet: Shox is favored by farmers for its milk, fur, and ability to redirect lightning during thunderstorms, protecting the rest of the livestock.

Violet: If two Shox brush up against each other too much, it can create a static shock of over 1,000 volts!

, the Conductor Pokémon

Scarlet: Shox's conductive bands form from copper in their soil-rich diet. They love rolling around in this soil, causing their hair to become just as conductive.

Violet: Due to their massive size, Shox have very few natural predators. If threatened, a Shox can quickly go from a gentle herbivore to a walking thunderstorm.
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, the EleCow  Pokemon

Scarlet: Rural communities largely have this Pokémon to thank for fulfilling their energy needs. Its internal generator gives it quite the appetite, however.

Violet: When danger threatens, the herd forms a circle around the young and weak. They then charge their horns all at once to create an electric fence.
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, the Overcharged Pokémon

In the wild, groups of Shox are called a thundering. It's advised you do not anger a herd, as a thundering can release potent bursts of electricity.

Violet: Many farmsteads will separate male Shox due to their dominance. Males route all electricity to their horns, with the largest arc being the victor.
Final Submission

, the Static Bull Pokémon

Scarlet: When two males lock horns, lightning scorches the battlefield. After the scuffle, both will have their hair standing on end from static electricity.

Violet: When out of energy, Shox becomes drowsy. Delinquents are known to take advantage of this state to roll it onto its back where it'll remain stuck.

Violet is a reference to "cow tipping", a supposed prank where people push over cows while they are sleeping and leaving them unable to get back up. it also plays off the idea of it being less threatening after releasing its Charge from Electromorphosis. I wanted to do pretty light-hearted entries to play into Shox's fun design. Its not Tauros, or Mamoswine, although it still has some toughness.
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the Static Shock Pokémon

Scarlet: Unlike most Electric-type Pokémon, Shox are oddly fascinated with water. They love to wade in puddles and are happiest during heavy rainstorms.

Violet: It stores excess electricity in its salivary glands, which makes its tongue staticky. Hapless Bug-type Pokémon sometimes get stuck to its tongue when it grazes.

The Scarlet dex entry references Shox's frog inspiration (frogs are semiaquatic animals), while the Violet dex entry continues a common theme in Electric-type Pokemon (electric-generating/storing organs) while also explaining Sticky Hold.
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, the EleCow Pokémon

Scarlet: Its long tongue secretes a sticky, highly conductive mucus. This allows it to easily snack on high-up leaves and berries.

Violet: This Pokémon's horns allow it to sense electromagnetic fields. Herds of Shox will quickly become rowdy during a thunderstorm.

, the Dynamo Pokemon

Scarlet: This Pokemon's electricity needs to be harvested daily, otherwise it becomes very aggressive. Recently, Shox have become a very popular source of energy.

Violet: Shox's dynamic digestive tract converts food into electricity that generates between its horns. Consuming nitrogen from soil boosts its electrical power.
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Final Submission

, the EleCattle Pokémon

Scarlet: When two Shox lock horns, the resulting sound of thunder can travel for miles. Its thick fur and sturdy legs make it an immovable force in combat.

Violet: Its horns zap pests that flitter too close. Dazed bug Pokémon may end up as a meal for this glutton as it grazes absentmindedly.
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the Bovine Pokémon

Scarlet: The constant expansion of Shox cattle, on top of its gluttonous appetite, has driven multiple small pokemon away, out of fear of being devoured.

Violet: Though herbivorous by nature, shox will not hesitate to eat anything that enters its mouth, much to the dismay of their trainers.

I feel like shox only cares about munching and cudding

, the Ball Lightning Pokémon

Scarlet: Their shaggy fur rubs up against anything nearby, causing a constant static charge to build. Lightning often strikes them, but they rarely ever notice.

Violet: Amiable and energetic, Shox bump into everything around them-and thanks to their constant static charge, they carry everything along with them as well!
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, the Shocking Ox Pokémon

Scarlet: In harsh winter landscapes, Shox generates warmth by discharging static into its thick coat. Sparks crackle as it shakes off frost and snow.

Violet: Shox nibbles on ice to cool itself after unleashing sparks. Sometimes, it mistakes a camouflaged Snom for a chunk of frozen water.
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, the Bullfrog Pokémon

Radio: Their thick fur keeps them warm when they wade underwater in search of prey. They use electric impulses from their horns to navigate the murky water.

Gamma: Because of their poor eyesight, they might accidentally lock horns with each other. The electric buildup between them makes it difficult to become unstuck.

Micro: Shox are rumored to be valuable energy sources for unidentified spaceships. Herders warn each other not to leave them standing alone in fields.

  • Inspiration from Amamama's design notes and supporting art, which points out examples of frog characteristics. Frogs are amphibians, but there are other amphibious animals. Think of hippos, moose, and of course water buffalo. Another electroreceptive, amphibious animal is the platypus
  • Tauros, another cow-type pokemon, also talk about locking horns. I've both included that and alluded towards Sticky Hold. I like to imagine they accumulate into huge balls and roll across the countryside in formation.
  • Cattle mutilation, but with Shox batteries! They're perfectly ball shaped, don't you think you could easily fit them into the core of your spaceship?
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Final Submission

, the Dynamo Pokémon

Scarlet: This Pokémon's electricity needs to be drained daily, otherwise it becomes highly aggressive. Recently, Shox have become a very popular source of energy.

Violet: Shox's dynamic digestive tract converts food into electricity that generates between its horns. Consuming nitrogen from soil boosts its electrical power.
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the Zap Cattle Pokémon

: Most of Shox’s days are spent grazing. Special bacteria in its guts help produce its famous electricity.

Violet: Shox were used to power telegraphs before generators became commonplace. Since electric fences cannot contain them, Mudsdale are important for this task.
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Final Submission

, the EleCow Pokémon

Scarlet: Some rural communities have this Pokémon to thank for meeting their energy needs. Its internal generator gives it quite the appetite, however.

Violet: When danger approaches, the herd forms a circle around the young and weak. They then charge their horns all at once to create an electric fence.