Tournament Challenge Cup Cup 5 - Manager Signups

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Teams have been finalised! They are as follows:

Team Wooper - Managed by Piyu and Blui
Team Ralts - Managed by a fairy and Lechen
Team Wynaut - Managed by PrinceOfAllTacos and IcyPenguin2
Team Togepi - Managed by 35Q71N and Betathunder
Team Shinx - Managed by Scizor Boladão and Grillo
Team Sandile - Managed by Clementine and Amaranth
Team Riolu - Managed by Frozoid and Petros
Team Nacli - Managed by Irpachuza and MaswoodShaheb

Sorry to those that applied but didn't get to manage - We only had room for 8 teams :(
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